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Thread: Zoids: Cataclysm

  1. #11
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    “Huh,” Cyrus mumbled with mild surprise etching his tone. The Lightening Saix continued to trot quickly towards the source of the radar ping. “The source vanished…Saix head towards the last known location, would ya?” With a cat like growl the Zoid acknowledged the order. The speed increased as Cyrus looked out his window. It couldn’t have gone far…

    “Hey buddy,” Cyrus said pulling a keyboard out from the side console and rapidly tapping away upon the keys. “I think I have an idea,” Cyrus mumbled. “Let’s check to see if we can find any footprints of our little friend. Scan the terrain for depressions in the ground.”

    There was a brief moment before the Saix sent back a reading. “Hmm, could be in or out for all I know. But it’s a good source of direction. Keep wide of any rocks or forests; let’s stay in the open for now. I don’t want us to run right past it and let it get the jump on us. While we’re at it, let’s load a couple grenades into RPG launcher.”

    Another throaty growl was all Cyrus needed to hear to grin as he prepared to hunt down whoever this stealthy warrior was. With a final toggle being turned, the Lightening Saix target jammer turned on, creating a ghost image that was five meters off the hull of his Zoid.

    “Hey now,” Cyrus said to the open frequency. “Why don’t you come out and play?”

  2. #12
    Member Miss. Bear™'s Avatar
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    Valissnia replied to the message, "Sure I have a a game...its called Catch me if you can!" She said rather seriously while running up the mountain rocks. "I got it!" She yelled with vigor. "Elto load your mechanical gun." " Looks like this is going to be fun...elto turn off steath mode." "TURNING OFF STELTH MODE" Valissnia bit her bottem lip. "Lets make this eaisyer...i don't have all night."

    "Elto, EXSELERATE!"

    With a flash and a ping of light elto was off! Struting up the mountain with no problem and is now struting atop the trees at a rather fast pace while hoping between trees.
    Last edited by Miss. Bear™; 05-01-2012 at 02:50 PM.

  3. #13
    A Dandy Guy in Space
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    As soon as the liger ran by the Rev Raptor that was guarding the way that they came, it had been sliced in half by the Murasame blade. It continued to run a bit, then jumped against the side of the canyon, repelled off of the side to land on the other side enclosing them, and then made one last leap to land on the top of the canyon where most of the Rev Raptors were. As soon as the liger landed on the top, they began to shoot it.

    Cad and Rigon were unified together in one mind and one body. Together, they dodged the fire, firing their shock cannons in return. They missed, hitting the canyon wall behind the raptors.

    As soon as we are done, we need to recalibrate these weapons. Those should've hit, Rigon.

    Oh, well excuuuuse me.

    As they dodged the fire, the liger moved a bit to close to the edge, planting its paw on a spot of rotten rock and slipping. This allowed the raptors to glance the side of the liger, injuring it slightly.

    Damn! This isn't good, Rigon. Are they too much for us?

    No, we can take them. That was only a scratch. It maybe burn, but it does not handicap us.

    With that, the Murasame Liger charged straight at two other raptors, lowering its blade to stab one of them through the chest. The raptors charged as well, for they had curved blades on their backs. As they approached closer and closer, the liger roared loudly in an attempt to unnerve them. It didn't work, or at least it wasn't noticeable. Just as the raptors were about to cut the liger, it maneuvered.

    With their combined wit and agility, Cad and Rigon slid to the right and stabbed a raptor straight through the chest with their blade, which was on their left side. Continuing their run, they pounced on the other raptor, trapping it underneath their paws as the liger bit down on the raptor's head and ripped it off, throwing it away.

    Throwing the skewered zoid off of their blade, they were immediately hit by fire from the remaining raptors. The shots damaged their shields, forcing them to dodge the continuous rain of shells.

    I detect five remaining zoids Cad.

    Do you still think we can do thi-

    Wait, six! But that isn't a Rev Raptor! What is it?

    The liger looked up, and there on the canyon wall stood a Brastle Tiger. It didn't attack them, only standing there as if it was observing the battle.

    There isn't time for that, Rigon. If it isn't attacking us, then don't bother with it.

    With that, they pounced on another raptor, destroying it with the strike laser claw. In the process, they continued to fire using their shock cannons, hitting another 2 raptors but only damaging them. As they staggered, the liger lowered the blade and severed both of their heads. Only two remained, one of which they bombarded with their dual sword cannons. It was quickly destroyed.

    The last one stood in front of the liger, both of them standing on the canyon wall. It was the one that had spoke to him before, and Cad took the pilot inside to be the leader. It crouched, growling as it prepared to strike. Moving the blade to the top, the liger crouched as well. Then, they both pounced.

    Colliding in mid air, the raptor and the liger wrestled with each other. It was a vicious battle, for the raptor was able to slice open the side of the liger with its blades while the liger punctured the underbelly of the raptor with its tail.

    Finish this, Rigon! This battle can't last forever!

    This isn't only my job! We are both fighting this!

