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Thread: Risen Ashes: Episode One | The Sins of War [IC | M]

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    Rha'az's Avatar
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    Default Risen Ashes: Episode One | The Sins of War [IC | M]

    Chapter 1: Aftermath

    The Brotherhood had sent their finest members to venture outside the walls, young and skilled warriors are carrying the burden and hope of the whole world. Alex, Lisa, Natalia, Demetric, Tyler, Micah, Teegan and Lindsey were the ones who were sent outside the walls.

    The huge metal door of the wall ascends to reveal them the harsh and wild lands of Earth. Their master, Andreus gives his final words to them before they depart. "Young warriors, the hope of the world rests on you. I fear some of you mighy not live to see another day, if that happens, avenge their death and make sure their death is not in vain. If you come across any survivors, save their souls and you might have another teamate to fight along your side, and finally be careful my students,"

    Now, the mission begins..
    Last edited by Rha'az; 11-09-2014 at 07:07 AM.
    "May the great Twelve have mercy on us all," - Marius, Inquisitor of the Crown

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    Lisa looks around as she and the others finally step outside the walls. "Look at all this, Alex." She says turning to her longtime friend. "It's beautiful in its own twisted way. I can wait to see it all. Reapers or no reapers." She sighs. "I wish I could fix the land as I can with injuries." She absentmindedly scratched Kane's, her oversized wolf, ears.

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    Alex remained silent as looks outside the walls, he wish that he can find his killers here. He turned to Lisa, "You said it in a sarcastic way are you?" Alex touches his mechanical arm, inside his 'helmet' he closed his eyes and grips his mechanical hand. Then, he whistled to cal, Reginald, his German Sheperd dog. Reginald barks at Alex and his owner bends down to touch Reginald's head. "Boy, you and I are going to have a great adventure together,"
    "May the great Twelve have mercy on us all," - Marius, Inquisitor of the Crown

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    Natalia and Demetric stood next to eachother, Demetric's arm was draped lazily over his sister's shoulders. She was shorter than he was which made it easy for him to use her as an arm rest, which she tolerated. Ivan, Natalia's hawk circled above the small group. "Hey we are going to fix the Earth. It might now be as quickly as most will like but we will get it." Natalia smiled at everyone. She was glad that she and her brother had the chance to assist the others. Demetric adjusted his tool belt and bag knocking Natalia's rifle out of place. She shrugged off his arm and readjusted her sniper rifle.
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    Gestalt stepped out the gates hesitantly, perhaps unwilling to go away from the all the tech built up within the boundaries within the walls. He'd been born, died, and been born again within their boundaries, always tinkering and typing on the innumerable devices sequestered in the cities vaults, rooms, and streets. This new place, 'outside' as it was called, was strange and foreign to him. It had none of the comfortable close confines he had grown up in. It was too open, desolate in its destruction. Neither was it likely to be packed to the brim with all manner of electronics, such as had been constantly fed to him by the Brotherhood.

    His mechandrites twitched nervously twirling around themselves, but never knotting, making minor adjustments to his mechanical body. The dust would get into everything, it occured to him. Constant cleaning of himself and his equipement would be required. It was assumed that his companions would require his expertise at some point. There were the enlightened ones, those who had either begun to examine, or fully embraced the wonders bionic enhancement held. Then there were the brutes who rejected technologies gifts, prefering their fallible and fragile mortal shells out of fear. Both would probably come to him, but for now he remain alone in the group. His eyes, which he'd constantly upgraded and enhanced ever since his rebirth, scanned the horizon, watching, recording, as he remained silent.

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    The battered landscape that extended before the party was familiar to Lindsey. It had been about five years since she had last seen it. Though, this time she looked on with a different mindset. Before she would have contemplated how the spirits would guide her in her task. Her time living with a "civilized" population had made her less keen to the reverence and worship her fellow tribesmen offered to their gods.

