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Thread: (M)SCAR: The Beginning. The End.(OOC) (H)

  1. #11
    The Jackal Stream's Avatar
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    His weapons will be the taserchucks and the octo-shotsword.

  2. #12
    Security of Mem


    Quote Originally Posted by Stream View Post
    His weapons will be the taserchucks and the octo-shotsword.
    What about the Pedobear suit? For armor?

    Edit: Sometimes when top prey for the rapist is dried up. He has to go for younger prey.

  3. #13
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    Name: Ethan Blake

    Age: 34

    Height: 5' 11"

    Weight: 160 lbs

    Description: Picture This... With all exposed skin except for the face wrapped in clean gauze. All black hair, with no gray spots. No mask. Just a few years younger.

    Ability: Remote Viewing, and an advanced Clairvoyance. More info on that:

    Ethan views the world through regular eyes, now, with his powers at their peak. Through normal eyes, Ethan can still view the markings, and paranormal entities. However, he can still view the world like he could in the past time; everything is a blue glow. Things that are out of place are brighter than others.

    When he uses remote viewing, he sends his mind to another place in the world. So his body itself is vulnerable.

    Skills: Ethan can sense upcoming dangers. By certain images burned into the walls or ground others can't see, or by a radar-like thing, that can alert Ethan of paranormal attacks in advance. All though, the radar doesn't work at all times.

    Also, Ethan can physically harm spirits and ghosts with his hands. Others need special objects, like silver.

    Armour: The same as the description picture.

    -FN F2000
    -A Silver, 26" Flyssa with a golden curved handle from the 19th century.
    -2 .45ACP Custom handguns. (Note: Ethan cannot fire both at the same time. One is back up of a back up.)
    - Two Semtex Grenades. (Note: Usually used as a last resort. One saved his life in an earlier time.)

    Miscellaneous Items: Nicotine Gum, a lot of it. A "roll" of gauze, to replace his own if something happens, or to use to help teammates.

    Personality: Ethan's personality has changed drastically since the last mission he was sent on. He's become an overall nicer person, and his anger has become slightly more controlled than before. He's still not the nicest person, but he's not a stuck up jackass. The only thing that really gets on his nerves, is people who smoke, or someone who brings up his burns.

    Bio: Ethan's body was born to a waitress, and a government worker in a tiny town called Grapeview, in the state of Washington. His father worked at the nearest base, and his mother worked at a popular diner in the nearest city.

    At birth, Ethan's body was blind for seventeen years. All the way to his Senior year in High School, he was bullied for being blind. When a bully brought it up, Ethan verbally attacked him.

    The bully responded with a punch, but Ethan could somehow see it perfectly. He ducked in time, and brought his fist up to the bully's face. Ever since then, Ethan could see.

    In his older years, he started to see mysterious things others couldn't. He would see ghostly figures, or certain things written on the walls of a building. Sometimes even on the ground, outside in the middle of nowhere.

    Finally, one night in a bar, Ethan saw a ghostly figure creep up on an innocent being. It looked as if it was about to eat the person, until Ethan decided to do something stupid.

    He tackled the Ghost, and it instantly became visible to the rest of the world. Ethan could punch the being, but when he tried to kick, his foot went right through it.

    SCAR found out almost instantly, and recruited him. Still on [what he thought was] his first mission, Ethan started to have visions of his boss, and her brother, in what seemed to be another life.

    Ethan was confused, up until the climax of the mission; when he realized he wasn't who he thought he was. Ethan was in a second life. And his boss still had a lot of explaining to do, whether or not she would...
    Last edited by The Comedian; 03-13-2010 at 03:03 AM. Reason: Fixes, fixes, fixes...
    Mother forgive me.

  4. #14
    1Cor 13:1-8

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    Comedian, fix your ability as we discussed please.

  5. #15
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    Yeah, sorry. Haha.
    I face palmed just after I pressed submit.
    Mother forgive me.

  6. #16
    Queen of Awesome
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    Name: Samantha Bonachoi / goes by Baket
    Age: 26
    Height: 5.9"
    Weight: 135
    Description: Dark hair to about the middle of her back, eyes so dark as to appear black. Tattoo designs on her body.
    Spoiler: Baket 

    Ability: Healing and communicate with the dead. She draws her healing ability from the power of the moon. During the day, when the moon is at its lowest so are her abilities.

    Skills: Proficient with blades, knives, swords. Deadly accuracy with small throwing knives. Some medical training, two years of medical school

    Armor: Light, form form fitting suit, having the appearance of leather.

    Weapons: a short samurai style sword, an assortment of small blades, and throwing stars, all made of pure silver.

    Miscellaneous Items: general medical supplies, band aids, antiseptic, gauze, pain med's, a cell phone, a notebook with a sketch pad full of drawings and charcoal pencils

    Personality: Quiet, introverted, has the appearance of being spacey, but it's usually because she is hearing beyond those around her can hear.

