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Thread: [M] Fate/Abyss (IC)

  1. #1
    A Dandy Guy in Space
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    Default [M] Fate/Abyss (IC)

    The OOC

    Am I ready to do this? And more importantly, am I qualified?

    Axel Valentine sat upon a weathered and partially broken table in an empty charcoaled warehouse in Fuyuki, the result of an accidental fire from an electrical incident. His figure was partially illuminated by moonlight seeping through a broken rafter, revealing a patch of clear night sky. The midnight hair that drifted precariously over and around his fiery orange eyes melted perfectly with the walls blackened by fire. His figure, leaning forward over his knees, was slender and moderately tall, clad in a black button-down coat to his mid thighs and black pants. His eyes were locked upon an antique silver pocket watch in one of his hands with a Y-shaped crack down the middle, yet the pocket watch still worked. Little by little, the hands crawled across the ancient Roman numerals, the second hand overtaking both the minute and hour hands with ease. As time ticked on, Axel felt less and less sure of his destined path.

    But I have to do this. For the sake of all that is to come, and that of my very life.

    Pocketing the antique and pushing himself from the table, Axel crouched and rested a hand upon the edge of the enormous casting circle that had been etched upon the ground. The back of his hand was tattooed with a red symbol, two pairs of wings angled upwards with a double-helixical arrow down the middle: his command seal. As he spurred his magical circuits, he felt the mana triggering the summoning surge out of him and into the circle. The etchings and figures of the circle immediately leapt to life with a glowing blue haze, and ash and dust was hurled back by an arcane wind. After a deep breath, Axel began to speak in a low, energized voice.

    "Ye First, O Silver, O Iron,

    O stone of the foundation, O Archduke of the Contract,

    Hear me in the name of our great teacher, the Archmagus Lizleihi!

    Let the descending winds be as a wall!

    Let the gates in all directions be shut, rising above the crown, and let the three-forked roads to the

    Kingdom revolve.

    Shut. Shut. Shut. Shut. Shut.

    Five perfections for each repetition.

    And now, let the filled sigils be annihilated in my stead!


    Let thy body rest under my dominion, let my fate rest in thy blade.

    If thou submittest to the call of the Holy Grail and if thou wilt obey this mind, this reason, then thou shalt respond.

    I make my oath here.

    I am that person who is to become the virtue of all Heavens.

    I am that person who is covered with the evil of all Hades.

    Thou seven heavens, clad in a trinity of words,

    come past thy restraining rings, and be thou the hands that protect the balance!"

    The circle suddenly became extraordinarily bright, blinding Axel and forcing him to shield his eyes with his arm. Mana spun from the casting circle in a swirling storm of power, and then it was suddenly quieted. Moments passed before the light finally dimmed, and when he had readjusted his vision to the darkness of night, he saw a golden-haired individual clothed in regal robes of pearl white, gold, and crimson. A long white cloak was draped across his shoulders squared by pauldrons, and a wreath of golden leaves was set upon his head. The man who stood in the middle seemed to radiate power with his shoulders pushed back in an aura of intimidation. As he turned to look at Axel, who was still crouched upon the floor, an icy glare was harbored in the depths of his steel grey eyes.

    Axel slowly rose to a standing position, his eyes remaining upon the Servant. No…my Servant. He clenched the fist harboring his command seals, and an ecstatic grin crept across his lips as he nodded strongly at the white clad man.

    The man’s icy glare remained hardened, and yet his expression broke into a sinister smile, his teeth bared in a frightening glee. “Shall the show begin?"

    Thanks to Karma for the dandiest set
    Spoiler: RPs I'm in 

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    Fuyuki, yet another place Michael hasn't been to yet a necessary place to visit. If one good thing came out of this it would be that he has at least visited a beautiful city. A shame too since that soon it would probably be destroyed. He would have to see all of the sights before then. He was able to rent a small house near the river in order to serve as his little base. That and he needed a place to rest his head without being afraid of other Masters and Servants. He sat on the wooden floor and looked at the magical circle before him. The red color of it was almost invisible with the darkness of the room. Sadly he hadn't been able to get power and only a few candles illuminated it.

    It would take a while before he performed the ritual. Michael wasn't nervous about many things, but summoning a Heroic Spirit to fight alongside with him gave a little bit more than a weird feeling in the pit of his stomach. He looked down at his Command Seal with an odd look. Would he be able to use it and force a person to do his bidding? It almost felt wrong to do so, but if need be...
    No, he wouldn't. Even if the time arose to do so Michael wasn't confident in himself to do such a thing. It would remain complete till the very end. Now that he thought about it, his seal was very simple. It was composed of three red bars, two forming a V and one going straight down the middle. He had thought it would be much more intricate, but apparently he was wrong.

    Getting himself ready he stood looking down at the circle that would summon his soon-to-be partner. Resting a hand on it, he started chanting.

    "Queen of the Sand, heed my call,

    Come into this realm and do my bidding!

    May your strength be my strength

    May your courage be my courage!

    May your arrows find their mark under my command!

    With my power, come into this world!

    Come into this world through the Holy Grail!

    I lay my fate in your bow

    And through it may it bring us victory!

    O, Queen of the Winds, the Sands, and the river that sustains your kingdom

    I order you to my side!"

    The seal glowed with a bright, blue glow that hurt to look at directly. An eerie wind blew in the enclosed room and blew out the candles in it so that the only light source was glow from the seal. After he stopped chanting the glow stopped and the candles were re-lit. Michael breathed heavily after the entire process. It was surprisingly tiring for something that seemed so simple on paper, but hard in practice. Even with this he smiled to himself, he was actually able to do it. Not surprising, but there were doubts that floated in his mind.

    Michael looked up and saw his Servant. He looked upon her beautiful face and figure. She wore a golden dress that even though it would seem very conservative on other women seemed to emphasize her looks. Her golden jewelry on her wrists, hair, and even the headdress that she wore shone very brightly in the candlelight. Michael blushed for a moment but shook his head to clear his thoughts. He needed to focus on the war for the time being. He stood up to meet her gaze and was finding it difficult to hold his composure.

    He smiled and held out a hand in greeting. "My name is Michael DuMane. Looks like we're going to be partners here on out, huh? Master and Servant till the very end?"

    The woman smiled back and took his greeting. "Yes, till the very end."
    Last edited by Bionicllama; 08-14-2014 at 09:30 PM.

  3. #3
    Under The Schnee Rhomeo's Avatar
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    Eight Months before the War

    Tap. Tap. Tap.

