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Thread: The Garden of the Elemens

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    New The Garden of the Elemens

    Hello to all who may be viewing this, I welcome you to the garden of the elemens, a place where the forces of nature gather and interact in perfect synergy. As you enter the different areas of this lush ground, you shall meet the various people represent each of natures forces and discover each ones unique history in relation to itself and the other forces

    The Surge of Life

    Name: Raiden Electrous
    Gender: Male
    Physical Sex: Male
    Orientation: Pansexual
    Pronouns: He/Him
    Race: Korrent (A classification of Elemen)
    Age: 24


    Raiden is much like the very element he represents, he wild, driven and above all, full of energy to push forward and do whatever he sets his mind to doing. At first he comes off as cold and anti social to strangers he has barely associated with, but as one would get to know him, they would discover he was full of passion and enjoyment when surrounded by those he has grown attached to over the years

    While these may be the positives of his personality, he also has his own flaws mentally, such as been too reckless, his arrogance building over many victories, and a disregard for himself when danger faces the people he would call his family


    Raiden has a lean and fit body stricture, standing at 6'3 in height and possessing a 72 inch wing span. His eyes have been rumored to glisten under the sunlight with a noble royal blue to match his smooth greased down hair that barely comes down his head. He a large diagonal scar on his back from a broad sword and a puncture scar on his right chest a spear thrust, and has a lightning bold birthmark oh his left shoulder.

    When he uses his lightning, he has been rumored to change his hair and eye colors from it royal blue color to white/purple or even green depending on which kind he wishes to manipulate, drawing more attention to himself and causing himself to be surrounded with surge energy that sparks around him every now and then


    Raiden started out at first as a mercenary in his younger years, known for his swift and precise work in accomplishing his set tasks such as item retrieval and beast slaying, yet would not take any jobs that he deemed too cruel, such at war or harming villages/towns for profit. It was on after a certain incident that he retired from the game and ended up becoming a hunter/farmer as he lived in the wilderness with others to thrive.

    He possesses the ability to manipulate electrical currents from almost every source that generate its, only not possible to manipulate the currents that are imbued with the essence of the other user, as this makes it a unique current and capable of damaging him to a larger extent. He possesses the ability to change his hair/eye color to change what kind of lightning he is able to project and the changes to it that occur. He can change them from their royal blue color to purple, white, green or even a combo between purple and white, all of which can increase his speed and strength to a certain extent

    While he may be able to gain raw strength from his electrical abilities, this comes at a major cost which is referred to as Korrent Overload. Should he use his ability for too long (depends on the color set) he will experience a feedback charge that shocks his entire body and deals major damage to himself, which could take one day to 5 days to fully recover from if an extreme use of his powers occurs. Another downside is that while can bring down the wrath of the heavens with his own two hands, its hard for him to actually strike someone with a bolt of lightning, expending more energy and strength to strike at or near them

    He has a basic grasp of hand to hand combat as his life of work had forced him to learn this set of skills to complete certain non life ending missions, but doesn't excel at martial arts and can be overwhelmed by a master of the arts. He also has a few years of experience wielding curved sword and only recently started to learn the art of setting hunting traps to catch prey, yet still has room for improvement

    Depending on the conditions of the area from which Raiden uses his elemental force, it could either enhance or dull down the force he can exert at a given time. For example, he is able to be very effective in wet climates and forested areas while be less effective in dry areas of rock and sand, and find a perfect balance in tundras or other environments with no special gain or loss


    Much like a flash of lightning, his was brought into this world rather quickly and ended up 24 before he even realized it. He was born on a world he lack knowledge of to parents he had no idea what they looked like or sounded, due to them passing away from a mysterious circumstance, so he grew up with a step family, one that brought great pain and sorrow to him as he was viewed as an outcast and a mistake to take in. The only comfort he received was when he traveled into a nearby forest to meet a friend he had made there, but would be short lived as he discovered the town he lived in burned to the ground and him missing

    Through all the years of hatred and pain he experienced, he finally began to soften up when he reach 16 and moved away from all the people due to circumstances caused by his own words against authority of the land. This was when he met his friends who joined him in making a new home away from society and working together to survive and accomplish their goals

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    Member MimiDumpling's Avatar
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    Aww you used my template :D

    Raiden is a really cool character :) I like the concept of personified forces of nature and I'm excited to see more. :) Are you planning on making other Korrent characters or hoping more to find other people to play fellow Korrents? Because I would totally love to make one. :)

    What was it like for him trying to learn how to use his powers? Did he ever accidentally use them in a way that made him wish he was more mundane? I love this character. :)

    "he was viewed as an outcast and a mistake to take in." M...Mom? Is that you? O.o lol

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    Of course i used yours, it was beyond perfect

    In truth he was the first of two korrent i have thought about and made stories for, yet I am fine with you making yourself one as well, can even give you some background information about the Korrent race and any history needed for it to work perfectly

    In all honesty, he is still learning to use his powers, as the mother who "raised" him was not a korrent and had no one else able to teach him. It wasn't until a certain event that he awakened to managed to barely use them, even to this day he has room for improvement. One crazy story was that he and a group he worked with back when he was a mercenary were tasked to find a way to restore power to a small town, he ended up trying to charge the power station and ended up turn the town into a huge bonfire, one time he wished his life was simpler and less troublesome

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    I'm glad I could help :) Please do send me some info on their background, I'm really interested. :) Are they always elemental or can they be representations of other forces in nature like gravity? After I make the character would you like to do a 1x1 RP with me? :)

    I feel like troublesome isn't quite enough to describe torching an entire town lol but I love this detail. :) That's always such a powerful moment in the arcs of characters like yours to me. :) I think it really supports the whole "just like lightning" thing because lightning doesn't hold back. I can see how it would be really difficult for him to control his power or even want to depending on how he's feeling.

