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Thread: [M] Royally Mistaken [Ashen & Midoripickle]

  1. #21
    The Ashen One
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    Giuseppe shook his head quickly and approached her to clap her on the shoulder. Such a thing was perhaps barbaric for a prince of his time, especially to a lady, but Giuseppe either didn't seem aware of that or didn't seem to care. It was simply a friendly gesture, and he chuckled along with it. "I do not mind your speaking," he told her. "I did ask for it, did I not? It is fine indeed, and I am even more envious now! A mate with whom to make trouble around the castle... Such a thing is only a fantasy for me! Violet would not dare cause trouble, not since our last escapade..." He seemed to be lost in thought for a moment, recalling it. Soon he shook his head, clearing it, and smiled up at her.

    "I had no idea you were a servant of a nobleman!" he went on, surprise clear in his voice. "My, my, I suppose you are quite accustomed to settings like this, are you not? Tell me, what is the castle you live in like? No--tell me, which nobles do you serve? It is a prideful skill, that a prince know all his neighbors, especially ones of royalty. Are they near here? I bet I do know them by name!"

    But just then a guard appeared at the large arch that was the entrance to the hall. "Your Highness," he greeted with a salute. "The apothecary calls for you."
    Giuseppe thanked his guard and dismissed him. "Well it looks like your ointment is prepared," he told her. "Come now, let us go get that for you." He led her back to the apothecary's, ensuring her of the man's skill. It would seem he had forgotten about his own question. Once they arrived at the apothecary, the older man presented Mary with an ointment. "I will have you apply this?" he asked, not daring to touch her out of turn. "It would prevent any infection and help with the pain. Let me know if it does not do its job, ma'am. I will fix you up a new ointment as soon as I am able."
    Thanks to Craze for the beautiful Bravely set!

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  2. #22
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    Jessamine jumped a little at the sudden touch. The gesture startled her slightly at first, but it hadn't bothered her. She tilted her head slightly and couldn't help but smile a little as he explained his envy. Just from what she'd come to understand of Prince Guiseppe, she could only imagine the antics that would go on in the palace. Jessamine looked to him curiously as he went quiet for a moment, wondering what could be on his mind. Perhaps he was just remembering said escapade?

    The smile quickly faded though as he brought up her nobility again. "Y-yes, I suppose so. Though nothing nearly this grand..." She said quietly, hoping to change the subject quickly. "A-ah, I doubt that-" She started, trying to dodge the question. If she were to mention her father's name, that might make things much more complicated. She could only imagine what would happen if the Prince mentioned their encounter.

    But before she could be questioned any further, they were interrupted by the apothecary. She followed Guiseppe back to meet with him again. Jessamine simply nodded and held out her arm for him."Thank you very much.."

    "If you could only see the beast you've made of me
    I held it in but now it seems you've set it running free
    Screaming in the dark, I howl when we're apart
    Drag my teeth across your chest to taste your beating heart

    My fingers claw your skin, try to tear my way in
    You are the moon that breaks the night for which I have to howl"

  3. #23
    The Ashen One
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    Once the ointment had been applied to her wound Giuseppe thanked the apothecary heartily. He then turned to his companion as he began to walk from the room. "It should get around to feeling better very soon," he assured her. "I am terribly sorry about the dilemma earlier. It appears as though things are able to return to normal though. I hope you will be well."

    He was walking her to the castle entrance. It was not a long walk, and once there he turned to the peasant girl. "Might I supply you with a horse on which to make for home? It is no trouble, really. I am happy to let a friend of Ibeacia borrow one of our steeds. I will personally ride you home, if that is what you wish. My duties are done for the day, and I am free to do as I wish. Perhaps we could... go somewhere." Was he asking her out? Giuseppe was trying hard not to think of it that way. He was simply being kind to a woman he found somewhat interesting. Being kind to any woman was an odd sight from the prince, buy Mary wasn't like most girls, anyway. No, there was something about her...
    Thanks to Craze for the beautiful Bravely set!

