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Thread: An Outcast's Revenge - [M] [Grey & Pit] [IC]

  1. #21
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    Tala watched the stranger move back and forth as he spoke. She figured he liked to move around, or maybe he just had a ton of energy right now. He seemed to move around a lot the first time they met though, too. Oh well. It didn't really bother her. When he mentioned blacking out and missing the nice day she looked at him. "Yea, that was sort of strange.." She said with a raised brow, still weary of the whole ordeal that went down with that. But she cleared her head when he asked about herself. She didn't know what to say. She really wasn't interesting at all. She was the Alpha's daughter, that was pretty much her definition.

    "Oh, don't worry, it's fine." She said with a small laugh. "Well, my name is Tala. As you know, the Alphas are my parents. Umm." She said looking to the sky thinking a little bit. "I'm really not that interesting. I like normal things. I love the water, I love to be outside. There really isn't much to me." She said with a shrug and another small laugh.
    * may we meet again *

  2. #22
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    Kizasi's ears perked when Tala called his condition strange. "Strange isn't the word," he murmured, then smiled.
    He didn't feel like explaining himself again. Maybe Tala's father had already told her about his condition.
    Kizasi looked up at the sky as he heard a bird's call. He immediately got up and turned towards the forest until he remembered he wasn't home.
    "When a bird calls it usually means there's something wrong," he stated. "At least at home it did. Everything was always so quiet. When a bird made a noise it was never good."
    Kizasi circled and lay down again. "Don't get me wrong," he said. "My home wasn't too dangerous or anything."

    The wolf took in a deep breath before rolling onto his back. Was he getting too comfortable too fast?
    "A normal girl?" Kizasi said. "That's interesting, just that." He didn't know what a normal wolf liked since he had only ever known one other wolf. "I'm sure there's a lot about you that you maybe just can't recall. Everyone has a shrouded past. Sometimes it is full of regret, sometimes of happiness, perhaps determination." He kept his eyes on the treetops, waiting for something to emerge. After a moment, a bird flew out from the tree, it's shinning blue feathers ruffled.
    "You like nature," Kizasi said. "I haven't met a wolf who hasn't." Not that I've met many wolves, he added to himself. "But maybe you love it more than anyone else."
    He closed his eyes, using his other senses to watch Tala. "Do you like the pack you're in?" he asked. "Do you live being such a high rank?"
    Last edited by Ashen; 04-06-2012 at 10:34 PM.

  3. #23
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    Tala gave a small laugh when he said he wouldn't call his condition strange. It was a true statement. It was beyond strange. But, she listened to him speak about the birds. Huh. She knew that birds did call about danger, they always sent out a warning call to each other in case of danger. Tala sensed there was something more to that statement though. He had said he lived in the middle of no where with.. just his mother? She thought that's what she recalled.

    "What did the birds warn about?" She asked curiously when Kizasi took a pause from talking. Tala liked listening to him speak though. He always brought up something to talk about, and he always brought up some new kind of point. She nodded her head at what he said in agreement until he asked her a few questions. She scraped her left paw around in the dirt for a second before answering. "Well, yes I definitely like the pack I am in now. It's my home, and I feel like it always will be. My family is happy and safe here and I get to always be with them." She said then looked to the sky. She took in a deep breath and smiled.

    "The rank, well it's not that bad. It hasn't gotten bad yet at least. I'm in a bit of training, and I know it will be a great responsibility." She said looking at the ground. She raised her head to look at Kizasi. "But, I'm proud to be the next leader even though it will be hard work." She said with a head nod in satisfaction.

    (I might not be on within the next week very much. I have a french exchange student coming tomorrow and I will be very busy. I will post when I can, I hope that's ok. ( : )
    * may we meet again *

  4. #24
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    Kizasi was caught off guard when Tala asked what the birds called about. He thought back to those black birds. "Not much, the useless things," Kizasi muttered. "They did warn of a bear though, once, and they called when a person was walking amongst the forest. My strongest memory of their call would have to be the call that nearly split my ears, the one where they warned everyone in the forest that there was a hunter. It was a bad day for whoever lived in that forest."
    Kizasi smirked and rolled onto his stomach. "Except the wolves." He rested his head on his paws. "There was so much food after the hunter left. It was mostly birds, and a lot of the animals looked poisoned, but the ones my mum let me eat weren't that bad."

    Kizasi listened to Tala speak. He liked her accent, and the way she enthused about her pack. It was her home.
    Where was Kizasi's home?
    The wolf nodded slowly. "I've heard tales of wolves that didn't like their rank. It's a good thing you like yours. Perhaps, if your pack accepts me into their family, I can say the same thing about my rank."
    Slow it down, Kizasi, he warned himself.

