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Thread: [M] Agents: I want to protect (Supernatural edition)

  1. #21
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    Paxton kicked down the stabilising stand of his motorcycle and disembarked, taking his keys out of the ignition, the key ring of which held a stylised, small scale version of his combat crucifix, albeit without the retracting silver blade and deadly edge of its larger cousin. He pocketed the keys and surveyed his surroundings.

    He stood among parked boats of all kinds that would be better described as wrecks, for so dilapidated and neglected were the empty husks that he was sure many of them must have been salvaged from the sea floor and dragged from abandoned shores. He stood in, for lack of a better term, a ship graveyard on dry land, one that somehow held a greater sense of foreboding and air of death than a regular graveyard.

    Like mockeries of tombstones, each boat had a unique name and look about it, as if no two were from the same country, manufacturer, or even time period, and there were hundreds of the things, stretching as far as the eye could see and further still, judging by the sea of cracked and often crumbling masts that blended into a solid wall of black and damp brown on the far horizon.

    To his left was an immeasurably old and somehow even more neglected warehouse, shipping warehouse, clearly, although it was mostly empty, filled with little more than damp driftwood, miscellaneous sailing clutter, and no more than a dozen shipping containers, most of which were open, purloined of their contents years ago.
    A single, large sign that was flaking and peeling with age and erosion, identified the building as the main receptacle of 'Charon Shipping Ltd.'

    Paxton, Agent Ω, take your pick, made for the warehouse, stepping over a life ring emblazoned with the fading name of some long lost ship. Stepping through the massive entranceway into the warehouse, which smelled of wet wood and the unmistakeable musk borne from years of abandonment.
    Now inside, he could see the only new thing in the building, multiple sets of footprints spread out among the dusty floor, they congregated towards the only black shipping container in the place, scuffed about a bit, and stopped there, no doubt the owners had foregone walking out and gone with leaping out of the windows thirty feet up. Vampires were so fixated on not leaving a trace when they left a place that they often forgot to erase any traces of an arrival, the inexperienced ones anyways.

    Agent Ω made his way to the only black container in the warehouse, the handle of which looked well used, a clear giveaway, these dealers were beyond sloppy.
    He opened the container, the door of which screeched and rattled on its hinges, protesting at the rough and rude opening.
    Inside it was dark, very dark.

    He took out a torch and walked inside, entering the claustrophobia inducing space so entrenched in darkness that the torch did little to help besides illuminating a single wooden crate no taller than his waist, forcing the thing open with the point of his crucifix, much better than any crowbar, he took a look inside.

    Dozens of thin glass tubes as long as his hand were nestled within. The luminous yellow liquid in each one lighting the place up better than his torch ever could, vampire narcotics were much more potent than any conventional drugs, this stuff induced a near supernatural physical enhancement to already supernaturally enhanced vampires, and often produced vivid hallucinations. This stuff would melt a normal man's oesophagus in seconds.

    "You touch it, you buy it"

    Paxton turned his head, the light coming in from outside was now blocked by three figures who were silhouetted in shadow, no weapons visible, yet no less a threat, for these were not your run of the mill dealers and junkies.

    "You don't look like you have much money on you, mate"

    Another one spoke up in a mocking tone.
    "But you can pay it off in certain other ways, eh?"

    The third figure added his voice
    "I'm sure you get the message"

    All three figures flashed their fangs, which caught the yellow light of the narcotics in the crate, giving them a dirty orange hue that made them look even more feral, like the dripping canines of wolves, circling their trapped prey like the natural born hunters they were.

    Wreath was trapped, and he knew it. But he was certainly not prey, even if his trappers did not know.

    He could certainly show them.
    Can I return it if it doesn’t fit?
    It always fits. Eventually

    Spoiler: The pretty colours hide my lack of personality 

  2. #22
    Naraness's Avatar
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    Agent L-A simply looked at the winged man as if he was crazy. Agent Hothothothothot? Well she had certainly never been called that before. But she didn't mind having a partner in crime. The corners of her mouth tugged into a smirk. "Lets terrorize the town." She said, flipping her hair over her shoulder. Then she gave him a slightly sharp look and jabbed him in the chest with her finger. "But only if you stop calling me that." She snapped. Something about the way he just kept going on, and on annoyed her to the core. She just wanted to shut him up. Oddly enough, she had very interesting ideas about how she could do that, and this brought a smile to her face.