    Bio: Samantha is an only child, born of two Nobel Prize winning scientists. John and Lucille Bonachoi. She spent most of her child hood in a laboratory with her parents. They were determined to come up with a cure for the affliction of lycanthropy. They had spent their entire scientific careers trying to reverse the effects of the disease, as they called it. They thought it odd that Samantha would randomly carry on full conversations with no one, but they were much too busy to take much notice of her. Figuring since she had no one to play with, that she had created imaginary people to talk with. As she grew older and tried to explain to them, that she could hear voices and sometimes see faces materialize, they determined that something was wrong with their daughter. They sent her to the best doctors, for examination, after examination. Only for nothing to be determined.

    She learned to keep her conversations quiet, after one of them claimed to be an ancestor named, Baket. Baket told her that she is decedent of a line of witches that could talk to the dead, some who were known to have healing ability as well.

    She grew up, and went to medical school. She wanted to become someone that would help people, in the medical profession. She wanted to help people, but not in the way Baket spoke of, or in the scientific field like her parents. She was in school in Boston when she received word that her parents had been brutally slain by a werewolf that escaped from its constraints and torn them apart in their lab.

    She left school after the second year, and instead turned her focus to learning how to destroy the beasts that had taken away her family. She spends most of her days hoping to catch a glimpse of the ghosts of her parents. The death of her parents brought about a change in not only her life goals, but in her understanding of her own abilities. She has since begun to attempt to harness the powers Baket spoke of. She’ll do anything to gain an advantage against the evils in the world. When her parents died, a part of her died as well. Upon accepting the words of her ancestor, and beginning a new life, she took the name Baket as well in honor of her heritage. The team from SCAR investigated her parent’s research lab after their death. Since she was a familiar face, she is now part of the team.
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    Two people with throwing knives. This could be fun.

  8. #18
    1Cor 13:1-8

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    Would just like to send a hout out to all the players. You all did a great job and helped to be in the first RP to actually finish for me. Thank you all.

    And Merry you are accepted.

  9. #19
    A Storm Is Coming
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    Name: Malcolm Maverick; Mal
    Age: 28
    Height: 6'5"
    Weight: 210 lbs of muscle
    Spoiler: Malcolm 

    Note: When a light is shone on Malcolm, one will see his shadow with massive feathered wings.

    Ability: Purgery: Mal uses his experience from his time in the clergy to use the power of God to purge someone of their evil. This rips it from someone and turns their sins against them, driving them completely and utterly mad. Mal must be in physical contact with the individual(s). He can Purge two people at max. Purgery can be used to Exorcise demons. The stronger the demon, the bigger the strain on Mal. Likewise, his Ability makes him immune to demonic possession. When he uses his Ability, his eyes roll up in his head and they emit a dim glow.

    New Power as of 6/4/2010 - Wrath: Malcolm concentrates all the hatred and darkness that has been festering in him on one to three individuals. They will only suffer from the ability if they are wicked in some way, shape, or form. Unlike Purge, Wrath is a ranged attack, but it can can also be channeled by physical contact. Wrath allows Malcolm to plunge all of his own darkness in to an individuals wicked soul, literally causing it to burn the host to a husk of ash and ember. Their soul is completely obliterated as an effect. The strength of Wrath as well as how many people Malcolm can use it on is all relative to the well of rage he has burning inside.

    Skills: Trained in the United States Marine Chaplan Corps. His stellar performance in Basic Training earned him several special dockets in which he joined Special Forces training and Navy SEAL demolitions and recon school. This leaves him superbly schooled in almost all forms of infantry weaponry and specialty explosives.

    Armour: Heavy; no helmet but he wears a black soldier beret with a templar cross badge on the front. One the right shoulder plate of his armor, he has a white hand print painted on to resemble where he was touched by an angel. His knee guards have crosses painted on them. On the armored plate covering the back of his hand "Repent" is stamped on in white paint.

    - M4 short barrel carbine with an enhanced capacity 60 round mag housing .223 calibur bullets. The M4 has a barrel mounted grenade launcher with infared laser sight and UV combat light. ACOG scope replaces the traditional iron sights. The stock has recoil dampers to reduce recoil and increase accuracy. Also has a silencer barrel to for more covert operations. He carries two sets of magazines with him; traditional rounds and silver rounds.

    -Desert Eagle .50 calibur combat pistol with an increased capacity 12 round magazine. Barrel mounted red dot sight and UV combat light rigged on the pistol. Carries two sets of ammunition; silver and traditional.

    - Berretta 9mm automatic combat pistol with increased capacity 18 round magazines. Infared laser sights and the same two sets of mags.

    -Ballistic knife with iron and silver blades.

    -M4X combat knife.
    Kukri - forged with holy materials.
    - 2 frag grenades
    -4 40mm projectile grenades for his M4
    -2 flash grenades
    -1 silver coated demo charge.

