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Thread: [PG 13] Zoids: Cataclysm (Part II)

  1. #11


    Name: Nell Lenheart

    Race: Human

    Age: 19

    Gender: Female

    Spoiler: Nell 

    Zoid: KatFysh named Necros

    Zoid weapons and abilities: The tail is a all blade, light mechanical guns, light armor, energy blades that will come out on back of heels, nails will extend. It is a smaller Zoid so it was built to be extremely fast, kind of stealthy and not very strong.

    Infa-Red and Tracking systems. Booster's.

    Personality: When people first meet Nell, they would say she is aloof, quiet and mysterious. That is because when she first meets people she is trying to figure out is she can trust them or not. As you gain her trust she becomes much friendlier. She loves to banter with people, but that is how you know she is comfortable around you. She is also strong-willed, a survivor and protective. She will kill when necessary but dislikes to otherwise. A lot of times she'll just do things without saying anything.

    Morals/Beliefs: She is a firm believer in the fact that Zoids should be neither pet nor weapons, but companions. She also refuses to hurt or kill kids.*

    Bio: Nell lived in a small town with her mother and father. Her mother, Zena, was a local mechanic and her father, Joseph, worked at a warehouse. Ever since a young age Nell's mother let her help out around the shop doing small errands; like greeting people and handing her mother tools. At that time her father, and ex-military officer, also started to teach her hand-to-hand combat and fighting with weapons. He also taught her to shoot.

    As she grew older her mother realized that Nell had a talent for mechanics. At the age of fifteen she was past her mother's skill level and working for her. At the same time her father noticed a talent for fighting and shooting, even though she didn't like it very much. One day as a gift, Nell's father game her a pair of small daggers to hide on her person.

    That night Nell went to sleep, until she heard screams echoing from outside her window and bright lights danced on her wall. Slowly she walked over to the window, much to her horror, the town was on fire. Running downstairs she swiftly woke-up her parents and they ran. Only they didn't get very far. Her mother was shot, instantly killed. Her father went down with a fight. She was caught and knocked out, but she broke a couple arms in the process.

    When she awoke she found herself tied up, along with a couple other kids from the town. She was wondering what the bandit’s had planed for them and it wasn't too long before she found out. The Black Market. She knew that she had to get the other kids and her out of there. That night she maneuvered so she was able to grab one of the hidden dagger's and cut herself free. The guard that was suppose to be watching them was drunk and had fallen asleep. Right before she left she noticed that one of the bandits had stolen her dad's cloak, so she took it back. Putting it on, the group of kids made their way into the desert. For days they walked, only stopping when absolutely necessary. Some even died on the way. Finally they made it to a small town.

    She found that doing odd jobs for people let her get a little money. When she was on her way to the store she someone shouting something. To her right was a mechanic shop and inside was a man who was struggling with something. Slowly she walked over and saw what he was working on. Automatically she found what was wrong. Briskly she walked over, grabbed the wrench, took off her cloak and got to work. In a matter or minutes it was fixed. Her offered her a job because of that; which she accepted gleefully.

    While looking for spare parts on day, she noticed a large, strange, object in the back. Upon closer inspection she found it to be a non-working Zoid. She made it her resolve to get it to work. She found out that it was an older model (that was based off of cat and fish bones) and that they didn't make them anymore. For a year she gathered, bartered and found parts it needed. Much to the mechanics amusement, she would often fall asleep working on it.

    That night she finally finished it, but for some reason it didn't move. She ended up falling asleep over the design sheet. That morning, she woke up with a fully functioning Zoid in her face. Ever since then that have been together, training and learning from each other. They left the town three years later. As of right now they have a job as a messenger and sometimes even a mechanic. She calls her friend, Necros.
    Last edited by MaskofSilence; 10-12-2012 at 03:02 PM.

  2. #12
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    It's a harem!
    "An absolute beginner on a real battlefield is a self-solving problem. An absolute beginner in a videogame is the concept of handicap given human form." 6 Idiots you meet in every online game

  3. #13
    A Dandy Guy in Space
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    Looks like Cad gets alllll the ladies.

    But wait! We still have one more!

    all are accepted, but ill have to take a closer loo when i get home late tonight. Also bartender,i just got one in the hall of fame which was part one of this.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Looks like Cad gets alllll the ladies.

    But wait! We still have one more!

    all are accepted, but ill have to take a closer loo when i get home late tonight. Also bartender,i just got one in the hall of fame which was part one of this.

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  4. #14
    Better Then Expected
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    Wait until I post mine. Trying to find a picture of older knight

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    Then get on it!
    "An absolute beginner on a real battlefield is a self-solving problem. An absolute beginner in a videogame is the concept of handicap given human form." 6 Idiots you meet in every online game

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    As soon as I'm done with family stuff

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    "An absolute beginner on a real battlefield is a self-solving problem. An absolute beginner in a videogame is the concept of handicap given human form." 6 Idiots you meet in every online game

  8. #18
    Better Then Expected
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    Name: Michael Knight

    Age: 21

    Gender: Male

    Race: Zoidian


    Physical Appearance

    Non-Zoid Combat Gear

    Regular Outfit

    Spoiler: Kinami Liger 

    Zoid Weapons and Abilities: Katana

    Personality: At first he was happy. He'd joke around, laugh with others. But everything changed when Zoid Prime arrived. Now Michael is more cold, calculating. Prone to more violence. And he's angry, angry at the war, for the pointless bloodshed. But more so angry at himself for his failure. A chance for peace was resting on his shoulders and he couldn't see it through to the end. Michael blames himself for the restarting the war.

