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Thread: [M] The Throne of Gods (IC)

  1. #11
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    He walked, today in the faction of Balance. The Garden of Eden shown as radiant as ever. Masecha was right on the outside of it, his birthplace, pacing back and fourth. He didn't need to look at it to recognize its beauty, as he had seen it a thousand times, nor was he there to do that now. No, today he had gone there to seek some sort of comfort, for on this day it was the first time in a long time that he was worried. Something was about to happen. He felt it. Two feelings were mingling together. Someone's heart... somewhere in these lands... it was set on doing something. Something big that would affect the lives of many. A lot was about to change. He had felt it some time ago in fact. This day had been predetermined, and now it was all going to happen but his powers could not reach as far as to tell what it was that this heart he was locked on was about to do. There was no use interfering. Tampering with this one's intentions was pointless. It had already been decided, and all he could do was helplessly stand by and wait for this to happen, whatever it was. When it did though, even though he had expected it to be big... he hadn't expected it to weigh on him so strongly.

    Sure, he felt it. Of course it reached him somehow in his own heart that his king was dead but right when it did, he felt it coming from all directions. His brethren... they too were having the same realization and the way it affected them almost overwhelmed his own senses. He looked up at the place of his origin once more, as if it could somehow offer him some sort of answer to all the questions now running through his head... and then it was gone.

    Suddenly it was as if the ground had disappeared from below him and he found himself staring at the thousands of other confused gods as they too came plummeting down from the Heavens. Pain overtook him both physically and mentally and he was too caught up in what was going on in himself to recognize the feelings of his brethren so when he landed, he couldn't sense them at all, or rather, it was as if their own hearts dissapeared among the hearts of men. When he collided with the ground, even more pain came exploding over him as he cried out. His lied there with his eyes closed for a moment as he felt the auras of the hearts of men suddenly stronger than ever... and not only that but became aware of his own beating heart. It hurt. He opened his eyes and sucked in gulps of air, quickly sitting up and looking around. He had appeared to have created an indent in the ground around him and he could hear the sound of rushing water up above. He climbed out of the crater and surveyed his surroundings. There was a river in front of him and not far off from it stood a city. He stared at it for a moment before sighing and nodding to himself quietly.
    "It appears that I've somehow managed to fall to Earth." It was a place he knew well, though he had never actually been there entirely.
    While on the outside he was collected, his thoughts were in a flurry as he tried to figure out what exactly was going on. He looked down at himself, realizing that he was in nothing but bare skin. He sighed. I really don't have time for this.

    Switching to his child form, the small creature yawned and stretched before looking around while the adult stayed back and began trying to piece their situation together.
    "This... is this Earth?" His head shot from left to right and he ran over to the river, "Wow! I've always wanted to come to this place! This is so cool! I have skin and everything and..." he looked into the water at his own reflection, "and I better get some clothes."

    He looked this way and that before his eyes settled on the city before him. He smiled and started running towards it, unaware of, or perhaps ignoring, how challenging this new scenario may actually be.

    Avi and Sig made possible by: Kicks!
    Because she is the awesomest in all of ever!

  2. #12
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    Riding in the jeep Iphos observed his surroundings. The city was reminiscent of the white city in some ways with the way the buildings were made and shaped. Scoffing he looked around not even feeling the blanket on his shoulders. “So what were you doing out there lad?” The man asked as he pulled infront of a building. The building was small and square being led inside Iphos saw three rooms behind bars and two desks at the front. One hosted a man slumped over and snoring, and the other was empty. Sighing the elderly man shook his head before walking off to a back room and coming back with a white shirt with a white coat that had fur around the collar. To finish off the assemble he had a pair of white pants. “Not as thick as it should be but its better than nothing.” The man said handing Iphos the clothes.

    Without any since of grace Iphos dressed right in front of them and found the clothes more restricting than what he was used to but he wouldn’t complain considering he didn’t have to much of a choice. However throughout this whole ordeal he had been silent which had concerned the elderly man. “So what are you thinking about lad? What happened out there?”

