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Thread: [M] The Vengeful Angel 1x1 (Ashen and Sparkz)

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    Mary grins as Matteo explained what the internet was. "That's right, Matteo. You can look up almost everything you would ever have to know on the internet. And you do need a computer or nowadays you can access the internet on your phone. Or you can go to the library. But I don't need to do that. I have a computer." She pointed to the dining room table where her laptop was sitting. "I'll show you my laptop later."

    As Matteo glanced at her groin area, she blushed slightly but let it pass. So he did remember some basic human anatomy. Good. So she wasn't going to have to start at ground zero with her crash course of recent events. As she returned she stood behind him and watched as her extended his wings slightly. They were still amazing even if she could now see the blood specks better. Matteo certainly looked the part of an angel, even if he technically wasn't one of God's divine angels.

    After he gave her permission to touch his wings, Mary did just that as she gently began to wash off the blood using the cool soapy water and the wash cloth. His wings were so soft, it was like touching a baby animal of some sort. She started with this right wing where it connected to his back and worked her way down to the tips. "No need to thank me, Matteo. It's my pleasure. It's not like you can really reach some of these spots by yourself. It's no trouble at all." She smiled even though she realized that he couldn't see her smiling.

    "Alright, Matteo. While I'm doing this, we might as well start catching you up on history. So You were gone for about six years, right? Alright... so 2009 was the last year you remember. You just ask some questions and I'll do my best to answer them, okay?"

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  2. #22
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    Her words were confusing him still. A phone? But cell phones, they were slow, weren't they? Was it not better to just use a computer? He decided against asking any more questions for now. The way she touched his wings, it felt like a gentle massage. Matteo closed his eyes and leaned into her touch. When was the last time he had been touched like this? When was the last time anyone had touched him gently, instead of the rough touches he'd grown used to? This he could most definitely grow used to.

    He opened his eyes again at her question. 2009, it seemed like just yesterday. He wondered exactly how much he had missed. He thought on it, trying to come up with questions. "It's so hard to remember," he said. So many thoughts whizzing by, where was he to start? "Ah, you said it was 2015? So the world did not end in 2012? Is Single Ladies still so annoyingly popular? Did the Yankees continue their winning streak? Ah, was there a new president elected in... in 2012? That was when a new one was coming, yes? Are the same people still popular? Like... what was his name? The man who sang, and danced, and... No, he died, he died just recently, though I suppose it isn't recently anymore, what was his name...?"

    It was clear Matteo was getting aggravated at all he could not remember. His wings were twitching ever so slightly. He decided to give it up and thought to other subjects. "I was... I was a freshman in high school, that's correct... My father pushed for me to go to public school, but she wouldn't let him enroll me. I was... I was three weeks... three weeks in? I... I missed out on high school. I am... I am a man now. My god." His hands went to his face, where he felt the stubble struggling to grow in. "I have missed so much. I... There is no place for me. There is no place for a man with the knowledge of a child. Maybe... Maybe I should just seek them and... and give up. I don't... belong here."

    He seemed to remember he was in Mary's presence. Matteo scratched the back of his head. "Sorry." He turned to face her. "I should not trouble you with all this. I simply need to find them. They... They must pay. But in the meantime... I will find a way to repay you for your... ospitalità*, eh?"

    * ospitalità - Italian for hospitality
    Last edited by Ashen; 07-10-2016 at 04:22 AM.
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    Mary smiled as he leaned into her touch. It meant that he was relaxing and relaxing meant that touching and cleaning his wings wasn't hurting him which was the last thing she wanted to do. His feathers were so soft and white, Mary wanted to clean the blood off of them so she could see them in all there pure white glory. They were amazing though it was horrible that he was forced to gain these wings. He had suffered so much for these things and yet, it would appear that he didn't want to have them removed. Matteo truly was brave.

