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Thread: (M)Through the Barrier to Time Travel(IC)

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    Salvation in Fantasy
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    Default (M)Through the Barrier to Time Travel(IC)

    It all started with a scientist on a research team whose equipment manage to hold stable a spatial temporal anomalous wormhole leading into a different place and time. The great Uncertainty Factorist Master Triggs had just finally managed the expansion of the uncertainty factor, to make available an early form of a usable spatial temporal wormhole. Humanity up to this point had never managed any controlled production of these anomalies, but here Triggs and his team had the sure open end of one, and truly were planning to do tests with what they decided was desirable for sending through it, with the situation of not yet knowing where the other end was. Though it is from quantum effects it is sizable enough for putting things through, as large as a person. Equipment is sent through it and brought back showing that is the case. The wormhole can be kept continuously in that place but it depends on the money that is the grant for the research as it is expensive. Tethering instruments put through afterwards worked and brought back information of sorts. Still it was not known what time or place was at the other end which this spatial temporal wormhole led to. Soon enough the scientists and others on the research team want to have a person go through it and find out plenty of things about that time and place it reaches, to bring back that information. A qualified person is finally sent through with also being tethered, this one comes back with a lot more description than was derived from instruments. It is still not enough for knowing when and where that is. So finally they have a qualified person sent through untethered, but with an instrument tethered which will serve as a beacon. This person wears simple garb that will work for keeping warm in that environment, that might be more acceptable to any there as observers, and wearing an apparent scarf covering mouth and nose, that yet is an effective barrier to viruses being transmitted, and then going along with thin stakes with flags that can be placed in the ground at intervals while that one walks some distance from the end of the wormhole there to better investigate this area in the time it is there.

    Characters include:

    Roger Bulmard, who is knowledgeable in many things useful for exploring such an unknown terrain. He is 33 at this time. He willingly agrees to volunteer for such exploration, accepting the risks, with provision of making all preparations he could plan for.

    Winston Nada, 30 at this time, who initially volunteers, with being tethered.

    Vance Belcor, 30 at this time, on the research team.

    Characters will be added here as the way is found to show them.

    After the first of a few instruments were put through the spatial temporal wormhole, they were startled as a figure hurled toward them out of shadow from the opening. The team regained their composure after a few seconds of bewilderment, gazing at this human figure with an astonishing appearance. It was an adult male, with lengthy reddish brown hair, including beard, with slight streaks of grey, bare chested, and having a knee length skirt of unidentifiable material, girted about the waist with thongs. This man further had nothing covering the feet. He was just short of six feet, very brawny, and as he emerged from the opening he looked just as startled as Master Triggs' team, with a look that could have been considered menacing.

    One quick thinking member of the team, the youngest at thirty, Vance Belcor, went to the nearby table in the lab picking from the refreshments a paper plate.

    The mysterious man looked at the plate with its assortment of food items which were held out to him with apparent puzzlement. A few moments passed, and he then leaned his face towards the plate still being held and took a few sniffs. He glanced at the other men in the room, who stood frozen in their places watching him. The young man holding the plate gave a smile, and took one cut piece of carrot to his mouth and started chewing it. The newly arrived man took another of the same from the plate, and drew it to his mouth. That piece was soon devoured, the man's eyes wide, he took another cut vegetable, and then another piece of food, and then another. He then came to a piece of cheese. He looked at it, putting his hand to it carefully. He then turned around in his hand before his eyes slowly. He gave it a sniff, and eyes as wide as ever, he put it back to the plate. The man holding the plate smiled again, took the cheese with his free hand, and broke a bit off pushing it against the plate. He then ate it. The strange man then watched him for a while, and then took some remaining cheese, and brought it toward his face. He sniffed some more, and then, with an indescribable expression on his face, he put it to his mouth, and nibbled on it. His eyes were now as wide as eyes might ever be.

    As this was occurring, Master Triggs and a few of the men standing near him were mumbling to each other softly.

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    Gaping in utter astonishment, young intern Neeto Simmons felt as thought he was about to faint. Somehow, he held his consciousness as tightly as he held his incredulous stare at the mysterious man. Trying to bottle his overflowing excitement in, as to not disrupt this very important event, he scribbled his observations down in his job journal. This was singlehandedly the coolest job anyone could ever have. He looked around to his fellow coworkers, sharing their reaction and excitement. He felt that he was either going to go bonkers when he goes home, or he's going to never believe his eyes. He glanced over at Master Triggs too, and everyone else, taking in the scene and all of its details. He didn't know what else to do!

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    He looked Germanic, or Scandinavian, Dayna decided. Hopefully they hadn't scooped up some unsuspecting reenactor.

    Of course, from here she could only watch, while they could smell and feel and hear him - but apparently they didn't have someone who spoke Norse or whatever he was so they had to send off for them. Hopefully they were cleared?

    Did he smell of smoke, sweat and blood? How warm was he? Was it summer where he was from?
    Last edited by Enigma; 02-08-2022 at 05:08 AM.
    Spoiler: ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ √Ăłł Єѵïł ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ 

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    Salvation in Fantasy
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    One man standing there nearer to the door came to a decision and went out quietly and without hurry. Several minutes later, as that man, who the team believed must have stepped through from a place of a time understood to be long ago in prehistory, stood still eating from the plate, which he had taken, the one who had left returned with a bundle in his arms, it included a couple of blankets, a couple of pillows, and a small sack with peaches and bananas. These were set down in one side of the room, which was fairly empty except for the projecting equipment used there which enabled the opening, and the men and women themselves. This new arrival to the research center watched while eating as a few of the team laid out the blankets and pillows, setting the sack near to it, and then withdrew. The men and women of the team then, with few words spoken quietly, took other places in other spots in the spacious room, along the walls, and sat on the floor, except for Master Triggs

    Triggs then came near among them and said, "I need volunteers from among you to watch all that happens here, ready to be of help when you can be, and make notes of your observations. I will want suggestions from that for how we will handle this man from another age, and how we might learn of where he is from."

