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Thread: (M) SCAR: The Beginning The End(IC) (H)

  1. #131
    ~RPA's Lady of Peace~
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    A loud scream coupled with intense pain awoke Shane from her resting spot on the floor. Had she really fallen asleep finally? Shaking her head groggily Shane tried to remember the last few hours. What was the pain she felt, she wondered as she began pushing debris off of her.

    It all began coming back to her as she regained her senses. Aaron had disapeared, they had come here in hopes of...Shane didn't really no why they had come here but she trusted Claire to lead them in the right direction. Claire! It was Claire who had caused the shock wave that had knocked her out, it was Claire that had screamed...

    FUCK. Bear was dead.

    Shane remembered it all as she tried to stand, the ringing of the alarms causing her head to pound even harder than it had been before she was knocked out. As she took in the scene around her the only thing that came to mind was total devestation. The floors and walls had literally been ripped to pieces, she could not see half of her team members anywhere and most of the ones she could see were in just as bad of shape, if not worse than Shane herself was. Shane needed to find a way to silence the alarms or at least make the ringing in her ears stop so she could think. That's when she saw Kristy moving towards the door and within seconds Shane stood up, trying to feel her legs under her again. Step by painful step she followed Kristy's footsteps towards the door that would lead outside, away from the wreckage and into fresh air. Then suddenly Shane froze in her tracks.

    They were wanted which meant the alarms probably were indicating to them that the perimeter had been breached. Just as Shane was about to scream to Kristy to stop, Kristy swung the door open and stepped outside, the sound of guns along with the brightness of day flickering through the doorway and temporarily stunning Shane all over again.

    “Place your hands on your head and face the wall,”

    Shane shook her head hard, focusing...guns..locked and loaded and Kristy was outside by herself. Think Shane, think, the words went over in her mind and a split second later Shane knew what she had to do.

    And she knew it could well cost her her own life but the sacrifice of one was nothing compared to all of her friends possibly dying now. Shane walked towards the door, her hands stretched out in front of her, her only thought being that she hoped and prayed Bakets healing powers were enough to at least keep her alive even if she couldn't reverse the damage she knew would happen to her person. The closer that she got to the door the more intense the searing pain in her hands became but Shane pressed forward as she yelled over her shoulder, hoping that everyone left alive would or could even focus enough to realize what was about to happen "It's now or never, do or die we go, NOW!"

    With that a blast of fire flew from Shane's fingertips, engulfing the surrounding police officers and SWAT team in a circle of flame. Shane pushed forward, the fire moving further up her hands and onto her body until Shane almost looked liked a fiery phoenix once again risen from the ash. The searing heat was so intense Shane felt her strength along with her resolve beginning to crumble. "Hurry!" Shane screamed, as she began to topple backwards, then regained her footing "Go, get out of here GO!"

    A few seconds later the cruisers and SWAT truck burst into flames allowing the group the break they needed to get the hell out of there.

    Shane was now engulfed in her own flames, her body severely burned and almost collapsing to the ground as the flames began to die down, Shane moaning out in pain "Go...leave me, save yourselves. GO!"

    There's nothing more deadly than slow growing fear...
    Spoiler: Mysti's random stuff and shoutouts. 

  2. #132
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    One moment Kristy found herself thinking she was being too cautious, the next she found herself wishing she had been more cautious. She had hardly been outside for more than a few seconds when a SWAT team and several police officers had their weapons leveled at her. Kristy stood frozen on the spot.

    Kristy couldn’t recall who barked the order or what it was, but she found herself instinctively doing as she was told. Once she had put her hands on the wall, she felt a large temperature change streak past her, then a series of explosions followed. Kristy turned and saw a burning silhouette that was Shane wreaking carnage on the police force. A few of the SWAT members were turning to fire at Shane; Kristy quickly pulled their weapons away towards her with her telekinesis. Catching one MP5, Kristy began to run in the direction Shane went.

    Before she got too far though, Kristy stopped and turned around. The police and SWAT officers were in danger, and even though they considered Kristy and the rest of the team terrorists, she still felt it was her duty to help them. She looked around at what resources she had available, there wasn’t much time before they were cooked alive. Kristy found what she needed to save their attackers, and slow them down from pursuing the SCAR team. Focusing her powers on a old water tank above the safehouse, she opened the valve and pulled at the supports. The gushing water extinguished the flames around the law enforcement unit, and the supports and debris washed up against the trucks and cars that they had arrived in, effectively corralling most of them in one place.

    Taking in a deep breath, Kristy began to run with the rest of the escaping team. Her efforts wouldn’t hold the police and SWAT off for too long.

  3. #133
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    How long had it been, how long had he been walking? How did he even get there? Aaron was struggling to remember; the damned, hellish, heat kept him from concentrating on anything but moving forward, not to the mention the thirst. Oh god, the thirst, it was unbearable, impossible to get out of his mind.

    The desert appeared to drag on for miles on end. The dunes, each one the twin of the other, were endless, never-ending. Any thoughts of returning to Shane seemed even more impossible the more he dragged on.

    Aaron noticed a small number of ripples appearing right under the horizon, seeming like a puddle of water. Even though it was obviously his mind playing a sick trick on him Aaron's mouth suddenly felt like it would completely crumble and turn to into dust. As the sun wore him down, and the need for water began to grow, the mirages had become more and more frequent.

    The sun singed his skin, turning it leathery and cracked. Any trace of moisture had long left his skin. His breathing had become labored and abnormal.

    It was obvious that in this state he wouldn't last much longer. He was already reduced to crawling on his hands and knees, but no matter how hopeless it seemed, he couldn't give up. He couldn't do that to Shane, he had to at least try and stay alive. But what if he did give up, what then? No, he couldn't think of that, he was going to make it, no matter what.

    He struggled to stand up, and his knees began wobbling causing him to fall face first into the windward side of a sand dune. He was slowly losing consciousness and was trying to force himself to stay awake.

    Three days, it had been three days.

    "Well there you are," Lilith's sounded as though she were a child about to burst from just receiving a puppy as a gift.

    "And you look like shit. Doesn't he Mister Binky?" Lilith made kissy faces at the teddy bear she was holding and walked over to look down on Aaron.

