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Thread: Mystics IV: The Final Chapter - Reincarnate! {M} IC

  1. #71
    Krystalline Moon
    Yamimoon's Avatar
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    Nov 2009
    In the shadows
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    As soon as Kyori left him to do what he is needing to do. Aeterna transformed into his master form and disappear into the shadows. He needed to go somewhere he could train and work through his feelings without the chance of having any interference. The garden would have been a good place, but now everyone knew where it was. He would need to find another secluded location to train. He knew of a couple of locations, but he was going to the Lush island in the Southern Isles.

    When he arrived there he looked around at the abundance of life from the trees to the animals. He felt at home here, and figured it would be the best place to train. He closed his eyes and continued to utilize his master form. It was difficult to keep it going but he continued to push his body as he pulled his sword. Moving fluently as he practised his sword skills. Then his mind returned to the conversation he and Kyori had and he lost his concentration reverting back to his human form. As tears fell down his face. “Why am I like this!”Aeterna screamed as he fell to his knees.

    He had the love of a wonderful man that would do anything for him, and he loved him back. So why in the world would he harbor these feelings of inadequacy? Why would he let them get in his way? Why couldn't he make himself understand that they were both warriors, and there as a chance of getting hurt? Why could he not come to terms with the fact that Kyori had to kill him?

    There were so many things that he hated about himself right now that he couldn't come to terms with himself, and the events that have lead to this situation. Tears still fell down his face as he stood back up and looked into the forest. He would never find his answers if he didn't come to terms with the fact that Kyori doesn't need him to protect him. He knew that Kyori had to kill him or he would have lost his life to him.

    He took a deep breath as he closed his eyes, and calmed himself. He knew Kyori was more powerful than him and didn't need his help. He didn't need his protection, but that didn't mean that he wouldn't let him protect him. They were lovers, and that would never change. No matter what, but he still needed to come to terms with his own inadequacies.

    His life has been never ending, and from the moment he fell in love he knew that he would never be the same. However, he also had the securing of having Aide with him. Now he was himself, and nothing more. He felt alone for the first time, and it scared him, but he was not alone. Kyori was here with him, and he would be with him always. Aeterna needed to overcome his problems if he was to ever free himself from the shackles of insecurity. He started to look within himself to find the answers. Blocking out the rest of the world he just sat there concentrating on his internal conflict.

    “Well well well, what do we have here,” a familiar voice filled the area around Aeterna, “a little lost phoenix so far from home. Come now why the long face?” the voice mocked.

    Aeterna was finally starting to calm down, but then a voice echoed through the forest and his blood ran cold. He couldn't believe that his worst fear had come to this island. He slowly opened his eyes and looked around to see where Samael was standing. When he found him he sat up in an instant and just stared at him. His body was shaking slightly as he took a couple of steps back. “Why are you here?” Aeterna asked in a shaky voice.

    “Why am I here?” Samael said as he stepped through the bushes with a grin on his face. “Well it’s quite simple, I’m here for you,” he said with a wink. Now standing in front of Aeterna he took a few more steps towards Aeterna all the while with a wicked grin on his face. “Tell me Aeterna, are you tired of being in his shadow? You know you’ll never be adequate, so I’ve come to relieve you of that sorrow.”

    Aeterna was taken back by Samael's words. Why would he be here for him? He already had the chance to kill him, but yet here he was standing before him. Would he try to kill him this time? Or was he here for a different reason? Samael was right in front of him. He was not making any aggressive movements, but his smile was telling Aeterna that something was wrong. When he took two more steps toward him Aeterna took two steps back. Then the words that came from his mouth hit the Shadow Phoenix hard. Was he really only existing in Kyori’s shadow? Was he nothing more than a useless being that couldn't do anything more than look at the back of the one he loved?

    Aeterna shook his head. Kyori has told him time after time that he loved him for who he was, and that he didn’t have to change. He was a special person and that he was strong. Though did Kyori really believe the words he spoke to Aeterna, or were they just empty words to keep him close?

    “My sorrow is my burden to bare. I don’t need you to relieve it from me. Now go” Aeterna said as he closed his eyes. He didn’t want to be a burden on anyone, but yet he didn’t want to sacrifice his life to this man. No matter if he could relieve him of his problems.

    “You don’t sound convincing to me Aeterna,” Samael spoke as he took a few more steps towards Aeterna. “I can help you remove all that doubt that is plaguing your mind. It will be easy and swift. Aren’t you tired of being inadequate? I have a proposition for you. Come with me and I shall give you what you need to surpass others around you, all I ask is something small in return.”

    Aeterna was trying his best to not allow Samael’s words get to him. He was trying to convince himself that he could conquer his demons on his own, but the Dark ones offer was so tempting. He knew this would hurt Kyori more than anything else in the world. But peace just sounded so good to him right now. He didn’t move when Samael came closer to him. Aeterna closed his eyes and thought. He didn’t want more power, in the sense that he would be stronger than Kyori. He just wanted to feel like he was worthy of the affection that Kyori felt for him. Though at the same time this one decision would cause him to lose the one he loved all for power.

    “I...I…” Aetern began to speak, but he was having a fight within himself. Should he go with the Dark one, or try and find a better path? He was fighting with himself. In more than one way. “Why would you want to help me? All you want to do is destroy the world. There is no reason to trust…” Aeterna stopped there not knowing what else to say. He just hoped Samael would leave him alone. So he wouldn’t do anything stupid.

    “Do you honestly think Kyori will ever see you as an equal? He pities you, he knows you’ll never be on par with him or the others and might I say it is quite horrible how he keeps dragging you along telling you lies to make you feel better about yourself. You’ve trained, you have regained strength and yet look at you,” Samael spoke stepping closer, closing the gap between them. “All you have to do is surrender to me and I shall give you what it is you need to overcome your doubt. Kyori will never truly love someone who cannot love himself. I will help you because you are no threat to me either way.” Samael smirked. Aeterna would be his ticket to Kyori. He extended his hand towards Aeterna and looked at him. “The choice is yours.”

    Aeterna was on the brink of tears with Samael’s words. Kyori pitied him? Was he that much of a hinderance that his love would never see him as an equal? Does Kyori only tell him what he wants to hear to keep him by his side? Was he manipulating him from the start? So many different questions were now causing him anguish. Tears started to fall down his face as he opened his eyes to look at the Dark one. Samael had to be wrong. There would be no way that the man he loved would do such a thing. He had trained as much as the others, but he didn’t have the strength to match up to any of them. Even the servants of Auro were stronger than he was. Aeterna was nothing compared to his companions.

    Aeterna didn’t pay any attention to Samael as he closed the gap between them. He didn’t move nor did he even care. If what he had told him was true then his life was not worth anything. The last remark was like a being punched in the gut. He was helping him out of pity as well. Did everyone pity the likes of him? Samael was right. Kyori could never truly love someone like him. They were polar opposites, and no matter how close they are with their words and how intimate they are with one another it was still a fact. Kyori could do so much better than him. He was utterly defeated. He had no will to live anymore. Reaching out his hand hesitantly. He didn’t know if he was making the right decision or not, his hand stopped three inches from Samael’s.

    Samael’s eyes narrowed on the extended hand of Aeterna. With a serpent like quickness, his hand latched around Aeterna’s and the air filled with his menacing cackle. Threads of energy began to snake up Aeterna’s body restricting his movement and causing him pain.

    “Fool,” Samael said, “You are but one of the final pieces to resurrect the dark god, and now with you in my possession Kyori will submit to my will. Your pathetic doubt has cost you dearly.”

    Samael summoned a syringe that he used to stick in the extended arm of Aeterna, drawing the beautiful blood of the shadow phoenix before both men vanished. When they reappeared, they were in Samael’s lair. Amon was still constricted and he had multiple cut on his body. Etrama really did have fun. Perhaps he would have even more fun with the shadow phoenix.

    Samael’s servants went to work binding Aeterna to the table using powerful wards. The braces that restricted his movement would prove to be defiantly strong against any attempt to break them, unless an outside source somehow damaged them, or the wards were removed. Samael grabbed Aeterna by the chin and smiled.

    “I can’t wait to see the look on Kyori’s face when he sees that you offered your hand to me freely. Can you imagine the pain, the hurt? Get some rest, you’ll need it,” Samael stated before kissing Aeterna rather bluntly, releasing his chin and leaving the room. Aeterna and Amon could see each other as they were in the same room across from each other.

    Aeterna was not paying any attention so when Samael's hand wrapped around his eyes grew and the laughter filled the air as a an energy thread wrapped itself around him and restricted his movements. The strings seemed to made out of a material that caused his skin to burn and caused him pain. His face twisted in that pain as Samael spoke. Aeterna was shocked by what Samael said and knew that he had made a horrible mistake. He didn't say a word as the dark one pulled blood from his arm, and then they disappear and now he was in the enemy hands.

    Aeterna saw that he was not the only 'guest’ that had been invited to this horrible place. He saw that Amon was lying unconscious on a table. He was chained to the table nude, and he looked like he had been raped. This only made his situation worse, but he was unable to fight back even if he wanted to. He was not even putting up a fight. He only wished that they would kill him, or that he could take his own life. His worst fear was realized. Samael was going to use him to get to Koyri, and force him to do his bidding. His tears fell more as Samael's men went to work securing him to the table.

    As Aeterna was bound to the table in the same fashion as Amon though his clothing remained on him. All he could do was watch as they used ward’s that would not allow him to be able to escape. Then Samael approached him as soon as his servants were done and grabbed a hold of his chin with a gentle yet firm grip that wouldn't let Aeterna turn his head. Then when Samael spoke all of the color from his face, as he continued to cry. He once again would caused Kyori pain, and now he would be unable to apologise for his actions. Then the dark one kissed him. Aeterna didn't expect this and he gave Samael a nasty look as he released his chin.

    “Samael you bastard. Just kill me now.” Aeterna said as Samael left the room. Knowing that if he lived he would be used to force Kyori to do whatever Samael wished. When the dark one left the room the shadow phoenix was left alone with only his thoughts as company. He knew he had betrayed not only his friends but the man he loved to his own insecurities. He wanted to die. He didn't want to be a burden on Kyori since Samael was going to use him to get to the spirit dragon. Closing his eyes he tried to free himself from the restraints that held him down.

    Amon started to regain his senses because of someone screaming that he wanted to die. The voice sounded familiar, but he was still to out of it to know who it was. As he slowly opened his eyes he looked around the room, and he saw the source of the voice. It was the Shadow Phoenix. He tried to move his body and a sharp pain radiated through his very being. He cringed as he moaned in pain. Eterna had really had his fun with him, but he doubted that it would end with just one session. He was weak, but that didn’t stop him from looking in Aeterna’s direction. He could tell that he was crying, though because of the Phoenix’s healing factor he wouldn't be able to tell if he had been injured. Oh how he wished he had that ability.

    “Wishing for death would only make the one you love cry. He has already lost you once. I don’t think he could handle losing you again. Without you he would be lost in this world.” Amon said as he struggled with his own problem. He had just been raped by a man and he was not really in the mood for this, but it seemed Aeterna was in worse shape than he was at the moment. “Even if we are left to our fates we must accept that truth. Our loved ones will be the ones hurt if we don’t try our best to survive.”

    Aeterna opened his eyes when Amon began to speak. He looked over at the poor man that looks as if he had been beaten. Though he did wonder why he was naked? Aeterna could only look at Amon with a look of melancholy. How would he understand what he was going through? He has hurt Kyori more than once, and he hurt him once more. “How can one not wish for death when one hurts the one he loves. Over and over again. I am nothing more that a burden to him,”Aeterna said as he looked at the nephlim that was bound along with him.

    Amon weakly chuckled as he smiled at the phoenix. He knew all too well the feeling of being a burden to another. He has felt it since he had met the group of Mystics. He has felt like he was a burden to them, but Ocella didn’t care about that. She loved him with all of his problems. That is what has helped him through his insecurities. “Aeterna. It doesn't matter if you believe yourself to be a burden to the one you love. As long as you try your hardest you will not have to worry about hurting them. They will love you no matter your flaws. That is what it means to love another. You should…” Amon was cut short by a portal opening inside of the room, and Etrama entering the chamber.

    “Well, well looks like my master was successful in capturing you Aeterna. It also looks like you have regained Consciousness young nephilim. Well it seems I will get to play with you again, but first I must report to my master. Then I will see what I will be doing next.” Etrama said as he reached up and touched Amons chest gently. “So go ahead and talk. I will be right back.” Eterna said as he walked out of the room.

    Amon shook when Eterna touched him with a disgusted look on his face. Aeterna saw the reaction and it hit him why he was not wearing any clothing. It seemed that Amon had been toyed with by Eterna. All he could do was look at him with a worried look on his face. Was he trying to comfort him even though he had been violated? “Amon what…” Aeterna began to say but Amon cut him off. “I don’t want to speak on it. Just remember what I said.” Amon said as he closed his eyes.

    Eterna walked into his master's study, and walked over to his desk. Placing down the second half of the black stone in front of Samael. “I have finished my little errand, and had a little fun while I was at it. I also see that you were able to capture the Phoenix with little struggle.” Etrama said as he leaned over the desk looking his love in the eyes. “So what is your next move my Love?”

    Samael smiled when Etrama entered into his study. He stood up after the black stone was placed on his desk and moved around to Etrama embracing him, inhaling his scent and nibbling playfully on his ear.

    “There’s one more piece of the puzzle,” he began his hand moved up and down Etrama’s body, a single finger ripping open Etrama’s shirt as Samael seemed to eye him hungrily. “I need the blood of a dragon and I am stuck. If I go after the spirit dragon I could lose my leverage and I very well may be unsuccessful. If I go after the sound dragon I could capture him, but he is slightly stronger willed than the nephilim and phoenix, not to mention you’ve angered his boy toy,” Samael stated placing a trail of kisses along Etrama’s jawline. “No doubt he’s warned him by now. I have a plan though, one that will involve Darkholm’s spot being replaced. For now go and have fun with the phoenix and the nephilim,” Samael finished leaving hickies along Etrama’s neck.

    He turned and moved towards the bookcase grabbing a book from the shelf and slamming it onto his desk. “I will call upon you when I need you my love, but do enjoy the new gift I brought for you.”

    Etrama moaned as Samael nibbled on his ear, and moved his hands up and down his body. His body shivered with each brush of his hands on his body. He has been yearning for his touch for a while. Samael ripped open his shirt he wanted Samael to touch him more. He listened to his love speak, and knew good and well he had a conundrum on his hands. Either dragon would work for his master plan, but which to go after. As soon as Samael started to kiss him he raised his hands and placed them on his lovers hips. Etrama moaned once more when Samael sucked on his neck. He so wanted to throw his love down and have sex with him, but his master told him to go and have fun with the two prisoners. His master seemed to have a plan on how to acquire what he wants.

    Etrama released his master and love and smiled at him. He knew that he was busy. He didn’t mind since he loved him, and he allows him to enjoy himself in more than one way. “I will go and enjoy my new toy, and I will await your call.” Etrama said as he walked over to him and kissed him deeply. As soon as he finished he left the room with a smile on his face. He was going to enjoy himself with Aeterna.

    Aeterna thought on what Amon said as he heard the door open and Etrama returned to the room. His smile was large and he had a lustful look in his eyes as he moved over in between Amon and Aeterna. He eyed them both as he knew he was going to play with one of them. He wanted to see how Aeterna tasted, but he wanted to play more with Amon as well. Choices, choices. A sly smile formed on his face as he wanted to see if he could force Aeterna into consensual sex. By forcing himself on Amon. Maybe the phoenix would give himself up to save the man beside him. Turning to face Amon he placed a hand on his abdomen in a sensual manner. He slowly moved his hand lower as Amon closed his eyes and his body shook with disgust, and horror.

    Aeterna watched as Etrama began to touch Amon one more time as the nephilim shook from his touch. Aeterna struggled against his restraints as he tried to free himself to help Amon. He didn’t want to see the man suffer more at the hands of this mad man. “Amon!” Aeterna said trying to get the wraiths attention. Aeterna had been trying to come to terms with what he had done, but he still had his problems, but he wouldn’t add watching Amon get raped right in front of him. “Leave him alone!”

    Etrama smiled as he heard Aeterna’s voice. He stopped him movement and turned to face the phoenix. He Looked at him with ravenous eyes as he moved over to where the Phoenix was shackled. “Are you wanting to take his place?” He questioned as he placed his hand on Aeterna’s shoulder and slowly moved his hand to his intended victim's chest then down to his abdomen. Feeling the man's body shudder under his touch.

    Aeterna was not wanting to really answer the madman's question, but he knew what the alternative was and that was worse than what he was going to face. “I don't want to watch you torture Amon any more than you already have. So yes I am willing to take his place.” Aeterna said as he only could guess what was going to become of him. Though he was not aware this is what the wraith wanted from the beginning. He closed his eyes for a moment to prepare himself for what was more than likely to come his way.

    Etrama looked at Aeterna and nodded his head. “Then you consent to allow me to do as I please. No fighting back, but you are allowed to scream as much as you want.” Eterna said as he moved to the side of the table flipping a switch to move the bed into an upright position. He was going to remove the Phoenix's clothing, but he needed to make sure that the ward’s stayed in place.

    Amon’s eyes opened when the touching stopped and he looks and listened to everything that happened. He was shocked that Aeterna would sacrifice himself to save him, but he wouldn't allow it. “Aeterna you don't have to do this for me. I have already been…” but before Amon could finish his sentence Aeterna spoke up. “I will not sit by and watch you have to go through this in your current state. Besides you are right. No matter what happens we will always be there for one another.” Aeterna said as the bed moved. “Close your eyes. You don't have to watch.” Aeterna commented as he was sure this was going to be more than he could handle. His powers were being blocked, and that meant his healing factor was not going to work. He only hoped he would not die in the process. There was so many things he needed to tell Kyori. Like how sorry he was for what he had done and put him through because of his self doubt.

    The sentiment that his two victims shared sickened Etrama, but he would allow them this moment. He walked over to a table in the room and picked put a tray of utensils, as well as a knife to help him play with the Phoenix. Imagining the pain he was going to inflict before satisfying himself sent a tingling sensation down his spine. When he returned they had finished their little conversation and Eterna smiled wickedly at Aeterna. It has been a while since he has been able to torture someone on a physical level. Auro disagreed with his methods of pleasure and play.

    Taking the knife he walked in front of Aeterna he proceeded to cut away his shirt. Revealing his muscular body underneath. He lightly traced the tip of the blade over his chest down his abdomen to the hem of his pants. Watching as Aeterna's muscles contracted to the touch of the blade as if they were trying to escape it touch. Then he began cutting away the phoenix's pants. Once Etrama was done Aetrena was completely revealed. The wraith could see a slight shake in the young man's body as if he was scared of what was going to happen. This only made Eterna smile more as he placed the knife on the table and he looked over the different utensils that he had at his disposal. While Etrama was looking at what he had to use on him Aeterna decided that as long as he kept his attention on him and off of Amon he would play along, but only to a point.

    Picking up a small shape knife he returned his attention​ to his target. “Well shall we get started?” He asked but didn't wait for a response before taking the knife and cutting into Aeterna’s tender flesh. The blade cut into the soft tissue if the Phoenix's abdomen. The blade slowly cut his flesh, and Aeterna bit his lip as the blade cut into his skin. He was not going to give Eterna the pleasure on hearing his scream right off the bat. Etrama was not happy to have the Phoenix holding back his scream, but there was plenty of time for him to break. The laceration bleed and the wrath bent down and licked a line of blood from his abdomen, and then moved his tongue up to his chest.

    He pulled himself away from the shadow phoenix with a smile on his face. His new little toy tasted as good as the Nephilim. Touching Aeterna's chest with his hand he decided to cause the Phoenix even worse pain. Taking the knife he ran the blade over the skin of his chest slightly just barely enough to cut the skin. He then moved the blade around in the same manner all around his play toys chest. Blood seeped from the cuts as Aeterna continued to try and hold in his scream.

    Eterna move to the side to bring the table back down vertically. He removed his torn shirt and threw it to the ground, and then removed his pants and undergarments. Letting them fall to the floor placing the knife down he then picked up a different kind of knife. The blade was covered in a odd energy. As Soon as he grabbed the blade he climbed on top of Aeterna and straddled his hips. The knife was in his hand but he took his free hand and placed it on Aeterna’s chest and rubbed the blood that was seeping from his wounds around. He then leaned against the man's bloodied chest and looked him in the eyes. Without warning he kissed Aeterna and didn't get a fight out of him. In fact the Phoenix returned the kiss. Not with passion, but he kissed back nonetheless. Etrama was caught a little off guard, but he knew the Phoenix wanted to keep his attention on him.

    While they were kissing Etrama stabbed the knife into Aeterna's side. This time there was no way to stop from screaming. The muffled cry was music to Etrama's ears. He then twisted the knife the was embedded in the Phoenix's side as he continued the kiss and listen to the scream. The knife in Aeterna’s side felt like it was poisoned. The energy from the knife surged through his body, and it hurt like hell. It felt like his insides were on fire. Every part of his body hurt, and he was unable to control the pain that he was feeling. His body cunvulsed in pain and Aeterna was no longer able to think as Etrama continued the kiss. Once Etrama finished the kiss he looked down at Aeterna with a smile as he looked at his face distorted in pain. He knew the poison wouldn't last too long, but he would enjoy himself nonetheless.

    He got off of Aeterna and removed his last piece of clothing that was covering him, and because of the jerking he did cut the Phoenix a couple of times. Though not deep enough to really be a problem. He then got back on top of him, and as soon as he got everything ready he began working Aeterna over.

    Once he was finished he looked at the Phoenix who had passed out halfway through his playing with him that he finished without having a fight. Though Aeterna looked ten times worse that Amon did when he was finished, but he did hurry through his treatment of the Nephilim. Though he would be able to play with him some more now. He wanted to see the angels face when she realized what all he had done to her husband. Though he wanted to know the relationship between Ryan and Amon. He figured this would be a good of time as any to force Amon to tell him what that relationship was. Moving off of Aeterna he moved over to Amon to torture him till he told him what he wanted to know. Pulling a knife from his collection of tools he proceeded to slowly force Amon to talk.

    Samael walked into the torture room as Etrama was getting ready to attempt to force Amon to tell him something. Samael was quite shocked by what he saw. Etrama had a lot to get off his chest it seemed, but they still needed to be alive for the exchange to work.

    “Etrama, I said have fun with them not maim them,” Samael said as he walked over to Aeterna, looking over the phoenix as he managed to heal the heavy wounds, but leaving the minor ones. He did the same to Amon before turning and glaring at Etrama. “This is unacceptable,” he stated, “they are no good to be unconscious or dead, now go and find something to do, I have a meeting with Death.”

    Samael sighed as he placed a firm hand on Etrama’s shoulder to let him know that he was simply on edge as this summoning could go quite wrong and he wanted to make sure everything was right. “Guards, ensure that the two subjects are clean and dressed properly. Thank you.”

    As Etrama was about to begin asking Amon about his relationship Samael had entered the room and yelled at him for going too far. This shocked Etrama as he lowered his head and backed away. He really wasn't thinking of the exchange just releasing his pent up feelings. He hated being stagnant for so long, and the time he had spent with Auro had made him feel stir crazy. Though the time with Samael helped he still didn't get to satisfy his need to see people suffer.

    Keeping his head down as Auro healed both the Phoenix, and the Nephilim he just waited till he was dismissed. He never thought Samael would yell at him for this, but he guessed he went a little too far. As soon as his master was done healing the two he yelled at him once more, and told him to find something to do. He was going to be summoning Death. Eterna didn’t like the feeling of his love yelling at him. “As you wish Master Samael.” He said as he bowed and turned around. He was about to leave when he felt a strong hand grab his shoulder.

    The action made him feel a little better since his Master was more than likely worried about the summoning he was about to perform. Etrama didn’t hold this against Samael. He knew he went a little too far with the Phoenix, but at least he felt relieved. All of his tension was gone. That was the only bonus of this whole situation. “I hope your summoning has no hiccups. If you need me I will be in my room.” Etrama said as he left the room without turning around and without saying another word. He was still hurt from what just happened.

    Amon watched as his insane captor was about to ask him a question, and looked like he wanted an answer, but before anything could happen Samael entered the room. What surprised him was that the dark one was yelling at his lover about the damage he had inflicted on both him and Aeterna. Granted it did his heart good to see the mad mad get what he deserved, but in the end they were still pawns in Samael’s little game. If they could just find a way to escape.

    When Samael healed Aeterna and then moved to him. When he placed his hand on him he could feel the dark energy healing him, but in the end he didn’t heal him completely. That was to be expected. Amon tried struggling against his bonds but he was still too weak to break them. The infernal heat was sapping all of his strength. Then some of Samael’s servants began to clean him, and dress him in a robe. Making him presentable for some reason.

    Aeterna had passed out from the pain just as he was being raped. Luckily for him he was not conscious for whatever Etrama did to him. However, he could feel an energy entering his body forcing him to wake up. As he opened his eyes he looked into the face of Samael. His eyes were wide as he looked into his eyes. Why was he healing him? Was the only thought that crossed his mind as he didn’t heal all of the wounds, but enough of them to make it where he could move again. He then moved onto Amon and did the same thing. Aeterna didn’t know what to do or what was going on until Samael yelled a bit at Etrama. He mentioned that he was going to be speaking to death, and it made no sense to him. Some of the dark ones other servants started to clean the blood from his person, and dress him in a robe. He guessed that this was the only outfit that they could put on him without freeing him. If it weren't for the shackles, and the wards he would have been able to escape long ago. All he could do now was wait, and see what happens.

    - - - Updated - - -

    As soon as Kyori left him to do what he is needing to do. Aeterna transformed into his master form and disappear into the shadows. He needed to go somewhere he could train and work through his feelings without the chance of having any interference. The garden would have been a good place, but now everyone knew where it was. He would need to find another secluded location to train. He knew of a couple of locations, but he was going to the Lush island in the Southern Isles.

    When he arrived there he looked around at the abundance of life from the trees to the animals. He felt at home here, and figured it would be the best place to train. He closed his eyes and continued to utilize his master form. It was difficult to keep it going but he continued to push his body as he pulled his sword. Moving fluently as he practised his sword skills. Then his mind returned to the conversation he and Kyori had and he lost his concentration reverting back to his human form. As tears fell down his face. “Why am I like this!”Aeterna screamed as he fell to his knees.

    He had the love of a wonderful man that would do anything for him, and he loved him back. So why in the world would he harbor these feelings of inadequacy? Why would he let them get in his way? Why couldn't he make himself understand that they were both warriors, and there as a chance of getting hurt? Why could he not come to terms with the fact that Kyori had to kill him?

    There were so many things that he hated about himself right now that he couldn't come to terms with himself, and the events that have lead to this situation. Tears still fell down his face as he stood back up and looked into the forest. He would never find his answers if he didn't come to terms with the fact that Kyori doesn't need him to protect him. He knew that Kyori had to kill him or he would have lost his life to him.

    He took a deep breath as he closed his eyes, and calmed himself. He knew Kyori was more powerful than him and didn't need his help. He didn't need his protection, but that didn't mean that he wouldn't let him protect him. They were lovers, and that would never change. No matter what, but he still needed to come to terms with his own inadequacies.

    His life has been never ending, and from the moment he fell in love he knew that he would never be the same. However, he also had the securing of having Aide with him. Now he was himself, and nothing more. He felt alone for the first time, and it scared him, but he was not alone. Kyori was here with him, and he would be with him always. Aeterna needed to overcome his problems if he was to ever free himself from the shackles of insecurity. He started to look within himself to find the answers. Blocking out the rest of the world he just sat there concentrating on his internal conflict.

    “Well well well, what do we have here,” a familiar voice filled the area around Aeterna, “a little lost phoenix so far from home. Come now why the long face?” the voice mocked.

    Aeterna was finally starting to calm down, but then a voice echoed through the forest and his blood ran cold. He couldn't believe that his worst fear had come to this island. He slowly opened his eyes and looked around to see where Samael was standing. When he found him he sat up in an instant and just stared at him. His body was shaking slightly as he took a couple of steps back. “Why are you here?” Aeterna asked in a shaky voice.

    “Why am I here?” Samael said as he stepped through the bushes with a grin on his face. “Well it’s quite simple, I’m here for you,” he said with a wink. Now standing in front of Aeterna he took a few more steps towards Aeterna all the while with a wicked grin on his face. “Tell me Aeterna, are you tired of being in his shadow? You know you’ll never be adequate, so I’ve come to relieve you of that sorrow.”

    Aeterna was taken back by Samael's words. Why would he be here for him? He already had the chance to kill him, but yet here he was standing before him. Would he try to kill him this time? Or was he here for a different reason? Samael was right in front of him. He was not making any aggressive movements, but his smile was telling Aeterna that something was wrong. When he took two more steps toward him Aeterna took two steps back. Then the words that came from his mouth hit the Shadow Phoenix hard. Was he really only existing in Kyori’s shadow? Was he nothing more than a useless being that couldn't do anything more than look at the back of the one he loved?

    Aeterna shook his head. Kyori has told him time after time that he loved him for who he was, and that he didn’t have to change. He was a special person and that he was strong. Though did Kyori really believe the words he spoke to Aeterna, or were they just empty words to keep him close?

    “My sorrow is my burden to bare. I don’t need you to relieve it from me. Now go” Aeterna said as he closed his eyes. He didn’t want to be a burden on anyone, but yet he didn’t want to sacrifice his life to this man. No matter if he could relieve him of his problems.

    “You don’t sound convincing to me Aeterna,” Samael spoke as he took a few more steps towards Aeterna. “I can help you remove all that doubt that is plaguing your mind. It will be easy and swift. Aren’t you tired of being inadequate? I have a proposition for you. Come with me and I shall give you what you need to surpass others around you, all I ask is something small in return.”

    Aeterna was trying his best to not allow Samael’s words get to him. He was trying to convince himself that he could conquer his demons on his own, but the Dark ones offer was so tempting. He knew this would hurt Kyori more than anything else in the world. But peace just sounded so good to him right now. He didn’t move when Samael came closer to him. Aeterna closed his eyes and thought. He didn’t want more power, in the sense that he would be stronger than Kyori. He just wanted to feel like he was worthy of the affection that Kyori felt for him. Though at the same time this one decision would cause him to lose the one he loved all for power.

    “I...I…” Aetern began to speak, but he was having a fight within himself. Should he go with the Dark one, or try and find a better path? He was fighting with himself. In more than one way. “Why would you want to help me? All you want to do is destroy the world. There is no reason to trust…” Aeterna stopped there not knowing what else to say. He just hoped Samael would leave him alone. So he wouldn’t do anything stupid.

    “Do you honestly think Kyori will ever see you as an equal? He pities you, he knows you’ll never be on par with him or the others and might I say it is quite horrible how he keeps dragging you along telling you lies to make you feel better about yourself. You’ve trained, you have regained strength and yet look at you,” Samael spoke stepping closer, closing the gap between them. “All you have to do is surrender to me and I shall give you what it is you need to overcome your doubt. Kyori will never truly love someone who cannot love himself. I will help you because you are no threat to me either way.” Samael smirked. Aeterna would be his ticket to Kyori. He extended his hand towards Aeterna and looked at him. “The choice is yours.”

    Aeterna was on the brink of tears with Samael’s words. Kyori pitied him? Was he that much of a hinderance that his love would never see him as an equal? Does Kyori only tell him what he wants to hear to keep him by his side? Was he manipulating him from the start? So many different questions were now causing him anguish. Tears started to fall down his face as he opened his eyes to look at the Dark one. Samael had to be wrong. There would be no way that the man he loved would do such a thing. He had trained as much as the others, but he didn’t have the strength to match up to any of them. Even the servants of Auro were stronger than he was. Aeterna was nothing compared to his companions.

    Aeterna didn’t pay any attention to Samael as he closed the gap between them. He didn’t move nor did he even care. If what he had told him was true then his life was not worth anything. The last remark was like a being punched in the gut. He was helping him out of pity as well. Did everyone pity the likes of him? Samael was right. Kyori could never truly love someone like him. They were polar opposites, and no matter how close they are with their words and how intimate they are with one another it was still a fact. Kyori could do so much better than him. He was utterly defeated. He had no will to live anymore. Reaching out his hand hesitantly. He didn’t know if he was making the right decision or not, his hand stopped three inches from Samael’s.

    Samael’s eyes narrowed on the extended hand of Aeterna. With a serpent like quickness, his hand latched around Aeterna’s and the air filled with his menacing cackle. Threads of energy began to snake up Aeterna’s body restricting his movement and causing him pain.

    “Fool,” Samael said, “You are but one of the final pieces to resurrect the dark god, and now with you in my possession Kyori will submit to my will. Your pathetic doubt has cost you dearly.”

    Samael summoned a syringe that he used to stick in the extended arm of Aeterna, drawing the beautiful blood of the shadow phoenix before both men vanished. When they reappeared, they were in Samael’s lair. Amon was still constricted and he had multiple cut on his body. Etrama really did have fun. Perhaps he would have even more fun with the shadow phoenix.

    Samael’s servants went to work binding Aeterna to the table using powerful wards. The braces that restricted his movement would prove to be defiantly strong against any attempt to break them, unless an outside source somehow damaged them, or the wards were removed. Samael grabbed Aeterna by the chin and smiled.

    “I can’t wait to see the look on Kyori’s face when he sees that you offered your hand to me freely. Can you imagine the pain, the hurt? Get some rest, you’ll need it,” Samael stated before kissing Aeterna rather bluntly, releasing his chin and leaving the room. Aeterna and Amon could see each other as they were in the same room across from each other.

    Aeterna was not paying any attention so when Samael's hand wrapped around his eyes grew and the laughter filled the air as a an energy thread wrapped itself around him and restricted his movements. The strings seemed to made out of a material that caused his skin to burn and caused him pain. His face twisted in that pain as Samael spoke. Aeterna was shocked by what Samael said and knew that he had made a horrible mistake. He didn't say a word as the dark one pulled blood from his arm, and then they disappear and now he was in the enemy hands.

    Aeterna saw that he was not the only 'guest’ that had been invited to this horrible place. He saw that Amon was lying unconscious on a table. He was chained to the table nude, and he looked like he had been raped. This only made his situation worse, but he was unable to fight back even if he wanted to. He was not even putting up a fight. He only wished that they would kill him, or that he could take his own life. His worst fear was realized. Samael was going to use him to get to Koyri, and force him to do his bidding. His tears fell more as Samael's men went to work securing him to the table.

    As Aeterna was bound to the table in the same fashion as Amon though his clothing remained on him. All he could do was watch as they used ward’s that would not allow him to be able to escape. Then Samael approached him as soon as his servants were done and grabbed a hold of his chin with a gentle yet firm grip that wouldn't let Aeterna turn his head. Then when Samael spoke all of the color from his face, as he continued to cry. He once again would caused Kyori pain, and now he would be unable to apologise for his actions. Then the dark one kissed him. Aeterna didn't expect this and he gave Samael a nasty look as he released his chin.

    “Samael you bastard. Just kill me now.” Aeterna said as Samael left the room. Knowing that if he lived he would be used to force Kyori to do whatever Samael wished. When the dark one left the room the shadow phoenix was left alone with only his thoughts as company. He knew he had betrayed not only his friends but the man he loved to his own insecurities. He wanted to die. He didn't want to be a burden on Kyori since Samael was going to use him to get to the spirit dragon. Closing his eyes he tried to free himself from the restraints that held him down.

    Amon started to regain his senses because of someone screaming that he wanted to die. The voice sounded familiar, but he was still to out of it to know who it was. As he slowly opened his eyes he looked around the room, and he saw the source of the voice. It was the Shadow Phoenix. He tried to move his body and a sharp pain radiated through his very being. He cringed as he moaned in pain. Eterna had really had his fun with him, but he doubted that it would end with just one session. He was weak, but that didn’t stop him from looking in Aeterna’s direction. He could tell that he was crying, though because of the Phoenix’s healing factor he wouldn't be able to tell if he had been injured. Oh how he wished he had that ability.

    “Wishing for death would only make the one you love cry. He has already lost you once. I don’t think he could handle losing you again. Without you he would be lost in this world.” Amon said as he struggled with his own problem. He had just been raped by a man and he was not really in the mood for this, but it seemed Aeterna was in worse shape than he was at the moment. “Even if we are left to our fates we must accept that truth. Our loved ones will be the ones hurt if we don’t try our best to survive.”

    Aeterna opened his eyes when Amon began to speak. He looked over at the poor man that looks as if he had been beaten. Though he did wonder why he was naked? Aeterna could only look at Amon with a look of melancholy. How would he understand what he was going through? He has hurt Kyori more than once, and he hurt him once more. “How can one not wish for death when one hurts the one he loves. Over and over again. I am nothing more that a burden to him,”Aeterna said as he looked at the nephlim that was bound along with him.

