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Thread: {M} Falderon: The Beckoning (IC)

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    Default {M} Falderon: The Beckoning (IC)

    May contain, but is not limited to, violence, gore, language, sexual content, alcohol, and drugs.

    The three Kingdoms: Elysium of the humans, Selaria of the elves, and Volgert of the dwarves; the three continents of this disconcerting world, with the rulings of their proper race, separated by the oceans. Underneath those waters holds an underwater paradise, mysterious and secretive, its entirety practically unknown to the world. Slavery corrupts the three Kingdoms, unfortunately. In a world of lush lands, of beautiful oceans with vast creatures in its depths, of magic and life, of heart and soul; in a world by the name Falderon, comes a time of grim tales upon the unearthly realm, where twelve individuals must come together in order to solve an unseemly mystery. The state of Falderon is falling ill, as the last Dragon disappears, not a sign to tell of its whereabouts, and with its disappearance, magic begins slowly fading from the world.

    Where you begin
    "Nefnu corloa f˙ powsű frie milinu görlo aft busiu gūy wuppro alucid, fekas gūy darso wilesa yu mili, aft itri gūy eferlosoku lanterno. Turo frie ukitsę aft duvo gūy Karko f˙ facusis berú intri gūy deftus f˙ Hellu; ryo menli gūy lasu drakkon fuls, turé resideni trie milinu," spoke the One of the Old Tongue, with calm and gentle eyes in a fog of darkness, before the voice disappeared into nothingness.

    You’ve had a strange dream this night, a dream which you did not understand. It was mostly nonsense, but even though it didn’t even sound like a real language you could hear by the tone of the voice, that it spoke of grave things… good thing it was only a dream though. Makes it easier not to worry about, hopefully.

    Rumors have spread through the country, about people falling ill. It is not a normal disease though. It doesn’t make people die or give them warm temperatures. People who have been infected start off with a cough, and small fails in their magic, but afterwards the rumor tells they will turn pale and fall asleep an entire day before they lose their magic abilities. No one knows the cure, and there is no one who knows what cause the disease. A rumor that often follows is the one about all the new Royal Mage Apprentices. It is most uncommon to have this many mages, normally it’s only one or two, but this time it is twelve youngsters who are going to take the spot as the protectors of the king and his family, until the day they die and their successor will take their place. And most people take this as a bad omen. If the Twins have sent so many Royal Mages, it must mean dark times are about to come. Luckily, it’s a simple rumors, so it’s probably not true and not worth to pay any kind of notice to.

    Your story begins in a late summer morning, with birds chirping and machines roaring throughout the city, and sunshine piercing through the castle windows.

    It appears like you are in luck, since Dulin Stark (your teacher and the current Royal Mage) has called today’s lessons off, due to business with the king. You and the rest of the apprentices have therefore the rest of the day to yourselves, before your training will continue in the morning. How you spent it is entirely up to you. You are free to roam anywhere inside of Elysium’s walls, whether you choose to go to the local inn or study in the library or train swordplay is entirely up to you.

    Even though you have been in the castle of Elysium for many years, it can still be a bit confusing to find around in the vast building, so to help you locate everything, here are some minor directions:

    Beside of the square main building you will find a building with a round roof. This is the Chapel where prayers for the twins will be heard and prayed.

    Beneath the castle you will find the dungeons.

    On the first floor of the square main building you will find: the Great Hall, The Minstrel’s Gallery, the Kitchen, the Storeroom and the Throne Room.

    On the second floor of the square main building you will find: the lords and ladies chambers, the solar, the wardrobe, the bower, and the Library.

    On the third floor, where the roof starts to be round, the mages’ quarters start. On the third floor, you will find: the mages classrooms and libraries and a small chapel, in case they are too busy with studies to attend the prayers with the king and the other people in the castle.

    On the fourth floor, you will find: the male and female chambers.

    And on the last floor, the Royal Mage has his star gazing laboratory, which only he has access to.

    Most of these rooms should pretty much explain themselves, but if you don’t remember and would like to be reminded about what the purposes of the room, you need to attend to are, you are always free to ask the servants.

    Also, if you need take a leave for the city, you may find information about where to go for what or directions for all the interesting places, by asking the Butler, Stuart

    Some places that are highly recommended, for people who wants to go out and enjoy the city, should check out either Jenkin’s Local Pub or the Local Market

    ElizabethStark and Chihana are the GMs of this RP, and also the creators.

    Image made by mah buddeh~!