    “I don’t think you can handle the truth.” Iphos simply answered before he started to exit the police station. However as he walked out he was welcomed by three people each who had guns faced in his direction. Frowning Iphos examined the men. “You dare turn your pointless weapons on the one who gave them to you? I promise you this you will come to regret your decision if you pull those triggers.” Iphos warned.

    IT seemed the soldiers could care less about his speech and as he finished they fired. However right before they hit Iphos they were all deflected burrowing themselves in the doorway and the ground. “I warned you. Now I must punish you.” Iphos said taking a step forward and grabbing one of the soldiers by the throat. He flung the man as if he weighed no more than a pebble however the soldiers body flew at an unnatural speed to where when it collided into a nearby car it exploded against it while also totaling the car. “Well of course it’s my duty as a god to dispense punishment out to my unfaithful followers.” Iphos said which prompted the soldiers to open fire once again. This time there bullets redirected and pierced their own bodies.

    The two policemen inside came out to see what had happened but as they did Iphos was already walking down the street with the magazines from the weapons. “Yes we need backup asap. Assume perpetrator is armed and dangerous. 6’0, gray hair, and pale skin. “ The elder cop said before walking into the street with a rifle followed by his partner. “Freeze!” They yelled in unison.

    Iphos stopped before turning and looking at the two. HE had emptied the magazines and now held the bullets in his hand. Raising his eyebrow he threw one of them and as it left his hand it accelerated forward at an incredible speed which completely obliterated the top half of the elder cops partner. “I let you live because you helped me. Don’t forget this.” Iphos said before continuing on his walk. The elder cop didn’t dare fire after seeing the demonstration but what he did do was pick up his radio. “We’re gonna need the military.

    Iphos spread his arms while walking through the streets. Many looked at him as if he were weird but he paid them no heed. He was a god among men and it was about time he started acting like it. He no longer needed to stay in a dimension to effect the humans he was apart of their world now and it was time to make a few changes.

    As Jag walked down the mountain the wind blew roughly and snow flew all around. Above her helicopters passed by heading towards a city that wasn’t to far from the base of the mountain. However it seemed one had spotted her and circled around. Soon after the helicopter landed a few feet from Jag. Stepping out were five human’s each dressed in an outfit that had a blue and white design. They also had rifles in their hands, but pointed at the ground. “Mam are you ok?” One of the soldiers asked walking towards her with a thick blanket.”

    Vantas’ crash hadn’t went unnoticed because by the time he had gotten off of the ice three jeeps had pulled up in front of him along with one van. Out poured at least a dozen people that surrounded Vantas and started to bombard him with questions. “What are you doing out here sir? Do you know what these strange falling stars are? Anyone indications? What’s up with the spear?” They asked as one of the cameraman got so close the camera was almost in Vantas’ face.

    Now we shall sit back and watch this Galaxy burn.

  3. #13
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    Fucking hell.

    Okay, in all frankness, Jag actually found herself torn between irritation, and delight. On one hand, living things were annoying as fuck, and that irksome mechanical fly buzzing about overhead like a goddamn pest was definitely the harbinger of living things that would almost certainly prove nothing short of a bother. On the other hand, the lovely thing about living things was that you could always have fun turning them into decidedly dead things. Unless they were thralls of the god of necromancy and resurrection. Man, Jag fucking hated that old bitch. In fact, just recalling the brief war she'd waged against that asshat was sufficient to impel her to decide that the second she figured out all this 'turned into a mortal, sent to Earth, smashed into a mountain' shit, she was gonna head back to the realm of the deities to rip the fucker a new asshole. Because fuck him, and fuck this. And fuck that stupid helicopter or whatever these pissant goddamn humans called it.

