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Thread: [M] The Influence of Words [IC] {Ash & Drako}

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    Default [M] The Influence of Words [IC] {Ash & Drako}

    [The following roleplay is rated mature for possible scenarios that may include but are not limited to foul language, moderate violence, and mild romance. Reader discretion is advised.]

    The faint stars over North Star Cemetery were twinkling brighter than usual. The song of silence was a comforting if not eerie melody. The night was still, though in the distance nearly 66,000 people made their home in Saint Cloud, Minnesota. Most were home, as well as they should have been just past eleven p.m. on a Tuesday in April. Some people couldn't sleep. Some people had more important needs to attend to.

    Celestynn Zyskowski brushed her fingers against a pale marble gravestone. There was a red poppy at the grave, the national flower of Poland. The gravestone was carved and, in bold letters, read:
    Ziven Aurum Zyskowski
    Celly placed a dozen poppies by the thirteen-year-old's grave and bowed a bit. She mumbled a few words and before long she was off, headed home for what might have been the last time in her life.

    When Celestynn got home her mother was asleep. She wrote her a note so the woman wouldn't worry and, with the bag she'd spent days packing and the car keys to her car, she pulled her hood over her head and headed out the door.
    She was out to Le Mars, a place she'd been frequenting for a while now. The stalking was over, now. She knew enough about him to execute her plan. She knew everything she needed to know and probably more. This would go down beautifully.
    At least, that's what she hoped.
    Celly wasn't as confident as she looked. Her bright grey eyes sparkled in her rearview mirror but her hands were shaking. What if she got caught? What if it didn't work? What if the boy-this Benjamin-what if he died before she could finish? No, she needed him alive. There was no way he could die. He wouldn't fight back. Even if he did, she had enough to back herself up. For example, she had a can of mace in the pocket of her jacket, a switchblade in the pocket of her jeans, and a .45 Beretta, hidden away for just this occasion. No, there was no way she could fail.

    She drove through the night, arriving in Le Mars at little after five a.m. She wouldn't go yet; he and his family would surely be asleep. She could wait.
    In the meantime, all her thoughts would eat her alive. You're ruining your life, a voice in her head told her. You're tearing his family apart. You'll traumatize him for life. Is it worth is, Celestynn? Is it worth it?
    Of course it was worth it. She'd been preparing for this for weeks now; she was as prepared as she'd ever be.

    Celestynn continued her drive around the city, memorizing the city she had mentally mapped about a dozen times over. When her hands started shaking too badly, she parked the car and watched the sun rise.
    Why was she such a nervous wreck? She'd been such a collected girl, up until the death of Ziven. Or perhaps, rather, it was the death of her father that had really put the icing on the cake and the shaking in her hands. It seemed a lot of things were ruined by the two deaths in the family. Ziven was to blame for making her such a nervous wreck. Before his death, she never would have dreamt of kidnapping a boy. But, here she was. Waiting in her car before the sun even rose, mentally preparing herself to ruin her life, and the life of a little boy she'd never met.
    Last edited by Ashen; 01-23-2015 at 08:11 PM.
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    Ben woke up with a soundless yawn. That's how he always was. Soundless. He could not talk, speak, or make any vocal sounds, due to an illness that had almost cost him his life as a young child. His mother and father were the best parents he could have asked for, they were both very loving and supportive, and they had all learned sign language together after realizing that Ben would never speak again. But despite this, sound was everything to Ben. The fourteen year old boy was highly unusual in many regards. He was not an active young boy, he preferred to stay indoors than go out. He didn't have any friends, though he longed for them. He was home-schooled, and he knew more about most things than anyone else his age.

    The first thing he noticed was that his radio was off, flickering on and off, blinking midnight. So they had a power outage that night. Good to know. He stood up, and turned the channel to his favorite station, the classical station. He pretended to conduct as The Habanera came on. This was the other thing about Ben. He was a musical genius. He intrinsically understood it, and learned it faster than anything else. His parents often said that he spoke through his music, that he expressed himself that way. They could tell how he was feeling by the way he played. And when Ben wasn't doing his schoolwork, reading, or wood carving, he was on his piano, playing his heart out.