    "Wow, It's really hot," Lilith held out her hand a bottle of water appeared. Immediately, Lilith took a long, satisfying drink, draining about half the bottle. After taking a moment to wipe her mouth on her sleeve, she turned back to Aaron.

    "So are you going to lie there all day or shall we go?" She observed him curiously for a moment as the smile widened on her lips. "I want to play."

    Aaron struggled to keep his head up; the unlikeliness of a little girl was standing in the middle of the desert didn't seem to register in his mind. “W-w-ater,” he said, the words coming out choppy, his voice raspy. “P-please, I need some water.”

    It didn't take too long for Aaron to realize the insanity of what he was seeing. He eyed the bottle of water cautiously, trying to ignore the fact that it appeared to come out of nowhere. Mirage, he told himself, she's just a mirage.

    Lilith stared at Aaron, her eyes widening with glee. After a moment, she stepped a little closer and poured some of the water on his face.

    “You need to get up silly,” Lilith grinned. “We have to go. There's a lot to do and Mister Binky needs a bath.” Lilith looked down at the bear and made a kissy face. “Oh yes you do Mister Binky. You needs a bath.” As Lilith spoke, the sound of purring could be heard coming from the bear.

    Aaron reveled in the cool and refreshing feel of the water on his face. It had to be real, or at least it felt as real as anything else did at that point.

    He started to speak, “W-w-hat do you,” before he started violently coughing and wheezing. It took him a couple of seconds to regain his composure before he could speak again, “What do you mean we have to go,” he asked. “What I need to do is get to the others, I need to get to Shane.”

    "Well I would have thought that you might need some help," Lilith spoke curtly. "But if you don't need my help, I'll just take my bear and go home!" Lilith stuck her tongue out at Aaron and then turned around and started walking away

    The little girl could be his only way out, but for some reason he had to pause for a second to think about the situation before yelling out to her, "Wait, wait!” and then in a calmer tone of voice, “What do you want me to do?"

    "Nothing now," Lilith looked as though she were pouting. "If you don't want to play with me, I'll just take my water and go find someone else. Besides, you probably aren't strong enough to help Shane anyway. I do hope she survives. Mister Binky really likes Shane," Lilith's lips curled into a smile.

    “I already said alright!” Aaron yelled, somewhat annoyed. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes “I'll play with you, what kind of game do you want to play,” he asked, trying to be as patient as possible.

    "It's quite simple really," Lilith said walking towards him. As she did, she waved her hand and a bottle of water appeared in the sand next to Aaron.

    "I have a game I want to play. And when the time comes, you'll help me and do whatever I ask," the smile faded from Lilith's face. "In exchange, I will save your sorry ass and reunite you with Shane. And I should mention she's in a bit of a pickle at the moment. But please, take a drink. You must be parched."

    Aaron quickly picked the water up from the sand and began gulping it down as fast as he could. He threw the bottle over to the side and wiped his mouth.

    The little girl was really starting to piss him off. “Alright, I'll play your game,” he began to say before fully realizing what Lilith had said. “What do you mean she's in a bit of a pickle? What's going on?”

    "It seems one of my...employees," Lilith's face was showing irritation. "Has decided to try and move up the corporate ladder so to speak. So now the police and a couple of SWAT teams have shown up at the safe house. And there's a good chance none of them will make it out. And I would have gone to help, but I had to come and find you. I like you Aaron. So does Mister Binky." Smiling, Lilith sat the bear on the ground which promptly got up and walked over to Aaron and hugged him.

    Aaron jumped back a couple of inches in complete shock. The thing was much more creepy than it was cute, and it appalled him. Regaining his composure, he cautiously pet the bear and held it out to Lilith.

    “Look, I'll do what you want, just please get me there,” Aaron told Lilith. “I have to help them.”

    "Oh we have time," Lilith beamed. "It moves slower here. And I have to tell you the rules. Daddy always said, "every good game has rules." Lilith winked at the bear which then clung to Aaron.

    "So would you like to hear the rules, as well as what my little game will entail?" Lilith grinned malevolently.

    Aaron panicked and tried to pull the bear off of him as soon as it clung to him, but the damn thing was stuck. No matter how much he tried it didn't seem to be loosening at all. “Um, you know, Lilith, I think this be- I mean Mr. Binky,” Aaron sighed to calm himself down, he didn't have time for this. Wait , time? he thought. “What do you mean time moves slower here,” Aaron asked Lilith with a look of bewilderment, and then he realized something even bigger. “Where exactly are we Lilith?”

    "You are on a created plane of existence outside reality as you know it." Lilith spoke casually and started to twiddle her thumbs. "As a result, time moves at a different pace than in your world." Lilith let out a yawn.

    “What the hell is that supposed to mean,” Aaron bellowed, “how'd I get here!” It didn't take too long for him to feel a tinge of regret for yelling at the girl, and above all he didn't want to anger his only ticket out. “Sorry 'bout that, I'm just confused is all. Who exactly are you anyway? What do you mean my world?”

    "My name is Lilith," she spoke calmly. "And by "your world" I mean Earth. so did you have any other questions, or shall we get on with this? I have much to do."

    Aaron did have more questions, but he wasn't too keen on wasting any more precious time, even if it did supposedly move slower here . If what Lilith said was true, then he need to get the heck out of wherever he was as soon as possible.

    "Alright, lets do it then, whatever this is," he said. "Just tell me the rules"

    "Excellent," Lilith grinned from ear to ear. " So the rules are pretty simple," Lilith spoke as she approached Aaron. "First, you can not tell anyone where you've been or what has happened or anything about me...except for Shane When we're done here, you will find you have more in common with her than you think. " Lilith giggled.

    "When the time comes, I will call you and we'll play. I will also give you a present. You need to be stronger Aaron. And you will be," Lilith licked her lips.

    "All you have to do Aaron is take my hand," Lilith held out her hand.

    Aaron carefully took Lilth's hand in his own and almost instantly he felt a fiery, burning, sensation on his hand. At first almost as if he was being branded with a hot iron dipped in molten lava, but it spread, underneath his skin, coursing through his veins, spreading pain through his body. He let out a bloodcurdling scream and began shaking vigorously while tightening his grip on Lilith's hand.

