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Thread: [M] The Dead Man's Call

  1. #11
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    "Love... U-ri-ah. Aaaand send," It didn't send, "I said send." It still didn't send, "Ugh."

    He flopped his head against the desk in front of him. He hated technology, mostly because he was really terrible at using it. Being a will-o'-the-wisp, his life was supposed to be frightfully simple. All he had to do was lead people off of trails in the middle of the night so that they never found their ways back and... he couldn't do it. He didn't know why, but he had a soft spot for people even before he was taken in by his foster parents. They were the ones he was currently trying to send an e-mail to.

    Their house as in the middle of the woods, and right now, they were both in the city miles away from here. Uriah had declined when they asked him to go with them, of course. As much as he liked people, he was always nervous around them. Being an orb of light, strength didn't exactly transfer when he took the form of a human. Thus, here he was.
    A tiny sound, similar to... a bell?... came from the computer's speakers, alerting him that he'd just received something. He looked up, hoping it wasn't another message about how to send e-mails from his care-takers, and... it wasn't. It was something about elementary school and passing.
    Elementary? Isn't that for kids?
    It didn't seem like it was meant to be sent to him... it didn't even seem like it was real at all. Probably one of those virus things Dad told me about... Apparently they could come through some e-mails, Better get rid of this.

    Right after he was miraculously able to delete it on his first try, the doorbell rang. Since their house was in the middle of nowhere, sometimes Mom would order things and they'd arrive at odd times. This was probably one of those cases.
    He headed towards the door, feeling nervous, probably because he didn't like interacting with others in his human form, but instead of finding a box or some guy wanting him to signature something....
    Panic swept through him, vanishing into darkness as quickly as it came.


    Everything's blurry.... I'm in human form.... Did I fall asleep?
    Uriah sat up, a bit groggily. It was always hard to wake up as a human, for some reason. There was crying... and people talking... Wait... wait what!?

    His head shot around frantically, now fully conscious. There are people... wait... they're not all people? This isn't good! Where is this! A... a classroom?

    What was going on? How had... Red eyes! It came flooding back to him, and he froze for a moment before he gulped and looked around at the others warily, gaining somewhat of a composure. Okay... I'm in a school, and it's filled with people and other things, and I don't know how I got here. I can handle this. There's no reason to be afraid or for anyone else to know I might be... possibly. Everything will be fine...

    He noticed that several of them were looking at something glowing in the corner, with scared looks on their faces. A ghost?
    She looked like one. Definitely strange, and he was definitely nervous, but... she was actually the thing in the room that scared him the least. She was a glowing spirit thing, yeah, but technically he was too. Still... obviously this situation wasn't normal, and for that, he needed to keep as collected as he possibly could...

    Avi and Sig made possible by: Kicks!
    Because she is the awesomest in all of ever!

  2. #12
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    Vitani heart entered her throat for a second time that day, and in a way this was worse than the first. Her stomach twisted itself into knots, not literally but it felt that way to her. She looked at the woman who clearly had her best interest at heart as concern was all over her face, even so Vitani had never really had any other experiences of communication with sentient beings since she left the colony. She debated on hiding inside her wings again but it was too late this woman was right in front of her knelt down to face her.

    She bit her lip in an attempt to gather her courage and tried to look the woman in the face but found it difficult to do both, so she decided to look in the woman's direction but not at her directly. With as much courage as could muster she spoke as clear as she could which came out soft and almost a whisper not to mention wavering as she was frightened but no longer of the entity in the room. "I'm o-o-okay," she said and feeling that she should have said more quickly added, "Th-thank you."

    Having spoken she felt somewhat less intimidated, but not much. She looked down at the ground at the lady's feet and waited for her response, which she thought would be somewhat confused. Maybe she'd think she was high with how she was acting. She saw someone once in the forest he had long hair and wanted to experience nature, which she thought was admirable... until he pulled out a bag of...grass? That's what he called it but she'd never seen anyone roll up grass and burn it and inhale the smoke, nor had she seen grass make any of the animals who ate it act as the man did. He looked at everything in weird ways and then became paranoid, "Man this grass must be laced!" He acted as if there was something towering over him and he became a bit withdrawn but still looked around wildly.

    Yes she's going to think I burned grass and inhaled the smoke, or whatever else people do to get "high".