    After a long struggle, the liger was able to slam into the raptor's side, knocking it on its side. Placing a paw on the raptor's neck, they crushed it, severing the connection between the cockpit and the zoid core. They had defeated the Rev Raptors.

    Only then did they finally address the Brastle Tiger. Aiming their weapons at the zoid in case it tried anything, Cad shouted at the tiger from his place in the zoid core, using the intercom.

    "Pilot! Friend or Foe?"

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  4. #14
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    "I am your ally for today..." Vane responded, his tone already bored with the new comer. He appraised the Liger carefully, his eyes scanning it's visible weapons. It was an impressive display now doubt about it. The man in question handled himself well in the fight. As for whether or not the Liger pilot was a worthy opponent. He was good but the last worthy warrior he fought made the Liger pilot in question look like a complete green horn. Voicing his own thoughts to the Tiger Brastle he had to agree.

    "Not bad kid, There aren't many pilots here that could take on that many Rev Raptors. You certainly got balls." Vane smirked his tone lightening slightly. "Of course have you traveled the killing fields I've traveled, you'd be dropped with in stepping even an inch in the warzone. Not bad for a child. You can put down you weapons though, Unless your feeling lucky tonight. I however don't feel like taking on shrimp."

    Edging the Tiger Brastle forward and ignoring the Liger pilot, he looked over at the remnants of the Rev Raptors. He whistled at the damage the Liger made. "Still pretty clean hits you made here. Not bad at all. And those Raptors put up a damn good fight. Wish you could have saved some for me..."

    As if on cue, a warning signal came on to his Tiger Brastle.
    "Looks like there are some bandits still left. Stay back child. Let me show you how a real man slaughter!"

    Eight more Rev raptors were approaching quickly to their position. Vane's though: Perfect

    "Tiger Brastle.... Lets begin."

    Synchronization start...

    Vane felt it. His thoughts becoming one with Tiger's thoughts. Tiger's starvation for battle matching his own.
    "That's it... That's it closer..." Vane whispered. His heart was beating, as he moved tiger closer to the Revs, his speed picking up faster and faster. "That's it... mm that's it!"

    The closer Vane approached them the more the genozoid's blood boiled until finally when he got within ten feet of the Rev Raptors he let out a joyous cry: "HERE I AM! NOW FACE!"

    Three of the raptors were destroyed in an instant caught off guard by silver haired man. With a simple wide slash with a thermatic strike claw, they were minced in minutes. The remaining five opened fired. Such retaliation was useless though as the Tiger brastle closed the distance with three of the zoids in manner of seconds. With the use of the thermatic beam gun, he got three clean hits on the raptors legs causing them to be downed in moments. The blood starving soldier took the oppurtinity to swipe at the heads of the three raptors. As for the final two: Upon seeing their comrades fallen they made a greater effort to run for it.

    "Not while there is fun to be had!"

    A canon began to appear from the brastle tigers side.
    "Eat this!"

    Beams of light protruded from the canon, three shots were made. Two of those shots ripped on Rev Raptor apart. As for the third, The shot struck at the raptors legs.

    "Please I surrender, Don't... Don't kill me!"

    Vane approached the dying zoid a smirk on his lips. "Had you given me a good fight, I may have let you live as for as I'm concerned though, your not worth my time." The tigers brastle gripped on the rev raptors throat.


    The Tiger's head turned back over at the Liger

    "My name is Vane, and the battle field is my home."

  5. #15
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    As Cad was addressed by the newcomer, he exited his Liger's core in a ball of energy and landed next to it. The newcomer continued, and Cad's jaw dropped.

    A SHRIMP?!?! He thinks I'm a SHRIMP!?!?

    Cadmus, calm dow-

    I'm not a damn shrimp!! We just took down 8 REV RAPTORS. I would honestly like to see him do better than that. This is rediculous.

    Raptors began to approach again, and the stranger spoke to Cad again. That sent Cad fuming. If there was one thing that he hated more than anything, it was being talked down to.


    Cadmus, COOL IT. He's just a show off. Let's see what he is really capable of.

    Rigon, this dude is a prick. I bet he is gonna have to run back to us, begging for our help against those-


    As the first three raptors fell, Cad snorted. "He just got those ones because he has a powerful zoid. Doesn't mean he can wield it properly." After the next three, Cad sighed. "Once again, only a powerful zoid. Those weapons are all that he has, nothing more." The last two fled, and the pilot hit one of them. Then, as the last one begged for surrender, the pilot killed both the pilot and the zoid without a second thought. Cad was in complete awe.

    "My name is Vane, and the battle field is my home."

    Then Cad flipped.

    "What the HELL were you doing?! That pilot surrendered, and you just KILLED HIM?! Have you no mercy?!? That is just sick!! How could you!?"

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  6. #16
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    "I was sent to wipe out the bandits harassing the locals. " Vane said, turning his back towards the trail to his home base. "What does it matter if I capture trash alive. He'll just stink up the holding cells." Slowly, the Blood starved soldier walked away. "You have a problem with it? You can take it up with Commander Locke. He authorized my hunt. Rather be killing enemy zoids then slaughtering a bunch of thieves."

