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Thread: BEJEWELED〔M〕〔IC〕「Hoef & GodlyD&D」

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    Fantasy BEJEWELED〔M〕〔IC〕「Hoef & GodlyD&D」

    Dreams are a beauty to behold,
    When old men sung of those stories of old,
    Twas a delight to see,
    Even if the fires of war were to consume me.

    There were sounds. Familiar sounds.

    A seabird calling to the ocean, the waves responding in kind, and the creaking of a palm tree against coastal winds. These were all sounds that reminded her of home. But those sounds were replaced with the blasting guns and the crackling of fire. Her hands, of which were idle and bloodless, were now bloodstained; a blade of some sort of steel gripped tightly in one hand. Her feet were firmly planted in what remained of her home. It was now war-torn, bodies of her beloved people strewn about. Men, garbed in foreign clothing, walk over their corpses laying down fire from their staffs and wands. But before the fire could reach her, her eyes fluttered open. The sunlight from the morning sun had shined rays down upon her and her bed. This was enough to disturb her slumber, and a firm knock at her door assured her that dreaming was no longer an option.

    "Idmah." There was another series of knocks. "It's me, Illum-sha!"

    "Illum..? What are you doing here so early??" Idmah's tired eyes scanned the door, a slowly developing confusion formed on her face. She wasn't expecting her younger brother to be here so soon.

    "Father sent for me to collect you," he paused for a moment, "He said it was important that you come right away!" There was a bit of distress in his voice, something concerned him greatly.

    This, of course, didn't sit well with Idmah as something like this doesn't always happen. In fact, the last time she can recall her father asking for her was when the evil spirits first appeared on the island. It was...chaotic to say the least, and many of her people who were victims never recovered from their possessions. So, she wondered what compelled her father to seek her assistance now.

    Thus, she clambered out of bed and donned on her shamanic garbs. As she whipped open the door and stepped past her younger brother, and seeing that he was in armor, she came to the quick realization that this day was going to be unlike all others.

    And so stepping out into her hometown of Umshalah, the lively atmosphere breathed life into her person. She felt at one with the symbiosis of nature and community. Birds that sung from trees that grew from the foundations of homes were one of the many sights of Umshalah. But its most beautiful, was the community's central building. It was a squat, high-roof, dome that had the canopy poking just outside of it. Inside was a meeting taking place around a bonfire at the foot of the giant tree.

    Three other men stood around the fire, speaking amongst themselves. They quiet as Idmah enters the conversation with her younger brother in tow.

    The father, chieftain among them, stood up from his seating position and greeted his daughter with a sense of authority. Idmah responded in kind, an official tone overlayed her posture. Illum-sha stood at attention, and observed quietly. The scent of urgency was thick in the air.

    "Apologies Ensi, your assistance was most needed, and it could not wait." Her father took a breath as if releasing some much despised stress, and said, "Before we begin, Illum-sha. This information does not concern you at this moment. Stand outside."

    Illum-sha, knowing not to argue, nodded. "Yes, chieftain. At once." He spun on his heels and exited in that same moment.

    Now alone, her father spoke freely saying, "We've received a premonition from Ama-sin. It had shown our demise at the hands of alien men.." There was a sort of tripedation in his voice, and Idmah noticed this.

    "Chieftain," Idmah clasped her father's hands. "What do you wish of me..? What must we do to save our people from this future??" She had given her father pleading eyes.

    Meskalam-dug Bebe-mak stood there quietly, pondering her questions. He then said, "We will lie in wait for our enemies.. We have not seen battle, nor have known of such a thing since before my father's father. The most we can do is evacuate the people further into the island. Those few who are ablebodied will defend this community's shores. I do not expect us to win, but I do not want to lay down our hands before someone who wishes to do us harm."

    "Then I'll stay and fight," Idmah said firmly and without pause.

    "Absolutely not," her father reproved, "You are to remain with the family and see to it that the rest of them make it out."

    "But father there's only a handful capable of fighting, and I"m one of them!" She protested, but was swiftly shutdown.

    "Idmah," Meskalam exclaimed, grasping his daughter's shoulders, "Understand this very well. You are the spiritual heart of this community, of this family we have built. If you die, so to does this tribe's soul. I need you alive so that the flame of Ama-sin's retribution may continue to burn. Please, my dearest daughter. Find sense in this act."

