

Red lights flashed around, hot air rushing over me. Disoriented, I blink my eyes. My vision is unclear, but I can make out a cocoon like object holding me. With what strength I have, I pull away the straps tied around my waist and chest, then begin to kick the glass. The more and more I hit the glass with the bare soles of my feet, the clearer my vision becomes.

I keep kicking tirelessly against the cold glass. The announcement keeps going, along with the red flashing lights. Something hits my elbow and I become weightless. There's no gravity, I hit the anti-gravity button. This pushes me to kick harder until the cocoon pops open and I float out. Then I fall; the gravity is back. Now my vision is clear from landing on the cool metal floor and I am no longer disoriented. Heavy footsteps race towards me, so I quickly slip between another cocoon and the wall.

"Any sign of her?" Soldiers round the corner, using the motion lasers attached just under the scope of their rifles to try and detect my movement. I freeze until they give the zone the all-clear and race on to the next one. I breathe a silent sigh of relief and pull myself out of my hiding place and inspect myself.

My skin is an alabaster, almost icy blue color and tight white cloth is around my chest and the same cloth around my hips halfway down my thighs like shorts, covering me securely, yet I still feel naked. My hair is in a tight ponytail, my hair travelling down to the middle of my back. White fingerless gloves that only cover my knuckles and palms keep my hands warm, but not body temperature warm. On the gloves is a small glass screen with -60 degrees Celsius on it. I'm getting warmer from being out of the cocoon, the temperature is increasing and my color is coming back, but I've got bigger problems.

I turn and run the direction the soldiers came from, my feet quietly hitting the floor. Once I round the corner, I hit glass. A door? Barrier? I massage my forehead where the glass made contact while I fight to regain my vision. When I look back up, I know it's not a door or a barrier, it's a window. A window into blackness with white, blue, red, and gold dots scattered across. Far off is something blue and green with white, wisp like things floating around. A voice breaks through my wanderings, the clear, strong voice of a women, but I don't turn. I keep looking at the blue and green thing.

"That's Earth, Bei Klarich. You're going back to the birthplace of civilization. You'll be the first to come back after the Great War."

What do you guys think? Should I keep writing? PM me if you think I should Please don't comment, so I have room to add more chapters :I