    Life wasn't perfect. But then again, no one's life was perfect. For what it was worth, Ben was happy. He loved his music more than he loved his life. It was who he was. Ben was small for his age, skinny and short. He had medium length light blonde hair, some might even say it was white, and bright, cyan blue eyes that seemed to pierce whoever they looked at. And around his neck, he wore a special necklace. It basically functioned as a phone for him. Since he couldn't speak, he wore this necklace. It had a tracking device in it, and he could press a little button if he ever was unable to help himself, and help would be able to come to him. It was basically a modified life alert button. He always wore it, no matter where he was, he felt much safer with it.

    Checking his watch, he corrected the clock. It now read 7:43 AM. Nodding, satisfied, Ben went downstairs, where his mother was making breakfast. The aroma of blueberry pancakes wafted to him, and he couldn't help but grin. It was his favorite breakfast. Blueberry pancakes with bananas on top, and a light syrup. He sat down, and thanked his mother, who nodded back, and hugged him. Ben could hear just fine, and so his parents usually spoke as normal, though it wasn't uncommon for them to communicate in sign language either.

    Today was going to be a fun day. Ben was planning to spend some time outside in their huge yard, relaxing in the hammock, or even go for a swim in their private swimming pool. Ben's parents were extremely rich, and owned a mansion in the middle of Le Mars. Ben loved living here, as it was known as the Ice Cream capitol of the world. Which meant they had amazing ice cream.

    Ben pulled out a piece of wood he had been working on carving after he finished his breakfast, and started absentmindedly whittling at it a little bit as he listened to his father talk about his latest stories in the ER. He was a surgeon who worked in the ER, and always had weird stories to tell, some of them were weirder than fiction. Ben always liked hearing what he had to say, but never wanted to be in that situation...
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    Celly watched the minutes tick by. She had turned on the radio in her car to try and ease her thoughts but it was not working. Instead, she decided to make a phone call. It was four rings before the other girl answered the phone.
    "Celly?" said a groggy voice on the other end. "Are you okay?"
    "I'm fine," Celly replied. Her voice came out in a song with the faintest hint of an accent from the land she was born in. "Good morning!"
    There was a pause, then the girl on the other end said, "Not that I don't absolutely love hearing your voice, Cel, but why are you calling me at--" There was a pause. "Six-fifty-one in the morning?"
    "I can't sleep." It wasn't exactly a lie; Celestynn hadn't gotten more than ten hours of sleep that week.
    "Well some of us are trying to," her friend told her. "You wanna come with me and Jess this weekend to the mall? She was supposed to call you like yesterday but I don't think she did."
    "I'd love to, Eve, but I can't."
    "Why not?"
    Because I have to kidnap this little boy. Because after today I'll be an outlaw. And if the boy dies...I'll be a murderer. Celly instead answered, "I have work."
    "Agaaaain?" Eve sighed. "You always have work. Why don't you enjoy your life a little, Cel?"
    "I do enjoy my life," Celestynn ensured, though in her mind she corrected herself. Did.
    "If you say so, Celly. You've been really preoccupied lately. Are you sure you're-- Do I hear a car? Where are you?"
    Celly guessed 260 miles from home wasn't the right answer. "Oh, Evey, I'm getting another call. I'll talk to you later, okay? Goodbye, love you."

    Celestynn's chat with Eve hadn't calmed her down like it should have. She was still jumpy. Her car was in a Walmart parking lot and she was staring down at the bundle in her hands. If she were to get caught for having a Beretta...
    No. She wouldn't think of that. She'd be fine. It would all be over before she knew it.

    Eight a.m. Her previous thought was not true; it was not over.
    Celly had parked two blocks away from the kid's mansion. She wondered what it was like to be that kind of rich, having anything you could think of. Celly knew little Ben's life wasn't picture perfect, though. He had no real friends, from the looks of things. He was a loner, like Ziven had been. An obsession with music, much like Celly. Parents that loved him. But the inability to communicate with them well.
    And soon, he'd never communicate with them again.

