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Thread: SCAR: The Rise of Yog Sothoth (NC-17) (H)

  1. #1
    1Cor 13:1-8

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    Default SCAR: The Rise of Yog Sothoth (NC-17) (H)

    Claire sat at the desk and stared at the computer screen. The file she was reading was security clearance three, and gave the details of a new mission. Claire had not been on a mission in quite a while. She couldn’t help remembering how the last one she was on went. She lost so much on that mission. Everyone she went in with was gone. People she grew to care about.

    Some were harder to deal with than others. Claire’s brother Andrew had been killed in the facility. She hadn’t seen him in a long time before that mission. Claire always thought that he had died and became so overjoyed at seeing him, it caused her to lose control of herself. The intensity of the emotions had hurt her dearly; something that happened far less frequently since the discovery of a drug to help her control her ability. Claire would have been able to find some comfort in the fact that Andrew’s spirit had managed to escape from the facility with her, if his mind had not fractured from the experience.

    There was also Bear. There was a time when Claire envisioned some kind of future with him. When her brother died, he helped her the most. Bear had made her stronger and helped Claire to learn to control her own emotions. Even though they didn’t know each other long, Claire knew that after the mission they would have time to get to know each other better. Claire was feeling a different kind of happiness, a happiness that was replaced by sorrow when Bear was killed. If Claire closed her eyes she could still see him being torn apart by the demon in the facility. Bear’s arms had been torn off and the foul creature ripped his chest open, crushing Bear’s heart with his hand. There were times when Claire could still feel the blood spraying into her face as Bear died.

    Now SCAR wanted Claire to go on another mission. Claire took some time to read the files on the operatives that would be accompanying her. All of them had just graduated the program, and all were unique. The one that caught Claire’s attention first was named Daniel Crandall. His file was classified level two and the only information she could get on him was that he worked for division four. Claire had un uneasy feeling about this. Not only was it highly irregular for her to be unable to access the files on SCAR operatives, it was even more irregular that a division four representative would go on a mission with a high possibility of combat.

    Claire continued to look through the files of the other operatives. There were two more that had irregularities she couldn’t explain. The files on Seamus O’Connor and Malcolm Maverick had attachments that required a level one security clearance to open. Claire felt a little uneasy about this. She didn’t like having information about the men under command being kept secret. Especially when it was standard procedure for mission commanders to have open access to operative files, especially when there was a mission involved. Claire thought of taking this to her superiors, but knew that it would do no good. They would just tell her to follow orders and leave it at that.

    Claire clicked on her own file but found she was unable to open it. It bothered that there were things in her own file she wasn’t allowed to see. Claire met with the same security clearance when she tried to access Andrew’s file. She decided that she was going to have to have a talk with this Daniel and find out what the hell was going on.

    Claire walked over to a cupboard and removed a large black duffel bag. In it she placed her armour and weapons. She took a long black coat out of the cupboard and put it on. She then placed her sais into her belt, using the coat to conceal them. Claire returned to the computer and scrolled down to the bottom of the page. She exhaled and clicked transfer. This sent the mission to the briefing room. Once she was there, she would initiate the mission and brief the operatives. Claire picked up the duffel bag, and putting the med kit into her pocket, headed out the door.

    She arrived at the briefing room a few minutes later. It was a large room with a large round table in the center. Chairs ran around the table, and one of them had a computer terminal, with a small microphone in front of it. Claire walked to the terminal and, placing her bag on the floor, she sat down and activated the computer. The screen flickered to life and the wall behind her opened to reveal a large television screen. The mission file was already on the screen with the word “EXECUTE” flashing on the center of the screen. Claire clicked the word and red lights flashed around the base. Leaning over she spoke into the microphone.

    “May I have your attention please? The following operatives are ordered to make their way to the briefing room immediately. Daniel Crandall, Seamus O’Connor, Malcolm Maverick, Ethan Blake, Andrew Hannon and Criag Bhed. Operatives are to report in civilian clothes with gear prepped for travel. That is all.”

