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Thread: The Deadly Earth *IC Thread* [PG-13]

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    Member CeliakittyX3's Avatar
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    Default The Deadly Earth *IC Thread* [PG-13]

    Ah! Here we go! The IC thread is up, let's get started:

    Cecily clasped little Fai's hand keeping him close to her. "I don't think it's safe, so stay close..." She said quietly. They had been desperately searching for a place to rest since noon. Cecily could hear her stomach growling, and Fai's as well. *We have to eat soon.*
    It was hard to find food any where, and they couldn't hunt, since Fai is to save his bullets.
    They stared off into the building, waiting; listening for any movement inside. It was an abandoned hotel, and hopefully the beds were still good. Though the rooms were small, and anything could be hiding behind a door. They'd have to choose wisely...and fast.
    Water drops spattered the ground, turning it a dark color. Cecily stiffened. Everyone knew that once it started raining, the monsters would come out. Fai tugged at her sleeve, and Cecily looked down at him. "Let's go in. I promise I'll help you kill any monsters, big sis."
    Cecily blinked, then smiled. "Right." She put a finger to her lips. "But be very quiet."
    Fai copied her movement, then nodded his head. Together they walked into the lobby of the small hotel. The keys hung from a rack behind the counter. After checking everywhere for any monsters, they finally grabbed a key and headed down to the room. They saw a couple monsters roaming on the street in front of the building, but thankfully, they paid no attention to them. They made it to the room safely, though they would leave the door and the window vulnerable, say a monster comes in through the door or window. They at least have a way to escape.
    Fai and Cecily had settled down after a few hours. Fai was curled up against Cecily as they lay on the bed. A couple shots echoed in the distance, then a ear splitting scream. "That sounded close..." Fai remarked. Cecily could feel a chill run up her spine, and she pulled him closer to her. "Don't worry, as long as we're quiet, we'll be safe." After that was only silence, and Cecily sighed. She then decided to comfort her frightened little brother, so she began singing, a soft, quiet sound as she remembered the song that their mother had sang to them. "If you be my star, I'll be your sky. You can hide underneath me and come out at night. When I turn jet black, and you show off your light, I live to let you shine. I live to let you shine. But you can skyrocket away, from me, and never come back if you find another galaxy, far from here, with more room to fly. Just leave me your stardust to remember you by." Cecily herself felt herself almost asleep from the melody, but she kept on going. "If you be my boat, ill be your sea. The depth of pure blue just to probe curiosity. Ebbing, and flowing, and pushed by a breeze. I live to make you free. I live to make you free. But you can set sail to the west if you want to, and past the horizon, till I can't even see you. Far from here, where the beaches are wide, just leave me your wake to remember you by..."
    Cecily could hear Fai's soft breathing, a sign that he was asleep. She smiled and sat up on the bed. A single candle flickered in the room, casting a flickering glow across her scarred face as she stared down at her clasped hands. *How much longer can I keep this up?* she thought, *I hate making him go to bed without food.* she glanced over at Fai and noticed that he was awfully skinny. Cecily looked at her own body, and it was just as bad. She could see her ribs...and the rest of her bones. Cecily felt tears drip down her face. "Why do I even deserve this?" She murmured, covering her wet face. "Why did this happen?..." Cecily trembled, tears running down her forearms as she silently sobbed. She was too weak to protect Fai from the abominations that roamed the streets, and Fai wouldn't be able to protect her either. How much longer do they have to survive like this? It was heart wrenching to even think about the past...what was she going to do now?
    Spoiler: You want a good story to read? 

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    Member HoboJOE's Avatar
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    Coderu limped for quite a distance, his left leg tied up in a bloodstain rag...a run in with two greeds nearly killed him...nearly....he wasted a lot of bullet killing them both...he walks aimless around a empty town...his eyes shift back and forth checking if any Evils were near...luckily there weren't...he sees an abandoned hotel off in the distance...he pulls up his backpack with his supplies of survivor item like a first aid kit, a flashlight ,a couple of magazines clips, and a weeks worth of MRE's, and hobbles towards the hotel urgently...
    The was already starting rain, and he won't survive long when more make their way out...he be slaughtered before he'd even make his way through the door...
    He notice that two people made their way in the hotel as was...he didn't pay much attention to them...for he was preoccupied with his own safety...
    He makes it in the hotel before the rain officially started...the two seemed to not noticed him behind them...that was good for him...even since this apocalypse started he avoid most confrontation with humans, his obsession with killing monsters left him anti-social with others...he was dangerous to be around...
    He took his gun and flashlight out and walked around the hotel...inspecting to see in there were any monsters hiding...his limp made his footsteps heavily audible...
    Last edited by HoboJOE; 09-14-2012 at 02:30 AM.
    ~Let THEM see you BLACK HEART BABY!!!~ - Pendulum

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    Member CeliakittyX3's Avatar
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    Cecily wiped her tears away, convincing herself to stay strong. She sighed, shivering. It was a cold night, which meant winter would be coming around, and that she would be sick again. The hunger didn't help her at all.
    Hearing a pair of heavy footsteps, Cecily stiffened. Had a monster made it inside...or worse...was there an Insanity inside. Slipping on her thick, black leather gloves, she carefully, picked up Fai and carried him on her back. Fai was a heavy sleeper thankfully. Making a plan to escape, she stood close to the door. Hearing the foot steps in the hall, she then turned to the window. "At least Fai will get some sleep..." She mumbled. Then carefully, she stepped out the window, checking her surroundings. She made a misjudgement when she dashed into the street. The rain had screened her vision, making it hard to see, thus led her to believe that nothing was on the road at least. But she was wrong. Three Evils stood in front of her, limping and closing on her. Shuddering, Cecily laid Fai down, and took her fighring stance. "What the hell was I thinking..." she scolded herself. But she got herself into the mess, she had to get out. The first one launched itself at her with inhuman speed, and Cecily quickly backfired with a swift kick. She knew it wasnt effective...and neither would Fai's gun work.