    And to top the whole shitfest off, her armour was missing. Yep. Stark fucking naked. What a goddamn kick, wandering around wherever the fuck this hellhole of ice and snow was completely starkers. Well, frankly, the armour was purely ornamental: it hardly afforded her any more protection than did her very skin, against which blades forged by deities of blacksmithing themselves had shattered in futility. Mostly, it was there purely for purposes of looking badass, because really, when you were the goddamn deity of war, you had no excuse to not have a set of bitchin' armour, but on that same note, when you had arms two feet in diameter and a torso comparable in sheer mass and stability to a tree trunk, being nude wasn't exactly much less intimidating.

    It was really just a matter of choosing between being pissed off about something and being pleased with something... and hell, was there any real question of that where Jag was concerned?

    She had to hand it to those human shitstains though-- for a bunch of dudes who'd just flown in to investigate a mysterious case of a collapsed mountain only to find themselves faced with a buck naked war god built more like a tank than an actual goddamn tank, they sure took it pretty well. So well, shit, Jag almost forgot to be pissed off, she was so baffled when they just ran on up to her with a fucking blanket of all things and started askin' her if she was okay. ... are they brain damaged? she briefly and wholly seriously mused. No, really, woulda been just her fuckin' luck to be itchin' for a fight only to end up with a bunch of mentally deficient soldiers armed with too much compassion and a blanket.

    But something to kill is something to kill-- doesn't really matter what, so long as staved off the hunger just a little longer. And once Jag came to her senses and remembered that vital reality, that really was just about the end of it. The ravening seized her with as much force and violence as her two hands seized the human nearest to her, the one with the blanket that had asked her if she was alright, and with a single vehement motion, her hands gripping the human's two arms like twigs within her grasp, Jag turned the expression 'ripped from limb to limb' from figurative to very, very literal.

    And in that moment of wanton, pointless carnage, she felt the faintest glimmer of relief.

  4. #14
    A Dandy Guy in Space
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    Ah, that's correct. I'm dealing with humans.

    As Vantas suddenly found himself overwhelmed by the curious hooting apes that called themselves men and women, he was almost amused. The heavens themselves were literally collapsing upon them, raining down their contents of gods and deities to infest the Earth with their elevated state of existence, and these mongrels were asking about a spear? He had to admire their bravery, nonetheless. A great being of the cosmos was not necessarily the most approachable fellow one could meet.

    With a humored grunt, Vantas reached for the power of the Void that lay embedded in his heart. It was much weaker, farther away than it had been when he stood up high, but it was still there nonetheless. His eyes became filled with darkness once again--whites, irises, and all--and a devious grin sprouted on his face. Many of the reporters and paparazzi took subconscious steps away from him in apparent nervousness while others found it as an invitation to step closer, pushing cameras even further into Vantas's face. Let's have a little fun before getting down to business. After all, what's the point of freedom if you cannot bask in it when offered?

    "Why does it really matter?" Vantas took several steps up a hill and turned around to face them quickly, leaving the camera-burdened apes in a circle a level beneath him. "Why do any of these questions really matter to you? Is it for..." He turned and stared at one man who held a microphone up, glaring into the depths of his soul with his eyes of nothing. ", perhaps? Or is it..." His gaze shifted to a woman who held a camera up to his face. " become a symbol, a name that all can recognize?"

    "Or maybe..." This time he leaned forward and stared directly into the camera lens, the darkness in his eyes shifting like a worm. " believe that you have some sort of duty to the people, that it is your responsibility and yours alone to inform them of this event because they are sloths bound to office chairs, sofas, and mattresses?"

    Reaching into the Void again, Vantas spoke into the hearts and minds of each of his spectators, receiving frightened and surprised glances as whispers filled their ears and heads.

    "What is your purpose for seeking out something that does not concern you?"

    You are nothing but pawns and fools united in your thirst for progress.

    "What will it serve to you in the end?"

    Nothing. Nothing but material desires that feed your egos and false sense of success.

    "Why force yourself to come out here when you could be just like the others, warm and snug in their deathbeds?"