    For all who read my blog I AM GETTING BETTER. I'm not all there yet, but I'm not down the pit anymore Don't worry about me, I'll pull through. Thank you everyone who were there for me

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    Light had been streaming through the window for quite some time, accompanied by the joyful sound of birds and their songs. On the fourth floor of the Elysium Castle, in the room closest to west, you could hear the constant sound of metal and gears moving, and if you looked inside, you'd find a boy, or perhaps what you'd call a young man, playing with his screws and toys, and creating. A robot cat moved over the floor, and made a mechanical sound, before it lost balance and tipped over.

    Jona tipped his head in the direction of the sound before he sighed and took up the small toy. It wasn't much bigger than the palm of his hand, but still he found no difficulties in repairing it, despite it's demands for breaking over and over again. He couldn't often couldn't figure out why, but this time it was no problem. One of the legs were longer than the three others, so it wasn't that hard to adjust.

    When he was done with the cat, Jona cast a glance towards his bed. Two hours. Today was a new record! He sighed at the sad sight. Despite him having been in the castle of Elysium since he was eleven, his bed looked like it had hardly ever been used. Unlike the other things in his room. Jona's room was what you would call a mess. There were clothes on the floor, single shoes and socks here and there, and there were metal scrap almost everywhere. He didn't mind though. He liked to say "Only a fool cleans, a genius masters mess." He didn't know how much master Dulin liked that saying though... the old man liked nagging him about his cleaning-habits, but Jona didn't mind much, mostly because he never listened.

    The clock on his desk started clicking, telling him it was time for breakfast. Jona had waited a bit with the breakfast today, they had the day off after all, no need to rush things. But now the clock had sounded, and Jona knew he had to follow routine, if he wanted his sleep to be a bit more even. He had managed two hours this night, due to months of routine, and he wasn't going to mess it up now! He moved his hand towards the pendant around his neck and squeezed it a bit, before walking out of his room and down the hall towards the stairs. His goggles was still on his forehead, but he didn't mind, they helped keep most of his annoying bangs away, though if he had to be honest, he just liked having them on his head. He was afraid to loose them if he laid them somewhere, and was there something that could bring up Jona's temper, it was loosing his inventions. But he liked to keep that from himself, and tell himself that they helped against the bangs...

    As Jona made it to the third floor, he became tired of walking and jumped down the stairs. He used his magic to push the air behind him, so that he was practically flying down the stairs, with a speed that meant he only had to touch the ground a few times as to not to crash. He stumbled on the floor down in the hall and made a small nod towards Stuart, before turning for the Great Hall. When the king didn't have meetings or anything, he allowed the apprentices to use it as a dining hall, which Jona was most grateful for. The breakfast buffet was still up, and Jona excused himself to a bread and some sausage for his breakfast, along with an apple, before he sat down and enjoyed his meal.

    Image made by mah buddeh~!

    For all who read my blog I AM GETTING BETTER. I'm not all there yet, but I'm not down the pit anymore Don't worry about me, I'll pull through. Thank you everyone who were there for me

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    Leroy's eyes opened as he awoke to reality once again. Shame I had to leave that was....really odd. What did it say again? Something important sounding, I remember that much.... Wiping his eyes, removing as much of the morning crust from them as possible, Leroy hauled himself out of bed. He had a free day today, as he recalled....That means I don't have to sneak out of lessons, I can train on my own! With this realization, Leroy sprung up, now suddenly completely full of energy. A free day meant he could train as he wanted to!

    He was quickly dressed, and downstairs with little more than a few leaps and bounds. Ignoring any sort of breakfast, he ran to the front door of the castle, grabbing his circular shield and his broadsword on the way. Nobody could have stopped the little bullet of energy as he flew out the doors and into the gardens.

    Leroy had a favorite spot deep within the gardens where nobody really ever came out. It was there that there stood a large, foreboding tree; it towered over Leroy in height, and was twice his width. Over the years, this tree had accumulated innumerable scratch marks, as well as he occasional gouge, from Leroy using it as a practice dummy. He snuck out every lesson on powers to come here and improve his swordsmanship, and he was finally starting to get pretty good. It was here Leroy set up, using the tree as a practice dummy like he had for all those years since coming to the castle. "Nothing's going to stop us today. I have hours and hours with nothing but you, my friend......"
    Karma is the best.