    Also as someone who is obsessed with hair dye I love that he can change his hair color at will. Goals. lol

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    Oh yeah, ill send them shortly to you and teach you a bit about their history, as they are one of my favorite stories i have made. Now since this is my garden, all of natures forces exist there, such as gravity, solar, flame, shadow and other elements, lets just say I got a bit carried away with so many characters and stories. Also, once you do finish, I would love to do a 1 x 1 RP with you, sounds fun as can be

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    The Embers of change

    Name: Flame Blazeheart
    Gender: Male
    Physical Sex: Male
    Orientation: Pansexual
    Pronouns: He/Him
    Race: Blazers (A classification of Elemen)
    Age: 20


    Much like the roaring flames of a wild fire, Flame can be regarded as passionate, driven, optimistic and above anything else, a believer. When he faces an obstacle in his path, no matter how bleak life can get for him, he stays calm and positive as he leads with his natural charisma and lively spirit. If hope had a champion, he would be the one to heed that call, rising to the occasion on matter how great or small the challenge, from taking on major threat to it, to helping the starving who lack any food

    While there may be positives to his character and behavior, he also has flaws that hold him back from fully developing and growing up. One such weakness is his irritability, as it causes him to act brazenly and without consideration of consequence to himself or others. He also is naive, as he only sees the world through one lens and ignores the true colors of the world for the one he made himself, causing his actions to be without thought. The last of his flaws would be that he craves recognition, as he wants people to remember his good deeds and praise him for his efforts, due to feeling inferior to a family member at a young age


    Flame has a large chest frame with a muscular build, which is offset by the fact he stands at an underwhelming 5'6 in height, possessing a 70 inch wingspan. One of the first thing people may notice about him is his crimson hair and eyes, which make those around him feel the passion and heat within his very soul seeping out, the only other thing that stands out that much being the symbol of fire marks on both of his wrists bearing the same color as his eyes and hair. He has two scars that partially round his neck from curved blades and a piercing stab wound the back of his calf

    He typically wears combat gear around unless he takes a day off, wars as sterling silver armor that shines when properly maintained, with the red cape that bears the symbol of the phoenix on it, black wool cloth underneath, metal botts and arm guards, and his family sword which has a hilt design of a phoenix and the blade possessing a like from which it could shoot fire from and a red orb and the end of the hilt.


    Flame started out as an apprentice under his father as a knight in training with his younger sister, since his family has a long line of members who became well renowned knights under nobles of the kingdom. Neither sibling desired to be a knight at first, but as the years went on, they soon grew in their skills and proficiency grew from combat training, to lizard riding, and even leadership grew as well. They were on the cusp of earning their knight hood at a young age, but both decided to reject it and become mercenaries who travel the land to do good deeds and right any wrongs

    He possesses the ability to conjure flame from his body, which rage like it was an uncontrollable inferno if left unchecked and manipulate most flames minus those imbued with the life energy of another fire user, making it a unique flame that can be used to damage him far more than an ordinary flame. He is also capable of drawing the very strength of the flame and channeling it into physical strength and speed, which can grow more as his passion and emotion grows.

    While he may be able to gain raw strength from his fire abilities, it causes his body to experience fatigue and exhaustion faster than normal, even shortening his life span if it goes too far in use and the force generated. Another downside is while he may be able use fire a s a projectile, it can get out of control if his focus does not stay in check and he doesn't keep an eye out on what he aims for (more untamed with more flammable material)

    Depending on the conditions of the area from which Flame uses his elemental force, it could either enhance or dull down the force he can exert at a given time. For example, he is able to be very effective in dry climates and forested areas while be less effective in wetlands and anywhere that either rains a lot or is around a large body of water


    Unlike most children back when he was young, Flame grew up in the privilege of nobility, as his family were nobles of the baron class who spent nearly 3 generations to earn the distinction. While it may seem all glamour and full of peace, he never found enjoyment or please in having anything he wanted handed to him, preferring to grind for what he desired and found satisfaction in it. It wasn't until the age of 8 that he made a formal request to his family to train to become a knight for the betterment of the kingdom, as he felt that being apart of one of the knight corps would allow him to bring hope and happiness to all who need it. Through some convincing, he managed to gain their approval and they had selected the knight for him to train under, dedicating 7 years of his time and energy to learn everything there is needed to be a knight and bring him to the next step of his life, enrolling at the United Force Academy.

    Once he enrolled there, he found himself surrounded in a different and much more vibrant world, as he had seen knight candidates of all walks of life and resolves that matched or exceeded his own, pushing him to challenge them all and find himself. His stay at the academy would be cut short after a horrible attack on the site an invading force, which was repelled by him and several other students of the campus. After this event, he resolved himself to stick with the defenders of the academy and venture out into the unknown together, abandoning his knighthood training in pursuit of bringing an end to the chaos of the land and bring hope once again to this world


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