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    Coderu heard familar growls outside among the rain, he knew what they were....Evils...
    He cursed at himself, they must have smelled his bloodied leg. He puts his flashlight back in backpack and put his gun in it's wouldn't be useful to him in this situation...
    He grabs his Katana and head out...he knew it was only a matter of time before they find him in the hotel...
    Running in the rain, he sees three Evils closing in on the two people that he saw early, he must of frighten them ewith his heavy they were cornered....backs to the wall because these monster are mistaking them for him...he felt a little guilty...
    He unholstered his Magnum and fires it off on one of the Evils to get their attention, he yells out at them,"HEY!!! OVER HERE!!!"
    He unties the bloodied rag off of his leg, so the Evil can get his scent...
    The Evil divert their attention from the two to him and dash towards him...
    He reacts and cuts one of them down with his Katana...he then shoot the other two to stall them for time while he readies himself for their recovery...
    (Yup...gotta head classes at 10 in the last class ends at 2:30 p.m. so I won't be that busy tomorrow...I am completely off on Friday and the whole weekend though....)
    Last edited by HoboJOE; 09-13-2012 at 07:26 AM.
    ~Let THEM see you BLACK HEART BABY!!!~ - Pendulum

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    Wow, my phone died at the right time. c: I'll be on around that time too. School ends at around 3 or 330. I just woke up, its about 5am here.)

    Cecily was panting heavily, shivering and drenched. A trickle of blood slid down her injured arm, but was quickly washed away. Her blue eyes were dull and she was terribly cold. She trembled, then her eyes began to blur. Exhaustion finally took over and she collapsed. Fai had already woken up during her fight with the Evils and had curled up, knowing he couldn't help. After his sister collapsed, he quickly crawled over to her and shook her, no side if shd was injured badly or not. "Cecily?" He shook her a bit. No response. "Cecily, cmon. Get up! We have to go."
    The two of them were completely drenched and cold. Fai managed to drag Cecily to a dry spot, knowing that possibly she could be getting sick again. He himself felt a little chilled and dizzy, but he stayed awake.

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    (Lol you still have the habit of RPing from Sunrise to Sunset...or the next Sunrise...GAWD is it good to have you back :3)
    Coderu finished off the other two Evils with the usually amounts of wounds...he see that the two people he saved from the Evil are still alive but soaking wet in the rain...
    He begins to walk back inside the hotel, he saved the two from the evils, and that alone was a leap from his usually apathetic persona, but he see that the girl that fight the Evils collapsed from exhaustion...he shrugs...people die every day in the hellish land...
    As he turns to head back, he see a small child carrying the girl off in a dry area...he feels something that he hasn't felt in what seemed like forever...could it be...sadness...seeing the little boy reminded him of the day when his family died...when he found his little brother...torn in the bloodied hands of a Misery...
    He cursed at himself for what he was about to do, he hobbles in the direction of the two, he holsters his Magnum and puts away his Katana and says as he cautiously approaches the two,"Are you two you need any help?"
    He could see that these two were thin from starvation, the girl appeared to be a couple of years younger than him while the boy, who was obviously her younger brother, looked at about 7 or 8 years of age...the girl was bleeding in her arm...
    ~Let THEM see you BLACK HEART BABY!!!~ - Pendulum

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    Lol that's right )
    Fai had looked up at the man. "My sister is quite weak. We haven't had food for days now..."he shivered slightly, glancing down at Cecily. "She been trying her hardest to get me some food...she even risked her life once to get into a store full of Wraths." his voice slightly squeaked. "Can you please help her? Shell be getting sick real soon since winter is almost here. Ever since big brother was murdered, we havent had anyone else to protect us. I heard big sis crying last night...she needs to give it a rest for a while." His yes teared up. "She's done everything for me, this is all i can do to help her in return!"

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    Coderu felt bad for the two...the little boy reminded him a lot of his own little brother...he kneeled down and says,"Easy there little man...everything is going to be ok...I'm're just going to have to trust me alright...we need to make our way back to the hotel, I got some medical supplies and some food for you two to may not be much but it all I have..."
    He was sympathetic to these two...they have lost everything just like he did, and here they were alone, starving and afraid...
    He picks up the boy's sister in his arms and says,"Come on...we need to get out of this rain..."
    ~Let THEM see you BLACK HEART BABY!!!~ - Pendulum

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    Fai'a eyes lightened up slightly, and quickly rubbed his eyes, shaking out the droplets in his thick blond hair. He followed him quietly, though occasionally glancing around through the blanket of rain. It was dark now, about the time the monsters would really stir up. Hopefully Cecily would be alright for now....that is until she gets sick again.

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    Coderu made his way into the empty hotel, the eerie silence make him uneasy, but then again everything did...
    He finds a room and lies the boy's sister on a dirty bed. He looks at the boy and says,"Keep an eye on her for a quick second...I'm going to get my stuff...
    He quickly goes into the hallway to get his backpack, he tries to keep his limp light so he would only make the slightest of noises...
    Once he found his backpack, he inspects the contents to see how much food he has for them, there were only 9 MRE's left...he had to make them last...
    He goes back in the room, and takes out an iron and a clean rag...he says to the boy,"So what's your name little guy?"
    He pugs in the iron and gets the rag that he used on himself to cover his wound on his leg, the rain washed out the wound so there wasn't as much blood there.
    Last edited by HoboJOE; 09-14-2012 at 02:30 AM.
    ~Let THEM see you BLACK HEART BABY!!!~ - Pendulum

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