    Amon weakly chuckled as he smiled at the phoenix. He knew all too well the feeling of being a burden to another. He has felt it since he had met the group of Mystics. He has felt like he was a burden to them, but Ocella didn’t care about that. She loved him with all of his problems. That is what has helped him through his insecurities. “Aeterna. It doesn't matter if you believe yourself to be a burden to the one you love. As long as you try your hardest you will not have to worry about hurting them. They will love you no matter your flaws. That is what it means to love another. You should…” Amon was cut short by a portal opening inside of the room, and Etrama entering the chamber.

    “Well, well looks like my master was successful in capturing you Aeterna. It also looks like you have regained Consciousness young nephilim. Well it seems I will get to play with you again, but first I must report to my master. Then I will see what I will be doing next.” Etrama said as he reached up and touched Amons chest gently. “So go ahead and talk. I will be right back.” Eterna said as he walked out of the room.

    Amon shook when Eterna touched him with a disgusted look on his face. Aeterna saw the reaction and it hit him why he was not wearing any clothing. It seemed that Amon had been toyed with by Eterna. All he could do was look at him with a worried look on his face. Was he trying to comfort him even though he had been violated? “Amon what…” Aeterna began to say but Amon cut him off. “I don’t want to speak on it. Just remember what I said.” Amon said as he closed his eyes.

    Eterna walked into his master's study, and walked over to his desk. Placing down the second half of the black stone in front of Samael. “I have finished my little errand, and had a little fun while I was at it. I also see that you were able to capture the Phoenix with little struggle.” Etrama said as he leaned over the desk looking his love in the eyes. “So what is your next move my Love?”

    Samael smiled when Etrama entered into his study. He stood up after the black stone was placed on his desk and moved around to Etrama embracing him, inhaling his scent and nibbling playfully on his ear.

    “There’s one more piece of the puzzle,” he began his hand moved up and down Etrama’s body, a single finger ripping open Etrama’s shirt as Samael seemed to eye him hungrily. “I need the blood of a dragon and I am stuck. If I go after the spirit dragon I could lose my leverage and I very well may be unsuccessful. If I go after the sound dragon I could capture him, but he is slightly stronger willed than the nephilim and phoenix, not to mention you’ve angered his boy toy,” Samael stated placing a trail of kisses along Etrama’s jawline. “No doubt he’s warned him by now. I have a plan though, one that will involve Darkholm’s spot being replaced. For now go and have fun with the phoenix and the nephilim,” Samael finished leaving hickies along Etrama’s neck.

    He turned and moved towards the bookcase grabbing a book from the shelf and slamming it onto his desk. “I will call upon you when I need you my love, but do enjoy the new gift I brought for you.”

    Etrama moaned as Samael nibbled on his ear, and moved his hands up and down his body. His body shivered with each brush of his hands on his body. He has been yearning for his touch for a while. Samael ripped open his shirt he wanted Samael to touch him more. He listened to his love speak, and knew good and well he had a conundrum on his hands. Either dragon would work for his master plan, but which to go after. As soon as Samael started to kiss him he raised his hands and placed them on his lovers hips. Etrama moaned once more when Samael sucked on his neck. He so wanted to throw his love down and have sex with him, but his master told him to go and have fun with the two prisoners. His master seemed to have a plan on how to acquire what he wants.

    Etrama released his master and love and smiled at him. He knew that he was busy. He didn’t mind since he loved him, and he allows him to enjoy himself in more than one way. “I will go and enjoy my new toy, and I will await your call.” Etrama said as he walked over to him and kissed him deeply. As soon as he finished he left the room with a smile on his face. He was going to enjoy himself with Aeterna.

    Aeterna thought on what Amon said as he heard the door open and Etrama returned to the room. His smile was large and he had a lustful look in his eyes as he moved over in between Amon and Aeterna. He eyed them both as he knew he was going to play with one of them. He wanted to see how Aeterna tasted, but he wanted to play more with Amon as well. Choices, choices. A sly smile formed on his face as he wanted to see if he could force Aeterna into consensual sex. By forcing himself on Amon. Maybe the phoenix would give himself up to save the man beside him. Turning to face Amon he placed a hand on his abdomen in a sensual manner. He slowly moved his hand lower as Amon closed his eyes and his body shook with disgust, and horror.

    Aeterna watched as Etrama began to touch Amon one more time as the nephilim shook from his touch. Aeterna struggled against his restraints as he tried to free himself to help Amon. He didn’t want to see the man suffer more at the hands of this mad man. “Amon!” Aeterna said trying to get the wraiths attention. Aeterna had been trying to come to terms with what he had done, but he still had his problems, but he wouldn’t add watching Amon get raped right in front of him. “Leave him alone!”

    Etrama smiled as he heard Aeterna’s voice. He stopped him movement and turned to face the phoenix. He Looked at him with ravenous eyes as he moved over to where the Phoenix was shackled. “Are you wanting to take his place?” He questioned as he placed his hand on Aeterna’s shoulder and slowly moved his hand to his intended victim's chest then down to his abdomen. Feeling the man's body shudder under his touch.

    Aeterna was not wanting to really answer the madman's question, but he knew what the alternative was and that was worse than what he was going to face. “I don't want to watch you torture Amon any more than you already have. So yes I am willing to take his place.” Aeterna said as he only could guess what was going to become of him. Though he was not aware this is what the wraith wanted from the beginning. He closed his eyes for a moment to prepare himself for what was more than likely to come his way.

    Etrama looked at Aeterna and nodded his head. “Then you consent to allow me to do as I please. No fighting back, but you are allowed to scream as much as you want.” Eterna said as he moved to the side of the table flipping a switch to move the bed into an upright position. He was going to remove the Phoenix's clothing, but he needed to make sure that the ward’s stayed in place.

    Amon’s eyes opened when the touching stopped and he looks and listened to everything that happened. He was shocked that Aeterna would sacrifice himself to save him, but he wouldn't allow it. “Aeterna you don't have to do this for me. I have already been…” but before Amon could finish his sentence Aeterna spoke up. “I will not sit by and watch you have to go through this in your current state. Besides you are right. No matter what happens we will always be there for one another.” Aeterna said as the bed moved. “Close your eyes. You don't have to watch.” Aeterna commented as he was sure this was going to be more than he could handle. His powers were being blocked, and that meant his healing factor was not going to work. He only hoped he would not die in the process. There was so many things he needed to tell Kyori. Like how sorry he was for what he had done and put him through because of his self doubt.

    The sentiment that his two victims shared sickened Etrama, but he would allow them this moment. He walked over to a table in the room and picked put a tray of utensils, as well as a knife to help him play with the Phoenix. Imagining the pain he was going to inflict before satisfying himself sent a tingling sensation down his spine. When he returned they had finished their little conversation and Eterna smiled wickedly at Aeterna. It has been a while since he has been able to torture someone on a physical level. Auro disagreed with his methods of pleasure and play.

    Taking the knife he walked in front of Aeterna he proceeded to cut away his shirt. Revealing his muscular body underneath. He lightly traced the tip of the blade over his chest down his abdomen to the hem of his pants. Watching as Aeterna's muscles contracted to the touch of the blade as if they were trying to escape it touch. Then he began cutting away the phoenix's pants. Once Etrama was done Aetrena was completely revealed. The wraith could see a slight shake in the young man's body as if he was scared of what was going to happen. This only made Eterna smile more as he placed the knife on the table and he looked over the different utensils that he had at his disposal. While Etrama was looking at what he had to use on him Aeterna decided that as long as he kept his attention on him and off of Amon he would play along, but only to a point.

    Picking up a small shape knife he returned his attention​ to his target. “Well shall we get started?” He asked but didn't wait for a response before taking the knife and cutting into Aeterna’s tender flesh. The blade cut into the soft tissue if the Phoenix's abdomen. The blade slowly cut his flesh, and Aeterna bit his lip as the blade cut into his skin. He was not going to give Eterna the pleasure on hearing his scream right off the bat. Etrama was not happy to have the Phoenix holding back his scream, but there was plenty of time for him to break. The laceration bleed and the wrath bent down and licked a line of blood from his abdomen, and then moved his tongue up to his chest.

    He pulled himself away from the shadow phoenix with a smile on his face. His new little toy tasted as good as the Nephilim. Touching Aeterna's chest with his hand he decided to cause the Phoenix even worse pain. Taking the knife he ran the blade over the skin of his chest slightly just barely enough to cut the skin. He then moved the blade around in the same manner all around his play toys chest. Blood seeped from the cuts as Aeterna continued to try and hold in his scream.

    Eterna move to the side to bring the table back down vertically. He removed his torn shirt and threw it to the ground, and then removed his pants and undergarments. Letting them fall to the floor placing the knife down he then picked up a different kind of knife. The blade was covered in a odd energy. As Soon as he grabbed the blade he climbed on top of Aeterna and straddled his hips. The knife was in his hand but he took his free hand and placed it on Aeterna’s chest and rubbed the blood that was seeping from his wounds around. He then leaned against the man's bloodied chest and looked him in the eyes. Without warning he kissed Aeterna and didn't get a fight out of him. In fact the Phoenix returned the kiss. Not with passion, but he kissed back nonetheless. Etrama was caught a little off guard, but he knew the Phoenix wanted to keep his attention on him.

    While they were kissing Etrama stabbed the knife into Aeterna's side. This time there was no way to stop from screaming. The muffled cry was music to Etrama's ears. He then twisted the knife the was embedded in the Phoenix's side as he continued the kiss and listen to the scream. The knife in Aeterna’s side felt like it was poisoned. The energy from the knife surged through his body, and it hurt like hell. It felt like his insides were on fire. Every part of his body hurt, and he was unable to control the pain that he was feeling. His body cunvulsed in pain and Aeterna was no longer able to think as Etrama continued the kiss. Once Etrama finished the kiss he looked down at Aeterna with a smile as he looked at his face distorted in pain. He knew the poison wouldn't last too long, but he would enjoy himself nonetheless.

    He got off of Aeterna and removed his last piece of clothing that was covering him, and because of the jerking he did cut the Phoenix a couple of times. Though not deep enough to really be a problem. He then got back on top of him, and as soon as he got everything ready he began working Aeterna over.

    Once he was finished he looked at the Phoenix who had passed out halfway through his playing with him that he finished without having a fight. Though Aeterna looked ten times worse that Amon did when he was finished, but he did hurry through his treatment of the Nephilim. Though he would be able to play with him some more now. He wanted to see the angels face when she realized what all he had done to her husband. Though he wanted to know the relationship between Ryan and Amon. He figured this would be a good of time as any to force Amon to tell him what that relationship was. Moving off of Aeterna he moved over to Amon to torture him till he told him what he wanted to know. Pulling a knife from his collection of tools he proceeded to slowly force Amon to talk.

    Samael walked into the torture room as Etrama was getting ready to attempt to force Amon to tell him something. Samael was quite shocked by what he saw. Etrama had a lot to get off his chest it seemed, but they still needed to be alive for the exchange to work.

    “Etrama, I said have fun with them not maim them,” Samael said as he walked over to Aeterna, looking over the phoenix as he managed to heal the heavy wounds, but leaving the minor ones. He did the same to Amon before turning and glaring at Etrama. “This is unacceptable,” he stated, “they are no good to be unconscious or dead, now go and find something to do, I have a meeting with Death.”

    Samael sighed as he placed a firm hand on Etrama’s shoulder to let him know that he was simply on edge as this summoning could go quite wrong and he wanted to make sure everything was right. “Guards, ensure that the two subjects are clean and dressed properly. Thank you.”

    As Etrama was about to begin asking Amon about his relationship Samael had entered the room and yelled at him for going too far. This shocked Etrama as he lowered his head and backed away. He really wasn't thinking of the exchange just releasing his pent up feelings. He hated being stagnant for so long, and the time he had spent with Auro had made him feel stir crazy. Though the time with Samael helped he still didn't get to satisfy his need to see people suffer.

    Keeping his head down as Auro healed both the Phoenix, and the Nephilim he just waited till he was dismissed. He never thought Samael would yell at him for this, but he guessed he went a little too far. As soon as his master was done healing the two he yelled at him once more, and told him to find something to do. He was going to be summoning Death. Eterna didn’t like the feeling of his love yelling at him. “As you wish Master Samael.” He said as he bowed and turned around. He was about to leave when he felt a strong hand grab his shoulder.

    The action made him feel a little better since his Master was more than likely worried about the summoning he was about to perform. Etrama didn’t hold this against Samael. He knew he went a little too far with the Phoenix, but at least he felt relieved. All of his tension was gone. That was the only bonus of this whole situation. “I hope your summoning has no hiccups. If you need me I will be in my room.” Etrama said as he left the room without turning around and without saying another word. He was still hurt from what just happened.

    Amon watched as his insane captor was about to ask him a question, and looked like he wanted an answer, but before anything could happen Samael entered the room. What surprised him was that the dark one was yelling at his lover about the damage he had inflicted on both him and Aeterna. Granted it did his heart good to see the mad mad get what he deserved, but in the end they were still pawns in Samael’s little game. If they could just find a way to escape.

    When Samael healed Aeterna and then moved to him. When he placed his hand on him he could feel the dark energy healing him, but in the end he didn’t heal him completely. That was to be expected. Amon tried struggling against his bonds but he was still too weak to break them. The infernal heat was sapping all of his strength. Then some of Samael’s servants began to clean him, and dress him in a robe. Making him presentable for some reason.

    Aeterna had passed out from the pain just as he was being raped. Luckily for him he was not conscious for whatever Etrama did to him. However, he could feel an energy entering his body forcing him to wake up. As he opened his eyes he looked into the face of Samael. His eyes were wide as he looked into his eyes. Why was he healing him? Was the only thought that crossed his mind as he didn’t heal all of the wounds, but enough of them to make it where he could move again. He then moved onto Amon and did the same thing. Aeterna didn’t know what to do or what was going on until Samael yelled a bit at Etrama. He mentioned that he was going to be speaking to death, and it made no sense to him. Some of the dark ones other servants started to clean the blood from his person, and dress him in a robe. He guessed that this was the only outfit that they could put on him without freeing him. If it weren't for the shackles, and the wards he would have been able to escape long ago. All he could do now was wait, and see what happens.

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    Samael stood in the middle of summoning chamber, his head low as he looked around. He knew he’d be coming at any minute now. He knew that the power of his stone would bring Kyori to him, and from what he’d heard the young man was now death incarnate. This would prove most useful considering he needed a second general now that Darkholm was gone. When the soul portal ripped open before him, and the Reaper emerged dragging Ocella along with one hand.

    “Dark One,” the Reaper spoke as he hovered over to Samael with his prize in tow.

    “What is this?” Samael asked a look of surprise on his face. “Have you brought me a present?”

    The Reaper simply nodded.

    “And my stone?” Samael asked as the Reaper reached into his torn coat and revealed the stone to Samael who smiled. “Excellent, you have proven yourself useful to me, but what say you drop this mask and show me your true form.”

    The Reaper’s hood fluttered like the rest of his clothing as his clutch never faltered on Ocella’s collar. He did not speak but tilted his head as his jade green eyes lit up the mask, but the darkness shrouded his face.

    “What you see is my true form fallen one,” the Reaper stated causing Samael to scowl.

    “I know the spirit dragon is in there.”

    “The spirit dragon has succumbed to my will, he comes freely,” the Reaper replied.

    “I must admit I find it hard to believe, but you brought me my stone and my unruly great niece as a gift to show your allegiance?”

    “My allegiance is to the god of destruction. The mere fact that you are summoning him is why I am here, this child just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.”

    Samael glared, but did not wish to argue with Death. Instead he would take the gift and the assistance.

    “Very well then, guards, take the angel to the holding cell with the others, Death come with me, and keep that stone handy, we have much to discuss.”

    The Reaper watched as two armed men approached grabbing Ocella from the grasp of Death. When she was in their charge, Death turned and looked at Samael.

    “What is it you wish to speak to me about?”

    “Come, let us go somewhere more private.”

    Aeterna hung from his restraints like a rag doll. He may have been healed, but he was still unable to access his power nor could he move. He felt powerless and ashamed that he didn't put up a fight when Samael came and convinced him to come with him. There was nothing he could do now except wait for death to claim him. He had almost wished that Etrama put him out of his misery. At least he was still in good shape. Even with the healing from Samael Amon was still looking like death. He then heard the door to the room open and two guards came into the room dragging someone between them.

    When Aeterna realized who it was he struggles renewed. Ocella had fallen victim next, and she was unconscious as the two guards strung her up much like he was. “Ocella?!” Was all he said as he looked at his friend. She looked unharmed. That was a.relief, but then who brought her here? If it was Etrama she would show some signs of damage, and the same would go for Samael. He just hoped that she was okay. But he would have to wait for her to regain consciousness.

    Amon had not been feeling well since he arrived, and he knew why. the heat from the room was more than he could handle. He never liked to be hot, and this was more than he could bare. So as soon as the servants finished dressing him he fell asleep. In hopes that would make him feel better. As he slept he didn't hear much, not the people walking in. However, what woke him up was when he heard Ocella's name being called. He opened his eyes in terror to see his love being shackled to a table like he was. She was unconscious and uninjured at least that gave him some relief. “Ocella. Are you okay.” He said weakly as he looked to his love. Even though he didn't believe he was worthy of her love after Etrama had his way with him. He at least wanted to make sure she was okay. Even if her safety was not guaranteed when Etrama finds out she is here.

    Ocella groaned when she felt her skin against the cold metal table. She felt something against her wrists and ankles and her eyes opened slowly as she realized what was happening. She felt sick, she hadn’t been expecting Death to snatch part of her soul and to knock her unconscious in that manner. She felt queasy and a light sweat was forming on her forehead. As she opened her eyes she was beginning to feel how hot and uncomfortable the room was, but what she heard next made her spring back to life.

    “Kyori?!” she shouted, sounding as if she were looking for her ‘friend’. “Kyori how could you?!” she screamed in anger, struggling against her restraints. “Kyori help!” she begged, her voice pleading. “Don’t listen to him!” she shouted, hoping with all hopes that he would hear her screams, and that the guards were buying into her act. She looked over where she had heard his voice and a soft smile fell on her face as her eyes fell upon her husband.

    Amon was there, he was dressed once more and he was alive. He looked like hell but if their plan worked he would make it. “Amon,” she said, her voice soft for fear of getting caught. “Amon I’m so sorry for what they’ve done to you,” she said, looking at him sadly. “I still love you… I swear, I’m going to get us out of-” her eyes caught sight of Aeterna and they widened at once, the man looked like hell and she frowned.

    “Aeterna? What happened?” she asked, looking at him with worry. She sighed, trying to think of a way out of this mess. ‘Kyori, I’ve found them. Amon and Aeterna,’ she thought, closing her eyes and sending him a picture of the room. ‘They’re in bad shape,’ she said to him, taking in a deep breath. She knew that it wouldn’t be long before Etrama discovered her arrival and while the thought frightened her, she held a brave face for the others.

    “Kyori… Kyori betrayed us. He is Death Reincarnate and he wants to help Samael resurrect the God of Destruction. I tried to stop Death from corrupting him, but… even I couldn’t stop Death,” she said, looking at Aeterna and shaking her head softly as if to tell him her words were not true. ‘No matter what I say of Kyori, do not believe it,’ she ordered the two of them through the link they all shared. She gave them a hard glare and said no more. She couldn’t risk exposing Kyori.

    Samael walked and Death followed behind.

    “So what made you finally turn on your friends?” Samael asked with a smirk, not truly convinced that the Reaper had sided fully with him.

    “Death has no loyalty, only to the one to which all death springs from,” the Reaper replied causing Samael to look into the dark opening of the hood.

    “In other words you are free?”

    “I am what I am meant to be, surely you can relate to that Samael,” the Reaper spoke causing Samael to look at him with a shocked look on his face. As they walked, Samael could hear the screams of Ocella, asking why Kyori had betrayed them, why he had done what he did. Her screams were music to his ears, and in that moment he let his guard down and smiled at the Reaper.

    “Well it seems I have work to do. Now that you’re Death, I will have to find another dragon’s blood.”

    “The one known as Joshua will be an easy target if you capture Ryan. To do this you will need to give them false hope, and then strike,” the Reaper spoke causing Samael’s eyes to widen.

    “You willingly give up your friend?”

    “Did you not understand my position? Did you think I simply came to make you smile? I told you, your resurrecting of my master is my reason for being here.”

    Samael seemed to be confused, but he could hear Ocella screaming and it annoyed him.

    “Please allow me to silence her.”

    Samael stood there for a moment and smirked. “Very well, I know of your power, have fun while I work on capturing the one known as Joshua. Will you assist me in that?”

    “As you wish,” Death spoke moving through the halls leaving an eerie atmosphere behind him. Samael strutted off in the opposite direction. The Reaper followed Ocella’s voice until he came to the door that led into the torture chamber. He entered in and hovered over to Ocella. “Silence your lips girl,” he spoke his eyes no longer jade green but an odd amber color. He moved slowly over to Amon. “The abomination, tell me child do you wish to die?” The air around them would feel thick as if they couldn’t breathe.

    Amon was relieved when Ocella regained consciousness. Then she started to scream that Kyori had betrayed them. He couldn’t believe her words, but she has never lie at all. Then she looked at him and he could tell she was relieved to see him, but he instantly looked to the ground. He couldn’t look her in the eyes, and when she told him that she knew of what happened to him it only made things worse. He had been violated by the wraith, and he would never be able to forget, or undo what had been done. She still loved him, but would he ever be able to forgive himself for what happened. “Don’t worry about me. You need to get out of here before Etrama finds out you are here.” Amon said as he closed his eyes, as he heard her message in his mind about Kyori.

    Aeterna was not too happy to hear that Kyori was the one that brought her here. Had Kyori been forced to do Samael’s bidding because of him? But that idea was thrown to the mist when she said that his love was now Death incarnate. What in the world did she mean by that. He was confused even more by Ocella’s message to him. Was Kyori really playing around, or was he actually betraying them? He didn’t know. All he knew at the moment was that Kyori was here, and he felt like it was his fault. “Why did Kyori become Death?” Aeterna asked Ocella as he didn’t know what had happened when his love and him parted ways.

    Then out of nowhere someone that reeked of death entered the room, and he spoke to Ocella telling her to be quiet. As the atmosphere in the room grew thick. This caused Amon to have a hard time breathing because of his weakened state. Then as the black figure turned his attention from Ocella to him he could feel his breathing getting shallower as he approached. Then the Dark creature asked him if he wanted to die? That was a good question. In his current state he was in no condition to help anyone, and if he lived Ocella would be put in danger. Especially once Etrama found out she was here. That bastard would use him to make her suffer. Amon didn’t say a word but looked into Death’s eyes. If he was truly Death he should be able to see the truth. If Amon were to die here he would be one less burden to his loved ones.

    Ocella heard the chamber doors opening and it felt as if the air had changed, as if it were impossible to breathe. She turned her attention instantly and smiled when she saw Death, Kyori had come and she knew that he was there to rescue them. Death hovered over to her and her eyes widened when she saw the color of his eyes, they were no longer those of Kyori’s but those of Death’s. He told her to silence her lips and moved away from her to Amon.

    Her face was that of shock and her heart rate began to increase as Death spoke to Amon. “No!” she screamed, struggling against her restraint. “Kyori, Kyori I know that you’re in there,” she begged, knowing that her time to reach through to him was limited.

    “Kyori you’re my best friend. Please Kyori, come back to me,” she pleaded, never taking her eyes off Death. She looked to Amon and her eyes narrowed at Death. ‘Kyori, release me NOW!’ she shouted to her friend telepathically, shivering at the connection she felt to Death. “Don’t take my husband, please. It’s not his time yet!” she begged, tears falling down her face. “Kyori!” she screamed desperately. “KYORI!”

    The Reaper looked into Amon’s eyes as they locked with his own and he saw what he wanted.

    “You wish to die because you feel you are a burden. Is that right?,” Death began as he turned and faced Aeterna. “It seems you both share that similarity. I have claimed many lives but a Phoenix has eluded me until now.”

    The Reaper hovered away from Amon and approached Aeterna. Without hesitation Death’s finger was touching Aeterna’s forehead and he would feel immense pain as his soul was slowly sapped from his body. It was at that moment that Ocella started pleading and shouting and Death’s finger retracted as he turned back to Amon.

    “You mean this lowly creature? You wish to save him?” Again Death’s finger shot out and this time it touched Amon directly on the heart digging into his flesh as his soul was slowly sapped away. The pain Amon would feel would be nothing like he’s ever felt. As he was close to doing what it was Amon wished for, his hand retracted and he clutched his head with his boney hand. “NOT NOW!” he exclaimed as his eyes shifted from amber to jade green. Kyori lifted his head, still in Reaper form and realized what had happened. He didn’t have time to wallow, and quickly went to work. With a swift movement of his scythe, he cleaved through the restraints that held Ocella in place. He did the same to Amon’s restraints and Aeterna’s.

    “Are you alright Ocella?” Kyori asked holding the scythe to his side.

    Amon closed his eyes at Death’s words. It was true he didn’t want to be a burden, and he would rather die than be one, but he did still want to live with Ocella. He just couldn’t see a way out of
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    this mess alive. When the reaper spoke it was like hearing the voice of the dead screaming. Amon opened his eyes to see that Death had turned his attention to Aeterna. He wanted to kill him.

    Aeterna looked at death with wide eyes as he spoke of taking his life since when a phoenix dies it is impossible to take their soul. Aeterna looked into the Amber eyes of the man who was supposed to be Kyori, and there was nothing in his gaze that reminded him of his love. Then without warning a bony finger pressed against his forehead, and the pain that followed was excruciating. The scream that left his lips was high pitched, and was a mixture of a human scream, and a phoenix scream. Aeterna could do nothing as he felt his very soul being drawn out of his body. It felt like his world was spinning around him, as the pain was coursing through every cell of his body. His body shook, and when the pain suddenly stopped he fell forward breathing hard. He was trying to keep himself from passing out.

    Amon could hear Ocella’s words, she loved him with all her heart. He did as well, but wished he would have been able to protect her better. He could hear Aeterna’s screams, and it tore at his heart, but when the screaming stopped was when he felt the boney finger touch the skin right above his heart, and it began to dig into his tender flesh. He may not have had a lot of strength, but he did react to his soul being ripped from his body. He couldn’t hear anything that transpired. The pain he was feeling was the worst he had ever felt. It was like having his skin slowly carved of his body. As his soul slowly left his body the pain only increased, and he screamed at the top of his lungs, his body writhed from the pain. Then the pain slowly started to subside, and his body started to settle down. His vision was turning dark, and he was about to pass out from what was happening to him. Then suddenly all of the pain stopped, and he fell into the darkness that was surrounding him.

    Aeterna fell to the ground as he now could feel the presence of Kyori from the dark figure. He looked up at his love with a saddened look in his eyes. “I am so sorry.” was all he could say as he asked if they were alright.

    Ocella watched what was happening to them, tears coming out of her eyes. “Kyori,” she begged, knowing that there was nothing she could do in her current position to stop Death from taking her husband. She took in a deep breath and stared coldly at Death, preparing herself for what was to come. Suddenly, before she had a chance to make her proposal, Death seemed to be struggling. Kyori had returned and Ocella looked at him with teary eyes, a happy smile on her face as he freed her from the restraints. “Kyori,” she whispered, sobbing as she held him. She pulled herself together and nodded when he asked if she was okay.

    She took in a deep breath and looked to Amon, knowing that he was in bad shape… but she also knew that they were still in enemy territory. “Please!” she shouted, looking at the doors. “Don’t hurt him, not my husband!” she begged, making her way slowly over to Amon as quietly as she could.

    ‘I’ve got to heal them, but my light will alert Samael,’ she thought to Kyori, unsure what to do. She couldn’t leave him alone. ‘Let us leave, together,’ she begged, looking at him pleadingly.

    Kyori was thankful that they were all still alive. Gambling with Death wasn't something he enjoyed but if it got the job done he was grateful. Ocella Cells was in tears and for good reason. Death had nearly snatched her husband right before her eyes. Aeterna as well, but as Ocella made her way to Amon, Kyori made his way to Aeterna. He reached down and lifted Aeterna up to stabilize him.

    “How do you get in these situations?” He asked as he pressed his cold hand against Aeterna heart returning the portion of his soul that Death had snatched. He did the same for Amon when Ocella began to speak.

    “I cannot go with you. If I go he will come after you. As long as I am here you have a chance to stage the final attack. Remember what I said, strike hard and true.”

    Kyori was speaking of himself as well as Samael. He returned to his upright floating position and sighed.

    “You're going to have to strike me and knock me unconscious so that it looks as if you escaped.”

    He floated back over to Aeterna.

    “Be safe.”

    Aeterna was barely keeping himself from passing out. Then Kyori came up to him, and helped him up onto his feet. He then felt the cold hand of Death on his chest, as Kyori was returning his soul to him. Though he couldn't look his love in the eyes at the moment. He had betrayed him by allowing Samael to play on his already unstable emotions. Once he was finished returning his soul to him Kyori moved over to Amon and did the same for him. Listening to Kyori and Ocella take he was confused as to why Kyori would stay behind, and why would he tell them to strike hard and true? Though before he could ask Kyori was beside him once more telling him to be safe. It was now or never he had to tell Kyori the truth.

    Looking up into his loved green eyes he could tell it was taking all he had to keep Death from taking over again. He took a deep breath and calmed himself. He was not going to show weakness this time. He was going to live up to the mistake he had made. “Kyori. I want to tell you that I am sorry. I was so full of doubt that I allowed Samael to wiggle his way into my mind. I...I...I…” Arterna said as he looked down to the floor. Biting his lower lip he he readied himself for what he was about to say. “I reached my hand out to him, and allowed him to take me. I am so sorry.”Aeterna said as he continued to look down at the ground. Too ashamed to look Kyori in the eyes.

    Amon was still in bad shape even after his soul was returned he didn’t regain consciousness. He lied there in his love's arms not moving but he was breathing. With everything that has happened to him in the short amount of time his body was saying no to him. He was in no condition to wake up. Let alone move in any way. At least he was alive for the moment.

    Ocella sighed as Kyori told them to leave. “And you say I’m the stubborn one. I’ll leave the stone with you so that you have a bargaining chip and retrieve the blade from Master Dorian,” she told him, looking at him with worry. She held Amon in her arms, wanting desperately to heal him but knowing that she had to wait.

    She allowed Kyori time with Aeterna and her eyes widened in surprise as they spoke. She released Amon for a moment, laying him gently on the ground as she made her way to Kyori and wrapped her arms around him. “You be safe. Give me your Scythe to leave a mark with, that way it looks as if I snatched it from you and used it to free us. Tell Samael that you released me so that I could watch you torture my husband,” she said, looking at him with worry.

    She released Kyori and looked at Aeterna, offering her hand to the male. “Whenever you are ready,” she said, her voice still a whisper.

    Kyori listened to Aeterna as he spoke telling him what he had done, how he had willingly come to Samael. It hurt to know that even after their talk he still slowed doubt to cloud his mind and it hurt to feel as if you weren't enough and that is how Kyori felt that he wasn't enough that his love wasn't enough to help Aeterna. After the Phoenix finished speaking Kyori closed his eyes and turned away from him without another word.

    He moved to Ocella who asked him for his scythe to which he shook his head.

    “If you touch it it will snatch your soul,” Kyori said as he moved to the wall. “Burn the ends of the restraints with intense light and get ready to release a burst of energy. When you do so I will be blasted back striking the wall and it will give you time to escape before the guards come. Love you sis,” he said taking one final look at Ocella and Aeterna. “NOW!”

    Aeterna knew he hurt Kyori once more, and if he knew he could have kept it a secret he would have, but he knew Death would have seen his transgression and thus Kyori would as well. He didn’t even want to bring up what Etrama did to him. He would make it up to Kyori no matter what. He loved him and his love in return was enough. He has just been through so much that he didn’t know which way was up. However, his doubt was gone, and he would never lose his path again. Kyori left his side without a word, and walked over to Ocella. Looking up Aeterna just stared at Kyori’s back. ‘I love you’ He said to Kyori via his connection to him. At least he still wore his stone around his neck. For that he was thankful.

    The way Kyori was fighting Death he now knew the meaning behind his words. If Death took him over completely he would be the one to take him back. He wouldn’t allow such a being to destroy Kyori. Not now and not ever. Even if it meant him dieing in the process. He wouldn’t allow that parasite to control his love. Though for now there was nothing he could do. He would have to wait for the final battle. So he walked over to Amon and picked up the unconscious man holding him in his arms so they could make a quick escape. ‘Kyori don't fall to the darkness like I did. You are stronger than me. Take care of yourself, and I will see you soon my love. Don’t ever forget that you are my life.’ he spoke to Kyori only as he knew their time was short. He also knew that Kyori might never trust a word he says right now. He would leave without settling anything, but he will make Samael pay for his transgressions. Then and only then would he be able to make up for his own follies.

    Ocella looked at Kyori sadly knowing what she was about to do. She knew that Aeterna had hurt him and hoped that they would have the opportunity to patch things up before it was too late. “Love you too brother,” she said, offering him a small smile.

    “YOU’LL NOT TOUCH MY HUSBAND!” she shouted, a strong burst of light filling the room as it burned the ends of her restraints. There was immediate shuffling behind the doors and Ocella shouted in anger at what she was about to have to do. “Leave him alone!” she roared, putting on a show to help Kyori’s chances. She built up a blast of energy at the palms of her hands and sent it surging forth towards Kyori. ‘I’m sorry,’ she thought to him, running off to Aeterna and taking hold of both he and Amon. She used the untraceable teleportation spell that Master Kurama had taught her so long ago and in an instant they were in the medical wing of the base in the Amazon.

    “DAD!” she shouted, taking Amon from Aeterna’s grasp. She began to provide him with healing magic at once, her hands hovering over his wounds. ‘Ryan, Josh, in the infirmary NOW!’ she shouted at them telepathically.

    After Ocella and Kyori left their company Ryan and Josh teleported to Master Dorian's home in The Amazon. Ryan was still not doing well after hearing about his brother and Joshua insisted that they go to his room. There he took Ryan to the bed and they both lied on top of the covers as Josh just wrapped his arms around Ryan as they cuddled there. Josh held onto Ryan conferring him till they both fell asleep. As they laid there Josh dreamed of what the future might hold.

    Etrama has been in his room preparing a magical circle that would allow him to summon thousands of his servants to this world to destroy the remnants of light that bar his master's path. Granted this ritual requires a couple of special ingredients, but lucky for him his master had everything he needed to complete this ritual. He needed a sacrifice of a powerful soul to complete the ritual and that soul would act as a power source. Granted he didn't need to use them, but he would think their power would suffice. He had their blood after all, and that is all he needed from them.

    Suddenly the building shook violently and Etrama quickly left his room and made his way to the prisoners. He had a feeling that something went wrong, and his play toy's were at the center of it. As he rounded the corner he saw smoke coming from his lab, and quickly went into the room. As he looked around he saw that something happened and the abomination and the Phoenix escaped. He was not a bit happy about this, but there was nothing he could do to remedy that. He quickly moved over to a desk and opened a drawer to see if the blood was still there. Opening the drawer he saw four vials of blood, and a scowl appeared on his face when he saw.that only one vial remained. “Damn it!” He said in a frustrated voice as he grabbed the vial to see who's blood remained.

    A smile crossed his face as he read the name. “Well at least it is not a complete loss.” He said as he pocketed the blood. “At least he will be useful after his betrayal of the darkness.” Etrama said as a dark figure caught his attention. He was lying unconscious against the fare wall and he felt the energy around him that caused the destruction, and knew who caused all of this mess. However, he wondered what the whole story was. He walked over to the lump of darkness to see that this was not who he was expecting to see. It seemed Death had been here as well.

    Bending down he reached his hand out and grabbed a hold of Deaths shoulder as he began to shake the being awake. “Wake up sleepy head. No sense sleeping on the job.” He said in a sarcastic tone as he waited for the man to wake up.

    As Josh and Ryan were sleeping when suddenly a loud voice rang through his mind waking him up with a start. It seemed Ocella wanted them to get to the infirmary right away. Joshua looked at Ryan. “Looks like everything worked out. Let's go.” He said as he got out of the bed. He tried to hide the worry he had. She asked them to go to the infirmary and that worried him. Since Amon was probably in bad shape. He just hoped that everything was alright. He waited at the door for Ryan. He would not let his love go there alone.

