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  1. #11
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    Howl Osborne

    Also, this picture.
    Birthday November 11th.
    Age 23.
    Gender Male.
    Race Caucasian, he’s never bothered looking into his ancestry, so he just says “American”.
    Blood type AB-.
    Howl‘s hair is naturally blonde, but he dyed it as a preteen to match the natural black of Boots‘ hair so people would think they were related. It wasn‘t until recently he decided to tint it so that when shined in the light it revealed a blue color. Naturally his eyes are dark brown, though he has been known to wear colored contacts from time to time and people swear they turn goldenrod when he is angry, especially when in a physical fight. A variety of piercings adorn his ears, then there is a piercing on his right eyebrow and he has a septum piercing on his nose that from time to time has a chain attached to it that links to the collar of his shirt. Howl almost always wears black.

    He stands at 6‘4“, though his weight is unknown he appears to be quite scrawny in his slimming, dark attire, though he is actually very toned.
    Sexuality Heterosexual.
    Occupation A local brawler, though he has been asked to go pro.
    Howl is a stubborn ass who butts his nose into everyone’s business without much of a care, but only if it benefits him somehow; if it has nothing to do with him or Boots, then he could care less about whatever it was. One of the shortest fuses in the entire world, Howl is quick to anger and just as quick to kick someone’s ass without second guessing himself, which has led him to beat up a lot of messengers.

    He is extremely protective of Boots and loves her with all of his heart as a sister, though many assume otherwise. Howl gets this way with anyone he becomes close with, though those numbers are very few.

    Likes: Fighting, meat, and black coffee.
    Dislikes: Vegetables, vegan food, anything that scares or tries to hurt Boots, most colors, sweets, and lemons, for some reason.
    Habits: What habits does your character have?
    Diseases None to his knowledge.
    Abilities/talents Howl is an excellent fighter.
    Most of his history is explained in Boots‘ history, but this will enlighten all to anything not Boots related.

    Howl doesn‘t know anything about his father and, honestly, couldn‘t give a rat‘s ass; his mother insists that he died sometime before he was born. Unlike Holly, Howl had an extremely loving, nurturing mother who was willing to do anything to make her son happy, yet somehow he still came out the skeptic ass he is today. He absolutely adores his mother and they have a fantastic relationship. Throughout his childhood he tried his best to help his mother provide for the household through mowing lawns and other minor tasks someone his age could perform.

    Until he met Holly.

    Howl was the one who gave Holly the nickname Boots, when he was teasing her on how often she wore them. She thoroughly enjoyed the nickname, so it stuck. Once he met her he felt she needed him more than his mother could ever possibly need him and somewhere in his gut he knew Fred was going to be gone someday, but he had no idea it would be in the literal sense; he merely believed Fred was going to go to college and visit a whole lot less. Upon Fred‘s suicide, he put it upon himself to take Boots out of that hectic household, but she was sent off to boarding school before he could. So, he begged and pleaded with his mother to allow him to go to boarding school with Boots. She was reluctant and insisted he would make new friends until he pointed out, “Mom, have I ever had any other friends?” With that, she permitted his leave.

    Now he lives with Boots in Mythos Complex, which he stays in for the cheap prices and because he doesn‘t believe in the rumors, feeling they are full of shit.

    Hayabusa made me a pretty.

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  2. #12
    Preach's Avatar
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    Though I honestly feel like this RP is too spooky for me, I'm going for it anyway.

