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Thread: Roleplaying Games Directory

  1. #21
    Member Lumi's Avatar
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    Name of your roleplay : Mediocris Bellica

    When it was started : 09.25.17
    How many players you have : Including myself 0

    Type of Roleplay : Mature fantasy - Modern

    What level of skill required : Mid to high level please. You don't have to type a whole paragrah all the time, three sentences are the minimum I'm
    looking for. Please no one liners.

    Plot Summary : Fairy Tales, Myths, Legends, Fables, Tall Tales- we've heard one or another at some point in our lives and they have all been heavily
    sugarcoated. For some reason every one is afraid of telling the truth, no one wants to be responsible for ruining the imagination and wonder that came
    with the telling of these stories. I don't mean the "truths," that already exist- of the little mermaid turning to sea foam, of Alice and the looking glass,
    of Peter defending Neverland- all of those are lies. Your world of fairy tales are completely different from mine, whereas your picture books
    and movies are things of imagination, my grey skies and air heavy with that of magic and ill intent are real.

    Link to Out of character Thread :
    Link to In Character Thread : N/A
    Miscellaneous Information : I do have a list of characters I want filled out, but you don't have to play any of them is you do not wish it.

  2. #22
    Member Jonas Garland's Avatar
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    Name of your roleplay: Star Wars: Rebel Frontier - Chapter One

    When it was started: 9/11/2017

    How many players you have: 4 (including myself)

    Type of Roleplay:
    Parody (Sci fi/fantasy)

    What level of skill required: A paragraph or two will do, any more than that is icing on the cake. One liners should be avoided at all costs, I'd rather wait for a response, than get something that people would struggle to respond to!

    Plot Summary:
    It's the early days of the rebellion, and the Imperials have chased a traitor into a Hutt cartel run district on the planet of Iccaro. Working with the traitor, our heroes will be working to set up a rebel cell to combat the Imperial oppressors. They will work with civilians, scoundrels, gangsters and maybe the odd rebel sympathiser towards their goal of eventually joining up with the other rebel cells across the galaxy.

    Link to Out of character Thread:

    Link to In Character Thread:

    Miscellaneous Information: I'm looking for one or two people to increase the size of the 'squad' that will be our primary functioning team until we expand into the rebel cell.

  3. #23
    Member austin's Avatar
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    Name of your roleplay : A Magical Tale

    When it was started : 10/24/2017

    How many players you have : 3 for sure so far, should grow quickly

    Type of Roleplay : Fantasy/Adventure

    What level of skill required : Literacy and sensibility are the only skills required here. Posting length isn't something I'll harp on unless you're just posting one-liners all over the place. Misspelling some words is one thing, but poor grammar and sloppy post organization are things that nobody wants to RP with. As long as you can avoid that, not god-mode, and be friendly then you are welcome here! One more thing I should note here is that for this RP there will be an absence limit--though not unreasonable. In long-term situations a player may be absent for up to a week before being posted over or posted for. In short-term situations a player may be absent for up to four days before being posted over or posted for. Nothing extreme like deletion or killing your character off, but the next most relevant player will take over if you don't post after those time frames until you come back.

    Plot Summary : Set in the world of Fairy Tail but in a very far removed time, this fantasy world called Earthland contains just about every magical beast imaginable. Magic is infinite throughout the world and accessible to all--though not everyone has great power to call on the wells of magic. The plot and relevant situations will develop as we draft our characters and for goals for them. So basically a magical fantasy world with endless magic that is based on certain laws of energetic exchange. Sound like it has potential? It's up to you.

    Link to Out of character Thread :

    Link to In Character Thread : Not yet made

    Miscellaneous Information : As stated, the Earthland of 'A Magical Tale' is intended to be the same Earthland referenced in the popular anime 'Fairy Tail'. However, it is merely for the use of the magical laws of that world--if you want to imagine it this way then it could be in a time far removed from the events of fairy tail but in the same world. To clarify why this is important to note, this is not a fanfiction or parody roleplay. This is an independent fantasy roleplay based on the wonderful magic and concepts presented in Fairy Tail. I hope to see some ambitious and creative players!
    ~~~ ~~~

  4. #24
    ~RPA's Lady of Peace~
    Mysteria's Avatar
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    Name of your roleplay : Planes Of Polarity: Quests For The Truth

    When it was started : 11-06-2017

    How many players you have : Three so far

    Type of Roleplay :
    Mature Fantasy

    What level of skill required : Every level of writer is welcome.

    Plot Summary : Do you believe in U.F.O's? Do you think there is a possibility of alternate and inter-dimensional places and spaces? Is there a probability of dual realities? What about lost civilizations, outer and inner worlds, or a world where you can expect the unexpected? Do you wonder if everything you’ve ever known to be real is actually real or a false reality?

