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Thread: {M} Fairven city (IC)

  1. #1
    Wolf of the Highlands
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    Default {M} Fairven city (IC)

    Lights and machinery hummed to the distant echo of distant gunfire from The Pit. People milled about or hurried on their way to work in the dark under city light only be the lights of homes and businesses alike as the cover that separated them blocked out the sun except for the occasional crack that you'd be lucky to find.

    People were up at all hours down here due to the practically nonexistent natural light down bellow.
    And not everything everyone did was good. There were few places toy could go in this abyss where there wasn't some sort of crime. Even on the other side of the city from the central gang activity in The Pit, there was always a chance to at least have your chip stolen.

    At least it was calm around Komplex 3. Sure, hardly a week went by without something happening, but it was much better than The Pit or even the Deamer District.

    We'll just have to see how long it will last...

    Rovin was working at the Green Garble Bar and Grill as they waited tables dressed as Reana in a short jean skirt and leggings with a close fit work shirt with the waiter's half apron at his waist. His long hair back in a ponytail for work. A sapphire studs appeared in his furred ears with a ladder of loops climbing the right one in particular, yet it stayed erect despite the appearance of its weight.

    Rovin enjoyed cross dressing, but would just about as often go out and or as himself. He suspected that the co-workers that didn't ask either knew or suspected that he was a cross dresser, or thought that he had a twin that worked there as well. He was a little disappointed that nobody had asked them out or really tried to talk too much.

    They loaded a tray with a few Bracing Brews and some burgers. It would be a bit too unbalanced to carry it in just one hand, so they'd need to come back for the large pizza they had ordered.
    Stark, the name given to my ancestor for a feat of bravery. It means Strength, or Strong.
    The motto give: fortiorum fortia facta (made stronger and braver)

    I say, let us all be fortiorum fortia facta.

    Spoiler: I'm an Ajin! 

    Spoiler: extra 

  2. #2
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    "Tek..." sputtered the radio, making all of the 'service gremlins' pay attention, since they were all techs. "Igor..."

    "WHAT?" Ig demands angrily before they could finish, making all the others in the tiny level 9 cafeteria stare at her.

    "We've got a service issue in node K3-017-143-090," dispatch continued smoothly. "They need you to check the distribution box."
    "I'm on my break," she grumbles, sipping her tea. She pauses, frowning. "Wait, did you say K3-017?!?"

    K3 was the zone, then next was the level. Usually the numbers she got were just below the surface, getting razvaluha the deeper it went, but if there was a zero in front, that meant..."

    "Dispatch, that's Upside!" she hisses. "Send one of your d...."
    "Igorina...!" warns the older woman in front of her sternly in a hushed voice, leaning forward.
    "....pretty boys!" Ig scowls, feeling her cheeks growing hot.

    Pretty boys were the bupkis techs who had right looks for topside - humans or elves, always clean in their spotless uniforms because they were never climbing into the crawlways. They had their servo-droids to do the work and vans full of spare parts - and if they didn't have one, another servo-droid would be rushed over with whatever they needed.

    Unless it was critical, they never sent her parts - mostly because she knew what was likely to go plotz and would schlep along her own cache of replacements she'd fixed herself, then fight with Supply to get a replacement, which was often another repaired part. Or she jury-rig something to work and still had to fight with Supply - sometimes up to when the jury-rig failed and itself needed to be fixed and getting written up for not replacing it with the right part!

    "Negative," the voice of her supervisor interrupts. "You were asked for personally."
    "What?!?" she demands, staring confusedly at her mother who shrugs. "What Upsider knows me?"
    "I'm not your social director," the supervisor snapped back. "Just get on it, right away. Priority one."

    The techs at the other tables were already muttering and giving her suspicious looks. She glared back at those closest while pulling out her tablet and keying in the node. "Okay, it'll take me...."
    "Report to the hub," the radio crackles. "You'll get an escort to the service location."
    "Escort? What, you mean they're giving me a service van?"
    "You don't have a license."
    "They drive themselves!"
    "You still need a license in case of failure," the Supervisor points out. "You'll have to take the tram."
    "You're meshuggeneh."

    "Igorina!" her mother scolds, shocked.
    "Someone is," her supervisor sighs in agreement. "Get that tuches of yours up here pronto."

    "Mom," Ig says slowly, confusion writ large on her face. "What's going on?"
    "I don't know dear," she replied, frowning as she looked her daughter over. "Do you have a clean uniform?"
    Last edited by Enigma; 06-06-2021 at 05:01 PM.
    Spoiler: ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ √Ăłł Єѵïł ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ 

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    Another quiet day.