    Aeterna relinquished Amon to Ocella as soon as they were teleported from that accursed place. He walked over to one of the bed’s and laid down. Cringing in pain as he could still feel the location where Etrama stabbed him. Ignoring the injury for now he covered his eyes with his forearm as tears welled up. He had failed in more than one way when it came to his responsibility to his Love Kyori, and it hurt that he didn't have time to try and make things right. He needed to make things right. He would make things right, or die trying. He wouldn’t allow anyone to fight Kyori other than himself. He won't allow Death to keep his hold on Kyori. They may be one and the same now, and need to find a common ground. He hoped he would be that bridge. Closing his eyes he allowed his body to relax. He needed sleep to recover. So he closed his eyes and tried to block out everything he was feeling to allow himself to sleep.

    The explosion sent Kyori rocketing backwards, slamming into the wall behind him. He grunted in pain, but knew it was for the best. He had to stay otherwise they wouldn’t have enough time to regroup and focus on the final clash. It was Etrama’s voice that brought him back from his ethereal state of mind and he looked up at him, his turquoise eyes burning holes into his very soul.

    “A wraith dare touch me?” he said raising slightly. He didn’t have any visible legs, so it was hard to determine if he was standing or simply floating, but Etrama would get the picture that he was not liked. “That damned angel, I shall enjoy freeing the soul from her body,” he said as the guards rushed in with their weapons drawn. Samael entered and looked at the empty tables and then at Death and Etrama.

    “Hmm,” he said as he eyed Death for an extended period of time before turning and leaving, but not before speaking. “FIND THEM, and KILL THEM!”

    Ryan awoke, having fallen asleep wrapped in Joshua’s arms. He was worried, and it showed, but when he heard Ocella’s voice he had a feeling things were about to get better. He awoke along with Joshua and they made their way to the infirmary. When he arrived he saw Aeterna, Amon, and Ocella, but no Kyori. His eyes narrowed onto Amon and he rushed over to him.

    “What is it Ocella?” Dorian’s voice would rang out in the infirmary, though his being would be nowhere to be found.

    As soon as Ocella arrived it was a scene of chaos. Both Amon and Aeterna needed to be healed but she could only focus on one at a time. Ryan and Josh entered soon after, but her father did not appear. Instead she heard his voice and this worried her, for he had always come in her time of need. Had he been forced to follow through with his punishment during their absence? Would she see him again?

    Small tears welled up in her eyes at the thought but she blinked them away. “Dad, where are you?” she asked, her voice faltering. She looked at Ryan and Josh when Ryan made his way over. “His internal temperature is too high. You need to restore it as it should be for a wielder of ice,” she said, knowing that his wounds were healed. Mentally she was preparing herself, wondering where her father was and hoping she would get to see him again.

    She made her way over to Aeterna and sighed softly. A thousand scenarios were running through her mind and she couldn’t slow her thoughts down. She knew that Samael had likely discovered what had happened by now and she was worried for Kyori. She hoped that he had the strength to stay true to who he was and to not let Death overcome him entirely.

    She placed her hand gently over Aeterna’s wound and began to heal him, but it was difficult as her own energy was fading. She couldn’t remember the last time she had actually slept, but she disregarded the idea knowing that Kyori wouldn’t have that luxury. “You’ll be alright Aeterna,” she spoke softly to her sleeping friend, sending soothing magic into him in hopes of easing his troubles. When his visible wounds had healed she went back to focusing on the latest problem at hand.

    “Dad, where are you?” she asked, her voice scared as if afraid that she had lost him too. “Where did you leave the sword?” she asked, trying to focus on strategy to end the war and to free Kyori. She realized that Ryan and Joshua didn’t know where he was and looked to them. “Kyori freed us. Death had almost overtaken him completely, but he managed to fight it and return to us. I don’t know if he’ll be Kyori or Death when we see him again. He stayed behind to give us a means of escape without being followed. I left the stone with him to give him leverage, but if Death does overpower him we will need to take the stone from him. We need to get ready for the attack before my uncle finds us,” Ocella said, hoping that she was making sense. She allowed herself to sit on one of the beds while she tried to process everything and held her forehead. She had a rather irritable headache forming and swayed in her place slightly but stubbornly remained sitting, wanting nothing more than to see her father again. “Please come dad,” she whispered, trying to keep the tears at bay.

    “I am alright Ocella, I cannot come right now I am in the middle of something.” He went silent for about three minutes before he continued. “Just focus, you got this. I put the sword in a place you will know to find it.” His voice faded and Ryan looked at Ocella.

    “It’s okay Ocella, we got this,” he said softly as he reached out and touched Amon, his hand landing firmly on his chest above his heart. The temperature of the room began to fall drastically as Ryan utilized his affinity for ice. He hoped to drop Amon’s core temperature low enough so that he could recover on his own.

    Josh walked side by side with Ryan as they made their way to the infirmary. As they entered the room Josh stopped in his tracks. Ocella, Amon, and Aeterna were there but Kyori was nowhere to be seen. A sad look crossed his face as he thought of what Kyori had done, and what could happen to him. He wanted to know what happened so as Ryan went over to Amon to help heal him, and he walked over to Ocella wrapping his arms around his distraught friend. She seemed at her limit. He gave her a hug and placed his head on top of hers. “Cella are you okay?” He asked as he wanted to offer her some comfort. He knew that he would be unable to offer her much comfort, but he would do what he could for his friend. “Why isn't Kyori with you?”

    Aeterna just laid there as he felt a hand on him and the healing energies enter into him. He heard Ocella talk to him. He smiled at her. “Thank you Ocella. I appreciate your concern, but don't push yourself for my sake. I am not worth the time to heal. I will be able to heal myself in time.” He said as she healed his minor wounds. He just laid there and continued to cry into his arm. The fact that he hurt Kyori deeply was something he couldn't forgive himself for.

    Amon was lying unconscious unable to do anything but lie there. He was coming to and could feel healing energies, but he was unable to completely wake up. He didn't know what was going on, he couldn’t feel anything. Then suddenly he felt a cold energy enter his body. His body temperature was falling slowly and as it was lowering he began to move.

    Etrama only smiled at Death as he threatened him. Deaths threats meant nothing to him, and the look he gave him was nothing he was not used to. Many beings had given the same look over his lifetime. “If you don't like it just deal. It is not like I care about how you got hurt. However, you let my toys go free and for that you are now on my give a shit list. “ Etrama said as the next word out of the reapers mouth pissed him off even more.

    This lowly death bringer let not only the two people he had raped go, but the angel that he wanted more than anything to kill. This day was turning from bad to worse. His eyes narrowed at the being that was Death. Though before he had a chance to say or do anything more Samael entered the room. He looked over Death, and then turned around leaving the room. However, before he left the room he stopped at the door. He then spoke up, and Eterna smiled at the order. It was finally time to kill off the wretches that stood between then and resurrecting the God of Destruction. “As you wish Lord Samael. The time to summon the God of Destruction is coming. Is there anything else you require for the summoning?” He asked as he didn't know if he acquired the last blood type yet or not. If he hasn't they would need to find a way to get it.

    Ocella’s eyes lit up as she heard her father’s voice. He was still with them and for that she felt as if a great burden had been relieved from her. She could breathe again now that she wasn’t in fear of losing him too and she nodded when he spoke again, telling her that the blade was in a place that she would know to find it. “Thanks dad. I need to talk to you soon. Be safe and I love you,” she said, turning to look at Ryan as he began to lower the temperature of the room.

    She was cold, that much was certain but she would endure it for Amon. Ryan said that it was okay and she nodded at him. Cella just sighed when Joshua came and wrapped his arms around her, she offered him a soft smile but she was still visibly shaken. “I’m okay. Kyori stayed behind to play the part of Death, to make Samael think he was with them. To give us a chance to stage the final attack,” Ocella answered, closing her eyes to keep the tears at bay. She was worried for him and she tried her best not to let it show.

    “I need to get that sword and as soon as they heal we need to strike,” she said, her voice sounding tired. Amon began to stir as his body temperature lowered and she smiled at him, making her way over to her husband. Aeterna spoke and she looked at him sadly. “Kyori would want you to have more faith in yourself,” she said sternly, making her way to her friend and giving him a brief hug. “Rest. Heal. Live to live another day,” she said, offering him a smile.

    She made her way to Amon and took his hand in her own, it was ice cold and she shivered but held it anyway. “Amon,” she whispered softly to him, leaning down to kiss his forehead. “My love,” she spoke, sighing. A dizzy spell came over her for a moment and she stumbled, crashing down to the ground hard and landing with an “oompf,” groaning in pain. “No time to rest,” she chided herself, forcing herself up. “I’m going to get the sword,” she said, standing to her feet slowly as she stumbled forward, catching her fall by gripping the nearest bed. “I’ll be back…” she said, her voice groggy as she took in a deep breath to steady herself. She looked confused for a moment before she vanished, wanting to find the sword and get it back to them before her uncle struck again.

    Ryan watched as Aeterna seemed to crumble from the mere thought of having left Kyori behind, but Ocella gave him warm words and yet he stilled allowed his emotions to come forth. There wasn’t much Ryan could do at the moment as he was working to cool Amon down so that his innate healing could kick in. He sighed and closed his eyes. Amon moved which gave him hope, but he continued to lower Amon’s core to that of a ice demon, but made sure to give him some leeway as he was a nephilim and not a full ice demon.

    Ryan looked up at Ocella who came and grabbed Amon’s hand. Suddenly she seemed to get dizzy and before Ryan could help her, she was up and speaking, telling them she was going after some sword. Before he could stop her, she left and he looked into Amon’s eyes.

    “She’s stronger than you think,” he said as he slowly removed his hand from Amon’s bare chest. “That should do it. I’m glad you’re back.”

    Amon was finally able to open his eye when Ocella grabbed a hold of his hand. He looked over at his love and smiled. However he could tell that she was pushing herself to hard. She almost collapsed and then in an instant she was gone. He looked at his brother with a worried face as he looked down at him. Then Amon averted his gaze from his brothers. As Ryan's hand moved from his chest Amon turned to his side and wrapped his arms around himself. He could hear relief in Ryan's voice, but he was no where out of the woods yet.

    The full severity of what happened to him, and played through his mind over and over again as he laid there and shook. He wanted more than nothing to forget what Etrama had done to him, but his mind nor his body were allowing him that luxury. He had never been so modified and defiled in his life. “What am I to do now? How can I even face Ocella with what has happened? Am I even anything more than…” Amon couldn’t finish the sentence. He couldn’t bring himself to say what had happened to him. All he could do at the moment was wait till his body healed enough that he could move properly.

    Ocella appeared in the one place she knew that Master Dorian had left the sword for her. Her family home was still in ruins, closed off from the outside and set to be preserved in time. She ran her hand along the ashy walls and looked at her fingertips, seeing that they were gray. She made her way up the questionable stairs and continued down the dark halls, looking up at the shattered roof and to the sky above.

    Memories flooded her and she took in a deep breath as she entered her room. Exactly where her bed had been, atop the pile of ashes lay the sword that she had stolen from the Heavens. She simply stared at it, her eyes blinking from exhaustion. She reached down and wrapped her fingers around the hilt, resting it along her hip as she took one last look around her home for the final time. She stood erect and vanished at once, using the untraceable spell and appearing back in the infirmary.

    She had ash about her skin from the home but the sword remained beautiful and perfect, as if immune to impurities. She saw that Amon was awake and set the sword on a bed, rushing to his side immediately and stopping short. She didn’t want to startle him, she wanted to make sure he was okay… but she wanted so desperately to hold him, though she knew he had been through so much.

    “My love,” Ocella said, a sad smile on her face.

    Before Ryan could respond, Ocella had returned holding a beautiful blade in her hand shaped like a feather. Sighing, he stepped forward and watched the exchange.

    “Amon, Ocella loves you regardless, you’re important to her just as you are important to me. I’ll leave you two to talk.”

    Ryan smiled down at Amon and Ocella before walking off to find something to do. There was no doubt Samael would be happy about any of this, but they had to be prepared if they stood any chance at living a normal life, or as close to it as they could, they would have to destroy Samael and Etrama and any remnants of his influence. He found a place to sit and he pulled his knees close to rest his arms across the top of his knees.

    Amon kept his back to both Ryan and Ocella. Even though they both still loved him even after what happened to him, but he was not able to bring himself to even look them in the eyes. Then Ryan left them alone so they could talk, and there was nothing he really wanted to talk about. He had been raped and tortured. Nothing could make him forget that encounter. He loved both Ocella and his brother. He just can't… “Ocella I am…” Amon shook as he tried to talk, but he just can't bring himself to say anything. He didn’t want Ocella to know what had happened to him. “Ocella…”

    Josh watched what transpired, and followed Ryan out of the room. He walked over to where Ryan was sitting he knelt down beside him, and wrapped his arms around him, and laid his chin on his shoulder. “I am sure that Amon will be able to overcome this. The only thing we can do for him, and Ocella is make sure Etrama is not able to do anything like that to anyone ever again.” Josh said as he held his love close to him.

    Aeterna knew that his presence here was not needed. So he sunk into his own shadow and appeared in his own room. Ocella and Amon needed to be alone and he was not going to be there. He just lied on his bed, and tried to get over his complete betrayal of the one he loved.

    Ocella was certain to give Amon the space that she knew he needed. He seemed unable to look at either of them and Ryan left to give them both some time together. Ocella was grateful, but she wasn’t sure how to help Amon in his time of need. He seemed unwilling to communicate, or unable to at present. “Hey,” she said, her voice strong and loving. “We’ll make it through this. I’ll help you through this any way that you wish me to, I’m here for you. Through better or worse, in sickness and in health,” Ocella recited the portion of her vows that, to her, meant forever.

    She wanted so desperately to hold him, to kiss him, to express her joy at having him back… but she could see that he wasn’t ready for it yet. She sighed and leaned down gently, pressing her lips softly against his forehead in hopes of helping soothe his troubles, hoping not to traumatize him further. “I’m sorry I wasn’t able to protect you, to stop Etrama from hurting you. I promise that we will make sure he never hurts anyone else again, and that we will win. Until then… you need to rest,” Ocella said, her voice soft as she smiled at him sadly.

    “And I do as well, but I’ll give you some space if you desire it. Just promise not to do anything reckless?” she asked of him, looking at him hopefully. She stood from her place and looked at the sword on the bed, taking it in her hand and smiling at him one last time. “I’ll be back soon to check on you,” she said, reaching on a cart and pouring him a glass of ice water, setting it down next to him before vanishing.

    She found Ryan in an instant and wearily made her way over to him, a sad look on her face. She noticed that Joshua was there and sighed, feeling rather alone in that moment. Her father was gone, Kyori was in danger, Amon… she didn’t know what to do, and Ryan was with his loved one. She turned from them both and vanished once more, retreating to the confines of her room as she knelt on the floor near her bed. She placed both arms on her bed and rested her forehead against them as the tears finally began to fall, exhaustion setting in. The sword lay upon her bed and though she tried to gather herself once more, she just sat on her floor crying, trying to figure out a way out of this mess, a way to save her marriage, her best friend, and the world.

    Amon heard Ocella’s words and it touched him that even though she knew what happened she didn’t blame him for what happened. He didn’t know what to do. He felt alone and afraid about trying to overcome this, and yet at the same time he wished that Ocella would wrap her arms around him. Telling him it was okay. When he felt the kiss to his forehead he opened his eyes to look at Ocella, and then she was gone before he could reach out his hand to her. Amon sat up in the bed and looked at the spot where Ocella once stood. He felt bad about this whole situation, but he didn’t know how to deal with the fact that Etrama did what he did to him. Though one thing was for sure he didn’t want to be alone.

    Even though his body was still not completely healed he got out of bed on his weakened legs, and wobbled as he began to walk. He was in no position to use any of his powers so he went to the only place he could think of where she would be. Leaning against the walls to keep himself upright he slowly made his way to Ocella’s room. When he finally made it to the door he was tired, and wanting to fall to the ground. However, he didn't do that. He slowly opened the door to the sounds of his wife crying. Even though this whole situation was something that happened to him she seemed to be crying for some reason. Like it hurt her as well. He entered the room, and tried to reach her but his legs gave out, and he collapsed to the ground.

    Landing hard on the floor Amon let out a small sound as he landed on his right side. Even with all of the healing he had received his injuries from Etrama were still as prevalent as ever. Cringing from the pain he laid there for a bit before he forced himself back up and looked at Ocella. If she were to come to him he would wrap his arms around her not letting her go.

    Ocella heard the door to her room open and stiffened, someone had walked in on her emotional state and she did her best to dry her eyes quickly. She heard someone fall to the ground, and when she turned around she saw that Amon had followed her here and was cringing in pain. Her eyes opened wide in surprise and she ran over to her husband, helping him into a more comfortable position.

    “What are you doing here?” she asked, looking him over with worry etched into her features. She smiled softly when she realized that he had come to see her, that he still wanted to be with her, that he needed her just as much as she needed him. “I love you,” she said, reaching out and wrapping her arms around him lovingly. She held him close, being careful of his injuries, and simply sat there with him in her arms. “It’s going to be okay. One way or another, it’s going to be okay,” Ocella said, pulling back and looking at Amon longingly. She wanted so desperately to help him, to hold him as she had before, to be together as they had before- but she didn’t know what was going through his mind.

    She reached into her pocket and pulled his ring out that she had given him at their wedding, offering it to him- wanting to place it on his finger once more.

    Amon looked up into Ocella's eyes as she helped him up and asked why he was there. However, he didn't answer her question he wrapped his arms around her and buried his head into the nape of her neck. Tears began to flow from his eyes as she wrapped her arms around him. This is the only thing he wanted. He wanted to be held and to know that she was not angry with him about what happened. His body shook as he continued to cry and feel her warmth. He just wanted to hold her, and be held by her. He didn't want to be alone.

    When she pulled him back and smiled at him then she reached into her pocket and pulled out his wedding band. He smiled at her as he closed his eyes, and sighed in relief. He was glad to see that, that bastard Etrama didn't destroy the ring. He finally worked up the courage and raised his hand to her. “We will be together forever, and nothing will tear us apart.” Amon said as Ocella put the ring on his finger. He reached forward to hug her once more holding her tightly.

    He was not going to leave her side. “Please don't leave me alone right now. I don't want to leave your side. Please don't leave me.” He said as he held him to her with all of his might.

    Ocella’s heart ached with Amon’s as he began to cry into her neck. She too allowed the tears to flow freely once more and held him close to her. She ran her hand through his hair, telling him that it would be okay, that they would make it, that she still loved him with all her heart. When Amon saw the ring she was nervous, hopeful that he would accept it. He raised his hand though and allowed her to restore it to its proper place, and he even smiled at her. She smiled at him back, a goofy, love-drunk smile on her face as the flow of tears slowed.

    “Nothing makes me happier than for me to hear you say those words,” Ocella said dotingly, holding her husband as she began to calm herself. Amon held her again, saying that he didn’t want to be alone, begging her not to leave him. “Of course my love, of course,” Ocella said with a soft sigh as she continued holding him. She rested her head against his shoulder and gently kissed his neck, simply holding him in her arms. Within moments her hold loosened, though did not falter as she began to drift off, the exhaustion finally winning.

    Amon was glad that Ocella was not blaming him for what happened. He had let his guard down, and it lead to his capture. He took in her scent as they held one another, and he could feel her grip loosing, but not relenting. Then she had laid her head on his shoulder kissing his neck as she fell asleep in his arms. Amon could only imagine the stress she has been under the last couple of days. With him being captured, and Kyori staying behind to try and protect them so they could gather their strength and attack. She must have not slept a wink since they had slept together.

    He felt bad about making her worry so much about him, but he would have to wait till later to talk to her about it. She needed all the sleep she could get, but he knew.the floor was no place to sleep. However, he didn't have the strength to picker her up without risking dropping her. Giving a sigh he wanted to get he to the bed. So he maneuvered himself and her so he could skoot on the floor over to the bed. Once there he took the sword off of the bed placing it on the ground, and readied himself to pick her up. He just hoped his legs would hold out. Using what little strength he had left he picked his wife up off of the ground, and laid her as gently as he could on the bed. Hoping that he wouldn't wake her up. He then crawled into the bed next to her wrapping his arms around her closing his eyes. Allowing his body to once again relax and his consciousness fade. Falling asleep next to the woman he loved.

    Ocella slept as if she hadn’t slept in years. It was restless sleep, filled with nightmares of what the future might hold, of what might have been happening to Kyori. She could feel Amon’s arms wrapped around her and simply laid there.

    When she awoke next it was nighttime and she was snuggled under the covers with Amon. She didn’t remember having gotten in the bed, the last thing she remembered was falling asleep on the floor with her husband. She looked at him in confusion, wondering if he had carried her into the bed. She snuggled up closer, allowing herself to embrace and to enjoy the moment they were sharing. She leaned forward to gently kiss his neck and cuddled close to him.

    “Time to wake up my love,” Ocella said with a small smile. ‘Ryan,’ she reached out to her friend and brother, wondering if he had slept yet or if he was awake. She wanted to start training again as soon as possible, for she knew that her time was limited. ‘Dad? Are you available now?’ she asked, reaching out to her father figure. It was time to come clean about the vow she had made so long ago and to fulfill her promise to the pantheon.

    Amon was sleeping soundly next to Ocella and he woke up to her soft voice telling him they needed to get up. Opening his eyes he looked into hers with a smile on his face. “Do we really need to get up now?” He questioned as he moved into kiss Ocella. The moment his lips touched hers he got a flashback of Etrama forcing a kiss upon him, and his body shook as he pulled away. He looked down and cursed to himself as he couldn't get what that bastard had done to him out of his mind. He wanted nothing more than to kiss Ocella, and for her to kiss him back. He wanted his body, and mind to forget what happened to him. “I am sorry Ocella.” was all he could say to what just happened.

    Ocella smiled sadly when Amon asked if they needed to get up just then. He tried to kiss her and just as she made to return the kiss, his body trembled and he pulled away from her. She looked at him with sad eyes, realizing that he was still traumatized and that it would take him some time to cope with what had happened to him.

    “Hey,” she said, gently resting the back of her hand on his cheek as she looked at him. “Don’t apologize. We’ll overcome this, together,” Ocella said, knowing that they would find a way. “The longer I rest, the longer Kyori is in danger. Evil doesn’t rest and I need to prepare for what is to come, for the time to face them is near. I also need to speak with my father, and I was hoping to train with Ryan,” she paused and looked at him with concern.

    “I know that you don’t want to be alone, but these are things that I must do while I can. You are welcome to join me, if you are able to,” Ocella said, still looking concerned. She wanted to let him rest and to stay with him but she knew that her time to ready herself was limited.

    Ryan had taken to training in the courtyard. He was in mid flip when he heard voices. His arrow struck its mark and the resulting explosion of ice shards struck various items surrounding him. He was panting, training, pushing his body to be ready when they faced Etrama, Samael and Death itself. Ryan landed on his extended hand and did a quick spin decapitating a dummy of Etrama before landing softly on his feet. Another arrow screamed through the air and struck Samael in the chest, ice encasing the dummy in seconds. The third dummy Ryan drew his bow but could not release the arrow. He lowered his bow and sighed.

    “How can we kill our own?”

    Amon knew that Ocella was right, but he still didn’t want to be left alone none the less. She was helping him with his problem, but he knew that he would need to overcome this before the fight. If he didn’t then there would be no way that he would be able to fight. So he closed his eyes and tried to stop himself from shaking. He quickly wrapped his arms around Ocella, and held her tight. He pushed himself to do the one thing that he caused him trouble. He leaned forward and kissed Ocella. His body still shook, but he still did it. He was able to kiss the woman he loved, but now to see her reaction. Would she be happy, or push him away

    Josh had been with Ryan this whole time watching as he trained, as he his body with katas. Slow movements that kept him in shape. .Though he needed to practice with his sword more, he really had no one to spar with. He didn’t want to use his powers against his fellow Mystics, but he still needed to train none the less. However, right now he didn’t want to leave Ryan side. His love was having a hard time dealing with what happened to his brother at Etrama’s hands, and the thought of having to kill one of their own, He himself was having the same problem. How could he kill his best friend.

    Walking over to where Ryan was standing, and stood next to his love. “I know that it is going to be hard, but we will…” Josh said as he was interrupted by a voice that came from the Shadows.

    “You will have to do nothing” The voice said as Aeterna appeared from the shadows in his master form. “I will be the one to kill Kyori. I will not let any of you interfere in this matter. It is my fault that this happened, and I will be the one that will end it. So please don’t interfere.” Aeterna said in a confident voice as he looked at the two. His smile was gone, and he had a serious look on his face. “You will have your hands full with Etrama, and Samael”

    As she was nearly ready to rise from bed, Amon wrapped his arms around her. She studied him carefully, watching as he tried his best to overcome. His body was shaking and she looked at him with soft eyes as he leaned forward, forcing himself to kiss her. She smiled into the kiss, returning it gently, lovingly as he had his eyes closed. Her eyes closed as well, the back of her hand resting gently on his cheek. She wouldn’t be the one to break the kiss, she wanted Amon to fight his inner demons and to overcome his fears.

    “You can’t expect us to just let you do that. That’s too much for you Aeterna. Remember how lost Kyori was when he had to kill you? We can’t let you do it alone. We will face this together.” Ryan knew what Aeterna wanted to do and it was basically suicide. Death was strong, an absolute creature, but could they defeat him and Samael? Samael was already a extremely strong enemy and Ryan had trained day in and out to become strong enough to avenge Auro. He sighed knowing the inner struggle Aeterna was feeling. “Hey let’s do some sparring, the three of us to let off some steam. It’s one on one on one.

    Amons shaking slowly subsided as the kiss was reciprocated. HIs body and mind were coming to terms with what happened to him. He knew it would take him time to fully be able to get over what happened to him, but he knew that Ocella would be with him. He loved her, and she loved him. Tears fell from his eyes as he finished the kiss. He was happy that she was in his life, and he would never betray her. Knowing their time was short he wiped the tears from his eyes as he stood up and reached his hand down to pick up Ocella. “Till death do us part.” He said smiling
    Special thanks to Poison Ivy for the awesome sig and avy set.
    Spoiler: The Return of a Story You May Want to Join!! 
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    as wanted to spend more time with his wife, but knew that wouldn't be possible till this war was over. He wanted to train before the final fight. He has yet to use the daggers he received for who he thought were his parents. At least he hoped they were.

    Aeterna’s expression didn’t change as Ryan told him that this battle he was willing to put upon himself was too difficult. He already knew that. He knew Fighting Death was like signing his death warrant, but he also knew that Death wanted him, and if that could keep him busy long enough for the others to kill that Bastard Samael, and his little servant Etrama then it would be worth it. Though he was not going to do this because he wanted to die. He wanted to get Kyori back from Death.

    “Ryan I know that fighting Death is a suicide mission by myself, but I want to try and bring Kyori back, and I will not risk anyone else's life on this endeavor. Besides, if I can keep Death from attacking you then the rest of you can fight Samael, and that bastard Etrama.” Aeterna said his eyes narrowing slightly. He wanted Etrama dead, and he knew so did some of the others. He would convince them to leave Death to him, and for them to finish this fight. Giving a slight sigh as his expression softened. He knew that they wanted to do this as a team, but he wouldn’t allow it. It was his responsibility no one else's.

    Then Ryan suggested that they have a sparing match between the three of them. That sounded like a good idea. It would relieve some stress, and allow him to train his powers and abilities. Since he has only trained it a little. This would be a good match. “That would be a good idea. That way we can see where we need to improve in our skills, And relieve some stress that has been building up.” Aeterna said as his sword appeared in his hand. The sword was as black as the darkest night. He just stood there with his sword at his side.

    Joshua was not happy with Aeterna mentioning that he would fight Death on his own, but before he could say anything Ryan spoke up. Telling Aeterna that he shouldn’t do this on his own. Josh agreed. Kyori was one of his best friends, and he wanted to do what he requested of him. Even though, he really didn't want to kill his friend. Then Aeterna spoke once more making Josh realize why he was doing this. “You are not the only one that wants to bring Kyori back if he falls, but Ryan is right. You can’t fight on your own against that being. However, at the same time you just might be the only one that will be able to bring him back.” Josh was conflicted on this matter.

    Though when Ryan mentioned a three way fight he was game. He needed to relieve some stress as well as see how strong his fellow fighters were. To know one's strengths and weaknesses was essential in a fight. If they all knew what the other could do then fighting as one unit will be easier. “Well Then let’s get this going.” Josh said as he transformed into his master form with his new sword in hand. He took a defencive stance as he waited for someone to make the first move.

    Ocella noticed that his shaking was beginning to subside, that he was able to relax more into the kiss. She smiled into the kiss, enjoying everything it represented. Finally, Amon had the strength to stand and helped her up as well. She smiled adoringly at him, pulling him in for a soft, yet loving kiss. “And only then, just,” she said to his promise. She smirked when she noticed a gathering in the courtyard.

    “Speaking of training,” she said, winking at him. “Shall we meet the others in the courtyard and join their little sparring session?” she asked, a mischievous sparkle in her eyes.

    When Ocella pulled him into another soft kiss he enjoyed every moment of it. He smiled at what his wife said. She would be with him for the rest of their lives. He would do anything for her no matter what she asked of him he would get it done. Amon was finally ready to step back out into the responsibility Auro set before him. He would make sure to free this world from not only Etrama, but Samael. He would keep his promise to him. The man who was like a father to him.

    Then Ocella mentioned that the others were getting ready to train, and he needed the training. “Let’s join them, and maybe once we are finished we can spend a little more time together before we have to fight again.” Amon said as he grabbed a hold of Ocella’s hand as they made their way outside.

    “What’s up?” Ocella asked the others when they arrived in the courtyard, transforming at once into her Master form. She smirked and pointed at Ryan. “Think you guys could train without us? Besides, you owe me a training session as promised,” she teased with a smirk.

    “So I’m guessing one on one on one on one on one then?” she said with a wicked grin.

    Just as Ryan was about to unleash the attack that would start the training session, Ocella entered the scene with Amon hand in hand. Ryan smiled as she pointed to him and informed him that he owed her a training session. “Very well let’s do this,” Ryan said as he looked at each of those gathered to train. Ryan, Amon, Ocella, Joshua, and Aeterna. They were all that stood in Samael’s way. Kelda and Art had vanished, they hadn’t heard from them since their training started which was odd considering they had all managed to finish.

    “READY!” He stated before getting into a defensive stance. This would be the first time any of them saw each other in action since the last fight with Samael. “FIGHT LIKE YOU MEAN IT!”

    Ryan sidestepped, dashing to the side to unleash a barrage of ice orbs towards Amon and Ocella.

    Amon smiled at his friends and family as he arrived with Ocella at his side. He knew this was not going to be a walk in the park, but he wa ready to test his new strength. Though, he is not used to actually fighting with a weapon. He was more of a spell caster, and he knew he would need to train to get used to using them in his spells. Everyone was ready for this fight, and Amon transformed into his Nephilim form. His form had changed a little. His wings were no longer a grayish black. They were now a light blue, and his hair turned to the purest of silver in color. The tattoos on his arms glowed and his daggers appeared in his hands. One that was his mother's and the other that was his father's. At least he hoped that they were telling the truth, but he pushed it out of his mind as the

    fight began.

    The ice orbs flew towards him, but he dodged them by taking to the sky. He knew that he would need to strike seriously. So he threw the white dagger towards Joshua and began casting a spell. He hoped this would work. The dagger felt like it was an extension of his own being. He continued to chant the spell to see if it would work.

    Joshua smiled as everyone gathered for this little sparring match. Though he was concerned for the other mystics that have yet to show themselves. He left with more than just a couple of them found. Now there was only three of them present, and one that he knew where he was and regretted his decision to let him go. Giving a sigh as everyone transformed and readied for battle he did the same. Knowing his skills were in more of support than attack attack, but he knew he would need to be able to attack as well.

    Once the battle started he saw that Amon decided to attack him first. A small smile appeared on his face as he raised his sword to strike the dagger that was coming towards him away, but little did he know that the moment he struck the blade a powerful blast of cold surrounded him. In an attempt to freeze him. Thinking on his feet he jumped back to avoid most of the attack, but his hand and arm holding the sword were covered in a layer of ice. Using his power over sound he cast Haste on himself, and disappeared from sight. He was going to attack Amon from behind.

    Glade that the subject changed he readied to fight. This will take his mind of what he must do, and get the others ready for the fight ahead. Once the battle started Aeterna immediately set his sights on Ryan. Throwing his sword in the Ice Demons direction it shattered into four different swords, and they all went to attack their target. Aeterna didn’t move from his location. He was watching to see what happened from every angle from the shadows. He didn’t want to allow anyone to sneak up on him during this fight.

    Ocella readied herself as Ryan prepared to strike first, watching his movements. Her eyes narrowed when she saw the orbs of ice coming her way, knowing that with Ryan they were far more than ordinary orbs of ice. Her wand moved into action instantly, pouring out a blast of energy that repelled the orbs and sent them flying back to their owner. Ocella glared when she realized only four were visibly fighting and closed her eyes, allowing nature to guide her to Aeterna. Through the help of the grass, she found him hiding in the shadows. Her eyes remained closed but snares of vine coated in thorns shot up all around the male, looking to wrap around him and ensnare him.

    Ryan’s attack was met with retaliation. Firstly Ocella redirected his orb and it came crashing against his extended hand, coating his hand in ice which absorbed into his skin. He looked up just in time to avoid blades that collided with a wall of ice created from the moisture in the atmosphere. Ryan looked around trying to figure out who to aim for next.

    “Special Technique, Avalanche,” he stated as he clasped his bow and shot an arrow into the sky. There was a loud sound of ice shattering as what looked to be thick white smoke poured over the sky releasing a barrage of ice spikes. Anyone in the vicinity would be struck.

    Aeterna watched from the shadows as he waited for something to happen, and it didn’t take long for that to happen. Thorn covered vines came for him. Though he was curious if Ocella though this through. How can a vine catch a shadow? It didn’t take much for him to dodge the attack by moving to a different shadow. He smirked as he used her own shadow to create vines to try and catch her. He knew that if she used her light he would be easily dispelled, but he wanted to see her move. At the same time he sent vines in Ryan's direction as well.

    As the ice fell from the sky Aeterna just jumped from shadow to shadow. Soon he would have to remove himself from the shadows to conserve energy, but at the moment if he did it wouldn’t be good on him.

    Joshua moved quickly through the air to find his target, and attack. He appeared behind Amon, and brought his sword down to try and strike the Nephilim. But Amon was quick to see him, and brought his second dagger up to block the sword. Quickly folding his wings he fell to the earth, but at the same time he cast another ice spell to try an incase the sound dragon in ice. The attack was so sudden that Josh didn’t have time to react as his body was covered in ice. However, he was able to break the ice by using his power over sound. He was breathing a little hard from the fact he was encased in ice for a short amount of time,and his body temperature dropped, but he quickly followed Amon in his decent.

    But before anything more could be done an arrow passed both Amon and Josh, and he looked to the sky no longer following Amon. He saw the spikes, and used his speed to get out of the way. Though not everyone was as lucky. Amon tried to dodge the spikes that were coming his way, but misjudged one, and it struck his wing freezing it. Granted the cold didn’t bother him, but this was a spell far stronger than he has dealt with. He fell to the earth as he began casting a spell. Right before he hit the ground a layer of ice appeared, and he disappeared into the ice.

    Ocella scowled when Aeterna used the shadows to protect himself from her attack. She couldn’t see a way to attack him, for he seemed to use the shadows to defend himself and to act as a shield… but she wondered how long he could stay in the shadows.

    Her thoughts were interrupted when she felt vines of darkness snaked around her and held her tightly, causing her to cry out as she felt the darkness burning her. She used a very powerful burst of holy light, hoping beyond all hope that it would be enough to rid herself of the vines and thankfully it was. Then she had a new problem to deal with, she felt sharp shards of ice crashing upon her body at once and her eyes widened in terror when her entire body froze in mid-flight, which sent her plummeting to the ground beneath her. She hit the ground hard, though much to her dismay the ice did not break its hold on her and she was frozen solid.

    Her wand reacted with energy, blasting out a thorny vine to break the ice in front of her. She was having a hard time breathing and tried to struggle but failed, sending a harsh glare at Ryan for his attack. She closed her eyes and the grass around her began to grow, encasing her and the ice around her until she was no longer visible. Within mere moments there was a shattering sound as the ice broke around her and she sprung back to life, focusing her attention entirely on Ryan as she looked utterly pissed off.

    “If that’s how we’re going to play it…” she said, drafting a blowgun made of bamboo from her wand. She held it in her hand and vanished.

