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Thread: A gifted romance ~~Taylor and Shades of Grey(M)

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    Default A gifted romance ~~Taylor and Shades of Grey(M)

    Taylor closes the art room door behind her hearing the click of the lock, her bag full of supplies and some projects shes bringing home on her shoulder she walks down the school halls. The halls are so empty and silent it is slightly eerie but she is used to it from working late in the studio most days. Taylor steps out of the preppy private school she has been attending since she was young. She takes a look back as she begins to walk away and thinks about all the things the people at her school stand for. She has never been happy with the ideals and morals that seem to be part of all the wealthier families in this city but her parents pay for her education so she can't help but go along with enough of it to keep them happy. Taylor takes a deep breath in of her city's air and smiles slightly, apart from all the bull shit that seems to come along with living here she is in love with this city. As she walks Taylor runs her fingers through her dark brown hair and takes it all in.

  2. #2
    The Ashen One
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    Link woke up at about three in the afternoon holding a roll of toilet paper in one hand and a plant in the other.
    Maybe is was time to get out more.
    Link dragged himself into the hotel bathroom and took a long shower. When he finished he got dress and stared at himself in the mirror. With a satisfied smile, Link locked up his hotel room and headed towards the elevator.

    The river was flowing way faster than it had the last time Link had seen it, or maybe he had just never stopped to look at it. The Hudson was moving along swiftly. Link was tempted to jump in but he figured he wouldn't get himself wet yet.
    He stared around at the giant buildings that made up his city. When he was little Link had always wanted to live atop one of the tallest buildings in New York City. Now, with his money supply shriveling he had one of the lowest hotel rooms.
    Link was wandering about when he saw a school girl. Link couldn't even remember the last time he had spoken to a girl so he ran to catch up to her. He stopped a few feet away from her and ran a pale white hand through his blonde hair. His grey eyes gazed at her hair from behind.
    Link ran up to her until his pace was the same as hers. "Hey there," he said, flashing his perfect grin. "Need an escort?"

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    Turning to face the voice which came from a guy who had just approached her Taylor gave him a perfect smile "I guess it wouldn't hurt" she said softly. She took in his grey eyes which looked like her own bright blue ones would on a cloudy day and his white blonde hair which perfectly contrasted her own dark brown. He was cute no doubt and although Taylor was unsure if she even wanted a boy at this point he could always turn out to be fun. "So what are you doing walking around here at this time?" she asked the boy softly. She could see something special about this guy but she couldn't quite figure it out.

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    The Ashen One
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    "Just trying to get some fresh air," Link smiled. His eyes stared down at her clothes. She had undoubtedly just come from school; she had that schoolgirl look to her.
    "How about yourself? Just walking home from a long day at school?"
    Link had been homeschooled all his life so he didn't know what real schools were like. From all the TV shows he had watched about them and all the games that contained schools made it sound like a living hell.
    Glancing at the girl, Link didn't think they could be that bad. "What's your name?" he asked with another grin.
    He never gave his name out first. Maybe it was because he always thought one of them would come to kill him if they ever knew his whereabouts.

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    "Yea I go to Dalton" she says softly, "I was just finishing up in the studio" she continues as she gestures to the bag on her shoulder. Taylor could see the guy glancing up and down her body as they walk side by side, perfectly in time. Immediately after responding with the name of her school she regrets it, she doesn't want to be labelled as a dalton kid or classified as the same as all the kids who do go to her school. She had made it clear to many people that there are places she would rather be and people she would rather spend her time with. "Taylor" she responds sweetly while still keeping her mind on ways in which she could prove she was not like them "what about yours?" she asks in a curious tone. It seemed to Taylor that she was always trying to prove herself even to people she didn't know, just because of the social class she was brought up in.

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    The Ashen One
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    "Dalton?" Link asked, feigning curiosity. "I hear it's a pretty good school."
    Actually, Link hadn't heard a thing about Dalton. He didn't care either and he really didn't want to get into it anyway. "I go by Linkon to those who wish to address me formally. Otherwise, I'm Link." His eyes peered at her face. Link was easily taller than the girl, he was pretty tall for a boy his age. Her eyes were so beautiful. They reminded him of a character in one of his Xbox games...
    This is why you have no social life, Link scolded his own thoughts.
    "Taylor," he said, trying the name on his tongue. "Anything you liked to be called for short?"

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    "yea its alright" she says very unenthusiastically despite the fact that it was arguably the best school in the city she didn't want to get into it. "I don't think I will be addressing you formally, so link it is" she says with a faint smile, "my friends call me Tay if you prefer that" she says. As they walk she keeps stealing glances at him, his looks are just so striking, the light skin, hair and insanely grey eyes. "So question for you Link, what brought you to come talk to me?" she asks with a cute smile, looking at him with her bright blue eyes.

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    The Ashen One
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    "I figured it was time to stop waking up with weapons in my hands," Link said jokingly. "Nothing dangerous, mind you, but in my sleep I guess I just grab the thing closest to me for protection." Link gave a soft laugh. "I also figured you needed someone to talk to. No young girl in their right mind would walk through this city alone."
    Link's eyes brushed the road they were walking on. It must have been recently paved.
    He saw a sign in the distance that read, "Littering Fine: $300." He didn't remember it there.
    How long was I hibernating?

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    "I am glad you decided now would be a good time for that, I'm not quite sure we would still be talking if you were carrying some sort of weapon with you" she said with a slight smirk. She looked at him innocently with her bright blue eyes "I always seem to be walking alone, especially home from school" she said softly. "It is not like many people would be worried if I didn't come home for a few days, that is as long as my parents weren't throwing some party I would need to make an appearance at", Taylor's face seemed to drop a little as she said this and her mind wandered onto the concept of her going missing and no one caring. Although it was quite true that her parents would not give a second thought to it and she prefers it that way, she still would like them to care for her in the slightest. Taylor snapped back out of her own little thought bubble and smiled a faint smile and Link "so what are your plans for the rest of this lovely day?" she asked sweetly as she looked up at the sky which was quite blue and then looked back down at him.

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    The Ashen One
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    Link looked down at Taylor with a sympathetic gaze. He wrapped his arm around her and gave her shoulder a little squeeze so she wouldn't feel so unwanted. He knew what it was like to not be wanted.
    Hell, he knew what it was like to have his parent try and put a knife through his chest.
    Link's face twisted in memory.
    "When are you going to do something with your life dammit!"
    "I don't need to do something with my life. I have all I could ever want."
    His father glared at him. "How long do you think I'm going to support your ass, Linkon? Stop living in Lala Land and go to school. Go get a job. You don't got anything by next week you're out of my house."
    Link stared at his father solemnly. He didn't have all he ever wanted thanks to his father. His father hadn't given him anything in life except half his body's make up. Link kept quiet, knowing his father would never understand him.
    Or would he?
    "Hey dad, watch this." Link used his magic to make a bouquet appear. His father stared at the roses, wide eyed.
    "My son's a freak." Grabbing a knife, he repeated, "My son is a fucking freak."

    Link snapped back into the present when he heard Taylor's voice. "So what are your plans for the rest of this lovely day?" she had asked.
    "Hopefully something involving you," Link replied, only half-present.

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