    She remained quiet for a moment, only staring at him. "Yes...father..." She forced those two words through her zipped lips, and kept still while watching her father return to the two other men. He spoke to them of what they're plan was going to be, and it was seemed to be a foolproof one outside of being potentially outnumbered and outgunned.

    Idmah didn't know what to think of this, and merely proceeded to leave the grown men to their plotting. Since it did not concern her, she left. Although, this was to the dismay of her father who watched her leave without much resistance. The young shaman paced through her community, taking in the sightts, before arriving at the beach.

    She found an isolated part of the beach where she could be to her lonesome, and proceeded to perch herself up in a palm tree to relax. Her eyes fell to the watery horizon, the stretch of the expanse filled her with a calming sensation. One that she was all too familiar with, and thus drifted off into a light slumber.

    The seabirds sung, and the waves responded in kind. Truly a calm before the storm.

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    The forces of the Magocracy of Erhohen were pulling together for mobilization in the time that more aggression was becoming apparent in the society. Ildapan was already chaplain, and had in his practices of faithfulness to Hylax as chaplain come to some healing clerical ability, and in counseling the few that would come to speak with him encouraged them in peaceful ways as far as possible within the parameters they had. But what he contributed was a drop in the bucket relative to the growing aggression in the society. The competition from outside their society led the leaders to consolidate and send as much of their forces that they could to get a hold on the power source that became known in the lands of the Damuzi.

    It was not long until the unit where Ildapan served was consolidated with another, to be put on one of military ships to be sent out to the lands of the Damuzi, people of one side of Ildapan's ancestry!

    Ildapan was never able to get out of that though he spoke of his objections. On the journey there, while he was not busy counseling others of the consolidated units, he spent much of the rest of his time calling on Hylax and praying. Ildapan had become convinced that the aggressive ambition of the people of the Magocracy of Erhohen was not from Hylax or any sent from Hylax, and this move into the lands of the Damuzi would be contrary to Hylax. He prayed, "Oh Hylax, there must be ways to stop the forces of the Magocracy of Erhohen in what they would do for what is sought. Please send your intervention to that, please do this soon, before real damage is done!"

    At one point before the military ship he was on among several others came to the lands, one soldier, Janxhed, came to him for his confessions and counseling. Janxhed knew he was sent with others to search for a powerful item and he would have to fight and even kill any people who stood in the way of that

    Ildapan responded, "Do you, Janxhed? When a life you could spare is before you that you are told you are to fight and kill if necessary to obtain what what might be obtained of the power sought, do you just do what you are told? Are you not better than a machine being used? At some point you still choose as you need to, whether you do things just because you are following orders, or you do the right thing. It is not a clear choice with all orders, but sometimes there can be an order given that any of us can know is wrong."

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    Janxhed, downtrodden with some manner of guilt, said, "Yes, Father. I.. I want to know that what I'm doing is for the benefit of our people. I didn't volunteer, I was told. I.. I never wanted war, but it came to me.. Now I have to pick up this blade and slay another man! Please, Father, pray for me.. Pray for safety in the coming battles that I am forced to face.. Hylax guide me."

    Just then, another soldier comes down, dressed in far more bedazzling armor. "Father," his voice deep and low, "You're needed in the captain's quarters. We have a problem." And that problem became apparent when the ship began to rock more noticeably. "Quickly, Father."

    Thus, Ildapan was led up to the captain's quarters where a few more important figures stood around the captain's table. The captain himself, Yumik the Sea Serpent, leaned on lace fingers staring at the Chaplain's arrival. He said with a smirk on his face, "Sorry to cut your confessions short, but as you may have felt we've reached the outskirts of where the island is supposed to be. Howevere there's just a small problem with that.."

    "The island is surrounded by a troublesome typhoo," a knighted individual spoke up from among the group present.

    "Exactly," Yumik nodded and smirked, "That's where you come in, Father.. Your prayers to Hylax had proven to be the most effective from among the clergy. I'm sure you are well aware of the stories of the island. But," he stood up and paced around the table and over to Ildapan, "What I need from you is simple. I need you to guide our forces through that storm. Without you, our forces will be drastically hindered before we even set foot on that island's shores. Think you can do that?"