    Ryan kept moving, wanting to keep everyone on their toes as they trained. His special technique had caused Ocella to plummet from the sky, while the others seemed to manage. Amon wasn’t as lucky though as the ice had frozen his wings causing him to plummet as well. However, before he hit the ground he seemed to vanish. Ryan’s eyes scoured the area, only when he felt something snake up his leg did he realize that Aeterna had ensnared him with a shadow vine. As the shadow moved it slowed until it became a thick glob. Ryan’s magic had essentially turned shadow into black goo when it touch him due to the nature of his cold demonic magic. The goo snapped in two when Ryan twisted his leg and flipped away from anything that could cast a shadow. His own shadow would never betray him and in that aspect he was safe, but he couldn’t find Aeterna and that concerned him. He had managed to notch another arrow before sending it flying in Joshua’s direction, but Ocella was missing from action as well and it gave him an idea.

    Aeterna Knew he could stay in the shadows for a bit longer, but he also knew that it was not a wise decision to do so. So he moved out of the shadow behind a tree where he was not easily seen. His sword came to life once more and returned to is master side. This gave away his position, but it didn’t matter he was still using the shadows as his eyes, and could see what was going on. Dropping his sword into the shadows at his feet he used the shadows to hide its movements. The sword was making its way towards Amon who had appeared a little ways off.

    Josh was still in the air as the ice finally stopped falling. He was relieved that he was able to dodge the attack, but that was short lived as an arrow came towards him. He didn’t see the arrow till he turned, and tried to move out of the way, but the arrow pierced his shoulder. It was not a bad injury since the cold of the arrow froze the area causing it to go numb. He knew this could get rough, and didn’t expect for anyone to hold their punches. So neither did he. Seeing Aeterna behind a tree Josh snapped the arrow and dived towards his next target.

    Amon had luckily been able to cast a transport spell that kept him from getting seriously injured, but now he needed to deal with his frozen wing. Not knowing how much time he had he concentrated on cooling his whole being down with a spell that would allow him to break the ice without breaking his wing. As he did so suddenly a sword stabbed through the shadows, but luckily Amon was able to dodge it enough to keep himself from getting seriously injured. He was able to move now, and was getting ready to retaliate to that attack.

    Etrama had plans to raise an army in his master's name, and he was going to make sure that he would be able to bring enough of the spirits he commands to life to make the Mystic's life a living hell when they came to this fight. “Well Death are you ready to go? I am not going to wait all day for you. I have some preparations to make in order to be able to make those Mystics pay for what they have done. I will meet you at Mount Fuji. I am sure that the Mystics will enjoy the view as we kill them.” Etrama said as he opened a portal through to the land of the dead. He disappeared then reappeared in a cave that was inside of the volcano.

    This brought back memories, but it didn’t matter. A wicked smile formed on his face as he pulled out the vile of blood, and a knife. Taking the knife he sliced his hand and dropping the knife to the ground as he used his blood to draw a pentagram on the ground. While he chanted a spell in the old tongue.

    “Ut omnibus his, qui militant mihi hanc potestatem, ut in morte redire in terra viventium. Non habet illam virtutem trahendi erum Halfling virtus. Exhaurire virtutem tuam confirma. Venite ad me: et servo meo: compararim enim bellum!” (To all those that serve me in death take this opportunity to return to the land of the living. Drawing power not from your Master but the one that holds the power of a halfling. Drain his power to sustain your presence. Come to me my servant and get ready for war!)

    At the end of the spell he took the vile and shattered it in the center of the circle. A surge of power filled the cave as his servant appeared. Not only in the cave, but down the mountain. He was now ready to fight the mystics. Now he only needed to wait for Death to show up.

    Amon suddenly felt like his power was being drained from him. He got light headed, and passed out from the effect of whatever was happening to him.

    Ocella appeared in the forest near Ryan, hidden by the tree as her energy spread throughout the entire area, as far as the eyes could see. She raised her blow dart towards Ryan and applied pressure with a steady breath, watching as a dart raced towards Ryan. It was laced with lower dosed Wolfsbane, just enough toxicity to cancel out the fatal effects but to leave a strong paralytic component within the dart. As she watched the dart, Ocella noticed that Amon seemed to be struggling with himself and passed out.

    Her eyes widened and she flinched as he hit the ground, she teleported by his side instantly. “Amon!” she said, her heart racing as she checked him over for injuries. She couldn’t see any visible energies and her eyes narrowed as she transformed into her angelic form at once, wondering if somehow her uncle or Etrama was behind this. The dart racing towards Ryan dissolved at once as she transformed. “Ryan!” she called, wondering if he could determine what was happening. She placed both of her hands above his heart and began to chant the holy language as her grandfather had taught her, her body glowing brightly with light as if trying to exorcise anything that may have been trying to control him. “Amon, what’s wrong?” she asked feebly, hoping that her efforts would help.

    Ryan was moving from place to place before watching his surroundings and trying to make sure he wasn’t easy pickings. He was also trying to make sure Joshua’s wasn’t hurt from the arrow he had shot at him. He only did it so the others didn’t think he was targeting just them. Just as things were getting heated, a dart came racing towards him. He turned in time to see it but then it disintegrated. Along with the sudden vanishing of the dart came a scream.

    Ryan’s eyes shot in Amon’s direction and his eyes widened in surprise. He was on the ground and Ocella was over there pouring energy into him as if to remove any outside influences. Ryan appeared next to them and slowly reached out to touch his brother.

    “His energy, it’s fading,” Ryan said his eyes shifting to a demonic blue as he looked over his brother’s body. “He’s being drained, but I don’t know how.”

    Aeterna looked up just in time to see Josh coming towards him, and he was about to make a counter attack when a scream caught both of their attentions. They stopped fighting and turned in Ocella's direction to see that she was glowing bright. Aeterna had to cover his eyes, and look away. He couldn’t see what was going on, because the light was to intense for his eyes. However, Josh could see what was going on and he knew it was not good. Especially since Ryan appeared next to them. “Something is not right.” Josh said in a concerned tone, and made his way over to the others.

    Though Aeterna stayed where he was standing. He wanted to approach, but he was unable too. He may look like he can handle light by being out during the day, but he can’t really. The brighter the light the more it hurt him. So as long as Ocella was glowing like she was he wont be able to approach.

    Josh approached just as Ryan's eyes turned a demonic blue, and the sight of those eyes sent a chill down his spine. He had never seen that color of eye before and it scared him a little. Getting the courage to approach his love he Walked behind Ryan placing a hand on his shoulder. “What is happening?” He asked in a concerned voice as he saw that Amon was not moving.

    Amon had no idea what was happening to him, and while he laid there motionless he could hear everything that was happening. He wanted to comfort his wife. To tell her he was okay, but he couldn’t he didn’t even know what was happening to him. All he knew was his magical power was being drained from his very being. He couldn’t help but think this was his punishment for making Ocella cry. Then as suddenly as the energy was pulled he felt as if he was being healed. He knew this must be his wife's work, but why did it feel as if it wasn’t helping? What in the world happened to him, and why now of all times.

    Ryan came over to examine Amon and she watched him anxiously. She had expended much of her energy trying to heal Amon from whatever was afflicting this to him, from trying to expel any negative energies from him… but it didn’t seem to be working. Ryan announced that his energies were fading, that they were being drained and her eyes narrowed.

    “It has to be Etrama,” she whispered for Amon to hopefully not hear her. “He has necromantic abilities to bring back the dead, in a sense. He must have taken something from Amon during his captivity…” Ocella’s eyes were filled with rage at the thought. She clenched her fists and her body was shaking.

    “If that’s how he wants to do this,” she said, her light fading as she looked around the group, trying to keep her composure. Trying not to break.

    ‘Dad, are you back yet? I may not have the chance to talk to you again,’ Ocella called to her father, standing strongly to her feet as she took in a deep breath, trying to steady her emotions. “Joshua, if I don’t make it, it’s up to you to fulfill our vow we made so long ago. I’m trying to reach him, but he’s been away for some time now. Until then, we need to plan our attack to free Amon from his influence,” she said, still trying to keep calm.

    Clouds rolled in, darkening the sky. Lightning sporadically flashed through the clouds playing hide and seek with the thunder’s roar that echoed through the air. A storm was coming. Ocella had called for her father and in a flash of intense lightning, Dorian stood before her, eyes ablaze with electrical energy. He looked down upon them all and shook his head when he noticed Kyori was not in their ranks. It seemed that Aeterna had taken to the shadows and Ocella was angry. Amon was having his energy sapped and Ryan was on the verge of shifting. Dorian held up his hand.

    “ENOUGH!” His voice sounded like a thousand thunderous roars that softened as Dorian’s form softened. “You are in for the fight of your lives. Samael has amassed great forces and they will soon march on the world. There aren’t enough of you to fight in this war against an army that large. Etrama has gathered his minions and I do believe it is the cause of Amon’s sudden loss of energy. Now with Death in play things will be far more dangerous. You must take him out first if you want to have any chance at winning. He has the ability to restore life, and if you want to defeat Samael you have to destroy Death.”

    Dorian closed his eyes realizing what he was saying. He knew there would be opposition to what he was saying, but he meant every word. Kyori wouldn’t want them to suffer because of him, he would want them to make the call and kill him outright if the need arose.

    “Kelda and Art have finished their training, they will handle the Dark Army along with others who have joined the fight. It is up to you four to face Etrama, Death and Samael and do what must be done. Believe in yourself and there is nothing you can’t overcome.”

    Death appeared behind Etrama after the summoning of his minions.

    “You expect these low creatures to keep them at bay? You might as well give them your throat,” Death said to Etrama as he hovered over to him. “Samael is on his way, this will be the end, the summoning of the great god of destruction.”

    Ocella looked towards the skies when the storm began rolling in. She steadied herself as her father appeared in a flash of lightning, standing before her very eyes. He surveyed what was happening and shouted at them all, informing them what was happening. Ocella looked towards Amon sadly, trying to reign in her emotions. She wanted to crumble, she desperately wanted a hug from her father- to feel his strength and encouragement, but she knew that she had to be strong for the end was nigh.

    She stood to her feet and nodded her head at his words, her eyes boring into his own with determination and concern. How could she let anyone kill her brother? Was there no way to bring him back?

    She sighed and closed her eyes for a moment, pushing the thought out of her mind. “Dad… would you mind if we spoke for a moment?” she asked, looking at him pleadingly. She knew that this could be the last time that she saw him and she wanted to come clean, to fulfill her vow to Kyori and Joshua as well as the Pantheon. She also wanted to let him know how much he meant to her before it was too late.

    Dorian’s eyes returned to their normal state. He had been working hard behind the scenes to gather as much help as he could. Though his punishment was to never see his children again, he hoped that everything would be alright. He could not see the future, it was not one of his gifts, but he knew that together the mystics could do marvelous things. Just look at how much they had accomplished already.

    “No I wouldn’t mind my dear, what is it you wish to speak to me about?”

    Aeterna was relieved that Ocella stopped her light. It made it easier for him to be there, and when Master Dorian showed up he knew something was happening. Was Samael making his move now? Or did he come to for another reason. He approached the others just as Dorian spoke after shouting at them. He was right he was there to tell them of the fight that would soon be upon them. Though his eyes narrowed when he mentioned they would need to kill Death. “I will take care of that.” Aeterna said as he looked at the others as well. “Kyori is my responsibility, and I don’t want anyone interfering with my fight.” Aeterna said in a serious tone as he knew he would be the only one up to actually trying to bring Kyori back. If not then he would do whatever he could to buy the others time to defeat Eterma, and Samael. He knew the others would not be to keen with his plan, but it must be done. “Don’t worry about me. I can handle Death.”

    Joshua was not too thrilled to hear that what was happening to Amon was Eternas doing. He had heard what that man did to Amon, and now the man was making him suffer even more. If they could kill the man, or destroy the spell they might be able to save Amons life. Then Dorian appeared in a storm. He was angry at the fact that they were not in the right state of mind. There was a war coming their way, and they need to be in the right state of mind. Though, he was ready to fight even though his shoulder was still bleeding from the arrow that is still in his shoulder.

    The only thing that was bothering him was that Aeterna was still thinking of fighting Death on his own. He knew the Phoenix was strong, but would he be able to fight a being that controls life and death. Even Though, he knew Kyori’s wishes, he knew he would be unable to do it. So he would leave Death to Aeterna.

    Amon was starting to regain his consciousness, but at the same time his energy was still being drained. He heard what Ocella said that this was Etrama’s doing, and he would not be able to fight in his current condition. Once again he was being a liability to his new found family. He didn’t know what to do, but he stayed quiet as everyone had their attention on Master Dorian. He just laid there as he was gathering what little strength he had remaining to try and help the others in some way. He was going to try and teleport to where he could feel his energy going. If he could at least break the spell that was draining his energy then he would be able to fight.

    Etrama was not expecting Death to appear behind him, or make the comment about his minions. They might not be the strongest of creatures, but number can overwhelm. “I don’t need to hear that from a being like yourself. Not all of them are powerless. Most of them can control shadows and storms. You are aware of the power the young dragon you now poses has over the weather. So don’t mock my army. Besides, I have kept the strongest of my souls for myself, and let's just say he was on pare with the power of the dragon you are keeping at bay.” Etrama said with annoyance in his voice. He didn’t like Death, and he hated him. So they were even in that regards. “I will not fail in my mission, so you better not fail in yours. Kill that annoying Phoenix once and for all, and then and only then will I think you didn’t let that spirit dragon free the Mystics from their restraints. You are as much to blame for our current situation as I am for not being there to make them comfortable.”

    He knew Master Samael would be there soon to commence the ritual to summon the dark god from their banishment. He would make sure he wouldn’t be interrupted. “Lord Samael will see to it that your master is summoned, and the destruction of this world will follow.” Etrama said as he activated the small gem that he infused into the Angel's hand. That would lead them here.

    Ocella breathed deeply when Master Dorian said that he would speak with her. She nodded her head, looking nervous, and in truth she was. She knew that much time had past since their vow, but the consequences would be the same. “I may never have another chance to tell you what happened that night… the night Joshua, Kyori and myself made the vow,” she said, looking at him sadly.

    She began to tell him how she had seen Kyori arriving, how she had confronted him, how he had tried to conceal what had been happening… how she had called for Joshua. She told him everything, but suddenly she felt an intense pain in her hand and gasped as she fell to her knees, the breath having been stolen from her.

    She forced herself to raise her hand and looked at it in horror, the gem was glowing inside her hand and she could see it through her flesh. She clenched her fist from the pain and held it to her chest, trying to focus on breathing as her vision clouded. “Etrama…” she spoke, looking to her father and to the others. She hadn’t expected this from him since they had retrieved Amon, but now that he was summoning an army against them… he was using the opportunity against her.

    She closed her eyes, her shoulders rising and falling rapidly as she tried to steady herself. “They’re at Mount Fuji,” she said, her voice strained. She looked up to her father with watery eyes, though not from the pain she was experiencing. She stood rapidly and threw her arms around him, holding him close as her body shook softly. “Thank you for everything dad… I’m so happy to have known you, to have you in my family. I’m sorry for everything, but I want you to know how much I love you. I’m going to do my best to win this war… but I know that we may not have the opportunity to meet again,” she said, looking at him sadly as she finally released him.

    She flexed her fingers and clenched her fist again, looking to the others. “Ryan, you go after Etrama. Josh, you take on the army with Art and Kelda. Provide as much support to anyone who needs it as you can. I’m heading for Samael. With any luck I may be able to bring Kyori back in battle, but until then you will face him Aeterna,” she looked to Amon and a small tear fell down her face. “We have to get him somewhere safe,” she spoke, her voice soft as she ignored the pain in her hand and made her way to her husband, kneeling down next to him.

    Death looked at Etrama. If his face was visible Etrama would see the side eye Death was giving him. Shaking his hood, Death spoke.

    “You think I get my strength from the spirit dragon?” Death laughed once more. “He is but a bonus, a reserve of raw unbelieveable power, but my power comes from the god of destruction. It flows through me and I invoke it with a simple thought. Your power will never match that of my master, nor my own,” Death stated mockingly as he hovered over to one of Etrama’s minions. With a single touch the undead creature crumbled. Etrama retorted with talk of treason. Explaining that he believed Death allowed Kyori to set his friends free, to which Death twirled around.

    “And if I released them? What will you do? You’re beneath me. If you were not the plaything of Samael I would’ve cleansed you from this world a long time ago, but alas we have work to do. I shall help your pathetic excuse for an army.”

    Death thrust his hand forward and black miasma flowed from him into the undead. Each one of the received a boost in strength, but Death knew they still would be no match for the Masters that were coming. He knew they’d come, it was only a matter of time. This was it, this was the end.

    While Ocella explained everything that had happened, Dorian simply smiled. When she was done he was about to speak but he felt that there was something amiss. She was clenching her hand into a fist and informed them that Etrama was on Mount Fuji.

    “Then you must go,” Dorian replied as he embraced her kissing her head as a father would before releasing her. “My dear I have known about the vow and what happened that night. Kyori is who he is and I do not fault him for it. I am glad you came forward and now the vow is no more. May the light of Erobus protect you. When you confront Kyori remind him of the book I gave him, he will know what it is and how to use it when the time is right.”

    Dorian turned to them all. “You’ve grown so much since our first encounter. I want to thank you for what you will do here today, and I want to encourage you to leave nothing, give it your all. I will be watching over you until I can no longer. Aeterna, Ryan, Amon, Joshua, Ocella go now, bring peace to this world once more.”

    Ryan sighed knowing this was it. His job was to face Etrama while Ocella went after Samael and Aeterna faced Death. Joshua, his love, was going to provide support for the others that faced Samael’s wave of monstrous creatures. As much as he wanted to be there for him, Ryan knew this was needed and held his fist to his chest after Dorian finished speaking. He nodded and helped Ocella carry Amon back to the base where the nurses would keep him safe.

    Once they got him back and said their goodbyes, Ryan looked at Joshua and embraced him.

    “I love you, don’t you die on me,” Ryan said kissing his boyfriend with passion not exhibited by his kind often. When he broke the kiss he smiled and let his forehead touch Joshua’s. “Do what you have to do and I will do the same.”

    Ocella looked towards Master Dorian as he came to her, embracing her as he kissed her head. She smiled softly, relishing in his presence while she still could. He spoke, informing her that he had known the entire time. She nodded her head as she smiled at him gratefully. “Thank you father,” Ocella said, her voice strong. “I will remind him of the book. Death cannot take me directly himself due to the vow with Kyori, it may give me the chance we need to bring him back,” Ocella said, a hopeful expression on her face. Ocella sighed and looked to him in concern.

    He spoke again, telling them that he would watch over them until he could not any longer. She smiled and gave him one last hug before departing his side. Amon was being cared for, she had left a message for him letting him know how much she loved him, how he brought love and peace into her life, and to never forget who he was. She had promised to return should she win and had sent him all of her love should she have failed.

    By then Ryan was speaking to Joshua, saying his well-wishes and Ocella approached the two. “We’re a family now, remember that. Focus on the task at hand, don’t get distracted. Unless we can bring Kyoro back, you two, Amon and Aeterna are all I have. Ryan, take care of Amon if I don’t make it,” she said, looking at Joshua and noticing the arrow in his shoulder. She smirked and chuckled.

    “You can’t go into battle like that,” she teased lightly, reaching out gently for him. “This will hurt, but it will be quick,” she promised him as she carefully, yet gently, took hold of the arrow and pulled it out. She placed her other hand upon the wound and healed it instantly, sealing the wound and healing the injury from within.

    “I will try to provide healing while I can, though until I defeat Samael it may prove difficult,” she promised, clenching her fist again as the pain throbbed once more.

    “Ryan, cut his damn dick off and shove it up his ass for me,” she requested with a smirk on her face. She hugged them both and made her way to Aeterna, hugging him as well. “We will try to bring Kyori back by any means we can,” she promised. She turned to look at them all. “I will go first, they are expecting all of us. You’ll know when to join me,” she promised, smiling at each of them before she vanished and appeared some distance in front of Etrama and Death. She said nothing and stared at them with her arms crossed, allowing nature to be her eyes and to keep an eye on the army of the undead that had surrounded them.

    “Hello Kyori,” she finally spoke, her voice cold as she stared at Death.

    Everything was happening so fast that Josh had a hard time keeping up. What was happening to Amon, the pain Ocella was feeling in her hand. Along with the realization that their fight was just on the horizon. It was all moving too fast. He wanted to spend at least one more night with Ryan, since it might be their last, but in the end what he wished for wouldn’t come teur. Evil never gives them a break, and it was the same now.

    A Ryan picked up Amon, and they relocated to the medical wing of Master Dorian's house. He knew that this might be the end of everything. So when Ryan approached him, and told him to come back to him he could only smile. Then they kissed, and Joshua put all of his love and affection into the kiss. He wrapped his arms around Ryan hugging him, and not wanting to let him go. Once the kiss finished he looked into his lovers blue eyes. “I will come back, so you better do the same. I love you with all of my heart, and it would shatter without you. So please don’t die on me.” Josh said as he hugged Ryan once more, before letting him go. He knew what he must do, and he would support everyone to the best of his abilities. Though he wondered if he would be able to block out the screams of the dead? He would do his best that is all he could do.

    Ocella walked up to him and looked at his shoulder. He knew what was going to happen next, and didn’t flinch as the arrow was pulled out, and the injury healed with her light. Josh smiled at Ocella, and placed a hand on her shoulder. “Thanks. We will end this war, and you can live happily alongside your husband.” Josh said hoping to give her strength. Then she left for the battle field, and he waited for the others to get ready before joining her.

    Aeterna knew that his fight with Death was going to probably cost him his life. Even though, he showed confidence in his abilities. The fact that Kyori was taken over by that parasite concerned him, and he just hoped that he would be able to bring him back. As Ocella and Dorian spoke about the vow Kyori, josh, and she undertook. He could understand why Kyori was so secretive about things. Then Ocella felt a sharp pain in her hand, and she told them where the final batter was going to take place.

    Once they entered the medical wing Amon was set on a bed and everyone was staying there good bys. He walked over to Master Dorian and reached out a hand to him. “Thank you for being there when I needed guidance. I am sorry that I was not strong enough to keep you for having to interfere, and to be punished on our behalf. May the eternal flame watch over you in your journey.” Aeterna said as Ocella walked up to him giving him a hug. “Don’t worry about Kyori. I will do my best to bring him back, but if I can't I will risk my life to kill him.” Aeterna said with a sad voice. They all had the people they love to fight with, but he was all alone in his battle. So he closed his eyes as Ocella went to the battlefield. He would go soon, and confront his lover and see what the rates have in store for them.

    Amon just lied there and listened to what was going on, but didn't act as if he was awake. He was going to do what he could to stop Eterma from hurting the others. However, if any of them knew what he was planning to do they would try to stop him. Ocella was upset about what was happening to him, but he couldn't let her worry about him more. Then Ocella said by to everyone and hugged them. Though he did wonder if Master Dorian knew what he was planning? He mentioned his name in the people that will be fighting. Once Ocella left he would wait for the others to leave so he could go and free himself from what was happening to him.

    Etrama was not too pleased with Death, but he was to work with the death bringer. Giving a sigh as he destroyed one of his undead, just to have it reanimate. As long as the Nephilim has energy his army would regenerate. “They may be weak, but even the Mystics have a limit to how much power they have. As long as my little substitute has energy they will return again and again. So I may be sending lambs to the slaughter, but even wolves can only kill so many sheep.” Etrama said as he then replied to his assumption. “The Spirit dragon is powerful, and I never said you take power from him, but my final soul is as powerful as that stupid dragon. So don't get your scythe in a twist.”

    Etrama watched as Death gave his army a boost in power, and he didn’t like it one bit. This creature thought he was inferior to him, and that might be true. However, Etrama didn't want his help at all. But he wasn't going to say anything. Let this creature think what he wishes. In the end as soon as this is over he would not have to deal with him anymore. Though, the threat was not welcome, but he will let it slide for now. Nothing will deter him from completing his mission.

    He walked out of the cave that held the spell, and left one of him stronger servants there to guard the crest. Then not long after he and Death walked down the mountain a little Ocella appeared in front of them. Etrama smiled at her as she confronted Death. “Well little angel. Looks like you are ready for a fight, but how is your husband doing?” He asked in a sadistic tone knowing good and well what was happening to the hafling.

    Ocella saw Etrama walking out of the cave and smirked, knowing that he must have created the spell inside the cave. “He’ll be much better when you are dead,” she responded, still looking at death.

    “Are you done blowing hot air or shall we begin?” she asked, smirking at Etrama now.

    Death could have laughed at Etrama’s games. He would die because of his games with the Mystics. Death would deliver the final blow to his enemies, one way or the other and Etrama was no exception. Still, for now they worked together even if his minions irritated him. Perhaps it was the inner spirit dragon’s attitude peeking through. Death heard a voice, a familiar voice and as they emerged from the cave, Death looked at Ocella, his amber eyes burning to her soul.

    “Etrama your play toy has come alone. Clearly she does not think of you as a threat. How comical,” Death said as his scythe slammed into the ground from the sky. His skeletal hand slowly grabbed the handle. “Allow me to remove the hindrance from your side Etrama,” Death said as he pulled the scythe out of the ground. Dark miasma poured from the crack in the ground bursting forward in the form of bats.

    Ocella watched as Death moved first, believing that she did not feel Etrama was a threat. Dark miasma came barreling towards her in the form of bats and she shifted instantly, a feeling of peace washing over her at once as she stood in her angelic form. Everything was moving in slow motion for her, but suddenly an intense glowing came forth from her being as holy light poured forth from her, and a shield of energy came bursting forth from her wand, creating a protective sphere around her. She stood strong as the miasma hit her sphere, one bat after another until they had all disintegrated into her holy light.

    - - - Updated - - -

    When the attack was over, her light died down and her shield vanished. She stood strong and bore her eyes into death, a smirk on her face.

    “Have you forgotten so much?” she asked the creature. “Have you forgotten the night that Kyori, Joshua and myself made the unbreakable vow to always protect each other? To never reveal our secrets until we all became Masters? The later may have been fulfilled mere moments ago, but the former still remains. You cannot kill me yourself, nor cause harm nor place me in harm’s way, for if you do… you will die along with Kyori and I,” she said, smiling at Death with a mischievous glint in her eyes.

    “I’m sure that Kyori can confirm this for you. He also knows about the book our father gave him, though perhaps you are unaware. He knows how to use it and when, so until that time comes- I’m interested to see your next move,” she said with a smug grin on her face..

    Etrama was not pleased at Death’s response to his supposed threat level to the young Angel. It only made him hate him even more. He looked at Ocella with an amused look on his face. “Do you think you will really be able to kill me young Angel? Many of your kind have tried and failed. You will be no different than them. But by all means do try and take vengeance for Amon.” Etrama said as he ignore Death. The creature was as always getting on his nerves. If he ever got the chance he would kill him.

    He just watched as Ocella was able to block Death’s attack, and spoke of some kind of vow that the dragon took with them. He was unsure of this vow, but in the end something like that mattered little to him. However, it did make him smile since he would kill himself if Death killed her. Well at least in theory. He doubted Death could die in that manner, but it was fun to imagine it. “Looks as if you are loosing your touch Death. The little Angel must have you scared!” Etrama said sarcastically as he looked at Ocella. “So Little Angel. Did your friends abandon you in your vengeance, or are you trying to keep our attention till they arrive?”

    “Yes Etrama, I am shaking in my cloak,” Death replied playfully shivering after his attack was blocked by the nature angel. She spoke to him, telling him about the vow he knew about. “Hell it was worth a try,” Death added moving back a bit to let Etrama take charge. “She’s all yours.”

    Etrama sighed at Death’s reply. They would never get along. Well it didn’t matter to him if Death was waiting for his opponent to arrive. The Angel would be a welcome target for his first kill. He pulled out his twin daggers from their sheaths on his calfs. Not taking his eyes of of the Angel. Once he had his blades he took a step forward. “I will thak this prey since you are afraid to die?” Etrama said as he charged towards Ocella not waiting for her response to his question. He was going to try and get close enough to stab her. He wanted to make her suffer so she would beg for Death to take her life.

    Ocella smirked as Etrama spoke. “Neither,” she answered, shrugging as she watched them. “Just doing a little surveillance,” she replied, grinning. Ocella smirked at Death when he said that it was worth a try. She had a bargaining chip with him to get Kyori back, one that she wanted to save until she was able to defeat her uncle.

    “I thought my dear, sweet uncle was coming soon?” she questioned with a smirk on her face. Etrama asked her if she was afraid to die, but before she could answer he began his assault. She simply stood there as he raced towards her, not wavering from her position the slightest. Just as he was nearing her, nearly upon her, she seemed to simply fade into the grass beneath her as a trip vine raised from the ground as a tripwire would, hoping to catch him off guard and to use his own momentum against him.

    Where she once stood, sharp, thorny vines shot forth from the ground and attempted to ensnare him. These appeared to be her average vines but in fact they were filled with a potent and fatal dosage of Wolfsbane toxin. One cut would cause dire pain unless the poison was expelled, but her army of thorns that raced towards him would cause certain death for most. As for her location, her energy had spread all through the grass in the area and small trees began shooting up all around. Sentient creatures made of forestry materials began to appear and attacked Etrama’s army, but Ocella’s physical form was nowhere to be found as she was amongst the grass itself. She was using this opportunity to confuse Etrama and to gauge his army.

    The moment Ocella disappeared from where she was standing vin's protruded out of the ground, and a little vine was set to trip him up. Knowing there was no way for him to keep himself from falling into the trap one of his servants that was closest push him out of the way, and fell into the trap. The body screamed as the poison quickly killed it. Etrama rolled when he was pushed and watched as the corps writhed in pain then disintegrated into the earth it was made from. “You will have to try harder, but you might want to refrain from killing any of my servants.” Etrama said with a sly smile upon his lips. He wouldn't suffer, but the Nephilim will. Though just killing one won't have an effect, but if they kill a lot of them. He would definitely feel the energy pull. He looked around for the little Angel, and it seemed she went into hiding. He would have to wait her out, however, she sent her little nature imps out to fight his army. He chuckled slightly. The corpses would annihilate them easily. “Attack anything that is moving. Kill them without mercy.”

    Ocella glared at Etrama from her hiding place, but when she saw the opportunity she traveled through the root systems to the cave both Death and Etrama had come from. Etrama seemed keen on waiting her out, however she knew that he wasn’t expecting her to appear in there. She stayed in the root system and filtered towards the branch nearest the cave, but she wasn’t able to see in there just yet. ‘Joshua, you need to get into this cave. I’m not sure what is in there but I believe it may be the summoning circle he is using to create his army,’ she called to him, sending him a picture of the cave. ‘Be careful everyone, the army regenerates when they are killed. The army is using Amon’s strength, so try not to kill them,’ she spoke to everyone.

    She refocused her attention towards Etrama as her sentient beings were being slaughtered, her physical form appearing once more, hidden amongst the tree branches. The remainder of her beings vanished at once. ‘Kyori, I know that you’re in there. I know that you still have the stone. If I don’t make it, it’s up to you to destroy it. When the timing is right I will reveal the blade to you,’ she said, shivering at the connection she felt with Death. She knew that he would hear her thoughts as well but she desperately hoped that Kyori would also.

    She leaped from the tree and her blowgun appeared in her hands once more, trying to offer Joshua a distraction to get into the cave. She shot dart after dart towards Etrama before focusing her attention on Death himself, shooting dart after dart of a non-deadly paralytic toxin towards him. It was still not breaking the vow for she was doing it to protect Kyori and to stop Death from causing any more havoc. The undead army saw her moving and the nearest soldiers began focusing on her, to which she simply flew into the air to avoid.

    ‘NOW!’ she shouted at them all mentally, looking around for her uncle… she knew that he would be there soon and didn’t want to use all of her energy in the melee.

    Death hovered as Ocella made her move. He watched with amusement as she evaded Etrama. It gave him joy if he could feel such an emotion. All the while Ocella moved, his amber eyes traced her movement. Though she may be invisible to Etrama, Death was able to lock on to her life energy, the line of energy that gave all beings life. She could not hide it from him and when she reappeared, his eyes locked onto her. The dart came racing towards him and he caught it in between his boney fingers.

    “I must admit this tenacity is quite amusing,” a voice came from within the cave as Samael appeared walking with confidence. “And who better to possess such unwanted tenacity than my unruly disappointing niece. Have you come to stop me?”

    Death examined the dart before placing it within his black garbs.

    Etrama was not happy trying to dodge the darts that were aimed at him. He didn't know what Ocella's plan was, but he wouldn't let her get away with it. However, since his minions were going after her he didn't need to do anything. Then he felt his master's power as he appeared in the area, and then made his presence known. It seemed like he was not a bit happy about him nice being here and making trouble for him. Etrama just stood in place since he knew Samael would want the honor of killing his own flesh and blood. Moving back to the entrance of the cave he smiled at Samael as the war officially began. As soon as this was all over he would be able to spend his days with the man he loved. Turning to face the battle field some of his stronger minions gathered around him. They would protect the spell with their lives, and then his soldier in the cave was his strongest shadow soul. It was not going to be an easy fight to break this spell.

    Ocella watched as Death caught her dart, sighing at her failed attempt. A voice came from within the cave and she turned in Samael’s direction, though she never took her attention from Death or Etrama, allowing nature to be her eyes. She looked at Samael as he referred to her as his unruly niece, a smirk appearing on her face. “Says the one who slaughtered his own family, and yet I’m the unruly one?” she asked with a raised brow.

    He asked if she was there to stop him and she crossed her arms. “Why ask questions to which you already know the answer?” she replied with a question of her own. The fact that Death pocketed her dart did not escape her notice, but she wondered what he would do with it. ‘Please Kyori…’ she begged her friend, her eyes never wavering as she stared at her uncle, transforming into her Master form. “So tell me uncle, are you ready?” she asked, looking at him sternly.

    “Oh you’ve come to fight? I thought you came to say hello. Here I was thinking you’d come to your senses. Oh well another dead family member won’t matter,” Samael said causing Death to look in his direction. There was a flicker from amber to turquoise in his eyes before shifting back to amber completely.

    “Samael, is it wise to waste energy on such a small insignificant creature?” Death commented.

    “She matters not,” Samael replied looking in Death’s direction. “Shall I entrust you in destroying her?”

    Death let out a soft chuckle before pointing at Ocella. “If it will please you, she will be no more.”

    Samael smirked and shook his head before popping his knuckles. “This should be fun. While I dispose of her, I expect you to protect the cave with your lives. Understood?” Death nodded and turned to remove himself from the fight between Samael and Ocella. Without even blinking, Samael was upon Ocella. “It does not matter what you do here today, he will come and you and your friends will cease to exist.”

    Just as Etrama was nearing the cave, a large wall of ice erupted from the ground. Death saw this, his eyes narrowing on Ryan whose hand was placed firmly on the ground a few feet away.

    “Oh look, another one,” Death said looking at Etrama. “Shall I, or are you ready to be of use?”

    Etrama just listened to his master as he and Death toyed with her. She was so easy annoy, and make her mad. It was almost comical though she was not of any importance to him. Doing what Samael asked of him was the most important. However, as he approached the cave a wall of Ice formed in front of him, and a cruel smile formed on his face as the Ice Demon Ryan came into view. Etrama lifted his hand to Death, in a stop motion. “This one is mine. I have a question that he has yet to answer, and I want him to tell me on his deathbed. I also don’t need you to fight for me. Besides you need to find that Phoenix. I am sure you have unfinished business with him. Prove that you are usefull yourself, and not just all talk.” Etrama said as he walked towards Ryan nonchalantly. He still wanted Death to mind his own business, but he was not going to give him the satisfaction of seeing him angry.

    “So you came to avenge that little Nephilim did you? Well I can make sure you suffer the same fate as he will under the spell I have cast. Now shall we play?” Etrama asked as he shifted into his Wraith form. He was going to take Ryan seriously from the start, but not use his soul until he was ready. He took his daggers, and waited for Ryan to make his first move.

    Josh appeared on the battlefield not too far from the cave. He would need to not be seen to pull off getting into the cave without a hitch. As he slowly made his way towards the cave he encountered a problem. It seemed that this was not going to be as easy as he first thought. There were guards in front of the cave, and they didn’t look like they would be pushovers. He needed to think of something, but his time ran short as one of the guards disappeared. Josh stood up, and was almost too slow to dodge the shadow blade that almost took his head. The three other guards attacked him as well. Making this a four on one fight for his life.

    Ocella flew in place with her arms crossed as her uncle and Death conversed about who would kill her and how insignificant she was. She rolled her eyes and popped her neck as she prepared herself. “Are you two done gossiping like little old ladies playing Bridge?” she asked, staring at her uncle. He was upon her at once, threatening her as usual.

