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Thread: Risen Ashes: Episode One | The Sins of War [IC | M]

  1. #11
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    Every sound. The wind howling as it flew across the various metal ruins. The sounds of her fellow Brotherhood's feet slowly sinking in the sand with each step. The eerie calm.

    She stepped lightly as she made her way to the head of the group. She felt no desire to speak, and she looked 'round at the wastelands she knew since she was young. They held for her no fear, but instead a fey presence that was more close to her than any of these people. She is wearing a a Kevlar vest, and tight fitting garments, her feet walking so lightly on the sand as to not rouse any attention. Comparatively, the other sounded (at least to her) like elephants on marbles. and she pulls her aviator-style goggles over her face. On her hips rest her utility belt, her dual Plasma-Glocks holstered on either side of her. She looks back at this motley crew, and gives a half-hearted smile that is oh-so-fake. "Now Now, Children, Let's not bicker." She says in a sing-song tone like a kindergarten teacher would use. This is ironic, seeing as how she's younger than most of them.
    Hunter Witch

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    Tyler looked at her, lauhing as he stepped towaRds her, then loomed t tne others. "You herd her, lets move it, people!" He said, as the mask came back on, and he twisted, and patted her back. "Hey, dont worry, ok? We,l make sure to get some revenge for you. So smile wuole-heartedly, and carry on..."

    He turned to the others, raising his fist as he began chanting, getting into his costume personality. "Helljumper Helljumper where have you been?!"

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    Natalia listened to the others speak and smiled. With this group of people this journey would be very interesting. She looked at Tyler and his suit. Maybe with her and her brother being skilled mechanics she would finally get to work on his suit. He had constantly told her no but with the fights they were going to have she was sure it would get damaged. Demetric noticed his sister eyeballing Tyler's suit and chuckled nudging her with his arm. "If you stare to much you might start drooling." He teased her earning himself a glare from his younger sister. "Come on stop your chanting and let's go, we will never get anything done simply standing around outside the gates." Natalia said to the group after whistling to Ivan. The bird obeyed and landed to the opposite shoulder that her rifle was strapped to. She usually extra cloth on that shoulder so that his talons didn't dig into her shoulder. She had made that mistake once and wasn't going to do it again.
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  4. #14
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    The Anger, Rising Inside. The Violent Beast I Try to Hide.

    As his hand connects with her back, She turns, anger rising up inside her. With his back turned, she slides her hand down her outer thigh, clasping the handle of one of her Electric-Daggers. Quickly, her body pressing up behind him,in one swift movement, she raises her knees snug between his legs to keep him in place while her arm crosses over his chest, pressing the dagger to his throat. She knows it wouldn't cut through his suit but she sneers, making her point. "Don't. Touch. Me. Ever. Again." She lowers her dagger to her side but before she steps back she lets her knee press heavily and grind before swinging it back and going back into her proceeding, acting so cool as nothing happened. "And I'm not her for revenge. I'm here to kill some sons of bitches." She says quietly, in almost a whisper. She's lost some of her cool. How the hell did he know about him, I've never let anyone know. I didn't even cry. His Death is Old News.
    Last edited by SacroPhiliac; 11-09-2014 at 04:13 PM. Reason: Ahaha, yes, forgot he's suit guy.
    Hunter Witch

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    Lisa looks over at Alex. She knew that his face itched because after knowing him for a good portion of her life, she knew what he was thinking and feeling even without seeing his face. Lisa puts her hand on Alex's shoulder. "Don't think about it. The itch will go away, sweetie. Don't think about. We got stuff to do." She walks ahead of the pack, on the lookout for reapers, knowing that she would be one of the first to know that their around. Lisa watches Teegan hold a knife to Tyler, even for a couple of moments. "Let's not get aggressive, guys. We all gotta deal with each other for a while now. so suck it up. And let's get moving. Reapers should be around as soon as the find out that people left the city." She calls Kane to her and he leaps behind her and follows her.

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    Lisa's touch and gentle voice were unexpected gestures. Unsure of how to respond, Lindsey gave Lisa a momentary stare, and then stood up. For good or for worse, Lisa knew of her problem. She redirected her attention at the others talking about saving the world. The state of the world seemed natural to her. She considered the state of the world as part of a natural change; much like when crops are bounteous one year and scarce the next.