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    Sunshine kissed the garden that morning, the sky bright blue and unmarred by clouds. The air was warm with a gentle breeze, rustling the leaves and flowers of the foliage and stirring up a variety of sweet scents. The garden had always been Nalria’s favorite get-away spot, the farthest point from the bustle and noise of the human city. It was still droning on in the background--you could never escape the sounds of machinery in this place--but it was quiet, enough so that the young elf was not overly bothered by it.

    Nalria caressed a lovely pink tulip, her gray-skinned fingers gentle as she handled it, bringing it to her nose and taking in its fragrance. Then she moved on, walking amidst a plethora of flowers brought from around the world and carefully tended. Her favorites had, of course, always been those taken from her homeland, Selaria. Blue and dark violet hydrangeas, nightshades, crimson orchids, burgundy dahlias…it was the tiniest slice of home, the closest that she could get in Elysium. How homesick she was! Fourteen years in this place, fourteen years away from her family, her brother, her beloved Tretashi, the wonder and beauty of the elven lands.

    Nalria sighed and walked to the stone railing overlooking more gardens below. Her snowy hair, pulled back into its typical high tail with a curtain of bangs framing her lovely gray face on either side, was gently tousled by the wind. Her supple, dark skin was further offset by the white gown she wore, an elegant piece crafted by elves and often viewed as revealing by the ever-modest humans she was surrounded by on a regular basis. She was not troubled by the disapproving or lecherous looks she received while wearing such things; indeed many had grown accustomed to it. After all, she was an elf, and she would not have more of her sense of self taken away in order to accommodate human sensibilities.

    The gown was sleeveless, the torso a snug corset-type top lined with silver stitching that hugged her curves and accentuated her bust. It dropped nearly to the floor at the waist, a simple and beautiful white cotton skirt slit to the upper thigh on both sides to allow for easy movement while putting her firm and shapely legs on display as she walked. On her feet were silver sandals that wrapped up her calves and tied off in the back; she was already tall and comfort was important to her, so heels were saved for special occasions.

    Nalria had already partaken of a light breakfast--she ate like a bird--and since classes were called off for the day, she had practically made a bee-line for the castle gardens to enjoy the peace and fresh air. She had friends in the castle, certainly; there were eleven others training to become royal mages, after all, most of whom had also been there for years, people she certainly considered friends. However, the stink and noise and chaos of Elysium was overwhelming, and she felt as though she would drown in it someday.

    How she missed her home.
    Last edited by ☆Catwoman☆; 02-03-2014 at 07:49 PM.
    Set by the masterful Karma

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    Nirel, Eh'na. Am odd name for an odd elf. For Nirel was not like her Elven sisters and brothes born in the far south. For one she as short, very short. And pale, Nirel's skin looked like snow in the dim light of an impending blizzard, and her hair to was white but looked more like snow in the bright sunlight, her eyes were silvery and had a dull sparkle in them. No Nirel did not alter herself magically or anything like that. Rather Nirel Eh'na was a snow elf. A race long thought by the humans to have died off. But she was here now and very much alive.. And a long way form home.

    The sun was not something Nirel was used to, even after three years she still felt more comfortable in the middle of winter when the days were short and the air felt nice and crisp. Yes a nice blizzard was what Nirel wanted right now. But she would have to wait for that. But it would come.

    Nirel's day began with the harsh sun burring her skin and making her yelp and jump out of bed. This was followed by her daily preparations. Most of which included cleaning her body and selecting clothing. For Nirel that meant furs and skins with made into surprisingly beautiful clothing and warm heavy coats. But Nirel would not need those today. Rather she selected a simple gown with sleeves cut off at her wrists and came to just above her ankles leaving her bare feet exposed since she refused to wear human shoes or boots and she only had her fur shoes and boots with her. As for her bright white hair; she kept it short, down to her shoulders, and with many braids woven with little silver jewelry and colorful ribbons (blue and red). It looked odd, but it was a Snow Elf thing to weave ribbons and jewelry into the hair, since the hands were often covered.

    Her daily preparations complete and her studies waiting Nirel made her way to the stairs and looked at the long flights, she sighed feeling like she didn't want to walk all the way down so instead she smirked and made a slide of ice form in front of her and she begin sliding down the stairwell.
    After a few floors Nirel made a little snowbank and slammed right onto it creating a small flurry when she hit. She stood up from the little snowbank and smiled a little not really caring that her blue gown had snowflakes falling on it and her hair now looked like a large diamond had been ground up and dusted over her hair. Form their she went to the kitchen to get her food for breakfast.
    Last edited by Derpnaster; 02-04-2014 at 03:34 AM.