    The pain lasted for what seemed like minutes before gradually subsiding and Aaron was left panting, sweat dripping from his forehead. He glanced up and noticed a mark on his hand, one that was already beginning to slowly fade away. It was an O, as bright and fiery as the sensation that had overcome him a few seconds ago.

    "Now listen closely Aaron," Lilith smiled evilly. "As I'm only going to say this once. Do not fuck with me. You will follow the rules and do as you're told otherwise, I'll make you watch while I skip rope with Shane's intestines then Mister Binky will eat you. And he'll start at your toes and work his way up" The moment Lilith finished speaking, the teddy bear which was clinging to Aaron transformed into the abomination it really was. Saliva and ooze dripped form it's mouth and it roared into Aaron's face. Picking Aaron up, Mister Binky stretched out his arms and slowly started to lower Aaron feet first into his mouth.

    Arron struggled to get free from the monster's grip as best he could by kicking and thrashing as he was stuffed into it's throat, but it was already much too late. The reptilian like demon dropped him into it's mouth and swallowed.


    Aaron awoke on a street corner about a block away from the safe house, with all of his lost equipment back on him. He patted himself down to see if everything was where it was supposed to be and then took a deep breath. The damn girl Lilith had pulled through. There was no time to question how it happened though; the sky around the safe house was a bright orange. Shane, Aaron thought, it has to be Shane! Aaron quickly took off towards the safe house. What if Lilith was right? What if they were in danger? What if he didn't get there in time?

    As Aaron neared the safe house he spotted dozens of police and SWAT vehicles around the front. Most of them charred husks of what they once were. The officers were on the ground, writhing in pain after suffering various degrees of burns from a fire that was luckily put out by a nearby collapsed water tower, but the other operatives were nowhere to be seen. And then as he was surveying the area he spotted her, Shane, lying on the ground, burned just as bad-if not worse-as the other officers.

    “No, no, no,” Aaron muttered, a rising concern in his voice. He sprinted to her, trying to get to her as fast as he could. It was all his fault, somehow it was all his fault. If he had only been there, maybe he would have been able to change things.

    When he reached Shane, Aaron knelt down beside her and let out a deep sigh in relief. She was still breathing, her chest quickly rising and falling. He closed his eyes and whispered to her, “Shane, Shane, I need to get you out of here. I'm-I'm so sorry I was gone, I'm sorry.” Tears were beginning to form in his eyes, but he held them back; now wasn't the time to cry, not yet. “I don't know if you can hear me Shane,” he said, “but I just want you to know that I love you. I don't think I've said that enough times.” He paused for a second and then reached under Shane's neck with one arm, and her legs with the other. “I'm sorry, but this is going to hurt. We need to get out of here.”

    (Co-op with Naz)

  4. #134
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    Kristy's quick observation that Shane was quickly losing control not only prevented Shane from hurting the SWAT team and police forces that were present, but also kept Shane from doing irreversible damage to herself. Shane collapsed on the ground, barely remaining conscience as the pain became overwhelming.

    Somewhere in her mind she heard Aaron's voice. Sweet Aaron, her Aaron. Shane shook her head, trying to focus. No, it wasn't Aaron, it couldn't be. He'd left her, he'd abandoned her. She felt herself being lifted, carefully, tenderly and although she heard the words "I love you." she was certain that she was delusional. "Aaron?" Shane mumbled. "I'm sorry, this is going to hurt. We need to get out of here." Her mind refused to believe that it could be Aaron and try as she might to open her eyes the pain was too intense. The thought kept rolling over in her mind. Aaron, it couldn't be him. He was gone, he'd disappeared.

    It must have been Malcom who had picked her up. The kind priest, the crazy priest. Shane left her head lean against her rescuers shoulder "Mal..thank you.." Shane felt herself slipping, everything around her began to fade into darkness. With the last of her strength she managed to get out the words "Baket..I need...Baket."

    Baket had almost gotten to a standing position when all hell appeared to break loose, again. The pounding in her head already felt as if it would split open, and the sirens going off were not helping the situation what so ever. The surge of adrenaline was actually a welcome addition, when she realized what those sirens must mean. It pushed the thoughts of the aches and pains she was feeling to the background, she had to move and move now. Some thing was drastically wrong. Knowing that there would be time later to deal with her bumps and bruises, or at least she hoped there would be. Either way, one thing she was certain of, she couldn't stay here on the floor.

    She shuffled as quickly as she was able to the door to see what had set off the alarms, only to see Shane on the ground with someone hovering over her. It caused her to do a double take when she realized who was there. The shock evident on her face.

    “Shane, it's me, Aaron. Shane!” Aaron struggled to hold his tears back. This was all his fault, all of it. He was the one who abandoned her. Now he just wanted her to open her eyes, he wanted to see her smile and be happy again. He wanted it to be like it was before all this, before they became fugitives. He couldn't bear see her like this, he just couldn't. He felt like holding her tightly against him, to try and comfort her, and by extension, him. But he had to force himself not to do it, he couldn't, not without hurting her. She was right, he needed to find Baket.

    He frantically looked around the charred landscape, screaming, “Baket! Baket, I need you, please!” And there she was, frozen in the doorway with a bewildered look on her face. “What the hell are you doing, she needs help!” Aaron yelled out to her. And then in a more quiet tone, “please.”

    Baket snapped back, to the hear and now, pushing all the questions aside. There would be time, later to figure it all out. At least that’s what she told herself. She could see, even from the distance between herself and Shane that this was bad. Very bad. Moving as quickly as she could she reached the couple, focusing her energy to her hands before she even knelt down. Her fingers on her left hand were still tingling from the arm being pinned earlier. As the energy raced through her veins, her own fingers were flush with power, which she shoved directly into Shane.

    Generally she didn’t touch the people she healed, it wasn’t necessary. Just close enough proximity was required. Then again, she had never really been around someone this seriously hurt. This felt different. Bigger. Her fingers were just about itching with their need to touch her, feel her charred skin. It was like there was a neon sign in her mind that said Direct Contact, it would not be refused. It had never been a need before.