    Bridget Loughridge

    image credit/link
    Birthday April 14
    Age 27
    Gender Female
    Race Caucasian. Of mostly Irish descent, with some Scottish thrown in.
    Blood type B+
    Bridget dresses conservatively and rather traditionally, typically choosing to wear skirts -never above the knee, mind you- instead of trousers, and blouses instead of T-Shirts. She favours natural tones, but in the summer she's likely to throw some pastel in there, too. She's not fond of heels, preferring to wear flats exclusively. Bridget also wears a rather distinctive perfume - always the same scent, regardless of the season. It's mostly lily of the valley and narcissus, with hints of citrus -the same scent her grandmother wore. She's quite short, about 5'3, has excellent posture, and not particularly curvy or muscular -though her arms are pretty toned due to constantly practicing the violin. Bridget barely ever wears make-up, either - well, at least none that's obvious, anyway. She does take care to hide her freckles with concealer, though - she's quite self-conscious about them. The only part of her appearance she puts real effort into is her hair, which is always well-groomed and glossy. And she's a natural red-head, of course.
    Sexuality Rigidly straight. At least, that's what she thinks - she's not really sure and doesn't think about it.
    Occupation Classical musician, plays in a symphony orchestra. Often teaches children at a local music school for extra dosh.
    Very reserved and rather stoic. Really keeps to herself. She's observant, though, and though she rarely speaks first, she'll always respond. Tends to be blunt, and is often sarcastic- however, due to her serious nature and tendency not to speak much, her sarcasm often comes off as sincere, which can lead to... Misunderstandings. Bridget is also pretty bad at dealing with said misunderstandings. This leads her to prefer quiet to social situations, though that’s also because she's bad at dealing with people in general.

    Likes: Music (obviously), reading -specifically history and folklore-, black tea, sushi, forests.
    Dislikes: Alcohol, babies and toddlers, her father, tight spaces, being overly social.
    Habits: Always brings a hand to her mouth when she's nervous.Typically fiddles with her hands when dealing with people.
    Diseases Anxiety disorder.
    Abilities/talents Playing the violin, very knowledgeable about folklore- specifically the Irish variety, mentally resilient.

    Most of Bridget’s fears stem from her childhood experiences, and it’s quite difficult to tell where one issue begins and the other ends, they’re very much intertwined. Firstly, her fear of her father comes from the fact that he was an alcoholic and hopeless drunk, who’d come home and beat whoever would get in his way, whether that was Bridget, her four brothers, or her mother – it didn’t matter. Her claustrophobia comes from how her father would typically lock her in very cramped spaces –cupboards, closets, that sort of thing- whenever he got mad –he got mad a lot- and she was in the way. Her father’s behaviour is where her aversion to alcohol comes from – she stays as far away from it as she possibly can. Finally, though she was predisposed to anxiety as her mother and maternal grandmother have it as well, it’d be fair to say it was triggered due to her stressful home situation. Abusive alcoholic father, submissive pill-popping mother, three younger brothers to take care of, not to mention the fact that they were dirt poor – add that together, you’ve got a perfect recipe for an anxiety disorder.

    In fact, once the disorder manifested, her anxiety got so bad Bridget could barely function. This was when she was 11, going on 12. No one could help her deal with it, or could be bothered to, really, so she was taken out of school for a while to live with her maternal grandparents. They were very kind to her – she still believes that without their help she wouldn’t have recovered. It was in their home that she was first introduced to folklore, which she immediately was obsessed with. It helped her cope. Even now, the majority of the books in her home are on folklore.

    Then, she was 13, and she still hadn’t gone back to live with her parents. Her grandparents scraped together enough to send her to a music school – a drastic change from having to teach herself, or having to take lessons from second-rate teachers as she had had to when she was younger. From there, her life was much improved –until the nightmares started. They were quite horrible –most were about her father- but, just like with the anxiety before it, Bridget coped, and stopped having them all together when she was 18.

    She continued her musical studies – funding them herself this time, she made money as a teacher- until she graduated at 23 and joined a small chamber symphony. She’s changed jobs since then, not really caring where she works as long as she’s playing. She moved into the Mythos Complex since it was close to where she needed to be, and, above all, cheap. She sends half of her monthly income to her grandparents, always. She would send some to her parents, as well, but she’s lost all contact with them – and her grandparents are evasive whenever she asks. She’s established contact with her younger brother, though it’s still in the early stages, and she hasn’t learnt any information from him yet.
    Last edited by Preach; 07-25-2012 at 04:49 PM.

