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Thread: (IC) Dersei Angels [M]

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    Default (IC) Dersei Angels [M]

    "Hngh..." Dungarr grunted as he slid out of his bed. He pulled a shirt from the floor across his chest and arms and slid a pair of well-worn boots onto his feet. He walked to the bathroom, where he splashed water onto his face. He looked at his hard features for a moment, then grunted again as he left the bathroom. He walked down the stairs, creaking with each step. He stumbled to the kitchen and began to fish around in the cupboards. After a few moments of swearing, he pulled out an old-style coffee maker and a pan. He set about making breakfast for himself. When he finished, he walked to the door, pulled a coat on, and walked outside. He walked to his car, squinting in the bright morning light. He drove to his shop, where he opened the door. He did this every day at 9:00 sharp, every day of the year. As he pushed open the door, he looked to his left and noticed a distressed-looking Half-Vuk girl with an armful of flyers. He muttered something in Dwarvish before walking into his shop. He left the door open. He walked to the back of the store, every few moments glancing out of the wide windows at the girl. He ran a jeweler's, and it didn't pay to have people stealing the jewels. He flicked on lights as he went, grumbling. Normally he had a halfling kid in here turning on the lights. As he went, he also noticed that his assistant hadn't clocked in yet.
    "Great. Lazy bastard hasn't ayven come in. That's jus' like 'im." He finished with the lights and returned to the counter, where he put on a nametag that read Dungarr Dragonsfoe. "Oi. Lassie! What's that sign say?" He pointed to a sign on the window that read No loitering. Under that, in smaller letters, it read These premises are under constant surveillance.
    <a href= target=_blank></a>

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    Dorian groaned slightly as his alarm went off. He batted around blindly for a moment until he found his phone and stopped the insistent melody. He hit the switch next to his nightstand and let his bedroom lights slowly cycle from dim to full brightness, and slowly sat up, rubbing sleep from his eyes. He rose and stretched the weariness from his body, then walked to the kitchen to start his coffee brewing.

    From there it was off to the shower, where he allowed himself time to sit under the steaming stream of water for a few extra luxurious minutes after washing. He emerged from his room once more, more awake this time, and fully dressed, now ready for a hot cup of coffee to complete his morning routine. Once he had his cup in hand, he slid into his desk chair and booted up his computer. Time to get ready to work for a living. He chided himself in his head. To be fair his stipend for being on retainer for his primary employer kept him fed and housed, but he enjoyed his work, and liked to have at least one active case going, and was currently between them.

    He opened the email account associated with his website and prepared himself for the process of vetting each request and sorting through what had the potential to be a good case, and what would be better handled by police or other institutions. He paused over an e-mail regarding a few missing family members. Missing persons cases tended to get lost in the shuffle, especially in a big city like Los Angeles. '48 hours' was the standard police mantra when confronted by concerned parties, however Dorian knew that the actual waiting time before moves were made on the case could be better measured in days not hours, and if it was truly serious, then those missing may not have hours, let alone days.

    After reading through the anxiously worded message, he wrote a reply proposing a meeting in a few hours with the inquiring party at a small coffee and sandwich place near the center of town. He did plenty of meetings here, and the atmosphere allowed for a comfortable public meeting with enough space and partitioned seating for an element of privacy if needed, plus they had free wi-fi. He finished sifting through his inbox with nothing else promising to show within another quarter hour, and then played games on his computer to pass the time until he got a response.

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    Wolf of the Highlands
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    Thankfully for Dorian, she was already waiting for a response herself and started typing up quickly. She agreed upon the meeting place but requested that the time be moved up. After she sent her reply, she went about her aunt and uncle’s place to help clean up and take care of her younger sister.

    She soon got herself dressed and ready for the day and finally had something light to eat since she knew that there would be something at the coffee and sandwich place.

    she was still anxious but did her best to hide it around everyone else as she put on a brave face. she told her younger sister that their brother and parents would be back before they knew it. she told her aunt and uncle that she had a meeting to get to later, but was waiting for a confirmation on the time. she finally checked her email after her notification popped on her phone.
    Stark, the name given to my ancestor for a feat of bravery. It means Strength, or Strong.
    The motto give: fortiorum fortia facta (made stronger and braver)

    I say, let us all be fortiorum fortia facta.

    Spoiler: I'm an Ajin! 

    Spoiler: extra 

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    Dorian booted up one of his go-to games, eager to immerse himself in piloting a starship for a few hours, when suddenly a ding of an e-mail notification dulled the menu music. He had left the window with his email open, but usually replies didn't come back THAT fast unless someone was really desperate. Assuming it must be a new request he minimized his game and tabbed back to his inbox. He saw the bolded e-mail from his new potential client at the top and he quickly opened it, glad he decided to have a look.

    She wants the time moved up...? This must be pretty serious then... He quickly typed back a response, checking the clock in the lower right corner of his screen to ensure he had enough time to spare. Once he confirmed the time and sent the message, he dashed about his apartment, collecting his various items. He donned his usual hoodie and jacket to brace for the cold, then slung his bag over his head and shoulder. He made himself a travel cup of coffee from the remainder of the earlier pot, and cursed himself for not stocking up on good to-go late-morning snacks for the drive, resolving to get himself something solid at the meeting place.

    He took the elevator to the basement parking garage for his building, making notes on the ride down in his notebook of the client's name and the time and place for their meeting, as well as general observations he made from the contact they had so far. It seemed that her parents' and brother's absence was not something that could be written off, so they must not go out of contact for long. That indicated either exceptionally strong family ties, or a younger client. The e-mail didn't seem to be from a child, and the distress seemed genuine or at least not just that of a frightened kid, so he was leaning toward the former.

