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Thread: Zoids: Cataclysm

  1. #1
    A Dandy Guy in Space
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    Default Zoids: Cataclysm


    Dawn had just struck the plains of Zi. As the sun rose, it raised the bleak darkness of night, gently shifting the color to a deep navy with an orange borderline on the horizon. Slowly yet steadily, the sun crept over that horizon, carressing the plains with soft beams of light. A fine layer of dew coated the knee-high grass, causing the grass to sparkle magically. The few trees that were scattered among the area casted long shadows as the rising sun struck them. Under one of these trees lay a zoid, a Murasame Liger. Sprawled in the cockpit was a boy by the name of Cadmus Lakonen. He was laying behind the seat, lazily sleeping in a seemingly infinite dream. His bare chest gently rose and fell while the rest of his body lay under his blanket. As his snoozing continued on, a low rumble filled the cockpit.

    Cad jerked awake, almost banging his head against the seat. The rumbling, which was generated from the zoid, quickly stopped as it spoke to him.

    I thought that you would never wake up. We need to move if we are to catch them, my friend.

    Come on, Rigon! I needed that sleep!

    Cadmus, do not forget your occupation. Those people of the town are depending upon you, and you are complaining about sleep? Maybe you aren't the mercenary I thought you were.

    Fine, fine. I'll get moving.

    Yawning widely, Cad reached over and threw on his crimson t-shirt. He was already wearing his black pants, but he also donned some socks, his black shoes, and his white jacket, which he left unbuttoned. Opening the cockpit, he hopped out. After relieving himself, he quickly had breakfast and then hopped back in the Liger. The cockpit closed after him and everything powered on. The zoid stood up, shook itself, and then they were on their way.
    Last edited by TheDoctor; 05-12-2012 at 04:59 AM.

    Thanks to Karma for the dandiest set
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  2. #2
    Member Miss. Bear™'s Avatar
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    Valissnia was in her homemade hut sleeping, she was snoring softly to the melody in her head from a song she once knew long ago but the sleep would be inturuped by a rather brash zoid, Vallisnia woke up in a rather surprised state and hit her head on the window. "Ouch...Huh who what where?,Oh it's you..what is it elto?" The zoid replied, "HUMAN INTEL DETECTED NEAR BY...TRADER'S...UN-ARMED". Vallisnia replied with a simple grin. "Trader's you say? Sounds like easy bate too me". She walked outside to the husky breeze falling apon her.

    There were three trader carrying some sort of crate, a box but you could plainly see the good's inside. It wasn't to hard to rob them of course unarmed and untrained. Vallisnia sigh's, "amutures"....
    Last edited by Miss. Bear™; 05-01-2012 at 02:47 PM.

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    The movements of the Lightening Saix were gentle and almost relaxing in the minute up and down pattern. The soft vibrations from the core made it as if the Zoid was purring while Cyrus sat in the command pit with his arms crossed over his black shirt. The red glass of his sunglasses reflected a white like dot off the corner from the rays of Zi's sun.

    "You're in a chipper mood," Cyrus Sigma muttered to his Zoid with no indication of a direction to speak to it. He shut his eyes, as if listening to a response before he chuckled. "I suppose an easy meal ticket like this should do just fine for us to get some minor repairs done. Sorry I've been neglecting them," Cyrus lowered a hand to the side consol and affectionetly petted the controls. "Still got nothing on the advanced tracking system?"

    The beast's head shook as a reply. The surreal feeling of being inside the mind of the beast made him snort in mirth. "Not that I'd expect anything. We're only a mile away from the convoy, should be able to easily pick up anything that comes for them, or notice their patterns shift."

    Cyrus leaned forwards in his chair, his fingers tapping away at the screen that was cracked from his elbow in a violent contest against a Saber class Zoid. He tapped the scanner twice, for luck, and leaned back in his seat relaxing again. The Lightening Saix's trot was soothing as the two moved on in silence. Cyrus looked at the few patches of greenery, mentally noting a nice looking bastion of trees where some fruit might be growing. He clicked a few keys, scanned the area, and placed it into the memory should he ever need to worry about that. One more small thing to check before he fell into a complete nap.

    "LS-1 to GT-L, do you copy, over," Cyrus said lifting up a radio transmitter. He waited for the static to buzz out and a soft feminine voice called out to him.

    "Gustav Trailer Leader copies, over," Cyrus grinned.

    "How's the hen house, Gwen?" There was some soft laughter before she replied.

    "Just fine, just fine! You should join us for lunch, Cy."