    Claire sat in the chair. She would have to take a moment to prepare herself for the emotions they would be feeling when they arrived in the room. Normally when meeting new people she would close herself off to emotion. But this was different. Claire wanted to know their state of mind as it was affected by what they were feeling. She untied her hair, and allowed it to fall over her face, covering her eyes. Claire’s eyes turned black as she allowed herself to feel everything around her and she waited for the operatives to arrive.
    Last edited by John; 01-07-2010 at 09:54 PM.

  2. #2
    Under The Schnee Rhomeo's Avatar
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    It's all fun and games until your life gets turned over, turned into hell and all is changed in your head. Scowling I tapped my fingers on the desk that I was sitting at, staring off at the wall. Of course I knew I'd almost killed my squad, well, I HAD killed my squad.

    There were in the end only two survivors, even though they were the most important people to me... I felt beyond guilty for killing those people that had families and knew what it was to breathe, love and hate. Hitting my knuckles upon the metal of the desk I sighed lightly and stood up.

    Just in time to hear an announcement:

    “May I have your attention please? The following operatives are ordered to make their way to the briefing room immediately. Daniel Crandall, Seamus O’Connor, Malcolm Maverick, Ethan Blake, Andrew Hannon and Craig Bhed. Operatives are to report in civilian clothes with gear prepped for travel. That is all.”

    Hitting my hand against the wall I turned and strolled over to my footlocker. Quickly popping it open, I rummaged through my multiple supplies and other tidbits. Scratching my chin I quickly took off my current clothes and put on a pair of jeans and a clean white shirt.

    Directly after that I pulled out a large travel bag from underneath my bed, I placed it next to the container. Quickly filling it up with my current arsenal that I could carry around these days. I managed to fit it all in, including the ammo, armor and some personal things.

    Sighing lightly I closed the locker, leaving a few other things that were important to me. Shaking my head at myself I turned and walked towards the door, opening it quickly I moved through and slammed it. With a deep scowl I strolled down the hallway, moving through it I turned right and continued along the metal halls.

    At a quick pace I made it to the Briefing Room within minutes, taking a quick breath I pushed the door open. Sitting in the chair, in front of a computer terminal, was my Sister. Giving her a brief smile I sat down in a chair next to her, I leaned back slightly.

    "Well, sis, looks like we're being sent on another hair-brained hell mission hey? I think I can carry around two rifles these days, I shit you not," I muttered to her. Laughing at myself I leaned back a bit more, sighing lightly I decided to follow claire's example and wait.
    Last edited by Rhomeo; 11-10-2009 at 04:38 AM.

  3. #3
    A Storm Is Coming
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    "PATER NOSTER, qui es in caelis, sanctificetur nomen tuum. Adveniat regnum tuum. Fiat voluntas tua, sicut in caelo et in terra. Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie, et dimitte nobis debita nostra sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris. Et ne nos inducas in tentationem, sed libera nos a malo. Amen."

    Malcolm finished his incantation of The Lord's Prayer while kneeling at the foot of his bed, his silver Holy Charm necklace laced through his fingers. The Chaplain cooly shifted his gaze towards the speakers in his room, hearing his name included in the summons. Tracing a cross on his chest before rising from his knees, Malcolm quickly clothed himself in his usual attire: Jeans, black combat boots, his grey 'Marines' T-shirt, and a leather jacket. The Chaplain packed the rest of his gear and armor into a large canvas duffle bag that was standard issue to corpsmen.

    Walking through the labyrinth of hallways that made up the SCAR headquarters, Malcolm finally found the room he was summoned to. Opening the door, the marine walked through. The lights on the ceiling cast a stunted shadow on the table, but one could clearly make out the silhouette of massive angel wings. The Chaplain had gotten used to that first abnormality of his second chance.

    "Operative Malcolm Maverick, reporting for duty, sir." Malcolm said in a cool, firm voice as he saluted in a very soldierly fashion. He stayed like that until he was told to be at ease and he still would not sit until given permission.

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    1Cor 13:1-8

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    Claire looked at Malcolm as he stood at attention. She had read his file and knew of his military background. Still, it was something that she wasn’t used to seeing within SCAR, and it did throw her off a little. She shot a smile at Andrew, and reached out with her feelings.