  3. #13
    Zatory-Master's Avatar
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    Keito Jr. Defam
    Birthday September, 22
    Age 13 (I have aquired permission from Ru)
    Gender Male
    Race English, with a bit of Irish
    Blood type B-
    Keito always has a small Blush. He likes to cover his face up with scarfs or turtle necks. He is blond and has brown eyes.
    For a thirteen year old, he is quite short. His height is that of a ten year old, which gives him an appearence of a much smaller child than he suppose to be. He wears black shoes with yellow laces,and a jacket that is dark blue.
    Sexuality Heterosexual, he doesn't know what that means so Straight.

    Occupation ~No accupation~
    Keito is the shyest boy in his school. He can never face anybody or even say "hello" to anybody because of this. He doesn't know why, but he has always been like that. If he tries to speak, little stutters will come out and he would eventually get embarrased and run off. He fears everything that can walk. He finds somethings interesting so he would stare at them for a while, but wouldn't even dare touch it. He likes to hide from others and flinches easily if others try to shake his hand. Keito is very weak so he gets harrased alot at his middle school. He is not a cry baby though, so tears are not a thing he is aquainted with.

    Likes: Keito likes anything that may look fascinating such as: Candy, lights, Diamonds and gems, drawings and paintings, music, magic, and the rest of the arts.
    Dislikes: Keito is afraid of everything that can walk or touch him. Animals and insects, as well as some human if they are unknown to him.
    Habits: He can never look somebody straight in the eyes. He even has trouble looking at his parents eyes. He also, as mentioned before, flinches if anybody tries to shake his hand. All people are included: Teachers, doctors, parents, friends, and so on. He also has the stuttering issue as well as the running away habit for being to shy.

    Diseases ~None~

    Abilities/talents Keito is amazing at drawing. He is still young, but his drawings are almost to a proffessional level. His dad has always said that was his gift. He is also quite skilled in mind games. Puzzels, mazes, riddles, have all been conquered in little time by Keito's mind.

    Keito's parents have always been traveling. They came once a month, for a week, to rest at their house before setting off again. They were very succesful, and he was considered rich compared to the other children and families. He still loved them but couldn't really show it to them. Not having his parent's love around, affected Keito's emotional self. That was a major factor in causing Keito to become like that.

    He had one person who he really trusted. His dear sister. She was always there for him when it came to awards and such. Sometimes she had to leave too, so keito was left with a babysitter who he hide from when she came. Keito had a pretty normal life. The only thing wrong was his shyness and fears. He didn't want to be like that but he didn't have much choice. The councelors couldn't even help the child. He was permanently shy, and the fears only got worse with help so they left it alone as well.

    One day the babysitter had gone out of town. His sister's needed to go out of town to do some volunteer work. She did not know when she might return, so she passed keito down to her friend, Elizabeth(SilverAce's character). She moved in to the Mythos Complex apartments and Keito was to stay with her. Keito wasn't very happy with that but what could he do? He went to her apartment and knocked, The girl opened the door and Keito just ran right passed her with a blushed face and hid in a room. he only came out if she had to go somewhere, eat, or special occacion. Keito still hadn't looked at her in the eyes.


    "Waiting for Silverace to get accepted so Keito will have a room"

    Spoiler: Keito's face when shy or worried 

  4. #14
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    I was so worried we were going to have a poor little baby running around an abandoned complex on his own I'm so excited. Let's get this party started.

    Edit: profile finished. I also have a question. I reread the dice rolling procedures, and I just want to make sure I'm not being an idiot. Basically, every turn we roll a single 20 sided die, correct? So the proper formatting (I think) would be [roll]1d20[/roll ]? I just don't understand the point of a modifier, the B in AdX+B. Are we using that at all?
    Last edited by AsianFighter; 07-25-2012 at 07:12 AM.