    Well, as quiet as the undercity could be. There was some sort of sound, some rumble of machinery, some shouted conversation both kind and hostile, gunshots matched against barks of laughter and the singing of the people over the constant groan of the metal shell that the city rested and festered within. This was a place that never knew true silence, it too full of life and living (and dying) to know how to be quiet.

    She loved it all, in all its chaos. To her, this was home.

    Jane stepped out from the back of the kitchen, stretching her wrists slightly. The tap machine they had in the back acted up quite often, requiring some “persuasive” measures to get it functioning again. Most of the patrons that came to the Green Garble knew to pay no mind to any loud banging that came from the back-- in fact it would be stranger to not hear some sort of argument with the kitchen appliances during the night. She made a mental note to see how much they had in their budget for the month, and if she could call in someone with more than her rudimentary skills of “hit it” could take a look at it at some point.

    There was already a soft murmur of conversation in the dining area-- or soft in relation to the much bawdier crowds that came along later in the “night”. About a quarter of the tables were occupied currently, most small groups looking to get a quick bite and drink to take the edge off of the day. Jane gave a quick sweeping gaze of the occupants, and recognized most of them as regulars or workers. Most of them. Some gave her a quick friendly wave as she emerged from the back, which she returned with her own stoic nod.

    Pleasantries attended to, Jane returned to her usual post behind the bar, tracing her hand along the green laminated counter. Several things within the diner were also colored green, various odds and ends that both herself and several of the workers had accumulated over the years. It was something of a competition, to try and find things that matched the same rich green color the place was themed after that Jane knew to match the color of trees and others thought to be merely a quirk. She reached down below the counter, pulling out a glass (also tinted green) and turning her attention to one of the three taps at the counter.

    “Alright, let’s see if you’re going to be better behaved now…” Jane muttered, pointing the glass toward the tap in a challenging manner. She deftly flipped the cup in her hand, before setting it down with a decisive clink below the tap. In the same moment, she flicked the tap on. There was a momentary hiss, then a dark liquid began gurgle out. Jan grinned at it, waiting until it was pouring at a desirable consistency, then flicked it off.

    Satisfied, she looked back into the dining area, looking around again. As it was still early, she had only had one of her “helpers” in, outside of the kitchen staff. It was one of the kids she quite liked having around, as they were a hard worker and handled themselves well enough with the particular patrons that sometimes came in (although any that were rowdy enough got to deal with her). Today seemed to be a Reana day.

    ‘Reana’ was currently maneuvering a rather large tray of food and drinks to one of the table of regulars, who exclaimed cheerfully at the arrival of the food and drink. There looked to still be one of the Green Garble Staple pizzas left behind, which she knew was ordered by one of the others at the table, a rather jovial looking dwarf. Taking a sip of the (rather foamy) brew, Jane picked up the tray herself and began to make her (rather slow) way over to the table.

    “And a pizza for Chert Gassovon,” June said, setting down the food in front of the dwarf, who smacked his lips together audibly. June nodded subtly toward Reana, a half grin crossing her face, before she averted her eyes to behind the girl, and the reason she brought the pizza over herself.

    There was a stranger in her diner. And one that did not seem to be native to the undercity.

    The person wore what mostly seemed to be the usual drab clothing belonging to the undercity folk. They wore a baggy coat with a stained button up shirt beneath it, and jeans scuffed in several places. They had a hood over their head and wore sunglasses even though the lighting was rather dim-- not the most unusual thing for an undersider, as there were some that had eyes sensitive to even the faint and musty glow of the lights of the dining area. But, there was one thing out of place.

    It was always the shoes that gave them away. Uniform black and strangely clean.

    June narrowed her eyes slightly, before flitting her eyes back over to Reana. “Tap 3 should be working fine for the rest of the night. As long as these fools don’t drink us dry of our stock. Again.” This elicited another round of hearty chuckles from the group, a mixed bag of dwarves and humans. June smirked herself, before making her way back behind the bar. The smile didn’t last very long.

    It was a quiet day. She hoped it would remain that way.

    Thanks Nara and Karma for the wonderful Avatar and Signature set!

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    Wolf of the Highlands
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    Reana gave a small, thankful smile when the pizza was brought over before moving on to take care of some other customers. Looking over to follow Jane's shifted gaze, decided to leave the man to her.