    As Celly approached the large mansion her entire body was shaking. She took a deep breath and shook her head. You can do this, she told herself. You can do it. You can do it. Ben was in the house, probably. With any luck, he'd simplify her life and come outside once his parents left. His father would be leaving soon and his mother was just about to leave.
    Celestynn concentrated on breathing. She'd come back in half an hour. An hour. Yes, she'd come back in an hour. That would be a good idea. His parents would be out, then. She wouldn't have to deal with them.
    Thankful to be leaving, Celestynn half-jogged half-ran to her car. She was utterly terrified. A tear strolled down the girl's cheek, but she quickly wiped it away.
    Pull yourself together, Celestynn. You have to do this.
    No backing down now.
    Last edited by Ashen; 06-08-2014 at 03:22 PM.
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    "Well, my loves, I'm off to work." His mother said happily, giving both boys a kiss on the cheek. "I'll be back at noon, just like usual, Benny. Have a wonderful day." She said, giving Ben one last hug before she left. "I love you, Benny." She have him a personal motion that they had just for each other. Ben smiled, and nodded, signaling back. He watched his mother get in the car, and drive out.

    As she drove, she noticed the parked car, and looked carefully at it. She didn't recognize it, or the driver, who appeared to be waiting for something... Shrugging, she drove on. Back at home, Ben's father was also getting ready to leave. "Be good, okay Ben? Not like I have to tell you or anything, haha. Love you, bud." His father said, giving him a hug. Ben hugged his dad back, grinning. He was so thankful to have such amazing parents.

    As his father left on his bike, Ben was now alone in the house. He still sat at the table, whittling away. The piece of wood in his hands was slowly transforming into a beautiful swan. The level of detail he put into his carvings was really impressive, actually. After about another half an hour, he had finished. Very satisfied with his work, he strung a black string through the loop, making it a necklace. He hung it around his neck as well.

    Standing up, he stretched, yawned, and shook himself awake. He showered, put on deodorant, and sat down at his piano. He'd go outside to swim in a bit, but for now, he wanted to practice. Though, if he started practicing, there was a high probability that he wouldn't leave his room for hours... So, he debated practicing. Part of him wanted to, and part of him wanted to do other things today. His mother's birthday was coming up. Maybe he'd try to bake her a cake, or make her something. Perhaps he'd compose a symphony. But that would take time, and he didn't have that much. Maybe... He didn't know what to do today.

    He picked up his phone that was only used for texting, and slid it in his pocket. Ben decided that it would be a perfect morning to go outside and read. Picking up his copy of "War and Peace", the young boy got a large glass of ice water, and headed outside to his hammock in the backyard. He also had a notepad to keep notes on. Climbing into the hammock beside the pool, he relaxed, and opened his book to read. It was a very challenging read, and he wasn't sure exactly if he was understanding things right, but it seemed like he could figure it out.

    There was a beautiful breeze, the morning was quite nice, if a little warm for this time of year. Benny lost himself in his book, focusing completely on what was in front of him.
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    Celestynn was very attentive to every detail, as she imagined a kidnapper should be. She tried to act normal as the kid's mom's eyes were boring into her skull. She had every right to be here on a city-owned street loitering. Wait, actually, no she didn't. Loitering was illegal, she realized, but then, so was stealing a kid.
    Once more she shook her thoughts. She forced herself out of the car again and approached Ben's home. He wasn't going to come outside, it seemed. That was okay. Celly had taught herself how to pick locks, something she'd never have dreamt of before this year. She pracited on her own home countless times, perfecting the skill she never wanted to have. She could easily break into this mansion.
    So Celly crept to the front of the house and sighed. She pulled a bobby pin from her hair but then she heard something. A noise from inside. Footsteps.
    She jumped and took refuge near a bush just under his window. She watched him head towards the front of the house, towards a room that she'd heard a piano in before, then head in the opposite direction. A few moments later, she heard the back door open. So he was going to be outside. Good. Celesynn's job was now much easier.
    Impossible, still, but less impossible than it had been.

    It took her about ten minutes just to compose herself enough to head to the backyard. She was silent in getting there, but she figured she didn't have to be. The boy was transformed in a book, a book she'd read. Spoiler alert: Andrew dies. She remembered reading it for a class she'd taken last year and everyone in her class had absolutely loathed the book, except one boy who had finished it before anyone else and had spoiled the ending completely, and every chapter, telling giving everyone spoiler alerts after it was took late. Celestynn hadn't found it too bad, but it wouldn't have been a book she'd have chosen for fun.
    She wasn't supposed to be questioning his reading choices. She was supposed to be kidnapping him.