  3. #13
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    Axel and Axen Solace

    Axen wasn't one to show fear or insecurity. That would be her brother. Swallowing thickly, she kept her eyes on the glowing blue child, only half listening to her mother. She did look at her mom when she stood up though and the silverette knew that she didn't want to make her mother leave her side. It was... creepy. Swallowing, she shot the brunette their mom pointed out.

    "Hey Axe, looks like that guy needs some Romeo loving." She said, eyes trained on the boy as he backed up. Her older brother frowned but walked over to the boy.

    For Axel, he knew that his sister was freaked. It didn't show, but she was. Normally, Axen was simply annoying and sarcastic, but her tone had wavered and it was enough to let him know that she was terrified... at least her equivalent of it. As he approached, he heard a low rumble, like someone whispering. It sent chills down his spine but ignored it. He walked over to the boy as the ghost inched forward, sobbing as it crawled towards them.

    He made a face and filled his cheeks with a bit of ice, shooting it in front of the ghost. It was enough to send the child back to its corner, crying out even louder than before. With that slightly out of the way, Axel tapped the brunette on the shoulder.

    "You okay there bud?" He asked, keeping his eyes on the sobbing figure as he held out his hand to help the other up.

    From her side of the room, Axen sighed and stood up, surveying the room. So far, she had counted a few people, all looking like they were either in highschool or college... except for her mom. She scrunched her nose and took a deep breath, mentally steeling herself. She stared straight at the ghost and cleared her throat, getting the attention of those closest to her.

    " Ya'll done ogling at the ghost brat?" She snipped rather harshly, causing the ghost to wail even louder. The silverette scrunched her nose in distaste. Something was really off about the ghost. And she could... make out words.

    "I... *hic* dun... *sniffle*... save me.... *hic* *hic* I din do ... *sniff* hurts... mama.. *sniffle* *sob* papa... save me... *hic* Huuu... help... *sob* Waaahh... *sob* *sob* s-scary.... "

    She blinked. The child was scared. It died scared. Axen swallowed thickly as the child looked directly at her. It's eyes were turning an angry shade of red; a familiar angry shade of red. A shudder went through far spine as she watched.
    Spoiler: Clicky!!! 

    Spoiler: Mehehe... 

    ♡ Set by Me, Myself and I~ ♡

  4. #14
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    Lisa heard the older woman's words. Normally she would have pouted at being called a child but right then it that surreal situation the older woman's motherly presence was something of a comfort. Normally she liked to think of herself as all grown up but the current situation she was dealing with now was completely outside her past experience.

    She froze on the spot as the ghost-child came forward then her eyes widened with surprise when one of the two siblings shot out a gout of ice to send it back. When it spoke the words made it even more disturbing. And then she saw the eyes change and her mind flashed back to the eyes on her doorstep. God those eyes were so fearful. She stared at it with dread not knowing what it was going to do next. "Get away from it" she called out urgently to Axen. Whatever this thing with evil eyes intended to do she hoped someone would make it stop.
    Born to be a king & fighting to survive in a world with the darkest powers.

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  5. #15
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    Sophie Solace

    Sophie held a smile on the winged woman, though her heart was beating fast with fear for their mutual safety of whatever was happening. The increased crying of the dark figure and her son’s toying with sending on edge, but right now she needed to focus on all the children working together and getting into fight mode and not flight.

    “Can you stand?” Her voice held no judgment for the young woman’s nervousness. Sophie’s hand was still extended out for her if she wished to grab it. “We need to make sure we are all together for our safety, okay?” Looking over her shoulder she sighed at her daughter.

    “Axen, please come over here honey if you’re not going to go over to that boy. If you have nothing nice to say, now is the time to say nothing at all, okay sweetie?” Her daughter could be such an instigator and right now, for group morale, it was the last thing needed.

    If Axen came closer, Sophie would give her daughter her free hand to hold for comfort – knowing the girl was acting out in fear.
    Thank you MayhemsCurse <3

    Spoiler: Memorable Quotes 

  6. #16
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    Lao kept quiet for most of the time everyone else was talking, but they seemed to be struggling to come to a conclusion about the spirit. He stood up and walked over to it, crouching beside it. "Such a sad soul..." He said and sighed. Lao held out his hand for the spirit. Most child spirits were harmless, but He could take care of himself if something went wrong.. Lao wanted to know if this spirit could tell them anything about what happened to them. "It's alright, little one...Can you tell me what happened?" His voice was low, and calming. His father taught him a spell that was often used by wizards to calm a group of wild animals. It also worked on Humans, and the supernatural.