    She didn’t question it, she laid her fingertips as gently as she could on the other woman and pushed her gift, out, closing her eyes in concentration, knowing that this was going to hurt no matter how hard she willed for it not to.

    Shane couldn't focus, the voices around her seeming to be mere whispers in comparison to the pain that she felt wracking her body. The whispers taunted her. Shane couldn't distinguish a voice, she barely could hear the words and in her current state of confusion she was certain that she had become delirious.

    Then Shane heard the word...please.... Had she said it? She was so weak, the lines of reality blurred behind her eyelids. No sooner than the word had been said than Shane felt something being pressed against her skin.

    Shane screamed.

    "No God no, make it stop!" Whatever had touched her skin had sent what Shane could have only described as being a surge of energy that felt like a fire coursing through her veins. Whatever had come in contact with her skin was still there though, still pressing against her causing the pain to intensify. As the phenomenon wended and winded it's way through her body like a fire raging through the forest Shane's insides were wracked with pain then almost as quickly was followed by a cooling sensation, and along with it she slowly began to regain her senses.

    The fire...the pain..the whispers..healing..Baket! It had to be Baket. But Shane could still feel her hands on her, could still feel her energy flowing through her. She had to stop her before she grew too weak. "Baket." Shane said through parched lips "Baket..stop..please, you have to stop."

    Trying to open her eyes Shane quickly shut them tightly, realizing that even though Baket had saved her, there would probably still be burns, scars. She didn't care, she was alive thanks to Baket. Slowly, Shane opened her eyes, squinting until things began to come into focus.

    The first thing she saw was that of Baket, beside her. Shane tried to smile as she closed her eyes again and whispered to the woman who had just saved her life "Baket..thank you.."

    It was then that Shane realized that she was still being held. It was an all to familiar feeling to her, one that spoke of comfort, but it couldn't be...
    Was this another of Lilith's cruel jokes? Had it all been a dream, another nightmare? Slowly turning her head, Shane forced her eyes open, afraid of what she might see. A tear slid from the corner of her eye, stinging the burns on her face. It wasn't a dream.

    "Aaron" Shane swallowed hard. She felt like she could have drank the Atlantic Ocean and still not have quenched her thirst. "What did you..." Shane stopped then, looking at his tear stained face "Aaron, where were you?"

    Aaron looked at Shane and smiled. She was going to be alright, She was going to be alright! “I... I don't know where I was, there was-” Aaron paused, glancing over at Baket and remembering what Lilith had said, "First, you cannot tell anyone where you've been or what has happened or anything about me...except for Shane. When we're done here, you will find you have more in common with her than you think." Aaron sighed and whispered, “It doesn't matter right now, we need to get out of here but,” Aaron smiled, “we'll talk later.”

    Aaron spoke louder, this time looking at Baket, “Thank you so much! Thank you, thank you, thank you!” He felt like he couldn't say that phrase enough times and still show what he meant. He didn't even know of any way he could express how grateful he felt.

    Baket opened her eyes, when she heard Shane tell her to stop. Lifting her hands off the other woman and then slowing the healing power pouring from her fingertips. She brought the image of a large water faucet to her mind, and her hands slowly turning the handle to the off position. Turn, after turn, slower and slower until it was done. Closed and put away again, for now.

    Feeling a little more than shaky, she just smiled at Aaron when he thanked her, and nodded slowly. “It’s why I’m here” she said in barely a whisper, her voice feeling rusty and unused. “She’s still going to need care, but it will be ok now to move her with minimal pain” her voice a little stronger. “We really need to go” she said looking around, wanting nothing more than to just lay down right on the charred earth. Her energy levels dangerously close to being completely depleted. Knowing it wasn’t possible yet, not if she didn’t want to end up in the hands of the authorities.

    joint collaboration by Mysti, DB Wolf, Merry
    Spoiler: Looking for a Roleplay? Just click it! 

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  5. #135
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    Once again, Claire found herself floating in darkness. It had been a while since she found herself here, trapped in the recesses of her mind. It was something she didn't welcome. After a few moments, she could hear a voice in the blackness.

    “Why are you here Claire?” Of course Claire couldn't see the source of the voice but she recognized it. After all, it wasn't the first time her father had spoken to her since he died.

    “I can't do it anymore papi.” Claire was teary eyed. “I can't live like this. My power is making everything worse. I wish I couldn't feel. I wish I didn't care.”

    “Your power's not the problem Claire,” her father's voicing had a soothing quality, not unlike that which Claire sometimes used. She couldn't help but notice that Karen was right before. It did sound a little condescending.. “It's you. You used to be able to control your emotions, and your power because of it.

    “But I had no choice. It would have killed me.” Claire spoke, a little angrier now. “I can't go back to that. I want to be able to feel and not just live alone. I want more than that.

    “And you can have it Claire” came the reply. “You need to control it at the right time. You need to use the emotions you have. Not try and lock them up for fear of what they might do. The only reason the emotions still overwhelm you is because you're afraid of them.”

    “But I don't want to hurt anyone.” Claire whispered.

    “You don't have a choice anymore.” Claire felt hands on her shoulders, though she couldn't see them. "You have to be what you were meant to be. And more importantly, if you don't do the things you have to, both you and all those you love will die. You can't give up now. You can do this.”

    “I'm scared papi,” Claire's voice was meek.

    “I'd be worried if you weren't.” Claire felt a hand on her cheek. “But you are your mother's daughter. You'll be fine but you have to do this. I won't be able to help you anymore but you're not alone. There are people who can help you. You just need to have faith in yourself.”

    “I will papi,” Claire nodded a little as a single tear rolled down her cheek “I miss you.”

    Claire's eyes opened. She looked up at Malcolm before noticing that Karen wasn't in the room. For the moment, she could only assume Karen was outside with the others. Getting up and walking over to the elevator, which would take her to the first level of the warehouse, where shit was hitting the fan outside. Somewhere in the back of Claire's mind, she could hear herself saying, “There's got to be a better way.” However, given what she could see on the screen as she passed, she would likely have no choice but to hurt innocent people.

