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Thread: The Eon Hall (Latias!'s Characters}

  1. #1
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    Default The Eon Hall (Latias!'s Characters}

    Welcome to the Eon Hall!
    Here, the mighty warriors of all worlds reside until they're called for battle.
    Feel free to look around. Down the first hall are the new warriors. Down the second is where the experienced battlers lie. And the third hall holds the Champions of the Eon Hall, boasting the best of the best.

    The First Hall--
    Spire, Drapi
    The Second Hall--
    Coming soon!
    The Third Hall-
    Coming soon!
    Last edited by Latias!; 05-27-2017 at 02:54 PM.

  2. #2
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    Default The First Hall

    General Information:
    Name: Spire Thundre
    Age: 15
    Gender: Female
    Race: Human

    Build: Around 4'11'' and skinny. She's small and petite, and has a semi-muscular build.
    Hair: Two pigtails, held up by two purple bows with white trimmings. Her hair is bright pink.
    Eyes: Piercing blue.
    Distinctive Features:
    Pale skin and her characteristic pigtails.
    Clothes / Armour:
    A small pink top with a heart-shaped neckline. She wears a small while bandanna around her neck. Her shirt is short-sleeved, with a long-sleeved shirt, the same color as her bows in her hair. The shirt ends a little bit above her waist. Without showing her stomach, there's a salmon colored top sticking out, and a short skirt with small shorts underneath. The skirt is the purple color of her bows and long sleeves. She wears long black socks and simplistic purple boots. She also wears plain pink gloves. {Like this}
    Fighting Style: Agile and quick. Hit and confuse the foe from a distance, before going in with her magically charged mace for the win. She hits hard, but her defenses leave something to be desired.
    Weapons: Her mace. It's long, with a dark metal end covered in spikes. Spire can infuse the mace with elemental magic for varying effects.
    Stun Bolt- Strikes the enemy with lightning from a distance. Can stun for one post. Takes two posts to charge.

    Electric Field- Charges her mace and holds it up to the sky, brewing a lightning storm above the arena. Lightning will strike at random, increasing the power of Stun Bolt if it hits Spire and hurting enemies. Can only be used once per fight, and lasts for five posts.

    Earthshaker- Slams her mace into the earth at full power, causing an earthquake in the arena. Takes no charge time, but she can't use it more than three times per fight or she moves slower and takes more damage.

    Grave- Puts her hands to the earth and opens a hole beneath the enemy. Takes two posts to charge. Spire cannot move while charging, or she has to restart.

    Mighty Swing L-
    Hits the enemy with her mace charged with lightning. Takes one post to charge, but zero posts if Electric Field is up. Can sometimes stun for two posts.

    Mighty Swing E-
    Hits the enemy with her mace charged with earth. Takes two posts to charge, but does massive damage and can break armor.

    As a normal human, she has trouble against aerial enemies, and can be outclassed. Most of her wins against non-humans are due to a combination of luck and strategy. More strategy than luck, though.

    Biography: A witch who raised herself. She's honed her skills outside the barracks for most of her life, and is ready to make a name for herself.
    Personality: Fiery and full of personality, Spire has a lot of heart for such a small person. She is kind of pushy, and comes off as annoying to many people. She's loyal to her few friends.
    Last edited by Latias!; 05-27-2017 at 03:22 PM.

  3. #3
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    Default Drapi


    General Information:
    Name: Drapi
    Age: 15
    Gender: Female
    Race: Dragonborn {Split}

    Build: Drapi is around 6'1'' due to her dragon blood. She's sleek and is averagely built width-wise. Her skin is a tan color.
    Hair: Long straight red hair up to her waist.
    Eyes: Her left one is ice blue. Her right one is fiery red.
    Distinctive Features: Drapi has short fangs, a prehensile tail with two spikes on the sides, and two horns bent downward. Her left horn is made out of unmeltable ice, and has a blue glow. Her right horn is made out of semi-solid fire that can't be put out.
    Clothes / Armour: A set of armor made of melted and reforged dragon scales. It protects her upper body, her lower body{leaving her stomach exposed}, and spirals down her left arm. She wears tall boots made out of the same stuff. Her tail is protected by this armor as well.
    {this, basically}
    Fighting Style: Drapi uses her power over fire and ice to control parts of the arena. She can take hits and deal out damage, but due to her heavy armor and lack of wings, she's not the fastest.
    Drapi uses no weapons. She fights with her tail{which can either be fire or ice elemented, depending on her choice.} and powerful magic blasts.
    Flame- Shoots a ball of fire at the enemy from her right hand. Takes one post to charge.

    Freeze- Shoots a ball of ice at the enemy from her left hand. Takes one post to charge.

    Swing!- Hits the enemy with her tail. Takes no time to charge.

    Fire Charge- Cloaks herself in fire and slams into the enemy. Takes two posts to charge.

    Ice Charge- Cloaks herself in ice and slams into the enemy. Takes two posts to charge.

    Meteor- Summons fire in the sky and rains it down onto the battlefield. Takes three posts to charge.

    Blizzard- Summons ice and freezes the battlefield to freezing temperatures. Takes three posts to charge.

    Half Blast- Hits the enemy with a powerful blast of searing ice or freezing fire. Takes three posts to charge. After hitting with this or Half Charge, she cannot use either move again.

    Half Charge- Charges into the enemy cloaked in fire and ice at once. Takes three posts to charge. After hitting with this or Half Blast, she can't use either move again.

    Though Drapi hits like a truck and can take hits, she's not the most strategic, going mostly for brute strength to win fights.

    Biography: A half dragon, half human girl who was sent away from her clan for her strange heritage. Fights in the arena to earn the right to return home.
    Personality: Drapi is all about aggression. She keeps to herself, is a definite wild child, and has a hot temper. She's kind of crazy, since she's a creature of two conflicting elements.


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