    {|Artwork |}

  5. #15
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    Consuelo 'Consul' Alicia Rivera
    BirthdayApril 29th
    Age 19
    Gender Female
    Race Spanish. (From Spain, not Mexico- this should be obvious but you never know with ignorant people)
    Blood type AB
    Consul is pretty tall at 5' 10''.She never wears makeup and her outfits consist of baggy clothing and fingerless gloves
    Sexuality Straight
    Occupation Waitress and College Student
    Consul is a total tomboy, not caring for anything remotely girly. She is pretty quiet, not liking to talk too much around strangers, but she has a fiery temper. Even small little comments can make her snap at you. She also tends to yell at inanimate objects. She hates cooking and is terrible at it. She has a odd sense of humor, and doesn't get most jokes, so trying to be funny with her will probably result in a blank stare. She's a bit of a loner, and when she does hang out with friends, she would prefer comfortable silence as opposed to talking all the time. Also, she looks like she's sulking all the time, even when she's fine.

    Likes: Video games, Music (her iPod is her best friend) History
    Dislikes: Girly things. She also hates cooking and cooking hates her. She pales whenever she sees blood that is not her own.
    Habits: Consul loves music so she's always humming. She also skateboards sometimes, though she's so-so at it.
    Diseases Dyslexia and Insomnia
    Abilities/talents She's a genius and had a photographic memory.
    Born in the South of Spain, and raised in the US, Consul is the youngest of 4, having 3 older brothers. Since she was little, she never liked girly things like playing with dolls, or getting dressed up. In church she would always be sullen because she would be forced to wear frilly dressed by her mother. She hated cleaning, so her room was constantly a mess, and cooking was a nightmare for her. No matter how hard she tries, she can never make a edible - let alone decent- meal. Her mother just didn't get how her daughter could be so boyish, and would always try to make Consul more girl. On the outside Consul acted like it was no big deal, but on the inside she hated it and was always insecure about her femininity.

    Consul has always excelled in school, facts coming easy to her. She has a photographic memory, and likes to read random facts and history books. While she was very intelligent, she lacked a lot in social skills. She was perfectly content with having just one friend in school to chat with at lunch or stay with at recess. She never tried to make friends, since after school she would just go home, not being one to go out often. She tried to fit in the skater group, but grew frustrated at their lack of intellectual conversations and left. She doesn't see anything wrong with being a loner.

    Now, in college, Consul works as a waitress at a Greasy Spoon. She depends on her job desperately so she can afford to go to college, and make rent. She always worries about not having enough money, since she can't fall back on her not-so-wealthy parents. Her scholarships cover most her costs thought. She settled for Mythos since it was cheap, and small- which she found cozy. She didn't care about the rumors since she doesn't believe in that mythology, supernatural nonsense at all.
    Last edited by Leon G; 07-27-2012 at 07:23 AM. Reason: Added Something

  6. #16
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    sorry but this is bothering me
    you do know that Metrosexuality isn't actually a type of sexuality, right?

  7. #17
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    Oh, yes, I'm aware! In my mind it made sense that he'd be perfectly straight, he'd just give off the vibe that he was flaming. He's not. He just really likes looking good. I should probably clear that up.

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  8. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by AsianFighter View Post
    Oh, yes, I'm aware! In my mind it made sense that he'd be perfectly straight, he'd just give off the vibe that he was flaming. He's not. He just really likes looking good. I should probably clear that up.
    Alas I must nitpick, it also doesn't indicate any level of "gayness". Someone who exhibits Metrosexuality is someone who spends a great deal of time and money on their appearance.

    For example: The Jersey Shore douchebags are quite obviously not flaming, privately and publicly, they are however enormous Metrosexuals.

    Your character is likely Camp Straight
    careful don't get lost in there

  9. #19
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    Linking to TvTropes?! That's cruel.

  10. #20
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    The fact that Ken and Barbie was in the picture on that site was pretty hilarious to me.

    And of course I'd be wearing one of your sets, Ru. You know I love them. Also, no problem with the Dice roller. I noticed you mentioned the older version, and I only remembered the new one because I used it in the D&D Campaign Naz had going here.

    =/ I had to scrap my original character sheet, but I'll work on a better one later
    <img src= border=0 alt= />
    Set by Ru
    .:Lion Heart:.

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