    Her ear pressed against the door, the white-haired beauty listened intently to the inside of the room. She'd grown used to his lack of replies and sudden strange outbursts, but that didn't mean she understood him. His way of thinking was just too strange, too methodical and mired in logic for her emotional ways. It was almost laughable that the human was the one acting like a machine whereas the homonculus was the one with emotions. She felt like that pairing had been years in the making; as though old man Acht had this notion in mind for many, many years. Steeling herself, she pressed down on the handle and excused herself into the room.

    Compared to the rest of the castle, it was a pathetically small room. There was room enough for a desk and a small area in front of it with a collection of chairs and a small coffee table. Sitting behind the desk was a man in a barely-formal suit, with no buttons done up and the tie hanging loosely around his neck. An unlit cigarette sat in the corner of his mouth, as though he would rather be chewing it than smoking it. In front of him was at least two dozen reports of different situations, such as the expected Masters to be participating and information on Fuyuki.

    “David? I brought you some tea, it's been a few days since anyone came to check on you, so...” her voice quickly trailed off.

    That was the thing when talking to him, it didn't look like he was listening. She was, however, positive that he'd just redirected all of his attention to her and was analysing every word that she'd said. He still probably wouldn't reply, whatever notion he thought she'd have wasn't worth investigating, most likely.

    “Would you just like me to leave it on the table for you to take as you please?”

    “Lighter first,” he replied quickly, his quiet voice resonating throughout the room.

    Frowning, the Einzbern woman put the tea tray down on the table among the cluster of chairs before making her way over to David's desk. In the corner, out of his reach, was his lighter. Picking it up and flicking it like he'd shown her, she produced a small flame. The device was brought over to his cigarette, which he seemed quite happy to have finally ignited.

    “Is that all you needed?”

    “A conversation partner this far in my investigation proceeds would actually be rather helpful, if you could give me some constructive feedback.”

    Taking that as a no, she turned back around and sat in the nearest chair to the desk. Gathering up all the reports into one pile, David placed them to the side and looked directly at her. She couldn't help it, her heart skipped a beat; just the one.

    “There are a number of very dangerous individuals looking to participate in this War, which is problematic. It will mean I'll be flying to and from Fuyuki a lot in the next few months to prepare there in advance, however, I cannot have my investigations cease just because I am not around. I understand the Einzbern have entrusted me with caring for you, however if that's the case, I will need you to do things in my absence.”

    His voice was clear, yet soft, as though he were talking to a child. She'd gotten used to that as well, as it was how he talked to everyone. Even the few times he'd had audiences with old man Acht, he'd sounded the exact same.

    “As long as you don't need me to prepare rituals or any unique Thaumaturgy, I'll do what I can,” she responded honestly.

    “Good, that's excellent. Now,” he took a large breath from his cigarette before blowing the smoke in a large cloud in front of him. “All I need you to do is go over the reports as they come in and make sure every thing’s correct by checking previous reports. As long as all the data matches up, I can prepare for any eventuality involving myself. Everything else, I can deal with.”

    The woman nodded seriously, ignoring the now billowing cloud of smoke around his head. That too, she'd grown used to.

    “Under normal circumstances, I would considering summoning my Servant far earlier but considering his Class and status... we will be leaving that for the week before the War. Do you have any objections or suggestions on that part, Irisviel?”

    “Not at all, I trust in your decisions wholeheartedly.”

    “It's been a long time since someone's said that to me honestly,” David smiles ever so slightly through the smoke. “My first flight for Fuyuki leaves in two days and I won't be back for another two months, keep everything in order for me here. If the other Einzberns ask any questions, just say I'm unavailable.”

    “They don't know you're leaving for Fuyuki?” Irisviel prods cautiously.

    “Of course not, they'd tell me that I should be fortifying that damn Castle they built. Not only is that place a giant beacon on everyone's map, it's so large that fortifying and defending that place would take time I simply don't have available. I have to be prepared for every eventuality, if we got taken out because of a simple oversight in that a rogue Magus could shoot us through the window, I wouldn't live up to my reputation, would I?”

    Irisviel nodded at his rant, which seemed to please him. Well, obviously it wasn't enough, as he kept going. There was always more to say, with him...

    One Week before the War

    “Is this really enough to summon a Heroic Spirit?”

    Irisviel glanced over the simple chalk outline on the wooden floor, more than a little dubious about the whole situation.

    “While the Summoning Ritual is in itself complicated, we only need to fill out what they tell us to do to receive the Spirit. I am but its anchor against the raging winds of the real world, here to keep them locked in the War. Step back, I wouldn't want you to lose your pretty face because of an accident.”

    Pursing her lips, the Einzbern stepped back from the circle as David raised his hand. Curled over the back of his hand was a twisted symbol that had no symmetrical form. Each piece of the Seal was unique, which didn't suit his personality at all. Even he had made mention of that and how displeased he was with it.

    "Ye First, O Silver, O Iron,

    O stone of the foundation, O Archduke of the Contract,

    Hear me in the name of our great teacher, the Archmagus Lizleihi!

    Let the descending winds be as a wall!

    Let the gates in all directions be shut, rising above the crown, and let the three-forked roads to the

    Kingdom revolve.

    Shut. Shut. Shut. Shut. Shut.

    Five perfections for each repetition.

    And now, let the filled sigils be annihilated in my stead!


    Let thy body rest under my dominion, let my fate rest in thy blade.

    If thou submittest to the call of the Holy Grail and if thou wilt obey this mind, this reason, then thou shalt respond.

    I make my oath here.

    I am that person who is to become the virtue of all Heavens.

    I am that person who is covered with the evil of all Hades.

    Yet you shall serve with your eyes clouded by chaos.

    For you would be one caged in madness.

    I shall wield your chains.

    Thou seven heavens, clad in a trinity of words,

    come past thy restraining rings, and be thou the hands that protect the balance!"

    The smell of ozone permeated the air, betraying the powerful Ritual that had just taken place. Standing in the middle of the circle was a dark figure with an even darker aura, betraying their status as a Servant. It lasted only a few seconds before they straightened up, the killing intent washing away into the night.

    “Are you my Master?” the figure asked, directing it to the now smiling David.

    “I am,” he replied.

    “Then our contract is complete. Together, we will win the Holy Grail.”

    Two Days before the War

    “I simply felt it was important to extend my regards as a member of Atlas, as well as offer my assistance should you ever require it as a member of the Church.”

    Lachlan O'Riley smiled heartily, ignoring the condescending tone of David's words. Irisviel was amazed, this Priest couldn't be human to overlook a man like David's faults in just one conversation.