    “So you think,” she said, placing some distance between the two of them. She wanted to gauge his strength first. Within moments her wand came alive, producing a growing orb of energy in its mist. When the orb was the size of a human’s head she released it, sending it barreling towards her uncle. The orb was laced with a combination of natural poisons such that if it struck, it would cause more damage than the injury alone. It was also locked onto her uncle in that it would follow him, a trick that she had picked up from him.

    Samael hovered in midair, his wings not visible as he watched Ocella. She was so intent on trying to defeat him, trying to get revenge, and trying to protect her loved ones that it amused him how many mistakes he saw in what she did. She produced an orb, a toxic one filled with toxins derived from nature. Samael watched as the orb came barreling towards him and just as it neared he extended his hand and the orb crashed against an invisible force. He shook his head disapprovingly as the orb continued to spin rapidly but seemed to be stuck on some invisible force.

    “Do you know why I betrayed your grandfather? Do you know why I extinguished the lives of parents? Such lowly creatures unfit to inhabit anything. Shall I tell you how it happened?” The orb began to shift and change in color and speed.

    Ryan stood up straight as Death moved away from the battle Etrama was walking into.

    “When you least expect it Etrama,” Death spoke when Etrama was out of hearing range.

    Ryan smirked as Etrama began walking towards him. The shift in form came with a shift in power and Ryan’s eyes narrowed. Etrama wasn’t going to play any games and neither was he. Ryan’s shift into Master form came with a change in the atmosphere around them. It grew colder, a dry cold, a cold that hurt the lungs to breath. Ryan’s hand tightened around the bow as he unleashed a volley of arrows in Etrama’s direction, each swirling sporadically towards his target.

    “Do I have a choice but to listen to your gibberish?” Ocella asked, still glaring at her uncle. It made her nervous that he had caught her energy bomb so easily, and more so that it was changing, shifting colors and gaining speed. She knew what was to come from it and was preparing herself. “Your reasons matter not to me- only who you are. We cannot co-exist so long as you are bent on destroying this world, and all others in this realm. That is why I fight, not for them,” Ocella replied, shaking her head at her uncle.

    “Then fight like you mean it and stop wasting my time with these parlor tricks,” Samael replied flexing his hand causing the orb to shoot back towards Ocella. The sound was like a cannon.

    Etrama looked at the ice demon as he shifted to his master form. It was a sight to see him change into a beautiful new form. It was almost a shame that he would have to kill him. The area suddenly turned cold, and it almost hurt to breath, but he was used to death. So it really didn’t bother him. As the arrows came towards him he could feel a change in the air around them, and knew they would not be good to counter. He quickly dodged the arrows. Once he was free of that nuisance he ran towards Ryan. He needed to close the distance between him, and the young Demon. Arrows are only effective in long range combat.

    He sent a mental command to one of this minions, to ensnare Ryan in a shadows. The corpse used the shadows around the demon to try and entangle him as Etrama made his way toward their enemy. Twenty other corpses also got a message to charge at Ryan, most of them were physical fighters, and a couple of them were once people that could control speed. Their job was to slow down the Demon speed with a spell. He stopped running towards the young demon once his orders were being carried out. Now he would have to deal with his power of reanimation. No matter the outcome Etrama will be satisfied.

    Ocella backed up at once as soon as her uncle spoke, releasing her orb towards her once more. Ocella braced herself for the impact, she knew that it would follow her wherever she went and that trying to flee was useless. ‘Erobus, grant me thine light,’ Ocella thought to herself as her wand began to produce light from it. A shield made of light came forth, growing in size and strength until it surrounded her completely, acting as a forcefield. When the orb struck her field she was blasted back several yards, landing hard against a tree and banging her head against it roughly, but she was still alive. She looked up at her uncle with a smirk on her face.

    “If it’ll make you happy to tell me your motives dear uncle, then by all means please do reveal what happened that night,” she spoke, standing to her feet once more, taking off into the air to avoid Etrama’s army.

    Samael hovered over to his niece. She had struck the tree hard, but something intrigued him when she had called upon Erobus to grant her light. It annoyed him that the Elder God was still in control, that he sat upon the high throne and had damned his own brother, the God of Destruction, to the void. Samael’s intent was to release the great god and bring about a new era. It was strange. When his niece collided with the tree, he felt a twinge of worry. Why was he feeling such emotion for her? He cared not for his family. He had murdered his brother and his brother’s child, along with her husband, why now would he feel any remorse? While it was true that Samael had fallen in love, he did not think that other emotions would weasel in. He didn’t know what he would do if Etrama died, it was something he didn’t think about. Etrama brought him something he never thought he’d feel again, and now here he was feeling worry for his niece’s wellbeing.

    “You don’t have to fight me Ocella. We both know how this will end if you continue. Just leave. I am giving you a chance to leave.”

    Ryan didn’t stay in one spot after his first volley of arrows missed their mark. Instead he moved with swiftness, drawing Etram into the frozen forest atop Mount Fuji. This forest was known as the suicide forest. Many spirits dwelled that drove innocent lives to their end. They were lonely, and Ryan knew that Etrama would have a hard time finding him in the confines of the forest, if he could make it in. He was nearly there when shadows snaked up his leg trapping him in place. At that moment, it seemed that 20 undead warriors were rushing towards him.

    “Damnit,” he said under his breath as he closed his eyes and exhaled. The temperature was still dropping in the area thanks to the spell he activated on his arrival. As long as he stood, as long as he was alive the spell would continue. He hoped Joshua, Aeterna and Ocella were able to keep warm because Mount Fuji would soon be a frozen tundra. As soon as the corpses were upon him, they froze instantly, one after the other. Their bodies would forever be forms of solid ice. Ryan focused his attention on Etrama. Since the corpse that was responsible for the shadow was frozen solid, he was able to snatch away from the tendril and move towards the forest. He stopped just in front of the entrance looking back at Etrama. Aiming ever so delicately, he released three arrows.

    Death turned slowly watching everyone fight. He kept going back to what Ocella had said to him trying to reach the spirit dragon. The boy had a book, what kind of book did the transcended give him? His eyes darted from Samael to Etrama yet he did not move from his position until he felt a familiar presence.

    Ocella winced when she looked up from her position and saw her uncle hovering over to her. He was so fast, she knew that she couldn’t defeat him on her own… but the others were locked in battle and it worried her. Her eyes softened when he spoke to her, giving her the chance to leave.

    “How? How could I leave when the one whom you seek to summon will destroy everything? My friends, my husband, I’ll truly have nothing left. You’ll take everything from me. How could I stand by and allow that? How could remaining with you replace that?” she asked him, looking at him sadly.

    “Why do you seek such destruction uncle? Why do you hate so? Even now my husband is being used as a pawn and his very life is at stake. How can I just stand by and let that happen?” she asked, daring not to take her eyes off him. Ocella felt the atmosphere changing, becoming colder and shivered in response. Nature itself began to freeze and she allowed herself a moment to look at the scene before her as her eyes slowly began to disappear. She would have to be more alert now that the terrain had become a frozen tundra, she couldn’t see through nature unless she created more. Ocella cursed mentally as her eyes returned to her uncle once more, hovering just a little higher to ensure her safety from Etrama’s army.

    He watched her as she took to the sky. She wanted to escape Etrama’s army to which Samael could only watch from his position. His armies had already begun their march on the world. Led by his General, the armies began to trample cities. Any who did not succumb to his power were slain. However, Kelda and Art along with the backup Dorian had spoke of clashed with his titanous army trying to put some sort of barrier between the army and the innocence that was the world. Samael looked up at Ocella as he moved, appearing in front of her in the blink of an eye.

    “I held back in our fight that your master interfered in, but trust me if you do not give in I will not hold back.” Samael said taking note of the frost that was settling on everything around him. Etrama’s minions were finding it hard to move as they were corpses already and their bodies froze quicker than a living being. Samael had to admit it was a genius strategy, one he would have used himself had he had to face Etrama.

    “I seek justice niece. I seek justice against the pantheon and the so called gods. My brother was taken from me, my life was changed forever and my heart darkened. I seek REVENGE!” he commented as he thrust his hand forward, a spell circle appeared around his hand. “I will not allow anyone to stand in the way of my revenge. NO ONE! Now I ask again, remove yourself or I will remove you.”

    For some reason the thought of killing his niece did bring a sadness to his heart and there was even a moment in which a tear seemed to want to push its way to the surface of his duct, but never succeeded as he glared at Ocella.

    Ocella listened to her uncle and looked at him sadly as he appeared in front of her. He told her why he wanted to summon the God of Destruction and Ocella felt great empathy in that moment. “I understand,” Ocella said softly as a spell circle appeared in his hand. She was nervous, she knew that he could kill her any moment, but she could also see a flicker of hope in him and that hope gave her the courage to continue. “I understand uncle. Much of the Pantheon is misguided and overbearing, but they mean to protect the world from darkness. Your brother was Not taken from you, he Chose to protect the innocent. He chose this over the love of his life, he lost his entire family including his own child. He never lost that love, NEVER,” Ocella smiled softly at her uncle and took in a deep breath as she prepared herself for what could happen.

    “I understand why you seek revenge uncle, but who will be left once he is resurrected? Will you finally be satisfied or will there still be sorrow and darkness in your heart?” she asked, hovering in front of him now. She reached her arms out with genuine emotion and gave her uncle a hug. “I harbor no hatred in my heart for what you have done to our family. I am saddened by what happened, but I harbor no hatred. Tell me uncle… have you ever loved before?” she asked, pulling her head back to look at him. She was greatly aware of the spell circle in his hand and hoped with all of her heart that he wouldn’t slaughter her, that she could reach past the darkness in his heart.

    In that moment he was vulnerable. He had never allowed another in such as he with Etrama and now his niece had managed to penetrate the dark barrier that surrounded his heart. Still, he had a job to do but the emotions that were flooding his senses were causing a disruption. He was about to speak when he felt her warmth, her light wrap around him. Everything in him wanted to push her away, but there was something he had forgotten that allowed her light to continue to hold him. His own light was comforted by her hug and for a brief moment Ocella would see his angel form, something that had become contaminated with darkness. It now stood before her as beautiful and radiant as any angel. She would see a smile, but then it would vanish. The darkness would come and the light would go out. An eruption of power would surge forth knocking Ocella away and regaining control of Samael.

    “I… I have loved and I do love, but that has nothing to do with my revenge on the heavens.”

    Ocella could see it. She saw his angelic form and looked at him in awe, a smile on her face as he smiled at her. It was something that she had doubted for so long still existed within him. Suddenly the smile vanished from his face and before she could react, an explosion of power sent her flying back from her uncle as she landed roughly on the ground beneath them, bouncing and flipping over backwards several times. She held her head and groaned in pain, a gash had appeared on her forehead from the impact and she held her hand over the wound, blood trickling down her fingers.

    She gazed up at her uncle as he spoke, a sad smile on her face. “Who uncle? Who do you love?” she asked, standing with some effort. She was trying to regain her senses as she looked at him, taking off into flight once more.

    “Love is beautiful,” she commented as she hovered in front of him once more. “Love has everything to do with your quest. You loved your brother, didn’t you? You never lost him, he never lost that love. Pray tell me uncle, why would you take something so beautiful from so many? Would you have it taken from me?” she asked, still in her beautiful, angelic form. She reached her free hand out to him, her movements soft yet steady as she tried to brush the back of her fingertips against his cheek.

    “Who I love is none of your concern,” Samael spat as he watched her attempt to touch him again. This time he thrust the spell circle hand into her chest and there was a bright glow and what sounded like an explosion. Samael did not move, as if unaffected by the attack he just launched at his niece.

    Ocella knew that she was in trouble the moment he spoke. She could hear the tone in his voice, and without hesitation he thrust the spell circle into her chest. With the explosion came a scream of pain that filled the battlefield as she yet again was sent tumbling through the air, crashing hard against the ground and landing several yards away. She laid there still after the impact, cringing in pain as she tried to breathe. There was a sharp pain in her chest, as if several of her ribs were broken either from the blast or the impact.

    This affected her greatly, she felt dizzy and light headed as she desperately tried to heal herself. “I’m sorry,” she spoke to her uncle, coughing. “I shouldn’t have pried,” she said, her voice hoarse as she looked up at him. “You never told me… what you sought revenge from the heavens for,” Ocella questioned, still not quite able to move yet. She knew that she was in trouble and that her time was limited, but she was doing everything she could to bring her uncle back.

    ‘Kyori…’ she thought desperately to her friend, her voice pained. ‘Remember. Remember who you are, even if I do not make it. Please Kyori,’ she begged her friend, struggling to push herself up as she cringed in pain from her broken ribs. Her breaths were labored and she looked around at the army around her. ‘Think Cella, think,’ she told herself, trying her hardest to ignore the pain in her chest and to take flight once more. The pain was incredible as she spread her wings, trying as hard as she could to flap her wings and to fly. The army came close to her and she looked around with great worry on her expressions, but suddenly her wand came to life.

    She looked at the sentient being, a soft smile on her face as she felt the first of the army grab her. The wand lit the area around her, filling it with warmth and light, sending a force field of energy around her and knocking the undead back. If she could kill them she would, but how could she choose herself over Amon? The army struck at her, though were unable to penetrate the spherical force field that surrounded her. They piled on top of each other until they surrounded her completely and in that moment her attention was focused on figuring a way out of this mess, rather than her uncle. She was in pain but her will was strong, and as she knelt down to put further distance between the undead that encased her… a sonic blast went off around her, knocking the undead army off of her, sending them flying back away from her.

    She looked up at her uncle sadly and shook her head. “What is the point of all this uncle? Will death and destruction truly make you feel better, or will there still be a void? Will that darkness still be in your heart?” she asked, finally managing to take flight once more.

    Etrama just watched as his army was frozen in place thanks to Ryan and the fact that he was dropping the temperature of the mountain. All he could do was watch as he freed himself, and made his way to a forest. Following him, but keeping his distance as to be able to dodge anything that came his way. Then it happened three more arrows came his way. He was able to dodge two of the arrows, but the third sliced open his side.

    However, lucky for him the arrow only created a laceration, that actually froze at the same time so he didn’t have to worry about the injury. This ice demon was proving to be a nuisance and he was quickly getting tired of him. Just a little bit longer and he could summon his storm elemental soul to his side, and then Ryan would be in a world of hurt. For he would have the power to fight off his cold. Though, the cold didn’t bother him at least yet. He was a wraith, and lived in the spirit world. He was used to the cold of death, but his minions that are made of the earth were not as lucky. They would freeze easily. However, what Ryan didn’t know was the effect that this would have on the Nephilim Amon. Well it didn’t matter. The poor man would die anyway if the spell continued on it’s course. At least he will die. Etrama ran towards Ryan as fast as he could. He need to close the distance between them, and make this a close quarters combat till he was able to merge his soul with the other soul.

    Joshua had his hands full trying to fight the four shadow souls that were attacking him, and the screams of all of the lost souls around him. Trying to keep his concentration as sharp as he could, and trying to block out the screams that were filling his ears. Trying to concentrate was hard, but he knew one little slip up, and he woulds be dead. Also keeping in mind what Ocella said about them being connected to Amon, and not to kill them. So as of yet he hasn’t transformed into his master form. He was hoping his smaller frame would allow his fro better movement. However, he was finding that doing so only put him at a disadvantage. Since they had no reserves about using their power on him. In fact he already had some minor lacerations to his arms and legs trying to keep them from being able to get a hold of him. He could use one of his abilities on them however he had no idea what effect it would have on Amon. He was trying his best to not hurt the man that Cells loved.

    He continued to fight off the shadow users as the temperature in the area started to drop. He was starting to feel the cold as it covered the area. This must have been Ryan’s doing since his love's power works better in the cold. However, he knew that eventual his tolerance to the cold would give the colder it got. He must find a way to finish this battle soon so he can break the spell that was using Amon. Knowing that the cold would start affecting not only his movement, but the movement of the things that were attacking him, but he would have to have patents and skill to out last his attackers. However, before the spell was able to effectively slow their movements the four corpses disappeared into the shadows. This put him more at a disadvantage, he would be the only one affected by the spell that Ryan had cast. Continuing to dodge all of the shadows that were coming towards him, and still trying to find a way into the cave to free Amon. As the atmosphere continued to get colder Josh knew that his movements were also becoming sluggish. Casting a speed spell on himself helped him keep up with the shadows for the moment at least.

    Amon was pretending to sleep in the infirmary as the others waited for the signal to make their way to the battlefield. So many thoughts were running through his head as he just laid there amassing energy for what he was about to do. He just needed a little more time, and then he would be able to leave without causing anyone to panic. Then it happened Ocella’s voice rang through his head as much as it did the others. With that signal they all disappeared to wherever they were going. Now was his only chance since the woman that was attending to him left the room to go ad get something. Amon opened his eyes and chanted a spell that would teleport him to where the magic circle had to be.

    As his body appeared in the cave he was at least able to stand on his feet for the moment at least. He found that this spell was slowly disintegrating his body, that is why his physical strength was affected. If it weren't fro the regenerative abilities of the white dagger that was inside of him, that for some reason activated when the spell took effect. He didn’t know the difference between now, and when Etrama was toying with him, but he was at least grateful for that one little aspect. It was the only thing keeping him alive at the moment. Though it was only keeping him from being eaten alive by the spell, it didn’t help with the fact that his body was still heavy.

    Looking around the cave Amon tried to find the location of where the spell was located. Lucky of him it didn’t take long. The soft purple glow of the circle was distinct, and the only light source this deep in the cave. Making his way towards the light he found the magic circle, and smiled since he had enough power to break a spell of this caliber. Falling to his knees he touched the magic circle closed his eyes, and began to speak and incantation. However, unbenounced to him there was a set of eyes watching hi from the darkness of the cave walls.

    The shadows came to life and walked towards Amon who was not paying any attention to it. Raising its shadow sword it plunged the blade into Amons midsection. Amon held back his scream, and the blade dug deep into his body. He fell forward onto the magical circle, and his blood flowed into the spell. Amon was not unconscious, but his vision was tethering. His breathing was sporadic at first and slowly began to slow. The shadow returned to is hiding place, and Amon continued to cast the spell that would break this curse, but it now would take time.

    Ryan paused at the entrance of the forest smirked as he waited for Etrama.

    “Welcome,” Ryan said with a smile as what looked to be tall beams of frozen earth shot up one after the other around them, trapping both of them. They only could go one way, and that was into the forest. “No more running,” Ryan said as he lifted up both hands showing that he had nothing up his sleeves, this would be an all out physical fight that Ryan was hoping for. He had trained for this and he was going for the kill. Ryan nocked an arrow and aimed at Etrama. “Can you keep up?” Ryan as he released the arrow. It spun, gathering frost as it went becoming a swirling torrent of sharp ice, masking the arrow within.

    Samael watched as his niece was attacked by the corpses Etrama had summoned. It was very interesting to see how sluggish they’d become due to the cold. He had noticed the change in atmosphere, but he remained focused watching the ground slowly freeze beneath him.

    “Destruction will bring me happiness. It will bring me peace, I will enjoy watching them pay.” Samael was getting annoyed with the interference from Etrama’s minions. He watched Ocella as she took to the air and he extended an open palm in her direction. “Do you like pain Ocella?”

    “Pay for what uncle?” Ocella asked, shaking her head softly. “What will be left after everyone is gone? Why do you believe that he will not destroy you just because you summon him?” Ocella asked curiously. She watched as he extended an open palm in her direction and asked if she liked pain.

    She could see that her window of opportunity to get through to him was gone, at least for now, and that he wasn’t willing to continue their discussion much longer. She had been hoping to stall until something changed in their favor, until it wasn’t just her facing him… but she hadn’t been able to accomplish that. It was time to defend her life, to last as long as she could and perhaps even bring her uncle to peace. “I’m not particularly fond of it,” she answered truthfully. “But I’ve learned to cope with it,” she finished, keeping her eyes locked onto him.

    “Is this truly it then uncle? Do you wish to kill me? To cause me pain and to make me suffer simply because I do not wish for others to suffer?” she asked, looking defeated. She was preparing herself for what was to come while feigning to be weaker than she was.

    Etrama looked at Ryan as he effectively created a cage for the both of them. He just smiled at the young demon as if this was all part of a grand play that was meant for the both of them. The he mentioned no more running, and he looked as if he was ready for a fight. Something Etrama will gladly give him. “I haven't been running Ice Demon. You are the only one that has been scurrying about afraid to actually fight. Though I already know you brought me here for a reason. But remember not all advantages can lead to a win.” Etrama said with a smile on his face as he felt the shadow in the cave move. Then he felt a familiar power within the cave and he smiled.

    It seemed Amon was trying to break his spell, and met with his shadow servant. The servant reported to Etrama on what happened, and his smile only broadened. “It seems a little mouse scampered into a place he should have stayed away from, and now is dieing because of his stupidity.” He said in an amused voice as Ryan shot his arrow at him. Bending down to the earth he summoned a lower level soul to his side to act as a shield. The arrow struck the body of earth, and froze it solid. The body shattered, and Etrama was closing the distance between him and Ryan. He didn’t know how well this young man would react. “Amon made a huge mistake in his condition, and now he is paying for it.” Etrama said as he reached Ryan, and tried to slice the demon diagonally across the chest, then followed up by trying to kick him in the abdomen. A little bit longer and he would have enough power.

    Etrama was upon him in almost an instant. This is what he wanted, but what he didn’t want was to be told his brother was bleeding out in a cave. Ryan’s eyes narrowed on Etrama but he remembered something Ocella had told him when they encountered Etrama atop the building the day he was told that Etrama had done things to his brother. It was hard to maintain control upon hearing of his brother’s condition, but he stood there, defiant, as Etrama swung his dagger with every intent to cleave into his chest. He still had a promise to keep, he was going to make Etrama pay. The bow shifted and changed in form into two blades that he used to parry the strike, though the blade of Etrama’s dagger still slid across his skin. The kick sent Ryan shooting backwards, but he landed on all fours like a cat and looked up at Etrama licking his lips rather seductively.

    “Is that all you got playboy?” Ryan said standing up and running a finger over the cut causing it to seal with ice.

    Samael looked at his niece, his hand shaking slightly as he fought internally on killing her.

    “Allow me to show you what happened so long ago.” There was an intense blast of energy that shot from his hand. Samael and Ocella were transported back in time, back to where it began, when Samael was betrayed and allowed darkness into his heart. He was a warrior of the heavens, just like his brother. The two were among the strongest of the archangels, next in line to become seraphs, but the pantheon had other plans. There was jealousy in the works. The vision continued, showing Samael in his beautiful radiant form as he spoke to the council. They were splitting Raziel and Samael apart, sending one to the forefronts of the war and leaving him behind. Samael begged, but to no avail. That was the choice of the council. His brother accepted it without question, but Samael did not. His brother wanted him to understand and obey the law. Samael refused. A fight broke out between the two and that was the last he saw him.

    There was a shifting in scenery. Raziel fought on the lines and Samael was unable to help. Samael’s lover at the time was slaughtered and Samael was forbidden to help. The pain of watching and unable to protect him caused a shift in his heart. His brother returned from the war holding his lover but the pantheon continued to interfere. Samael was sent away and when he refused, his own brother under the orders of the pantheon, forced him away. There was nothing more painful than feeling alone, to lose everything. The high council had turned on him because he was too vocal, because they were jealous. Samael was alone, he was thrust from his home to live among humans. He showed Ocella how his heart darkened, how the god of destruction spoke to him, gave him what he needed to get revenge, informed him of the ceremony. Samael killed his own, killed his brother who still served the pantheon. He showed Ocella the day he came face to face with Raziel and how they fought, but Raziel showed him kindness, showed him love, and how his servants had actually killed Raziel while Samael watched. His henchman killed her parents and burned the house. Samael had shed a tear that day but the darkness within him quickly removed that emotion.

    When they returned to the present, Samael lowered his hand and had his eyes closed. He shook his head.

    “They took everything from me, and I am merely returning the favor,” Samael said. “You protect and for what? THe moment you become useless to them they will throw you aside.”

    Etrama chuckled at Ryan’s little comment. He was trying to get under his skin, and that was not an easy task. Though he did like his mindset. His seductive way of licking his lips made Etrama smile. “Well if you are wanting a good time. I can play with you much like I did that little Nephilim. Though you might find it a little more exhilarating than he did.” Etrama said with a seductive smile on his face. He knew the ice in his side was growing. Though not too fast. It would give him plenty of time to play with Ryan.

    He ran towards Ryan once more. He wanted to do more damage this time. Though this time he held out his hand with his dagger still in it, but now it had a wisp in his hand and he pushed it into his chest. By the time he reached Ryan the soul had fully nested, and an electrical current was around his blade. He slashed at him once more.

    Ryan twirled the two sabers expertly as Etrama neared. He prepared for what was to come, but when Etrama produced an electrical current around his blade, Ryan flipped away just in time. The heat from the current filled the air and Ryan landed gently as he took a stance.

    “Is it fun to to have no real power of your own, to have to rely on things you’ve STOLE from others? Admit it, you are worthless.”

    Ryan slammed the two sabers together causing a mist to slowly fill the area. They were in the forest now, but not too far in. Ryan kept his eyes on Etrama, a smirk on his face.

    A flash of anger could be seen in Etrama’s eyes when Ryan called his worthless, but he quickly got that under control. The only thing he hated more than anything was to be called useless, or worthless. He would make sure to kill this Ice Demon very slowly, to make him suffer for his crime. “Say what you may, but my power is stronger than yours, and I will show you how insignificant you really are,” Etrama said with a slight hint of annoyance in his voice. “But let’s not get too carried away. You still have a question to answer before you die. Besides, what fun would it be to kill you before I get to taste you. Much like that Nephilim before you. He tasted
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    good, I don’t think you will taste as good though.” Etrama said as he started to walk towards Ryan.

    But just as he started moving Ryan slammed his swords together, to cause a mist to form he just laughed as he raised his hand, and before Ryan disappeared sent five blades of wind in his direction in hopes of hitting him. “Hiding will do you no good!” Etrama said as he looked around for Ryan. If he didn’t find him soon he will flush him out. However, the ice in his side was starting to bit into his flesh, and grow a little faster because of the continues decrease in temperature.

    Ocella simply hovered in place, watching her uncle closely. She could see his hand shaking before he spoke, though this time his voice was not laced with the same venom as before. She didn’t know what to expect, though suddenly there was a bright light that accompanied a burst of energy from her uncle. She was expecting the worst, but what she saw next shocked her.

    The two were taken back in time and Ocella saw both her grandfather and her uncle as the angels they were, alive and as a family should be. She saw the events unfold before her eyes and she felt great sorrow to experience her uncle’s pain first hand. Her grandfather had never spoken of this, nor had Master Dorian and she couldn’t help but to wonder why. She saw the battle in which her uncle lost his lover and a tear fell down her cheek, seeing her grandfather return with her grandmother.

    The visions shifted slowly but steadily, revealing how her uncle had come to be who he was today. They revealed what happened when he had last seen her grandfather and her parents, how he had not been the one to end them… and yet he had simply allowed it to happen. She understood why he hurt, why he hated and why he wanted to destroy. The visions ended and she was before her uncle back in the present, a soft and sad expression on her face. To see the death of her family over again in such clear, vivid detail brought upon her a plethora of feelings that she hadn’t prepared to feel on the battlefield. Another tear fell down her cheek as she did her best to keep her emotions in order.

    Then he spoke again and Ocella dared to hover directly in front of him, close enough to reach out and hug should he allow- yet she made not the move to do so, rather stayed her place to gauge his reactions. “I’m so sorry,” Ocella said, her voice kind and passionate. “You did everything for them. For your family,” she said, her voice soft. She shook her head and sighed. “You are right in that much of the Pantheon lacks common sense and common decency,” she paused when she felt her skin tingling and the hairs stand on her neck, causing her to look up at the skies. “Hush. You would have had me dead and condemned to hell by now because of what-ifs,” she commented, and the tingling subsided though her hairs still remained standing. “Okay okay sorry yeesh we’ll talk about it later I’m sure, and you know that was not directed at you Master Dorian,” Ocella spoke, grinning mischievously at her uncle.

    “Despite that, what I said is true. But I do not serve them, I am here and have done everything today of my own accord, much to their dismay. I protect the ones I love and those too weak to protect themselves because I want to. The pantheon already has thrown me aside, as you probably gathered, but that does not change my love for those I care about. Now that you can, wouldn’t you do anything in your power to protect the one you love?” Ocella asked, looking around before her. She was struggling to stay afloat for such lengths, given the pain from her ribs and the consistent flapping of her wings.

    “Your brother still loved you despite his service to the Pantheon. Neither you nor I serve the Pantheon, but that does not mean we have to side against them. That either of us do. Instead of harboring hatred for their judgement and their behavior, I choose to prove them wrong. I choose to simply be myself, and to show them that no matter what happens I will Always be me. I’ve found that’s the best way to get their wings in a wad, proving them wrong,” she said, chuckling softly.

    She looked at him sincerely once more. “Uncle… you don’t have to harbor hatred for the actions of others. Love the one you love, and yourself. I’m sorry for the anguish of the past, but harboring the hatred does nothing to cherish the future. The Pantheon doesn’t make you who you are, the God of Destruction doesn’t make you who you are, you do,” she said, looking at him cautiously. She wanted so desperately to hug him again, to give him comfort that he needed- to help heal his pain, but she didn’t know if he would allow her to.

    She extended her arm out to him, turning it around and opening her hand to him. “Please uncle… may I hug you once more?” she asked, hoping that he would accept her gesture and not blast her out of the sky again.

    The mist flowed and as it flowed the temperature dropped severely. The mist was of frozen origin and when the wind blades came, one cut into Ryan’s left arm and the other cut into his side. Ryan held in the agonizing pain and tried to focus. The mist stopped and he twirled his sabers feeling pain with each movement.

    “How can you hit that which you don’t see Etrama.”

    Ryan jumped into a nearby tree and took aim, his sabers forming back into a bow. He unleashed several arrows, but his vision was becoming blurred due to his blood slowly trickling out of the wounds.

    Samael glared at Ocella as she extended her arm to him.

    “ENOUGH!” he shouted sending a massive wave of energy in a radial blast. “I have no use for hugs.”

    It happened before she could react. She was learning much of her uncle, she could only hope that it wouldn’t cost her her life. She learned that he didn’t want hugs and that she would have to keep her empathy in check to avoid further blasts of energy striking her out of the sky. The massive force of energy struck her without warning, unleashing in a radial blast with enough force to send her rocketing into the ground, leaving a small crater around her. At first she didn’t move. No sounds came from her and she almost appeared to be dead.

    Finally she began to stir to life once more, she had to remember how to breathe for the pain in her chest was agonizing. She opened her eyes and looked up to her uncle. Minions were gathering around her but she couldn’t move. “Okay… you don’t… like hugs. I’m sorry… I… know now,” she said, her voice weak and hoarse as her head rested against the edge of the crater. The minions made to attack her and she did the only thing she could, she teleported out of their sight some feet away, still to where her uncle could see her. The minions stopped and looked confused, giving Ocella a moment to regain some of her strength and to observe herself. She was bleeding from several locations containing deep scrapes, cuts, and bruising was forming. Her clothes were tattered from the blast of energy but she managed to smile despite the pain.

    Ocella still hadn’t gotten up yet for she was doing everything she could to recover some form of strength. She tried to take in a deep breath but winced in pain when it fell short. “When… when my parents died… Master Dorian granted me a gift,” she began, feeling the hair standing straight on the back of her neck. She ignored them and continued without addressing it.

    “He gave me something that would allow me to see my family again… and though they could not return, I would receive closure from them,” she looked around as the minions finally noticed her and tried as hard as she could to push herself into a sitting position. “It would allow me a way to see them and to return,” she explained, forcing herself into a standing position and wobbling a bit.

    She was feeling dizzy and lightheaded, nearly seeing doubles of the minions before her.

    “Would… would you like to… see your loved ones again… if I brought you there? I’ve… made my peace with what happened. I would be… happy to let you see… your loved ones instead,” Ocella offered him her gift, under the stipulation that she accompanied him. She was the only path he had to get there, for the gift had been bestowed upon her and only she could use it… but she had found a loophole in those stipulations and had offered to use it for him instead. She saw the minions closing in on her and shook her head softly, teleporting away once more, still in sight of her uncle. Although she desperately wished to see her family again, to find that closure with them and to get some things off her chest she hoped that he would accept her offer, that it would help him find some measure of peace.

    He listened, and part of him smiled. She was offering him a gift, a gift to see Soryo once more. The angel he fell in love with so long ago who he couldn’t protect because of the pantheon. She was offering him this and he could feel warmth. Etrama’s minions were closing in on Ocella and with what seemed to be electrical energy, Samael caused the minions to stop in their tracks as he slowly approached Ocella.

    “You offer me this freely? After all I’ve done?”

    Amon’s breathing was still not right, but he was staying couscous even though he was bleeding into the circle. As he continued to chant his spell under his breath he could feel the battles taking place outside of the cave. Josh was trying not to hurt him by killing Etrama minions. Ryan was holding his own till he got injured. Aeterna has yet to make it to the battlefield. Ocella was in the worst of shapes. She has been fighting Samael alone, but not making any progress, and now she was seriously injured. Amon couldn’t take his time any more he needed to finish the spell before everyone fell victim in this war. Though he would have to act quickly since the shadow was more than likely watching him.

    His chanting got faster and louder, and he hurried the spell along. He couldn’t think about his well-being anymore. His love needed his help before she was killed. As the circle started to glow the Shadow came to life once more. This time he was going to kill the man before him. Taking his blade and pointing it Amon’s heart he ran towards him. However, the creature was too late. Amon finished the spell, and the circle cracked. Then shattered into a million pieces. He collapsed once more exhausted from what he just did. He was still bleeding, but at least he saved his wife.

    Josh was still trying to keep himself alive and not destroy the minions that were attacking him. He now suffered from several lacerations, but was still able to keep himself one step ahead of them. However, suddenly the shadows quit attacking him, and he looked around the area, and saw the minions returning to the earth from whence they came. “How in the world…” Josh questioned, and then something came to him. He quickly made his way to the cave, and inside where his fears came true. Amon was lying on the ground bleeding. “You were supposed to let us handle this.” Josh said in an angry tone as he moved over to Amon and turned his on his back. To look at the injury. He worked as fast as he could to stop the bleeding. Luckily for Amon the injury was not as bad as it could have been. Though he doesn't have a healing factor.

    As soon as he finished patching him up he went to leave the cave but Amon stopped him. “I am coming along. I am not going to watch as all of you fight. I will not let my fife face this threat alone.” Amon said as he tried to get up. Giving an audible shigh. Josh helped him to his feet, and they began to exit the cave.

    Etrama didn’t know if his attack hit Ryan of not. The air was too cold to try and smell for blood, and the mist was too thick to see through. He was at a disadvantage, but even now the smile never left his face. “Not everything relies on sight young one. There are many different ways to fight, yet you are still so young. Maybe I will teach you a thing or two about life.” He said in a serious tone as he closed his eyes, and listened. Using his hearing to try and determine his opponents next move.

    Then he heard it. Something cutting through the air. With this he was able to dodge all of the arrows that were coming his way. He was dodging them as if he was dancing. The movements were flowing and not a moment of wasted energy. “Your emotion betray you Ryan. You might think you are calm, but your attack say otherwise. You are wasting too much movement, and energy. Are you trying to end this fight quickly?” Etrama asked as he just waited in place for Ryan to strike once again. Then suddenly he felt a surge of energy that caught his attention. Opening his eyes, and looking away from Ryan his eyes went wide. “That damn Nephilim.” Etrama sid in an angry tone. His playtoy made a big mistake, and he would make sure he payed for that. As soon as he finished killing this little Demon. Then he will make him suffer more than he did the first time. Since he will not have to hold back.

    Ocella could see the minions closing in on her. She was running out of energy to keep teleporting away from them and didn’t have the strength to fly. She closed her eyes as she prepared for the worst, bracing herself for what was to come. It was her time, and she winced as she prepared herself for the inevitable.

    But then… there was nothing. Ocella dared to open her eyes, wondering if death had been painless for her. Much to her surprise the army had stopped and her uncle stood before her. He spoke to her, a smile on his face and she nodded her head. “Everyone deserves to love,” Ocella said weakly. Suddenly the army began melting into the ground and she looked around with worry written on her features. She was concerned, but then she saw Joshua and Amon exiting the cave. She sighed in relief and was able to focus on her uncle once more.

    “But no matter what, you cannot do anything else. This gift is solely to visit loved ones past, and I am entrusting you enough to bring you there. Will you make that vow with me to not misplace that trust?” Ocella asked, looking at him sternly.

