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Thread: Why Are You Here?

  1. #11
    The muffin this city deserves
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    Haha I guess no one want's to see my face. Oh well, I shall forever be the masked man!

  2. #12
    Member Daffu's Avatar
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    That's an interesting question to pose, actually *scratches head* I'm technically very, very new here, but I figure I'll respond too. Why not?

    I guess to explain why I'm here I'm going to have to go back in time. I sort of 'discovered' the internet when I was still in school, back around 2000 or so. At that time, I discovered, the wonderful, amazing thing that was... well, the fact the internet is pretty much a huge, immense library of information on anything you want. At the time, I had gotten myself hooked on a rather old anime called 'Slayers' and used the (slooooow, snail, crawling) internet of the time to read fanfiction, read informations and actually write fanfiction. Fanfiction lead me to actually finding a group of people that seemed to share my interests and they were the ones that introduced me to 'roleplay'. It wasn't the type of roleplay I seem to enjoy now, but everyone starts somewhere!

    The roleplay they introduced me to was mostly 'chat styled' rp, where we'd play the show characters as if we were writing fanfiction, in a way. It was extremely enjoyable regardless.

    Alas, at some point, I got the brilliant idea of creating and playing my own characters rather than characters from a show. That's where I came across my first rp forum. I developed my style there, but after a couple of years... I drifted away and out of the place. After a long time, during which I found roleplay partners in other ways (and played mostly on aim, etc), I decided that since I came from a roleplay forum, long ago, maybe I should go find a new one to play in, seeing as how it was so enjoyable back in the day.

    As such, I went to google, typed 'roleplay forum' and looked around the front page links. This forum site was one of the first handful of links, and out of the ones I looked at, the one that seemed the easiest to wiggle into. The layout was sort of how my old forum was built and it seemed to have a nice, steady influx of people, which meant a nice number of people to get to know. So... here I am. I basically just wanted a nice, easy going place where I could rp.

    "Happiness is like a butterfly which, when pursued,
    Is always beyond our grasp, but, if you will sit down quietly,
    May alight upon you."

  3. #13
    Anti-Hero's Avatar
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    When I get asked why I answer why not, when I am asked why not I answer because I know the answer already.
    I'm here for numerous reasons but I'll select a few just for sake of time.
    I love to roleplay, good, bad, literate or -kicks in face-
    Mind you I like drop kicks I have so much fun with the creation of worlds aswell as developing a created worl into its epic form.
    Plus in my belief you delve into a mind you can't see, and experience a player's mentallity over their personality. I am not social, but I people watch I learn I love to learn and frankly roleplaying, books, tv, video games are all a portal into someone else imagination thats like learning to the max.

    What is a King without his pride? If you're looking for answers come find them in my first RP since my return to RPA!~
    Lion Heart OOC
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    Got a discord? Hit me up via a PM we can do an info exchange!

  4. #14
    Knight of Ishtaria Awean8's Avatar
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    Hmmm......why am I here?

    I was simply bored one summer or another, and my friend's girlfriend messaged me to join her role-play which I did. It was an original story that had about seven people with fairly consistent posting but eventually the plot got stuck and it died. Everyone moved on, but for some reason I didn't for I found myself attached to the character that I had created. This in truth happens everytime I'm in a roleplay on RPA. I not only grow attached to my character but also those that my character interacts with. Its really weird. When I found RPA, by a simple Google search, I would also find myself attached to the stories I would craft, even though they would usually die after only a few posts. I don't why but I would come up with these elaborate plotlines that I hoped would just play out. I still do this. Of coarse, the people on here are a major plus too. There are some people that I could do without, but there are more people that I genuinely like socializing with.

    Although I hate admitting it, I live in a busy semi-suburban community called Keller, Texas. I've moved a lot in my lifetime, so I'm probably the farthest thing from "Texan". I'm in eleventh grade, about to go into my senior year, and I can usually be found just chilling, either joking around with friends or doing my own thang. I can play guitar and sing,(at the same time), and I even on rare occasions rap. My favorite types of music are folky-acoustic-indie and poetic-real-rap. I'm into Dnd among other table-top games such as Pathfinder, and in fact I'm writing my own homebrewed book set in a world of my own creation. I actually have an Rp on here, based on it. It's called Bastards!