    “I appreciate it,” O'Riley said with his smile still intact. “If there are any issues that occur or if there's anything I need assistance with, you'll be the first Master I'll contact. Of course, despite our associations with our Factions, that doesn't mean I can give you any special treatment...”

    “I wasn't expecting any,” David replied instantly. “I'm honest when I say I'm here to offer my help as a member of Atlas, it's not a wise decision to ignore the Church when they're one of our greatest partners in situations out in the field.”

    “I would imagine so! Now, was there anything else you needed?”

    “No, thank you for your time, Father O'Riley.”

    Bowing lightly, David turned and made his way from the chapel, Irisviel close on his heels. The great doors shut behind them, but David's lips remained tightly shut until they'd made it a dozen metres from the door.

    “What a dangerous man,” he sighed as he pulled out a cigarette.

    “Dangerous? I couldn't sense anything,” Irisviel queried.

    “That man must have been an Executor, the mere way he was sizing me up was evidence of that. Didn't you see his stance? He was ready to kill us both at a moment's notice, old habits must die hard.”

    The click of the lighter signified the end of his explanation, which Irisviel did her best to digest.

    “Why would they have someone so dangerous overseeing the War?”

    “The Church wouldn't admit it, but they're just as interested as anyone else to see if this Holy Grail is the real thing or not. Even if it isn't, an omnipotent wish granting device? If that fell into the wrong hands, it could mean the end of the world.”

    It was a sobering thought, to say the least. Knowing his own goals, though, David didn't have anything to fear from Father O'Riley. That Priest wouldn't make any moves against someone unless they were inherently evil, or maybe extremely rude.
    Last edited by Rhomeo; 08-15-2014 at 06:01 PM. Reason: Tidying up punctuation and spelling.

  4. #4
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    5 months before the war

    Maria drove her car through the gate of her parents’ mansion. The gates closed automatically, the big black bars sliding soundlessly to form a barrier again, both physical and magical. Up ahead, the little mansion looked as pristine as a painting. The driveway was lined with flowers of every kind, bright colors of every kind that pleased the eyes and appealed to one’s aesthetics. Sunlight glinted off of perfectly finished windows. The bright green grass on the lawn was cut, filling the air with its pleasant aroma. All in all, a picture perfect home.

    Maria ignored all that. Her parents had called her for a specific reason. The excitement in their voices was the same as when she inherited the family crest. Parking her little black Chevrolet to the family luxury cars, Maria slammed her door shut as she got out. It was a crisp morning, one that required one to wear a light jacket, yet the sun promised to warm up later in the day. Brushing her hair out of her eyes, Maria hurriedly tied her jet black shoulder length hair into a ponytail. Green eyes peered out at the front of the house, Maria noticed a curtain flutter. So they were waiting for me, huh?

    Walking across the stone pavement, Maria strolled leisurely up to the door, but before she could get to the stairs, the door flung open. Her mother stood there, a wide smile on her face. With a graceful stride, her mother walked up to Maria and hugged her. Maria was slow to return the gesture. Open shows of emotion made her a little uncomfortable. Maria wondered briefly if her parents enjoyed seeing her tense up. But that notion was immediately destroyed when her mother looked into her eyes. She was genuinely glad to see Maria here.

    After they parted, Maria respectfully inclined her head and said, “Mother.” Maria’s mother sighed, “You need to loosen up a little, Maria. Every time I see you, you speak to me as if I were your boss at work.”
    Oh, you have no idea how I talk to my boss…
    But Maria gave her a small smile and merely said, “Of course. I apologize.” Maria’s mother rolled her eyes and motioned for her to come inside. Shutting the oaken door behind her, Maria followed her mother as she led them up the satin covered stairs to a bedroom. Inside, she found her father on his knees, drawing a large circle on the ground. This room was different from the other ones, Maria noticed. For one, there was a lack of carpet on the ground. In fact, it was completely bare. No wallpaper, no curtains, nothing.

    When the door opened, Maria’s father turned around. “Ah, Maria!” He gave her a mischievous grin, “Glad to see you here!” Brushing chalk off his knees, he placed his hands into pockets. He was practically bouncing, leaning excitedly on the back of his heels. Maria had to know. “What’s gotten you both riled up so early in the morning?”

    Standing beside her husband, both of parents looked at each before they both started chattering at once.

    “We found it—“
    “Your father---“
    “—elic to help—“
    “---big deal of money—“

    Both were speaking in turns, words overlaying and blocking each other out, both eager to tell her at the same time. Too much, just too much…
    Maria held up hand and silenced them both, “Please, one at a time. You both have too much energy.”
    Her mother looked at her father, and motioned him to go first. “Okay. I guess I’ll tell you.” Clearing his throat, her father drew himself up, “After you received the family crest, we learned that when you summon a Servant, it doesn’t have to be random. If you get a relic for the summoning, you could summon a specific Servant.”

    Standing aside, he pointed to the etched circle. In the middle sat a single steel triangle. Too large to be an arrow, Maria thought. “Is that a spearhead?” Even from here, Maria could see the aura of power that surrounded it, a certain timelessness that assured those that even a thousand years from now, the spearhead would look exactly the same as the day it was forged.

    This time, it was her mother’s turn, “That’s right! We hired people to look for a relic, any relic really. Of course, the black market was out first choice but someone found this little gem in Europe, at a archeological dig site. We’re not really sure, to be honest, but who cares?!” Her mother let out a happy little giggle, “This is our final gift to you, for the War. When we bought it we were assured that it belonged to a certain group of…angels, shall we say?”
    Now Maria was truly surprised. An angel? Would she even be allowed to summon such a thing? If that were true, then it was highly probable that Maria would possess one of the strongest Servant’s in the coming war. “So this is what the urgency was for…” Maria trailed off, staring at the spearhead. “Indeed!” Her father laughed, “We couldn’t just wait. It arrived not too long ago actually and I took it upon myself to draw the circle. All you have to do is invoke the ritual.” He motioned her over.

    Walking up to the circle at his behest, Maria glanced at her parents. “Do you remember the incantation?”
    Maria nodded, “Of course.” How could she forget? This was going to lead to one of the biggest, and probably most life changing, events in her life. Holding her hand up, Maria began the chant. Her Command Seals, three slivers of read that curled and formed a moon, turned red.

    "Ye First, O Silver, O Iron,

    O stone of the foundation, O Archduke of the Contract,

    Hear me in the name of our great teacher, the Archmagus Lizleihi!

    Let the descending winds be as a wall!

    Let the gates in all directions be shut, rising above the crown, and let the three-forked roads to the

    Kingdom revolve.