    ✧ ✧ ✧

    Idmah rested on her perch and sighed.

    Her eyes danced along the calming waters of the ocean expanse. And as her eyes danced, her mind wandered. She jumped from topic to topic, thought to thought. She wanted something to grasp on so as to not get lost in her own head. And just as she was about to succumb to a wave of emotion, Illum-sha appeared below calling to her. But to say she was startled was a bit an understatement.

    She leapt up a few feet before falling back and tumbling down several more feet. Her body hit the ground with a bassy thud, and proceeded to groan while laying on her side. Illum-sha stood there with a face full anguish and regret, and backed up a few paces.

    This saved him from his knees getting blown out as Idmah kicked around violently, looking for her little brother. Having not found those knees, she sighed heavily and slowly stood to her feet; holding her right side tightly. "W-What do you want, you umah??"

    The armored boy, feeling the sting of the insult, held up his hands in defense. "I bring peace sister.. I didn't mean to cause your tumble! I only wanted to come see how you were as I saw you leave without saying a word.."

    Idmah shook her head, "It's something I can't really say.. It hasn't happened yet. The Chief and the others are certain it will happen, but I don't know.. They want to evacuate the village, and leave only a handful of people behind to ensure the village is still here when we get back.. I wanted to stay, but father said no.."

    Her younger brother expressed a look of pure confusion, he didn't know what to think of Idmah's explanation. "B-But.. You can stay, and protect what is ours!"

    "I told him that as well, but he did not see my reasoning. He was blind to my cries of protest," she walked down the beach to the water. "He told me that I would be better off protecting the people, then protecting our home."

    The young boy looked off to the side, as if trying to find something to say on that. He didn't really come up with much, and just shrugged. "What do you plan to do?"

    Idmah looked at him, and then back out at the water. "I'm going to stay and protect the village. I want you to protect mother and the others."

    The boy felt that he wanted to argue for her to come with them, but he witnessed the conviction in her eyes and only caved. "Alright.. But you come back in one piece okay!?"

    Idmah smiled and ruffled the boy's hair, really appreciating this time with him. Which made her think of her older brother and where he might be.
    Last edited by Dire Hoef; 10-07-2023 at 02:32 AM.

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    Ildapan's eyes widened in surprise. He then said, "You want me on shore with the forces now aboard to lead them there? I will do what I can to guide them well, seeking Hylax's will. I am sure some others here know the features on the island that we need to come to, already, even better than I do, still."

    Ildapan knew he must show readiness for what things were given to him to do. But he would still make it clear the will of Hylax was much higher. He looked out at the view of the island ahead. It did look like images that had been shown for him and others earlier for knowing where they would go when they came to the shore. He felt in a pocket, for being sure his talisman was with him.

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    Yumik scoffed at Ildapan's retort and smiled, "No, Father, we don't need you to lead our armies once we arrive on shore, but we need you to guide them to the shore. The big fellow in the armor is here to do the leading. So don't worry about that." He winked and moved back to the seat, plopping back down with a sigh. "Well. We're currently anchored about a few nautical miles from the storm's edge. Whenever you're ready, Father, then you may commence your prayers for safe passage."

    Ildapan found that his talisman was still there, and that now everyone was waiting on him. The man in the armor stared quietly at the religious man, but made no move to say or do anything else.

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    Ildapan responded, "I see. That would be very different." He looked around at those in the captain's quarters. "Very well. Men, hold your hands out forward for the appeal and leave eyes shut, now. O Hylax, we know we need the one force there is for rightness and goodness with us, and it is for your will to prevail, which we here ask. There is the Old Source Shell that You know we of the Magocracy of Erhohen must find with this expedition, before others contrary to our Magocracy come and would acquire it, which could be soon. Protect all our men from this ship and the other ones with it, through the inexplicable typhoon standing in the way and the hostile forces from the island. Have our men who would be of service to You, O Hylax, maintain focus on where they would find the Old Source Shell, and not be worried about how to deal with the people native to this island of the Damuzi, who you would keep from hostile action to them, and that the Old Source Shell would then come into our hands here, in the way that serves Your will. Praises to your ways which indeed are always the best, and our service remains pledged to you. Now have these men here and from our ship go forward in the strength from You, that the typhoon and any hostile force would not overcome any of them. According to Your will be it so! Hofen Hail Hylax!"

