Iris was right; there was nothing on the horizon but a few dotted buildings and the beginnings of a town. The skies were clear, a crisp cerulean, nothing out of the ordinary. Wind lightly pushed at their backs, sending a chill through Ignatius's body only briefly before rushing off towards the town. Maybe there would be nothing waiting for them after all, but what did they know if they didn't try?

"I see some weird architecture," he replied, using his hands to trace the pointed roofs in the distance. "Crazy how this is so close to that last town, yet it looks so different. Probably because that last town could afford marble, and this one is stuck with wood." He lowered his hands to his side and glanced over at Iris. "If I built a city, I would use dirt," he stated. "It's all natural. Earthy, you know? Has that nice homey feel. And houses would be built on rooftops so whoever couldn't climb couldn't even live there." He unsheathed a hooked blade and pointed it towards their destination. "I can see why arsonists would like this town. There's nothing quite like setting fire to some aged wood, you know?"

With a shrug, Ignatius dismissed the thought. It seemed their rumor wouldn't get them anywhere, but they could at least explore the new town. "You're a rotten egg," he told Iris, and he shot off without any other warning. Grinning, he knew he'd win this impromptu race, and that Iris would yell at him about being unfair again. As he walked up to the outskirts of the city, Ignatius slowed his pace and looked around. The place was silent, with barely a bird chirping. A dog suddenly piped up, barking viciously at something, but it was silenced by a human voice reprimanding it. "Looks welcoming," he said sarcastically. "I love a good ghost town." Shrugging, he set off towards the town center, hoping to find anything.

As they walked, Ignatius noticed a charred house. It had been a small thing, a single-story apartment, maybe the home of only a few people. Ignatius walked up to it, studying the ash. "It was burned alright," he announced. "Hard to tell how, though. The wood is wet, which means it rained recently. Guess this happened a little while ago, huh?" He looked to Iris, knowing the sight of a burned house might be hard on her. He was ready to comfort her, but in the meantime he tried to joke about it, talk lightly. "Not sure we'll find much in this town. Everyone seems scared to come out of their houses or something." He motioned around, at he vacant streets. "Maybe we stumbled into a graveyard instead." His eyes were already on every door to every building, wondering how easy it would be to get inside. "We should look around though," he continued. "Don't want this trip to be a total waste of time."