    Shut. Shut. Shut. Shut. Shut.

    Five perfections for each repetition.

    And now, let the filled sigils be annihilated in my stead!


    Let thy body rest under my dominion, let my fate rest in thy blade.

    If thou submittest to the call of the Holy Grail and if thou wilt obey this mind, this reason, then thou shalt respond.

    I make my oath here.

    I am that person who is to become the virtue of all Heavens.

    I am that person who is covered with the evil of all Hades.

    Thou seven heavens, clad in a trinity of words,

    come past thy restraining rings, and be thou the hands that protect the balance!"

    There was a flash of light, momentarily blinding both Maria and her parents. When her eyes readjusted, she saw a figure standing in the middle of the circle.

    Clad in almost in a pure white cloak, which was held together by a golden brooch at the figure’s neck. Underneath, there was the glint of silvery armor. On their head rested a steel helm that covered half their face, steel stopping a few inches underneath the eye holes. Regal and imposing, the figure generated pure power. Moving its head, the figure spoke, clearly identifying them as female, “Are you my Master?” Maria’s words caught in her mouth, her parents equally as breathless.

    Finally regaining the ability to speak, Maria could only nod and reply, “Yes. I am the one who summoned you here.”
    The woman nodded, “The contract is complete. Let us win the war.”

    Two weeks before the war

    “I cannot simply do this! If they find out, it does not matter if you are respected here, they will cry out for blood!”
    Maria sighed and brought her fingers to the bridge of her nose, “Please. I helped you guys in your war; I just need a little help in mine.”

    “Yes, but this hardware costs money. What you are asking for is the equivalent of a small mobile base. If these resources disappear, they will surely notice.” The African accented voice was filled with nervousness.

    “You’re essentially the quartermaster in Executive Outcomes, Abiodun. I think you can get away with this. Mark it down as missing, misallocated, or something. I really need help. The place where I’m going, I need these things.”
    “No, I cannot do this. I will not—“

    “Then I’m calling in the favor. The one where I saved your life in Sierra Leone…” Maria trailed off, leaving Abiodun to recall the memory. Silence was the only answer. Seconds stretched into minutes. It went on so long that Maria feared he had hung up.

    “Fine, but just this once, friend. Never again, you hear me?” Abiodun said resignedly.

    “Of course. The debt is paid. When can I expect it to arrive?”

    “I will need to grease some palms to get it into Japan. Why Japan anyway? It has some strict gun laws.”

    “Not my choice, Abiodun.”

    “It will arrive in ten days. I trust you will be there to direct the shipment?”

    “Of course,” Maria smiled, “I’m already here.” It was nighttime in Fuyuki, the summer breeze brushed pleasantly against her cheek. She’d arrived here two weeks ago, for scouting purposes. Her Servant had stayed in spirit form for the majority of the time at Maria’s request. The Servant was obedient, after Maria explained her reasons.
    Fleshing out minor detail, Maria hung up the phone. Gazing out the window of her hotel, Maria felt her Servant materialize behind her.

    “What was the call about, Master?”

    Maria glanced at the woman. “I’m sure you’ll understand.” She smiled, “It was war preparation.”
    Be wary of paramilitaries. When the men with guns who have always claimed to be against the system start wearing uniforms and marching around with torches and pictures of a Leader, the end is nigh. When the pro-leader paramilitary and the official police and military intermingle, the end has come.

    —Timothy Snyder, On Tyranny
    <img src= border=0 alt= />
    Spoiler: Quotes/Awesome picture~ 

  5. #5
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    A Month Before The War...

    Lyle look out through the window of his recently purchased home at Fuyuki, it station at some of the highest areas of the city. Giving the redhead Magus a lovely view of an setting sun, watching it slowly go down into the ocean's waterline. Admiring how water reflected the sunlight and how the sky give off an crimson hue as it descends, "you would've love it here Dalila, you always love to watch the sunset." Lyle spoke out loud to no one as he smile, remembering how they first met when they were still teenagers. He recall how upset he was when his father had told him about how he would be discussing with someone from another family, stating that they'll be making arrangement of having Lyle marrying the Family Head's daughter. Lyle laugh at how childish he was to the news back then, not till he met her while their fathers were discussing privately. Remembering how she looked in that red dress she wore that day, that practically glow from setting sun as it made her look more beautiful in it light.

    But now...Lyle was only sad as he stare at the setting sun, making him miss those days. Lyle was glad that it had finally vanished from view after the waterline had consumed it, making the sky give off a mix of purple and blue. The stars slowly becoming in view as night comes, while the bright full moan poke out from where it had hid. Lyle stood there still, watching the sight being taken place before him. Then turned away after closing the curtains and went to get ready for bed, wanting a good night rest for the plans tomorrow morning.

    A Week Before The War...

    Lyle sit quietly as he examine maps of Fuyuki city, spread out on an table under candle light. His long crimson hair pulled into a sloppy ponytail, just so he could read it without his bangs getting in the away of his reddish-brown eyes. After yawning and looking down to the back of his right hand, staring at the intricate designs of his command seal of an array of six wings, two of them appear to caress a spearhead of sort. He clinch his right hand lightly as he soon push himself up from his chair, departing from the table after grabbing a aged book. Opening it as he flip through the pages as he search for the right page, while he step up to an casting circle he had etched onto the floor. At the center was a small case with a glass lid, inside it is an thin cloth that look to be a form of bandage. An artifact of an Heroic Spirit Lyle had planned to summon after doing some research and being careful to not draw any attention from acquiring it, not wanting to draw in the eyes of the Valdes as they still likely to be looking for him.

    The redhead Magus wonder if they had already acquired a one of the spirits, He hope so as it be an excuse to get payback with them. But no matter if they were able to join the war or if they didn't and lost the chance, Lyle will get his chance at them. His apprentice in particular as he'll suffer the same death as his wife and son had to suffer, only more slowly to savor it.

    "That not important right now, this is...this right now is important." Lyle exclaim as he cleared his head of this, wanting to be calm and relax as he squat down to examine the circle up close. Wanting to be certain that every detail is perfect, once he had finish looking it over. Lyle stood up and took a few steps back, opening the book as he had kept the page marked with his thumb. He look down at the two pages as he then took a deep calming breath, clearing his throat for a moment as he began to speak out the chant in a steady deep tone.

    "Ye First, O Silver, O Iron,

    O stone of the foundation, O Archduke of the Contract,

    Hear me in the name of our great teacher, the Archmagus Lizleihi!

    Let the descending winds be as a wall!

