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Thread: <Grey> Neko Love <Alltoni> (IC, PG-13)

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    Default <Grey> Neko Love <Alltoni> (IC, PG-13)

    "Don't forget you're lunch." Lori King called holding out a brown paper bag. "Oh, right." Emily Knight slapped her hand against her forehead with a, "Dur" and turning around to grab the bag. "Thanks." She said and hurried off to her job.

    Emily Knight had been living on the streets sense she was 10 years old. Her mother left home when Emily was only 5 and her father died when she was 8. She went through two years of jumping from one foster home to another, and eventually got tired of it. So a few days after she turned 10 she ran away with her friend, Lori King, who had run away from foster homes before and knew the laws of the street.

    They started out just barely making it, then Lori got a job and they slowly got money to live off of. When Emily was old enough to get a job she jumped at the chance. They eventually gained enough money to rent a small apartment and eat every day while saving money for a real house.

    They went through the same routine every morning. Eating just enough to live off of and working until the day was over. They tried their hardest to save every penny they could while still living with food on their table and clothes on their back.

    "I'll see you later." Emily smiled at Lori and ran off to the Hottopic in the shopping center beside the beach. She loved her job, other than the weirdoes that came in and tried to hit on her. She got to see the beach all day every day. She couldn't work all day according to state laws but she still stayed around the beach until it got dark.

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    The Ashen One
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    Xzavier stared into the burning flames with eyes of interest. The fire cackled, making a mockery of his life. Xzavier reached out to touch the long, wavering arms but he knew better.
    Xzavier's head shot up when he heard a rustling. He frantically looked around to find something to put out his small fire. Using his shoe he squished the fire until it died.
    He took cover near a bush and looked out. "Who goes there?" came a voice not far away. "I can see you. Your hair is like a carrot."
    Dammit. Xzavier rose and stared at the man in front of him. When he saw a gleaming badge on his chest he broke into a run, not looking back.

    This wasn't the first time Xzavier had run from the cops. Ever since freshman year he'd been bending laws to fit his needs. He'd been locked up for minor charges countless time but he didn't care.
    It's not like his parents did.
    Wherever they were in this world.
    Xzavier couldn't care less about his parents. His father had abandoned his mother before he was even born. When his mother got remarried, Xzavier was only two years old. That marraige lasted for three years before his own mother died of a heart attack.
    It runs in the family, the doctor had told him, but even little Xzavier, five years old at the time, knew his mother dropped dead when he saw that woman with her husband. Maybe weak hearts did run in their family.
    But either way, that bastard killed his mother.
    Once Xzavier reached the age of 14 he just got tired of living with people he wasn't even related too.
    Xzavier had moved in with his girlfriend, not that that relationship had lasted long.

    Now Xzavier did as he pleased. He rented out a small place that isn't even big enough for an old lady. It was all he could afford.
    It was all his stolen money could afford.
    Xzavier wasn't stupid. Before he left his stepdad's house he grabbed all the money he could carry. It's not like his stepdad, Harry, would say anything.
    The man didn't want Xzavier. Turning him in would mean he'd be counted as a bad parent.

    Xzavier stopped to catch his breath and turned around to see how much of a lead he had gotten. He listened quietly but he didn't hear the fat old policeman at all.

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    The sun hadn't come up yet but that was how Emily and Lori started their day-saying hello to the sun. Emily loved getting up early and Lori had to because no matter how hard Emily tried she couldn't be quiet. But Lori didn't mind. She needed to get up early anyway to get started with her day.

    Emily took a deep breath and let it out with a smile. She loved life, she had so much to be thankful for. She had friends, shelter, food and many other necessities and joys. What more could a girl like her ask for?

    On her walk to work she past a large woods between the apartment and the beach job. She always wondered what kind of animals or creatures lived there. On this walk she found out one of them.

    She walked just like everyday-with her head in the clouds-when she was jerked back to reality by being knocked to the ground with an oof. "Hey!" She yelled before she had her bearings. Once she could see straight she shouted, "Watch were you're going!" She realized quickly that she was shouting at a boy close to her age. "Were you trying to run me over?" She asked. She had a higher pitched, slightly squeaky, voice so when she yelled she sounded like a chew toy.

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    Xzavier nearly fell backwards but he caught himself. Some girl was yelling at him, and he didn't accept that. He turned to face the big girl with pathetic muscles compared to his but was surprised to see a very weak looking girl instead. She looked so fragile, like if Xzavier were to reach out and touch her she'd shatter.
    Xzavier shook his thoughts away and stared down at the girl. "Can I help you?" he said in a sarcastic tone, a voice he knew too well. He didn't speak to people much, and when he did it was usually to make some sort of enemy.
    Xzavier noticed the sun was shinig directly on him and he frowned. He hated the sun; it always made his eyes look too vulnerable.
    He hated his hideous eyes. A pale blue was meant for a girl, not a guy that believed he owned the world.
    Then again, the sun did make his hair look like the fire he loved to play with.

    Xzavier looked around him and realised he had left his gasoline tank back where the officer had found him. He also left his lighter, and before he swore under his breath he realised this girl in front of him could help him. "You're coming with me " he demanded and grabbed her hand. His fingers were fad too strong for the girl to even try to break free. Xzavier knew this and he smirked at his power.
    Steering clear of any clearings, Xzavier walked through trees and bushes until his fire sigt had come to view. "Hey girlie," he said to the girl that he had been dragging along. "See that lighter and tank over there? Go get it."
    Xzavier had abandoned his manners long ago. When no one loves you, you learn to treat the world as they did to you.