    "Alright Feathers." She said, deciding that was a good nickname for him. "So, do you have a plan or do you want to just go kill people? Because I've had enough of option two for tonight." She put her hands on her hips, looking up at him in the moonlight.

    She cast a distasteful look at his rifle. "I don't like guns." Was her simple comment. But in her mind, she could still remember that night, cornered in an alley, when she was given the choice between a bullet and a bite. She could still see that terrible man, looking at her like she was his next meal... The agent swallowed, fear filling her at the memory. That had been the night when she was turned, and she would never forget it. The moment she experienced the hunger she overpowered her 'creator' and escaped. She hadn't seen him since... He wasn't part of the agency, rather a rogue that wandered the city. Eldasha wanted to find him, and rip his throat out for what he had done to her.

    "Nevermind, lets just kill someone." She said, needing to get her mind away from the awful memory.
    Spoiler: Clicky clicky -------> 

  3. #23
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    The purring of the engine, the unexplictable tang of the city life, a cocktail of many hues, whether the lowly class, gangsters where the gunpowder and lost childhood lurked, the surreal taste of drugs echoed from the walls. The plastic scent, coming off the fake and pretentious people, the CEOs the people who lived in the ivory towers. This was the world now, the classes in perpetual war, some in secret, others in doubt, but war existed in the very streets. Now the world deeper, the world beyond the facade, this was the secret world, the world where reality took a vacation and folklore, myths and fairytales, they were the script, the lore for this place. Demons, Vampires, other individuals, they were the people who had existed always, the creatures who knew their existence experienced life from the past, to the present.

    Climbing off her bike, she entered the abandoned Hotel Deluxia. The remnants of bums and druggies clear to anyone here, squalor and decay. Of course it was perfect cover. The grand staircase falling to pieces, while the room stank of drabness and the past. Cobwebs and dust, littering the alcoves, while the floorboard creeked heavily underfoot, light barely able to breath in the mess. This was once the top hotel in New York, but after a strange case involving some murders business died down leaving the place abandoned. Or so that was the rumor, the truth was the Prodigy had always owned this land, but let people believe fear, there were ghosts and other malign evil in this place, in fact at Halloween the ghosts and ghouls had a slap-up feed from the clueless boys and girls who dared themselves to enter.

    Coming towards an old style cage lift, she roughly pulled open the door, hearing a creek, lifting up a key from her pocket, she clicked it into place, as the lift began to descend, leaving the facade, leaving the mask, as metal walls replaced. this was the heart of the Prodigy HQ.

    The lift despite it's appearance was functional, in fact it was all a powerful illusion, but it worked and no one dared used it, because the thing looked like it would fall apart or break at minutes notice.

    With a ping, the doors open and the halls of the Prodigy revealed, a great sized room full of species of all shapes and sizes walking around. While receptionist demons, vampires or anything else, handled the day to day business.

    Renny was home.

  4. #24
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    Sean somehow seemed a little offended at her distasteful look at his gun. He was also disappointed that she didn’t want him to call her agent Hothothothothothot. He had always wanted to call someone that, but he was happy none the less because she agreed to go with him. “WELLL, agent hohothot- er L-A, if you don’t like guns fine! But this is a rife!!! They’re the coolest gun you could ever get!!!” He continued to talk about how rifles are the best kind of gun ever for another few minutes before randomly switching the subject. “Oh! And killing people, that wasn’t exactly what I had in mind tonight… well maybe kill a few people to draw in the AGENTS; see, we’re on a mission!!!” his eyes twinkled in delight when he said this. “Seee Mr. Keith said that weee should probably go and find them agents!!! Cause he said that tonight he got this feeling that they should be out and about. SO you know… we should probably look for some agents… and stuff...” he trailed off and looked at the moon before randomly changing the subject again. “Oh!!! And you know why you’re not my type? Cause you’re a freaking supernatural! And how the heck am I supposed to know what you guys want for Valentine’s Day! Cause human girls are so easy to please!!! I mean but you guys!! I have no clue what might offend you or something. Girls can be so touchy! Don’t you agree? I mean when I was a little kid…” He continued to blab about when he was a kid, and then switched the subject to types of feathers, and just kept talking.