    His inner demon screamed to kill, to lay waste to those before him, but he didn’t. He continued to smile, and continued to feel warmth that overcast the darkness. He looked at his niece and for the first time he saw her with the eyes of an arch-angel, a being of light. She asked him a simple question and he nodded.

    “To see them again one last time, a gift I don’t deserve but accept.”

    “On the contrary Etrama, it’s you who is wasting too much of something, and I call it space,” Ryan said giving away his location. The arrows that Etrama danced around began to glow. They had pierced the ground deeply and Etrama was unable to see what the arrows formed.

    “Tell me Etrama, what was it I told you on that building some time ago?”

    Ocella smiled when her uncle nodded his head, making the promise with her. He spoke of not deserving the gift but accepting it and she smiled at him. “I… I need to… take your hand,” she said wearily, looking at him with caution. “Please allow me to so that I may bring you there,” she requested, hoping that he wouldn’t react negatively. She revealed a small orb in her hand and smiled, thanking Master Dorian for the gift. She reached her hand out softly to him as if to prepare to take him there, waiting on him to tell her that he was ready. If he accepted her hand she would bring them immediately to a plane of peace, a land of neutral balance in which his loved ones could meet them as well. He would see them as they were before, exactly as he remembered. They would be able to speak to him of their own accord, to speak as they would and to move as they pleased.

    Etrama turned to face Ryan once more. He knew that he needed to keep his cool, so his face was a mask to his the fact that he wanted to kill Amon. Then his prey asked him question, and a smile returned to his face. Yet he wondered why this Demon was drinking that up. “I remember you telling me that you would reveal the secret of who that Nephilim was upon my death bed. But, I am changing that little aspect of your condition. You will tell me right before I take your life.” Etrama said as he narrowed his eyes trying to see right where Ryan was. Granted he knew in Which direction, but nothing more.

    The cold was starting to cause him some problems. Granted he lived with the dead but it never got this cold before. Though he was not going to let Ryan know this. “So far you are all talk, and no action. Everything you have sent my way I have avoided, and you still think you can defeat me? Don't make me laugh you pathetic ice Demon.” Eterna said in a confident tone. Though he still didn't know what Ryan was planning.

    “You, who have done so many dark deeds, you don’t deserve mercy, you don’t deserve it. I will keep my end of that promise Etrama, and I only hope you find peace in the afterlife.”

    Ryan jumped down from the tree as the mist began to clear. He stood only a few feet away from Etrama. “Ocella would grant you mercy, for it is in her nature, but I, I will make sure that every painful breath you take you remember all the dark deeds you’ve done.”

    Ryan stomped his foot lightly, his eyes closed as he spoke. “Special Technique: Bamboo Garden.”

    The arrows that littered the ground all around Etrama began to shift and change into ice bamboo spears. They shot up in all directions, cleaving through the earth as if it were nothing more than paper. Ryan stood watching the arrows transform. He was preparing as he allowed the bow to vanish. His eyes began to shift and his hands began to transform.

    Etrama’s smile left his face as Ryan spoke again and this time his smile faded as he spoke his words. Did this lousy demon think he could kill him easily? Don't make him laugh. Ryan was nothing to him. The mist disappeared and the young demon was standing right in front of him looking like him with such hateful eyes. He did love the beautiful blue of his eyes, and they looked beautiful even now. He also saw that Ryan had received two injuries from the blades of wind he sent the demons way earlier. Both of them were still bleeding.

    “You will not be able to defeat me so don't get cocky.” Etrama said as he watched Ryan. However he was not expecting what happened next, and he found himself on the defensive once again. He moved around the bamboo shaped ice. Though one of them stabbed him in the side. Tearing through his flesh. Lucky for him it was when he was leaning over if not the injury would’ve kill him.

    Gritting his teeth as he jumped back. Reaching his hand to hold the injury. He eye Ryan with content he was tired of playing nice. He wanted to break him so he could play with him, but now he was not going to hold back. His eyes glow slightly as he stood straight up, and looked at Ryan. “I will never regret anything I have ever done. So try your worst, but I will be the one surviving this battle!” Etrama said as lightning surrounded his body. He had a reason to win this fight. He wanted to be with Samael no matter what happened, He would return to him. A high wind also picked up within the confines of the forest. He was going to bring down a tornado in this small area, and destroy the forest and Ryan. The wind continued to pick up speed and start to spin in a circle.

    A single dart shot towards Etrama as he was summoning his tornado. The forest was a spiritual place protected. Ripping it apart would cause the spirits to become enraged. Ryan felt the wind pick up and smiled.

    “You’re going to have to do better than that,” Ryan growled his voice inhuman as he began to shift. His body was twisting and contorting into a beast that stood over Etrama even in his wraith form. Ryan let out a demonic roar as he glared at Etrama, his tail swishing back and forth. The entire time he was transforming into his ice demon form the dart that had been shot at Etrama neared it’s target.

    Samael stood in this new place surrounded by warmth. It felt welcoming, serene here. It nearly brought a tear to his eyes. Ocella stood beside him as he took a step around the peaceful place.

    “It is beautiful,” he admitted as Raziel and Soryo appeared before him. Samael gasped gently and stared into their eyes. “Brother!” Raziel smiled warmly as they shared a warm embrace.

    “Too long have you lived in the shadows my brother. Be free,” Raziel said as Soryo stepped forward.

    “You are and always will be the man I love. Don’t stray from your light. Embrace it.”

    Samael could only look from one to the other.

    “I have done so many dark deeds, how can you forgive me so easily?” Samael said.

    “Because we love you. Love transcends all Samael. Even in death the love you shared never dies. Yet do you truly seek vengeance for something beyond your control?”

    “I….I hate that I wasn’t there. I should’ve been by your side. I..”

    “It is alright Samael, I lived a great life and I defended my home. Your presence wouldn’t have made any difference. Don’t harbor hate it was simply my time. I want you to be free from that my love. Be free.”

    Slowly their presence began to fade as Raziel and Soryo smiled at Samael. Raziel noticed Ocella and blew a kiss in her direction.

    “Stay on the path of light my dear. You have the hardest task of all.”

    Their surroundings changed and they were back on Mount Fuji. Samael was clutching his head in agony as the darkness reacted to the warmth of his inner light. He looked at Ocella and held up a hand.

    “Stay back…” he warned screaming in agony. It felt as if his head was about to explode.

    “Traitor. You serve me Samael.” A dark voice boomed across the mountain top. “You are weak!”

    Ocella watched as they found their way to a plane of peace. It truly was beautiful and she could see the peace Samael was feeling simply being there. Ocella stayed back ever so slightly, not wanting to interfere with his time with his loved ones. She saw her grandfather and closed her eyes, fighting back the tears that wanted to come forth. She wanted to hold him too, to speak to him too, but it was no longer her gift and she had accepted that. She was grateful to see that he was well, that he had been allowed peace in the afterlife.

    He seemed to notice her and she smiled a teary-eyed smile at him, nodding her head at his words. The scenery changed once more and they were back at the war zone. She looked to her uncle, seeing that he was in pain. She made to help him but he held up a hand and warned her to stay back, so she did as she was told. A thunderous voice boomed through the mountain and she glared at the mountain. “HE IS NOT WEAK!” she shouted back at the voice, transforming once more into her angelic form as she ignored the pain from her injuries. “He is who he is meant to be!” she defended her uncle, hoping with all her heart that he had the strength to fight the darkness.

    “It is YOU who is weak! Praying on others in their time of sorrow to do your bidding!” she shouted, hoping to give her uncle the distraction he needed to battle this monster.

    Etrama watched as Ryan transformed into a full demon, and began to tower over him. He was not going to lose to this creature. He knew this was a forest of spirits, but he didn’t care. He was going to tear it asunder just to kill this demon. Even if the spirits haunted him for the rest of his days. As the wind started to pick up enough to form the tornado something struck Etrama in the back. Granted he didn’t feel it penetrate his skin, but he did feel the effects of the paralysis toxin that it was laced with.

    As the toxin spread through his body and nervous system, the wind died down a little, and he was not able to move. He watched as the towering Demon approached, and a small smile appeared on his face. As his eye started to glass over. He wouldn’t be around to see this world change, nor would he be able to stay by his love Samael’s side any longer. The world needed both black and white, good and evil to exist. He was just playing the part the Pantheon forced upon him because of their decision. However, now he sees the error of his ways, but it was too late to do anything about it. Hatred never solved anything, but in the end ‘They’ are the ones that formed this hatred because of their hypocritical ways. A product of false gods, with ideas of grandeur.

    Closing his eyes and accepting the fate he brought upon himself all he could do was stand there and wait for the Ice Demon. No Ryan to kill him and take revenge for what Etrama had done. Both in the past, and now. “Don’t think that killing me will solve anything. Your true enemy is those that create people like me. Remember that young warrior.” Etrama said in a calm soft voice as he waited for Ryan’s attack. They’ would finally get their wish the end of his species.

    Ryan’s eyes widened when the wind died down. What had happened? Ryan wouldn’t worry about it now, instead he would use this rare chance to do what needed to be done.

    “Special Technique: Frozen Cannonball!”

    Ryan’s body rolled into a large ball. It began to spin rapidly pulling in sharp shards of ice and just as Etrama finished talking about the true enemy, Ryan shot forth colliding with Etrama dealing massive amounts of damage to the poisoned wraith. The two crashed through the forest, Etrama hitting every tree until they crashed against a large boulder. Ryan shifted back into his humanoid form and before Etrama could fall from the boulder, a spear made of ice struck him right in the heart.

    Ryan backed away slowly as he looked at Etrama. He felt pity for him, but Ryan’s body had been through enough to tire him out. He fell to his knee but he remembered something.

    “I promised you I’d let you know. Amon is my brother,” Ryan said looking up at Etrama. “I only hope you find peace in the afterlife.”

    The moment Ryans body slammed into his Etrama could feel his ribs break from the impact, and he coughed up blood every time he hit one of the trees. By the time he hit the bolder, every bone in his body was broken. Having a hard time seeing he could feel when the pressure of Ryan’s attack ended. Then before he could hit the ground a spear pierced his heart, and into the rock.

    A wisp slipped out of his body and floated over to Ryan entering his body using Etrama power. “Thank you for freeing us. Although he was not as bad a person as you might think he was. Take care young warrior for the true battle has yet to be fought.” The wisp said as it then exited Ryan’s body and disappeared.

    As Etrama hung there his vision was fading and the pain in his body was going away. He coughed once more and only smiled at the Ice Demon as he kept his word. No wonder he harbored such hatred for him. As he felt his body going even colder he spoke his last words. “Samael, I am sorry… that I…” Etrama was unable to finish his words as his heart stopped beating and he passed from this world.

    Samael screamed in agony as what looked to be black smog slowly coursed from his body. In a sudden burst of energy, Samael looked to the heavens. The smog poured out of his mouth and until nothing remained but Samael’s dim light. He felt a great loss in energy but when he felt Etrama’s energy fade, he closed his eyes and passed out from the energy loss. The black smog slowly began to form into a rather large manticore type creature. Horns protruded from his head, his mouth lined with razor sharp teeth. He stood well above the others, and his hands stretched as he opened his eyes.

    “Ahh, you must be Ocella. Finally I get to destroy the one responsible.” His energy was immense as soon as he was freed, Kyori gasped.

    “We must hurry, I feel his presence,” Kyori said as he approached Ryan who was about to collapse from blood loss. He managed to grab him and looked at Aeterna. “Gather Etrama and meet me on the battlefield,” he said softly before moving swiftly towards the massive spike of energy he felt.

    “You think I am weak little angel? I have crushed your kind with a snap of my finger and I shall do the same to you.” The dark god charged at Ocella, his speed incredible.

    Ocella watched it all as her uncle screamed in agony. A dark smoke of sorts seemed to be coming from within him and she smiled at this, knowing that he was fighting the darkness. “You can do it uncle, I believe in you!” Ocella called, both fists clenched. By now her injuries had stopped bleeding, and though she was still battling her broken ribs it had become easier to move and to react. She watched as the smoke took shape and her eyes narrowed at the creature before her.

    The God of Destruction stood in front of her, ready to kill her as his first victim. “Death has had me in his clutches more times than most. I’m afraid it’ll take more than a snap of your claws,” Ocella taunted the God, smirking as she cracked her neck. The God charged at her and she teleported away in a flash. Trees began to shoot up along the battlefield once more and when she reappeared she was in her Master form once more. She wondered how the others had fared with their battles, she hadn’t seen any of them in so long. “Can you keep up after eons of exile?” she asked, turning her head to look at the God.

    “Special technique- Sonic BOOM!” she called, her energies flaring as a pulse was felt through the Earth itself, before it dispelled through every living tree in the area, sending a massive tidal wave of energy all throughout the area surrounding the God. Even for a God it would be devastating, for the amount of energy used in that attack had derived from the basic energies used to create life itself. “After all the efforts I have exerted towards putting a wrinkle in your plan, I think I deserve a little more effort on your part than snapping your fingers,” she chided, still smirking.

    Aeterna followed Kyori into the forest. There they found Ryan and Etrama’s body. He listens to what Kyori said, but it made little sense to him. Why bring Etramas body with them? Though he didn’t have time to argue. When Kyori disappeared with Ryan in tow Aeterna approached Etrama’s body, and pulled the spear from his chest. The body fell to the ground as he threw the spear to the side. Placing his arms under Etrama’s shoulders and knees he picked him up. Then disappeared into the shadows to follow Kyori.

    When he appeared on the battlefield he looked at the creature that Ocella was fighting, and a shiver ran down his spine. Was this the God of Destruction? Finding the others he ran over to them still holding Etrama’s body.

    Josh was still helping Amon, and the god of destruction was born. What in the world happened to bring this on? He thought as he set Amon down. His own wounds starting to get to him. Amon was not too happy with what was going on. Especially with the power he felt from the thing that they were to be fighting. “We have our work cut out for us” He commented as he gathered as much strength as he could. If everything goes right he will be able to heal everyone.

    Kyori appeared beside Joshua with Ryan’s body. He placed him gently on the ground and sighed, moving a strand of hair from his face. He looked towards Ocella and Subore. Standing, he moved slowly towards the battlefield. Then Ocella unleashed a massive attack on Subore.

    The god of destruction stopped in his tracks as he was struck by the massive energy. When everything subsided the deity stood with a smile on his face and his arms crossed. “Do you honestly think my brother would gift you the magic necessary to destroy me? He could not,” Subore said as he took a step forward orbs of dark chaos magic shooting towards Ocella with each step the beast took.

    “I am going to enjoy ripping your wings off little angel.” Subore took one step and appeared directly in front of her. “You’ll be surprised how much fun it was. I can recall ripping them off of my brother’s creations.”

    Kyori noticed Samael’s motionless body and immediately vanished, snatching his body and returning to the others, placing Samael next to Ryan. “We have to help her, she’s no match for him,” Kyori said softly looking at the others. He noticed how beat up they all were and knew that this fight would be the fight to end it all.

    Ocella looked at the God in disbelief when the mist from her attack cleared. He stood there, as tall and unscathed as ever without having spent a particle of energy to defend himself. She knew that she was no match for him, but that didn’t mean she wouldn’t try everything she could to hold off the inevitable. She knew pain would come, followed by death. She had accepted her fate, but if she could give the others a chance to end this war it was worth it. Her only wish was not to go to hell upon her demise, but that was something she would have to wait to see.

    The dark God began walking towards her, unleashing orbs of chaotic magic towards her that she knew she needed to avoid. She grit her teeth, dug her right foot into the ground and screamed as all of her energy poured forth into releasing a shield around her, catching each of the orbs as they collided with the shield, exploding, weakening her shield and herself and sending her skidding backwards with each one. She never lost her balance and smirked when the attacks were over. Her ribs were on fire and she was covered in sweat, but she refused to give up. She looked up and the God was directly in front of her before she could even blink her eyes.

    He spoke of ripping her wings off as he had so many angels before him and knew that pain was soon to come. ‘Amon… I love you,’ she thought to her husband, hoping that he was safe. She stood erect and glared at the God of destruction. “You sorry, slimy excuse for wasted space. You’ll meet your end, one day soon and shall never have the chance to return again!” Ocella said in defiance. She smirked and vanished before he could move. “Do you really believe it will be so easy to kill me?” her voice rang loud and thunderous through every inch of nature surrounding them. She had fled to the top of the mountain amongst the trees themselves, her light giving off her location. If she was to die that day it would be on her own terms.

    Josh saw Kyori appear with Ryan in his arms. He ran over to him as he was placed on the ground, and touched his face gently. “What happened to you?” He questione with a worried look on his face as everything was happening. Placing his head against his loves chest he listened for a heart beat which he found. A flash of relief crossed his face as he realized Ryan was still alive. His wounds had healed, though they did take longer than normal. He was still not ready for this fight.

    Aeterna appeared next to his family and placed the body of Etrama on the ground next to Samael. It seemed that a lot of people were out of commission or badly injured. He was not worried too much about himself. As long as the potion remained in play as least he wouldn’t feel pain when he was struck. Watching as Ocells fought with the dark God he stepped next to Kyori. “I will buy as much time as I can.” He said as he disappeared and reappeared on the shadow of the Dark God. “Shadow Art - Shadow Sand.” Aeterna said as the shadow he was standing on became like liquid, and tried to envelop the god of destruction.

    Amon watched as his family appeared one right after the other. He knew that he would need to help, and that the technique he was going to use could only be used for a short amount of time, and only so many times before the power would run out. Lifting himself off of the ground as best he could the angelic dagger appeared in his hand. He knew this was going to be risky in his current state, but it needed to be done.

    He stabbed himself in the heart with the dagger, and the blade began to glow. “Forbidden Spell - Angel transformation.” Amon said as the dagger merged inside of him giving him the power of light. Though to heal everyone was going to use up the power stored in the dagger. His appearance changed to that of an angel, and he mover over to Ryan first and healed him, and the others. Granted this wouldn’t recover their energy, but at least they were no longer injured. Once he finished he disappeared from everyone's side. He went to go look for his wife.

    Just as he was about to grab her, she vanished. Subore glared as he followed her energy to the top of the mountain. She wanted to play and play he would. He had felt the arrival of others, but they seemed preoccupied, that is until he began to sink into his own shadow. At first he roared in defiance, but then he smirked as he reached into the shadow and pulled Aeterna out by his throat.

    “Who do you think you are? You are nothing,” he spat as he thrust Aeterna away, returning his focus to Ocella. Within seconds he was in the forest Ocella occupied. Though he knew where she was, he felt like playing a lovely game of cat and mouse. He smirked. “Little angel, do you feel safe? Do you think you are able to hide from me?” Subore began to move through the forest pretending as if he didn’t know where Ocella was. “Even the spirits tremble before me.” Subore slowly cut his wrist and allowed black goo to drip onto the forest floor. Each drop began to transform into hideous spiders that scurry in every direction. Their job was to find Ocella and make it hard for her to escape. Their webbing was like metal.

    Ocella felt his presence enter the forest and her form sunk into the tree it had occupied. She was watching him from the confines of a large oak tree, watching as he looked for her. He cut his wrist and black drops struck the ground, transforming into spiders that made her skin crawl. She shivered at the sight, wondering what they would do to her if they caught her.

    She vanished from the tree, her energy signal spreading throughout the entire forest. The trees began to grow thicker at a rapid pace, making movement between them difficult. Every shrub and source of greenery blossomed higher than ever before, filling the cracks between the trees.

    ‘Ocella, you need to reign in your emotions or you’ll turn this forest into a tomb,’ Master Dorian’s voice spoke. Ocella smiled at the memory, remembering the comfort his wisdom and presence brought her in difficult times. She knew that her time was limited and she remembered his words. It seemed like a good idea this time, this time she wanted to turn the forest into a tomb. A living tomb with spirits of the dead surrounding them, even if they did tremble from the God that walked before them.

    Ocella spoke naught. She allowed her energy to flow throughout the entire forest, masking her location. Greenery had split between the cracks of the trees, sealing them. She herself was transcending from tree to tree, never staying in one location for too long, never appearing in her physical form, never using magic and never speaking. She was running out of room to hide for his spiders covered the forest. They were upon her tree and began to attack it instantly, ensnaring it in a metal-like web as they dug as hard as they could at the tree. ‘Please don’t try to face him alone my love,’ Ocella thought to her husband, her voice sad yet peaceful. ‘He is far too dangerous. I have accepted my fate,’ she told him, staring at the God as she teleported from the tree to escape it. The spiders had found her energy and raced towards her when she reappeared in another tree. She sighed, knowing that she couldn’t outlast them for long. How long could she draw it out for? What was she waiting for? Where were the others? Where was her uncle? What was happening outside of her fight? Was she to die alone, in an overgrown forest filled with spirits whom had taken their own lives?

    Ocella closed her eyes and the forest began to return to its normal state once more. She had run out of places to hide and reappeared on the battlefield, flying strong and defiant as ever. “Well done, you found me,” she spoke, her voice soft as she accepted what was to come. She lifted her head up high, staring him down in defiance as she raised her hands. Orbs of energy appeared in her palms as she prepared for her final strike, the orbs gathering in magnitude as she waited for his arrival. She had never expected to die like this, but she had no regrets about anything she had ever done. A single tree grew off in the distance of the battlefield and she smiled, for it held the Seraph blade. With any luck they could use it against this monster to defeat him. ‘Joshua,’ Ocella thought. ‘The blade resides within that tree. Simply rest your palm against it and it will reveal the blade to you,’ she thought, hoping that he was alright. She was ready. The moment the God was upon her, she would release her hail Mary and hope for the best.

    It didn’t take long for his prey to be found. Even with the trees attempting to close him in, he broke through them, his very touch corroding the trees until there was nothing.

    Kelda, Art and the others fought against Samael‘ army but then suddenly they all began to extinguish as if the source of their power was wiped out. Kelda and Art looked at one another though they were thankful, they had no idea what was going on.

    “We need to check on the others,” Art said his form returning to normal.

    “I agree,” Kelda said as she and Art removed themselves from the battlefield.

    Aeterna was concentrating on the technique that would hopefully work, but that was a pipe dream. The Dark One was able to reach through the shadows, and grab a hold of his neck and pulled him through the shadows to him. This stopped the shadow trap. Aeterna felt the God’s anger in his grip, and he was lucky that he didn’t break his neck. Instead he shoved him in the opposite direction that he was heading. Stumbling backwards with just his action Aeterna had a hard time trying to catch his footing, and fell hard on his injured side. The potion was still in effect for the moment, so the Shadow Phoenix was unaware that his injury opened even more. He watched as the God went after Ocella. He had a technique that would be able to hold him still, long enough for the others to attack, but the timing would have to be perfect. Because chances were he would die from the experience. They needed to coordinate their efforts to make this work. Though he was unsure if it would even work!

    Josh looked down at Ryan with a smile on his face as Amon healed him. He didn’t ask how he was able to change forms, or why he stabbed himself with his blade. All he was grateful for was that he healed his love. Leaning over Ryan he kissed him on the forehead as he could see the color returning to his face. He wanted to end this war so that They could all live happily. Standing up he looked down once more with a smile, and transformed into his master form. Taking to the skies to follow Amon.

    Casting his haste spell on himself he used that speed to try and reach Ocella, and Amon who was ahead of him. He had heard something about the Dark God ripping of her wings. He knew that would be extremely painful.

    Amon flew as fast as he could to try and reach his wife before the Dark God could. He didn’t want to lose her no matter what. His energy was returning to him, but he would need even more energy to be able to protect her. Granted he used quite a bit of time to heal Ryan and Samael, but it was okay. He knew they needed his help first. He heard Ocelas voice in his head, and the words stabbed him in the heart. He would not let his wife die at the hands of the God of Destruction. “Don’t you Dare give up on me. You were there for me, and I will be there for you. I won't let it end this way!” Amon said assertively into the connection with his wife. Flapping his wings harder as he tried to close the distance before anything could happen to her.

    Subore smirked as he looked up at Ocella. She was maintaining her distance from him, but he knew she was done running. There was no where she could go that he couldn’t find her. He could feel others coming towards them, but they would be of no help. He took a step and appeared in front of her. Her barrage of energy orbs crashed against his form filling the sky with smoke. Before the smoke cleared, Subore was upon Ocella, smacking her to the earth below. Before she was able to stand he was upon her once again. He looked down at her, mocking her.

    “Where is your hope now little angel? All of that talk wasted. Come, I shall show you the true meaning of PAIN!” Subore said as he stepped onto her back and reached down, his claws glowing with chaos magic. There was a sickening ripping sound that filled the air as Subore seemed to effortlessly rip one of Ocella’s wings off, blood spurting from the wound. Subore let out a victorious roar as he reached down once more and ripped Ocella’s other wing off. He held them up like trophies before a blast of energy to his chest caused his eyes to divert from Ocella.

    “Who are you?” Subore stated with a smirk.

    “My name is of no importance,” Kyori said holding his staff.

    “I shall crush you,” Subore stated roaring as he stomped towards Kyori.

    “Rings of Light,” Kyori said softly as his staff began to glow. “Let the power of Erobus shine, let his light fill the void.”

    Ocella smiled softly when Amon spoke to her. She would not argue with him, she simply knew that if this attack did not work that it was her time. Subore was upon her in the blink of an eye, her energy colliding with him. She had put everything she could into the attack, every ounce of power she had… and yet, before the smoke could clear she felt a hand smacking her back to the Earth. She landed roughly on the ground and heard more bones breaking, crying out softly in pain.

    He was there once more, relentless in his quest to defeat her. His foot was upon her back and she could feel it crushing her as he asked where her hope was. “My hope… lies with the others… now,” Ocella answered as she struggled to free herself, but it was of no use. Suddenly, he fulfilled his promise to cause her pain and as the ripping sound filled the air, so did a blood curdling scream of agony as Ocella realized what was happening to her. He had ripped one of her wings off and blood was seeping freely from the wound, her insides exposed. Then it happened, he seemed to effortlessly rip her other wing off and she screamed out in pain once more, her body falling limp on the ground, her cheek resting against the Earth as he roared in victory. Blood was pouring down her back, coating every inch of her upper torso.

    She felt weak, her energy was fading rapidly and she could hardly keep her eyes open as she struggled to breathe through the pain. Her muscles were working rapidly as if trying to fly away from him, but her wings were gone. A single tear fell down her cheek as she realized how she would die, and though she heard the God talking she could not understand what he was saying. Her vision was fading rapidly as pain filled every fiber of her being, but the blood flow seemed to be slowing. Her body fell limp entirely as Subore walked, crushing more of her bones as he stepped off her. She winced at this, falling unconscious immediately after.

    Amon was too late. The scream that filled the air was not something he wanted to hear, and it felt like it would crush his heart into oblivion. Then the second scream was freed from his wifes lips, and it only made him move faster. However, by the time he reached Ocella’s side she was unconscious, but still breathing. Her wings no longer on her back, and he could tell that she had been bleeding bad. Though Amon didn’t see any wound where their should have been. So he looked to where the God was heading, and Saw Kyori there. Figuring that this was his doing. Amon turned his wife over on her back, and by this time Josh arrived.

    Josh was not able to keep up as well as he hoped, but when the screams filled the air he flapped his wings harder. It took/ him some time to catch up with Amon, but when he did the Nephilim was looking down at his wife who was covered in blood. Reaching out his hand he placed it on his shoulder. “Amon, Take Ocella to safety. She needs to be out of harm's way. I think Kyori would approve. I have to go and get the blade that Ocella left for me to find. We need to end this fight. Once and for all.” Josh said as he squeezed Amon’s shoulder. He knew he would do the right thing.

    Amon heard Josh’s words, and nodded his head. The power of his angelic heritage disappeared, and he was now normal. “I will be back as soon as I can.” Amon said as clearly as he could. Tears were falling from his face, and he could barely speak without his voice cracking
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  6. #76
    Immortal Goddess
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    He picked up Ocella, and wrapped his wings around her as he chanted the same spell he always uses to teleport from one place to another. He disappeared into a sheen of ice.

    Josh opened his mind to Kyori “I will be back. I am off to get the blade Ocella risked her life for.” Josh said as he took flight once more. He was trying to keep his cool, but he was pissed that this God dared to take Ocella’s wings from her. He was going to make him pay. He quickly made his way over to the tree. “Second Song - Sanata.” Josh said as his body disappeared in a flash. Some would think he cast a teleportation spell. However, this was an ability that allowed him to move at the speed of light, at a cost.

    Aeterna sank into the shadows. Using them to get to where the God was confronting everyone. Granted he arrived too late, but he was feeling winded and fatigued. He appeared behind Subore ready to fight him once more. As soon as he could he would relay his idea to the others, but not till the time was right. He would need everyone for this one attack. Because if it didn’t work he wouldn’t know what else to do. HIs breathing was starting to increase in speed.

    Amon appeared where Ryan and the others laid. Placing Ocella next to her uncle that she tried so hard to save. Amon kissed Ocella on the lips, and brushed some of her hair out of her face. “I love you. Please don’t leave me alone in this world.” Amon said softly as he stood up once more and looked to where the fight was taking place. He hoped that they would be safe from the fight. He would stay for just a moment as he needed to compose himself.

    Ocella appeared in a dark room, surrounded by nothing and a black void. “I died, didn’t I?” she asked, her voice soft and defeated as she looked behind her. Her wings were gone and she stood before the Pantheon in her human form. She was covered in blood, lacerations and closed wounds all over her body. Suddenly clapping could be heard and Ocella simply looked around the room, her face still that of defeat as she fell to one knee, her hands gripping the steel bar.

    “No young one, not yet,” Arterus’s voice spoke softly to her, causing her to look up. “How am I still alive? Why must death be so painful?” she asked, her eyes filled with pain. “You have sacrificed so much young warrior, do you wish to die?” he asked, looking at her sadly. Ocella thought about the question and sighed sadly. “I wish to be with Amon, to be with my friends. I want us to win this war, to save everyone- but He is so powerful,” she answered him. “How do we stand any chance against him?” she asked, looking for guidance. She was lost and broken, defeated and in pain without her wings. She was grounded and didn’t know what more she could do, but she wished so desperately that there was something more she could do.

    She looked up to the Pantheon, despair in her eyes. “Can I even move when I wake up? So many of my bones are broken, it hurts so terribly,” she asked, sighing in defeat as she stared at the ground. She thought of something that Subore had said and a spark lit in her eyes. “I know what to do!” she said suddenly, a grin on her face as she stood, shakily at first until she was able to reach her full height again. She hesitated and looked to the Pantheon.

    “So, I’m not in trouble then? For anything I’ve done?” she asked wearily. “My dear you have faced more difficulties than we could ever throw your way. Consider yourself clear,” Artherus said, winking at her. She smiled at him and closed her eyes, returning to the land of the living once more. She scrunched her eyes together at first, moaning softly in pain as she tried to gather her strength.

    Subore charged at Kyori who looked very unconcerned. He jumped away, dodging Subore every time the god got close to him. He wasn’t launching any attacks, but Subore was blasting at him with chaos magic.

    “You call yourself a dragon? You’re more like a fairy,” Subore stated with a smirk. Kyori landed softly after barely dodging a orb of chaos that struck a tree behind him.

    “Is that your excuse for being a failure?” Kyori replied causing Subore’s smirk to vanish.

    “You think you have what it takes to beat me?” Subore yelled as he slammed his foot into the ground causing it to vibrate slightly. Kyori’s eyes never moved from Subore. His face was emotionless. It was as if he knew something that everyone else did not. Subore grew tired of the games and charged at Kyori. He vanished and appeared behind the spirit dragon. Kyori spun around just in time to meet Subore’s horn with his staff. The resulting collision sent Kyori skidding backwards, leaving trenches in the ground.

    “Impressive,” Subore said as he vanished once more. This time he appeared right in front of Kyori and unleashed a hellish barrage of fists. Kyori retaliated with his own barrage of kicks and punches to block and counter, but even he couldn’t keep up and Subore landed a strong punch to his stomach, sending him rocketing backwards. He was able to stop himself just shy of hitting a boulder. He looked up at Subore who was upon him, but Kyori spun the staff in his hand and it collided with Subore’s chin. Subore growled and backed up slightly shaking off the sudden hit.

    Amon watched the battle from where he was standing, and was amazed that Kyori was able to keep one step ahead of the God. Then he heard Ocella moaning behind him and quickly turned around to see that she was regaining consciousness. He hurried to her side and reached down and placed his hand on her cheek. “I am glad you are still with me.” Amon said in a low happy tone. As he waited for her to open her eyes.

    Josh landed hard after using his technique to get him to the tree that Ocella showed him. He knew this was going to hurt, but he didn't expect it to be this bad. Several broken bones we're his consequence for using this skill. He would have to wait till he healed completely before using it again. Standing on shaky legs he stood in front of the tree. And placed his hand on the tree like Ocella told him too. Once he did a light green light came from the tree, opening a hole on the bark. Reaching in he pulled out the feather like blade and looked at the ornate design.

    Placing the blade in his robes he needed to wait a bit longer before he could at least take flight. So for now all he could do was walk back to the battlefield. 'Kyori. I have retrieved the selph blade. It will take me a bit to get back, but I will be there as soon as I can.’ Josh said into Kyori's mind as he slowly made his way back.

    Aeterna watched in awe as Kyori dodged, and countered the dark God. All he could do was watch as he maneuvered around the battlefield. Then he connected with his love, and he flew back with great force. However, he was able to stop himself from hitting a rock. Giving a sigh of relief he knew that Kyori had to have a plan. Since he was fighting with such confidence. 'Kyori. What is your plan?’ he asked connecting himself to his love's mind. He didn’t want to get in his way.

    Ocella heard someone speaking to her and winced, half expecting pain when she awoke. She gently opened her eyes to see Amon standing there, his hand resting upon her cheek. She offered him a weak smile at best as she tried to steady her breaths, for the pain she felt was incredible. “Wh...what’s… happening?” she managed to ask, wondering where the God was.
    She was trying to move but knew that it would take great effort on her part. “Help me up?” she asked weakly, smirking as she knew he would likely protest.

    Kyori looked at Subore who had a wicked grin on his face.

    “You’re different from the others. No matter, I will destroy you like I will destroy them,” Subore said as he rubbed his chin and glared at Kyori.

    “You talk too much, speak with your actions,” Kyori replied causing Subore to nod. The two vanished, colliding. Each time they collided shockwaves were released. It was amazing to see Kyori actually keeping up with the god of destruction. Each strike that they launched landed aggressively against their bodies. Damage was an afterthought to them as they seemed to enjoy fighting each other. The thrill of seeing just how far he’d come drove Kyori to do things he normally wouldn’t. Subore landed a powerful punch and Kyori retaliated with a powerful kick to Subore’s neck. Subore reeled, but grabbed Kyori’s leg and attempted to throw him. Kyori landed on his hand and performed multiple flips before landed softly on one knee.

    Aeterna could only watch as Kyori went blow for blow with the dark god. He had already known that he was nowhere near the power level his love was and he did feel a little inadequate because of this, but he was not going to let this get to him again. He wouldn’t allow himself to fall in that trap once again. He will have to come to the fact that Kyori didn’t need protecting. Though he was concerned for his love when he ignored the question he asked, and just fought without a care in the world. They needed to fight as a team in order to win, but would they be able to win either way? That would need to be seen. He used the shadows to appear next to Kyori. “Kyori. What are you trying to prove?” He asked, but figured he was just doing what he thought was right. “What are you wanting to do? We need to fight as one, not on our own.”

    Amon looked at his love in the eyes as she smiled at him. Smiling back as she asked a question that he knew that he would have to answer. He didn’t want her to worry about that right now, but he would have to at least fill her in. “Kyori is fighting the God of destruction in a one on one fight, and is holding his own. Josh is getting the sword, and Aeterna is waiting from the looks of it. That is all I know.” Amon said in a concerned voice for he knew she would want to return to they fight, and he was right. She was trying to get up. He placed a hand on her chest trying to stop her from getting up. Then she asked him to help he up. With a saddened look on his face he shook his head yes and wrapped her arm around his neck, and picked her up.

    Ocella saw the look on Amon’s face and smiled sadly at him, for she knew what that look meant. Despite his silent objections he had done as she requested, helping her up as quickly as she could get up. She was in pain and trying to fight it, though she did cling to him for support for a few moments. She steadied her breaths and forced herself to transform into her master form, minus her wings, her light shining brightly from their location as she looked to where Kyori was fighting the God. She smiled a teary-eyed smile, seeing her brother having returned to their side once more.

    Her light was as bright as the sun itself and blasted across the battlefield, striking Subore as if trying to blind him but not the others. Within that light, dart after dart filled with the same paralytic toxins that caused Etrama’s demise sped towards the God, traveling the speed of her own holy light. She smirked and winked at Kyori. “Glad to have you back bro,” she said with a genuine smile on her face.