    "Secrecy and the knowledge I ain't around is what will keep you guys alive if danger strikes. Don't worry, in thirty to forty seconds I should easily be at your location if something happens. Cyrus out."

    He shut the radio off and relaxed. It was going to be a good day...

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    "Target in sight. Neutralizing." A quick slash of a blade and the unfortunate soul that was in his way was no longer in his way.

    "Boss, you see the objective?"

    "Negative. Continuing the search."

    "Roger that. We'll continue overwatch on the base."

    "Hurry up I'm bored out here!"

    "Don't distract him you idiot!"

    The voice of his teammates went away leaving Michael alone in the base. Silently he moved through the shadowed halls, taking care not to alert the enemy. His military training coming into play in this situation. So turning a corner his eyes quickly scanned the area. Two guards were standing in front of his objective. Deciding a knife was no good he resheathed it, the sheath on his left shoulder. He drew a gun from the holster on his right thigh and emerged from the shadows. The guards went for their weapons but were to slow and Michael fired. They went down as Michael approached the door, firing two more shots, double tap just to make sure. Grabbing four bullets he replaced the spent rounds. "Objective reached, beginning aquisition."

    Michael kicked open the door, waving his gun around searching for mare targets. Finding gun he holstered the weapon and approached the console. He went to work, plugging a storage device in and started imputing commands. Their client wanted this data and was paying top dollar for it. With a job with this much money on the line Storm had to send the best. Michael decided that assualting with their Zoids would be a bad idea so he kept his team outside while he infiltrated.

    The machine beeped, signaling it was done. Unplugging the device he pocketed it and made for the exit. Getting out was a lot easier than getting in. Seeing as anyone who could get in his way was already dead. So leaving the base he was surprised when he saw a Iron Kong Yeti standing in front of him. "Huh. I thought I killed everyone?" He asked to no-one.

    "Think you can get away with that data?" The pilot's voice asked.

    "Yeah that's the plan." Michael spoke with a bit of boredom.

    "Let's see you get past this!" The Zoid started to move. Michael raised his right arm, his index finger and thumb extended like a gun. "What are you doing?" Michael "fired". The Iron Kong's head exploded. The body hit the ground and Michael looked to the ridgeline. There was a Snipe Master

    "You owe me one boss." Came over the radio.

    "You say that but you still owe me remember." Michael shot back as he made his way back up the ridge.

    "Did you get it?" The pilot of the Snipe Master, Vega, asked.

    "Yeah." Michael sat against his Red Horn. "Was easy."

    "Anything is easy for you." A new voice entered. Curtis, pilot of a Bear Fighter.

    "Whatever you say." He was being modest, he knew he was a great soldier, being trained for 5 years would do that. "But let's get going. I saw a village ten miles from here. We can get some breakfast." Their stomaches let out a collective rumble at the metion of food. "Vega did you plant that package?"

    "Yeah." The older man answered.

    On his zoid's console Michael hit a button. Behind them the base blew up, creating a large mushroom cloud. "That's even more money for us." They'd get paid more if they destroyed the base as well. "Let's move out!" The group got into their zoids and were on the move.
    Last edited by Ushima; 05-01-2012 at 02:59 AM.

  5. #5
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    Valissnia quickly put the stolen goods in her crate so it would not create suspition when she left the outpost. "That was one of the most easy things I've ever done...they should get better security." She mummerd silently of she fled the scene.
    Last edited by Miss. Bear™; 05-01-2012 at 02:48 PM.

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    There was a silence the didn't feel right when Cyrus turned on the radio to check in with the Gustav Leader. Something very wrong. He leaned closer into the control panel, noting the team stopped at an outpost for their lunch, just like the schedule dictated, but there was something a miss. The Lightening Saix's seat pulled forward into a ready position as the beasts trot began to pick up. Something was wrong, the green blips weren't moving, which technically wasn't unfounded since they were on lunch, but still unsettling. Silence on the radio. It all added up, nothing out of the ordinary.

    So why did Cyrus get a bad feeling?

    "Put scanners to maximum strength, I don't care if you have to decrease reading range," Cyrus ordered as he flipped a few switches on the console to his right. He flicked the screen for luck again, and the report he was fed from his Zoid came up negative for hostiles. He chewed his bottom lip. "I don't think I'm imagining things," Cyrus muttered as he felt the seat retreat into a more reclined position, the controls shifting to match his declined seating position. The Saix picked up more speed as the trees began to turn to green blurs, the blue sky flashing white as his Zoid's core rumbled with agitation. "You think it too, don't you?" The Lightening Saix let out a cat like mechanical growl as its legs beat the ground in a dirt spitting trot. He was accelerating faster and faster, easily hitting 150 miles in seconds. He jostled in his seat at the high speed, silently reminding himself to buy a new bolt for the chair in his 'minor repairs' list.