    Let the gates in all directions be shut, rising above the crown, and let the three-forked roads to the

    Kingdom revolve.

    Shut. Shut. Shut. Shut. Shut.

    Five perfections for each repetition.

    And now, let the filled sigils be annihilated in my stead!


    Let thy body rest under my dominion, let my fate rest in thy blade.

    If thou submittest to the call of the Holy Grail and if thou wilt obey this mind, this reason, then thou shalt respond.

    I make my oath here.

    I am that person who is to become the virtue of all Heavens.

    I am that person who is covered with the evil of all Hades.

    Thou seven heavens, clad in a trinity of words,

    come past thy restraining rings, and be thou the hands that protect the balance!"

    The circle began to glow in a hue of blue as a flash of light soon follow, blinding Lyle as he instinctively shielded his eyes from it with his right hand. While clinching tightly to the book in the other, the pages fluttering from an gust of winds passing through from no where. Nearly causing the candles to almost blew out, though a few did however.

    "Are you the one that called me?" Asked an masculine friendly voice, which cause the Magus to lower his hand to see an lone figured that stood at the circle center. Clad in a blue-ish elegantly design armor that was mostly hidden by a dark cloak hanging over the man's shoulder, thankfully the hood was down as the man short shaggy dark blueish hair was visible to the Magus. Though he was more curious of how his eyes were covered by a blue cloth, making him wonder if he was blind or was there a purpose behind it. Lyle then look down to the man's hands as he examine the spear held by the right hand, that is firmly wrapped in a red cloth as it hides nearly every inch of it. In the other was the case that had once lay on the floor, Lyle guessed that the man picked it up upon being summoned. Which was good as Lyle would've hate to see it destroyed, since he had to work hard in finding it.

    After looking the man over, who patiently waited as he stood there. Lyle finally decided to answer him as he spoke clearly to him, "I did called you here." Once he answered, the man nod his head and hand him the case. Which Lyle took from him as he thanked him for it, when the man's hand was freed of it. He courtly bow as he spoke, "then I, Lancer. Will fight for you in this war, till we win or I perish during it."

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    Spoiler: Helpful Stuff 

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    Two Weeks before The War.

    "Are the preparations complete?"

    The Laaksonen family head kept pacing outside a room endlessly. His only daughter, the first to be born under the Laaksonen family, was going to fight to the death. It was tragic. The man himself created the family with the sole purpose of adding the Laaksonens among the prestigious magi families that are part of the Mage's Association. He glanced at the walls leading to the room. They were smothered in the blood of crows with some intricate patterns here and there- His wife's doing.

    Out of anxiety, he left the room and went to the family workshop- His wife was in there. The man had married a witch. Not just a female magus, but a genuine witch. As he entered the room, his face slightly contorted to the smell of sulfur. His eyes burned from the noxious fumes and his vision limited by the chains hanging in the room. Facing a large table draped in a red tablecloth and cluttered with miscellaneous tools, his wife sat on a chair, experimenting with another strange concoction. She glanced at her husband once with a bored expression before shifting her eyes back to the vial. She appears young, but only due to a daily sacrifice of small mammals.

    "Has the relic been delivered yet?" The man asks. He had clearly not slept. There were creases under his eyes his hair was in disdain. His wife provided a response- A rather uninterested response. Without letting go of the vial in her right hand, she used her left to withdraw something metallic under the table's drawer. She then placed the object on the table calmly- Not even a clink or a thunk being produced.

    "You should know who this one summons. You looked up to him as a child. Take it to our daughter." The family head nervously picked up the item with a white handkerchief, taking a second to glance at the object in full detail. It was a bullet casing. He smiled before heading to his daughter's room. Back to the corridor smothered in blood to keep the unwanted away.

    Upon meeting the door to the room, he placed his hand on it before chanting something incomprehensible. The door opened quietly to see his daughter practicing Runecraft. The family pet, Alfy, a Malamute, was using her bed as his bed while her daughter was busy. He walked towards his daughter with the relic in hand.

    "Almiira, you know how to summon the servant, correct?" His voice contained some doubt, but it was stern, authoritative. His daughter replied with a nod, not even glancing at her father. A trait most likely inherited from her mother, the same could be said for her studiousness. The young woman had already surpassed him when it came to formalcraft. A fact he hates to admit, but remains true.

    "I will perform the ritual tomorrow."

    "Take care, tyttäreni" With those words, he left the relic on a table and left the room, careful to seal the door again.

    Thirteen Days before The War.

    "Wake up. Our daughter's up to something." It's barely been three hours since he went to bed. His wife had already raised her hand in preparation to slap him in the event he did not open his eyes. Thank goodness he managed to get out of bed by then. With groggy eyes, he tried to make sense of the situation. His wife was still in her research attire, iconic hat and all. She probably didn't even try to sleep because of her research.

    Up to something? It must be extraordinary enough for his wife to actually say something about her own daughter. "Hurry up." Her wife had already darted away from the bedroom and towards the hall smothered in blood. Everything had a strange red hue. Like a fog. Without hesitation, he immediately went for the door to her room and chanted the code words to open the lock. With a click, the door swung open. He rushed in while his wife calmly walked.

    The red hue in the air was gone.

    There was another man inside the room.

    With surprise in his eyes, and astonishment in his wife's, he made a remark: "How? Without an incantation?"

    The other man provided an answer. "Focus." The man then disappeared.

    Looking for other things to say, he blurted: "I assumed that when you said tomorrow, you would be doing it from sunrise to sunset- Not 2:00AM".

    One Week before The War.

    On a journal:

    I taught her everything I know.
    I had already booked tickets.
    Gave her everything she needed to maximize success.
    I still regret encouraging her participation in the war.
    But even then, she would be hunted down if she refused.

    She's out in the woods right now, hunting game.
    I honestly wonder if I'll taste her cooking again after she departs.
    When caught, it's best to eliminate the evidence. The culprit, you, included.

    RPA's resident firearm enthusiast
    Modern Weapon Guide

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    Michael sat outside his house looking over the river. The sunset made it look so nice, he had almost forgotten that he could die in a couple of days. His glance went down to his hand as he noticed the red mark on the back of it. This one thing, that one event changed his life. Hell, before this he barely knew what the Grail War was besides of what he had heard from older Mages. After that he began reading whatever he could about it, or at least what little he could find. All of his research, all of his training, stopped for one little mark that appeared two years ago. He laughed at himself for the prospect of such a thing. The mark didn't do anything but motivate him. If it wasn't for the Holy Grail choosing him his nose would probably be in some boring book, not in Japan with a Heroic Spirit next to a beautiful river. Perhaps it was a blessing, not an unfortunate curse.