    Miscellaneous Items: Silver flask filled with holy water from the River Jordan. A secondary silver flask of Holy Oil from Jerusalem. Silver chain necklace with charms from every known religeon, the largest being a crucifix with his Lord and Savior hanging over his heart.
    Personality: Not the most social man in the world, still being used to the Clergy or working silently on recon-infiltration missions. Very religeous, if you wish to keep your physical and mental state as it is, do not blaspheme more than three times in his presence. Most times he will seem solemn, subdued, and withdrawn. He has literally been to Hell and back. He spent three weeks as a dead man, that is roughtly thirteen years in Hell. He doesn't really believe anymore, he knows. There is a God and there is a Devil.

    Bio: Malcolm served three tours in Iraq, coming back healthy and hearty two of those times. He reached the rank on Gunnery Sergeant over the course of his career in the War on Terror, earning the Medal of Honor, the Marine Corps Medal, the Presidentail Medal of Valor, the purple heart three times and the silver star two times.

    On his third tour, Malcolm and his unit were ambushed during a night raid in a small town near Baghdad. Mal sustained multible gun wounds to his torso, several of his major organs were desistated beyond repair. In his last moments of life, Malcolm prayed for deliverence and salvation. He passed through the Veil with his crucifix in hand.

    Gunnery Sergeant Malcolm Jefferson Maverick was declared legally dead and had an autopsy performed to remove the bullets from his corpse. Three weeks passed before he jolted awake in his coffin. Busting out, he looked about him, panicked, feverishly looking for any kind of enemy. The medics and surgeons didn't know what to say. They signed him off as dead and he was dead for three weeks. Someone simply doesn't come back. It is impossible, plain and simple. When the surgeon general looked Mal over, he had none of his past scars or wounds, not even the stitching from the Y-incision made during the autopsy. The only mark he had upon his body was a pink burn scar of a hand print on his right shoulder. That scar was never there before. One of the tests involved scanning Mal in various light spectrums. The more intense the frequency, the more strange the Sergeants case became. In the highest frequency, the scar on his shoulder glowed blinding white and he seemed to have translucent, ghostly wings of an angel.

    X-rays showed that Malcolm's bones were engraved in a laguage never even documented, but engraved on his sternum was a crusaider cross woven within a pentagram. Finally beind released form study after the surgeon general declared Malcolm's status a miracle, the Sergeant volunteered to be put back in active duty as a Chaplain. Before he could start his next tour, SCAR picked him up. They told him that an angel pulled him from Hell, putting him back on the world of the living for a reason. Malcolm did not doubt what the SCAR representatives said, and signed up to serve in a different kind of war.

    Malcolm was recently possessed by an angel, Sammael.

    Theme Song:
    Gods Gonna Cut You Down
    Last edited by StormWolf; 07-04-2010 at 10:13 PM.

  10. #20
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    Name: Kristy Masterson
    Age: 24
    Height: 5' 8"
    Weight: 115 lbs

    Ability: Telekinesis
    Skills: Marine certified combat helicopter pilot, Driving, General Athletics, Krav Maga

    Armour: Light armor, right shoulder pad painted leopard print
    Weapons: Tavor Tar-21, Walther P99
    Miscellaneous Items: 6x 5.56 magazines, 2x 9mm clips, small LED flashlight, 2 frag grenades

    Personality: Obnoxious at times, tough outside, but friendly to those close. Loyal to superiors, but only by the "salute the badge, not the face" principle.

    Bio: Kristy grew up in Oregon with her mother, her father had filed a divorce before she was born. She grew up not seeing her mother -due to her working to support the family- much and being the youngest in her family, her two older brothers were computer whizzes. Earning full ride scholarships to Yale, Kristy wasn't as gifted as her two brothers, but she did alright in school. In high school she began to run track and was on her way to winning a scholarship to Oregon State running the 800 meter and 100 meter, but luck was not on her side. Three days before her final race she caught a sickness that put her in a hospital for a month. She also began to develop an odd ability to move things through a lot of focus, but she tried to not use the ability after she almost killed herself using it. She tried to lift herself from her hospital bed, but the stress from so much concentration made her comatose for several weeks.

    With her future in ruins she took what money she had and enlisted with the Marines; Kristy kept her ability a secret throughout her training to avoid being dropped from the program or put in some lab for studies, and to avoid killing herself. When Kristy was in training she shot below average with a rifle, but she made up for that with her level of fitness and her almost natural ability to fly helicopters and vehicles. She passed those tests with top scores of her class. With that she was almost immediately shipped off for a tour in Iraq. When Kristy got back she choose to serve in Afghanistan a few months later. When she returned from this tour she was left a little more shaken, she had witnessed more than a few deaths of her fellow soldiers. She requested to be put on active reserve. The request was granted and she was stationed in Massachusetts.

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