    He want over to another table with another small group consisting of a Goblinoid worker, a half elf, and a coyote beastman who seemed to give a rather pleased look as he approached. He didn't look much older than himself.
    "So, what can I do ya for?" He asked as he took out a pad for the order, shifter their already androgynous voice a little to sound a little more feminine to fit with their outfit of the day. They probably didn't need to, but they thought it helped.

    "Rat soup with some brew," Grumbled the Goblin before the half elf who asked for a cheese burger and a sprite, and the beastman saying "I'll take a medium rare stake, some brew, and your number."

    'Reana' gave a small laugh at thought as they were thinking how fun it might be to finally go out. He could old off on telling the guy about being a cross dresser until he asked him out.
    "We'll see if you can afford it," he teased before walking off to get the soon to be finished order, and right down his number.

    Stark, the name given to my ancestor for a feat of bravery. It means Strength, or Strong.
    The motto give: fortiorum fortia facta (made stronger and braver)

    I say, let us all be fortiorum fortia facta.

    Spoiler: I'm an Ajin! 

    Spoiler: extra 

  5. #5
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    She hit the locker room first, showering and changing into her cleanest uniform before reporting upstairs - only to be handed a fresh uniform.

    "Maybe you should leave your tool belt," one of the receptionists says, looking her over as Ig comes out of the ladies' restroom.
    "That's my kit," the goblin frowns, shaking her head. "I don't go with it, I'm not going."
    "One more thing," her supervisor said, pulling out a pair of dark safety glasses. "You better take those, too."
    "How am I going to see anything in these?"
    "Wait until you get up there."

    The tram was bad - it was clear they didn't see a lot of goblins Upside, and if it wasn't for Kilo-3609, it might have turned ugly. The service droid was a humanoid Nester 4 model, painted in gray and kelly-green like it was also wearing coveralls.

    "How far," she whispers, glancing sideways without turning her head. People were upset, gesturing wildly as they used their comms.
    "It is the next stop," K-3609 said calmly.
    "I hope so," she mutters back, and sighs with relief as a chime sounded overhead. "Sunset Towers Complex, next stop."

    Shouldering her back, she slipped off the seat and walked to the door adjacent watching the station slide by until it stopped.

    "Please stand back from the doors," the automatic announcement said. Glancing sideways as the doors slid open, she could see people leaving from the other exit further down.
    "It's not like I farted," she muttered, stepping into the brilliant sunlight that had earlier stabbed her eyes until she had wrestled the safety glasses on.

    "Hey! You!" someone yells. Turning, she spots two transit cops striding angrily towards them.
    "Oy vey....!" she muttered as K-3609 stepped out beside her and waited.
    "IDs," the first one spat, towering over her.
    "Yes, officer," she manages sourly. Moving slowly, she reaches into her coveralls to pull out her new lanyard, with her id card suspended at the end. Before she could do anything, the cop grabbed her ID, hauling her off her feet.

    "Hey!" she yells. "Let me take it off first!"
    He drops her, letting her land on her butt, making her wheeze for air for a few moments as he knelt down to study her card.
    "Okay, you're from Komplex3, why are you up here?" he demanded.
    "Work... order," she manages, as K-3609 produces it, handing over to the other cop.

    "Looks good to me, John," he says, handing it back to the service droid. "Let her go."
    The first cop scowls, but stands up. "Okay, you heard the man, get on your way!"

    Metallic fingers grips her hand and hauls her on her feet. "Yes, Officers. Technician, come along."

    Stumbling, she follows the Nester unit down the platform towards the exits. "Thanks."
    "You are welcome."
    Spoiler: ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ √Ăłł Єѵïł ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ 

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    Once she returned behind the counter, Jane finished the rest of the test pour, feeling the burn of the dark ale race down her throat. It was a rather poor quality brew by her standards, but there was little that could be done about that in the undercity. It was strong, and only somewhat reminded her of what it would be like to take a shot of petrol.

    It was fine. Uppercity security details came through often enough, poorly disguised as they often were. It was every bit as likely that this shrouded stranger was simply here to sample the local cuisine, and was given her place as a recommendation. Or any of the other patrons could be people of interest-- one of the humans (Aurous Selene) happily devouring her burger had run a rather successful scam on some upsiders recently (this was their celebration meal). Or it could be--

    (She was stalling and she knew it.)

    Jane poured herself another drink, taking another generous sip. She’d wait another few moments, then give their little ‘stranger’ an example of danger.