    “I’m not trying to do anything, just survive until you all get it together and help me!” Kyori replied to Aeterna.

    The blinding light filled the area just as Subore was about to charge at him once more. Kyori took this opportunity to unleash an attack. He slammed the staff into the ground and thrust both hands on either side of the staff.

    “Sacred Technique: Spirit Wail”

    Subore growled when the light hit his eyes and he closed them. He felt the darts strike him and could feel the poison attempting to paralyze him. It was distracting. Then some sort of energy ripped through the area, striking him, gnawing at his soul. He was pushed back a few feet as he held up his arms in an ‘x’ form to protect himself. When the light subsided, he lowered his arms and sneered at those in front of him.

    “Glad to be back sis,” Kyori said as he snatched his staff out of the ground. Subore spit black goo from his maw and cracked his neck. His form was smoking slightly. The toxins were still trying to cause some sort of paralysis.

    “Is that all?” Subore stated mockingly as Kyori twirled his staff.

    “You tell me smokey!” Kyori retorted caused Subore to roar, several orbs of chaos magic shooting in all directions.

    Ocella’s plan had worked. Her light had given Kyori just enough distraction to land an attack, and her darts had made a direct hit. They didn’t seem to be as effective on the God, which was disheartening but she would have to figure out something else. The God seemed angered by their attacks, for though he mocked them he shot out orbs of chaos magic all around. Ocella put up a shield of holy light around her and Amon, praying to Erobus for strength to defend themselves from the orbs. “You should have killed me while I was down,” Ocella called, trying to give Kyori a chance to dodge the attacks. “Because until then I will be a thorn in your side, a pain in your ass and a wrinkle in your plans,” she said with a grin, knowing that Amon would probably want to smack her for her taunting ways, but she always had a reason behind them.

    Aeterna saw the attack from Ocella. Which confused him a little since it wasn't long ago that she had her wings pulled off. Then Kyori did the same thing taunting the Dark God, and he reciprocated the gesture by sending dark ords in all directions. In an attempt to get rid of them all. Without even thinking Aeterna grabbed Kyori and dragged him into the shadows evading the attack. “So no plan then. Well I have an idea that might work, but Josh needs to bring the sword to the battle.” Aeterna said as he watched the attacks hit the earth. “I can possibly hold the God of Destruction still long enough for everyone to attack him, but it will only work once. So we have to have the timing just right.” Aeterna said as they appeared out of the path of the attack.

    Amon looked at Ocella with a sour look on his face. Getting a little upset about the fact that she keeps antagonizing the dark God. He did want to slap her on the back of the head, but he figured that no matter what the circumstances was just Ocella. “You really shouldn't make him any more angry than he already is.” Amon said in a loving voice as he leaned his head on hers. They were behind her barrier and she was not only protecting him, but their friends and family that were behind them. “We need to regroup and for a plan to fight this God. We are all over the place, and need to attack with a purpose.” Amon said waiting for the attack to end.

    Josh was starting to recover from his broken wings, and ribs and should be able to fight once more. The blade vibrated against his skin warning him off the incoming dark orbs. Looking up just in time he was able to dodge to the right of one of the orbs. He had no choice but to take to the skies. His wings weren't one-hundred percent healed, but there was no choice. Flapping his wings flying into the sky as high as he could to escape the incoming orbs. Cringing from the pain he flew through the air. It was faster to reach the others this way, but the pain in his wings were plaguing his body and mind, but he continued his course of action. Soon he would be with the others and then they should be ready to attack head on.

    Kyori slipped into the shadows and knew it was Aeterna’s doing. He just barely made it to safety as the orbs crashed against the ground, rock and trees around them. Subore was relentless trying to destroy them. Kyori looked at Aeterna as he spoke and smiled.

    “Do what needs to be done my love. We need to regroup first though,” he admitted as he placed his hands on his knees and caught his breath. Keeping up with a god was not easy and in fact it was draining. He looked at Aeterna. “Take me to Ocella please,” he said softly as he waited to be transported.

    “WHERE ARE YOU LITTLE FLEAS!” Subore spat as he continued blasting the area around him with continuous magic. Soon the paralytic poison began to take effect and he closed his eyes pushing the poison from his system. When he expelled it he stretched his neck and smiled. “Nice try flea,” Subore added glaring in Ocella’s direction.

    Slowly Ryan opened his eyes just as Samael began to stir. He looked up and saw Amon and Ocella protecting them from some oncoming blasts. He sat up realizing all of his injuries were healed. Slowly he stood to his feet glad to see Amon and then he noticed Ocella didn’t have her wings. Samael slowly opened his eyes and looked up to see Ryan, Amon, and Ocella who was struggling to provide shelter from chaotic blasts. Samael slowly stood.

    When the blasts stopped, Ryan looked at Ocella with worry. “WHERE ARE YOUR WINGS?” he questioned causing Samael to turn instantly in Ocella’s direction.

    “The beast has taken your wings. I am sorry for this, for all of this,” Samael said as Ryan turned to him and glared.

    “Yea and now we have to figure out how to fix this.”

    “Let me help,” Samael said as Ryan scuffed and turned his back on Samael.

    “I assure you there is a way to defeat him. It will take all of you, the Seraph blade and my spirit stone. Please tell me you have those items.”

    Ocella jumped when she heard Ryan shouting at her from behind. The blasts of magic had stopped and she leaned against Amon for support, smirking as he chided her. “I was trying to give Kyori a chance to escape by distracting him love,” she reassured him with a soft smile. Her uncle spoke and she knew that he had defeated the darkness within, that this was truly her uncle speaking to her. “ that really you, uncle?” she asked, looking at him wearily. She could only smile sadly and nod gently at him as she looked at him with teary eyes as he spoke, wanting nothing more than to hug him but refraining from doing so after the last time she had hugged him. “I’ll live,” she assured them both, putting on her brave face as she always did in difficult times.

    Ocella looked to her uncle when he said there was a way to defeat the God, then looked in the direction of the tree to see Josh heading their way. “Joshua is bringing the blade now, and Kyori last held the stone when Death was with you, so he should still have it,” Ocella answered with a soft smile. She felt rather overwhelmed and simply found herself holding Amon, her body shaking slightly as it slowly healed the bones that had been broken. There were still plenty of broken bones, but they were mending.

    Aeterna nodded at Kyori as his love was catching his breath. It was time to regroup, and finally end this battle and free their world from the destruction that was to follow if they didn’t eng the god of destruction. He reached out for Kyori’s hand and grabbed a hold of it taking his love through the shadows to where the others had gathered.

    Amon Kept a hold of his love not letting her fall back. As she leaned against him he knew that was her so he didn’t chastise her too much. Then Ryan and Samael started to wake up. He was not too trusting of Samael, but Ocella was happy to have him back si he wouldn’t say anything. However, Ryan on the other hand didn’t hold his tongue. He told him what he thought of him, and Amon could agree with Ryan, but his real enemy was lying on the ground where Samael had been laying. Shaking his head removing his thoughts from that time. Now was not the time to dwell on what had happened to him.

    “If you wish to help then help, but don’t believe that all of us will completely trust you. You tried to kill the man I loved like my father, and you allowed that wraith to…” Amon stopped speaking and turned his attention back to the dark god. Dwelling on the past was not something he wanted to do.

    Josh finally made it back to where the rest of his friends and family were gathered. Landing among them his wings were not in the best of shape, but they would still heal with time. He looked around and saw Ocella he knew her wings had been taken, and he approached her hugging her gently trying to at least comfort her. He knew she was putting on a brave face, but she was a little fragile on the inside. Once he finished hugging her he pulled the blade from the inside of his robes revealing the blade. He then went to hand the blade to Ocella.

    Samael looked at his niece, knowing the pain she must be feeling. He flapped his own wings, a beautiful radiance flowing from him into her, to ease her pain. Without warning, he embraced her after Josh had stepped out of the way and held her as close as he could.

    “You are strong my niece, and I know you will find a way.”

    When Joshua revealed the blade to Ocella, Samael’s eyes widened.

    “I have a plan,” Samael said “It will require the blood of Amon and Ocella. We must empower the Seraph blade with angelic blood. Once we do that, someone will have to wield the heavenly blade. It will prove to be damaging to Subore. Where is the stone?” Samael asked looking around. Kyori and Aeterna emerged from the shadows and Samael smiled. “We must work quickly. Kyori, I need your staff,” Samael said. Kyori was hesitant but he trusted Ocella and knew she would vouch for Samael who seemed to have turned over a new leaf.

    “If you break it, I break you,” Kyori said as he handed his staff over slowly to Samael.

    “And the soul stone, you have it correct?” Samael said as Kyori nodded and reached slowly into his robes giving another glance in Ocella’s direction before handing it to Samael

    “Alright I need you Ocella and Amon to gather here. The rest of you will have to keep Subore busy. Kyori I will infuse your staff with the remainder of Subore’s power. For you see he is not fully charged. This soul stone contains the remainder of his power, but I can transform it to combine with your staff. Ocella, Amon, your angelic blood mixed with mine will grant the wielder of the Seraph blade unbelievable power, and will unlock the secrets of the Seraph.” He stopped speaking and looked at Ocella. Her wings were gone, but he hoped he’d be able to restore them after this was all said and done. “May the power of Erobus be with you and may the power of the Seraphs guide you.”

    Ryan looked at Kyori, but he said nothing glancing only once at Etrama’s dead body.

    “Alright, you heard him, we have to keep Subore busy while they get everything together,” Kyori said. “Are you ready Ryan, Joshua, Aeterna?” Kyori asked with a smirk. He held out his hand and waited for them. Ryan nodded. “Let’s do this.”

    Ocella watched in despair as her husband held such discontent towards her uncle. She understood where it came from and knew that they would all have to sit down and come to terms with what had happened if Samael had truly turned over a new leaf. Joshua arrived with the blade, approaching her slowly and hugging her softly. She winced slightly at this, her composure wavering slightly but not entirely as she gently returned the hug. She accepted the blade from him, grateful that he had retrieved it. “Thank you my friend,” she said, smiling at him. She saw her uncle flap his wings and looked down sadly, her muscles trying to flap but there was nothing to flap. He seemed to have sent soothing magic into her and she looked at him in shock as her pains began to ease. He embraced her wholeheartedly and she returned the embrace, trying her best to keep herself from crumbling. She could cry later, but now they were all in danger. “Thank you uncle,” she said after he spoke, handing him the blade as requested. “Do what must be done. Everyone, be careful,” she said, smiling at her family. She held out her wrist and shrugged. “What’s another cut to add to the tally?” she asked, chuckling sarcastically at the situation before them.

    Aeterna was not too happy about trusting Samael, but he would have to trust him for now. Many things were done in his name that made his skin crawl, but he could see he was trying to make up for what he had done. Closing his eyes he pushed away his doubts, and hatead and then reopened them. Turning his back to the former dark angel he moved to take Kyori’s hand. “Don’t betray the trust Ocella has in you. Because if you do. NO force on heaven or earth will keep me from killing you.” Aeterna sid as he looked Kyori in the eyes. Ocella was his sister, and a betrayal of her would mean a betrayal of him, and he wouldn’t allow that. Taking his loves hand after Ryan he smiled. “Well let’s get this over with.” Aeterna said as he started to feel the injury to his side, but he didn’t show to anyone that he was injured. He wouldn’t stop fighting till this was over. He also had an ability that would be able to at least buy them some time when they were ready to make the final strike.

    Amon listened to what Samael had to say, and he didn’t like it one bit. He knew nothing of his angelic heritage, and how was he supposed to know if his words rang true. He couldn’t bring himself to trust him as much as the others. Not after what he and Etrama put him through. Amon closed his eyes and tried to keep his cool, but it wasn’t working. He wanted nothing more than to deck Samael for everything he has been through. Infact his hand was balled into a fist, and his arm shaking. How could the others trust him at all? He just couldn’t do it. When he opened his eyes he quickly left Ocellas side and approached Samael. Taking his doubled up fist and slugged Samael in the jaw. His eyes full of hate and distrust of the angel standing before him.

    Josh smiled at Ocella as he could tell she was still trying hard not to break. Once she took the blade and the plan was laid out by Samael Josh turned his attention to the man who was once their enemy. Looking him over as he remembered that Auro also turned over a new leaf. Maybe he would be able to do the same? “I will trust you, but only because Ocella trusts you. Samael you will have to earn my complete trust. However, for now I will not disregard you help.” Josh said as he joined the other that were gathered to go and fight the Dark God Subore. He knew Ryan didn’t trust Samael after what happened, but Ocella seemed to trust him, and that is what he was counting on. “Ryan, please be careful.” Josh said as he looked over to his love.

    Ocella was surprised when Amon suddenly left her side, she nearly fell over from the sudden lack of support. A tree grew rapidly in Amon’s place and the branches caught her gently, helping her stand upright. She sighed in relief and leaned into the tree, though what happened next made her grin and burst out laughing as her husband slugged her uncle. She regretted it immediately after and winced in pain, her face distorting to discomfort once more. She knew that Amon was bitter but hoped he would be able to overcome his aggressions. “I’m sorry for laughing but that was too funny,” she apologized to both of them, a wicked grin on her face as she regained her composure. She watched the others take off and issued a silent prayer for their safety and success.

    “Amon, I know that you have difficulties trusting the man before you, and I have reserves as well… but in this moment in time he has the only solid plan to defeat that thing,” she spoke softly, pointing to the God of destruction. “Y’know, the one that ripped off my wings, the one that will kill us all if we don’t do something now. You two can duke it out later if you must,” she promised, hoping that Amon could find peace for now.

    As soon as the nephilim’s fist collided with his jaw Samael reeled and looked at Amon for a brief moment. He heart his niece burst into laughter and he shook his head disapprovingly.

    “I suppose I deserved that,” Samael said as he strolled over to Amon flapping his wings removing the bruise from his fist. “I have to thank you Ocella. It has been quite some time since I’ve felt the warmth of my light.”

    Samael watched as Kyori, Aeterna, Ryan and Joshua left them alone. He held Kyoto’s staff and drew a spell circle.

    “By the power of Erobus let these holy items become one. Infuse the power of a god into this staff and let your will be done!”

    There was an immense light that enveloped the staff and soul stone. Samael smiled and continued while turning to Ocella and Amon. “Take the sword and cut thyself with it. Then speak to Erobus and ask him to awaken the inner power of a Seraph blade.

    Amon watched as Samael stumbled because of his strike, and his hand hurt but he felt a little better. He wondered why Samael just stood there and allowed him to hit him? He was ss angry he should have been able to easily dodger that wild attack. So why? It was not like he apologised for his conduct, but maybe this was his way to show his remorse? Only time will tell, but for now he had calmed down enough to at least do what needed to be done.

    Returning to Ocella’s side, and nothing more he looked at Samael as he healed his hand, and got ready for the ritual at hand. He closed his eyes once more and cleared all of his negative feelings. Slugging Samael for what he did made him feel better. He looked to Ocella and smiled. “I am not sure what will happen, but at least I am feeling better.” Amon said as he waited for the right moment to use the blade. He was going to let Ocella go first since he had no idea what he would need to do.

    As Josh, and Aeterna left with the other to try and keep The God busy long enough to try and get the power to kill him Josh wondered if this battle could be won? They are mortals fighting a god that helped in creation. Though these thoughts were relevant. He would fight to his last breath to protect Ryan, and the rest of his family.

    Once they appeared on the battlefield Josh took to the skies, and concentrated on his weapon. The timing would have to perfect. His first spell would have to take effect before he would be able to use his ultimate ability. “First Song - Eternal Rhapsody Subore.” Josh said as the rings on his weapon chimed. He hoped that this attack would work. So he could use Requiem.

    Ocella leaned against the tree as she watched everything happening. Much to her surprise, her uncle showed no anger after having been hit. She was grateful for this, and Amon returned to her side. She wrapped her arms around him and took in his scent, trying to stay as calm as she could. Her uncle approached and told them what needed to be done, and she nodded her head.

    “I am trusting you uncle. Do not betray that,” she pleaded with him, taking the sword and taking a deep breath. “Erobus… I ask thee to let thine power awaken this blade, and with that the power of the Seraphs!” she called, taking the blade to her palm and allowing the blood to trickle down the blade. “I know that we have asked much of you on this day, but please let this work,” she begged the God, handing the blade to Amon with a teary-eyed smile as she fell to her knees from the exhaustion. “Love you,” she said softly, wanting it to be known should they fail.

    As she spoke the incantation, another beam of light shot from the heavens and struck the blade. It hovered close to the staff and the soul stone. Samael nodded towards Ocella and Amon. “Good, now we push as much of our holy energy as we can muster into the items.”

    Samael held out his hand to the staff and soul stone and watched as his divine energy was slowly pouring out of him and filtering into the staff. Subore noticed them in the distance. He roared in defiance as he realized something was going on. He began to charge towards them, but as he prepared to unleash an attack, everything went silent. If that were not enough storm clouds began to fill the sky and the wind began to pick up. Subore smirked as he looked to the sky noticing Joshua. “You think this will stop me?” Subore yelled. He couldn’t hear himself speaking and it angered him. Next thing he felt was intense pain from a lightning bolt striking him. He glared at Joshua and stomped his feet, sending a volley of necrotic bats towards him. They would explode on contact. He then let his attention settle on Kyori who was sending strike after strike of wind blades at him. Each making contact but doing minimal damage. He opened his mouth and a beam of energy shot forth. Kyori barely missed it as he dodged to the side, the beam striking his side causing him to yell out and drop to the ground. Subore smirked. Kyori looked at the wound, blood slowly seeping out of the fresh cut.

    “Shit,” he said softly as he looked up at Subore who was lumbering towards him.

    Amon was not sure about what he was about to do, but he took the blade from his wife. He then repeated the same incantation as he sliced his hand on the blade allowing it to drink his blood. Then he handed the blade to Samael as he bent down to his knees and wrapped his arms around Ocella. “There is still much to do. Don’t you dare give up. We will win this fight no matter what.” Amon said as he helped his wife back up off the ground. The next step would be the most difficult. He didn’t know how to utilize his holy power, but he pulled out the angelic blade from within himself, and concentrated on the blade. He was sure that his father would help him understand what he must do.

    Then without warning his light flowed out of the blade and into the two items. He felt a pull on his energy, but this time he knew why, and just allowed the flow of energy to continue. This was necessary, and he put his faith in the man who he still didn’t trust. If he was lying to them then all would be lost, but at least he would die with his family. “Ocella. I love you, and no matter what happens we will be together always.”

    Josh could feel his spell taking effect, but before he could use his requiem spell bat made of necrotic energy towards him. However, if he didn’t cast his spell now he wouldn’t be able to. So he closed his eyes, and slammed the hilt of his sword into the palm of his hand three times. This caused the chiming from the rings to change tone. “Final Song - Requiem!” He shouted as the rings when silent. Now the only being that would be able to hear them was Subore. He didn’t know what effect the attack would have, but as long as he was alive or the spell was intact the God would continue to feel the effects. But once he opened his eyes he didn’t have time to dodge the bats. So he allowed them to hit him, and they exploded upon contact.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Sending the Dragon falling to the ground. He was still alive, but his wings weren't able to keep him afloat any more.

    Aeterna saw his chance to attack after the bastard hurt Kyori and Josh. His side was beginning to ache, so he needed to be careful not to waste anymore time or energy. His eyes turned pitch black as he used his power to manipulate the shadows to attack Subore once more. This time half the shadows went to bind the God the others went to skewer him. Aeterna also sent Shadows to catch Josh as he was falling to the earth to keep him from impacting with the ground. He hoped that Samael, and the others were about done with the preparation until then he wouldn't use much of his power. Nightingale took up a lot of his strength, and who knew what hi strongest ability was. The sword refused to let him access the ability.

    Ocella watched as both her husband and uncle began to pour divine energy into the blade. Amon was by her side after she had collapsed, helping her to her feet. She nodded at his words and kissed his cheek for a moment, knowing that this was it. She closed her eyes and allowed a feeling of peace to wash over her just as she had done so long ago in her grandfather’s cave. She smiled softly as the light poured from her, brightening the area as the holy energies filled the blade. ‘Thank you, Erobus,’ she thought softly to the God, a smile on her face as she felt the warmth of the light. She held Amon close to her, wanting him to feel her love while they poured their energy into this last strike. She opened her eyes softly and smiled at her uncle, still giving every ounce of energy she had left into the blade.

    As they continued to put their energies into the weapons, an image began to slowly appear before them. Samael’s eyes widened when he realized who it was.

    “Lord Erobus,” he said bowing instantly.

    Erobus looked at the three of them his face void of emotion. Without hesitation he reached out and grabbed the staff and soul stone. He pressed it to his body and instantly it changed, becoming golden in color with hints of turquoise speckled through the staff. He placed the staff back in the spell circle and reached out for the Seraph blade. With a simple touch the blade came to life transforming into a beautiful blade. The hilt was pure white, with etchings of gold. Seraph wings covered the hilt, protecting the wielder from the blade. The counterweight was a beautiful halo. Erobus had done what they asked but he still hovered there observing Ocella.

    “You,” he said, “stand to your feet.”

    Subore was bombarded with shadows that impaled his thick skin but didn’t go deep enough to cause any serious damage. On top of that his ears began to ring and his senses began to cloud, making it impossible to concentrate. He fell to one knee trying to pinpoint at least one of them to kill. Glaring, he began to shoot energy beams in random locations hoping to strike something or someone.

    Ocella watched what was happening as a shape began to take form. Samael spoke, addressing the figure and she dropped to her knees instantly in respect, bowing before him. She hadn’t been expecting to summon him, her uncle had left that part out. She dared to watch the God in awe as he transformed the staff and blade, still on her knees to show respect for her lord. Once his work was done, she smiled gratefully at the being. He was still with them and this confused her, but suddenly he turned his attention to her and commanded her to rise to her feet.

    Her eyes widened at this and she took in a deep breath, closing her eyes as she forced herself to her feet as told. “My lord,” she spoke, her voice soft and filled with the utmost respect.

    Amon watched as a figure took shape within the light that was summoned, and he had no idea who in the world this man was. He knew of the name that Samael called him though he really had no true idea how the man was let alone why Ocella, and Samael were bowing to him. So he just stood there looking at the man, but couldn’t truly feel his presence in this plane. So he just watched as the man went to work, and just stood there without a care in the world, but he did feel the energy of the dark God, and it almost felt like it was getting closer. He looked in the direction of the energy, and hoped the others were still okay!

    Josh was caught by the shadows that cushioned his fall. The shadows helped him to the ground, and he looked to the God as he was down on one knee, and trying to shake them off like the insects he thought they were. He was glad the God was able to shake off his spell. He twisted is sword and the rings chimed, but didn’t make a sound. He wanted to keep this up as long as he could. Then energy beams were shot out in different direction, and one was aiming for him. He was able to move to the side, and avoid injury. This time he was lucky, the next time he might not be as lucky.

    Aeterna disappeared into the shadows, and appeared next to Kyori. He looked at him with a worried look on his face knowing that he had been injured by the Dark God, but knew better than to ask if he was okay. The battle was fare from being over, and they needed to keep their concentration on the battle. Trying to keep his wound a secret he only smiled at Kyori once more and disappeared back into the shadows. As long as he knew Kyori was okay he was content. He would protect him no matter what.

    Erobus looked at Ocella and nodded.

    “You have show great allegiance to the light, and you have paid the ultimate price for an angel,” Erobus said as he hovered closer to her. “You were offered to live peacefully in the afterlife but you declined the offer because you wanted to ensure this world was safe, am I right?” Erobus said as he looked over at Samael. “You have shown your loyalty and for that I shall give you a gift. With this gift you must promise to always protect this world.”

    A light shot from the sky and struck Ocella. She would feel her bones mend, her injuries heal and she would feel different. When the light subsided Erobus smiled.

    “I have made you an elite, a divine Seraph. You will notice that things feel and sound differently now. For your loyalty, for your determination to protect I have gifted you the power to do so. With great power comes great responsibility. Use it wisely.”

    Ocella had not two sets of wings but three, with a total of six wings. She was now a Seraph, the ONLY Seraph in existence. Samael watched in awe as he couldn’t fathom such a gift. He was indeed proud of his niece.

    “Where is the one known as Kyori, and the one known as Aeterna? I have a gift for them as well.”

    Ocella listened to Erobus and nodded as he spoke, wondering what would become of her actions. He spoke of giving her a gift and she looked up at him, but suddenly an intense light struck her from high above. Her bones were mending, she was able to breathe regularly once more, her strength had returned tenfold and she gasped when the light slowly disappeared, for she now had three pairs of wings on her back that were as beautiful as ever.

    Ocella could only smile in return as he smiled, observing him and others in a new light, hearing things differently than before. She was a Seraph now, the only divine Seraph currently in existence. She felt as if a great responsibility had been placed upon her and she smiled at the God while he spoke. It was true that someday she would watch her friends and family die, but she now had the ability to visit them as she wished. A small tear fell down her cheek, it was a tear of joy and when the great God finished speaking she rushed to him and threw her arms around him, embracing him lovingly. “Thank you my lord, I shall do as you have requested and strive to never disappoint you,” she said, backing up and blushing.

    He asked where Kyori and Aeterna were and she looked to the battle at hand. “Would you like for me to retrieve them and to continue in their place?” she asked, still in awe at how vividly she could see and hear what was happening.

    Amon could only watch as Ocella was struck by a light, and then when the light faded his wife was standing there more beautiful than ever. She had three silken white wings, and all of her wounds seemed to be gone. Along with her worry that they were going to lose this fight. He was happy for her, and bowed with respect to the God. when he finished his bow Ocella hugged the man and was really happy. He would have to remind himself to ask her who this man was. Though now that this has happened he has a pretty good idea who this man was. He bowed his head once more in respect.

    “Yes, if you would be so kind as to retrieve them,” Erobus said as he raised his hand towards Samael and Amon signifying that they could stand in his presence. “Samael, will you return to the heavens?”

    “My liege, if it will make you happy,” Samael said.

    “What will make me happy is to have you train her in the ways of a Seraph. She is the only one in existence, but you trained many in your day. I want you to take your place on the Pantheon. Regardless of what has happened all is forgiven. My brother must be stopped and though I cannot do it myself, I shall gift to you the means to do so. That staff and blade will be able to end him, and trap him in the void for all eternity.”

    Samael nodded and retrieved the blade and staff.

    Kyori could feel Aeterna’s presence and when he went to move, there was an intense pain that flooded his body. That beam was no ordinary energy beam. His wound was getting bigger and he groaned as he tried to stand to his feet.

    Subore was struck with more intense waves of confusion and ringing that caused him to increase the range of the beam as it surged forth in various directions. He needed to locate the source and destroy it, but who was the source?

    Aeterna saw through the shadows that Kori was hurt and bad. Though his own injury was beginning to hurt even worse now. But he pushed the pain away, and appeared next to Kyori once more. Placing his hand on his shoulder. HIs normal vision had vanished, and he could only see through the shadows at the moment. “Kyori. Whan in the world is happening to you?” He asked as he touched his love's side, and could feel the blood that was coming from the wound. He never thought that Kyori would have been hurt this bad by the energy blast he got hit with. He picked up Kyori, and tried not to cause him any pain, but instead a pain shot through his side, and he quickly fell to one knee. He needed to get kyori to safety before one of the beams of light hit him. The potion had completely worn off now, and pain filled his senses.

    Josh was trying to keep up with the energy beams that were being shot in his direction, but he was starting to slow down. Keeping this spell going was draining his energy, and soon he will be unable to dodge the beams of light anymore. Then it happened he tripped up on a stone, and fell to the ground. A beam of energy was heading his way, and he didn’t have time to dodge. So he just closed his eyes hoping for the best.

    Ocella nodded the moment Erobus released her to return to battle. She vanished in a flash of light, appearing high in the skies above the battle. “Hey Subore!” she called, seeing Josh in a bad spot. She vanished at once and appeared in front of him, a beam of her own energy effortlessly defending him. She searched for Kyori and Aeterna, seeing them both on the ground together, wounded. She gasped and appeared next to them, touching one of their shoulders each and vanishing. She reappeared next to Erobus with her friends and nodded her head, vanishing back to the battlefield. “I’m back,” she told Subore, a wicked grin on her face as she took off into the skies. “Can you keep up?” she asked, intending to lure him away from the others while they recovered.

    Finally, the ringing stopped and the disorientation ceased. He stood upright and glared as he felt a familiar presence enter the field. A smile on his face as he looked to the sky.

    “Ahh six more wings for me to rip off,” Subore said as he listened to her challenge and immediately he summoned winged imps to chase her down as he focused on her. “It seems my brother doesn’t know when to quit. A Seraph, how I loathe them, which explains their eradication.”

    Erobus looked down at Kyori and Aeterna who were both injured. Kyori looked up weakly and tried his hardest to get on his knees.

    “Relax my child,” Erobus said as he reached out and touched both of them. Kyori felt a rush of power flow through him. It was unimaginable that any being could have that much power. Then it subsided and his aches and pains were gone. Aeterna would feel the same. “I have a request of you,” Erobus began as he nodded to Samael who walked over to Kyori and handed him the divine staff. “It is infused with my power, as well as the power it held already. Aside from this weapon I ask that you resume your duties as the spirit walker, the bridge between life and death. I ask that you be my reaper and grant safe passage for the souls of the dead, but I also need you to ensure the safety of this world Kyori. Can you fulfill this duty I place upon your shoulders?”

    Kyori couldn’t believe what was happening. He was speechless, but he nodded and Erobus smiled.

    “Behold my power,” Erobus said as Kyori grasped the staff. A beam of light struck him and he was lifted into the air about six feet off the ground. His eyes were awakened and his senses were peaked. When the light subsided Kyori stood his eyes now a beautiful golden hue, and what looked to be a halo rested around his neck and wrist. His garbs were golden and white with flecks of turquoise throughout. He had been touched by the creation god himself. Erobus admired his handiwork and turned his attention to Aeterna.

    “Your race has ended, you are the last of your species shadow phoenix, but my son, the Rainbow Phoenix has assured me that you hold great promise. We shall see as I have a very special gift for you. In exchange for your service, I will grant you a place in the Phoenix Council and you will head my palace guards. Of course this does not mean you will neglect your duties as protector of this realm. If you accept your gift, I shall bestow it upon you.”

    When Ocella arrived to his and his love's side they were taken away to another location. He couldn’t see who was there but when Kyori tried to move he just let him. He was in no condition to stop him, and thes a voice rang out, and Aeterna didn’t know who it belonged to, but once a hand was placed on his shoulder, and his wounds healed he looked up at the man and his eyes went wide as he instantly bowed before the God of Creation Erobus. Why in the world would he be here? He questioned himself as he remained bowed before the God. He knew his place better than anyone, and wouldn’t show any disrespect for the God.

    He heard the conversation between the God and his love. He was so proud of him. Though this did mean that they would more than likely be separated. This saddened him greatly, but it was for the betterment of the world. He smiled but he refused to look up. He didn’t want to show any disrespect for him of Kyori. But something happened that he didn’t expect. The God addressed him. Looking up from the ground he finally looked into the face of the God as he spoke. Shock filled his whole system as the Deities words sunk in. Was this really happening? Was this really happening?

    Aeterna was speechless. Never in all of his many years would he have thought that the God of creation would ask him anything. Let alone to be the leader of his royal guard, and have a place among the phoenix counsel. He was speechless at the request. He looked over at Kyori and saw his new form. He smiled lovingly at him as he turned to Erobus. “I accept your Gracious offer. Lord of all creation. I will do my best to live up to everyone's expectations.” Aeterna said as he bowed to the God once more.

    Ocella watched the God and smirked at his words. “Enough talking, let’s finish this,” she said, her voice soft yet filled with power. She saw the attack heading her way and closed her eyes, raising her hands in front of her chest and holding her palms together. “Come to me,” she spoke softly, and suddenly the blade within Samael’s hands began to vibrate. “Sorry uncle,” she spoke, a small smile on her face as her blade separated from his hold and raced to her side. She grasped it with one hand and held it forward, slicing through the winged imps with ease.

    She stared at the God cooly, her eyes piercing. “For all those you’ve murdered,” she began, her voice captivating. She slashed her weapon forward in the air and from it came hundreds of shards of light. “For all those you’ve wronged,” she continued, slashing again as hundreds more shards of light followed, “You will Never harm again!” Ocella called, slashing forward this time, releasing a high power orb of energy from the blade that followed behind the shards. Upon contact, each shard would explode with energy as it pierced through skin.

    Erobus called forth his divine light once more and imbued Aeterna with power. When the light subsided Aeterna would be awoken. Erobus closed his eyes and looked at Samael.

    “I will leave you to watch over them, I must take my leave, but before I do,” Erobus filled the area with divine light, healing every hero on the battlefield. Kelda and Art arrived just in time to receive the healing but when the light subsided they heard numerous explosions. Samael turned and watched his niece attack Subore with renewed vigor.

    “That a girl,” he said as Erobus nodded and vanished slowly from their sight. Kyori turned and faced Subore who was unfortunate to receive the blast of energy in his chest, but he managed to catch it and toss it into the air as it exploded. He sneered and roared.

    “You ready guys?” Kyori asked as he looked at Aeterna. Kelda and Art looked at Kyori and smirked. “All or nothing Kyori,” they said in unison.

    Ryan took the opportunity to unleash a volley of arrows that sliced through Subore’s flesh causing him to shoot a blast of chaos magic at Ryan from his maw. Kyori appeared in front of Ryan thwacking the orb away from Ryan with his staff.

    “Holy shit,” Ryan said noticing how different Kyori looked.

    “Divine Technique, Spirit Halo!” Kyori stated summoning hundreds of divine halos that revolved around Subore before crashing against his form. He was knocked back but regained his footing as he stood to his feet.

    “Well well, I can smell his power on you. IS THIS WHAT YOU DO NOW BROTHER?!” Subore shouted growling as he closed his eyes and breathed.

    “Get ready,” Samael said softly but loud enough for everyone to hear.

    Aeterna was basked in the light that was Erobus’s power, and no matter what he was still a creature that lived in darkness. The light burned on contact with his body, and fell to one knee in pain. The light felt as if it was burning his very soul to sunder. Though he didn’t scream. He refused to show and form of weakness to the light that was covering him. Aeterna closed his eyes as the pain intensified, then without warning the pain stopped.

    When he opened his eyes he was standing once more, but felt completely different. HIs body no longer felt affected by the light that was surrounding him, as the light vanished he even looks different than he did before. Hs wings were still black, but had silver highlights, and blue tips. HIs eyes were pitch black with a light blue iris with silver inlay. HIs black robes were gone replaced with black pants, a black shirt with silver feathers laced through the design, and white jacket with black feathers in the same design. His senses were heightened, and he also felt lighter in a way. Was this because he no longer is afraid of the light? A question he would have to answer at a later date. For now they need to continue this fight. NO. They needed to finish this fight. To bring peace to this realm once more.

    Once Kelda and Art arrived it was time to put their all into the battle. He smiled at Kyori as he disappeared into the shadows, and reappeared not fare from where the God was now standing. He used his power to gather the shadows around him, as they swirled under him. A smile formed on his face as he spoke. “Special technique - Shadow Fall.” He said calmly as the shadows surrounded him and Subore, and anyone else that happened to be in the vicinity as a rain of needles that would be able to pierce his skin deeper than his last shadow attack. This time he didn’t need to worry about the needles coming after fd, or any of his family. He was able to control the ability better than before.

    Amon had been heel of his fatigue when the light of the God washed over him, and he smiled as he took flight landing about a mile away from the others. Taking out his demonic dagger he stabbed himself in the heart. “Forbidden Spell - Demon Transformation.” Amon said as his body started to physically change to that of his demon brethren. Using this new form he chanted an Ice spell that would freeze Subore to the ground. Making it where he would be unable to move. As soon as that spell was cast. Frozen spikes protruded out of the ground to try and impale him from underneath. This was before the clock of Darkness covered the Dark God.

    Josh slowly opened his eyes when the attack didn’t hit and he didn’t see anything that would have stopped the attack. Well that was until Ocella Attacked the God. Then more attacks followed. However, a light covered him, and healed his injuries. His wings were working right, and his power was restored. Who helped them? Was a question that popped into this mind, but for now he would just have to wait for the answer. Standing up once more he looked to the battlefield with a smile. All of his family were fighting, and it was time he joined them He flew high into the sky in the center of all of them which was right above the Dark God, and cast a haste spell on them all. It would allow them to move two times as fast as they normally could. Then he swung his sword, and a blast of sound rained down on Subore from right above him.