    Though she would have normally been moving faster, her pace was methodical as she retrieved her swords and rested them on her shoulders, stepping onto the platform. As it rose, she could feel the slight tingle of tears beginning to well up in her eyes. She pushed them away, forcing herself to be more determined. To be strong. To be everything she hadn't been before finding the experimental drug in the facility which kept her emotions from overwhelming her.

    Once Claire reached the door to the outside, she exhaled deeply, attempting to focus and once again shut out her own emotions. She could hear the sounds of the gunshots emanating through the walls of the warehouse and couldn't help but feel a little apprehensive. After all, the police which had been assembled to take them in were only doing their jobs. She didn't want to have to kill any of them but, at this point, that might have been a foregone conclusion.

    The door opened, the light blinding Claire for a moment as she stepped out of the warehouse. It was only a moment before she heard the police yelling at her to drop her weapons and lay down on the ground. Threats of “or I'll shoot” accompanying them from some of the police who had recovered from Shane's attack. There was now a helicopter hovering overhead as well and Claire could plainly see the sniper inside who was aiming directly at her

    Even without her power active, she could feel the emotions of the officers bleeding through. They were spooked. And why shouldn't they be? To their knowledge, Claire was a terrorist. Not to mention that Shane had just given them an unnatural pyrotechnics display. It appeared Kristy had been at work as well, what with all the cars moved out of the way. But even with that apprehension, she could also feel that more than one of them wanted to simply put a bullet in her head and end this now. That was all Claire needed for her emotions to be fuelled.

    The thought of them wanting to kill her outright sent a feeling of rage through her and Claire's eyes turned black. Her head tilting sharply upwards as she felt the emotion coursing through her. Pain accompanied the feeling and blood started to run from her eyes. Gasps could be heard from the policemen along with a shot ringing out as Claire’s head snapped back.

    In that moment, the emotions released from Claire and an unseen wave was sent straight out from her. It hit the bullet, sending it spiralling off to some unknown location. Then, it reached the line of police.

    The gasps quickly turned to cries of fear and pain as they were sent hurtling through the air. As the policemen met the ground, Claire was thrown backwards, shot in the shoulder by a sniper's bullet. The pain was overwhelming and Claire screamed, flying backwards. As she hit the ground, another wave exploded from her and crashed into the helicopter. It was pushed backwards, turned upside down in midair and slammed into a nearby building, exploding on impact.

    As Claire lay on the ground, bits of debris and ash raining down around her, she felt something very curious It felt as though the back of her neck was tingling and she could feel the hairs rise.

    Someone was using magic.

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    Hands in pockets. Shallow breaths – In and out.

    It was difficult to act casual; so much about the situation was unnatural. There were people in the streets, clueless, drearily making their way to work under the eye of the morning sun. He wove between them, barely even glancing toward them as he walked past. There was only one person on his mind and time… Time was running out. His footsteps seemed to echo on the pavement, even under the gentle murmuring of those awake. A guilty conscience made the noise reach his ears in amplified volume, pounding against his skull in relentless reminder.

    The man had been vile, scum beyond that of nightmares. Files recorded his multiple attacks; all victims, ten years or younger. He had needed to be locked in a personal cell, away from other inmates, for the sake of his safety. That’s what had made him an easy target; isolation and a bastard enough that Mark could justify his ruthless death.

    Hollow sockets, bloody holes, eyes torn by sheer force. Ears and mouth streamed with the same red liquid, brains and bone accompanying the gore. The face was concave, whatever structure it once had crushed by the brutality of a demon-led sacrifice. Twitch; the body convulsed erratically, still in shock over the pain that had surged through it. No human was supposed to experience such an ordeal. Then again, no human worth a damn would commit the crimes he had. His jaw still jerked open and closed from where he had tried to beg forgiveness just minutes ago.

    The memory was burned within Mark’s mind. Without the heat of rage filling him, the consequences of his actions began to weigh down. There was no regret, just a nagging concern that someone, somewhere, knew what he had done.

    He strode, head held high and carefree expression, in direct denial of such inner turmoil. The death had been needed. It would protect far more important lives today.

    The sky above his destination tinted orange for a few seconds and he couldn’t stop from hurrying his pace. He was working off the logic that they could handle themselves, no matter the danger. He had seen a few police cars overtake him further back but had not even considered them a threat. He was only a few minutes away; he caught the faint sound of a scream before an explosion blinded his ears. Before he knew it, he was running. Was she okay? Had they hurt her?

    The suit he wore grew hot; it clung to him and slowed him down. He could only sprint so fast and he panicked that it would not be enough.

    Four military helicopters buzzed above him, blades slicing the air and powering them towards what Karen had once described as a ‘safe house’. Such name seemed ironic now; every gun in the city lay locked onto its location. It was in his sight for a few seconds before helicopter missiles blasted into the building, scattering rubble into the area around.

    His fingers began to tingle, intensity increasing to the point of burning, the spell readying in his hands. He cast his arms out behind, urgency diminishing all desire to aim. A wave of pain flooded through him as the spell released but he didn’t break stride. He had known it would come; the magic was meant for demons, not human form.

    The helicopters were lining themselves up for their next shot and there he was, running directly into their aim. What a fool he was. The thought did not stop him.

    He caught sight of three people; one male, two female. SCAR Operatives were easy to pick out when one expected their presence. They had a hardened look, ready for combat at a moment’s notice. Although he longed to continue past them, he paused by them momentarily. It was true, they had reason to trust a stranger but he prayed for their sake that fear of death would push them into accepting his aid.

    “There.” He pointed towards the street behind. It was difficult to see; they were made for subtlety, only large enough for two people walking abreast. Its only indication was a shimmer in the air - He could see the road and buildings behind but their shape was warped and all colour had been drained from their appearance. “Run through the portal.” He didn’t have time for anything less than orders, “I-… I need to find Karen. And Claire.”

    The second was an afterthought but the woman was a friend no matter how strained the relationship. He had fought operatives before and killed a few but they were not made to be slaughtered like lambs. He did not want any more dead females upon his conscience, not when he had a chance to save them.

    He did not wait for the group to reply before he sprinted away again, heading towards the building in direct defiance of the anxiety clawing his stomach.
    Last edited by Auki; 07-31-2011 at 09:34 PM.