    Reana seemed quite occupied with one of the other tables, working their usual charms. They were popular with customers no matter how they presented, which on a normal day caused Jane equal parts amusement and concern. How bold the young were, with a world of mistakes left to make. She made a quick mental profile of the coyote beastman (he was not a regular, but still someone she knew that frequented this area of the slums), who seemed to be the most forward of the group, noting down distinguishing physical features. If things did go sour with the two later, she would be able to find him and… remedy the situation. As appropriate. Jane took another sip of the brew. One thing at a time.

    Once again, she made a show of scanning the dining area, taking out the three glasses for Reana’s drink order as she did so with a flourish. A few of the patrons sitting at the bar continued to nurse their drinks. Aurous’s celebration party continued boisterously. Reana was walking back toward the bar. Her gaze passed over the stranger again.

    The stranger was now reading a newspaper (or pretending to). Even from across the room, she could make out the title of the newspaper-- the Fairven Enquirer. A paper containing mostly sensationalist “news” stories and gossip columns, and one quite popular in the uppercity. Whoever their honored guest was, they seemed to be quite the amateur. As she stared, she could see the top of the hooded stranger's head follow Reana.

    That settled it, then.

    Jane looked back at Reana, an amused grin twisting her face, “You’re going to write yourself a schedule for all the dates you’ve been asked on recently.” She chuckled softly, before gesturing toward the three glasses with a jerk of her head. “Sorry I didn’t get around to filling those up. I need to sweep the floor up front.”

    At her last sentence, the patrons at the bar turned their attention away from their drinks with a jerk. They all had been going to the Green Garble long enough that Jan did not ever “sweep up front” and knew it usually meant something interesting was about to happen. Reana would recognize the code for Jane getting rid of an unwelcome guest, either by ‘asking’ or ‘telling’-- both often involved someone getting punched.

    Jane stepped out from behind the counter (again), making her (slow) progress toward the front of the dining room. Seems like the day was about to get much less quiet.

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    "Oh, stop. I've only been asked on 3," he said in the same playful banter and shrugged when the lack of filled cups came up, and the reason why. It was business.
    they went to start filling the drinks, keeping an eye up front as Jane went to do her work. There might be need for some distractions if things got rough, but it was always interesting to watch.

    If anything, Jane might be right. They might actually need to keep track of these dates, taking note of who and when so they don't forget. But this third date wasn't even official yet. They'd just been asked for a number. They might talk for a bit before doing anything. And they'd need to tell them that they're a crossdresser, either before or after being asked out. They already did with the others, and only the sweet half-elf from a few days ago bothered to ask what gender they were. She was bi, but very nice, and he may like actually staying with her for a bit, though they might not get serious at all. If anything, they could get into girl talk.

    Continuing to look sideways, anyone who didn't look in the first place, had their eyes glued to Jane by now as they noticed the others watching what would soon unfold, or being told by their friends that something awesome was about to happen. Some regulars appeared to be bracing themselves, and getting ready to move out of the way if the fight moved too much in their direction.
    Stark, the name given to my ancestor for a feat of bravery. It means Strength, or Strong.
    The motto give: fortiorum fortia facta (made stronger and braver)

    I say, let us all be fortiorum fortia facta.

    Spoiler: I'm an Ajin! 

    Spoiler: extra 

  8. #8
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    She had never met a building that had its own door man. Bouncer, yes, but not a man whose sole job was to open a door for people. Hadn't Upsiders heard of automation? But then maybe that was the point.

    Not that they were allowed through the front door. The Service Droid lead her to the Services Entrance, where once more a skeptical human reviewed her work order the droid carried, and actually summoned an elf who looked to be in charge!

    The elf, at least, was courteous, barely glancing at the papers and handing it back to her, not the droid, and escorted her to the service elevator himself.

    The distribution panel was not hard to find in the 07 service level mezzanine - nor was the problem.

    "Someone unscrewed one of the cables," Ig said, disbelievingly.
    "Level 025 apartment 1," the droid stated for the record. "The procedure is..."
    "Oy!" the goblin interrupted, leaning in to insert the cable back in its spot and to tighten the security collar. "I know what to do! Someone deliberately pulled this cable!"
    "Unauthorized tampering with Komplex equipment is a misdemeanor."
    "Unauthorized tampering?" she snorted. "Somebody's playing games, is what! And I'd like to know who?"