    The wolf rose and walked in a circle before coming to look at Tala once more. "Training?" he repeated. "I can imagine. What kind of training?" Kizasi doubted it was the same kind of training his mother had forced him to do-No, Kizasi, snap the aorta and it'll have an instant death. I want him to suffer. Break his neck. No, Kizasi, you are too loud. Be quieter. You need to learn stealth. Now Kizasi, talk to me as if you were a con artist. No, not like that. Tell me how beautiful I am, how sharp.
    Kizasi shook his head, pushing all of his thoughts away. He wouldn't forget the rules his mother taught him.
    He would fufill her wish.

  5. #25
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    Tala looked to the sky. "They aren't useless. Everything and everyone has a certain purpose. Even the ants, or the fish in the river. Everything." She said. Tala was one who appreciated everything. Every little thing. To each blade of grass that grew out of the land she walked on. Tala nodded though at his story about the birds saving the wolves from the hunter. "You know, I've never seen man before. I've heard terrifying stories. But, I've never had the expirience." She said. She'd always had a slight fear of man. The things she had heard just made shivers go down her spine. Her parents had told her multiple stories, just to make her prepared.

    Tala nodded her head. "Maybe you will like it. I'm not sure what rank they would give you though." She explained. It wasn't her choice what so ever, so she didn't put much thought into it. Who knows if her parents would allow him to stay anyway. They might exile him if he makes one mistake. Tomorrow will probably give a good idea as to what will happen with Kizasi.

    "Oh, all different kinds of training." Tala said. "I'm finished with hunting. But, I need to know healing. I need to know every inch of the land. I need to know how to fight, how to deal with others. I need to be smart. My father shares all that he knows with me about leading a pack. He's a very smart wolf. I admire him greatly. He is a strong, great leader. I hope to fulfill his wishes of becoming a great Alpha." She said to Kizasi. She shrugged a little bit. "I just hope I can do it. It's a lot, especially alone." She said, referring to the fact that she did not yet have a mate. Her parents were pushing her to be with this one wolf. Rykar , who Tala had known as a pup. She just didn't feel it though. They were friends. Love couldn't be forced upon anyone.
    * may we meet again *

  6. #26
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    Kizasi's ears twitched at Tala's words. She was the kind of wolf that appreciated everything. Kizasi couldn't yet see how he'd use that to his advantage.
    He was surprised when she said she had never seen man, but that realized that wasn't surprising at all. Her pack would have her protected if man were to ever step foot near her, assuming they'd find her. The pack was far from where Kizasi had spotted the humans. That was a good thing, he supposed.
    No outside threat.

    "They are pretty scary looking," Kizasi said, although he didn't think so. They looked camoflagued, not that Kizasi could make out the colours they wore. The only part of their skin that showed was their faces, so dark they couldn't possibly be good. The machines they carried around looked much too heavy.
    "Thin though," Kizasi added. "If they would take off those tough skins you could tear through to their internal parts and kill them quick." The wolf looked up at Tala. "Not that you'd really want to," he said slowly, trying to redeem himself. If Tala liked nature and everything about it she wouldn't like the idea of killing people for no reason. "If they aren't endangering us, I suppose we could let them wander."

    As Tala went on about his rank, Kizasi had to wonder himself. If they let him into the pack, what would they have him do? Weren't there a bunch of different ranks-alpha, healer, sentinel, warrior. Was it the same in every pack? He tried to remember names for other pack members but he couldn't.
    Then he thought of his headaches.
    Convel wouldn't give him anything where if he blacked out it'd cost Kizasi his life. So what did that lead?
    The dark wolf looked away.
    Must be nice being handed an alpha position.

    Kizasi snapped out of his thoughts as he heard Tala's voice again. He caught on her single word.
    "Alone?" he repeated. "So they grew out of that arranged pairing thing? Surely you'll have a mate of sorts. Plus, the rest of the pack will help you."
    What Kizasi really wanted to say was, You'll never be alone. Not like me.
    "I'm sure it will all pay off one day though," he said, smiling. "Being able to look at the members of your pack and know they all look up to you and only you."

  7. #27
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    Tala got shivers sent down her spine as Kizasi spoke about the humans. They seemed so terrifying, unlike any creature she'd ever seen. She hadn't seen many creatures though. She was honestly lucky. This pack was in a fairly safe spot, but, it could only stay safe for so long.
    She swooshed her tail around her bottom to reach to her front paws as she just listened.

    Tala smirked slightly. "I guess they don't do the arranged pairings anymore. Well, not with me. The beta pair haven't had pups this year. I think, if they had, they would have chosen the biggest male for me to be with. I'm sort of glad I didn't just get paired with someone. It's not right. I'd never force my pups to be with someone they didn't want to be with." She said as she lifted her paw and drew in the dirt with her nail, just kinda being uneasy. She rested her paw down after a few seconds though.