    Keith walked into the lobby and spotted Renny and walked up next to her. “Hey Renny! What you been doin?” He grinned hoping she’d be up for a mission. Tonight he was feeling lucky and wanted as many good agents on the look out for the AGENTS agents. He had a feeling they would be out tonight and he wanted to make sure that his agents were on the lookout for them, so they could get in another interrogation. Quite a few of the supernaturals were being a little too closely tracked these days and it was time for him to nab a few AGENTS agents. He also couldn’t wait to explore the fullness of the little black dot in the secret room. He knew one way to activate it, and that was through an AGENTS agent.

    - -

    Rina started to walk further away from the agency. The night was beautiful and all the brightly lit stores were just as pretty. However, most of the places were dark, and lamp posts provided the only light where there were no stores. Rina looked all around; it was just a beautiful sight to her. It was a new atmosphere, and she loved it, every bit of the time she was spending was just down right amazing to her. She couldn’t see why Tezuka wouldn’t let her spend too much time out in the dark.

  5. #25
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    Ai felt so cold and alone as she wandered the corridors of the Prodigies HQ. Although Ai preferred being alone and avoiding confrontation, another person would've helped settle her in this situation. It had been hours since she'd arrived here but there hadn't been anyone around, it seemed the Prodigies were out in the streets 'patrolling' maybe even looking for the Agents Ai was told about. The girl shivered and held her arms close to her body, she closed her watering eyes in fear as the sound that had caused her to huddle up got louder, after a few moments she composed herself, took a deep breath in and headed forwards with her head held high.

    She already began to hate this place, empty and full of scary sounds...great. The young girls hopes however did rise again when she heard Keith speaking to someone, people? a smile spread across her face as the thought entered her head, then she thought about it a little longer...oh...people She wasn't sure how to respond in a conversation nor did she know how to start one. Maybe if I just keep my head down they won't notice me The girl started walking faster as she began getting closer and closer to the people talking why.why. WHY? she kept repeating the question in her head over and over again, her tail swaying faster and her ears twitching from left to right.

    She thought she was safe until she almost walked into Renny and fell backwards yelping in fright, "AAAGH!". Keeping her head down hadn't worked out at all, and her poor eyesight didn't help either in this situation. Why was it always her? "I-I'm SO SORRY!" she shouted as she tried to stand only to fall straight back down again a sharp pain burning all the way up to her ribs, Ai wasn't going anywhere for a while. The young girl was unsure of what to do and began to panic, she couldn't see anyway out of this predicament and just sat there her eyes watering as she looked up at Keith and Renny.

    For now that's where Ai was, sitting on the floor between two people she had never met before not sure how to react or what to say to them and literally about to really seemed to hate Ai, Why? she started repeating the question in her head as she looked down and closed her eyes, biting her tongue to try to hide the fact she was starting to cry...

  6. #26
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    Eldasha folded her arms and leaned back, leaning her weight on one foot. She listened to Sean ramble, slightly annoyed. At the same time, she kind of liked him. He was the kind of person she would have clicked with right away when she was still human. She had been quite a talker herself... Oh how she missed that part of herself. The part that had died. When he mentioned Valentine's Day she grinned. "Girls aren't that complicated. We like chocolate, being told we're pretty, and sweatpants. Of course... I can't eat chocolate anymore." She trailed off, listening as he just continued on and on.

    After a few minutes, she chuckled and put a hand over his mouth. "Look, it's not that I don't like the sound of your voice. Just don't forget to take a breath between all those words." A genuine smile lit up her features, which looked very odd considering there was some dried blood on her face. "Come on, Feathers. Lets lure in some AGENTS." She looked down the side of the building, and then put a hand on the rim. Planning a path of descent, her eyes traced over the brick wall. Then she swung down, her foot catching on a brick that protruded from the wall just a little more than the rest of the evenly placed rectangles. She hung there for a moment, her hand on the rim of the roof and her foot on the wall, and then leaped off, rolling in the air so that she landed on her feet with a hand on the ground. Her heart pounded, her burning eyes searching the street. She didn't see anyone.