    Leeches, all of you! Sucking the blood from the continuation of man, feeding your promiscuous whims until you are fat and tender, ready to burst with just the slightest touch of a spearhead!

    "But that is hypocritical of me." The voices vanished as Vantas leaned back and flipped his spear point-up casually, causing many of the reporters to flinch back on impulse. All he did, however, was settle the butt of the spear into the snow and casually wipe away the remnants of snow and ice upon the tip of his spear with his bare hands. "How could I condemn you for your self-serving curiosity and then ask so many questions of you as well? I apologize for weighing you with my lectures and ideas."

    "Please..." Mists of darkness began to seep from his eyes as he summoned the Void again. "Allow me to free you of those burdens."

    Moments later, Vantas blinked the darkness away from his eyes and felt his spear vanish from his hand as he turned away from the reporters. Or, what was left of them.
    Last edited by TheDoctor; 12-24-2013 at 05:39 AM.

    Thanks to Karma for the dandiest set
    Spoiler: RPs I'm in 

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    By the time the police arrived in response to the quake of her landing and the breaking and entering, Jaslyn had picked out the least revolting clothes she could find. The top was a tightly fitted red halter that put her lean and toned midriff on display. Then she had chosen black pants that hugged her legs but were stretchy enough to allow for easy movement. She had always harbored a quiet fondness for jewels, so when she encountered the glass case full of diamonds and colorful gems, she had shattered it and picked a few that she found fitting: emerald stud earrings that matched her eyes but couldn’t be taken advantage of in a fight, and a choker on a black leather strip that showcased a larger teardrop emerald flanked by two smaller diamonds.

    She was the Goddess of Indulgence, after all.

    She pulled on socks and a pair of black combat boots. She heard the approaching sirens as she tied them off and looked with annoyance out the shop’s windows to see three black and white metal carriages skid to a stop outside of the clothing store, blue and red lights flashing incessantly on their roofs. Six men exited the strange contraptions, all in a rush and all intent upon her. Jaslyn’s eyes narrowed dangerously as two of the six cautiously entered the store, hands grasping unusual black things that she assumed were weapons of some sort.

    The audacity of these weak mortals stirred the goddess’s wrath, an occurrence that few survived. However, she was on unfamiliar territory as a mortal who, though stronger than these overfed excuses for men, was still perfectly capable of dying by their hands. Or weapons, in this case.

    Thus, rather than outright attacking them for their insolence as she was wont to do, Jaslyn reeled in her temper and made no threatening move towards the two policemen. They approached her slowly, torches shining into her face as they investigated their quarry. Her anger flared again as the beam of light temporarily blinded her.

    “Freeze!” the eldest of the two men called to her. They seemed surprised by her appearance, which further irritated the volatile goddess. She knew the hearts of men well, and easily concluded that they hadn’t expected a seemingly young and beautiful woman to be their target. In their eyes, she was weak and fragile and easy to apprehend.

    They couldn’t even begin to comprehend how wrong they were.

    “You’re going to have to come with us, ma’am,” the man continued in a slightly less wary tone. “Nice and easy.”

    Jaslyn walked slowly up to the two men, seeming to pierce their very souls with her icy gaze. She stopped when she got within a foot of them, their guns trained on her professionally.

    “You will not touch me,” Jaslyn declared with dangerous calm, eyes boring into his skull. “If you dare, it will end badly for you.”

    The man shot a quick glance at his companion. They were small town cops, and not really used to dealing with situations like this. Likely they were already spooked by strange reports that this woman had been the cause of the quake and crater now marring the landscape, and she wasn’t the only one; other reports had come in of other collisions nearby.

    “Ma’am, you can’t leave,” the younger cop began as she simply started walking past them. He grabbed her arm, unleashing her pent up fury.

    She whirled around and slammed the flat of her hand against his nose at a slightly upward angle. The force of it shoved the bone straight into his brain, killing the young man instantly. It was over before the elderly cop even had a chance to respond.