    Mary chuckled as Matteo started to ask his questions. She was about halfway done cleaning the first wing and she was going to change the dirty water before starting on the second wing. She listened to his questions with a grin. "One at a time, Matteo. One at a time!" She said with a laugh. "Alright, so yes, the world didn't end in 2012. Though the movies and songs that were made because of it were great. Single Ladies is still popular but other songs have taken its place at the top of the annoying popular list. But we can get into that later. I don't know much about baseball so I couldn't tell you about the Yankees. But Obama is still the president. He's done a pretty good job. He's not the worst president America has ever had. The Same celebrities are popular. Though new stars are up and coming. Taylor Swift and Beyonce are some of the most popular artists." She thought hard to remember the name of a performer who died in 2009. "Oh! The man you're thinking of? Is it Michael Jackson? Sadly, he isn't the only celebrity that had died in the past 6 years. Lots of celebrities have died. But we can get into that later."

    She smiled as she finished cleaning cleaning the first wing. She looked over her handiwork momentarily before standing up and changing the water. When she came back, she started cleaning his other wing. As she cleaned, his wing twitched as his body ever so slightly tensed up. She stopped cleaning to listen to him speak. She listened to his words sadly before resuming her care for his wing but she stopped again as he spoke of not belonging anywhere. She wanted to touch his shoulder but from behind it would have been awkward due to his wings so she settled on the spot between his wings. She laid her hand there. "Hey... it's going to be alright." she said softly.

    Mary looked at him as he apologized. "Hey... no need to be sorry. None of this is your fault. I'm happy to help you so there's no need to return the favor." She offered him a smile as she gently rubbed his back. "Matteo. I don't think the people you're looking for are around anymore. This blood isn't yours. You don't have any fresh cuts. You said so yourself that you killed them. They've already paid with their lives. Now their souls are in God's hands. It won't be easy, but you need to move on. You can be angry because your anger is just. But you must not let it control you." she resumed cleaning his wing once again. "Matteo.... You can belong here with me until you figure out what you need to do next. Okay? My home is your home."

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  4. #24
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    As Mary went to replace the water, Matteo had a lot to think on. Michael Jackson, that had been the one, the king of pop. As for Obama, the name didn't ring familiar, but he supposed that was the president that was in power when he was admitted to the Institute. But music and movies and sports and politics, they were all things he'd been denied for years. Even beginning to catch up was going to be too hard a task. Suddenly his headache worsened to a near-unbearable level, and he began clutching his head.

    He could put no faith in the woman's words. It's going to be alright. Had his mother not said the very same before he started his six-year sentence? To say it wasn't his fault, what did Mary know? He must have done something to deserve this. But then... What had Jesus done? Had he not suffered and died after committing no real crime? Matteo turned away. He would not be comparing himself to any god now. Where had they been? Where was the Trinity when he had been suffering? Angel of God... Perhaps he'd have better luck down below.

    He turned his body to face her at his next words. "They cannot be dead," he said. There was a cold determination in his eyes. "This is the blood of them, of the lab animals, of the other experiments. And yes, perhaps, it is the blood of them. But they... They cannot be dead. I destroyed their lab, I made certain of that, but I discovered no bodies. I will not rest until I make of their bodies what they made of the animals tested in my name." Anger was coursing through him now, and it wasn't making his migraine any better. He winced suddenly, then sat back down. "I will find them," he said to her. "I will, or I will die in pursuit. I vow this to you."

    Belonging here... It was an interesting thought, but... "You must have a life, no? I hardly know how your friends or family would react to an angel living with you. Especially one as clueless as I... I would be like your, your child, and you never asked for that. It would be cruel, but uh, I... I... I would...." Matteo babbled on for a moment, then suddenly stopped and winced again. He grabbed for his head. There were drums inside now, pounding as if to crack his skull and break free. He couldn't take it anymore.

