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Thread: [M]Trinity High school for Vampires {IC} {Jevan+Argon Jaden}

  1. #21
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    Xavier looked at his fangs and smiled. "Aw how cute, your still new." He joked as he kept the boy pinned down. He watched as he snarled and hissed at him for a moment. He lets out a soft sigh and stared at the boy. "I'll let you go on one condition...if you calm down and we don't fight and I won't say anything else...unless." He shifted his eyes when he noticed his neck was revealed and couldn't help it, but blush for a moment.

    Vladimir looked at the note and read the words. He smirked and wrote another note. "Maybe WE should get a bucket of popcorn and watch the show." He even drew a little happy smile on the side and discreetly gives it back.

  2. #22
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    "New?" He spat incredulously before thrashing once more. Shiloh tried to pry his hands away when he noticed that Xavier was staring at him. More specifically, his neck. The brunette let out a warning growl. "Or else what? And don't even think about biting me." He warned, baring his own sharp teeth despite the growing blush on his face.

    The paper flew back to him and Emmett made quick work of opening it while their teacher droned on. Chuckling loudly, he pushed his glasses up and responded. [Maybe we should. Either way, it'd be a fun show... :3]
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  3. #23
    Hell Knight of RPA
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    Xavier blushed more red when Shailoh said to not bite his neck. He scoffed. "Who wants to bite your neck?" He said with his eyes shifted away from Shailoh. Xavier revealed his own neck when he faced away from Shailoh though still pinning him down. He blushed more red when he noticed Shailoh turned red himself even though he was throwing a baby tantrum.

  4. #24
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    Despite his blush, Shailoh managed to look defiant. "You, because you're a pervert. Now get off me!" He complained, before using his entire strength to push the other vampire off. Huffing loudly, he shot him a glare and crossed his arms. "You're the one baring your neck, weirdo." Shailoh was full of insults as he tried to hide his growing embarrassment.
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  5. #25
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    "You wished I let you look at my neck." Xavier pulled on his uniform collar up and kept his neck hidden. "And put away your baby teeth." He said then blinked several times. "I didn't realize I still had a few in the chamber." He sighs as he pulled his knees to his chest and held them together. Keeping his head on his knees and watched the door. "I can't believe I'm stuck in here with for a couple of hours." He mumbled.

  6. #26
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    Shailoh hissed at him but kept his distance. "Just because I was younger than you when I was turned doesn't mean I have baby teeth." He flashed his fangs. "Want me to try them on you?" Shailoh sneered before harrumping and turning away. "I can't believe I'm stuck in here because of you." He corrected before standing up and inspecting the walls. He'd try to break out if he sees a crack.
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  7. #27
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    Xavier looked at the teeth Shailoh had shown him. He scoffed when he said they are not baby teeth and blushed when he asked if he wanted to try them on his neck. "I don't like baby teeth on my neck." He said, shifting his eyes again. He watched him as he started to look on the walls.

    "If your trying to get out, you can't." Xavier looked up to him, "There is a reason why these rooms are isolated, its because there is a spell that prevents us from using our powers and keep us detained in these rooms. We can't break free until lunch hour." He looked at his watch on his wrist. "Which is 2 hours from now." He sighs and leans back on the wall. He smirked as he looked at Shailoh.

    He quickly stood up and pushed Shailoh against the wall, pinning him again the wall and smiled. "Let's make time go by fast." He said revealing his teeth, "I'll show you what real fangs are like." He grinned, "Come on, I'll let you bite my neck." Xavier was only joking, just to get on Shailohs nerves once more for fun.

  8. #28
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    "Ugh... Do me a favor and shut up." He hissed, tapping his nails against the wall, listening to how far the sound waves travelled. "I'm not dumb enough to not know that, but who knows? If this room is sound proof, it means no one would hear anything if I were to get out and leave you here." Tiny cracks were all he was looking for. Pressing his ear against the wall, Shailoh stiffened when he felt weight pressing him against the wall.

    His breath hitched and for a brief moment, he remembered that he hasn't had breakfast yet. "Tempting, but you'd probably end up bawling your eyes out if I bite you." He said haughtily, pushing back against the other vampire before turning in place, so they were facing each other. His pupils had shrunk to slits and his fangs grew longer. Running his tongue over the sharp tip of his teeth, the brunette snickered.

    "I didn't know you were that desperate, but really, get off me." The younger vampire warned, growling lowly. He tilted his head to the side. "Get off."
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  9. #29
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    "Baby teeth aching for blood now?" Xavier teased as he noticed Shailoh didn't put up a fight against him. Although he noticed he didn't resist much either about the bites. Threats were his way. He laughed when Shailoh thought he would be desperate and his fangs grew larger.

    "Awe look at that, your baby teeth grew into children's teeth." He teased, "But for someone who is threatening, you seem like YOU want this." He moved his neck sideways, revealing the soft skin of his neck. "I bet your hungry." He smirked, "Too bad I'm not human though, or you would have had fun." He snickered.

  10. #30
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    "You know what? You're a jerk, Xavier." He finished after a while, shoving the older vampire away. "And if I wanted blood, I'd rather drink from a werewolf than you. Don't think so highly of yourself." Shailoh said. It was almost like the other was tempting him to bite. Retracting the sharp length of his teeth he glared at Xavier and flipped him his middle finger. It was official; he would never be able to finish school at this point.

    Crossing his arms, he leaned back. "And before it gets up to that big head of yours, I'm not interested in your blood, even if I shrivel up from hunger, your blood is something I Don't Want to have the displeasure of drinking. Give it to some idiot who cares."
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    Spoiler: Mehehe... 

    ♡ Set by Me, Myself and I~ ♡

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