    As he travelled farther and farther away his head turned back

    "See you around kid. Good luck playing with all the other children." A cruel laugh met his last words.

  7. #17
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    Cyrus looked to the beast as it hit the top of the tree lines, skipping around and moving at an accelerated rate as the Lightening Saix’s inner core roared with disapproval of the other Zoid’s tactics. Cyrus fell back into the reclined position, flipping the command board to combat mode. The all too familiar red lights washed over him as the window tainted to a bright blue, the cockpit filled with different Heads Up Display readings along the smooth glass. He easily got a diamond shaped targeting lock on the beast as it ran, but it never gave him that wonderful red glow of a target lock for his Vulcan cannons. The Saix roared again in irritation as it cut along the forest, not entering it.

    “Don’t get all frustrated just yet,” Cyrus mouthed to his partner. “It’s just a silly tactic, one we’ve done countless times ourselves. However, I got an idea. See, the way I figured it pal, the Zoid was always meant to be a land based thing.” There was a purr from the core that vibrated the cockpit; it was the Saix’s way of laughing. Cyrus grinned flipping a few toggles and inputting some coordinates. The Saix picked up speed, hitting sixty percent top speed, the usual stress level the two Zoid warrior’s fought at.

    “Okay pal, let’s lock on the trees and start blasting their landing points from under them until they crash,” Cyrus said as he felt his finger itch near the trigger. There was a moment of silence, then fifteen red diamonds appeared on screen, all aimed for the base of the trees along the path his enemy traveled.

    “Let me see you dance!” Cyrus shouted over the open calm, letting off a salvo of Vulcan fire.

  8. #18
    A Dandy Guy in Space
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    Cadmus was speechless at the nerve of this pilot, this Vane. He started to open his mouth to retaliate, but then sighed in defeat. It was useless. He knew that Vane would just use his own words against him, and call him a kid again. Fuming silently, Cad jumped in the cockpit of the Liger, which then closed.

    Rigon, where is the nearest town?

    Dust Town. I can get you there within an hour.

    Alright, let's go. We took care of the problem.

    I agree. Just make sure you get me some repairs.

    With that, the zoid turned around and walked the opposite way that Vane did.
    Last edited by TheDoctor; 05-02-2012 at 12:54 AM.

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  9. #19
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    Elto was hit a little by the bullets but it's high agility dodged most of them."Agh...Heh all acording to plan" she said as she fliped off the acceleration, forceing the zoid to flip backwards as it jumped off the other zoid making a humming sound to indicate it's amusement to the scenario as it ran backwards to the other position.

    Elto was now behind the other zoid and was getting ready to fire. "Elto! Fire!!" Elto got ready to fire his mechanical gun and with a floorish of beeps gunfire could surely be heard.
    Last edited by Miss. Bear™; 05-02-2012 at 12:53 AM.

  10. #20
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    "Red Riding Hood," rang the voice of Mr. Troei, the owner of the building where she set up her call-center as a delivery girl, who also happened to be one of the city's mechanics, "I have a job for you."

    Elle raised her golden eyes and placed her hand upon her chin. She wasn't much in the mood for small talk, so she simply pointed to the sheet she required all customers to fill out, with a description of the job and a list of her rules they had to sign to. Mr. Troei laughed a little under his breath, "Elle, I know your terms. I need this to be a rush delivery, do you think you can manage?" The genezoid rose from the table and nodded, pulling her jacket over her shoulders, "Sure thing, boss." Though she technically hadn't worked for him in a little over a year, it was still a force of habit to refer to the grey-haired man as "boss". "Could you unlock the shop for me, then? I'll equip the boosters on Sirex and we'll get out of here." And so, she and Mr. Troei replaced the Vulcan cannon in favor of increased speed.

    Charging through the canyon, Elle kept Sirex as silent and steady as he'd go. There was a pretty large battle going on between a group of Rev Raptors and what appeared to be both a Murasame Liger and a Brastle Tiger. She didn't have the firepower to get involved in the conflict, so she very meekly ducked around it.

    Sorry I took the cannon off, Sirex.

    Her zoid hummed in agreement. It had been a rather long time since her delivery job brought her into conflict with any worthy opponents, and the Rev Raptor ambush looked like a lot of fun. They were only about two miles from the village, and they had decided they would stop over at the small local town after they delivered the package.

    Upon reaching the shack, Elle dropped out of the Shadow Fox's cockpit and placed the parts on the doorstep, adding her personal note of delivery so that the stationary Mr. Troei purchased for her wouldn't go to waste. Returning to Sirex, she noticed a zoid incoming on her radar. Suspecting that it was a Rev Raptor that the Liger/Tiger duo managed to miss, she readied herself for a fight. However, it was just the Liger dashing by, and she sighed to herself. Getting onto the intercom, she called out to the pilot who just sped by, "Hey. Are you heading into town by any chance? You must be a little banged up after that assault, so do you want company down?"

    You? Offering yourself as company? Sirex asked, shocked. He always knew Elle to be quite antisocial, so this was certainly a step.

    Come now, Sirex, we're next to defenseless, and he just proved himself to be a great fighter.
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