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Thread: {M} The Simulacrum Prince; OOC (F)

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    Member Jinn's Avatar
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    Default {M} The Simulacrum Prince; OOC (F)

    IC Thread

    [M] Rated M for Violence, Adult Situations, Strong Language, etc.

    So, decided to turn this into a group roleplay! And in that case, Kris will be my co-gm.
    Anyways, to give it a quick run down, the history of my character is basically the summary! haha. The only thing other to note is that there is a rebel army (definitely coming into play after the real Prince's death) who is against the King.

    And no, this was not made with D&D or LOTR in mind. This is something completely different and I will like to keep it set apart from those things.


    Spoiler: Summary 

    There are four kingdoms, each represented by continents in our world (Which are combined to cut them down). I have yet to name them except for the first kingdom (Europe+Asia) as Ilari. The biggest and the most powerful ruled by a (eventually RedCap) Raróg, who is King Rostislav. (Both name & Species are Russian based).

    The other kingdoms are as followed.

    1st Kingdom: Ilari (Europe + Asia)
    2nd Kingdom: Tamrat (Africa+ Australia)
    3rd Kingdom: Aiyana (North America+ South America)
    4th Kingdom Cordelian (Antarctica + Some Icelandic)

    Each place as their own culture, and creatures and mythical beings based on these continents (Plus more as we make up our own and lores). So you can see how diverse and deep things can get when we dive into this. I'm planning to have lots of details for this particular roleplay. With that in mind, if you are interested, please be able to produce at least a 3 paragraph post minimum. Just enough to give each other something to work with. Also, please please please be active.

    Spoiler: Q&A, For those who may have the same questions and don't want to sift 

    With that said, here is the CS.

    Age: ( 18 - any)
    Gender: (female, male, nonbinary, etc etc.)
    Race: With a short description.
    Abilities/Skill sets: Please correspond with race.
    Brief Personality:
    Brief History:
    Other ?:

    You can add more to this Cs as you see fit, but at least have these as minimum.

    Spoiler: Villages-Towns- Capitols 

    Spoiler: Grisha Dryagin (Jinn)  

    Players list:

    Shanni of the Shadows - Played by Kris

    Melkor Firehand Played by Cfavano

    Fea'rishaka Played by Sy23

    M’tev Played by Minkasha

    Munii Huugin and Geriah Frekiu Played by onyxdragon

    Su-Lin Mok played by Storm

    ‘It’ Played by Minkasha

    Alwyn Papfori Played by Woodrat

    Deaxsis Rayne Played by Zirra

    Bre'hain Miestermund Played by Repent!

    NPC Characters

    Spoiler: Tarom, Lord Lich of the Water Lands - Portrayed by Minkasha 

    Spoiler: Domnyn, First Queen of the Water Lands - Portrayed by Minkasha 

    Spoiler: Tal'tana Second Queen of the Water Lands - Portrayed by Minkasha 
    Last edited by Kris; 11-10-2015 at 11:56 PM. Reason: adding players! :D

  2. #2
    Arch-angel of Epica
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    CS: (Yeah I'm using an old CS of mine, but I really don't want to drop this one off and I hardly had a chance to use her anyway).


    Name: Shanni of the Shadows
    Age: 27
    Height: 162 cm
    Weight: 56 kg
    Hair: Short, crimson color
    Eyes: Catlike green
    Race: Fiendling (someone in her family tree bred with or added demon blood to himself/herself)


    Just gonna use this image. It is important to note that her only notable physical feature that may indicate any "fiendish" or "impish" origin about her, is her lizard like big tail, which swoops about, depending on her mood.


    Traits and Personality:

    She acts very much like a street cat. She doesn't trust easily and she doesn't get too close. She is sharp and has some very good instincts and quick reflexes, but she is not very intelligent... She can be somewhat even naive...

    That of course would explain her fear of the unknown and of her silly faith in superstitions.

    She likes to travel light, and cares about the near future, never planning ahead as much.

    She is easy to get angry or upset and her tail will flip like crazy once she does (Her body will actually boil and grow hotter, but, if stopped soon enough, she can cool herself down just as fast).


    Shanni is a master of the thievery art and her blood heritage gives her access to abilities reserves only to the shadows and demons.

    Her body is immune to many diseases and ailment, and has has a high tolerance to toxin, which includes but not limited to alcohol.

    Because her body temperature is usually higher than normal humans, she can bear up with a strong cold.

    Comes dark, she is able to melt away and hide in the shadows, her eyes enable her to see better at night, and her nails and fangs are strong enough to actually wreck wood and stone.

    Picking a lock is an easy job to her, and she is a master of stalking and can backstab people like a true assassin.

    She is an agile fighter, who can climb and out run some small animals.

    Equipment & Combat Abilities:

    She is a powerful combatant. Being able to swiftly stab and kick, she makes use of her body to make each hit count. Her fighting style is like a dance of wind. Her dexterity is amazing, and her attacks almost always hit home.

    However, she is not physically strong, and may wear herself in a long, dragged out battle. Because of this, she prefers to finish her quarrels fast.

    She doesn't like to deal with heavy weapons, so she usually carries many small knives and her two twins katar, which she sheath in pods over her belts.