  7. #137
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    "Twinkle, twinkle little star..."

    Charlie was falling in darkness.

    " I wonder...what you are..."

    She was hearing a child's voice. She sounded familiar.

    "...up above the world so high..."

    It her voice....when she was younger...

    " a the sky..."


    Once Charlie fell, Malcolm forgot about what she was going to tell him and caught her head before her skull smacked against the unforgivingly hard floor. Thanks to his experiences with Claire, Malcolm had learned how to properly deal with someone having a seizure. Mal made sure Charlie didn't bang herself up too bad while she convulsed, but scrapes and bruises were unavoidable.

    Once Charlie had fought through the worst of her convulsions, he ran over to check on Claire in her unconscious state, placing a hand on her cheek, trying to rouse her back to the world of the living. Slowly, Claire returned to him, and he let himself breathe again. Claire got to her feet and grabbed her weapons - she was fine.

    Charlie's body convulsed on the floor. It was only a few minutes after Clair left, its like Charlie was having a seizure, but we all know that during these times it was definitely supernatural. The room shook as a darkness began to focus towards her. Her eyes fluttered and then glued shut. And then she screamed. Unlike any scream she ever produced. The cry was like a banshee calling out. Then...she stopped. Then....she began to cackle.

    Once he heard her cackle, Malcolm gently set her down, his hand wanting to reach for his pistol when the laugh escaped her lips. The poor man was strung out and frayed enough as it was, and this was disturbing the last bit of calm he had left.

    "Poor little Mal," Charlie spoke in voice which clearly was not her own. It was much like the sound of nails being raked over a chalkboard. Yet it seemed to contain an air of an ancient evil.

    "Forsaken by a god who doesn't care for him and in love with a woman he can't keep. You should have stayed with me in hell. I would have made sure you were warm." Charlie's eyes opened, appearing as two black orbs which seemed to stare off into space.

    "And before you get the idea of using your ability to banish me back to the pit. Don't bother. I only seek to deliver a message and then I will depart. Plus, if you were to use your ability on Charlie, it could have some very adverse side effects considering our shared blood." Charlie's mouth curled into a wicked smile.

    "Anyway, the time for pleasantries is over. I only wish to tell you to be careful of Claire. She is not the innocent you believe her to be. In fact, without her, all of our plans will fail. Be careful who you stay close to Mal. Nothing is as it seems. And if you are hoping your god will save you. Well let's just say you and I will be together again soon enough." And with that Charlie's eyes returned to normal.

    Malcolm's hands shook, one trapping a knotted bunch of Charlie's hair in a trembling fist while he held a knife under her chin with the other. It took all of Malcolm's strength not to drain her dry of blood. She was possessed by a demon, but the demon did not attack, it was more sinister breed that sows seeds of doubt and despair. Shared Blood? With a demon? With....

    Malcolm dropped Charlie like she was scorching his flesh and he moved to the other side of the room as quickly as possible, dropping his knife with a clatter of metal on linoleum. Mal shook his head in silent disbelief and denial. Were the demons right? Had God forsaken Mal after all?

    Charlie awoke from a darkened dream as though her throat were tied shut. She coughed out for air as everything seemed blurred and shadowy. A knife was held to her throat and her hair felt like it would be torn from the roots. She looked up at Mal, tears falling down her face. It wasn't like her at all, but she was really freaked. Worried too, that her only family member would kill her, right there.

    "W-what happened," she stuttered at him. "What! What the hell happened to me?!" Malcolm's breath was shuttering briskly as he watched Charlie helplessly. He could feel the demonic presence leaving her, but the words she, or the demon said, still echoed in his head, scratching at the inside of his skull like a thousand claws of a thousand rats.

    "Later, Charlie!" Malcolm muttered, his voice cold and shaky, going over to her and grabbing her hard by the arm, drawing his Desert Eagle with is free hand, firing the man-stopping .44 rounds with laser-point precision in-between the eyes of two advancing SWAT officers. A portal opened on the other side of the room, and Malcolm was too tired and desperate to look a gift horse in the mouth. Running still, Mal fired his gun behind him until the hammer clicked without result. He lead Charlie outside, seeing the work that Claire had done. Policemen started to re-steady their weapons and take aim. Malcolm could feel that seething anger he felt earlier that day welling up from the deep, dark corners of his heart. The gravity of Charlie's situation breaking through his mental fortifications, making him even angrier. Lights flickered and overcharged in a shower of sparks and glass. Focusing on the sniper in the helicopter, Malcolm glared and held out his hand, eyes glowing a vivid red as the sniper was burnt to cinders, his blackened skeleton falling from the chopper and shattering upon the hood of a police scar. Men screamed in horror, blind to the fragmentation grenades being tossed in to thick of their ranks. Contented with his work, Malcolm quickly dragged Charlie to the portal, gave a quick explanation of it, then threw her in. Satisfied, he shrugged off the news that raked his mind, and ran to help Claire.

    ((co-op with StormWolf and Nazgul!!))
    Last edited by Yoruyonaka; 08-09-2011 at 05:15 AM.

  8. #138
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    Aaron looked at Shane, there in his arms, and he could tell she'd been through all kinds of hell. “Are you alright,” Aaron asked without even thinking. “Oh come on you idiot, is that all you can say? After all that, after all of what you said before, the only thing you can think about saying now is if she's okay? Well obviously she's not fucking okay! You probably don't even know half of what she went through! She only got hurt as bad as she did because of you! If you'd been there, she'd have been okay! She thought you'd abandoned her, imagine what you put her through! She probably doesn't even want to speak to you ever again you idiot! Stupid, stupid, stupid!”