    Then this rp is for you! It is going to be a buffet of Alice in wonderland type stuff meets Science fiction meets pirates, meets futuristic, meets past, meets magic, meets...well, you get the idea by now.

    Link to Out of character Thread :

    Link to In Character Thread : N/A so far.

    Miscellaneous Information :
    Check it out, if you dare seek the truth.

    There's nothing more deadly than slow growing fear...
    Spoiler: Mysti's random stuff and shoutouts. 

  5. #25
    Arch-angel of Epica
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    Open to add new requets!

  6. #26
    ΛRIZONA's Avatar
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    Name of your roleplay :: No. 35 - Slum of Mechs
    When it was started :: 11/13/17
    How many players you have :: 1 (me lol)
    Type of Roleplay :: Sci-fi/mature
    What level of skill required :: Must be able to write in proper english, 5+ sentences per post, a certain aesthetic would be nice but not required, the more experienced in roleplaying the better
    Plot Summary :: After a revolution in the 1990s, the Steamech Corp. has taken over the United States, dividing it into "Neo Colonies". Neo Colony 45 is the poorest colony, as well as a sort of penal colony to keep criminals away from the west coast where the richer colonies are. Admist the crime and poverty, the local past time is mech fighting, where skilled fighters suit up to fight for money and bragging rights in one of the colony's 4 arenas.
    Link to Out of character Thread ::
    Link to In Character Thread :: Not available
    Miscellaneous Information :: Always accepting, regardless of how far into the roleplay we are!

    picture by rubisfirenos || edit by me

    Spoiler: Ayy 

  7. #27

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    Name of your roleplay : [M][OOC] Star Wars: Chronicles of Taris - Chapter One: Shadow of the Jedi-Killer
    When it was started : 28/11/2017
    How many players you have : 1
    Type of Roleplay : Mature, Parody, Sci-fi, Star Wars
    What level of skill required : Moderate
    Plot Summary : Find missing ship, rescue missing Jedi, try not to make locals
    Link to Out of character Thread : Here.
    Link to In Character Thread : TBA
    Miscellaneous Information : Star Wars, because Star Wars
    Spoiler: Around the Forum 

  8. #28
    Member Owl0430's Avatar
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    fantasy human/humanoid. I don't do animal rp's.
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    Name of your roleplay : Spider Webs; Weaving of the Web
    When it was started : December 11th, 2017
    How many players you have : currently none. All spots are available.
    Type of Roleplay : Fantasy- if one needs to go into specifics, vampire-fantasy
    What level of skill required : On a good day one should hopefully be able to type about a paragraph. A little under a short paragraph is fine. I wouldn't call the rp literate or beginner, more or less it is, in a sense, Semi-lit.
    Plot Summary : Welcome to the town of Starfall, a small town with many secrets. Most of the population consists of vampire, and beneath the city-streets hunters sit in waiting trying to protect humans and take down the vamps. However, when humans undergoing the process of turning infiltrate the tunnels for the vamps, what does that say for the future of the town's human population?
    Link to Out of character Thread :
    Link to In Character Thread : N/A
    Miscellaneous Information : N/A

  9. #29
    The Last Remembrancer
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    Modern times or Sci-Fi games.
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    Name of your roleplay : Galactic Empires II
    When it was started : 21/1/18
    How many players you have : Currently 0, looking for about 4-6
    Type of Roleplay : Mature, Sci-Fi
    What level of skill required : Any, but would prefer people willing to put in big chunky posts
    Plot Summary : An extra-galactic expedition is being launched by a half dozen alien species working together, including humanity. They are looking for an ancient alien race with incredible technology.
    Link to Out of character Thread :
    Link to In Character Thread : TBA
    Misc Info: Having played in the first game (Galactic Empires) is not required.

  10. #30
    AxelVanDeriz's Avatar
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    Dunno where I AM, but I am FROM outer space. XD
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    Name of your roleplay : Kidnapped & Mutated (rebooted)
    When it was started : 2/21/18
    How many players you have : Just me so far
    Type of Roleplay : mature fantasy
    What level of skill required : moderate, like be able to post a paragraph at least with decent punctuation
    Plot Summary : You and other humans wake in cages aboard an alien ship. You find out you're no longer human, but something else. You're then dropped off on a hostile alien planet, forced to survive and populate this new home of yours.
    Link to Out of character Thread :
    Link to In Character Thread :
    Miscellaneous Information : No misc. info as of yet.
    Spoiler: Frequently Used Characters 

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