    "This is your blessing to go forth within the will of Hylax. Be strong and courageous trusting the way of Hylax."

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    Yumik gave a wide smile as he opened his eyes.

    The blessings brought forth by Ildapan bore fruit. And they came in the form of a break in the typhoon, demarcated with calm seas. "Well done, Father." He turned to the knighted gentleman who slid on his helmet and stepped outside. Yumik sat back down at his table and leaned back, clearly satisfied with the results.

    The knight was out on the top deck and had slowly unsheathed his blade. He made his way to the front of the ship and pointed his blade in the direction of the calm seas. He then hoisted his blade high in the air and exerted power from it. This pillar of light was a signal to advance, a signal to war.

    Once the pillar of light was extinguished, the fleet began their journey. They pressed through this narrow corridor provided by Hylax. The passage through the typhoon was unnerving. On either side of them was the hellish reminder of their divine favor. But what really made members of the fleet nervous was when they crossed the threshold.

    One moment their decks were bathed in darkness, only ever illuminated by flashes of lightning, and then the next is bathed in scorching light, calm waters and blue skies for miles.

    But such nervousness was quickly dispelled when the knight enchanted his voice so as to be heard over the entire fleet.


    He raised his sword and roared, the fleet following in kind as morale skyrockets.

    The men are ready for war.

    ✧ ✧ ✧

    As Idmah relaxed with her younger brother, she felt her mind twinge. She held her head for a moment as she becomes discombobulated. Her brother came to her aid and kept her steady.

    "Are you alright..??" There was confusion and concern in his tone.

    Idmah reassured him by gently patting him. The symptoms were dampened, allowing her to be coherent. "It felt like something stabbed my mind.." She looked around at her surroundings, very confused herself.

    Illum-sha relaxed himself, but felt his hairs stand on end. He suddenly felt a cold rush through his body.

    This same phenomenon happened in Idmah, but hers was visual as, for the first time in her life, she something out here in the horizon. She saw black shapes.. Alot of black shapes.. "Illum.. Go to mother and start getting everyone out! I must alert father of our invaders."

    Illum-sha, seeing the shapes steadily getting closer with each passing moment, didn't want to argue his thoughts and only groaned. He ran off in a dead sprint, he knew the severity. The risk.

    Idmah, on the other hand, sprinted back to the tree-dome. She cleared several obstacles and tumbled into the dome, causing a ruckus. This aroused the attention of her father and the other elder present. The two of them calmly walked over, and helped Idmah to her feet.

    "What is the reason for all this noise?" Her father had an intrigued look on his face.

    Idmah, a little out of breath, said, "The invaders.. They're coming!"

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    As Ildapan stepped onto shore where the sandy extension from where the leafy green trees grew to the wavy water moving forward and pulling back, he was with the group of other young men who had training for fighting in combat, which he considered as he looked at them. And what was Yumik sending them for? It was really the United Kingdom of Nynmark that would take possession of this island, desiring for the power that earlier explorers from Erhohen found would be the hidden Old Source Shell, reputed to be the manifest presence of the Holder of the Bliss Realm, and the Magocracy of Erhohen would just want that in their hands to remove it from being in the hands of those of the Kingdom of Nynmark, who would use it for the edge they would have. But it was only heard about, only few on this island had seen it. How would these men find it, even if they really thought they should fight others here for it, without asking any who might know where it is? And then it would be for keeping it from any who came from the Kingdom of Nynmark to get it. The Magocracy of Erhohen would not need it.

    No one was in sight ahead anyway. He said to the others, "We must go forward carefully and be watchful. If we look threatening to start with hidden ambushers could be motivated to attack, and we need to speak with some here. So leave your weapons sheathed."
    Last edited by GodlyD&D; 10-11-2023 at 12:11 PM.

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    And like thunder, they came...

    Alarm was slow to reach the faces of her father and the other gentlemen. But when it came, it crescendoed. At the sametime, distant booms were heard; filling the crescendo.