    "Life before death,
    Strength before weakness,
    Journey before destination."
    -The First Ideal

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    The Scottish Fluff
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    Soft footsteps could be heard along the corridor of the fourth floor, a young elf in green was softly running along the corridor. She stopped and glanced over her shoulder before running down the staircase, her hand trailed lightly along the bannister as the staircase spun. Passing by each floor, she reached the ground floor which led to the courtyard, with a scan of the courtyard, she walked quickly and quietly into the courtyard.

    Nestled amongst the grey buildings of the caste, there sits a wooden stable, the kings steeds are fed and kept within the warmth of the thatched roof. With the news of free day, Erina had headed straight for the stable. As always the elf was dressed in deep greens with simple wooden adornments. She knew that being within the stable during early feeding times would be frowned upon but she snuck in nevertheless.

    She headed straight for the first stall on the left, the large animal within could be heard a mile off as she neared. She entered with the stall with a large smile stretched across her face. The Hyre purred softly, like a large cat, Erina pressed her hand against his neck, letting her fingers trail along his fur. The animal pressed himself into her touch and she giggled, her laugh tinkling around the stable.

    She spoke softly to the animal, telling the large creature of her day and of the dream she had the night before. The vision, she decided, had struck fear into her heart, she had not understood the language but the message was clear. The dream had awoken her in a cold sweat, she did not know why but a feeling of dread filled her body and she could not return to her slumber. Alongwith the tugging feeling that Erina had felt in her heart, she knew something was wrong, nature felt out of sync and the animals of the castle were fearful.

    Hearing voices at the end of the stable, she jumped and pressed a finger to her mouth, the Hyre seemed to whimper as she slipped out of the stable. She fixed her gaze on the stable hands at the other end of the stable and quietly moved back into the courtyard. As she spun, she felt a piercing pain in her back, instead of fear, annoyance flooded over her features. She growled softly and moved quickly through the court yard and through the castle gates.

    Having been to the local market many a time before, she knew the pathway well, she walked quickly humming softly. The noise and bustle of the streets had been a frightful experience, coming from a small hunting village, the technology and people had been a change. Smiling widely to those she passed, she began to float through the market until she finally spotted the stall she wanted. The elderly woman behind the wooden stall greeted her with a smile, Erina nodded at the woman, her eyes scanning over the woman soaking in her features, including the small creases around her eyes when she smiled. Erina let her eyes flit over the boxes of fresh fruit, the fruit came from all across the kingdoms. Her eyes settled on a bright red fruit, it was similar to the fruit found in the woods around her village.
    She reached out after the woman had nodded her approval and grasped one of the soft fruits. She placed two gold coins in the womans hand and was met with a frown. “Lass you only bought one.” The woman spoke confusion clear in her voice.

    She raised her eyebrows in amusement and as if on cue, the small brown animal scurried up her back and sat on her shoulder. It leant its back against her head, in its mouth it held another fruit tightly. The animal was drooling and yet stopped almost comically when it noticed the woman watching. He gripped the fruit in his small hands, the fruit almost the size of him and he screwed up his face. Erina chuckled softly before nodding and turning, she could hear the loud noises of the Squil eating beside her ear. She continued to move through the crowds, twisting and turning gracefully out of the way of the bustling humans. Many didn’t give her a second glance and she let herself sink into the background as she immersed herself in the market.

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    Standing upon one of the castles turrets, he stared down at the bustling city, wearing his chainmail undercounting, usually put in use under his cog plate, but when his full protection was ether unavailable or unsuited for the situation, chainmail sufficed. It was defiantly a hell of a lot easier to fly in this then his plate though, but that was to be expected, not being tied down by lead bricks. He enjoyed it up here; got away from the 'nobles', and the winds howl drowned out all. It was rather calming it must be said, and what better to spend the day relaxing? But there were matters to attend to, as always, and better sooner then never. Descending down to his balcony(his room had been chosen for this part, a balcony an awfully useful thing when you can fly everywhere), he managed a fairly soft landing, though the same couldn't be said about the next time.

    Now wearing his town attire, his chainmail still under all that clothing(safety never hurt anyone), and his sabre at his side, a revolver holstered in his jacket. Though it was more for show then anything at the moment, and a reason he was going to town in the first place. Ammo was low, and he hadn't got the chance to restock until now. There was always some spare sparkers(nickname for crystals after there habit of sparking as the shot goes off) at the local cog knight barracks, and happy to pass a previous member, now royal mage in training, a spare box or two to make sure he kept his aim straight. Stepping out onto the balcony, he once again ascended, gliding towards his mark, unable to bear seeing the common man worked to death.