    This led Michael to think about Archer. He hadn't known her for very long, and already he could see an obstacle that would bar them from working together. Their attitudes were too unlike each other. She was proud, strong, and too prideful. He had no doubt that she would do what he asked, but that look on her face any time he asked her to do anything she had a look on her face that annoyed him to no end, like she was above doing anything other than taking baths and relaxing. Not only that but there was a softer, almost sweeter side to her that he couldn't figure out what it was. Sometimes she became very, motherly, almost protective of him. He couldn't figure out why she would act such a way, but then again how was he supposed to figure out a former queen?

    Michael sat up and re-entered the household through a sliding door. Finally he had time to purchase furniture and a television so the house looked very homely, at least much more so that the empty, dark space it was before. It was getting late and this was probably the last time of peace he would have before tomorrow, so all he wanted to do was relax. Sadly, grocery shopping had to be done so that had to be done first. As he turned to exit out the front door he heard footsteps behind him, and he didn't have to turn around to know who it was.

    "Hey, I'm heading to the store across the street. Anything in particular you want?" As Michael talked he didn't turn around. Partly because he knew Archer was still in a towel after her fifteenth bath today, and the fact he was already halfway out the door.

    "Or what? You'll get more of the god-awful sushi that you so dear love? I'll simply have noodles if you care to get some.

    Michael sighed. Why did she have to make fun of his eating habits? "Alright then, anthing for you Cleo-" Before he could finish he heard a swooshing noise that something was being thrown in the air. A glass vase shattered against the wall next to him that seemed to come from direction Archer was. Too bad, that was the third one this week.

    "How dare you try and call me by my name! Address me as either Archer or Queen! Hell, I better go with you to make sure you at least buy the right food. Archer went past Michael and out the door. She had actually changed into modern clothes, tan pants with a fur coat. He would have to clean up the glass after the two got home, but by now he was used to her almost childish nature. Somehow, though, he knew that the reason she wanted to go with him was to make sure he was alright. He was both glad and annoyed by this. After all, he was more than capable at going outside by himself. As this exchange went on he made sure not to look at her face. He knew what that would entail, and would prefer not to get teased by Archer again for it.

    "Just, try not to flirt with the locals again, ok?"

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    Two Days before the War
    7:02pm – David's Workshop

    Careful, he had to be very careful. Even the slightest excess would cause a calamity unbeknownst to the world outside. Ultimate focus was required as he poured the mineral ever so slightly into the concoction, counting every individual piece that fell. There was a perfect number, he just had to hit that perfect number-

    “Oh hey David, I didn't know you were cooking something!”

    Through sheer willpower, his hand stopped as his head jerked back towards Irisiviel. As always, she had a cheerful grin and had changed from her winter gear into something more homely. Scoffing, he turned back to the meal and re-focused on the salt shaker.

    “Some people would tell you that a good meal is unnecessary and it's only nutrients that matter,” he explained, answering a question that hadn't even been asked. “However, I find that to be ludicrous. A good meal is as important for morale as anything else and morale is sorely needed in a situation like this.”

    “Oho, I see,” she nodded seriously before putting her finger up to her chin in thought. “Still, I didn't take you for the cooking type. Even though this place has such a huge kitchen, it's amazing.”

    “It was originally made for far more people, I assume. This manor originally belonged to the Edelfelts, so it's likely this kitchen was used by a number of chefs.”

    Seemingly satisfied, Irisviel turned back from the kitchen, content to leave him to his task. He managed to finish the remaining seasonings before taking the two very-full plates to the nearby dining room. Irisviel was already present, having taken a seat in a seemingly random spot on one side of the table. After putting her plate down, he was quickly pulled back as he tried to find a seat further from her.

    Sighing, he took the seat right next to her. Her attachment issues were something he'd never get used to.

    “Itadakimasu!” Irisviel declared happily.

    “Is the Japanese really necessary?”

    “I just wanted to try it once, considering we're in Japan and all.”

    He couldn't fault her that, at least.

    Two Days before the war
    10:37pm – Ryuudou Temple

    “Can you sense anything, Berserker?” David said out loud to seemingly no one.

    “If there is another Servant, they're hiding their presence,” a voice echoed in his head.

    Hands in his pockets, David glanced to his sides before making his way through the giant gate. This was their first stop of the night so he could check on his preparations throughout the city. Even though he'd been back and forth for the last eight months, he'd only been able to complete four hundred and fifty-two bounded fields; three hundred and seventy of which were at his workshop. The majority of the remaining fields were located at the possible locations for the Lesser Grail's ritual location, whereas a few surprises had been set up in notable locations. He'd wanted to have a lot more, but he'd gotten so caught up in protecting his Workshop that he didn't have the time.

    Still, all things considered, he'd done well. On the off chance that he was forced to move with Berserker, he doubted anyone could take him from surprise. His defence without his fields was nothing to be scoffed at, considering some of the advancements he'd been able to make.

    After all, his research had led him straight to someone who was even greater than him.

    Pulling a cigarette from his coat, he lit it and took a drag before blowing smoke that billowed around his head as he made his way down the temple stairs. There were still twenty-five locations to check and only six hours left to do it, he had to get down to business.

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    Four days before the war
    11:37 a.m

    Everything was complete, for the most part. Supplies and equipment from Executive Outcomes had arrived and was soon being moved by semi-truck to the location that Maria had picked out. There had actually only been one slight hiccup. Customs was asking for more than Abiodun was willing to shell out. So this meant that Maria had to dip into her personal finances to ensure safe travel of her equipment into Japan. But if she won this war, money would have no value to her afterwards anyway.

    Maria was back in her hotel room, out on the balcony. “Rider, it’s almost time for the War. Just a few days and we’ll both be embroiled in a conflict that neither of will ever forget.” Maria turned around, just in time to see Rider materialize behind her. Despite having been together for 5 months, it still had taken an inordinate amount of time for Maria to coax Rider into wearing normal clothing. Rider was dressed rather conservatively; wearing a white t shirt trimmed with gray, white pants, and an extremely light black coat. The entire outfit was meant to not draw attention. Still, Rider felt uncomfortable out of her armor.

    “Yes,” Rider said simply. There was nothing else to say. They both knew the stakes, and both were willing to give up everything they had to achieve victory. Yet the reasons for Maria’s motivation remained unclear to Rider. Every time Rider attempted to broach the subject with Maria, she either ignored Rider completely or switched topics unapologetically.


    Maria gave Rider an inquisitive look. “Yes?”

