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Thread: [M] Battle of Astral

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    Default [M] Battle of Astral

    1 AD, July 20th

    The Elves had made a tactical blunder. Their Star Fort was set up as the main line of defense against the Saurians invading Iledrith. It was where the Saurians were expected to attack and what had been mostly reinforced. But it was not their target. Instead the Saurian Horde marched on past them and towards Astral, a coastal city that lacked walls. Too late the Elves realized this and began to chase the Saurains, but Saurians are much faster than any Elf. This left Astral without any major defense. The city fell easily within hours.

    Now Astral burned while the streets ran red. Elves were being rounded up to be devoured or used as slaves. The Saurians showed mercy in their own ways but the ruthless destruction did not go unnoticed. After the fall of Astral the Iledrith forces of the Sun Princess finally arrived to deal out retribution. They were greeted by the sight of bodies of Elves impaled on tall spears, their heads removed and faces torn apart hanging from trees.

    At Astral the Saurians prepared their counter attack. Jezuwak walked through the center square of the city in front of its great hall. Now the building was mostly in ruin with smoke billowing out of its windows. The Rune-kin walked among ranks of runeblood, of which he led. In the square were gathered families of Elves who were huddled together amid the carnage and tied to one another. The cold Sauriian simply walked among them and waited for Drakkala to arrived at his side. She had taken part in the taking of the city and had feasted quite a deal. Many of the Saurians had bloodied maws and gore stuck in their teeth from the fruits of victory.
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    Minkasha's Avatar
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    Drakkala had emerged into sight as she soared the skies. The Saurian Dawn was covered in blood across her entire dragon body. Her bowels were delightfully sated, her feasts so rarely amble enough to accomplish this. Pride and honor lit her mind, this was life. Her view of Astral from above brought sharp anger to her otherwise victorious mood. The city should burn, every and all Elves should be slaughtered. In the mind of this Elven fighter, there was no other option.

    Winding in wide circles, The Sun Dragon lowered herself to the center square not far from her dad. Shifting back to humanoid form, Drakkala kept her flaming greatsword tight in her blood drenched hand and rushed to Jezuwak’s side.

    “I see the Iledrith. What is it you want me to do dad? How do we kill them all?” The one soft skinned being walking among the scaly warriors asked cruelly from the hatred felt deep for the Elven.

    *Sunpool is charged
    *Has Flaming Weaponry (Passive) locked in
    Thank you MayhemsCurse <3

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    Jezuwak picked up a skull that the flesh had melted from, an earlier victim of Drakkala. He turned and crushed it in his hand. Then the Saurian motioned towards their many captives. He was speaking to everyone present not just Drakkala. "The Iledrith are weak fools with too much sentimentality to them. We will use the hostages to deter their fire. They will have to engage us in melee. We'll use the buildings for cover, their mighty metal thunder blasters will have to kill Elves to kill Saurians, and ruin their supposedly beautiful city.

    The runebloods raised their weapons in a silent salute to Jezuwak the Rune-kin. More Saurians poured into the square and began to set up at entrance points. Rezzigore landed atop her drake which had a mouth filled to the brim with Elven corpses. "Eh hee hee hee! We feast tonight warriors! Kill all you can, slaughter and butcher our foes!" She waved a large cleaver overhead still dripping with blood which flung from it. Atop her head was a boar skin with tusks that sprouted out alongside her jaws. Her body was covered in feathers that were ebony in color. It made her look like a wild beast. Then she took off to the skies.

    Jezuwak pointed to Drakkala. "I want you to guard Rezzigore. She is mighty in combat but not invincible. They'll target her, and I imagine you'll find the Sun Princess along the way. Now go my child fly, and be the wings of death you were born to be!"
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    Drakkala’s heart burned with ravenous affection. His words pulled a bloody smile from her. Approval tethered itself to the violent impulses natural to The Sun Dragon. It was a high: killing and Jezuwak’s pride. Love bound her to his commands, compelling her to turn and watch Rezzigore begin flight.

    The heavy thuds of her boots rushed across Astral’s blood covered street and she launched herself into the air. Transforming, The Saurian dawn enriched herself with the scent of blood covering the entire the city. The higher she made her elevation the more intricate details of the Elf deaths were hers to pick up from the city’s districts. Flapping her wings intently The Sun Dragon flew to Rezzigore’s side. Golden and beautiful, the dragon’s talons and teeth lit her path in the sky with the fire burning from them.

    “Let’s destroy them!”
    Thank you MayhemsCurse <3

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    A contingent of others flew beside them. Those riding drakewings followed behind as they all soared overhead. In unison they dove downwards in between buildings and flew overhead Saurians and Elves fighting in the streets below. spears raised up towards them but they pulled up just slightly to avoid them. That was when they spotted another open square that looked like it had been a market. A massive melee had broken out between heavy infantry on both sides. Sun Elves waded into combat against drake guard and runebloods. It was favoring the Sun Elves until Rezzigore brought her drake down among them. When she landed it crushed multiple Elves.

    Two Sun lords led the Elves here atop horses. More Saurians and Elves poured in from other streets. Bodies were beginning to pile up as warriors on both sides had to climb mounds to reach one another. The drakewing skirmishers landed as well and began to fight from the backs of their mounts. They had all landed at the back of the Elven lines and were using their monsters to hit swaths of Elves. Cannons hit the buildings around them exploding and spreading fires. Windows shattered letting glass fall and an inn collapsed and fell over crushing a group of Saurians underneath.