    Jaslyn grabbed the other cop’s gun and tore it from his grasp as though he were naught but a child. She flung it across the room while grabbing him by the throat with her other hand and shoving him against the wall, feet dangling.

    “I warned you,” she growled low, eyes lit by the fire of her wrath. She crushed his windpipe and dropped him. When she stepped outside, the four other cops started yelling in unison, demanding that she get on her knees, put her hands up, and all sorts of other nonsense that she had no intention of doing. She would have preferred to avoid killing until she knew more about where she had found herself, but these mortals were truly pushing at the boundaries of her mercy.

    Her gaze swept over each of them, calculating. She didn’t know what effect the fall had had on her powers, and she was loath to run an experiment while being threatened by these imbeciles.
    Set by the masterful Karma

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    After a few seconds Iphos found himself in a electronic store, he stared intently at the TVs as they showed a familiar face on the screen. It was none other then Vantas. Iphos growled as he watched the god kill the reporters. Only Iphos was allowed to dispose of his test subjects. "Me and Vantas need to have a long talk about property damage." Iphos mumbled. During the time he had been watching the news the military had arrived. Over twenty soldiers stopped outside the building with their weapons aimed at him. Feeling a shiver retreat down his spine Iphos looked out the glass window at all the soldiers and the helicopters that were behind them. "I didn't even get to finish enjoying my show." Iphos qickly dived out of the way as bullets ripped through the building. Luckily there had been no people there or that's what Iphos thought.

    In the corner of the store a boy in his early teens was curled up crying. Looking over Iphos spotted the boy and felt a quake go through his body. He may kill adults but he didn't tolerate children being harmed. Especially not his test subjects. Standing up from behind a shelf he walked forward through the waves of bullets causing them to redirect into the ceiling and walls. "You want to mess with god! Well prepare to be smitten." He yelled as he grabbed the shelf next to him and threw it. Changing the vectors of the shelf it flew as if fired by a tank and ripped through the ranks of the soldiers. Colliding with one helicopter it caused a explosion that engulfed a few more soldiers. Fire filled the streets and people scattered away from the destruction that Iphos had caused. Soldiers stared in shock and tried to help their injured brethren paying no heed to Iphos as he approached. Fire circled around him not able to touch him because of his shield. "I treated your kind as my children for years, and this is how you repay me, your god? The one who taught you, granted you gifts that other species crave for. Yet you turn them on me and try to kill me in my moment of weakness. Pitiful."

    It seemed Iphos had gotten their attention with his speech, but it was to late. Fear was evident in their eyes. The few who weren't fazed by Iphos raised their weapons and fired at him. Iphos didn't even blink as the bullets were redirected. "This is pointless." He grumbled as he walked away from all the corpses. The last few soldiers had died by their own weapons.

    The soldiers watched on in horror as their comrade was ripped to pieces. They couldn't believe what had just happened and the type of freak this women was. Three of the remaining four raised their rifles starting to fire while the fourth ran away at full speed. He was running with everything he had. As he reached the helicopter he said. "Take off the others are dead!" Even though they were actually still back their fighting the beast. The soldier was sure they'd be dead soon. The pilot stared back in shock trying to register what he was hearing. However the soldier didn't seem to feel like wasting anymore. USing his rifle he killed the pilot before dumping the corpse out the seat and trying to pilot the helicopter.

    As Vantas finished up his work on the reporters he had overlooked the fact or didn't know that the whole thing had been broadcasted to nearby news stations where it was then aired. The local authorities replied considering the military already had one threat on their hands. The sounds of sirens echoed as they approached Vantas' position and above him a helicopter approached.

    Now we shall sit back and watch this Galaxy burn.

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    Danero looked down at the girl who had passed out across his body. She was still sleeping, and didn't look like she would wake up any moment soon. Danero leaned back and sighed. If he was really unlucky, he would be attacked in a moment... what would he do then? He thought about it for a moment. He could always use her as a shield. Wouldn't take much to pull her up and shield himself behind her. Or he could simply make a metal shield around them. But that would most likely drain him more than the other act, so he was probably going to use the girl-shield-method.