    Rider gnawed on her lip. She didn’t think it was her place to ask. Maria had never inquired Rider of her wish; Rider told her of her own volition.

    “Never mind.” Rider was sure Maria would tell her in her own time, as Rider told Maria.

    One day before the war
    2:37 p.m

    Maria and Rider were walking down the business district, at Riders request. These past few days Maria had done nothing but plan out strategies and thinking best on how to utilize their assets. She needed a rest, Rider felt. Although it wasn’t as if Rider felt useless, oh no, Maria made sure to include Rider in her plans, asking for her input and thoughts. But it still felt as if Maria had taken on the bulk of the work. So here they were, in a bright afternoon, looking for some sort of reprieve from work.

    Maria looked disinterested, glancing at buildings for a few moments before sending her gaze straight ahead. Unclear as to what Riders intentions were, Maria had consented to taking Rider out into town. Perhaps Rider simply wanted to explore, yet Maria felt as if that wasn’t the case. Rider didn’t seem the flighty type to run around like a child, exploring every nook and cranny of a new environment. Yet Maria couldn’t help but feel a bit of shame. Months together and they’d done nothing but plan and work. Maybe this was a side of Rider that she’d never shown Maria?

    It didn’t look like it, but Rider was starting to sweat. Beads of perspiration were welling up on her neck, and it wasn’t due to the heat. It was in fact, from all the gawks of the locals. Rider was tall. She stood over many of the men on the sidewalk, and her white skin and long blond hair clearly gave her away as a foreigner. But what bothered her the most was the look from Maria. Rider couldn’t tell the emotion behind the stare. Annoyance? Anger? Pity? Needing a quick escape, Rider looked up at the sign of the nearest building and pulled Maria inside.

    Surprised, Maria was nearly yanked off her feet as she was pulled inside a shop. A pleasant aroma permeated the place. Glass tables with chairs were everywhere, with patrons everywhere smiling and chattering over small pastries and various drinks.

    “Rider, why are we in a café?” Maria looked around with interest, having never been inside a Japanese café.

    Trying to regain composure, Rider drew herself up, “I felt as if you needed a break.” No need to tell her that this was just a mere coincidence…

    “Ahh, I see. Is this why you dragged me out?” Maria asked with surprise, as a waiter directed them to the nearest empty spot.

    “That’s exactly what I was doing!” Rider laughed nervously. They both ordered tea and waited. Neither of them said anything for a few moments. Rider was trying to still her beating heart. It was Maria who broke the silence as their drinks arrived.

    “I realize we’ve been spending a monumental bit of time inside, planning for what’s to come, and I had completely forgotten the necessity of a break. So I appreciate the thought, Rider.” Maria smiled as she brought the cup of warm tea to her lips. Rider could only sigh in relief that Maria understood her clumsy thoughtfulness. As Rider was drinking her own tea, Maria frowned and set her cup down.

    “I do have to ask though, Rider. Why did you take me to a love café?” Rider’s eyes widened and she sprayed the table with tea in surprise. Indeed, this café was filled with what looked to be young couples…
    Be wary of paramilitaries. When the men with guns who have always claimed to be against the system start wearing uniforms and marching around with torches and pictures of a Leader, the end is nigh. When the pro-leader paramilitary and the official police and military intermingle, the end has come.

    —Timothy Snyder, On Tyranny
    <img src= border=0 alt= />
    Spoiler: Quotes/Awesome picture~ 

  10. #10
    A Dandy Guy in Space
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    Four days before the war.

    “Axel, what is this box?”

    “That’s a television.”

    “Hm. How pathetic.”

    Axel glanced up from his laptop computer and fixed curious eyes upon the Servant. They resided in a well-sized apartment he had purchased several years ago after receiving his Command Seals, courtesy of the Mages Association. “You’re dissatisfied?”

    “Of course I am!” Caster was clothed in a crimson silk bathrobe descending past his knees and stood in front of the television with his arms crossed. The screen played a popular soap opera which Axel knew little to nothing about. “Do they call this acting? Is this disgraceful performance what they call drama? It’s horrendous!” With a disgusted wave of his hand, the Servant turned away and sat upon the couch opposite of the television, one leg crossing over the other as he lounged back. “And they dare to restrict this so-called art into this minuscule cube? At least it would be somewhat tolerable if performed in my theater.”

    A mildly amused smile played across Axel’s lips as he returned his attention to the computer screen. He had been studying each of the known Masters with zeal day in and day out in preparation for the war. Strategy after strategy passed through his mind to expose any weaknesses he could determine, but the information wasn’t enough. I need more. When the war starts, I’ll have to watch from the sidelines initially and pick up what I can. He sighed with exhaustion and rubbed his eyes with his hands. Sleep had escaped him far too much lately.

    “What are you doing?”

    He looked up to see the blonde Servant standing to his right and staring at the laptop screen. “This doesn’t look like that television over there. In fact, it looks like quite the bore.”

    Axel pulled up the pages on the screen which he had created for each known Master full of all the information he had on them. “These are your opponents during this war. Well, my opponents.” He leaned forward slightly over the key board. “Your opponents will be other Servants, and there is no way that I can even scratch them without getting killed.”

    Caster crossed one arm and brought the other one to his chin in casual intrigue. “Tell me about them. The Masters, one by one.”

    Shrugging, Axel brought forward the first page. “Michael Dumane, age 17, a sixth generation mage. He is part of the Thule Society, and a user of the Earth Affinity, along with Bounded Fields and Runes. Overall not too concerning, the exception being his age. He’s only seventeen, and he’s already a full member of the Thule Society? I can’t help but wonder what is up his sleeve.”

    He clicked to the next one. “Lyle Ambrose, age 35, a fifth generation mage. No affiliation that I know of. His affinities are Fire and Air, and he is proficient with Barriers and Bounded Fields. His passion for the Grail must have been triggered by the execution of his family. However, whether it is for revenge or for recovery, I am uncertain. He doesn’t concern me too much either, for if such a passion exists, then it may cause him to make mistakes. It seems as though he may be working alone.”

    Caster nodded. “An interesting player. Continue.”

    Next. “Maria Abrams, age 28, a fifth generation mage. She was part of the Mages Association at one time, but she hasn’t contacted us for a long time. Although fluent with Bounded Fields, Barriers, and Strengthening, she is also proficient with various firearms and military techniques. She was part of the US military for a time and fought in the Gulf War, which means she understands tactics. But after the Gulf War,” Axel tapped his desk with his finger absentmindedly. “She deserted into South Africa. Three things about her concern me.” He lifted three fingers. “Firstly, what connections does she still retain? It is unlikely that the US military will be supporting a deserter, but what of her desertion period? Secondly, she has a registered Mystic Code, and I can’t help but wonder what that may be. That could make the difference between life and death if it is something notable. And lastly…why does she want the Grail?”