    Matteo hastily got up, knocking over the bowl of water. He ran from the room to the kitchen and tried to feel around for something, anything to stop the pain. His migraine was blinding, and though it was not the worst he'd ever experienced, it was a definite second. He was mumbling to himself, something in a rushed Italian, a prayer to a god he no longer trusted. After another minute of frustrated feeling and knocking things over, he was suddenly out cold.
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    Mary watched Matteo as he grabbed his head. He seemed to be having an inner struggle at the moment so she stayed quiet, hoping that he would be able to solve it by himself. Though what she has seem from him so far is that he wouldn't be able to. As he had said, he has the mind of a child and a body of an adult. He had missed out on valuable life experiences such as being a teenager. Those awkward years were literal torture for him. Maybe she should take him to a priest with some psychology training.

    When Matteo finally faced her and began speaking, she looked into his cold determined eyes. Once again, she felt a hint of fear as he spoke like that. As soon as he spoke of his vow, she grabbed his arm. "Matteo... this isn't right. You shouldn't be out seeking revenge. Do not sink to their level. You have to strive to be better. Tell the police what you know and they can launch an investigation. They'll go to jail for their crimes or even get the death penalty. Senseless slaughter is what they did to the animals and... and the other experiments. Please, Matteo... You said that you are basically a child. No child should have these types of thoughts. Just let it go, okay? Let go of your anger. It is not going to make the pain and your suffering go away. It will only make it worse." She looked at him, begging him to see reason with her eyes. "Please..."

    Mary smiled at him. "You can stay here with me. I can teach you everything that you missed out on. Don't worry about what my friends and family think. You just leave that to me. If you are to be like a child, then I will be your tutor or foster parent. I can take care of you if you will just let me." She squeezed his arm again gently. "I am your friend. I will do what I can to help." MAry watched him as he pulled his arm out of her grasp and grabbed his own head. "Matteo?" she asked softly. "Is everything alright?"

    She watched as he stood up and staggered his way to the kitchen. Some of the water splashed on her but she ignored it for the time belong. Matteo looked to be in severe pain. "Matteo!" She called out as she stood and followed him quickly. She watched in horror as he made a mess of her kitchen. He seemed to be looking for something when he suddenly collapsed. "MATTEO!' She quickly supported his upper back to prevent anymore serious injury to his wings or head. He was much too heavy to drag him back to the couch so she laid him on the kitchen floor.

    Mary quickly fetched a pillow and laid his head on it as she felt his forehead. It seemed as if he was burning up! Her mind whirled as she thought of what to do next. She soon came to a decision and made a cold compress and laid the cold washcloth on his forehead in an attempt to cool him down. Once that was done, she went back to the living room and laid a couple of towels on the spot where the water spilled to try and dry it up. She then got her portable fan and directed the flow of air to that spot. She checked up on Matteo only to see him still passed out.

    Maybe he was hungry? It was almost one and she was getting hungry too. She looked at her kitchen. With Matteo on the floor, there wasn't much she could really do in the way of cleaning or cooking. So she decided to order a pizza for the two of them and hoped that he liked pizza. Once she finished ordering, she sat on the floor next to Matteo, keeping a close eye on him.

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  6. #26
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    But the man looked lifeless. If not for the steady rise and fall of his chest, he'd appear to be dead. He seemed agitated somehow, and every so often his body would twitch. He was dreaming about a day long ago. It was the cause of most of his migraines, the cause of his amnesia. His very first flight, it seemed like ages ago. The first time his wings had ever lifted him. The first time his wings had ever deteriorated mid-flight. The first time he fell, hard, to the rocks below.

    He woke with a start to find Mary beside him. It took him a few minutes to gather his bearings. What had happened? Had he passed out? He held his head in his hand. The ache had faded, but it still drummed on every so often. What had they been talking about? His anger? Staying here? Mary becoming his... his foster mom? He looked back to her and tried to study her. She couldn't have been much older than him. To take on such a responsibility... She had insisted. So maybe he would have to accept after all. Just, he told himself, until he could manage on his own.