    At first she felt nothing from Malcolm. Claire assumed that it must have something to do with his unique history. She probed a little deeper and shuddered at the force which was pushing back against her. There was something within Malcolm that was trying to keep Claire out. Something powerful. She immediately stopped trying for fear of being overwhelmed by the forces protecting Malcolm. Claire tilted her head slightly, careful to keep the hair in her eyes and spoke.

    “Uh Malcolm? I’ve read your file and know that you are used to a more disciplined environment,” Claire began. “ But now that you have completed The Program, things are a little more relaxed. So please have a seat.” Claire motioned to one of the chairs before continuing. “And by the way, you may call me Claire, and this, is Andrew, my brother.” Claire exhaled and wanted to kick herself. She could feel a small bit of hair blow away form her face slightly. Claire brought her hand up and fixed her hair, hoping Malcolm didn’t see her eyes. Even if he had, it was possible that he wouldn’t have been able to make anything out anyway.

    “If there is anything you would like ask before the others arrive, feel free to do so.” Claire smiled at Malcolm and continued to wait for the rest of the operatives to arrive.

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    Once he was told to sit, Malcolm did as he was told. He sat in his chair straight backed and disciplined. His brow was stuck in a constant frown, as it always was. His face was always penisve since his trip to Hell and back.

    "Sorry, ma'am.... Claire. Some habbits never die out. You'll have to forgive my straight-backed, tight assed self." He said without a smile. The Chaplain ran a hand through his short black hair, his icy blue eyes bright with thought.

    "I want to know mission details. I am no stranger to Classified information and paygrade limitations, but I want to know what we are fighting, at the very least." Maverick's voice was cold and calculating as his gaze. He had been goal oriented ever since he came back, concentrating on the purpose he had be resurrected for.

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    Ethan sat in his room, casually dressed as he always liked to be, and with a large cigar in his mouth. He was dressed in mostly black, which was a rare thing for him. Black jeans, a completely black T-Shirt, and black boots. Looking over his attire, he grunted; he never liked it when people wore all of one color.

    "The following operatives... Briefing... Ethan Blake...Operatives are to report in civilian clothes with gear prepped for travel. That is all." Ethan let out an unnecessarily long sigh when he heard the words over the intercom. He got up, and reached for a duffle bag under his bed.

    Pulling it out, and throwing it on the bed, he unzipped it and packed it with his armor and his heavy gun. He always kept the sword at hand, but he figured he'd just have to pack it later.

    He made his way out his personal room, and down the hallway until reaching the Briefing Room. He opened it, and saw a small group of people inside. At least he wasn't the last one there.

    "I'm Operative Ethan Blake." Ethan said in a very brief way, "Sorry, uh, I'm kind of new at this."

    He studied the three people in the room, and two of them seemed recognizable, but Ethan just couldn't put his finger on it. He shook it off, and approached a nearby chair and sat down.
    Mother forgive me.

  7. #7
    1Cor 13:1-8

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    Claire was about to answer Malcolm’s question when Ethan walked in, introduced himself, and sat down. Claire got the distinct feeling of déjà vu. She didn’t make the connection when she read the file. The last mission was coming back to haunt her again.

    Claire had always felt that there was something wrong with that last mission. Too much of it just didn’t make sense. The events leading up to the mission were suspect at best. Claire always found it a little strange that they just happened to find her to join a mission led by her brother. And now she was being sent on another mission, this time with her brother and now this... Ethan. Not to mention the high security attachments on some of the files. Something else was going on here and Claire knew it.

    “As I was just about to tell Malcolm here,” Claire nodded towards Malcolm, “I will give all of the mission details as soon as the rest arrive. My name is Claire and if you have any questions feel free.” Claire opted to not try to read Ethan. The thought of it was all too creepy. She smiled at them and continued waiting for the others.

    She wasn’t concerned about Daniel. Because of his security clearance, he probably already knew the mission details. But Seamus and Craig would need to be briefed, and if they weren’t here soon, she would have to start the briefing without them.