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  4. #24
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    Jessamine waited until the old apothecary was finished applying the ointment before she gave him a bow. "Thank you very much." She said softly, smiling before she turned back to the Prince. "Yes... Thank you, your highness." She said, glancing down at her arm. "Though you have no reason to apologize. You've been quite helpful."

    She followed him and after a moment she realized where they were headed. Suddenly a strange feeling came over her, the slight feeling of dread. While she was anxious to get home, before her parents discovered she was missing, she was also reluctant to leave the palace. How odd, she thought. "Perhaps a ride home would be wonderful." She admitted shyly, blushing as she accepted his offer. She wouldn't have him ride him up to her house, but at least if he took her into town, it wouldn't be too far to walk.

    Jessamine then suddenly looked up at him, taken aback by the suggestion. "Go somewhere?" She questioned curiously, wondering what the prince could possibly have in mind. On one hand, she could feel herself itching to go home, before she got into any more trouble. On the other... She felt reluctant for such an opportunity pass her by.Though she convinced herself that it was simply her desire not to have to return home... Of course it wasn't because of the prince. Or so she told herself.

    "If you could only see the beast you've made of me
    I held it in but now it seems you've set it running free
    Screaming in the dark, I howl when we're apart
    Drag my teeth across your chest to taste your beating heart

    My fingers claw your skin, try to tear my way in
    You are the moon that breaks the night for which I have to howl"

  5. #25
    The Ashen One
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    He was suddenly very out of his element. The prince had grown up with his mother and his sister, the queen and the princess, but he had steered clear of most of their feminine activities. He had little interest in women after all, and even when coming of an age to be wed he wanted more a partner for sparring than a housewife. He didn't know how to act with women, and at the idea of a date, he could feel his temperature rising. But this wasn't at all a date, and even if it was--so what? He was a man now, and there was no need to be getting flustered at all.

    He smiled her way. "Well, yes, I mean, if you are in no rush to return home." He awkwardly scratched at the back of his head. "We could go picnic somewhere. There is a lake not far from here where I go for some alone time. In fact, it is where I was passing my time before I heard the commotion. Or perhaps you would like to enjoy someplace in your own land? It matters little to me, where we go. Ibeacia has few enemies, after all." With this sentence his pride was easily heard. He looked her over, trying to read her expression. Why did she seem so... reluctant?

    Giuseppe started walking again, making his way towards the stables. Wherever they were to go, they would need a horse. He was waiting on her answer, hoping she'd say yes to the not-date. Hiding in the garden in front of the castle, a meddling princess was waiting, too.
    Thanks to Craze for the beautiful Bravely set!

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  6. #26
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    Jessamine's eyes widened in surprise. He was asking her to go with him, and spend time together. Just the two of them? She blushed a little but looked down a little. She was getting way to ahead of herself. It wasn't like a date or anything... Was it? No, they had only just met and she barely knew the prince. Still the idea of going somewhere with him, away from here was enticing.

    But then she was brought back by the statement of 'rushing to return home'. She really should go home she thought. Before her parents discovered she was missing. If they hadn't already. But then again, if they found out, she wouldn't be going out again for quite some time. So she might as well enjoy her day while it lasted, shouldn't she? But what about Mary... Sweet Mary who was covering for her and probably worrying about her return.

    Without thinking she followed Prince Giuseppe towards the stables, still mulling things over in her mind. She'd have to make a decision soon. "I would love to ride to the lake with you." She started, but then looked down with a frown. "But I really should be getting home..." She muttered. A soft sigh escaped her lips. With the prince's help, she got onto the horse, waiting for him.

    "If you could only see the beast you've made of me
    I held it in but now it seems you've set it running free
    Screaming in the dark, I howl when we're apart
    Drag my teeth across your chest to taste your beating heart

    My fingers claw your skin, try to tear my way in
    You are the moon that breaks the night for which I have to howl"

  7. #27
    The Ashen One
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    Giuseppe was trying hard to mask his eagerness. She would love to go with him. The words lit a smile to the prince's lips, but that soon fell away. But. Of course, there was always a but. He turned away, his expression a lot more dejected. He was silent for a while, but when they reached the horses he shook his head. "Perhaps another time, then," he suggested, trying not to sound disappointed.