    The dust from the heavy door to the city closing gently pelted the exposed skin on her arms and face. What may have felt like just air passing by for some felt like a low burn to Lindsey's skin. Coming off the various drugs and medications had been a struggle for the tribal. She started taking them to forget about her past, as an escape. When Lindsey decided to stop taking them, she could only explain to herself that it felt right. The withdrawals she experiences from time to time were an unseen roadbump on her way to quitting.

    She gently rubbed her hand across her forearm in an effort to sooth the gentle burn, but to no avail. Lindsey stepped a few meters away from the group. She played off the rubbing as her observing her tattoos. Many people would just believe that her odd behavior was from being an outsider, and it was in part, though nobody really knew much about where Lindsey came from. As she stepped, Lindsey lightly fingered the bottom of one of the pockets on her backpack. The familiar shape of a syringe comforted her. She had packed a few holdout drugs in case she just couldn't resist the urge. If nothing else, it comforted her to have them.

    Lindsey kicked at a small rock, then turned to get within closer proximity of the group. They had been chosen, along with her to ultimately save their race from the reapers. It sounded like an impossible mission from the get go, but the large chance of dying wasn't a big deal to Lindsey. Death could be the only reward of a true fight.

    As she overheard the idea of fixing the Earth, Lindsey scoffed.

    "This is home," she opinionated, then she crouched and ran her fingers through the dirt, "what's there to fix here? It's as good as when I left it."

    Lindsey continued to rake her fingers across the dirt in different motions. It was comforting. She hadn't even thought about the fact that she returning to what she considered home before now.

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    Alex heard Lindsey scoffed, and looked at her. "It's not the dirt we're gonna fix, it's the human's world we're fixing. Our world. And we gotta give those Reapers everything we've got," Alex's eyes began to scan the harsh surroundings, looking for those barbaric, demonic Reapers. Identifying every single thing with his cybernetic eye, from humans to trashes to debris of war.

    All of a sudden, Alex's face began to itch. He tried to scratchnit but his 'helmet' that covers his head blocks him from doing it. After a few minutes, it stopped. Then, he wonders to himself and asked Lisa, "Whose face am I 'wearing' under this cybernetic mask?" He also grins under his mask, because he thinks that Lisa might say something funny about his burnt face..
    "May the great Twelve have mercy on us all," - Marius, Inquisitor of the Crown

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    Lisa looks at him in mock surprise. "Wait... You have a face?! I thought all you had was the metal one!" She lightly taps the edge of his mask with her knuckles. "You could've fooled me, Alex." She grins. "If you do have a face under all that, I bet it's the best jacked up face ever. The fire may have improved you face." Then Lisa noticed Lindsey rubbing her forearm and immediately knew what was wrong. She walks over to her, Kane following behind, and puts her hand on her arm. "It'll be alright, Lindsey. Try abs take your mind off it." She says softly so no one else could here. She smiles gently at her. "I'll help any way I can."

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    Alex facepalmed, on his mask while he grins inside his mask, "Oh Lisa, haha. How you've forgot how does my face looks like. We've been friends since kids.." His face itched again, this time, it lasts for 5 seconds. "Ugh, my face it's so itchy. I don't know what the hell was going on in my face," Then, he takes his Holocaust Blade and emits it with electricity and stucks onto the ground.
    "May the great Twelve have mercy on us all," - Marius, Inquisitor of the Crown

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    Tuler looked around, his Soldier suit already equipped, the rkifle steady. He sighed. "Well, shit... So, when will we meet the motherfuckers?" He said, as he reloaded the plasma rifled, energy pulsing through it for econds before he steadied it. "This should be fun. We wil, restructure humanity, and in the heat of the moment, kill a lot of those fuckers"

    As he said this, the helmet of his suit broke into platws, that went into the alight bulge in his back and chest. He grinned at them, as the Ghost appeared by his shoulder. "So this is what we're dealing with? Can't be worse than the cafeteria food...."

    Spoiler: His Face 
    Last edited by ChaosBringer; 11-09-2014 at 03:04 PM.

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