    He scribbled a few more notes down as he approached his car and climbed in. He exited the garage and made his way through usual traffic, arriving about 10 minutes early for his meeting, and just as he depleted his second cup of coffee for the day. Better stick to water for now, don't want to be too keyed up... He thought as he entered the small eatery and got his name down for a booth for 2, asking the hostess at the counter to keep a look out for the client he was meeting, as per usual. He took a seat a few minutes later as his usual style booth, one of the corner ones farthest from listening ears, opened up, and ordered a BLT with avocado a side of garlic fries, and a water, Then sat awaiting his client, notepad and pen on the table and bag resting in the booth beside him.
    Last edited by Nitestrike776; 02-04-2020 at 12:11 AM. Reason: Spelling and context clarity

  5. #5
    Wolf of the Highlands
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    She checked the message and confirmed the time to meet. she asked for car keys and went out after grabbing her coat. she drove a short while but got in after Dorian.

    when she walked in, the place was still in a bit of bustle from an early morning rush and some latecomers. she went to the counter to ask for a Mr. Dorian. she turned when pointed over to his booth and started to approach, making sure to take note of the man.

    she seemed well under his hight, but nothing of a child. her wolf pad feet poked out under her jeans, the pants forming a little to her wolf-like legs. her ruby studded, black gray ears jutted out of her waist-length, black hair with strands that stuck out everywhere if you looked hard enough. her bright, amber eyes set with a fierce determination, almost matching the set of her human face. her tail stuck out of her back, hanging down close to her legs, almost looking like they want to curl around them. her coat hid her grey wolf shirt. A small, dark red bag hung over her shoulder.

    she reached his table. "Mr. Dorian?" she asked a hint of anxiety in her voice, but not much.
    Stark, the name given to my ancestor for a feat of bravery. It means Strength, or Strong.
    The motto give: fortiorum fortia facta (made stronger and braver)

    I say, let us all be fortiorum fortia facta.

    Spoiler: I'm an Ajin! 

    Spoiler: extra 

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    Dorian looked up from his phone occasionally, glancing as people entered and exited the place. He put it down as he noted a figure approaching him. She seemed on the smaller side, but as was the case for most races, that didn't say much. She had a wolfish appearance, probably half-human, though he wasn't sure what the rest of her heritage was, goodness know there were plenty of beings that regularly bred with humans, he himself the result of such a case.

    Her confident expression was betrayed only slightly by the small waver in her voice. Unease will do that, but who wouldn't be uneasy when worried about family. She seemed young for certain, but not of an age to be worried over nothing, so this could very well be as serious as it seemed. He gave her a polite and reassuring smile and gestured to the booth opposite himself with a menu still sitting on the table.

    "Please, have a seat."

    he said with a smile.

    " I took the liberty of ordering for myself already a few minutes ago, hope you don't mind, I was pretty famished and couldn't make food at home as well as be on time for our meeting. Feel free to order yourself something, it's on me. Once that's settled we can discuss matters while we wait for our meal. I find it's more enjoyable to discuss difficult issues with the prospect of food on the way."

    As he spoke he flipped open his notebook and made a few adjustments to his preemptive notes from earlier, then closed it to give her his full attention.

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    She took a seat and relieved herself of her bag, putting it right next to her.

    "as in my message, my parents and younger brother have disappeared." she said as she picked up the menu for a look. "if they were doing something they would have taken me and my younger sister along, or at least would have called. it's been" she took a deep breath. "5 days now. that last I've heard of them is that they were going to look at an interesting religious group while we stayed with our aunt and uncle."

    it was clear by her accent that she wasn't from the area, but was still native to the U.S., although her accent had a hint of something else.

    She looked at the menu for a moment before setting it back down.
    Stark, the name given to my ancestor for a feat of bravery. It means Strength, or Strong.
    The motto give: fortiorum fortia facta (made stronger and braver)

    I say, let us all be fortiorum fortia facta.

    Spoiler: I'm an Ajin! 

    Spoiler: extra 

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    Dorian let her speak, feeling her emotional state out as she did so. Wow almost a week missing, this may be worse than I thought... He noted her accent and placed it as something mid-west, with a bit of something more foreign. At the mention of the religious group he tilted his head slightly. He'd heard rumblings from online and local sources about strange happenings surrounding one of the churches that had a local branch.

    "Have you tried contacting the police?"

    He hated asking that every time, but it was almost required of him, and having an open case on file made it easier to get assistance from his contacts in the department when necessary. A server began to make his way toward them checking in with other diners as he did so.

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    "ya, about 3 days ago. But they wrote it off, said they were bussy and that they'd probably be back soon." she said. "they really did seem bussy. I don't think they're gonna do anything."

    She looked over at the server when he asked if anything was alright.

    "could I have a breakfast wrap with some milk?" she asked and then turned back to Dorian. "I need my family back, sir, and I intend to do what I can."

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    Dorian winced slightly at her words. If the police brushed it off, he definitely needed a word with his contacts. Either the department had gotten lazy or... Maybe the disappearances are more rapid and prevalent than even those who had been whispering realized... LA was a big town and, theoretically dozens of people could be missing before word confidently spread to the general population... Plus many probably hadn't reported it, given some of the public opinion regarding law enforcement. If the latter was the case, the department was probably spread thin already.

    "I understand Garana. Family is everything. If I can help you find them , I will, and if I can't, then I'll find someone who can. Did you happen to catch the name of the church by chance? I'll also need names and descriptions."

    He decided it was best to not share with her his personal theories until he had something concrete. Best not to worry her over nothing. He did pick his pen up and resume writing in his notebook again, drawing lines between important and related thoughts, and listing who to contact to follow up.

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