    Agent L-A put a hand up and waved for Sean to follow her. She straightened up, and dusted herself off.
    Spoiler: Clicky clicky -------> 

  7. #27
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    Sean was quiet for once as he followed Agent L-A closely. He didn’t actually have a clue as to how you were supposed to lure in agents. All he knew was that he liked to talk and make friends, especially with good looking girls. He couldn’t wait to see what was in store: he had a feeling Agent L-A knew what she was doing, and if she was being stealthy, he should too. He couldn’t help but think about how excited he was to be looking for an AGENTS agent. He thought for sure he would find one with her.


    Keith laughed a hearty laugh. “So you’re the new kid on the block.” He smiled and offered her a hand. “Don’t be scared, I’m sorry I haven’t been able to meet you yet, it’s just that I’ve been a little busy, so nice to meet you, you’re Ai, Agent Wolf right? I’m the head of this beautiful agency, Keith Lenard, Agent K, happy to be of service! Oh and if you are up to it, just as I was going to tell good ol’ Renny here, I want to send you guys on a mission tonight. If you guys feel up to it, please feel free to act upon your own wishes. Anyhow, I think that you guys should go on a mission, separate, or together, or whatever, and go find some AGENTS agents! So you guys up to the challenge? If you feel like taking a good look around this place before going out or just staying in Ai, you can do that; in fact, you guys can just do whatever you want! Times aren’t that serious yet, and when we do get to serious, I’ll be the one to start that. In the meantime, have fun!!” Keith smiled at the both of them.


    Rina walked around near a lamppost in a little park. This park was quite small: you could see the other end of the park from just one side. The park had short leveled grass and a pond in the middle. There were ducks there in the daytime, along with other birds. There were multiple trees and nice park benches around the place and pretty little flowers near the benches. It was a very nice decorated park, perfect for picnicking during the day. But, it was a park designed for not only day but night: it had several lampposts spread around. It could be perfect for a nice moonlit walk and the moon’s reflection was perfect on the still water.

    Rina walked around and took a breath of the night air. All was quiet, and the wind blew, making no sound at all. Just like earlier today, the wind made the perfect atmosphere better than perfect. It was a nice and gentle wind that blew in her hair, as perfect a breeze as anyone could wish for. She smiled at this and kept slowly walking until she reached a lamppost and leaned against it, taking in the beautiful scene of the quiet perfect park at night.

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    Amanda was on her way back towards the AGENTS HQ, her patrol had been successful and her thirst for violence quenched...all was good it seemed. Though she did still want to bump into one of the rumoured super naturals, it wouldn't hurt too much to be a little late back to HQ right? It wasn't like anyone liked her anyway, they probably wouldn't care what time she made it back in fact they would probably start praying that she'd died.

    The girl sighed and headed into the bar she was walking to before bumping into that thief, "Ahhh, been a while since I last saw you here! I'll go prepare your usual." Amanda nodded at the owner and took a seat at her table...she'd always sat at that particular seat since she was a little girl. "What have you got to wash away the pain of life?" the owner smiled at the question as he reached behind the counter and pulled out a bottle of vodka, 70%. Amanda was under age at just 17 but the owner had been great friends of her parents and often gave her alcohol willingly.

    "And here comes your meal."

    "Smells delicious." The young girl took a big wiff as the plate of steak and fries was placed in front of her, the waiter slowly poured the pepper sauce over the meal and she dug into it as soon as the waiter pulled away.

    "'ve grown so much since I saw you last...what have you been up to?"

    Amanda was only the child of the owner's friends, she simply took advantage of that to get free food and drinks, "If I told you...I would have to kill you." She gave him a playful smile and continued eating.