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    Arya danced with the birds in the air, his sense of self moved with them high above the clouds. This was true peace. With no practice today he could simply be one with air endlessly. His magical senses overloaded with peace and serenity…just…floating…drifting…it pushed away all his insecurities or doubts.

    With the shifting summer winds he was blown about different altitudes and directions, he flew over the gardens, noticed the existence of other students but giving it no focus and when the winds moved through the tress he noticed Leroy attacking a poor tree.

    The Nymph while shy, cared for nature as all his sister Nymphs did. Slowly his body appeared, eyes opened while clouds began to swarm around him and with a feather’s grace he landed to the ground quietly. His lithe figured walked to Leroy and the tree, one arm holding the elbow of the other nervously.

    Arya kept his eyes on the tree and its many wounds, clouds kept his body scarcely modest.

    Ummm” he looked down now. “Could you not hurt the tree anymore?” a cloud flowed between the two before going down and behind the Air Nymph.
    Last edited by Minkasha; 02-04-2014 at 01:11 AM.

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    The Shadow's Embrace
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    J'ni shot up with a screech as the should of her clock went off. Despite going to sleep fully dressed draped over her work table where she was working on a little flying automoton, she found herself tucked into her bed without her clothes. She yawned and stretched as she flung a cog at the clock, shutting it off. She wasn't worried about being in a different place than when she went to sleep, nor was she worried about the strange dream she had. There were other things happening to occupy her mind.

    She flitted over to her work table, ignoring the wet spot that showed where she had been drooling on her table while asleep, and picked up her latest work. It looked like a golden ball with delicate looking wings sticking out of it that could fold into the ball. At least that what it would look like when she was finished. Right now it was just half a sphere with a bunch of tiny cogs, screws, and springs inside. She grabbed her screw driver and dove into her work, humming happily as she missed the sound of mechanical oinking behind her. This went on for a good half hour before she was grabbed and clothes were forced upon her body with some annoyed oinking.

    She giggled and bonked the pig automaton with a wrench, adjusting her clothing with a huff afterwards. "I was going to get to that Grunty. But nooooooo! You have to interrupt my work time with getting dressed. It's not every day there is a day off." She grabbed her special work glove off the table, pulling it on with a smile. "Well if I'm getting dressed I might as well...." She trailed off as she finally looked at the time on the clock, pausing as she stared at it. "AH GRUNTY! Why'd you change the alarm! I'm always first in line at breakfast!" Her wings were going full speed as she burst out of her room.

    Compared the the rest of... Everything at the castle, her room was tiny. She had actually built it herself, using her magics to hollow into a thick slab of metal that made up a wall. It started out small, but she continued to expand it until it was what it is today, a house with all the necessary facilities for someone her size. All with a small door in the middle of the wall to show where she lived.

    She flew fast towards the Great Hall, Grunty oinking behind her as he flew via expulsion of compressed gas J'ni refilled every now and again. She flew as fast as a dart into the Great Hall with a happy squeal. "I HAVE ARRIVED!" She rested her wings as she glided down to the buffet. The kitchen workers accommodated her by having a small plate already made and set out for her to pick up so she didn't have to go through the trouble of making a plate on her own using serving tools as big as her. With a smile she grabbed her plate, flitting over to one of the trainees that was there and sitting right on the table as she set her plate down with a smile.
    I am the blade of shadows embrace. Just because I am a user of an unholy power doesn't make me evil. For without light, a shadow cannot exist.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Heson Shadowbane is on discord! For those friends of mine that want to keep in touch with me just send me a message and I'll give ya my deets.

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    Leroy had been practicing with his tree when there was a slight disturbance in the air. His senses were heightened and on edge when in this state; he turned, his sword raised, when he found it was only Arya. He had seen Arya around every now and again....he was a Mage Apprentice as well. Still, he never interacted with any of them outside of class really......Leroy looked at the tree, then back at Arya, a fake, yet very believable, smile on his face. He wasn't good with interacting with people....

    "Oh no, this tree is my friend. He and I have been practicing together for five years now...I know it sounds a little childish, but he's helped me become a good warrior...I owe a lot to my friend." He patted the tree lovingly..."I don't ever aim to hurt the tree. That's why there's just scratches...."
    Karma is the best.

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