    025 level was the penthouse, so much bloody sunlight it was ridiculous. Despite the darkened safety glasses, she was almost blinded when the service elevator opened. There was the service entrance, a nice wide door for deliveries just opposite, but she walked past it to the main entrance and knocked on the actual wood surface.

    The door opened immediately by a tall blonde-haired man with blue eyes - and a total lack of surprise on his face. "Technician, good afternoon."
    "Good afternoon," she frowned, fighting to keep herself from scowling. "We're here to check on your service."

    She practically bit off each word.

    "Service is restored," he replies, a faint smirk on his face.
    "Please sign here," the service droid said, producing a pad and pen.

    "So, what's the big idea?" Ig demanded as he signed the form.
    "I'm afraid I have no idea of what you mean," the man said, straightening with his right eyebrow arched.
    "The cable for this apartment was disconnected. You know anything about that?"
    "Unauthorized tampering? That just won't do. Thank you for your quick service, have a good day."

    She knew he was toying with her, but she turned her back to him and started back to the service elevator.

    "Oh, and Igorina," he added with a smile, "It's great to see you again."

    The door had already clicked shut before she could spin around.

    "Who the bloody... heck is that guy?" she demanded, glaring at the service droid, which glanced at her impassively.
    "We should return to the hub," it announced as they entered the waiting elevator. "A service van is waiting for pickup."

    More games.

    "I need a drink. A proper downsider drink," she added. "Think the van would drop us off at the Green Garble?"
    "That is not within the service van's approved service area."
    "Yeah, I didn't think so."
    Spoiler: ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ √Ăłł Єѵïł ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ 

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    “Awfully dreary weather we’re having today, don’t you think?” Jane asked as she fussed with a nearby blind. The muted orange of the nearby sodium lights filtered through the window as they did at nearly all hours.

    “Pardon?” The stranger said-- voice definitely feminine-- before adding, “Oh yes, I suppose.” She seemed quite determined to keep paying attention to the paper-- although it was likely quite hard to read with the shades on.

    Jane looked the paper herself, eyes catching one of the usual back cover staples, and then grinning. Anyone who knew her well knew there was trouble to follow that particular smile, but a stranger would simply think it friendly. “Shame it’s gonna rain again tomorrow.”

    This seemed to catch the woman off guard, and she pulled down a corner of the paper to peer at the half elf woman more closely. Jane would look quite harmless, clad quite casually for a bartender, green (of course) crew neck shirt covered with a black jacket and jeans. The stranger took a moment of consideration, before her shoulders slumped as she settled back into her chair. “Oh, yes, it’s been dreadful. I was rather hoping for some sun soon.”

    “Good thing you have some nice brew to pass the time.” Jane said, finishing her fiddling with the blinds, and the light from outside (and any view through the window) was snuffed out with a neat snick of the blinds shuttering. The stranger had ordered a drink-- the house brew, which remained untouched.

    “It really is quite a delightful drink.” The woman said absentmindedly, returning the corner of the paper to cover her face. There was a beat of silence, and the woman’s shoulder slowly grew more tense, and Jane could see her hands begin to grip the sides of the paper more tightly. She likely noticed that they had an audience now.

    Jane leaned one hand on the strangers table, still grinning widely, her tone dangerously sweet. “Enjoying your time down here, then?”

    “It really isn’t that g...” The stranger focused back on Jane, the paper drooping down to completely reveal the uncovered parts of her face. Tan skin and a hint of blonde hair could be seen below the hood, and she swallowed visibly.

    Jane sighed, shaking her head. She sat down in the chair opposite of the stranger, settling her weight forward, pulling the paper down the rest of the way to the table with all the smugness of a cat cornering a mouse. “How about we end this little charade and you get the fuck out of my diner,” her voice was low, so only someone listening intently could hear, which was naturally the entire diner. She wouldn’t be surprised if the cooks had come out for the show. “And-- ah-- don’t you try and reach for the NT at your waist.” She added with a whisper.

    The NT was short for Neutralizer (standard issue), the common weapon for Peacekeepers. It was designed to be a non lethal way to deal with a perpetrator, sending out a low level electric beam that would cause instant numbness at any limb it was fired at, or momentary confusion if fired at the head. There had been several cases of damage that lasted more than the alleged 24-48 hours, usually when the NT were used excessively (which was in most cases).

    The Stranger, who most certainly had been reaching toward her side, paused. Jane was close enough now that she could see the other woman’s eyes beneath the shades, darting around to the rest of the patrons in the diner, likely hedging her bets. She looked back at Jane, raising her hands slightly. “W-What do you mean--”

    “That was me asking nicely,” Jane said, drumming her fingers on the table impatiently, “You want to keep playing this game, Pissguard?”