    As his trial of thoughts pulled him father away from the world, he was immediately pulled back at the sight of a bright light. Looking at it, Danero felt emotions he hadn't felt for such a long time. But he remembered now. Happiness, was one of the feelings, this little globe let go of. And Danero thought of it as almost cute, as to how the little globe seemed relieved. What it was relieved about, he didn't know. But the emotions didn't last long, before it almost guided him towards the outskirts of the city.

    But at the moment, Danero didn't see how he should be able to follow it. The girl was still across him, sleeping and -- well, damn... the girl slowly started to wake up... speak of the devil.

    She slowly sat up, as she took her hand to her head as she tried to remember what had happened, but then her face froze as she looked down upon the boy with no clothes. Danero hadn't thought about his clothes had been burned off, or about the fact that there was a possibility that it was offending to some beings, such as the girl herself.
    Her face turned all white as she realized what had happened, and where she had laid.

    "oh... my... god...." she mumbled as she crawled backwards away from the naked guy. Danero thought about correcting her, but then figured it would be a waste of energy that would only cause the girl to ask even more questions. Danero sighed and looked down at himself. Well, it wasn't exactly because he looked bad or anything, most gods looked like models, if you looked past the gods of food, who most of the time were chubby little things with way too much fat on their faces.

    But with a sigh Danero had to admit a naked stranger often wasn't the best first impression someone could get. He looked up at the girl and bowed his head. She was still all white in her face, and tried not to look at him but her eyes betrayed her most of the time, and she had to force herself to look at the waves of the ocean.

    "I need clothes." The girl looked at him, shocked at what he just had said.

    "I... don't have any?" the girl mumbled... damn... looked like Danero's luck had went out. He thought about using the iron from her blood, but then figured there wouldn't really be enough. So instead he turned around "I am ready to take my leave." he said, as he raised his hands. Iron from the sand ran up his body like water running backwards, as it covered him as an iron suit. He had to take a deep breath before he started walking, feeling slightly exhausted from the power he had used. He then started to walk towards the direction that the light had shown him.
    Last edited by Chihana; 12-25-2013 at 10:30 PM.

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    Now this... this was good.

    A grin flitted across Jag's hard, callous features as the human, freshly relieved of their arms, hit the ground, dyeing the thick layers of snow around them a vermillion red as the brilliant cruor seeped out from the cavities where once their limbs had been. No emission of agony or fright escaped their lips-- no confessions had they to make but for the outpour of sanguine as the blood bubbled up their throat, seeking release. In shock, probably, and soon to know that same release-- but either way, now irrelevant. Jag tossed the human's dismembered arms to either side dispassionately, and stepped over that which was soon to be their rotting carcass.

    The distinct rapport of gunfire reminded Jag that there were four other dead things waiting to happen, followed shortly thereafter by a light, vaguely stinging pinprick sensation at various points across her body. Her brow furrowed in distress-- I can feel the bullets? So not only was she mortal, but her powers had capsized to this magnitude of decline-- that her skin was no longer so impenetrable that the mightiest of mere human bullets shattered pointlessly into dust upon impact, leaving no more sensation than that of a fly beating its wings against the skin?

    Fuck. This was bullshit.

    The very conceit of it provoked Jag to a fury that rendered her senses and perception a haze-- the three humans that yet lingered proved victims to that fury in rapid successions, swiftly, brutally, vehemently, and she stood bristling with confusion and an urge to violence that was almost too overwhelming for her to conceive of a means of dispelling it. It was only once the engine of the helicopter came roaring to life that she stirred from the haze, realised one of 'em had gotten away-- typical humans, really. Little bastards were always starting shit they could never finish-- finding new ways to kill each other without actually facing their adversaries, figuring out increasingly asinine methods of murder that involved no true strength. And naturally, when they faced a foe such as herself, their immediate course of action was to flee, rather than die with some dignity.