    Celestynn was in the backyard, staring at him. It was now or never, she told herself. She pulled her hood lower over her face, though the ski mask would suffice in hiding her identity. The boy had never met her anyway; she had nothing to fear.
    "Benjamin Ramiel," she called, her voice sounding oddly confident considering how badly her hands behind her back were shaking. "You're coming with me."

    She approached the boy and took out the sleek, black weapon. He wouldn't fight someone with a gun, would he? She aimed the gun right at his head, giving him a look that said, You move, I shoot. She looked professional in all of this, as if kidnapping children was something she did often. Confidence was a good thing. He was less likely to fight back if she knew what she was doing.
    Celestynn moved behind him, gun still pointed, and took his hands in hers. "It's better if you don't fight," she told him. "It'll make this a lot easier on both of us. I don't want to kill you, kid, but I will if you don't cooperate."
    She didn't want to kill him. She'd have to find a new boy that fit the bill, and that took long enough with this one. Benjamin was nearly exactly what she was looking for. She couldn't afford to lose him.
    "Now, why don't you come with me?"
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    Ben was so engrossed in his book that he didn't hear or see someone coming. He looked up as he heard a voice, and just kinda stared for a moment, not really sure that he believed what was going on. He blinked a few times, trying to wrap his mind around what was going on. She had a gun. And was pointing it directly at him. Adrenaline seemed to rush through him, and his eyes darted around, looking for any sort of way out of this. He was out in the open, with no cover. He could try to jump in the water, and hide there, when she came over, splash her, throw her into the pool, and run back into the house to call 911... But then he remembered. He couldn't speak. Calling 911 wouldn't do any good. They couldn't hear or understand him. Well, shit.

    But... he noticed that the gun was shaking in her hands. She was as scared as he was. That gave him an opportunity. Some kind of opportunity. But what? He couldn't think of anything right now. Nothing seemed to work. Any and all things that he thought of wound up with him dead on the ground, or, as she commanded, being her captive. She moved over to where he was. Ben's eyes were looking for an opening. Any kind of opening. Maybe he could surprise her, cause her to flinch, grab the gun, and shoot her. It was self defense, was it not?

    But then, he couldn't startle her. He had no use of his voice. Cursing his disability, he tried to think desperately of something, anything, he could do. Why was this happening to him? HEre? Now? In a town where crime was virtually nonexistent? She said she'd kill him. He didn't want to die. Not yet. There was so much that he had never gotten the chance to do yet. He looked up at her, hatred clear in his eyes. He couldn't see much of her, but he didn't expect to. Then, he did something he had never done before. He slowly raised his fist, and gave her the middle finger. But he got out of the hammock,and stood, where she could see his hands, so she knew he wasn't making an effort to escape. Not yet, anyway.
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    Celestynn watched the boy carefully. He was looking around for something to save himself, but he couldn't find anything. He looked so sad, so helpless, that under normal circumstances Celly might have started crying. She wouldn't cry now. She would not show weakness now.

    She watched with wide grey eyes as he raised his hands and flipped her off. She was stunned a bit by this. No one had ever really cursed Celly; she was such a sweet girl. But then, she supposed she couldn't say that, not after this.
    She cleared her throat and took his hands, wrapped a rope around them tight. She triple knotted it, just to be sure, and walked behind him. She took his phone out of his pocket so that there was no way he could ever call for help. "I can't take any risks," she said to him in a mean of explanation. She felt she owed it to him, explain what was going on.
    "Let me tell you something," she said, her Polish accent tainting her words. "If you try to run, I will shoot you. Do you understand? Now, neither of us wants that, so don't you try anything stupid. Who do you think will help you? You can't scream for help, and no one is out right now. So really. I know what's best for you. Don't. Do. Anything. Stupid."

    Celestynn went to the back door and tossed his phone inside, in case his phone had any sort of GPS. She didn't want it, so she figured it would be best if it was left in his home. Then she walked back to him and grabbed his arm hard. Her thick gloves rubbed against his skin awkwardly. There was no one outside, not a single soul, but she couldn't stop herself from shaking. You're not going to get caught, she told herself. You're not going to get caught.
    "With your hands tied, you can't do much. Don't get any ideas. Once you get to the car, I'll untie them, okay? Just cooperate with me."
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    Ben's heart dropped as she took his phone, and threw it inside the house. Damnation. There went that plan. As she came back to him, he acted again, stomping on her toes. But he didn't try to run. Not yet. If she was gonna make this painful for him, he was gonna fight back with everything he had. He stuck his tongue out at her, and scowled, still looking around for any way he could save himself. There had to be something. Anything. Anything at all. He could not let this woman take him. But then she told him that she would untie him when he got in the car without struggling, and he immediately stopped.