    Triggs and one other then left going out the door from there.

    Over the next couple of days, the side of the room was arranged for the newcomer, with things for his comfort, harmless items that would interest him, food that he showed he really liked, with still new things to try, and a port-a-potty, that was taken away and replaced when used, which the man learned to do without much difficulty.

    A couple of linguists brought in had joined the team, and about fifty percent of the time was taken up with one or a few team members interacting with their subject, whose name they came to hear, but its difficulty led them to speak a close approximation, "Vatcoad".

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    It was Vance Belcor that managed to gain his trust the most and was on good terms with him.

    As the research team learned terms and had started some communication with him, the team learned that Vatcoad had lived with a band of people on the shore of a body of water, possibly the sea. They had shelters there which they built, and caught fish, or sea-life, for their food, along with gathering various fruits and berries, seeds, nuts, and tuberous roots. Their life had been very leisurely, and they had engaged in many things for games and fun. But something had since happened, and it took the team much more time to figure out what it was from what was attempted to be described.

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    After jotting down suggestions, young Mr. Simmons kept organized notes and detailed observations of this subject every day. He was utterly fascinated, and suddenly consumed with an obsession over this newcomer and the science behind how the vortex was created to bring him here. He couldn't wait to study the whole concept and turn this internship into his life passion. He offered assistance wherever he could, but most of the time just observed what his colleagues were doing as to not get in their way and to learn what is best to do in such a unique position.

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    The life of Vatcoad had been with peaceful happiness among a band of little more than thirty other people of his kind, living on shores where they acquired whatever they wanted for their happiness. But just in the last few days a few of them saw what did not seem to make sense, a fiery thing in the distance flew through the sky, coming down behind distant mountains. Those seeing it shouted to others to see. In about another minute there was great shaking of the ground. Dusty clouds and steamy plumes emerged from behind those distant mountains, and soon there were blasts of strong winds.

    That day progressed and the sky became darker before it was to be expected, and there came a falling rain of bits of soily particles and grains of sand. The people hid in their shelters.

    At some point in the darkness the waves from the sea grew strong, and the sea closed in on the shelters. The darkness had not ever fully let up since, but there had been times of lighter gloom to correspond with days. But then snow and frost came, although this was something novel that was very difficult to communicate.

    It was the last of the few days of these events that this refugee emerged from his shelter digging out through snow, to look for more evidence of his band, and saw a stormy sea coming right up to his buried dwelling. So he had run in the direction away from the sea, and he was lost with a changed world he could not recognize.

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    Later in that day, according to his account, an anomaly formed about Vatcoad as he was looking for his way, which could be understood by the research team as the spatial temporal wormhole that had brought him..

    When Master Triggs returned with additional experts he would have working there, he approached those he had told to write down observations and make suggestions for working with this man who had come through this wormhole, and any steps they would need to make to learn anything more. He wanted to hear all that input and see if there were any suggestions for any one or more to go through the anomaly.

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    The team at Triggs Uncertainty Factor Research Center continued to put devices through the spatial temporal wormhole which they managed to maintain, that was never previously done. The story of Vatcoad having been learned finally, they reasoned there had been the event of a likely great meteor striking, although description which they could understand suggested more something like a comet. Master Triggs and some others working with him came to realize that if the location was on Earth at an ancient time, it would be highly desirable for someone of Triggs' team going through this wormhole to the site that Vatcoad came from, and identifying the evident latitude, details of the coastline, and location of the distant mountains that had been described. With enough information obtained, they could have the information of the location previously unknown of an impact on Earth.

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    There were many unknowns involved with such a venture. It was not even known with certainty that a person or being going through such an anomaly could come to a past position and exist in it, being a potential for causing events that did not happen. But they did have their instruments back, with useful information retrieved, which was promising. Eventually they found someone, Roger Bulmard, who was knowledgeable in many things useful for exploring such an unknown terrain. He was 33 at that time. He willingly agreed to volunteer for such exploration, accepting the risks, with provision of making all preparations he could plan for. Within five days the time for him going through the wormhole would come.

    The day Roger Bulmard went through it, he was heavily layered for cold temperature that was expected, with a fur coat outermost that
    could be hoped to be passable without upsetting any humans that might be encountered, with a scarf reaching from his neck to just where he breathed, and he was prepared with a pack on his back, which along with certain essentials held important equipment for helping determining locations which the research team wanted. He even had an encased pick axe.

    Roger walked through the anomoly, but certainly with some dread of what could happen from the uncertainty even at any moment, as it was all ultimately unknown what would happen. Suddenly he was struck with cool air, and his eyes struggled to adjust to shapes in grayness before him.

    When Roger's eyes could discern forms, he saw the snowy landscape around him, and a light drift of flakes fell about him. He turned,
    and was highly thankful that he could discern what could only be the anomaly that he came through still there. He took out his pick-axe and chipped deeply into the hardened ground, and then took a pole, which being extended, he fitted into a hollow wooden shaft. He planted this into the ground, and attached reddened woolly material securely to it. He closed his pack, and with a sharpened cane in hand, which he dragged behind him, he departed in the direction in which he exited the anomaly, looking carefully about him. Every few minutes he would pause to make deep markings in the snow. For a long while he saw nothing in the landscape except a few barren trees and shrubs.

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