    Pffft-- 'die with dignity'? That's fuckin rich.

    Shaking her head at her own brief descent into the insipid depths of moral pretense, the war god stepped toward the helicopter, approaching it with a stride of intent; the vehicle had even begun to rise into the air by the time she reached up a single hand and latched onto one of the landing skis. Immediately, the helicopter ceased its upward motion, languishing in her grasp despite its desperate attempts to crawl up beyond the scope of her vehemence. And then, in a single fluid motion, she stepped forward, and violently yanked her hand down, slamming the helicopter into the ground. The machine erupted upon impact, her dreadlocks billowing out from the force of the blast, the pilot therein disintegrating immediately-- a short, to the point demise, probably more than they deserved to endure.

    But then, Jag amended as she stepped away from the flaming carcass of the human machine. I'm not here to be some sort of moral arbiter. I need to figure out what the fuck happened-- why I ended up here.

    Why she still had this unsatisfied hunger that she knew even as she felt it would impel her soon to turn and make for that city in the distance.

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    Jaslyn played for time by slowly raising her hands into the air and placing them behind her head. As she did this, her eyes scanned the row of cops, but they saw more than flesh and blood. The goddess read their very hearts, their innermost desires. Sex, love, vengeance, wealth and power were but a few of the things she read most often in mortals, and these were no different. One desired to leave his wife for the woman he was having an affair with. Another wanted all her financial troubles wiped away and to live in wealthy comfort in an early retirement. The third wanted his little girl to make it through her cancer treatments, and the fourth simply wanted to make it through the night. That one made Jaslyn smirk in amusement. Wise man.

    Once, she was capable of granting these wishes with but a thought or wave of her hand. Now, no matter how much she willed it to be, these things would not come. But, she noticed that the man engaged in an affair turned his head in shock, looking at something visible only to himself and the goddess. Jaslyn knew an illusion when she saw one, and this apparition reeked of it. It was a woman, average looking to Jaslyn’s eyes--though, granted, much was and she was perhaps not the best judge.

    The cop seemed completely flustered. “Marisol, what the hell are you doing here? Get back!”

    The female policeman beside him glanced his direction, then past him. She saw nothing.

    “Wright, what’s wrong with you? Who are you talking to?” she snapped and as she tried to keep her eyes trained on Jaslyn, whose head was cocked curiously to the side.

    Ah, I see, the goddess concluded silently.

    The cops were all on edge, trying to keep their sights on the perpetrator and figure out what was happening to their friend. Jaslyn’s green gaze landed on the woman next. She gasped in confusion as she lost sight of the goddess, her vision blocked by a pyramid of cash that had appeared out of nowhere. She reached out and picked up a stack of bills in wonder, face etched with bewilderment. Of course, to the final policemen standing nearby, it looked like she was grabbing at air. They began to shuffle nervously, eyes flicking from their comrades to Jaslyn, their brains futilely struggling to connect what was happening to the woman who appeared to be simply standing there with her hands behind her head.

    “What the hell is going on?” one of them shouted fearfully. It was the cop who wanted little more than to survive the night. He could be tricky.

    Jaslyn decided to experiment a bit more. If she could cast illusions, then perhaps they needn’t be reflections of her victims’ desires. Maybe…

    The man started shrieking in sheer terror. The final, unaffected cop looked at his partner, eyes wide in frightened confusion as the man started beating at himself for no reason.

    What he couldn’t see was the revolting image of thousands of cockroaches swarming over the man’s body. They climbed his legs in swarms, burrowed under his clothing and sought out orifices to use for shelter. He collapsed on the ground, screaming and rolling about in a pitiful attempt to dislodge the insects.

    The final cop turned his petrified gaze onto Jaslyn, who had lowered her hands.

