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Thread: [IC] Star Wars: Dead World

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    omgLYNX's Avatar
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    Default [IC] Star Wars: Dead World

    White. All white. White as far as the eye could see, but nobody could really know how far they could see with the white landscape blending perfectly with the cloud cover. Could be five feet, could be five miles.
    However, punctuating the unpigmented landscape were two objects, a black YT-1300 and a man, wearing a black cloak and black gaiter, looking out across the landscape. A black-gloved hand extended from underneath the cloak holding a communicator, the user putting it to his mouth, "Full sweep, target is a temple, highlight any movement."
    Shakara pulled his hand back into his cloak, and shivered as a small fleet of seeker droids exited the YT and flew off in all directions. Shakara turned to walk back to his ship, but suddenly stopped, slowly turning to look to the sky, a small smirk crossing his lips under the gaiter, "Sis kash lig kia itik zo lot vel naugast."
    "Good men mean well, we just don't always end up doing well."

  2. #2
    KRCmdrSheppard's Avatar
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    Malakai Burnlaye after waking up on Nar Shaddaa from her carbonite-frozen sleep discovered she was blind; her doctor was not very hopeful that her sight would return. Shortly after waking up, she was drawn to a ship, after being attacked by people who killed the owner, she took the ship for herself. She has no idea this was the ship her parents owned and the ship she was born on. Her droid T3-C4 was dealing with operating the ship now. He loved flying the ship. Malakai was meditating. She felt a pull and a coldness in the Force. It was telling her to go somewhere cold. Luckily, the previous owner left some clothing on board, including cold-weather gear. When she told TC that she was taking over flying he began arguing with her but relinquished. He went somewhere else on the ship. Allowing the Force to guide her she flew it to Odacer-Faustin. After landing she went to change when she accidentally kicked something metallic. She examined it was a BD unit she activated it, it immediately bounced around a bit then hopped onto her shoulder. She had to set it down so she could change.

    Miahal Shalina was on Nar Shaddaa working for some Imp doing who knows what, she didn't care she was being paid to protect her and occasionally kill someone the Empire wanted dead. After her current contract was terminated the gig, she was contacted by the Emperor personally. She was needed on Odacer-Faustin. There was a Holocron there he wanted. She had no idea what the hell a Holocron was. He sent her images of several different Holocrons. She had a good idea after that of what to look for. She was also warned that the planet was inhabited by nothing but the undead. She was also given an ID10 seeker droid and a harness so the droid could ride on her back when not needed. She also grabbed an insulated black Imperial flight suit minus all the armor and breathing equipment. She just needed the insulated skin-tight suit to wear under her normal clothes.

    Khora Kryze was on her ship training when Yoda sent a Force projection. Yoda wanted her to go to Odacer-Faustin to prevent a Holocron from falling into the hands of the Emperor. Khora was no longer concerned for the Jedi's ways, but if the Emperor wanted it, she was going to make the Emperor doesn't get it. She looked up the planet to see what she needed to prepare for. "Great hiding spot." She made her way there.

    They all arrived at roughly the same time. Khora arrived first she scanned the planet and found a ship already. She decided to land near it. She put her ship on lockdown. Only an extremely complicated passcode could get you inside. Any attempts to slice or guess your way in would cause the ship to react violently to the attempted intrusion. Malakai was the next to land, she chose to park her ship with the others as well. She left TC in charge of security. Miahal was the last to arrive she left Chap in charge of her ship's security with orders to shoot to kill anyone or anything attempting to board it.

    They all gave each other a look. They all shared pleasantries by introducing themselves. They then approached the black-clad figure who was there already.

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    Shakara slowly turned towards the three, and when they got close enough, Shakara spoke to the Mandalorian, "Ogir cuyir not birov be gar rud venjii te Purge."
    Shakara looked at the other two, "In addition to an endangered species, we have a droid and a 'Jedi' so naive to believe that she needs her eyes to see. And I can only assume the reason you're here is for this."
    A hand extended from the cloak, on it sat a cube, gold trimmed, eminating a blue glow from a center. He looked to the cube, then to the three, "Isn't it?"
    "Good men mean well, we just don't always end up doing well."

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    "Mandalorians have lost their way. I never spent much time with Mandalorians. I had other pursuits since childhood that kept me away. My time away, my teachers, and my experience has given me a unique perspective. Technically Mandalorians are not a species any more than Corellians are. Any species can be Mandalorian, just have to immigrate and assimilate. Mandalorians are mostly human. Humanity is nowhere near extinction."

    Malakai didn't say anything about his comment regarding her blindness. Any Force-sensitive would know eyes are not needed. There was an entire race of Force-sensitives born without eyes. As for his question about why she was there, she would only respond with, "Indeed."

    "That is indeed what my employer has sent me after and I intend to take it back one way or another." Miahal suspected the one with the Holocron was a Jedi as well or a rival Sith. Their heads would get her quite a bounty. Any suspected bounties could wait, first she had to figure out how to survive.

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    Shakara pulled his hand back into his cloak, "This is mine and you'll have to take it from me, which in itself is a losing proposition. And even if you take it from me, you will still fail. Kill me and you'll be dead before you get back to your, 'employer.' Don't kill me and you will return to your employer, not receive payment because you recovered the wrong artifact, Palpatine gets the holocron and all of this is for nothing. This leaves you with three options. First, get back in your ship and leave. Second, help me find what you're here for. Three."
    Shakara opened his cloak, the holocron hanging from his belt. His right hand quickly reached to his thigh, drawing his slugthrower, his other hand pulling the white hilted lightsaber from his hand and igniting it, the blade black with a white glow, "So, which is it going to be?"
    "Good men mean well, we just don't always end up doing well."