    Rezzigore yelled out as she engaged the Sun Lord closest to her. The large armored Elf jumped from her horse onto the drake as the two began to duel. Then the other Sun Lord threw a wave of fire that burned through a line of Saurians. Atop one of the mounds of bodies a Saurian diviner waved his staff and a red glow came from the eyes of nearby Saurians as they entered a battle rage and fought harder, ripping off limbs and tearing open throats with their teeth.
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    The Sun Dragon kept in some loose formation with the others, ready to already join the fight. She was scanning to find her blood-kin, but without knowing what kind of armor she wore it was left to blind guessing at a quick glance of those she flew over. The eagerness to fight her was delicious, propelling her to keep alert.

    Drakkala circled over Rezzigore, roaring in unison to the Saurian’s landing upon the crushed backs of Elves. A Sun Lord rose to challenge Rezzigore and her dad’s commands dominated her instincts. From above The Sun Dragon opened her wide jaws and Power Feasted, magically slicing open cuts across the Sun Lord’s body and drawing blood in streams into the air. Touching her tongue, The Bane of Iledrith learned more of their powers and abilities – feeding off of them to put them down. Then, there was a flash of light, followed by her dissaperance.

    Mid air Drakkala had transformed into her humanoid body and submerged herself in concealment. The stealthy Elf warrior landed on Rezzigore’s drake, her boots sliding on its scales and forcing her to knee jerk herself forward to not fall off. Drakkala managed and dashed to the Sun Lord attacking her charge. With flaming great sword Drakkala cut at the shoulder joint of the female Elf, pouring the Sunpool magic into the nervous system.

    Purple hair, gore soaked and generously shaped, the Sun Lord’s attacker reemerged into visibility behind her. Drakkala continued to cut and slash into the Sun Lord, prepping herself to tackle the female Elf off the drake once an attack made the woman’s footling looser.

    *Spent 2 mana. 23 remains.
    *Sunpool charge is exhausted. Target Sun Lord is blind for 30 seconds.
    *Kept Flaming Weaponry (Passive - Hard lock). Gained Whirling Strike (Power – Lock), Minor Commanding Presence
    Last edited by Minkasha; 08-24-2017 at 07:11 PM.
    Thank you MayhemsCurse <3

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    The Sun Lord twisted her greatsword in her hand to parry some of Drakkala's attacks. Their flaming weapons striking one another sent embers everywhere. Since the Sun Lord wore a helmet she was protected from the flames in her face but Drakkala could feel the heat and her face was hit, though thankfully not her eyes. Rezzigore swung and hit the Sun Lord from behind and in that moment Drakkala had her chance and was able to tackle her off. Together they landed in a pool of blood as spears from both sides surrounded them. The spears fought a battle for supremacy against one another. Jabs, blocks, parries, shields were raised. On the ground the Sun Lord pushed Drakkala off and rolled backwards to her feet. Her back was to the Elves while Drakkala's was to the Saurians.

    Arrows flew at Rezzigore hitting her and her mount. They embedded in her flesh but this didn't stop her. Atop her drake she ordered it to charge and they smashed through the enemy lines. Using their greater mass they continued to break up the formations. "Saurians slit their throats stab their hearts! Feed on their blood and show our might!" At her rallying call the Saurians in unison roared and started to fight with even more ferocity. They were pushing the Elves back. Further down a street rode by a group of heavy Elven knights with a Sun Elf carrying a very massive greatsword with her.
    Last edited by Tolvo; 08-25-2017 at 01:15 AM.
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    Drakkala roared, slashing through the blocks of the blind Sun Lord. Each moment of resistance the Elf gave Drakkala files her bloodlust.

    "Gah!" She hissed, flaming sparks scorched her face, turning some of her supple skin black in burned blemishes. But she found her way to get the Sun Lord away from Rezzigore, falling into a splashing pool of blood and being soaked twice over. Blood wet her hair was lapped off her lips.

    Still on ground, Drakkala turned to her standing opponent. Sun Drip formed in her mouth and spat upon the Sun Lord's ankle. The viscous glowed bright, warping the plate of the Elf woman's armor. The Saurian Dawn pushed herself up from the blood pool, her entire front layered in red. She let the Sun Lord blindly block until her body collapsed on the ground - foot eaten away from her leg. Drakkala enjoyed the sight, spitting on the woman's helmet as she jumped over her body into the fray of spear wielding Elves.

    Landing, Drakkala dived in and began to follow the knowledge of a new finesse she did not possess before. Her large flaming blade spun with intention, guided by her savagery rather than ruled by it. Among the Elves she attack with Whirling Strike.
    Last edited by Minkasha; 08-25-2017 at 01:54 AM.
    Thank you MayhemsCurse <3

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    Drakkala cut a bloody swath through the Elves. They struggled to resist her while spears thrust at her. She was slowly being cut over time by dozens of weapons but rarely did the attacker live long. Hewn about her were the halves of Elves that she had struck down. Atop her drake Rezzigore lifted up an Elf and began to use his body as a shield for blocking arrows. Her beast lifted its head then unleashed a torrent of fire breath from within its throat. "Burn yes die how dare you strike me!" The Elves began to flee around the two.

    Up above the nearby buildings Moon Elves flew around firing arrows from up above. Rezzigore didn't like this and she again took off upwards while the drakewings followed suit. She slammed through the Iledrith and broke up their formation just as their flying knights and warriors arrived. Both parties flew through each other while spatterings of blood fell from above.
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    Drakkla smirked at the fleeing Elves. Though sharp pain riddled her, blood falling down her armor was now coming from her own flesh. She looked down and saw the deep cuts across her exposed skin before she submerged herself into camouflage. Keeping stealthy, Drakkala reached down to one of the half bodies her prey and ate from the open fire of the severed body. She gnawed and swallowed, easing sounds of delight in between.

    Her wounds healed, the blood aided her to return to combat. The Saurian Dawn revealed herself, changed into The Sun Dragon. In full Dragon display she flew over Rezzigore and roared, further enhancing the Saurian intimidation.
    Thank you MayhemsCurse <3

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