  7. #17
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    Ray watched the others try to interact with the child. What is a kid like that doing here.... He cocked his head sideways as he watched the child. ...Something's not quite right with this picture.... But what.... Sighing softly, he spoke up for the first time. "Guys, I don't think we should be messing with the child. Anyone else gettin a sense of dread coming from it?"
    ~~Don't drink and drive. Take acid and teleport.~~

    ~~Compliments do not boost the ego of a Leo. They already know that they are the shit.~~

    ~~I'm not saying let's go kill all the stupid people. I'm just saying let's remove all the warning labels and let the problem sort itself out.~~

    Quote Originally Posted by Cee69
    You are the cat Skype deserves.
    But not the one it needs

  8. #18
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    Vitani nodded and stood up on her own but smiled a bit at the woman so she would know that her extended hand was appreciated. Had she been more comfortable with people she would've taken it to both steady her and comfort her, but Vitani was not that kind of being. As she stood she fully extended her wings as they'd began to cramp. She flapped them slowly a few times and the folded them into their usual neat position on her back.

    She looked at the kind woman and spoke softly but more clearly than the last time, "I'm not a being for talking with others, but I just wanted to thank you for not thinking I was smoking the grass." She then smiled at the lady and walked over to where most of the children and not children were standing despite her discomfort. If they were going to survive this situation grouping together would be key.

    On her way she noticed someone talking to the ghost. Vitani quickened her pace to join the others as she didn't want to be in the vicinity when/ if the ghost got out of control. She didn't look anyone in the eye and instead made her way to the center of the crowd where she would be protected and more easily ignored. She hoped that whatever happened the kind woman and her children would be okay. She knew that with all these children and not children someone was bound to... not make it until the end of this ordeal.

  9. #19
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    Slowly, Uriah rose to his feet. The other creatures didn't seem like they were too threatening.... Actually, some of them seemed to be acting gently towards one another. Seemed to be...

    He looked up when he noticed the child moving and then being pushed back by... some sort of power from a boy that he couldn't see the face of for a moment. A girl said something mean to the little ghost girl, another girl told someone named Axen to stay away from it, and a guy seemed to be trying to console it. The wisp was a bit confused by everyone's reactions. They weren't holding back at all. Why
    It wasn't even until the question about dread was posed that Uriah finally gained the courage to speak.

    "F-from the child? This whole place reeks of dread. Besides, sh-she's crying f-for a reason. Maybe if we figure that out first," Someone else already is though, so I'm not gonna do it.
    By the looks of him, he appeared cold or almost angry, but he wasn't, really. He was just trying hard not to look scared. Despite his stuttering, his tone matched his demeanor. Perhaps he was trying a little too hard..?
    Either way, he hoped he was doing a good job.

    Avi and Sig made possible by: Kicks!
    Because she is the awesomest in all of ever!

  10. #20
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    "Shit shit shit shit shit shit" such deep thought went through Ians mind as the voice echoed across the room. If you ignored the murderous chick, he was alone. Or he thought he was. That voice wasnt really reassuring.
    "Errr... Just... looking for the bathroom?" Not that he needed too. His necessities most probably had already been done in his pants.
    He scanned the room for something to use against Mrs Samara II. A gun? He could really use a gun. Yeah, probably not. A stick? He could use a stick.
    The voice didnt answer his exucse. Was that a good sign? Maybe. Who cared? He had to get the fuck out of here. As the girla pproached him he made the natural thing. Run for his life.
    Thing is, nowhere to run. Four walls, some desks and a chalkboard. Nothin else. He was trapped.
    "Look I dont want to hurt you but..." Way to go Dip. Even if he wanted he was helpless.
    So he did what first came to mind SOmething he had seen in every horror movie.
    "BY THE POWER OF CHRIST I COMMAND YOU!" he shouted, making a cross signal with his fingers.
    The girl stared at him in confusion, and continued running towards him.
    Well, fuck.

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