    Although I might come off as nonchalant at times, I've been told that I'm very idealistic, always dreaming of a perfect world. When asked about my political affiliations I say, "Anarcho-Primitivist" and yes, I know what this means. I'm also weird about my religion. I was born Catholic, but I look up to the Deists from the 1700's and I follow some of the philosophies of Buddhism. I'm a vegetarian, AND a pacifist, so if you tried to pick a fight with me I'd probably just let you hit me until you decide to stop. I'm known through out my entire school as extremely eccentric, but at the same time charming and rather lovable. Hmmm.....thats just about it for now.....Oh! I'm also half Filipino/Caucasian so there's that.

  5. #15
    Wattz's Avatar
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    Lovely video! I don't have a webcam or anything of the sort to make one, but... I'm too camera shy anyways

    I'm here because this is the most open, communal RP site I've ever had the pleasure of signing up for. Before RPA, I'd stopped roleplaying for a long time because every time I went to a place with roleplaying it was either hyper conceited, boring, or just unable to accept newcomers. Out of boredom and curiosity, I google searched for a roleplaying site and landed here. Quite honestly, I'm still shocked at how much fun this site is and how amazing the people are. I've never seen such world awesome in one place.

    Free Editing

    Spoiler: The show must go on. 

  6. #16
    Member ChelseySmile's Avatar
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    It claims I've signed up last summer, almost a year ago, however I only ever posted one thread. I'm not very active here, but I liked the layout of the forum, and the members who seemed friendly, mature, and intelligent enough.

    I used to roleplay on a site that became very comfortable to me in my youth known as, however after joining up with the Social Networking site, it became flooded with new people and a lot of the veterans left. Recently the site has died down and become almost inactive, very few people roleplay like they once have and a lot of my closest friends have left.

    I've abandoned that sinking ship in search of a new forum to roleplay in and make new friends to adventure with. Hopefully this site will provide what I'm seeking and I will have enough time in the day to show my face around here and make it familiar.

  7. #17
    Member RoTTeN's Avatar
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    Simple google search after taking a stroll and realizing I'd like to RP.
    Last edited by RoTTeN; 05-22-2011 at 09:50 PM.
    "I now see why bored kings favored beheading both parties."

    Hold the U and keep the tune, Fatboy.

  8. #18
    Knight of Ishtaria Awean8's Avatar
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    so what ever happened to this thread? I sort of want to know more about the other members so BUMP!

  9. #19
    Pheasant's Avatar
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    You pose a very interesting idea. Why are we here? What are our origins? Sometimes it really does seem like everyone else is just a username we wait on to post, rather than a live human being that we do have the ability to communicate with regularly outside of all of our stories.

    I've always been a writer in one form or another. When I was young I always took part in young authors, and though I never got any awards for my early writings, it seems that out of all my friends who also participated, I'm the only one who actually kept with it through the years.

    Early on, it was REALLY hard for me to write a story, because I had all of these shards and idea fragments, but I didn't have any context to put them in. I could write a scene fine, but I never was able to actually begin a story myself, and work from there.

    That's when RP's came into my life, and I was hooked. My first RP experience was set in the Inuyasha universe when I was about twelve or thirteen. It consisted of a lot of one or two line posts, and my inexperience in the setting really pissed off a lot of my RP buddies at the time, who were much older. But as we went along, I started to improve, and join other RP's in the growing role play section of the site. I became a regular there, and the second top poster (The guy above me had posts in the hundred k range) starting a lot of my own stuff.

    Eventually the forum began to die off, and most of the originals that I had wrote with for a good three year period left or stopped showing up online.

    After that, I dabbled in one or two Harry Potter sites, before shutting down and not rp'ing with anyone for a solid year. Then I remembered how much I loved to write, and how much a part of me it was, and I got back online and just searched 'Roleplays'

    I found a top one hundred list, and by luck of the draw, I picked this one.

    It was the right choice, the community here has been amazing, Ive rolled with writers of all skill levels and styles in the short time that I have been here. I definitely plan on staying awhile.

  10. #20
    Member stevezilla's Avatar
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    Why I came, why I came...

    Ok, so on a forum site, I was searching around and took a look at the RP section, and I loved it, but there weren't even 10 RP's on the whole site. I was looking around again, after and a month of RPing, and found a thread saying 'anyone know any good RP sites?' so I googled it, and looked at about 3 sites, this one was the best from what I was looking at, and now I'm here!
    Sig made by Bia!

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