    But her warnings against his revenge, he would not heed to those. Matteo decided to not argue it. Instead, he took in his surroundings. The kitchen hadn't been this messy before, had it? Was that his doing? And Mary, she was wet; was that his fault, too? "Mary?" he said softly. "I, ah, sorry for worrying you. I did not mean to... to just... svenire*, how do you say...? My head, it was as if an orchestra was playing at full volume. I couldn't take it..." There was a shame in his sad eyes. He brought himself to look at her and forced a smile to his lips. "Do forgive me. I am better now. I can do more."

    Matteo tried to get up but stumbled. He tried again, using a counter to help him, and managed to get back on his feet. "We were... talking about pop culture? I think so." He rubbed at his eyes and took another look around. There was a menu on the table and a word in Italian across the top. "So you do know it?" he asked, approaching the menu and looking it over. Disappointment crossed his eyes when he saw the words were in English, instead. "This language, italiano, yes? Sometimes it combines with the English. I have never met another who speaks it, save for... for Margaret." He set the menu back down. "Everything here is so confusing. But I... I can handle this. With your help. My... friend." It was a foreign word to the boy, and a foreign concept. He hadn't had friends in years, and couldn't remember any from before, either. Perhaps he could find a friend in Mary. But for the moment, he didn't know where things would go.
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    Mary watched him carefully as he slept. It was scary how still he was except for his breathing and the slight twitching of his body. She wished that there was something she could do to relieve whatever pain he seemed to be having in his dream but nothing really seemed to work. She watched the time on the clock. The pizza should arrive within the half hour. This local place does a good job with their delivery service.

    As soon as Matteo woke up, Mary snapped to attention as she studied him carefully, looking for any signs of pain or discomfort. The way he touched his head displayed signs of a headache or that being the reason he passed out. "Matteo? Are you okay now? Has the pain stopped?" she asked softly before he spoke to her. "Hey, don't apologize to me. As long as your alright now. Don't try to move so much." She watched as he described the pain he had felt. So it was a migraine. She wondered briefly if this was normal but soon forgot her question when he smiled, even if it was forced. "Hey.. You're okay. You didn't do any harm. Just try and relax."

    Though her suggestion seemed to fall on deaf ears as he tried to stand. She sighed and helped him stay standing. "Yes... we were talking about pop culture." She smiled as she followed her gaze to the menu she had used to order. "That's the menu from an Italian place. I'm sorry... but I don't speak Italian. The closest thing I know is Latin so I can kinda guess what you're saying half the time when you speak in Italian. Sorry. My friend speaks Italian, though. Her family is from Italy." She Helped him to a chair so he could rest a bit more.

    When Matteo referred to her as a friend, Mary grinned. "That's right. I will help you because I am your friend. Sure today's world is a bit confusing but once you know it, you'll catch on fast. I"m sure you are a fast learner. I hope you don't mind, but I ordered us some food for lunch. You must be hungry right now." She smiled and got the menu again and showed him the picture of the pizza they would be getting. "I ordered this pizza for us along with some breadsticks. I hope that is alright with you."

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    The pain hadn't stopped, but he didn't want to worry her. Memories flooded his mind, of painful needles and empty promises to alleviate the pain. Even if Mary was nothing like the scientist, he was not about to trust her to his pain. He wanted to take her advice, but he had to move. Mary hardly seemed like the type to be able to carry him around. So he continued on, hoping she wouldn't be too mad at him.

    He looked up suddenly at the mention of Latin. "I... think I know that one too," he said, trying to remember. "That one is the old one, the Church's language. Ah, yes. It was my third language. After English and Italian. They are... similar." He looked away and seemed to consider something. "Your friend. I think I would like to meet her, if that is not odd. My family, too, is from Italy. Rome. My mother promised to take me, some day. She never did." Then, more quietly, he added, "She never will."

    His gaze fell back to the menu. "Pizza?" he repeated. "I've... I've never had pizza. Well, I have had it homemade, but never like this. And breadsticks, I've only ever had my mother's. This will be... new." His gaze fell to his own torso, and his fingers danced over his stomach. "I know not what I can handle. Most of my meals have been intra... intro... Erm. Through needles. It will be nice, I think, eating solid food again. It's been too long."