    Shane looked up into Aaron's face. It really truly was him. She raised a weak hand to his face as he held her "I'm fine Aaron." Shane said the words through her teeth. She had never lied to him before. The truth was, she wasn't fine. Baket had made the pain stop, she had saved Shane and although Shane knew that she would pull through, she was positive the burns would scar her for life.*

    And then Aaron wouldn't want her anymore. Shane buried her face against his shoulder. At least the action didn't hurt her and she realized, it didn't hurt to have Aaron holding her now either. He had to be tired though, and she had to find her own strength again. Shane's fingers traced his face as she looked up at him "Aaron, where did you go, I mean, why did you leaves me?"*

    Then Shane became aware of the others around them, heard the voice.*“Run through the portal.”*Portal? What portal. Her gaze followed the voice but at the same time she realized Malcolm and Charlie were already moving, and there were choppers.*

    It was never fucking ending, it was a nightmare. One she couldn't escape but yet it seemed real. The screams were real, the burns were real. "Aaron, put me down." Her voice was weak and despite how weak she was she knew she had to try to buy the others more time somehow. Shane stood, supported by Aaron as she tried to call on her powers. Sparks barely bounced at her fingertips. Refusing to give up she whispered to Aaron, "Don't let me fall, Aaron."

    Shane knew that at that moment there was little Aaron could do to help without his proper equipment. All he could do was hold her up while she tried again. Focusing her thoughts to her hands, she successfully managed to make a small ball of fire appear, throwing it towards the helicopter but managing to miss by several feet as she collapsed into Aaron's arms, almost at the same time as Malcolm had imposed his own powers onto the sniper inside of the chopper.

    "I'm sorry." Shane croaked out, feeling helpless to try to help the remaining SCAR members that had not yet entered the portal. She felt Aaron's arms cradling her once more. "Aaron..we have to get out of here."

    Aaron slowly lifted her off the ground, preparing to make a run for the portal that someone had mentioned. Seeing Shane's weakened state Aaron regretted letting her try to use her powers. She obviously couldn't take much more. He was surprised she was even awake after all that she had been through.

    Making sure that they weren’t being targeted by the helicopters, Aaron ran towards the portal, hoping that they would make it before they were spotted. “We're almost there Shane, almost there,” he whispered.

    "We'll talk about everything later, just get us out of here, Aaron. We'll find the others, everything will be okay." Shane allowed her head to rest against Aaron's shoulder, her voice barely audible. "Just get us there." Aaron pushed harder, he needed to make it into the portal, to safety.

    Aaron could fully see the portal now. It was there, within reach. “We're almost there Shane, we're gonna make it,” Aaron said softly. The portal got closer and closer until he stood face to face with it. Holding his breath, and closing his eyes, he stepped through.

    Co-op with Mysti

  9. #139
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    Baket was dizzy and nauseous. The headache that had been fading, now back in full force. Her powers came at a cost to herself each time she used them, and she knew she was close to completely depleted. As she watched Shane and Aaron tune out everything for a few moments and focus on each other her lips curled into a small wistful smile. Someday, she thought. That would be her, and she wanted that day more than anything. Some one that she knew would be there to care for her, with out reservation or hesitation. That special someone that would cross the world for just her, if need be. Someone she would do the same for.

    Chiding herself quietly, she knew it was silly to be thinking these thoughts, especially here, right now. It would do no good to contemplate the endless supply of what if’s. Instinctively she knew that the thoughts had only come because she was utterly worn out. She crouched down, and closed her eyes for a moment. Just a minute to catch my breath, she told herself. That’s when hell really broke loose.

    Abruptly the air was filled with explosions and pandemonium. A helicopter almost directly overhead swiftly exploded, debris cascading down in small balls of flames all around her. Pieces of the chopper crashing into the ground with force. Smoke and fire, everywhere all at once. The screams of people in pain filled the air and gunshots ripped through everything. The noise level was deafening. Instinctively crouching down and attempting to cover her head, she scuttled as quickly as she was able across the semi open area she was in, beside some hedges. She scanned for a sight of Shane and Aaron but they were impossible to locate through the smoke.

    She wondered what the hell had happened to them, when the thought crept in that maybe when she had closed her eyes for what felt like only a moment, it had been in fact longer. Was she that drained that she had dozed off for a few minutes? Anything was possible. She was still injured from earlier, and then the healing of Shane had knocked her even lower. Regardless she was awake now, and in the middle of a war zone. Adrenaline was kicking in, in a major way. The threat of death apparently was the ultimate motivator.

    Ducking as best she could beside the small vegetation she saw the portal off to the side and watched as SCAR members headed toward the wavering light. Of course… she wondered who had opened it, then realized that it didn’t matter, not really anyway. As long as they could use it to escape this nightmare. She noticed that the military and police, what was left of them, was starting to advance. Anyone not through the portal quickly wouldn’t be going at all. With bullets screaming all around her, she knew it was now or never. Keeping as low to the ground as she could manage, she moved as fast as her battered body would allow. Just a few more feet and she would be safe she thought.

    Maybe it was this thought that caused her to let down her guard, coming up from her short crouch just a little more than she had to. Maybe it was just luck, or worse, fate. Either way, at the exact moment that her right foot entered the portal she heard this roaring sound in her ears, and a sharp pain struck her up high in the back. The pain so intense she was pushed forward from the impact.

    The bullet hit her almost directly between her shoulder blades. Her body was frozen in pain but in motion at the same time. The sting of the shot so searing that she screamed out, louder than she had ever screamed in her life. Every muscle in her back contracted into one massive heap of flesh. As the wind rushed out of her lungs with one large gasp as she fell forward from the impact, half into the portal and half out.

    She tried to crawl through, but her fingers could find nothing to grip. It was as if she was stuck hanging between two places. She was unable to go back, but powerless to find a way to move forward. When she stretched her arms out, reaching into thin air she was hit with another wave of excruciating pain. She screamed out again, and then everything went black, and the pain was no more.
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  10. #140
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    Co op with Auki

    Claire stood and stared at the destruction before her, the sound of the approaching helicopters reaching her ears. As it grew louder, she steeled herself for the next attack. A part of her was praying that she hadn't hurt anyone with her outburst but deep down she knew the truth. Unfortunately, now wasn't the time for sorrow; especially for people she didn't know. As the helicopters came into view, Claire thought she could hear someone calling her name.



    Mark ducked behind a car as someone approached from behind, slightly surprised to see a man sprinting past through the middle of the action. The SCAR Operative searched the rumble for the woman as though his very life depended on it. Eyes shone a maddened red and policemen fell, charcoal black, on either side of the road. A helicopter tumbled from the air, machinegun silenced, as the burnt corpse of its pilot fell limp. The power behind each attack was fascinating - It was almost a shame when a bullet took to the man’s temple. Mark made no move to help; he could see the operative convulsing and knew him to be in the throes of death. Time could not be wasted on hopeless causes.