    "You're right though. Them looking up to me, and only me, will be such a great thing." She looked up and just thought about it all. It really made her happy. She knew it would be hard though, but someone had to do it. She just hoped she never would loose that position in a fight or something.

    Tala's ears twitched and her head moved towards the direction of her parents den. Her mother, Fae, poked her head out of the den. "Well, hello." She said in a soft voice. She walked out of the den and up to her daughter, they both rubbed eachother. Fae turned to Kizasi next. "So, you're the newcomer I see?" She said. She hadn't actually seen him yet. "I'm looking forward to the pack meeting tomorrow, I'm sure Convel will make you speak, so I would be prepared." She said with a small laugh after. "Nothing to worry about. But, Tala, head off to bed soon, it's getting late and tomorrow will be eventful. Goodnight." She said, and headed back into the den to sleep herself.
    * may we meet again *

  8. #28
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    Kizasi wondered, for a brief moment, had he been born in a pack, would he have been paired with someone his parents had chosen for him. He wondered if he'd really mind that at all.
    "I do agree," Kizasi said with a smile. "A girl should be able to mate with whomever she wants."
    Kizasi listened to Tala talk about her future. He wondered if he'd have a bright future, or, a future at all. If he was to fulfill his mother's wish, Tala wouldn't have a future either.

    The wolf's head rose as he heard the soft footfalls of a female close by. He smelled her before he saw her. It was the alpha's mate. He bowed a little as she approached. "A pleasure to meet you," he said. Kizasi thought about giving his name but figured Convel had already done just that. He looked away and started to follow a bug with his eyes. When the alpha's mate mentioned Kizasi's speech, he smirked. "No pressure," he muttered. He had intentions of winging this thing anyway.
    As the two females started away Kizasi waited until they were out of sight before sighing and turning away. He started off away from the pack and promised himself it would only be for a little while.

    Kizasi did step into camp maybe an hour later. The moon was beginning to rise. Kizasi was hungry, but he didn't want to eat the pack's food. He needed to show everyone he didn't need much to live on.
    The male curled himself into a ball beside a free and started to count the stars. He lost count somewhere between 220 and 240 and tried a different position. As insomnia set in, Kizasi knew it was going to be a long night.

  9. #29
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    Tala squirmed inside her own little den. Her den was right off of her parents' den, because well, that's just how it worked. She had finally been given her own den as she was declared an adult. She really wasn't. She was still young, she was still able to be influenced. She was still innocent. Nothing had happened yet that would make her cold, make her have to stand on all fours without emotion and feeling. Thankfully, that didn't happen in most packs. Usually what caused that was death, or a great famon. But, again, that didn't happen often here.

    Her eyes flung open and she jumped slightly. She wasn't sure why, maybe she had been dreaming. She yawned and looked out of her den. The sun was not yet rising, so it wasn't time to get up. There were more hours in the night. She stood up to reposition herself, and a noise caught her ears. They twisted in all directions. It sounded like herself, a bit restless. Kizasi? Maybe? She walked to the edge of her den and peered out. Yep, it was him. He was hard to see on such a dark night like this though. But, she knew it was him. He was curled up by a tree, doing nothing it seemed.

    "Can't sleep?" She said, as within seconds she seemed to be right beside him. She spoke soft, not wanting to wake her parents. They wouldn't allow this right now. Night time was night time, except for the ones whose job it was to gaurd the pack at night. Or something like that.
    * may we meet again *

  10. #30
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    Kizasi jumped when he heard Tala's voice in the dead of night. How had he not heard her coming? She had distubed him just as he had fallen asleep-almost. Kizasi knew he wasn't going to sleep. That state he was in before Tala came-somewhere between drowsy and subconscious-was as close as he would get.
    He turned to Tala and tried to smile. He didn't want her to know she had scared him. "I suppose you cannot either," he said slowly. He looked back to the stars. "How many do you suppose there are?" he murmured. "There are so many celestial bodies out there, but I wonder just how many. There's a shooting star. My mum told me about those. If you wish on the moving star, your wish will come true." He followed the shooting star with his eyes. "What do you suppose I should wish for?"
    Kizasi shook his head. What was he doing?

    "So why can you not sleep?" he asked. "Nervous?"
    Scared that I'll join the pack?
    There was no way Tala could know of his intentions. He tried hard to keep his thoughts veiled. Still, there was always some form of doubt.
    The dark wolf looked Tala over. It was hard to see her in the darkness of the night, but he could make out all of her features. This close, he could make out those shining eyes of hers. Even in the night, they did look beautiful.
    Kizasi bit his tongue.
    How dare you think that.
    Last edited by Ashen; 05-13-2012 at 05:34 PM.

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