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    Sneering in a full thick irish accent Renny replied, "Ah wonderful, another rossie oi nade ter work wi'. Keith scon are millenias auld an' yer gie me rookies, scon are in me weck mary feckin poppins!" growling in frustration she rolled her eyes and eyed the rookie with great distaste, "Renny 'iggins an' if yer make wan move wrong, oi 'ill snap yisser scrawny greg. oi don't care waaat yer are, yer are under me watch for sum feckin call. so unless yer git guts, back de goh 'wey ouwda daht." turning to Keith, she continued her Irish verbal assault, "Banks is dead an' yer man won't be passin' on informashun ter de agents anymore. dare were people who saw, yer asked me ter chucker so durin' 'appy 'our, oi made it depressin'. maybe agents won't use civilians anymore..."

    Grabbing the girl by the scruff of the neck, she bent down really low and spoke in an intimidating whisper, "Scon are de lassy who does de jobs naw wan else wants in dis groop oi 'andle de trash. oi 'andle de sortin' av people. scon are de garbage lassy, if yer steck wi' renny yer 'ill git bleedin an' yer 'ill fend yerself swimmin' in blud. oi reckon keith ol' fella wants me ter go chucker another job an' silence sum chatty fecker, scon oi roi keith?"

    With a smirk she went on and laughed crudely, "Mary feckin poppins so'tiz, a spoonful av cynanide makes de bodies al' fall down. yer wish ter jump down de rabbit 'ole alice an' enter renny's warrld, enter warrld full av death an' murder. folly me example dear an' oi 'ill destroy yisser patetic concience." why the sudden change of opinion, because Renny was sadistic bitch and she liked breaking people innocent, popping their cherry so to speak, the rookies were especially delectable due to how much they screamed when they first witness Renny's cruelty.

    Renny's Translation Matrix: "Oh wonderful, another brat I need to work with. Keith I am millenias old and you give me rookies, I am not Mary Fucking Poppins!"

    Renny Higgins and if you make one move wrong, I will snap your scrawny neck. I don't care what you are, you are under my watch for some fucking reason. So unless you get guts, back the fuck off.

    Banks is dead and he won't be passing on information to the AGENTS anymore. There were people who saw, you asked me to do so during happy hour, I made it depressing. Maybe Agents won't use civilians anymore...

    I am the girl who does the jobs no one else wants in this group I handle the trash. I handle the sorting of people. I am the garbage girl, if you stick with Renny you will get bloody and you will find yourself swimming in blood. I reckon Keith ol' boy wants me to go do another job and silence some chatty fucker, am I right Keith?

    Mary fucking Poppins it is, a spoonful of cynanide makes the bodies all fall down. You wish to jump down the rabbit hole Alice and enter Renny's world, enter world full of death and murder. Follow my example dear and I will destroy your pathetic concience.
    Last edited by Rulke; 08-06-2013 at 06:50 PM.

  10. #30
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    The agent didn't think it would be too hard to reel in some AGENTS. They just had to raise a little chaos and the heroes would come to save the day. Right? She chuckled to herself. Eldasha stepped into a dark alley, one which took small pathways between the buildings. It would allow them to cut across three streets, and travel undetected. When it opened up, the street was almost as dark as the gloomy alley. The only lights were the overhanging street lamps. Some of them were out and others flickered weakly. The street clearly wasn't very well cared for... Eldasha sighed, looking back at Sean. Even though it was completely dark out, she put her sunglasses on. It wouldn't be good to let someone see her eyes and freak out.

    "Okay, so, since we don't have much of a plan..." She frowned, realizing how strange this was. They were two bad guys who wanted to cause trouble and didn't even have a plan. Maybe they could take a night club hostage, or capture some kids. What kind of plan was that? She wasn't going to hurt any kids. Eldasha laughed mirthlessly, knowing that she had already killed two that night... Maybe this isn't a good idea. She thought. I don't want to hurt anyone.

    Oh shut up! The harsh side of herself responded. You're the monster now, act like it! Got that?

    Eldasha gulped. She could ask Sean if they could just go back... She could ask if they could just have a bad guys' night out. But, that was exactly what this was, wasn't it? She groaned, feeling a little dizzy. There were too many conflicting emotions inside her. It was like she was at war with herself. "Um, I... Excuse me." The agent was even more pale than normal. She ducked back into the alley and threw up most of the blood in her stomach.
    Spoiler: Clicky clicky -------> 

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