    "LS-1 to GT-L, come in!" Cyrus tried again, but all he received was the annoying buzz of static. Before he slammed his fist into the receiver the Lightening Saix shut the system off. It did that from time to time when he was angry or frustrated. The Zoid just knew sometimes. The world flew even faster as it pounced over a set of rocks, kicking off the boulders back on the ground without losing stride.

    "What the hell is that thing?" Cyrus shouted as at long last he got a read on the enemy with a visual confirmation. It's sleek build, almost skeletal had given him enough indication to know that he was dealing with something utilizing stealth. But still, he had thought he bought a pretty high grade tracking radar. "Never trusting the damn meks again," Cyrus bitterly mumbled. He opened up a general frequency. "Well hello there, stranger! Welcome to the convoy. I see you already made yourself at home, but before you go why don't you drop off the goods you think you're going to get away with and just tuck your tail and scram before things get...comfy," Cyrus chuckled.

    The Lightening Saix continued at a high pace after the Zoid that was escaping.

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    "Eh?" She said in a more than annoyed tone as she looked at the general repose indecator. "What was that grampsy? You really think you scare me?" "Pfft don't be silly now... I'm going too walk away with the goods I have just stolin or I'm about to get out of this zoid and kick your a**!" She said with abit of vigor but rather amusement than fear as she began to chuckle.

    She flipped a few switchs and set elto gynila to steath mode trying to figure out what derection he would be coming from... "hmm...elto can you sense were that intercom came from?" Elto replied grimly. "No but the signal is exceeding rather fast toured us." " Danm...speed up elto!" Elto replied "yes...speeding up 20%"
    Last edited by Miss. Bear™; 05-01-2012 at 05:35 AM.

  8. #8
    A Dandy Guy in Space
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    As they began to approach the mountains, Cad knew that they were closing in on the bandits. They had been following the trail for a long time, and the tracks were looking newer and newer as they continued ahead. The plains were ending, and then mountains were beginning. Cad pondered the shelter.

    This must be where they have been hiding out, right along the edge of the mountain range. It gives them good cover and places to hide, but they can also flee from it quickly.

    Remember Cad, bandits aren't as stupid as they seem. They do have a brain and the ability to innovate.

    I know, Rigon. We won't let them escape.

    They followed the tracks to a small canyon within the mountains. Great walls of earth rose on either side of them, shading them from the sunlight. As they went deeper into the canyon, the Liger began to walk. Both Cad and the zoid were on their toes, and Cad was ready to fuse with his zoid at the slightest hint of danger.

    Then the tracks stopped.

    Cad opened the cockpit and jumped down to get a better look at the tracks. He analyzed them, noting the slight depression within the large print that made it deeper than the others. Then his eyes widened. He slowly moved his gaze upward.

    How could we be so stupid, Rigon?

    Along the canyon walls on either side of them and at the passage behind them, Rev Raptors stood poised to attack, hissing and screaming at them. Cad looked around him, watching one of them descend to close the pass in front of him. From this zoid came a masculine voice on the intercom.

    "Alright, buddy. We know you've been on our tail for the past few days. One thing we noticed was that zoid over there. Give it to us without a fight, and we will let you leave unscathed. If you choose to ignore that order, we can't really promise anything. What's it gonna be? The zoid, or your life?"'s funny because this zoid is my life.

    Cadmus, this is not the time for jokes. Although, I am flattered.

    Cad chuckled at that. Then he looked up, dissolved into energy, and flew straight into the Murasame Liger's core.

    "Ahh, a genezoid!" shouted the voice from the intercom. "I'm sorry kid, I really would've enjoyed that Liger too. Hopefully this'll teach others not to mess with the Yinz Gang again!" With that, the raptors charged.

    Alright Rigon, let's get out of this.

    We have a mission to complete, Cad. I can escape out of the passage that we came in, then hop up on the cliff and drop down on them from above. Their zoids aren't in very good shape, and it doesn't seem like they know how to pilot them very well.

    Fine, but if we die, I'll kill you.

    The Liger's Murasame sword rotated to its side, and then the zoid struck.

    Thanks to Karma for the dandiest set
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    Three Days ago...

    "Bandits, Not exactly the most exciting job now." The silver haired man spoke, his eyes impatient. Though seemingly stoic, the silver haired man found himself incredibly bored at the prospect of hunting down bandits. Sitting across from him in rather dull looking office was a man in his late fifties, dressed in a grey suit wearing horn rimmed glasses.