    The horse they were taking was a dull brown stallion. One of the stablehands thought it odd the king was taking such a plain horse, but he made no movement to comment. Soon, the two were off, riding away from the castle, away from the lake, and away from Ibeacia. Giuseppe let out a sigh but he soon shook all signs of disappointment from his face. She was one girl, and she hadn't said no, after all. He had some chance. He hoped.

    Once a ways from the castle, Giuseppe turned his head so that he was half-facing Mary while still keeping his eye on the road before him. "Now, where were we headed?" he asked. "You did not tell me what house you serve, did you?"
    Thanks to Craze for the beautiful Bravely set!

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  8. #28
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    Jessamine, however, heard the disappointment in his voice. She frowned a little as she climbed up onto the saddle. She was silent for the ride, lost in her thoughts. She knew Mary was anxiously awaiting her return, though she never showed it. Mary would always be as calm and collected as always, but the second she saw Jessamine, she'd let her have it on how irresponsible she was. But Jessamine knew it was only out of love and concern for her.

    Mary had treated her lashings many times and wanted to keep Jessamine out of trouble to keep her from recieving more. But unfortunately for Mary, that just isn't who she is. Even now, while she knew she should go home, her mind lingered on the thought of visiting the lake with the prince. If she was going to be punished and not allowed her leave her room for quite some time, she might as well enjoy her time out now, shouldn't she?

    Jessamine looked up suddenly in surprise, breaking from her thoughts as the prince addressed her. She thought for a moment, then bit her lip, looking up at him. "Y-your Majesty. Is it too late... to visit the lake after all?" She asked softly, hoping that the change of mind wouldn't annoy him.

    "If you could only see the beast you've made of me
    I held it in but now it seems you've set it running free
    Screaming in the dark, I howl when we're apart
    Drag my teeth across your chest to taste your beating heart

    My fingers claw your skin, try to tear my way in
    You are the moon that breaks the night for which I have to howl"

  9. #29
    The Ashen One
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    The horse drew to a slow halt and Giuseppe looked blankly ahead, the reigns held in either hand. He turned to face Mary and looked her over. "No," he answered softly. A small smile played over his lips as he said it again. "No, not at all." It was sudden, her change of mind, but Giuseppe couldn't say he minded all that much. He tugged on the reigns and their horse turned. When they started moving again, they were trotting towards the lake.

    They arrived in a few minutes, and once there Giuseppe halted his horse and hopped off before helping Mary. He motioned around them, to the place he had spent so much of his alone time. "Here she is," he said. "She is great for a swim, or just relaxing alone. This is one of my favorite places in the world." He looked out at the crystal-clear water of the lake. There were colorful water flowers along the border and wavering plants underneath the water, too. "I have to ask," he said, turning to face her. "What made you change your mind? Something seemed to click for you. What was it?"
    Thanks to Craze for the beautiful Bravely set!

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  10. #30
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    As the horse slowed to a stop, she looked up at him suddenly, a little bewildered. Then slowly a smile spread across her face as he replied. Now moving in the opposite direction, her smile turned to a grin, looking ahead anxiously at the new scenery.

    Jessamine took hold of his shoulders as she slid down carefully from the horse. She then stepped away slowly, looking out over the lake. "I can see why..." She said softly, her eyes wandering over the glittering waters. It was so peaceful out here and soon all her worries fell away. She stepped to the water's edge, watching a dragonfly that landed on the petals of the water flowers.

    She then stood and turned towards him curiously. "Ah... Well I-" She started, pausing for a moment to get her words straight. " Well I probably won't be leaving home again for quite a while, so I thought I should enjoy the time I do have to the fullest." She said simply, smiling at him. She was no longer worried about the consequences as this place was certainly worth it. And surprisingly enough, so was the company, she thought.

    "If you could only see the beast you've made of me
    I held it in but now it seems you've set it running free
    Screaming in the dark, I howl when we're apart
    Drag my teeth across your chest to taste your beating heart

    My fingers claw your skin, try to tear my way in
    You are the moon that breaks the night for which I have to howl"

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