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Thread: The Monk (Cfavano) vs The Ninja (Hoef)

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    Default The Monk (Cfavano) vs The Ninja (Hoef)

    It was just an average day in the village hidden in the earth as villagers and ninjas went about their daily lives, whatever that may have been. They were unaware that, this very day, a visitor, from a plane distant and yet near would arrive, and that this visitor would leave, in his wake, a changed world.

    In a dark alleyway, a dog digs through an overturned trash bin, when suddenly, the sound of static fills the air and arcs of electricity dance between the various metal surfaces. The dog is scared off as these arcs become more frequent, centralizing on a point in the center of the alley, where a ball of light appears and rapidly expands. It expands to about a five foot area before it dissipates, revealing Melkor Firehand, the transdimensional traveler, on one knee His hair is slightly frizzy from the static, but a quick rubbing of it smooths it over as eh stands up and looks around. "Well, I wonder where I am now," he says, wistfully as he walks out into the street.

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    Giga Onion
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    Hibiki Osamu, "The Black Crow"

    Hibiki, traveling down the same street, accidentally bumps into the strangely dress gentleman. Hibiki, being the one with the quick reaction, immediately shoved the gentleman few steps away from him. "Watch where you're going huh?"

    Hibiki, without really thinking much of the man, continued the walk with his hands in his pockets. 'Who was that guy anyway..? He isn't like the rest of them.. And he was dressed differently..' Hibiki continued his daily commute until his thoughts stopped him in his tracks. He stood there looking forward, thinking quite ferociously at the strange appearance of this man─who just so happened to bump into him of all people.

    Hibiki immediately began to grow suspicious of the man.

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    "Woah, guy." Melkor said, as he was shoved. "There's no need to be rude. Didn't you mother ever tell you to be polite to travelers? Or were you raised by animals and don't know of courtesy. Honestly, I don't know." Melkor continues accusingly, crossing his arms. "It's almost you want to pick a fight with me, boy. Well, I'm busy, so, kindly go about your business and fuck off." He continues, gesturing with his thumb as he continues walking in the direction he was going.

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    "There's no need to be rude. Didn't you mother ever tell you to be polite to travelers? Or were you raised by animals and don't know of courtesy. Honestly, I don't know." Melkor continues accusingly, crossing his arms. "It's almost you want to pick a fight with me, boy. Well, I'm busy, so, kindly go about your business and fuck off."

    'Son of a bitch..' Hibiki immediately turns around to face the oncoming man, with arms crossed. "Who the fuck do you think you are talking to me like that," Hibiki says with a look of danger. As he says this, citizens of the Village Hidden in the Earth immediately turn heads to the commotion. Hibiki laid his hand on his katana, "Also I'm not a fucking kid, I'm 21..." Hibiki's stance tightens as he prepares for an attack, "Better take that back or else.."

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    "You seem to be acting like a kid to me, antagonizing someone who you bumped into. Are all people around here as rude as you." He says, as he puts his hand on his forehead. "Good grief, you talk big, too." He continues, cracking his knuckles. "And who am I, you ask? Well, I'm the man who's going to wreck your shit unless you move now." He stares at Hibiki fiercly

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    "You seem to be acting like a kid to me, antagonizing someone who you bumped into. Are all people around here as rude as you." "Good grief, you talk big, too." He continues, cracking his knuckles. "And who am I, you ask? Well, I'm the man who's going to wreck your shit unless you move now."

    Hibiki deepens his stance and wonders who this guy really is. He doesn't look to be from this village or even this world... But, knowing Hibiki, he assumed that this man was from the Hidden Mist Village. However with that aside, Hibiki stepped forward a pace─revealing the steel that is the blade. Hibiki's face grew serious as he leaned forward, but then released his hand from his katana and began to make signs with his hands. "Earth Release, Earth and Stone Dragon!"

    Hibiki, then, slammed his hands down upon the earth, and with great speed and power, a dragon─made from the primal natures of the earth─rushed up and out of the ground. The dragon reached high in the air, and then came down at an angle towards the man. And at the sight of such a jutsu, civilians began to scatter as a battle has now commenced.

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    At first, Hibiki would see Melkor seem confused at what he was doing, as if Melkor had never seen a Jutsu before. He didn't try to interrupt or run or dodge. As if he didn't know what was coming or could come. When the dragon did, in fact, arrive, his face changed to one of interested surprise, instead of regular or terrified surprise. "Interesting." He says, as he balls his fists and breathes deeply.

    As the dragon nears him, he pulls his arm back, and as it gets to mere feet from him...he punches it. There is a mighty BANG and a loud Crunch as the dragon, made of compressed earth and stone, compresses even further, before explosively shattering, sending the shards flying toward Hibiki, causing him to be attacked by the remnants of his own attack.

    He shakes off the hand that he punched with, then blows on it, blowing away dust, before settling down into a stance. "Interesting, boy, very interesting. But I do not think your power will be enough. I am forgiving, if you bend over and allow me to spank you for being so naughty, I might let you go. What say you?"

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    Battle Hale

    Hibiki grunted in displeasure as shards of his jutsu came back and struck his body with scattered precision. He slid back some number of feet, before coming to a stop of course. Some dirt was kicked up, and several windows had shattered at the sheer power of the man standing before him. "Tsk."

    "Interesting, boy, very interesting. But I do not think your power will be enough. I am forgiving, if you bend over and allow me to spank you for being so naughty, I might let you go. What say you?"

    "Not a chance," said Hibiki has he began another jutsu. However, instead of it being a forward attack it was something quite different. "Earth Release, Shadow Clone Jutsu!"

    Suddenly twenty clones of Hibiki appeared behind Hibiki. All the Hibikis drew their swords and kunai preparing to rush the man. And with this, the rush commenced with those twenty Hibikis rushing the man with speed and quickness.
    Last edited by Dire Hoef; 11-14-2015 at 11:22 PM.

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    As the clones are created, Melkor gets even more intrigued. "Full of tricks, are you boy?" He mutters a few words Hibiki cannot understand, makes a gesture or two, and, to the surprise of the clones mindlessly rushing at him, a wide jet of green flame spurts forth from his hands, blasting the dirt clones with intense magical flame, turning them into super-heated stone statues, blackened and in great detail. Also, kinda creepy looking. Smoke rises from them and the ground around them. "Well, so am I." Melkor once again crosses his arms. "So, are you just going to sit back and fling rocks at me, or are you going to fight?"

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    Unbridled Rage

    "So, are you just going to sit back and fling rocks at me, or are you going to fight?"

    Hibiki gave a soft smile of confidence as his stance dipped down into a crouching position. Hibiki crouched there for a brief moment before leaping into one of the alleyways towards his left and up the side of a building in order to get himself a height advantage upon the man. Hibiki, as he leapt away from the man, began to spell out something with his hands before eventually stopping on a building─three blocks away from the man─and slammed his hands down upon the concrete tiling that is the roof of the building. "How about this! Earth Release, Earth Corridor!"

    Suddenly, with create force and power, the earth, beneath the unidentified man, rose up from its base. Then, without warning, came over to form a roof above the man's head. As this happened several buildings, who were victim to this jutsu, fell over or crumbled at the seams. This set of destruction was not shadowed by the fact that there were now large humps of earth snaking throughout the entire city─as the destruction began to spread.

    Hibiki stood there for a moment, blank faced, as he unsheathed his blade, observing the destruction that he caused. "Let's see you try and escape that..." 'I can feel my chakra waning... I'll have to keep an eye on that...'

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