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    Miahal laughed at the confidence. "There are never just three options. Option four I help you find the Holocron Palpatine sent me to find. Kill you and no eyes, take both Holocrons, your heads, and your lightsabers then I collect way more than I originally was hired for. There is a bounty on you Force-sensitive freaks you know, especially if they can be brought in alive. That never happens though unless you are Vader or those Inquisitors. Then there is option five, I call in two Force sensitives plotting to overthrow the Empire, bringing in a Star Destroyer, maybe more depending on how many captains want in on the action and how close they are. Collect the finders fee. Not nearly as much if I let a battalion of Stormtroopers do the work but still substantial. Vader might even respond himself." She revealed a comms unit was already active. "One word from me or one more threat and my droid will call the Empire with a pre-recorded message leading to option five. He also starts firing the ship's weapons. But I doubt you want the situation to get that messy. So quit the bullshit and tell us what you want dar'jetii shabuir."

    Khora wasn't ready to reveal her true nature yet, she pulled both of her Westar-34 blaster pistols, she kept them at her side. Malakai was not getting in the middle of the droid and the other one. She left her lightsabers hidden in her walking stick for the moment. If she needed to react fast she had the shotos on her wrist.

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    "Star Destroyer. That's cute."
    Shakara turned, walking toward his ship, putting away his weapons and sitting against a set of landing gear. He pulled his communicator from his belt, "I need a superluminal link to the Enmity."
    After a few moments, a voice came over his communicator, "Serennian dreadnought Enmity, requesting identification."
    A short reply back into the communicator, "Shakaramerivan Meddika, requesting location."
    "Defensive orbit of Serenno, sir."
    "Are you able to leave your post?"
    "Affirmative, Contention will take our place."
    "Requesting orbital support, Odacer-Faustin."
    "Say again?"
    "Shakramerivan Meddika, requesting orbital support, Odacer-Faustin."
    "Umm... Copy that, sir."
    "Estimated time?"
    "Standby. Our calculations give us an expected maximum transit time of 38 minutes."
    Shakara placed his communicator back to his belt, looking to the three, "Tell me, what do you know about the Malevolence?"
    "Good men mean well, we just don't always end up doing well."

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    "Malevolence is the state or condition of being malevolent, which is having or showing a wish to do evil to others." Miahal was being 'cute', she knew he was referring to a Subjugator-class heavy cruiser discovered by Jedi Knight Plo Kloon and destroyed by Jedi Knights Anakin Skywalker & Obi-Wan Kenobi. A turning point in the war, if they hadn't destroyed that magnificent vessel the Separatists would have used the rest of the ships more often throughout the war and probably built more. "Any other definitions you like Prince?" She did a sarcastic and exaggerated bow. She used that time to pull her vibroblades out of internal storage. She shifted them into her sleeves.

    Malakai put herself between the two bickering ones. "If you two children wouldn't mind stop bickering for five seconds could we finish this conversation inside somewhere? Some of us have better things to do than freeze to death listening to you two argue."

    Khora turned and started for her ship. "Or'diniis." Khora rolled her eyes. "Quit dancing around the matter and speak plainly. Otherwise I leave and I destroy everyone's ship except for the blind Jedi's on my way out. Just for wasting my time. Dreadnaught or no dreadnaught no one wastes my time."
    Last edited by KRCmdrSheppard; 10-30-2022 at 03:37 AM.

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    Shakara slowly stood up as the boarding ramp on his ship began to open. He jumped into his ship, walked inside, and a few moments later, jumping out of the ship wearing an eyepiece. He pulled his slugthrower, pointing it at the ground and emptying the entire magazine. He pulled the spent magazine from the firearm, producing another magazine from his belt, sliding it into the slugthrower. He holstered his slugthrower, and once again produced the holocron, with a cigarette in his free hand.
    Shakara placed the cigarette between his lips, lighting it with a small shot of force lightning. He then turned and began walking, "Be seeing you."
    Shakara threw the holocron a few feet on the ground in front of him. As his walk brought him to it, a small hop. The pop upon his landing indicating that the holocron was now useless, the shards becoming buried by the snow kicked up by his next step.
    "Good men mean well, we just don't always end up doing well."

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    The three that had assembled returned their respective ships.

    Miahal relayed back to the Empire everything she recorded which was everything she saw and heard. No doubt the Empire would be interested in Shakaramerivan Meddika & Serennian dreadnought Enmity. Vader would especially love to break that little prick and turn him into one of his Inquisitor lapdogs. While she waited for orders passively scanned Shakaramerivan's ship to acquire as much data as possible.

    Khora was many things bounty hunting was her bread and butter, she made it a point to never accept a job for the capture of a Force sensitive. She was considering making an exception for this Shakakhan or whatever the prick's name is. She grabbed a tracking device and stepped back outside. Using the Force telekineteically moved it torwards Shakakhan's ship. She then went to the cockpit.

    Once aboard her ship she kept her droid in charge she went into the port dormitory which was renovated to be a master suite. Her doctor was in the starboard dormitory, it was not changed at all. Her doctor was currently in the medical bay.


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