    "Idmah.. We don't have much time," her father immediately gripped her shoulders, "The invaders mean harm to us! You must remain steadfast, and take your mother and brother far from this place! You hear me?? Do not forsake your family to the jungles!"

    Idmah really fought herself on this. She wanted to stay with her father and fight, but hearing these words forced her to take his perspective on this. She was this village's shaman, and to die at the hands of foreign men was something akin to being claimed by the waves. It was something devastating, unseen and unseemly. So, she wasn't going to forsake her father's plights. "Y-Yes father!"

    He released her and pointed out the building, "Go! Now! Before fire befalls us all!"

    Idmah, seeing that she was unable to argue with her father, turned and ran for the exit; tears in her eyes. She hated not being able to be here to defend her village from the invaders. But now wasn't the time to think all things she was going to yell at her father about. She had to warn everyone of the impending danger.

    ✧ ✧ ✧

    The party leader, who went by the name Gernot, looked at Ildapan with some manner of tripedition. He wasn't sure to what to expect with this island. He had only been at sea twice in his life, and this had been the longest voyage yet. He was far from home on an island that was more mysterious than any frontier he'd read about in volumes of tall-tales written by poets and storytellers.

    "T-Then, Father, where do you suggest we go? According to the cartographer, he estimated that there would be a break in the trees a few miles in that direction," he pointed west after looking at his compass. "He said that there's some elevation there, and that we could get a better lay of the land from there. Remember our mission was to gather information for the assault parties to better maneuver in the jungles."

    ✧ ✧ ✧

    Panic finally settled into the minds of the tribesmen. Everyone was in disarray, realizing that foreign men were closing on their coastal community. Those that had vowed to defend the village, armed themselves with spears and makeshift shields slapped together last second. A force of a roughly three dozen ablebodied men came forward Idmah's father.

    Idmah watched as her father spoke to these men, enflaming their hearts with a rage unlike anything she had seen before. She never knew that these men, who had come to her in quiet prayer, were so ready and willing to die for the village. Her frustration at not being able to join them was still present as she shepherd the last of the civilians out of the village and into the jungles.

    She swung around at everyone cowering in various areas along a series of dense foilage, and landed right in front of her family. "Mother! Brother! Everyone is safe and accounted for!"

    Her mother, a sort of leader in her own right, was relieved to know that no-one was left behind. "Then, please my little one do not stray too far from the pack.. I know how you can be."

    Idmah nodded humbly, "Yes mother. I won't stray too far." Of course, this was a lie. She was going to go see what these invaders are really about. She wanted to know just how dangerous these people actually are.
    Last edited by Dire Hoef; 11-07-2023 at 03:19 AM.

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    Ildapan answered, "Gernot, in the will of Hylax it was wrong to have the assault parties sent to maneuver through the jungle areas. Remember what the purpose of any who would be sent here was. Despite the growing aggression we see in our society at home, the purpose was for sending some to find the artifact that was heard of, with its power preserving this island with more power possible from it, and that the United Kingdom of Nynmark will come and claim all this land, because this artifact is here preserving it, and we must find the artifact first before that, that we keep it from them taking the island to then have access to it. That is our goal, and we might accomplish that before other troops from Erhohen would. Let us go that way to the west, then, but look for ways into the growth of this forest we might use before that way mapped, and remember to meet any we encounter peacefully to start with, that we might be guided to the artifact."

    The troop went together that way, watching for where more space would be seen between trees growing near each other not far from them. After a little while before they came to where Gernot saw it designated, a just decent space was seen where the men might go, in a line, through the trees. They went that way some length, leaving the sound of the surf behind them. Suddenly Damuzi men with weapons jumped from trees on either side near them.

    Ildapan said, "Steady, men. I will speak with these of the Damuzi people."

    Ildapan said to these men who had just appeared, using the old speech he had learned and sometimes used with his mother, "I and these others with me have come across from the sea, where those of Erhohen live, because others from another land, that of Nynmark, are coming here, to possess this land, and the Old Source Shell would be within their access, and we should learn where it is before they do, that it would be safe from their access. We seek guidance to that."

    The one leading said, "There are very few who could lead to it, not just any of us. But what would you really do with it, that it would be kept inaccessible to those others?"

    "It would have to be moved, to where we will see it is safe from them."

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