    The blonde Servant rubbed his chin as he contemplated Axel’s report. “Do we know what class her Servant holds?”

    Axel shook his head. “No. No idea at all.” He clicked to the next page. “David Pavilic, age 27, a fourth generation mage. He is affiliated with Atlas, and he has the favor of the Einzberns. In fact, he takes with him an Einzbern homunculus. He is quite a proficient mage considering his generation, specializing in Memory Partition, Bounded Fields, and Water and Air Affinities. He graduated from the Clocktower, but then deferred to Atlas. What I fail to understand is why he suddenly jumped from Atlas, in which he had achieved quite a high position, to the Einzberns’ doorstep. But with the Einzbern’s support in this war, along with multiple Mystic Codes that remain a mystery to me, he is another Master who should not be taken lightly.

    “Lastly, Almiira Laaksonen, age 22, second generation mage. Her only known affiliation is that of her own family, who hold little power in the society of Mages. She is well-versed in Runecraft, Curses, and Alchemy, and somehow she has obtained a Mystic Code. We don’t have much to worry about, though, considering her state as a second generation mage. Her circuits will pale in comparison to other Mages’ circuits in this war. We will keep her under close watch, but as long as we don’t drop our guard, then she will be absolutely manageable.”

    The next page was entirely blank. “As for the last Master, he or she remains a mystery. The Command Seals must have appeared, but I have no idea who it may be. This is concerning, extremely concerning. This person’s identity must be obtained as soon as possible.”

    Axel sat back in his chair with his arms crossed and nodded at the laptop screen. “That’s it, then. Those are the Masters who we are facing. I think I know of ways to handle most of them, but Pavilic and Abrams…they worry me greatly.”

    Caster stepped forward and gestured to the screen. “Then what is this last page?” He clicked on the page and smiled deviously. “Oh, what’s this?”

    In response, Axel exhaled heavily. “That, Caster, is our Overseer. Lachlan O’Riley, age 34, obviously affiliated with the Church. He was chosen as the Overseer in a sudden panic after Risei Kotomine, our original Overseer, perished. I know almost nothing about him, but he is young for the position. He was an Executor for the Church, which proves him as quite the dangerous individual. Some say he was excommunicated from the position, but no one knows for sure.”

    The Servant was quiet for several moments before he walked away from the desk. “So these are the characters of our grand performance. This is my chance!” He released a laugh and spun gracefully before lounging upon the couch, his eyes of steel lively with excitement. “Finally, after all of these years, I can sculpt that which I love most, the most divine tragedy and comedy that this world has ever experienced! All of the pieces are in my hand, including the very characters themselves! What a fascinating cast indeed!”

    He released a content sigh before his gaze returned to the television screen. “Certainly more fascinating than these monotonous cows.” With a gentle nod, the television set burst into flames.

    What the hell is he doing?! With a jolt from his chair, Axel muttered a single-word incantation to surround the burning device with a whirlwind of air to prevent it from spreading. He held the spell while he bolted for the fire extinguisher and released it immediately before dousing the flame with foam. When his livid gaze shifted to Caster, whose arms were crossed with a dull demeanor, he threw up his arms. “You know, I would appreciate it if you wouldn’t set things in my apartment on fire.”

    With a nonchalant shrug, the blonde man in the bathrobe rotated so that he was laying on the coach lengthwise. “And I would appreciate some actually enjoyable theater, but the box seemed to have other plans for me. Go find a new box that will actually listen to me.”


    Two days before the war

    As Lachlan O'Riley entered the chapel of Fuyuki Church, he hesitated, finding a tall black-haired man kneeling in one of the front pews. Walking quietly so as not to disturb the churchgoer, he padded down the aisle and up to the altar. His eyes glanced upon the red symbols on the back of one of the man's clasped hands, the mark of a Master. With a quiet humph, he ascended the altar, prepared to polish the tarnished metal.

    "Something peculiar, Father?"

    Lachlan froze and smiled kindly, turning to face the Master. "It is rare to find a man of God among Masters nowadays. I didn't know that any of you followed the faith."

    The Master smiled, his eyes still closed in prayer. "I wouldn't call myself a man of God, Father, but if He can help me through the Grail War, then I'd rather have Him on my side."

    He chuckled lightly at his response. "I see. So you don't seek my company as a clergyman, but rather as an Overseer?"

    The black haired man opened his eyes and locked them on Lachlan. "Neither, Father. I wish to speak as two men on the brink of warfare and to warn you of what is to come."

    Oh? His expression shifted to one of serious interest as he placed his hand upon the railing of the altar. "Then tell me, what is coming?"

    "The most hideous war of mankind." The Master stood from the pew he was kneeling on and leaned upon the one in front of him. "And because of your position, you may be a primary target for other Masters."

    Lachlan's shoulders rose in a shrug. "Well, as long as everyone fights fairly and keeps it as a proxy war amongst Servants, I'll have no reason to worry."

    "And when have you ever known Mages to fight fair?" The Master shook his head. "We're filthy, Father. Anything and everything will be done to win the Grail."

    The priest paused before answering. "This is true, but do not worry of my safety, sir. I may seem young, but I am not inexperienced in dealing with Mages."

    The Master gave a genuine smile, but his eyes betrayed an almost predatory victory. Have I said too much? "Of course, of course. I mean no offense, Father. I only thought it best to inform you, just in case." He exited the pew and extended his hand. "Axel Valentine."

    Lachlan took his hand, giving a firm handshake in return. "The pleasure is mine, Axel. Lachlan O'Riley, although I'm sure you know that already."

    Axel smiled in response, released Lachlan's hand, and began to walk back down the aisle towards the exit. "I can't say I want to see you again during this war, Father, because that would mean I've failed and am seeking safe haven. But I do hope that we can both meet again alive after this." He reached for the door handle and turned over his shoulder to look at the priest. "Good luck, Father."

    He nodded in response. "Good luck and blessings to you as well, Axel." As the door closed, Lachlan sighed, his thoughts swimming with the task that was to come. To clear his head, he returned to his mundane task of cleaning the altar.

    For it would soon be stained with blood.
    Last edited by TheDoctor; 08-22-2014 at 05:40 AM.

    Thanks to Karma for the dandiest set
    Spoiler: RPs I'm in 

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