    Morals/Beliefs: Michael never bought into the whole zoids are partners/zoids are tools argument. He didn't care that much. A zoid was a zoid, that's all there was. But ever since uncovering his heritage he believes that both races are foolish for fighting just because they have different abilities. He knew that if they came together they could be an unstoppable force.

    Bio: Michael started his zoid piloting when he was very young, at the age of ten. The village where he was living was being attacked by Human-Organoids. In a desperate attempt to save his village he hopped in a Command Wolf and tried to help. Unfortunately he didn't last long, he was in over his head. The zoid was a wreck. But he was given a spot of luck, a Human Alliance Patrol had arrived and driven the attackers off. Of course when he was pulled from the wreckage he as yelled at for doing something reckless, but he didn't care. Michael accepted his punishment. But it was this moment that changed him, he had gotten a taste of combat. He got the rush of the fight, the high, and despite the fact that he lost he was addicted.

    So he stowed away with the Alliance soldiers and they took him in. The unit's commanding officer, Colonel Storm, took a liking to him, seeing the firery determination in his eyes. Taking the boy to the capital he found a way to get him into some training programs and soon he was learning the ropes, and not just Zoid combat, hand to hand and weapons. By the time he was fifteen he was set. Decked out in an Alliance uniform and given a standard zoid, Saber Fang. He was assigned to Storm's unit where he was welcomed back with open arms.

    Thus began his brief two year service. Michael was put on numerous mission and took part in many battles. On one mission he infiltrated a base with his unit. there he engaged in hand to hand combat with a decorated soldier, one that had been causing the Alliance problems for awhile. But outside his Zoid Michael had the advantage. It had come down to hand to hand and Michael ended u[ winning. The enemy had a strange pendant around his neck, Michael took it as a trophy and it now hangs from his belt. This victory over the enemy pilot earned his a medal, a promotion to Sergeant and a cash reward, there was a bounty put on the pilot. This was a foreshadowing as to what was to become of Michael.

    Michael started targeting enemies with high bounties and taking them out. The higher ups didn't like that and issued him many warnings. Michael was also taking trophies and they were proudly displayed in his room, to this day. Though Storm wasn't complaining. The Colonel wanted the dangerous targets gone and encouraged Michael to continue hunting. And so he did. Finally, after two years, he was discharged with the rank of Lieutenant, though not dishonorably. Michael didn't want that on his record, wanting to leave on somewhat good terms. What surprised him was Storm retired not long, six months, after he was discharged and sought him out. Michael, eighteen now, happily greeted Storm. Storm admitted that he enjoyed what he was doing, sending Michael out to complete bounties. But the military wouldn't allow him to indulge in that. So Michael, with the war ending, decided that they'd join a mercenary group.

    But first they needed their own Zoids. The military obvioiusly wouldn't let them take their zoids. So they planned a heist, from a local bandit gang. Risky yes and it did end with them upping their killcount but they did complete their objectives. Michael picked a Red Horn from a group of recently pilotless zoids. Storm picked a Metal Rhimos. Finding a group of Mercenaries wasn't hard, they joined a group called The Paladins. The group was made up of both Humans and Human-Organoids. And for the next two years they completed missions. Storm, due to his amazing leadership skills, quickly rose to command, leading the Paladins. Michael became third in command, not having enough experience leading but wanted the higher rank he was happy leaving second in command to the previous occupant. This was his life, and he loved it.

    At least it was until the Zoid Prime incident. Everything changed after that. He lost his eyes, having them replaced with top of the line cybernetics. It gave his eyes a bright blue color. He hasn't seen Vega, Curtis or Cadmus for a whole year. Michael assumed they were laying low and avoiding the war. The Paladins have practically disbanded, there were so few of them left. Michael was called back to Neo Haven immediately following his eye surgery. He was promoted, again, Brigadier General. Michael knew why, it was because of the informations he had. Information on the war. He knew the game, and all the players involved in it. Michael knew the true cause of the war, Zoid Prime. Now Michael spends most of his time chasing after two things instead of actually participating in battles. Zoid Prime and they mysterious, "Blue Devil" that has been causing havoc in the wasteland. The BD had been hunting down Zealots, the strange Zoid Prime cult that has sprung up. Of course in his search for Zoid Prime he has come into conflict with them, many times. Michael always took the opportunity to thin out their ranks. But if the BD was hunting them, then this was someone he should know. The enemy of his enemy is his friend after all.
    Last edited by Ushima; 10-12-2012 at 11:28 PM.

  9. #19
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    Can I be my character from the first part?
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  10. #20
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    Soul, you dropped the last RP. If you are gonna drop this one as well, I can't accept you. I'm sorry man, it was hard enough supporting the RP with just myself, Ushima, and Mask. I want everyone to go all the way, and I can't accept you if you will drop out again.

    Thanks to Karma for the dandiest set
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