    Matteo could feel his own eyes drooping. He was getting tired, even if he had only just woken up. All the day's events were tolling, and whatever he'd experienced before arriving at Mary had exhausted him. He needed a long sleep, on a comfy bed, but then... Matteo glanced towards Mary's bedroom. There was only one of those in there, a bed, so where did that leave him? There was enough room for two people, but his wings might get in the way. He looked back to her. "Do you live alone? What is it you do?"
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    Mary nodded as Matteo described the language of the Church. "You're right. I think that its impressive that you learned three languages. Amazing, really. especially when you're so young. I was home schooled so my mom taught me Latin but since no one actually speaks it fluently, I'm a bit out of practice, you know?" She studied him as he seemed to be contemplating something. Her face brightened when he expressed his interest in meeting her friend. "Oh! That's not odd at all! I'm sure she would be thrilled to meet you. Though I'm not too sure how she will react to your wings. She might be cool woth them after a bit of freaking out... hmmmm" She was lost in thought for a few moments before waving her hand, as if to fan away the thought. "We'll figure that out later." She said with a smile.

    She watched him carefully. She noted the sadness in his voice when he mentioned his mother. So far, his mother sounded bat-shit crazy but obviously he still loved her. BUt she is his mother so could she really be that surprised? "Hey... You don't know whether or not she's dead. She could still be alive in your home town. A quick internet search is all we need to find her." She gently patted his shoulder. "Don't be sad, okay?" She smiled. "We will find her."

    MAry smiled as he described his experience with pizza. "Well, this stuff is the best. My friend that speak Italian? Her family runs this place and it is the best pizza around. Guaranteed. They make it fresh and I love their bread sticks." Her excitement faded as he touched his stomach and told her how he had been getting his nourishment. Suddenly pizza didn't seem like the right thing to get him. Something lighter probably would have been better but he wanted to eat real food again so she didn't want to be the one to tell him no. "I also have soup if you think that the pizza will be too much for you too handle right now." She said gently so as to provide an alternative if he so desired.

    Mary nodded when he asked if she lived alone. "Yeah, I live alone. I work at a tattoo parlor a few blocks from here. Where I work, we do tattoos, piercings, and other types of body art." She smiled and showed him her right arm which was a sleeve of different types of flowers. "One of my coworkers did this for me along with a few other tats that I have. Most of my piercings were done there too." She smiled at him before noticing his drooping eyes. "I can set up the air mattress now if you'd like. so that after we eat, you can take a nap."

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    Matteo had never considered his languages impressive. Of all the things that defined him, something that he'd done before his admittance seemed... irrelevant. Regardless, he nodded his head in appreciation. "English and Italian I learned together. Latin I learned through the Church, and my catechism classes. I, too, was homeschooled... I think..." He turned away to try and remember, but soon shook it off. "Ah, if it is too much trouble, she does not have to meet with me. Or, I can hide my wings..." He tucked them closer to his back, but even then the fluffy white tips still brushed the floor.

    He looked up at Mary's optimism about his mother. "She would not be in my hometown" he told her. "She was with me. At the Institute. She... yes. We will find her. I have to."

    Matteo shook his head at her offer of soup. "I am certain I will be fine," he assured her. "I look forward to eating real food. It will be an exciting experience. And if you are certain they are the best of their kind, I know I will be in for a treat. So nice it will be, to sample cooking other than my mother's..." He did wonder at his stomach, though. Just how much had it shrunken by now? But the angel didn't care. He was going to have his food, and he was going to enjoy it.

    He approached her when she showed off her sleeve of tattoos, and delicately ran his fingers over her skin. "They are very beautiful," he said. "Your, ah, coworker is very talented. I imagine you are, too. And your... piercings. Do they not hurt?" He reached out to touch her earrings but hesitated, then pulled away. Matteo nodded softly and turned away. "Ah, yes, we can set up the air mattress. I... If you show me, I can do it myself." He had no idea what an air mattress was, exactly, but he was willing to learn.
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