    Pushing himself from behind the car, the necromancer sprinted forward, keeping behind cover as much as he was able. He had no gun; he was as vulnerable as a lamb on slaughter’s day. A knife whipped into his hand and he hastily slit into his thumb, urging the red that pooled from the wound. Pulling up his sleeve, he ran the blood down his skin, ancient symbols forming in a crimson array. It was the least he could do – Even with the helicopters buzzing ahead, the policemen on the ground remained a threat. Whether from the air or below, a bullet to the right spot could kill instantly. Mark muttered a few words, still running forth.

    Reactions were delayed. It was a few moments before they truly noticed their slaughtered comrades picking themselves up from the ground. Confused cries followed by pained screams; half their guns were forced to turn within their ranks, fending off the zombies that stumbled within arm’s reach of their prey. Time was slipping by fast – Where the hell was this woman?

    “Claire!” He took up the call of the fallen operative before, dodging through the wreckage.

    “Karen! Claire!”

    The latter came into view, bloody faced and dazed. He pelted towards her – He knew his question was rude, his tone demanding, but he had to ease the worry from his mind, “Where’s Karen?”

    "I... I... " Claire stuttered, the distress clear on her face at having felt Malcolm's death. It was only her confusion at seeing Mark that kept her from completely losing it, though she was quickly becoming less than coherent.

    "Mark? What... how?" Claire stared blankly, though her wavering voice clearly denoted the confusion she was feeling. All it did was frustrate him,
    “We’re running out of time, Claire! Where is Karen?”

    "I don't know," Claire spoke softly. " Gone." Claire winced as bullets started to fill the air. Apparently the newly arrived officers' confusion at the zombies had passed. It also served to jar Claire back into reality a little.

    "What have you done?"

    The gun noises grew more intense as the seconds ticked by. Claire’s question went ignored, “What do you mean gone? Where has she gone!?”

    "I don't know," Claire replied. "I passed out. She was gone when I came to," Claire paused for a moment to stare at Mark.

    "How did you get here?" Claire glanced around, as if looking for some form of transportation which might have brought Mark to the scene. "And what's with all these fucking zombies?" Claire sounded clearly annoyed as she spoke the last part. Of course she would be. She had always had some annoyingly bias sense of justice that Mark still failed to grasp. He had no idea what to make of Karen – He could only assume that she was somewhere else and capable of looking after herself. Claire, on the other hand, needed his present attention – Should anything happen to her, his wife would never be quiet.

    “Most soldiers commend using the enemy’s resources against them. Don’t lecture me.” He failed to mention that she should be grateful; at the least, he had avoided using operatives in his endeavours.
    “How I came here doesn’t matter. We’re leaving by a portal – It’s nearby, down the road. It will take us somewhere safe.” He spoke in his usual monotone manner but hastened his pace of voice.

    "We have to find the others first," Claire spoke, choosing to ignore the condescending attitude of Mark. At the moment she had asked, she didn't really think that Mark had summoned them. And once she knew the truth, she found she didn't care. "My team. I'm not leaving without them."

    “For hell’s sake, woman, I’ve already sent them through. You’re the last one to go.”

    "Lead the way," Claire breathed a sigh of relief. He blinked in surprise as she accepted his words and prayed that all her team really had gone through. At least it had subdued her anxiety. He took hold of her wrist and pulled her into a run back the way he had come. Adrenaline was kicking in; he could feel the blood pounding in his head as their footsteps pounded against the street.

    As they rounded a corner Claire caught sight of two things which unnerved her. The first was the portal. Now Claire had seen magical portals before, and this appeared different. The air seemed to shimmer, and if not for that, Claire might not have even known it was there.

    "Mark, how did you..." Claire trailed off as she caught sight of Kristy. This was the second thing that made Claire uncomfortable as Mark had said her team had gone through the portal already. And it didn't help that Claire could sense that someone had Kristy in their sights.

    "Kristy! Run!" As Claire screamed, Kristy turned and then hit the ground as a bullet went through her chest. Claire screamed and then a bullet caught her in the shoulder, causing her to be thrown backwards to the ground. Mark, still holding onto her, was pulled off balance by the jerk. He cursed as his shoulder smashed into the floor, pushing his weight off it to aid the retaliation of pain.

    This wasn’t the time to stop. “Shit, Claire. I’m sorry. I didn’t know.” He pushed himself onto his feet, stumbling, grabbing onto Claire and hoisting her up with him. There was a level of guilt but it was crushed by the urge to concentrate on what he could do; not on what was beyond his reach. Utilising his strength, he began to drag the woman towards the portal.

    Claire was still clutching her swords, attempting to struggle against Mark. Though the struggle was short lived due to every movement causing her intense pain from the bullet in her shoulder.

    "Please," Claire was barely audible through the sound of gunfire. "We have to help."

    “She’s gone.” He tried to say it gently but the words were released through gritted teeth as she fought against him. It was a blessing that she was weakened; time was not a luxury in their possession. Closer and closer, inch by inch, for what felt like a lifetime. Helicopters roared, bullets filled the air and the girl now lay still on the ground, blood dribbling from the mouth.

    She would hate him. The portal drew near and with a last push of strength, he sent her through.

    Claire landed on the soft grass, disoriented and in agonizing pain. Finally she let the swords go and then took a moment to glance around. The field she was laying in was not what she had expected at all. She had figured Mark's portal would drop them in a house, or at least, somewhere not so out in the open.

    As one of the cows in the field mooed, Mark stepped through, the portal closing behind him. Claire tried to push herself to her feet, but found she was unable due to the pain, which was growing in intensity.

    Claire glanced around again and became even more alarmed when she realized apart from herself, only Charlie and Mark were in the field. The others had apparently disappeared.

    "Mark, Claire spoke.Her tone sluggish and her eyes starting to close as the dizziness overtook her. "Where are the-" And with that, Claire lost consciousness.

    To Be Continued

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