    She always have potions and herbs in the ready and she knows how to make snares and poisons.

    She doesn't like to equip herself with much armor (and usually just carry small gear, as appeared in the image above).


    Shanni is a "human" with demonic traits. They say someone in her far forgotten tree of the family was of demonish origin, but the genes and traits of it hardly appeared in her family members (last known case was her grandmother from the side of the father).

    Her name means "Crimson", and probably refers to her hair which is as red as blood.

    Despite not having actual tendecy to evil she was not exactly welcomed as a child (as would any other such creatures from any race). The real hate started when a plaguue took over her small village and killed about 75% of the men, including her family and older brother. (She appeared to be immune).

    No one really bothered to find a relative to take care of her and she ended up being picked by a local noble man, who ran a secret guild that dealt with smuggling. As her abilities were manifested and her innate potential was growing, she was given more and more risky job, slowly becoming a top agent.

    At this point in her life she decided to go solo taking on jobs as a freelancer.

    A rumor of a noble visiting would make a new turn for her life....

  3. #3
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    Possible ideas for races:

    Dryad- Spirits of nature, often born out of cosmetic energies consumed by a forest, or by a mortal (most often female one) merging themselves willingly with nature. Their skin made of wood and leaves, sometimes their lower body part is like that of a mare, while they sometimes have antlers. They are not aggressive. Usually.


    Quote Originally Posted by Jinn
    Spoiler: Witch, Specifically Elemental By Storm. 

    Spoiler: Dark Elves By Sy23 

    Spoiler: Teril’s & Feveir’s By OnyxDragon 

    Spoiler: Nix By Minkasha 

    Quote Originally Posted by Minkasha
    High Elves

    High Elves are fair complexioned elves that have shades of gold and blonde hair. Their innate connection to magic makes them fast learners, but can also make them more susceptible to magical influence. Thus, as a race mental protection is taught to all, mundane lifestyle or not.

    They live clustered together in the southern Aiyana continent, their cities spiraling displays of gold and arching architecture. Their mentality to Dark Elves is cruel, for the High Elves believe themselves higher. Wood Elves are tolerated but seen as 'uncivil' and there are very few of them among them.

    The lifespan of a High Elf is 1200 years, give or take two hundred for health and lifestyle. By the time they are elderly, streaks of silver line their golden hair, but otherwise they look similar to their young flesh counter parts, some lines around the mouth and under the eyes but hardly an aged flaw about them.

    The population of the High Elves is three million, dominating much of southern Aiyana, but few migrate or travel north. They are dogmatic in owning the majority of southern Aiyana.

    Racial notes -

    High Elves are willing to enslave Teril is human 'hound dogs' and from the Feveir's they will skin their symbols off and try to use their magic for their own gain.

    Thus the High Elves are monstrous to the Teril and Feveir of Southern Aiyana.

    Wood Elves

    Wood Elves are tan skinned and often have brown, red or black hair. They are inclined to be nimble (double jointed even) even into old age. Their nature with the other races is open and neutral. As a race there is no favoritism, the individuals love or hate anyone of the other races of their own accord.

    Their system of government is...non existence. They have individual tribes scattered through forest land of Northern Aiyana. Their populations are small per village and their people do not total over one million.

    People are welcome to live with them so long as they are not violent. As a culture they cover themselves in tattoos, long black lines or black dots up their jawlines or the side of their spines. They wear them to mark where they hail from and their accomplishments. Outsiders are considered so until they mark themselves with that tattoos their village.

    The lifespan of a Wood Elf is 900 years, give or take fifty years for health and lifestyle. They retain their nimble bodies till death but show deeper signs of aging by the time they are 850-ish. The last fifty years are when they begin to feel 'sluggish' and 'not as energetic' as they used to be.

    Animals, of all natures, seem generally less hostile to Wood Elves and their mixed race children. Some even befriend the people and trust them. Wood Elves and their mixed children have Animal Empathy.

    It is in their genetic code to feel pain when animals are suffering or abused. They cannot endure an animal that is not respect, even in hunting their natures ensure they kill them quickly and give them dignity in their afterlife (using the body fully, gratefulness of the kill, etc).

    Animal Empathy is equally strong in mixed children.

  4. #4
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    Possible ideas for cultures/religions/Guilds:

    =The Mothers=


    =The Golden Bar=


    =The silent Red=

    =More to be added=

  5. #5
    Giga Onion
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    Hm... Interesting.... Very interesting.

  6. #6
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    think I might be a paladin

    Spoiler: Things I like 

  7. #7
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    How epic is the magic level in this setting?
    Thank you MayhemsCurse <3

    Spoiler: Memorable Quotes 

  8. #8
    Giga Onion
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cfavano View Post
    think I might be a paladin
    What is up with you and Paladins? I never understood why you chose Paladins...

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Minkasha View Post
    How epic is the magic level in this setting?
    Oh, forgot to add that in. I would have to say its probably on the medium level? There is a group of witches I would like to add into the database later haha. Its not all that accessible though, only to a few people outside of them but it is doable.

  10. #10
    RPA's Grey-Eyed Charmer
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    Antarctica and iceland. May one ask why you combine two continents at opposite ends of the world?
    My thanks to the wonderful .Karma for my gorgeous sig!!!

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