    “How--” The favorite insult for the stogie “government issued” law officers always worked its charm. If it didn’t immediately ‘piss’ them off, it always led to some leak in their stoic facade.

    “Piss has a pretty strong smell. And we don’t talk about the weather down here.” Jane said nonchalantly, and the Aurous celebration table burst out into a round of guffaws.

    This seemed to be enough for the stranger Peacekeeper, who went to stand up rapidly, slamming her hands on the table and likely draw her weapon after, but she never made it that far. At the same time the peacekeeper went to slam her hands onto the table, Jane kicked her (prosthetic) leg forward into the leg of the chair the other woman was sitting on, causing the chair both scoot back several inches, and the leg to break. The combination of both of these things was enough to cause the Peacekeepers hands to miss the table and--


    There was a rather satisfying clunk as the woman, overbalanced, smacked her head onto the edge of the table instead, sunglasses flying off, before falling back onto the chair trying to rebalance herself, but the broken leg cause it to also topple over, and the woman to sprawl down onto the floor on her back, a mess of now revealed weapons belt and overly baggy disguise clothes and human body.

    Jane stood up, hobbling over to loom over the slightly conscious Peacekeeper. “It seems you caused one of my chairs to break. You really ought to be more careful; things here are quite dangerous to the unaware.” She nudged the body slightly with her foot.


    Jane froze.

    There was the sound of static.

    Sound was only the easiest way to describe it. It was a sensation that danced around the edges of each sense, teasing out moments of prickling tastes and crackling sights and blurred sounds. The faint hiss that came up when Zeran were near. She mostly ignored it, as it was almost always present being around Rovin and a few of the others that worked at the Green Garble. This was more intense and focused and sure enough, the sensation of words, like garbled speech heard through radio with poor signal, repeating over and over bind, bind, bind.

    Jane quickly removed her foot, taking a few steps away. Cheers erupted behind her-- she had only been caught off guard for a moment from the involuntary information relay. It seemed there was more to this Peacekeeper than her being terrible at recon.

    “Drinks on me!” Aurous Selene called, and there were more boisterous cheers.

    Jane moved back over to the table, looking back at the drink the Peacekeeper had neglected to enjoy. Some of it sloshed onto the table. What a shame to waste a drink. She picked it up herself, taking a single (large) sip and relishing in the reality of its burn, before turning back to the still rather groggy Peacekeeper and splashing the rest of the contents of the glass into the woman’s face.

    This seemed to wake up the Peacekeeper enough, who tried fumbling for her NT before Jane kneeled down beside her. “Shame you were caught drinking on the job, officer. You took quite the nasty tumble there. Better get out of here to clean up before people start to talk.”

    This seemed to wake the Peacekeeper up the rest of the way, and she shot a nasty look around the room, and even more withering stare directly at Jane before making a rather uneven gaited egress out of the green front doors of the diner.

    Jane remained kneeling down, shaking her head. All in a day's work.

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    Reana let out a sigh and went out to deliver the drinks before going to stand with Jane for a second.
    "I can never quite figure out what all this is about," he said, still trying to sound a little more feminine, "Why are they here so much? and why not learn what they want first before kicking them out? Just don't want to lose customers?"

    She went back to the kitchen to wait for the rest of that order for the guys sitting at the one table.
    Loading up the tray, she went back over to that cool beastman.
    "And here's your food," he said as he set down the plates.

    "Is it like this all the time?" The beastman asked.
    "Oh, This happens at least once a week," The goblin said, "I kinda enjoy seeing anyone having it handed to them, those 'keepers most of all." He chuckled.
    "I think I see why you come here," The beastman said.
    "Dude, you should be careful with that one," The half-elf finally spoke up, "They say she's a cross dresser, and be seen around dressed like a dude. But no one's really sure what she is."
    The beastman seemed to have some trouble with this.

    Reana sighed a she managed to pick up a little bit of that conversation with their lovely ears. There goes the big reveal.
    She continued to work.
    Last edited by Highland Sniper; 06-10-2021 at 10:45 PM.
    Stark, the name given to my ancestor for a feat of bravery. It means Strength, or Strong.
    The motto give: fortiorum fortia facta (made stronger and braver)

    I say, let us all be fortiorum fortia facta.

    Spoiler: I'm an Ajin! 

    Spoiler: extra 

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