    She lead him to her car, and he cooperated with her, getting in himself. He glared at her, reminding her to untie him. He didn't try to run, just like she had asked. He wanted to live, and was trying his best to keep himself alive, while looking for a way out. There had to be something. He memorized the license plate number, as well as anything he could use to incriminate her when he escaped. Because he had to escape. He had to live. And he would make her pay for trying to kidnap him. She would pay, alright. Just one slip up, and she would pay.

    He knew she was nervous. He knew he was absolutely terrified. Why was she doing this? Was he going to be sold into some kind of human trafficking area? What did she want with him? And why him? Hate was clear in his eyes, eyes that spoke that he was going to keep looking for ways out. But he wasn't going to do anything that would get him killed. He valued his life more than that. It was better to keep living, while being kidnapped, rather than die...
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    He'd resorted to physical attacks. Pitiful physical attacks, at that.
    Celestynn ignored his attempts to hurt her and led him to the car wordlessly. She helped him into the backseat and got into the driver's side herself. She turned her rearview mirror so that she could see him. In it, she saw herself.
    She looked like a killer, with her ski mask and hood. Her eyes were the only things that reminded her she was human. They were an unsual grey that could easily give her away if Ben ever got out of this. She tried not to think of that. Tons of people had grey eyes. She'd be fine. She had to keep telling herself that. She'd be fine.

    Once she had stopped shaking enough to start the car, she took off her mask. She left the hoodie on, and all Ben would be able to see would be what the rearview mirror showed: her very pale skin, her grey eyes, the freckles that dotted her cheeks, and dark brown hair. She had no makeup on, which she suddenly regretted, but there was no use in hiding now. Now, it was time to go home.

    "Alright, kid," she said to the boy in the backseat. "I know I told you I'd untie you. We're going to hope that's the last lie I need to tell you." She started the car and started driving. "Your name is Ziven now, and you're thirteen. You live in Minnesota. It's a four hour drive, though I'll be taking some backroads. I will have to teach you some Polish, because Ziven could speak some Pol- Oh wait. Right. You can't..." She heard a siren off in the distance and immediately turned down a driveway. "Right. Well you'll still need to recognize some Polish. It's not that hard. I'll explain more as we get there. I know you know ASL, so that's wonderful." She jumped as her phone rang, then dug in her hoodie for it. Her eyes were averted from the road; she was so nervous she neglected her own safety. She put the phone back in her pocket and let it ring. "Where were we? Goodness, I don't want to be here. I don't want to do this." She looked back at Benjamin. She'd strapped him in of course, as not to create a distraction while she drove. His hands were tied; he couldn't untie himself, could he?
    "Well, Ziven, you're part of my family now."
    Last edited by Ashen; 06-09-2014 at 02:10 AM.
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    Why had he trusted her? Why did he trust her to keep her word? She was kidnapping him. Of course she wouldn't keep her word. "Damn..." He thought to himself. But he did have one final attempt. And there was no way she could have known about this. She was watching the road, not him. He made sure of this before acting. She wouldn't see what he was doing. She could not know.

    Even if his hands were tied, he could still press that button on his necklace. He did so. The silent alarm went off, and he said nothing. She would never know what had happened, or how they were tracking them. But now that his alarm had been pressed, his doctors could see that something was wrong, and when they tracked the signal, they would know that he wasn't at home. They'd call his parents, who would freak out, and the cops would be called. They'd track him down, and rescue him, arresting this bitch. And the best part was that she would never know what he had done.

    Ben listened to the girl talk, and realized that she wasn't just evil, but she was out of her mind insane. He tried to memorize her face so that he could tell the cops. He needed every sort of information he could get. And he was gonna fight her until he was rescued, or he was killed. He really didn't have a whole lot of choice in this matter...

    Ben couldn't communicate with her. His hands were tied up, and speaking was kinda out of the question. So all he could do was glare at her, and shake his head in a "no".
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