    “Wh-what did you do?” he stammered, hands shaking so badly that she doubted he’d be able to aim. She calmly strode up to him. The man having an affair was busy trying to fight off the illusion of his lover, who had thrown herself at him in a fit of passion. The female cop could no longer even see the goddess or her comrades; she was in her own little world now, seeing the perfect life that Jaslyn had personalized for her.

    The unfortunate man who had been fighting off cockroaches had fallen silent. He was unconscious, his clothes torn and his skin bleeding here and there from where he had clawed himself. The illusion had dispersed upon his blacking out. Jaslyn took note that they couldn’t kill.

    She stood but a foot away from the final cop. Her rage spent, she gently took his gun out of his hands and tossed it aside. He simply stared at her in fear and awe. Jaslyn stroked his cheek.

    “Your heart is kind and heavy with sorrow,” she remarked, face void of emotion. “Take your friends and be gone. No harm will come to you.”

    She turned and began to walk away as the policeman stared after her. Jaslyn stopped and turned. Her eyes, usually cold and uncaring, were softer, betraying her pity.

    “I hope that your daughter recovers,” the goddess spoke after a moment of hesitance. “Children do not deserve such a fate.”

    She snapped her fingers, and the illusions broke. As the first two cops struggled to determine what had just happened to them, Jaslyn vanished into the darkness, keeping to the shadows as she departed.
    Last edited by ☆Catwoman☆; 12-26-2013 at 04:24 PM.
    Set by the masterful Karma

  10. #20
    Crimson Casanova
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    A falling star landed in the capital city of England. There was a loud explosion from the impact, and chaos erupted in that area. Even from a distant, the gods near London could see the large fiery explosion, and even a few screams echoing throughout the area. There was a deep crater inside of one of London's narrow streets, and a figure covered in flames began to rise.

    The flames dissipated, to reveal the Goddess of Destruction, Abbadon.

    Spoiler: Abbadon: Goddess of Destruction 

    The flames of her fall have already incinerated her skimpy outfit, revealing her naked full-toned body. She glances down at her ashy body, and chuckles. She hardly needed her armor anyway to battle. She then glances at her right hand, which was holding a decapitated head of a god. Abbadon was beaming with glee, during her fall, she actually managed to kill two of her enemy gods. One of them was a god of Wisdom, some kind of muse. She managed to batter his body enough until she knew he would not be able to survive the hour. Then, she quickly attacked another nearby god. This one was easy prey like the last, and she decapitated the young god from the Faction of Order.

    Like the rest of the gods, Abbadon was momentarily surprised that Suriyel was slain. However, she quickly came to and realized that this was the chance she always dreamed of... to become the strongest of them all. She would slay any other gods within her sights, even if it was one of the Monarchs. Most likely, though, the Monarchs were out of the picture, for whoever slain Suriyel most likely caused the disappearances of the Five Monarchs.

    A few people in the burning street managed to find enough courage to investigate whatever lied inside of the crater. One of the women approached the edge, and a loud gasp escaped from her lips as she saw the dark figure holding the decapitated head. The poor human saw that the head was that of a young man, his bloodied mouth wide open in an eternal scream of agony.

    Abbadon heard the gasp and her head sharply turns up to face the source of noise. She saw the humans at the edge, and her lips curl up into a wicked smile. "Well, this should be fun," she cackles as she drops the head on the ground. Using immense leg strength, she jumps out of the crater and high up in the sky before landing with a loud crash behind the human female that gasped earlier.

    The Goddess of Destruction eyed the pitiful creature. It was a woman around her early thirties, and had the unmistakable appearance of giving birth recently. The human's eyes were wide open with fear, and her body was visibly shaking. She wanted to run, but her legs were completely frozen with fright.

    "Before I take the throne, human, I will require your life force."

    After only a few minutes, the entire street was covered with corpses. Abbadon was a being of destruction that was bathing in the blood of mortals. She would not rest until this entire city was laid waste.
    Last edited by RedKayne; 12-26-2013 at 06:42 PM.

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