    "You don't have much of a choice Vane. I'd normally send you out with some of the other squads to make hit and run strikes on enemy villages, your more "eager" tendencies make it hard for you to work with others." The glass wearing man responded with a neutral tone.

    "Pfft! They were getting in my way. All they had to do is stand back and let me finish the job!"

    "Damn it Vane! That's exactly the kind of attitude that costs us lives! " The glasses man's face was stern. "You full well know we can't have you acting on your own during missions! Especially since your a mere mercenary hired to fill in for some of our pilots. Your good, no denying that. But you'll have to realize that working with a team can help our army score several more victoires for our nation. As you are, your only suited to help out some of the local towns with their problems."

    "Hmph. Somebody else can handle such poultry probl-"

    "You don't have a choice..."

    Present day...
    The Tiger Brastle roared, it's over all mood being incredibly antsy and bored. The genenoid Vane sighed at his partners antics, his hands stroking the cock pit in a reassuring manner
    "Pah Commander Locke has no idea what he is talking about. Just send us alone against a small squadron of enemy zoids and we can reek Havok and earn their countries glory and victory! Tracking jobs are such a waste of time. Hmph! When We get back we'll just close our contract and sign on to another nation's army. Don't worry Tiger, you and I will get our battles soon enough. For now why don't we take care of some bandits."

    His thoughts turned to the trail ahead of him. For a days on end, Vane had been trying to track down the Yinz Gang. A simple job, certainly not worthy of the claws of Brastle Tiger, but considering he's low on money, A simple clean up job was all that was needed.

    With Vane's adept tracking skills he of course found the Yinz Gang in a manner of moments. When he arrived at the canyon he of course found something very intriguing.

    "Well if you look at that. Seems like a bunch of dogs are ready to pounce on a piece of raw meat. What do you think girl, shall we help that piece of meat?"

    Tiger growled quietly.
    "I agree! lets just see how this turns out." Vane responded eyeing the Rev Raptors hungrily.

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    "I'm hungry!" Curtis whinned.

    "God damn it will you shut up!" Michael yelled. "You saying you're hungry is making me hungry."

    "Relax you two we're almost there." Vega responded. At forty two he had a good head on his shoulders and was a very capable pilot with years of experience to call upon. But he knew he was nothing compared to Knight. He, couldn't explain it, the twenty year old had a natural gift when it came to Zoids. Sure they might be on equal footing now but Michael still had many years left in his youth and Vega could only dream of the improvements he could make. Then there was Curtis, probably one of the youngest pilots he'd seen. At thirteen the youngling was brash, had an attitude and made silly mistakes. But he looked up to the other two members. Vega like an uncle and Michael like the older brother he aspired to be like.

    "Hold up you guys." The trio of Zoids stopped. "I'm getting something on radar." Michael hit a few buttons, bringing the radar up on screen. He sent the image to his commrades so they could see.

    "Aw man! We were so close to breakfast."

    "Relax, they aren't a bother." Michael shifted his radar to the right hand side of his HUD and stuck it in the corner. "We'll continue our present course and contact Colonel Storm once we get into town."

    "Then can we get breakfast?"

    Michael sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Yes Curtis we can get breakfast."

    "We better get there soon sir, before you turn your weapons on the lad."

    To right mate." Michael retracted his Zoid's radar and the trio continued off aagain.

    Within twenty minutes the entered the town. A large antenna extended from the back of his Zoid. "Come in Storm this is Knight."

    The image of Michael's former Colonel, even though everyone in The Paladins calls him Colonel, and him Lieutenant sometimes, appeared on their screens. "Ah Curtis, Vega, Michael. How goes the misson?"

    "Good. We retrieved the data and the secondary objective has been complete. We're stopping in Dust Town for some food and supplies before we report back to Neo Haven." Neo Haven was the Human Alliance capital.

    "Vey well. I shall inform our client and have him prepare to deliver payment. See you three when you get back. You might have earned a bit of a break for this. Storm out." Storm's image faded.

    Retracting the Communication Array Michael hopped out of his Zoid. Two balls of light appeared at his side which quicjly turned into Curtis and Vega. "Man I haven't had a break in a long time." Curtis said as he stretched.

    "Yes it'd be nice to spend time with the wife and kids instead of working." Vega pushed up on his glasses as the trio entered the two. "Over there looks like a good place to eat."

    Michael nodded. "Alright then, lets go." Curtis rushed in front of them, eager to eat. Soon the older two took a spot with him sitting at the counter. Their stomaches let out another rumble and they were glad they could finally eat.

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