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    Emily rolled her eyes at the boy's sarcastic remark. "Whatever." She said and crossed her arms. The sun shown on him like a spotlight on a fugitive. She wondered if he had run away too. He had dirt in his flaming hair, and his eyes looked like pools of loneliness.

    When he jerked Emily up and drug her into the woods she had a million thoughts run through her head. Whats going on? Will I be able to make it to work? Is he going to kill me? I wonder what would happen if I screamed? When he stopped behind a tree she wasn't sure why at first but then she noticed a burnt down camp fire, a place where a boy, like the one standing right beside, her would live.

    "Why?!" She squeaked. "Why are you hiding?" She asked when she realized what he was doing. "Are you in some kind of trouble?" She kept pestering him, and crossed her arms. "I don't want to be late for work." She said and started to walk away.

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    The Ashen One
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    Xzavier ignored all of her questions until she started walking away. He ran after her and pinned her against a wall. "Have you noticed my muscles?" he asked her, his eyes narrowing. "Have you noticed how big I am, you little brat? What are you, four-six? Yeah, I reach five feet tall. Now go get the damn lighter and gasoline."
    Xzavier wasn't in the mood for someone like her. He heard a cop behind him and muttered another swear. He released the girl from his grasp and pointed towards all the charred grass. "I'll tell you after you get my shit."

    Xzavier stared down at his fingers, at all the first and second degree burns he had obtained over the years. When his eyes moved to his wrists he saw all the zigzags that lined his veins. The multiple scars of red were bolder than Xzavier's blue veins, but he didn't care.
    Xzavier's eyes dropped to his stomach. He had no weight on him and, despite what he led people to believe, his muscles were very small.
    All in all, Xzavier had a pathetic figure. He could lift about one-hundred pounds but that's about as high as he'd go. He looked depressed, which he was.

    Xzavier's eyes came back to the girl in front of him. "So are you going to go play fetch or do I have to keep you from work for a bit longer?"

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    Emily wasn't expecting to be slammed into a hard surface but that's just what happened. "Ow." She made it very clear to the boy that he was hurting her. "Yes, yes. You look stronger than me." She said with annoyance. "You are bigger than me but what would happen, I wonder, if I were to tell you I didn't want to go get you're crap?" She asked and tried to wiggle her way out of his grasp.

    She looked at the boy, then to the campsite and thought for a moment. I was once in his position. She realized. But he's being so rude! She took a deep breath and shook her head. "Fine!" She said. "But what's in it for me?" She figured sense he could play big and bad so could she.

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    Xzavier was about to hurt the girl even more when she finally agreed. "What's in it for you?" Xzavier repeated in a mocking tone. "How about I don't rape and kill you?"
    There was no way Xzavier would do something like that-not to this girl anyway-but she didn't have to know that.
    The police officer heard a voice and wandered into the forest. "Who goes there?" he called when his eyes brushed Xzavier's hair. He ran over to him and noticed the girl pinned to a tree. The officer immediately pulled his gun. "Let her go now."
    Xzavier played an indifferent look on his face although on the inside he didn't know what to do. He didn't mind the titles larcen or pyro or any of the minor charges.
    But Xzavier Vivé was no sex offender.

    Xzavier's grasp slowly released from the girl's wrists. "This is my girlfriend," he lied and turned to the girl for support. "Right, Claire?"
    His eyes looked like an empty ocean. Their expression was one of pleaing. I'll pay you back, the seemed to say. Please?

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    Emily's eyes widened a little when she heard the boy's reply. He wouldn't really. Would he? She didn't want to take a chance and find out. "Fair enough." She said, trying not to sound scared, like she felt.

    She was waiting for the boy to let her go so she could get his stuff when she heard a voice that made her freeze. Who is that? What did they hear? Will I be in trouble too? A million thoughts rang through her head. Then she turned to see a cop with a gun pulled on the boy. "Let her go." He commanded. Emily felt the boy's hand tense up.

    The boy let Emily go and told the officer that she was his girlfriend. Then he turned to her. "Right?" He asked. His eyes were pleading for her to agree. "Yeah, that's right." She nodded after her split-second decision. "I'm his girlfriend." She said, more nodding.

    She wondered what was going to happen after this. Would Emily get into trouble and have to have Lori bale her out or would she be free to go.

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    The Ashen One
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    Xzavier sighed with relief as the girl confirmed his lie. He turned to the officer and smiled raidiantly. "So we'd like our privacy, if you'd-"
    "I'd like you to stop starting fires you psychotic arsonist," the officer growled.
    "I don't know what you're talking about, Chief."
    The officer walked over to the clearing and lifted the lighter and gasoline tank. "I'm taking these. And if I find any other ones lying around you are coming downtown. You better clean your act up, Vivé, because we're tired of your-"
    "Yes sir, right away sir, no more fires sir." Xzavier saluted the officer.
    "You better stop mocking people too," the officer warned. "We're all watching you, Vivé."
    With that the officer walked away.

    Xzavier looked back to the girl. "Damn bastard," he muttered quietly. His eyes went back to the girl's, not sure what to say. "Thanks," he said, as if it pained him. "Nixon is a real dick. He's constantly nagging. I will kill that man before I drop off this earth, I swear."
    Xzavier looked down and kicked at the dirt. "I guess you can go now," he said slowly. "With my stuff being stolen. Don't tell anyone about this encounter."
    Xzavier looked back up into the girl's eyes. His eyes showed the years of loneliness he'd been living without Xzavier even knowing. Some of him wanted the girl to stay with him.

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