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    The cryotank hissed as it opened. Craig stepped out near naked in the cryo-gown with the doctors standing in front of him. He used to be embarrassed about standing near starkers (naked) around a group of people he did not know, but Craig the cryo-check-ups have become almost routine by now, and he even got to know a few of them. They wanted to make sure he was not going to fall apart on them.

    "This will be your last one Mr. Bhed. Your life signs are all green, and have a nice day. Be prepared to comeback to us; because we may call upon you at any time. You got an anouncement over the base comm for a squad meeting. So, we took the liberty of packing you armor and essentials. Your gun is in the black briefcase, and your clothes are folded over the chair in the back. I'd hurry or you will miss the Sit-Rep."

    Craig let his eyes roll around in his head. This happened practicly everytime they took him in, so he was used to it. He went behind the provided curtain to put his clothes on as the doctors left. His Levi's jeans, white no sleeve undershirt, plad short sleeve shirt, and Wolverine boots and white socks were all where the doctor said they was, but one crucial thing was missing.

    "Damn it, they keep forgetting my hat. Oh well, I'll get it later."

    Craig strapped on his pack with is equipment inside, grabbed his briefcase, and used his Speed power to get to the briefing area within minutes. His extremities were a little red from the cold friction of fast movement, but everyting else was fine. He went ahead and stepped into the squad room to see a few people already there.

    "Knock, Knock. Name is Craig Bhed. Nice to meet ya'll. I hope I haven't missed anything. The doctors like to keep me pass time for some reason."

    Craig gave a little wave to the group, found a chair, and turned it around with the back facing forward before sitting down.

  9. #9
    1Cor 13:1-8

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    Claire watched as Craig sat down at the table. She immediately reached out with her feelings. Claire smiled at the feeling coming from Craig. She could feel a sense of loyalty coming from him and knew he would a good addition to the team. Claire only hoped that she had the skills necessary to keep him, and the rest of the team, alive.

    Claire was about to speak to him and give him some sort of welcome when she became distracted by a flashing folder on the computer screen. Claire moved the cursor over the folder and clicked. The folder opened an revealed the files for two more operatives. Quickly scanning through the files, Claire turned the microphone on.

    “Claude Reynolds and Patrick Gad, please report to the briefing room immediately. Please dress in civilian clothes and have your gear prepped for travel.” Claire turned off the microphone and smiled at Craig. “Welcome Craig. My name is Claire and I will be leading this mission. As I have already told the others, the briefing will begin as soon as everyone else arrives.”

    Claire looked over at Andrew. Claire was happy that he would be coming on the mission. She did, however, feel a certain amount of apprehension at the idea. She loved her brother dearly but was concerned because Andrew had not been the same since his death. Claire sighed and continued to wait.
    Last edited by John; 11-11-2009 at 07:25 PM.

  10. #10
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    Claude was laying on his bed, looking up at the fan in the middle of his room. He was thinking, like he usually did. He was wearing some black boots, gray jeans, and a black t-shirt. Claude's thoughts were interrupted when the speakers came on.

    “Claude Reynolds and Patrick Gad, please report to the briefing room immediately. Please dress in civilian clothes and have your gear prepped for travel.”

    Claude just sighed and stood up. He opened a small panel in the wall the next to him. Behind it there was a small, metallic keypad. Claude entered the code and a vault opened up above it, he proceeded to reach in and bring out his weapons. He grabbed his pistols, both the unmodified and the modified; his grenades, napalm and water; and his armor.

    He put them all on his bed and then he reached under it and brought out a duffel bag, he put in all his weapons and armor. Once he sorted through everything, he picked it up, and walked out of the room.

    Claude walked through the hallways of SCAR headquarters, not really paying attention to where he was going. He was always lost in his thoughts and right now his legs were on autopilot. He quickly reached he briefing room and opened up the door.

    He walked in and snapped back into reality. He looked around the room and saw that there were five people sitting down. He did a half salute at the person in front and sat down in the nearest empty chair. He was anxious to see what his first mission was, even though he didn't show it, he almost never did.

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