    Before she could respond, her attention quickly turned to the sudden scuffle between Teegan and Tyler. She didn't know much about either of them. The girl's body language was tense, as if she had just been stung by some some sort of invisible force. Either way, the unexpected burst of violence seemed normal to Lindsey. It actually reminded her a bit of the culture of her tribe. Warriors would constantly try to prove to other warriors who was better.

    "We don't need to do the help the reapers do their job," Lindsey added dryly.

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    The sand slowly blowing, great dunes looking like tan snow, the wind picks up.

    She once again focuses back on her surroundings, letting the world melt away. She observes the rise in the wind speed and looks over her shoulder at the group as she continues to walk forwards. "There's a chance of a sand-storm. Single-rank may be advisable." She says gruffly. She has gone before on trips like this, but never in such a large groups. As much as she didn't like to admit it, Lisa was right. The problems with large groups are when they start to turn on each other from the inside: These howling winds and endless seas of sand could drive a man stark raving mad. This is why she preferred to work alone. She regretted leaving CRU-98 back in the city but it was so useless on missions. She half-wondered if yesterday would be the last time she'd see it again. She keeps her eyes open... Reapers knew this environment more than even the best of scouts and they'd be looking for choke-points.
    Hunter Witch

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    Demetric watches Teegan hold the knife to Tyler. He wasn't concerned that he was going to get hurt. "Hey I don't care if he is wearing a metal suit let's not hold knives to our companion throats. We are a team hostility toward eachother will only hurt us in the long run." The paused and looked towards Nat. Though if any of the other guys lay a hand on Nat in a way I don't like we are going to have issues. He thought to himself. He stared to follow after the others as he calibrated Wasp. He was going to use it to spy ahead of the group for Reapers.

    Natalia watched her brother work on Wasp, how he got the parts to make that she would never know but she was proud of her brother for making it. She then looked around at the other AIs and animals they had brought with them. It would seem that Ivan and Wasp were the smallest of the group. She shrugged and looked ahead. She loved the fact that she could see the same things Ivan saw, though she never got to fly and see it all from above. Moving away from her brother and toward Tyler and chuckled. "So if this thing needs fixing your gunna come to me and not my brother right?" She asked hopping she would get the chance to work on it.
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  9. #19
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    Tyler raised his hand, a fireball forming in it as he turns to Teegan, rifle strapped to his back as he draws a revolver at her. He stops halfway though, the melting rock dissipating into his suit as he draws the revolver in place. He looks at her for a moment, an audible growl rising to as his Ghost visibly shudders and levitates back.

    He keeps his eye on her for a few moments, before talking. "Alright, listen here, princess. We are a fucking team, and if you keep pointing daggers at anyone who so much as touches you, I will personally burn your fucking hand off, understand?!" He says, angrily. "I don't give a fuck about you or your family issues, but you so much as raise an arm towards us, I will put five in your head." With this, he calms, stepping back as the Ghost sighs.

    Always like this... Tyler turned to Nat as she neared, his voice immediatly changing to the usual calm, gentle self. He sighed. "Always eager, eh? Fine. But you are not touchinf Ghost. And see if you can reduce the ability cooldown, too." As he sid this, he begins walking, a motion for the rest to haul ass as he prepares his rifle again.
    Last edited by ChaosBringer; 11-09-2014 at 05:46 PM.

  10. #20
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    ( Disregarding Counter-Post since it was 2 posts too late and my character has since moved about 5 feet of walking since then. Sorry, mate, need to be quicker on the draw, it'd just be back-tracking my actions to respond to that. Also, how did he know about the family thing anyways? It happened when your character was a child and my character hasn't talked about revenge or even noted her father, so I'm rather confused why OOC discussion got throw in.)

    Wind. Howling. It was picking up. In this vast expansion of sand, all her focus was on the environment around her. And she could feel the wind whip at her heels, and she knew they were approaching an escarpment between two large dunes. Choke-Point.

    "Listen, I'm not here to play happy families. Too many Chiefs and Not enough Indians. But we're approaching a choke-point. Everyone should have their weapons loaded and ready. This is nicknamed the Rookie Graveyard for a reason."

    She slowly her paces, though they are still at least fifty feet from the point where the space between the dunes narrow. She didn't particularly care for any of these individuals; They were too cocky. Watching people die tends to take that out of you, and while she definitely didn't want to see anyone die, almost never does everyone come back from a scouting mission alive. She takes an intake of breath and mumbles under her breath "A whip-round for flowers and a coffin, you look after your own..."
    Last edited by SacroPhiliac; 11-09-2014 at 06:06 PM.
    Hunter Witch

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