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Thread: Death Note

  1. #1
    ~RPA's Lady of Peace~
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    Default Death Note

    A Roleplay by Strega:

    The sky was cloaked in a thick black smog, the ground as black as ash and the land deformed and decayed. The realm of the Shinigami was a wasteland, devoid of any life, rather fitting considering the few inhabitants of it. In a small crater barely noticeable in the desolate land sat two such creatures. One of them was wrapped in bandages, his face some kind of monstrous insect skull, the other wore strange bangles on its wrist and had a horrific creature skull covering his face, wearing it like a mask.
    "two skulls on their sides?" one said to the other before turning and looking off into the distance, "Hey Ryuk, why are you staring into space, you should get in on this"

    Sat on a ledge of a small black mound that matched the rest of the wasteland was a Shinigami with a wide grin spread across his face, his hair and body a dark blueish grey and his face and neck as white as snow. His eyes were bulging and yellow with black pupils and his teeth were all narrow and pointed.
    "Nah, I have something to take care of" Ryuk explained
    "What have you done now Ryuk?" hissed the other shinigami
    "I dropped my death note" Ryuk explained, his grin still wild
    "You have another anyway, you keep dropping that thing, where did you leave it this time"
    "The human world again" Ryuk said as he stood up, "I suppose I better go look for it"
    A pair of peculiar black wings sprouted from Ryuk's back and in the shimmer of his eyes he could see his destination, Tokyo. For there, right outside the Hibiya Library was a small black notebook, strange handwriting on the cover had spelled the words "Death Note". On the first page inside the cover the note read in english "The person who's name is written in this book shall die"


    I sat staring at the monitor of my computer as was becoming more routine these days. My eyes were barely opened as I stared at the information, geniuinally bored. I took a drag of the cigarette in between my fingers and looked down at desk which was cluttered with various documents. What had caught my eye was the picture of three young boys, the eldest had black hair and a peculiar stare, while the middle child had a glare that screamed envy and bitterness, while the youngest simply stared off into space as if preoccupied with something else.
    I shook my head and looked back up at my monitor and a message box in the corner was flashing. I hit a few keys and a screen popped up with a blank background and a giant black "L" in an interesting text.
    "The head of the K.I.O is heading to Japan" came a voice from the screen's speakers
    "...They can't possibly know anything that we would not already known, perhaps she is going on vacation" I said, though the cogs in my head were already whirring fast before I could even stop myself. The head of the K.I.O, the Kira Investigation Organisation, Heading to Tokyo where the whole mess had began.
    "I think it is time for L to make a return" I said as I stood up from the desk, "book me a flight for Tokyo"


    OO for future reference If I enter the story as Ryuk I will write in the third person, this is to distinguish between when I control Ryuk and when I control L. The only other person who has full control of Ryuk's actions is Pyro-Sensei. Though she should, as all of you, use first person writing.

  2. #2
    ~RPA's Lady of Peace~
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    I stared out the window of my small apartment at the rain that blurred the glass of the tiny opening to the outside world. It had been about two months since I began living here in this miniature city in Northwestern Switzerland and when it wasn't cloudy or raining it was snowing or foggy. The lack of sunshine here fascinated me. The clouds felt like a constant security blanket. It was so calm...on the outside. The truth was no matter where you live, no matter how safe you feel, there will always be bad eggs in the carton. For example, a man gets mugged on his way home from work. The general response? Oh, that's a shame. Shouldn't the police do more?

    I say no, we should do more. The majority of the tenants in my complex alone are middle-aged or elderly shut-ins with no drive to get rid of the lingering odor of rotten activity. Rotten activity performed by the young ones in our sunless community. I despise those who spread their bad auras and hurt innocent people for meaningless goals. Money, politics, sexual release...the corruption is a disease, infecting the best of us. And there is nothing I can do on my own to stop it.

    I sighed and pushed my black-rimmed glasses up the bridge of my nose. I gazed into the storm, trying to pass time by following a single droplet at a time with my eyes. But then something much larger and darker began to fall with the rain and plopped into the parking lot of my apartment building.
    "Huh?" That was not an illusion brought on by rain, I thought, Something just fell out of the sky. I wasted no time in getting down there, not even stopping to grab my coat. I lived on the third story so it took longer than I'd hoped in investigating the fallen object. Please let no one else have seen it. My curiosity is not something to go unsatisfied. When I finally made it outside the object was still there, getting soaked with the downpour. I approached cautiously but deliberately, discovering it to be...
    "A notebook?" What was a notebook doing falling from the sky? "I wonder..." I carefully picked it up, inspecting it from all views. The front cover read 'Death Note' in English, my third language behind French and German, having known them since I could speak. It wasn't my strongest language but I knew both the words and their meanings.
    "Un cahier de la mort?" I whispered, "A notebook of death?" Unfortunately the entire first page was written in English so I would have to bring it inside to better study it. So I brought it three stories back up to my room, number 306. It didn't take long for me to translate the first sentence and when I did I felt my heart miss a beat. I raised a hand to my mouth, shocked at the evil power this note possessed.

    The human whose name is written in this notebook shall die.

    It took a few moments for me to recover, the tapping of rain on the windows the only sound I could hear over my startled heartbeat. I had no doubts this notebook was real but why had it fallen and in that spot specifically? Was I the only one who could see it? Was I chosen by some higher power to use it? No, I thought, I'm getting prideful with that. But who would create a notebook with such terrible power? I removed my glasses for a moment and set them on the desk in front of me. I rubbed my eyes and leaned back in my chair.
    "Thank goodness I was the one who found it," I murmured, "If someone else, someone...rotten had...." I didn't like to think about it. So instead I decided to finish reading the first page, the 'How to Use', and figure out what I should do with it from there.

    Two hours later I had made my decision. This Death Note had dropped for a reason, what that reason was, I had no idea. But whatever the reason I had found it and the saying goes, 'finders keepers'. I would use this Death Note to get rid of all the people wrong in this world. Every bad egg infecting the rest of the carton with its rotten aura, every lowlife getting away with their crimes...
    "They'll all pay soon," I said with a smile, "But how to go about it...?" I figured it would be best to not kill people in my community first or the monsters who killed my parents. Killing is still a crime no matter how you look at it. I couldn't draw attention to myself no matter what. I recalled an old case very similar to this one. They called it the Kira Case. Kira had the same ideas as I did and lived in Japan. He wasn't as careful as I was about that as the famous detective L discovered his residence with just one kill. The case dragged on for years and then suddenly vanished in early 2010. People thought for years afterward Kira the savior was just taking a break but I knew as soon as I heard about it that Kira was dead. Never brought to legal justice. I may not be the purebred genius Kira was but I'm smart enough to not get caught. And lucky. They say luck has nothing to do with it but I have learned luck has a huge role if not everything to do with it.
    So over the next couple days I tried my luck with the Death Note, following the instructions on the first page. My first successful kill was a serial rapist in the United States, recently caught by police. I'll never forget his name or face: Robert DeSalvo, guilty of 27 rapes within two months in Wisconsin. I had him die of a heart attack en route to his trial. The murder felt oddly satisfying. It was like a disgusting, rotten egg had been removed from an otherwise pristine carton. And I was the one who threw it away.
    "Let's see what else I can do with this wonderful tool," I said upon hearing my first victim had died. And so I began Kira's new reign of 'divine' punishment, realizing the marvelous power the first Kira must have felt upon using this ultimate weapon. It is only common sense to know he owned a Death Note and he used it rather efficiently.

  3. #3
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    OO That second post is by me, Pyro-sensei.


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