    Ocella smiled when her attacks struck the God, causing him to roar in anger. The others soon appeared on the field and she noticed Josh flying high in the air, blasting the God with his sound magic. An idea came to her and she appeared next to her brother. “Take this blade, and land the final blow behind your sound assault. The holy energies embedded in this sword should be enough to defeat him. I shall blind him with my light so that he does not see you coming,” she said, turning the blade and offering it to him hilt side first. She smiled and winked, seeing all of her family attacking the beast. They had such hope at winning this war now that they had all been helped, now that her uncle was on their side and now that Erobus had aided them.

    Subore opened his eyes the moment he heard Aeterna and felt the cold shadow some envelope him. He felt the pin like needles of shadow strike him but his eyes shifted to black orbs and he roared causing a disruption in the spell. The dome vanished and Subore stood with a snarl on his face.

    “Be careful,” Samael spoke to everyone as Subore waited for the next move. Art charged in swinging and striking with precision and Kelda offered cover from a distance utilizing water to shield Art from blast of fire that erupted from Subore’s mouth. Subore landed a hard strike to Art’s chest that sent him shooting back. Luckily he had hardened his chest to avoid too much damage. Kelda was able to stop his momentum. The fire blasts melted the ice that Amon had attempted to trap him with another dispelling aura blasted out from Subore. They would find utilizing instant trap spells or spells to slow him down would be useless. Subore slammed his fist into the oncoming protruding ice and watched as the shards littered the ground.

    Kyori’s eyes narrowed as he twirled his staff and waited. Josh unleashed his attack and Subore was blasted with sound that pushed him back with each strike. He glanced up and out of his thrusted hand came swarms of necrotic bats that seemed to fill the sky.

    Ocella smiled when the others joined her in battle. Subore was becoming angry, for he now was fighting to beat them all instead of one at a time. He released swarms of the bats and she looked to her friends with worry. Her form began to shimmer when she closed her eyes and the shimmering began to spread rapidly. A forcefield of shimmering light surrounded her, her uncle, and the other heroes on the field. The light was just strong enough to protect them, rather than cause Aeterna harm from her light. She kept her eyes closed during the entire attack, trying to concentrate on protecting those she cared for. She allowed nature to be her sight instead, smiling warmly as she felt the holy light warming her, giving her strength to continue.

    Aeterna was not happy that the God was still able to break his spell, but he also knew that he was a creature of darkness much like he was. It seemed that every elemental spell that was thrown his way he was able to dispel with ease. However Josh, Kyori, and Ocella were able to hit him hard. This gave him hope that they will be able to defeat this God. They just needed to try and weaken him to the point where he would be completely vulnerable to attack. Aeterna knew that he would be able to hold Subore long enough for them to kill him, he just needed to wait for the right opportunity. He would need to watch the battle and wait. However, he needed to keep up his attacks as well. Throwing his sword into the air it split into seven different swords, and they all flew towards the dark God. Attempting to slice open his flesh.

    However, at the same time Subor attacked once again with bats made from a deadly necrotic energy. He was about to disappear into the shadows when he was surrounded by a light that protected him. Staring into the light and not flinching from it he just stood there and watched as his swords attacked the dark god.

    Amon cursed under his breath as his attack did nothing to the God of Destruction. That was to be expected from the God that helped Erobus to create the very element he was controlling. Though he doesn't only have the power of ice. Though he controls elements better, he can also cast spells of summoning. Though he doubted they would help him in this instance. All he could do for now was gather energy to use a technique that he didn’t think would help, but it might do a little damage to the God, but he still needed time to gather the amount of energy to cast the spell, as well as the time to chant the spell.

    When the light surrounded him from his wife, he figured this would be the best time to concentrate on the spell. He closed his eyes and transformed back to his human form as the markings that covered his skin started to glow a light blue hue. He was gathering the energy he needed for this Spell. This was going to cost him all of his energy to cast, but if it helped defeat the god it would be worth it. He just needed time.

    Josh watched as his sound waves hit their mark, and caused the God to be pushed back. It seemed he didn’t have the power to fight against sound as easily as he did the elements. This did give him an advantage, but at the same time he would become one of his targets. However this was one of those times he didn’t mind risking his life for the man he loved, and the rest of his family. He just wanted them all to be safe. The Ocella appeared by his side giving him a plan to try and defeat the Dark God. She was wanting him to take her blade and finish off the God. What would she do such a thing? Had she finally forgiven him?

    Now was not the time to ask such questions. However, as he looked down at the God as he attacked them once more he didn’t believe that the God was weak enough to defeat, but the light in the blade if he could get it to penetrate deep enough into the God’s body that he couldn’t get it out would be a good start to weakening him. Though he couldn’t throw the blade at the same time he used his sound waves. “Cella. I will need you to throw the blade at the right time. Then I will use all the power I have to make sure the blade penetrates his skin, but I am unable to do such a thing on my own.” He said as a barrier of light surrounded him, and protected him from the dark Gods attack. Besides he didn’t know if he would be able to hold such a blade.

    Ryan watched Subore break his brother’s as if it were nothing. It was crazy how much power this being had but Ryan realized they were fighting a literal god and they weren’t built to break easy. Swiftly Ryan transformed into his ice demon form.

    “Special Technique: Frozen Cannonball!”

    His form shot forth with great intensity and yet it was not enough. Subore managed to stop his moment though the god suffered laceration damage he was only pushed back a few feet before he struck Ryan to the ground causing Ryan to scream out. Subore smirked and grabbed Ryan by the throat.

    “Seven Stars of Darkness, Strike!”

    Ryan was struck with an immensely painful energy that sent him flying backwards hitting the ground hard. Everyone seemed to watch it happen in slow motion. Ryan skidded to a halt and wasn’t moving.

    “Ryan!” Kyori shouted rushing over to him not realizing that Subore was headed his way until a blast of fire was turned into steam by Kelda as she rushed over.

    “I got him, go.”

    Kyori nodded and stood to his feet as Art charged Subore and Kyori joined the dash. Kyori managed to slide under Subore just as Art struck Subore in the chest with an iron fist. Subore stumbles back and Kyori was behind him.

    “Sacred Technique: Aura of Life!”

    Subore growled when the spiritual energy collided with his frame. It was immense and he was sent skidding forward managing to stop himself before turning around and glaring at Kyori. Kyori could see a dent in the armor of the dark god and he knew the end was coming though he hoped Ryan was okay.

    “I admit my body is thrilled to feel pain. You, you are a worthy opponent but I will not let you defeat me,” Subore said glaring at each of them on the battlefield.

    Samael looked over at Etrama’s body, a tear falling down his face. He moved over to him, touching his cold face gently with two fingers.

    “My love,” he said softly before looking up at the battlefield. When this was over he would have a proper burial for him.

    Subore grunted realizing he had taken too much damage. There would be others after him there always was and always would be the key was figuring out how to transcend generations. I’m the back of his mind he had accepted his fate and knew it was only a matter of time before his time would be over.

    “SHOW ME YOUR POWER!” Subore yelled inhumanly.

    Ocella nodded at Josh’s words. She watched as one by one, each of her comrades began to attack Subore after the bats ended. Ryan was first and she watched in horror as Subore retaliated, tossing Ryan to the ground as if he were nothing. She was about to appear at his side when Kyori beat her there, but suddenly he was in danger too. “Kyori!” she shouted, sighing in relief when Kelda protected him. She stayed with Ryan and Kyori returned, she looked at him with great concern, grateful that he was alright.

    Subore was angry, for Art and Kyori had stricken him. Ocella began to glow brightly as she shot a beam of holy energy towards Subore, wanting to distract him once more. ‘Now!’ she thought to Josh, using all the power she could muster as she spun around, giving the sword as much momentum as she could before she threw it in the God’s direction. She could only hope that their plan would work, that it would strike Subore and that he wouldn’t catch it instead.

    Amon watched as his brother attacked the God, and that his attack did little damage. However, Subore crushed Ryan to the ground causing his brother to scream out in pain. Then he watched as he his brother was attacked, and thrown back by the power that the God used. He wanted to help, but if he moved now his spell would be broken. Tears welled up in his eyes as he turned his attention back to the God. A pentagram appeared underneath him, and a summoning circle under the Dark God.

    “Sacred Spell - .” Amon said as he concentrated all of his power into the spell. His daggers stabbed themselves into the pentagram, and with that the spell was activated. Dragons of ice and light formed in the edges of the circle. They attacked the God by biting, and clawing him.

    Aeterna could only watch as Ryan was severely injured by Sabore. The God was able to actually injure the young demon badly, but he knew that if he left the battle now it would spell disaster for the others. They would all need to be here to win. Praying that Ryan was ok. He jumped into the shadow of the God, and concentrated on one of his skills. “Shadow Spell - Nightingale.” Aeterna said as he took over the Gods shadow, and held him still. Not knowing how long he would be able to hold him, but he hoped it would be long enough to finally end this war.

    Josh could only watch in horror as Ryan was attacked his screams tearing at his heart, and then he lied on the ground motionless. “Ryannnn.” Josh screamed at the top of his lungs as tears fell from his eyes. He began to fly to him, but he suddenly stopped. He knew that he couldn't leave the others, and he just hoped that Ryan was okay.

    Tears continued to fall from his face as Ocella prepared to attack Subore. He wouldn't let the opening his fellow Mystics have made. He watched as the blade left her hand, and he placed his sword in front of him, and his hand hand against the blade. Running his hand down the blade the rings changed tone once more. “Third Song - Ballade “ Josh said as he coated the blade in his sound magic and it increased in speed. The vibration would allow the blade to penetrate the Gods skin easier. “Second Song - Sanata “ Josh said as he disappeared from the battle and reappeared next to his love. He wanted to make sure he was still alive. His wings hurt from the increase in speed, but he wanted to be by his love's side.

    The dark god watched as his opponent unleashed their attacks. First came the sudden summon of two dragons that attempted to strike him with their teeth and claws. He received slight damage but was able to dispel the summoning circle before he felt the tug on his senses. His body began to freeze up and he realized too late what was happening. When he looked up, his eyes were blinded by a beautiful light and then he felt it. The seraph blade struck its mark and he roared in pain as he fell to one knee clutching the blade that burned his hand every time he touched it.

    Ryan remained unconscious, blood seeping from beneath him. Kyori looked at Subore as the light subsided and felt pity for him.

    Samael gasped after Ryan was struck, but watched in awe as the mystics worked together to overcome. He marveled at how well they worked as a team. Then Subore was pierced by the seraph blade. It was over. The seraph blade slowly began to take effect and Subore looked at his enemies one by one. He shook his head and managed a weak smile.

    “Eons ago my brother defeated me in battle, and I see now why,” Subore spit out as globs of black goo slid from his mouth. “Though you may have defeated me, there will be others. When you cut the head off of a hydra, another grows in its place.”

    Kyori stepped forward and held his staff tightly.

    Ocella couldn’t believe it. The sword had stricken its mark, all of their attacks had come together to make it count. After the blade struck its mark and the God fell to one knee, Kyori stepped forward and held his staff- the second piece to trapping the God. The God spoke of his defeat and she knew that his words were true. She looked to the others, Ryan was in bad shape and she transformed into her Seraph form. She floated high into the sky, and suddenly a bright light filled the area as Kyori went to work. “You can do this brother,” she spoke softly, a smile on her face.

    She vanished to Ryan’s side and looked at her brother with worry. Amon was a mess, Josh was devastated and both rightfully so. She went to work immediately and poured every ounce of healing energy into him that she could, without overwhelming him or pouring too much light into him for his heritage to handle.

    Amon watched As his spell was dismissed almost as quickly as it was summoned, and he fell to his knees. He exhausted all of his energy in that one attack. The daggers came to life and returned to their resting place within his body. All he could do now was watch as everything finally worked , and the God was now on his knees. Subore was speaking of his end and how the darkness would return. That was something he was well aware of, and he would keep his eyes and ears open as long as he lived to make sure it doesn't happen in his lifetime.

    He wanted to be with his brother right now. So he pushed himself to get back up and slowly made his way over to where Ryan landed. A concerned look on his face as he didn’t even know if his brother was still alive.

    Aeterna was glad that Subore didn’t put up as much of a fight as he could have with him under this spell, but he continued to hold it any way. He wanted to make sure that he couldn’t fight back. The creature that was responsible for all of the death that has happened, and the horrible things that have happened. He may have felt sorry for him, but it wasn't going to stop him from doing what needed to be done.

    Josh was distraught at seeing the blood seeping out from underneath his loves unconscious form as he reached down to touch his face. His body was still cold, but it was warmer than it should be. HIs body was shaking as he couldn’t get a response out of Ryan as Ocella arrived to try and heal him. HIs emotions died as he stood up, and looked at the dark God that had taken his love from him. His sword appeared in his hand as tears continued to flow from his eyes. Yet it looked like no one was home. His eyes seemed dead. Not saying a word or making a noise he charged at the Dark God.

    Kyori was motionless as Subore said his speech. Kelda clutched her pearls while Art held his chest, a small bit of blood seeping from the deep gash caused by Subore’s fists. Kyori could tell the dark being was ready for his punishment, it seemed as if he were inviting the void. As Kyori took another step forward, Joshua suddenly charged towards Subore who’s eyes flickered with humor before Kyori appeared in front of Joshua, holding him by the shoulder.

    “No,” Kyori said stern in his grip, “this is not our way Josh.”

    Kyori looked into Joshua’s angry eyes and hoped his brother understood. Subore would return to the void. It was as Erobus wished.

    “I am sorry,” Kyori added as he turned to face Subore. He was the only being keeping Joshua from Subore and Kyori could see the look on Subore’s face.

    “DO IT!” Subore shouted.

    “DIVINE LAW: JUDGEMENT!” Kyori spoke as he held the staff up. A pentagram appeared beneath Subore who growled but did not resist. “Pendulum, give your verdict!”

    There was a pendulum that swung over guilty and not guilty until it settled on guilty. Kyori’s eyes rested on the judgement and he nodded.

    “Your judgement is the void within this prison,” Kyori retrieved a stone from his garments and held it out in front of him. The pentagram began to glow brightly before Subore’s screams could be heard as his essence slowly poured into the stone. The stone then vanished and Kyori exhaled. The war was over. Darkness had lost, and the light prevailed, but at costs no one wanted. Quickly, he turned and rushed over to Ryan who coughed gently and opened his eyes slowly.

    “Did we win?” he asked weakly.

    Kyori smiled and nodded, “for now,” he added as Samael moved from Etrama’s dead form.

    “Great warriors of light, your jobs are never done.”

    Ocella watched Kyori, a small smile on her face as she looked at him, idolization evident on her features. He requested the judgement, and it was clear. Subore was banished to the void and Kyori rushed to Ryan, whom seemed to be stirring. “Ryan,” she said softly, her voice wavering. “You idiot. Why on Earth….” she stopped herself and shook her head. “Come on Ryan,” she said softly, hoping that her magic would be enough to help him gain some of the energy that he needed. She stood slowly from her place and went to Amon’s side, wrapping her arms around him as her uncle spoke.

    She knew that their work was never over, especially hers after Erobus’s message, but at least they had the opportunity to recover. “It may never be over but for now, we have time to recover,” she said, a small smile on her face as she looked to Kyori. She made her way to him and embraced him with as much love as she could. “Thank you for saving me,” she said softly as she held him close, just taking in the fact that he had returned to them. “I’m so happy to have you back. Your reaper form is rude,” she said with a smirk and a chuckle.

    She looked to Ryan and shook her head. “Want me to take you back to the base?” she asked, crossing her arms and looking at her uncle warily.

    Amon finally made it to where Ryan was lying, and he looked down at the blood that was coating the ground. He felt a pain in his heart as he could only watch as his brother was slowly bleeding to death, and his wife was desperately trying to save him. He closed his eyes, as Josh decided to attack the Destruction God. Amon was having his own problems with what was happening.

    Then right after the God received his judgment Ryan spoke. Amon opened his eyes and looked down at his brother. He was still alive, and he almost fell to the ground with relief, but he was caught in Ocella wrapped her arms around him. He needed the support right at the moment, and he closed his eyes once more “Thank you my love.” He said in a whisper as he tried to hold back his tears.

    He knew the fight the Mystics had won would not be the last battle they would more than likely fight, but he would get stronger so his wife and her family wouldn’t have to fight it on their own.

    Aeterna removed himself from the Gods shadow as the verdict was read. He didn’t want to get sucked up with him, and if he was part of his shadow he knew he would have. Appearing with the others around Ryan who looked worse for ware he was happy that the young Ice Demon survived that attack. “Don’t scare us like that you Idiot.”Aeterna said as he looked down at all of the blood he had lost. Ryan was lucky to be alive.

    “We will not let the darkness win as long as we are alive. We must keep a vigilant watch over the world, and it’s people.” He said as he walked over to Kyori. They would never be separated, but they would be busy with their new roles. Interlocking his clawed hand with Kyori’s he just smiled as he looked to the others. They were all not in good shape, but Ryan had gotten the brunt of the damage. “I don’t think we should Move Ryan just yet. Give him more time to heal.”

    Josh looked into Kyori’s eyes as he stopped him, and the tears continued to flow as he spoke. His brother’s words reaching him where he had disappeared to he came back to his senses. He dropped his sword, and fell to his knees. Powerless to do anything as he watched Kyori pass judgment on the God. His whole world was turned upside down at the moment. To him this win was but an empty victory. His love is dying, and there was nothing he could do.

    Then he heard a cough and Ryan’s voice as he was regaining consciousness. He scrambled back to his feet, and ran over to Ryan tears of relief filled his eyes now as he touched his love's face. “Don’t you die on me.” Josh said as he leaned over and kissed Ryan softly on the lips. He knew he was not out of the woods, but he would stay by his side no matter what.

    Ryan slowly managed to maneuver into a sitting position, though the star shaped scar on his chest would forever be a reminder of how close to death he had gotten. Blood was still slowly seeping from it, but Ocella had managed to heal the wound slightly. He smiled softly realizing that they had won but knew that their work was never done.

    “I love you too,” Ryan admitted as Kelda and Art helped him to his feet. “I’m okay though, really I am,” he said looking at Joshua and wrapping his arms around him.

    Samael smiled and nodded as he moved back over to Etrama’s body. He knelt down and began to remove the caked up blood and dirt from his face and the death blow on his body. Kyori took note of Samael’s sudden disappearance from the group and saw him in the distance next to Etrama’s body. Sighing, he looked at Ocella and gave her a nod in her uncle’s direction.

    “Kelda, Art, make sure that all of our allies are alerted of the victory. We have a lot of cleaning up to do,” Kyori said as Art and Kelda both vanished in their own element. Kyori looked at Aeterna as he held his hand.

    “You really loved him didn’t you?” Kyori asked as he moved closer to Samael.

    “He made me happy even though the dark one had tainted me, he kept my heart alive.”

    Ocella smiled as Ryan came too and began to sit up. “Ryan!” she said with excitement. “Don’t you EVER do that again or I’ll smack you!” she said, smiling at he and Josh. She noticed Kyori walking off in the distance and saw her uncle near Etrama’s body. She saw the look on his face and her heart sunk as the realization seeped in. She appeared next to her uncle and placed a gentle hand on his shoulder, still unsure what forms of affection were acceptable.

    “I’m so sorry, I didn’t know,” she said, her face filled with sympathy. Samael had once again lost the man he loved to battle. While she recognized that it had to be done, she was certain that if anyone could have made Etrama less of a threat to society it was her uncle.

    Josh was still a little leary of having Ryan sit up, but he didn’t have the heart to stop him. So he stood up as well, and stared at the bleeding star shaped wound on his chest. He didn’t like that Ryan was going to have to live with a scar like that, but there was nothing he could do about it. Once Ryan was standing he wrapped his arms around him, and Josh only smiled as his worried expression faded. Wrapping his arms around the man he loved he held him tight as he returned to his human form. Not saying a word he laid his head on his love's shoulder as he thanked Erobus for not taking his love from him. “Don’t ever do that again. Please.”

    Amon was surprised when Ocella left his side, and he watched as she went over to where her Uncle was kneeling next to Etrama’s body. He didn’t understand what was going on, but soon realized that his wife was upset. He didn’t know why so he looked to his brother and saw him in the arms of the man he loved. Deciding to let them be alone for a bit, he slowly made his way over to where Ocella, Kyori, and Aeterna were.

    Aeterna looked his love in the eyes, as they continued to hold hands. Then Kyori made his way over to where Samael was, and Aeterna followed not letting go of Kyori’s hand. There was still so much they needed to do, and he wanted to give Kyori the wedding he deserved before they began their new duties. Knowing they might not have the time after that.

    Aeterna looked down as the lifeless form of the man that not only tortured both him and Amon, but… Aeterna didn’t want to think about it. However, something seemed off. Samael was treating the man kindly almost like a lover would. The Kyori spoke, and his jaw almost dropped. Was a man like him capable of love? Aeterna couldn’t believe it, but it had to be true. No one mourns like Samael was over someone that was just a thing to them. They did love one another. It was something he could understand, and he felt sorry for the man that lost his love. “No one deserves to lose the one they love. I am sorry for your loss.” Aeterna’s words were true. The man before him may have been an enemy, but he was loved by someone even though he was a bastard.

    Kyori watched the tears stream down Samael’s face and he knew then what he needed to do.

    “Samael, you were once tainted, but you have helped us and for that I owe you my life. I will help you,” Kyori said as Samael looked at him with a confused look.

    “Help me? How?” Samael asked unsure what Kyori was going to do.

    “Divine Technique: Soul Reversion,” Kyori said as gently as he spoke to them. The end of his staff began to shine and Etrama’s body began to shimmer.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Sending the Dragon falling to the ground. He was still alive, but his wings weren't able to keep him afloat any more.

    Aeterna saw his chance to attack after the bastard hurt Kyori and Josh. His side was beginning to ache, so he needed to be careful not to waste anymore time or energy. His eyes turned pitch black as he used his power to manipulate the shadows to attack Subore once more. This time half the shadows went to bind the God the others went to skewer him. Aeterna also sent Shadows to catch Josh as he was falling to the earth to keep him from impacting with the ground. He hoped that Samael, and the others were about done with the preparation until then he wouldn't use much of his power. Nightingale took up a lot of his strength, and who knew what hi strongest ability was. The sword refused to let him access the ability.

    Ocella watched as both her husband and uncle began to pour divine energy into the blade. Amon was by her side after she had collapsed, helping her to her feet. She nodded at his words and kissed his cheek for a moment, knowing that this was it. She closed her eyes and allowed a feeling of peace to wash over her just as she had done so long ago in her grandfather’s cave. She smiled softly as the light poured from her, brightening the area as the holy energies filled the blade. ‘Thank you, Erobus,’ she thought softly to the God, a smile on her face as she felt the warmth of the light. She held Amon close to her, wanting him to feel her love while they poured their energy into this last strike. She opened her eyes softly and smiled at her uncle, still giving every ounce of energy she had left into the blade.

    As they continued to put their energies into the weapons, an image began to slowly appear before them. Samael’s eyes widened when he realized who it was.

    “Lord Erobus,” he said bowing instantly.

    Erobus looked at the three of them his face void of emotion. Without hesitation he reached out and grabbed the staff and soul stone. He pressed it to his body and instantly it changed, becoming golden in color with hints of turquoise speckled through the staff. He placed the staff back in the spell circle and reached out for the Seraph blade. With a simple touch the blade came to life transforming into a beautiful blade. The hilt was pure white, with etchings of gold. Seraph wings covered the hilt, protecting the wielder from the blade. The counterweight was a beautiful halo. Erobus had done what they asked but he still hovered there observing Ocella.

    “You,” he said, “stand to your feet.”

    Subore was bombarded with shadows that impaled his thick skin but didn’t go deep enough to cause any serious damage. On top of that his ears began to ring and his senses began to cloud, making it impossible to concentrate. He fell to one knee trying to pinpoint at least one of them to kill. Glaring, he began to shoot energy beams in random locations hoping to strike something or someone.

    Ocella watched what was happening as a shape began to take form. Samael spoke, addressing the figure and she dropped to her knees instantly in respect, bowing before him. She hadn’t been expecting to summon him, her uncle had left that part out. She dared to watch the God in awe as he transformed the staff and blade, still on her knees to show respect for her lord. Once his work was done, she smiled gratefully at the being. He was still with them and this confused her, but suddenly he turned his attention to her and commanded her to rise to her feet.

    Her eyes widened at this and she took in a deep breath, closing her eyes as she forced herself to her feet as told. “My lord,” she spoke, her voice soft and filled with the utmost respect.

    Amon watched as a figure took shape within the light that was summoned, and he had no idea who in the world this man was. He knew of the name that Samael called him though he really had no true idea how the man was let alone why Ocella, and Samael were bowing to him. So he just stood there looking at the man, but couldn’t truly feel his presence in this plane. So he just watched as the man went to work, and just stood there without a care in the world, but he did feel the energy of the dark God, and it almost felt like it was getting closer. He looked in the direction of the energy, and hoped the others were still okay!

    Josh was caught by the shadows that cushioned his fall. The shadows helped him to the ground, and he looked to the God as he was down on one knee, and trying to shake them off like the insects he thought they were. He was glad the God was able to shake off his spell. He twisted is sword and the rings chimed, but didn’t make a sound. He wanted to keep this up as long as he could. Then energy beams were shot out in different direction, and one was aiming for him. He was able to move to the side, and avoid injury. This time he was lucky, the next time he might not be as lucky.

    Aeterna disappeared into the shadows, and appeared next to Kyori. He looked at him with a worried look on his face knowing that he had been injured by the Dark God, but knew better than to ask if he was okay. The battle was fare from being over, and they needed to keep their concentration on the battle. Trying to keep his wound a secret he only smiled at Kyori once more and disappeared back into the shadows. As long as he knew Kyori was okay he was content. He would protect him no matter what.

    Erobus looked at Ocella and nodded.

    “You have show great allegiance to the light, and you have paid the ultimate price for an angel,” Erobus said as he hovered closer to her. “You were offered to live peacefully in the afterlife but you declined the offer because you wanted to ensure this world was safe, am I right?” Erobus said as he looked over at Samael. “You have shown your loyalty and for that I shall give you a gift. With this gift you must promise to always protect this world.”

    A light shot from the sky and struck Ocella. She would feel her bones mend, her injuries heal and she would feel different. When the light subsided Erobus smiled.

    “I have made you an elite, a divine Seraph. You will notice that things feel and sound differently now. For your loyalty, for your determination to protect I have gifted you the power to do so. With great power comes great responsibility. Use it wisely.”

    Ocella had not two sets of wings but three, with a total of six wings. She was now a Seraph, the ONLY Seraph in existence. Samael watched in awe as he couldn’t fathom such a gift. He was indeed proud of his niece.

    “Where is the one known as Kyori, and the one known as Aeterna? I have a gift for them as well.”

    Ocella listened to Erobus and nodded as he spoke, wondering what would become of her actions. He spoke of giving her a gift and she looked up at him, but suddenly an intense light struck her from high above. Her bones were mending, she was able to breathe regularly once more, her strength had returned tenfold and she gasped when the light slowly disappeared, for she now had three pairs of wings on her back that were as beautiful as ever.

    Ocella could only smile in return as he smiled, observing him and others in a new light, hearing things differently than before. She was a Seraph now, the only divine Seraph currently in existence. She felt as if a great responsibility had been placed upon her and she smiled at the God while he spoke. It was true that someday she would watch her friends and family die, but she now had the ability to visit them as she wished. A small tear fell down her cheek, it was a tear of joy and when the great God finished speaking she rushed to him and threw her arms around him, embracing him lovingly. “Thank you my lord, I shall do as you have requested and strive to never disappoint you,” she said, backing up and blushing.

    He asked where Kyori and Aeterna were and she looked to the battle at hand. “Would you like for me to retrieve them and to continue in their place?” she asked, still in awe at how vividly she could see and hear what was happening.

    Amon could only watch as Ocella was struck by a light, and then when the light faded his wife was standing there more beautiful than ever. She had three silken white wings, and all of her wounds seemed to be gone. Along with her worry that they were going to lose this fight. He was happy for her, and bowed with respect to the God. when he finished his bow Ocella hugged the man and was really happy. He would have to remind himself to ask her who this man was. Though now that this has happened he has a pretty good idea who this man was. He bowed his head once more in respect.

    “Yes, if you would be so kind as to retrieve them,” Erobus said as he raised his hand towards Samael and Amon signifying that they could stand in his presence. “Samael, will you return to the heavens?”

    “My liege, if it will make you happy,” Samael said.

    “What will make me happy is to have you train her in the ways of a Seraph. She is the only one in existence, but you trained many in your day. I want you to take your place on the Pantheon. Regardless of what has happened all is forgiven. My brother must be stopped and though I cannot do it myself, I shall gift to you the means to do so. That staff and blade will be able to end him, and trap him in the void for all eternity.”

    Samael nodded and retrieved the blade and staff.

    Kyori could feel Aeterna’s presence and when he went to move, there was an intense pain that flooded his body. That beam was no ordinary energy beam. His wound was getting bigger and he groaned as he tried to stand to his feet.

    Subore was struck with more intense waves of confusion and ringing that caused him to increase the range of the beam as it surged forth in various directions. He needed to locate the source and destroy it, but who was the source?

    Aeterna saw through the shadows that Kori was hurt and bad. Though his own injury was beginning to hurt even worse now. But he pushed the pain away, and appeared next to Kyori once more. Placing his hand on his shoulder. HIs normal vision had vanished, and he could only see through the shadows at the moment. “Kyori. Whan in the world is happening to you?” He asked as he touched his love's side, and could feel the blood that was coming from the wound. He never thought that Kyori would have been hurt this bad by the energy blast he got hit with. He picked up Kyori, and tried not to cause him any pain, but instead a pain shot through his side, and he quickly fell to one knee. He needed to get kyori to safety before one of the beams of light hit him. The potion had completely worn off now, and pain filled his senses.

    Josh was trying to keep up with the energy beams that were being shot in his direction, but he was starting to slow down. Keeping this spell going was draining his energy, and soon he will be unable to dodge the beams of light anymore. Then it happened he tripped up on a stone, and fell to the ground. A beam of energy was heading his way, and he didn’t have time to dodge. So he just closed his eyes hoping for the best.

    Ocella nodded the moment Erobus released her to return to battle. She vanished in a flash of light, appearing high in the skies above the battle. “Hey Subore!” she called, seeing Josh in a bad spot. She vanished at once and appeared in front of him, a beam of her own energy effortlessly defending him. She searched for Kyori and Aeterna, seeing them both on the ground together, wounded. She gasped and appeared next to them, touching one of their shoulders each and vanishing. She reappeared next to Erobus with her friends and nodded her head, vanishing back to the battlefield. “I’m back,” she told Subore, a wicked grin on her face as she took off into the skies. “Can you keep up?” she asked, intending to lure him away from the others while they recovered.

    Finally, the ringing stopped and the disorientation ceased. He stood upright and glared as he felt a familiar presence enter the field. A smile on his face as he looked to the sky.

    “Ahh six more wings for me to rip off,” Subore said as he listened to her challenge and immediately he summoned winged imps to chase her down as he focused on her. “It seems my brother doesn’t know when to quit. A Seraph, how I loathe them, which explains their eradication.”

    Erobus looked down at Kyori and Aeterna who were both injured. Kyori looked up weakly and tried his hardest to get on his knees.

    “Relax my child,” Erobus said as he reached out and touched both of them. Kyori felt a rush of power flow through him. It was unimaginable that any being could have that much power. Then it subsided and his aches and pains were gone. Aeterna would feel the same. “I have a request of you,” Erobus began as he nodded to Samael who walked over to Kyori and handed him the divine staff. “It is infused with my power, as well as the power it held already. Aside from this weapon I ask that you resume your duties as the spirit walker, the bridge between life and death. I ask that you be my reaper and grant safe passage for the souls of the dead, but I also need you to ensure the safety of this world Kyori. Can you fulfill this duty I place upon your shoulders?”

    Kyori couldn’t believe what was happening. He was speechless, but he nodded and Erobus smiled.

    “Behold my power,” Erobus said as Kyori grasped the staff. A beam of light struck him and he was lifted into the air about six feet off the ground. His eyes were awakened and his senses were peaked. When the light subsided Kyori stood his eyes now a beautiful golden hue, and what looked to be a halo rested around his neck and wrist. His garbs were golden and white with flecks of turquoise throughout. He had been touched by the creation god himself. Erobus admired his handiwork and turned his attention to Aeterna.

    “Your race has ended, you are the last of your species shadow phoenix, but my son, the Rainbow Phoenix has assured me that you hold great promise. We shall see as I have a very special gift for you. In exchange for your service, I will grant you a place in the Phoenix Council and you will head my palace guards. Of course this does not mean you will neglect your duties as protector of this realm. If you accept your gift, I shall bestow it upon you.”

    When Ocella arrived to his and his love's side they were taken away to another location. He couldn’t see who was there but when Kyori tried to move he just let him. He was in no condition to stop him, and thes a voice rang out, and Aeterna didn’t know who it belonged to, but once a hand was placed on his shoulder, and his wounds healed he looked up at the man and his eyes went wide as he instantly bowed before the God of Creation Erobus. Why in the world would he be here? He questioned himself as he remained bowed before the God. He knew his place better than anyone, and wouldn’t show any disrespect for the God.

    He heard the conversation between the God and his love. He was so proud of him. Though this did mean that they would more than likely be separated. This saddened him greatly, but it was for the betterment of the world. He smiled but he refused to look up. He didn’t want to show any disrespect for him of Kyori. But something happened that he didn’t expect. The God addressed him. Looking up from the ground he finally looked into the face of the God as he spoke. Shock filled his whole system as the Deities words sunk in. Was this really happening? Was this really happening?

    Aeterna was speechless. Never in all of his many years would he have thought that the God of creation would ask him anything. Let alone to be the leader of his royal guard, and have a place among the phoenix counsel. He was speechless at the request. He looked over at Kyori and saw his new form. He smiled lovingly at him as he turned to Erobus. “I accept your Gracious offer. Lord of all creation. I will do my best to live up to everyone's expectations.” Aeterna said as he bowed to the God once more.

    Ocella watched the God and smirked at his words. “Enough talking, let’s finish this,” she said, her voice soft yet filled with power. She saw the attack heading her way and closed her eyes, raising her hands in front of her chest and holding her palms together. “Come to me,” she spoke softly, and suddenly the blade within Samael’s hands began to vibrate. “Sorry uncle,” she spoke, a small smile on her face as her blade separated from his hold and raced to her side. She grasped it with one hand and held it forward, slicing through the winged imps with ease.

    She stared at the God cooly, her eyes piercing. “For all those you’ve murdered,” she began, her voice captivating. She slashed her weapon forward in the air and from it came hundreds of shards of light. “For all those you’ve wronged,” she continued, slashing again as hundreds more shards of light followed, “You will Never harm again!” Ocella called, slashing forward this time, releasing a high power orb of energy from the blade that followed behind the shards. Upon contact, each shard would explode with energy as it pierced through skin.

    Erobus called forth his divine light once more and imbued Aeterna with power. When the light subsided Aeterna would be awoken. Erobus closed his eyes and looked at Samael.

    “I will leave you to watch over them, I must take my leave, but before I do,” Erobus filled the area with divine light, healing every hero on the battlefield. Kelda and Art arrived just in time to receive the healing but when the light subsided they heard numerous explosions. Samael turned and watched his niece attack Subore with renewed vigor.

    “That a girl,” he said as Erobus nodded and vanished slowly from their sight. Kyori turned and faced Subore who was unfortunate to receive the blast of energy in his chest, but he managed to catch it and toss it into the air as it exploded. He sneered and roared.

    “You ready guys?” Kyori asked as he looked at Aeterna. Kelda and Art looked at Kyori and smirked. “All or nothing Kyori,” they said in unison.

    Ryan took the opportunity to unleash a volley of arrows that sliced through Subore’s flesh causing him to shoot a blast of chaos magic at Ryan from his maw. Kyori appeared in front of Ryan thwacking the orb away from Ryan with his staff.

    “Holy shit,” Ryan said noticing how different Kyori looked.

    “Divine Technique, Spirit Halo!” Kyori stated summoning hundreds of divine halos that revolved around Subore before crashing against his form. He was knocked back but regained his footing as he stood to his feet.

    “Well well, I can smell his power on you. IS THIS WHAT YOU DO NOW BROTHER?!” Subore shouted growling as he closed his eyes and breathed.

    “Get ready,” Samael said softly but loud enough for everyone to hear.

    Aeterna was basked in the light that was Erobus’s power, and no matter what he was still a creature that lived in darkness. The light burned on contact with his body, and fell to one knee in pain. The light felt as if it was burning his very soul to sunder. Though he didn’t scream. He refused to show and form of weakness to the light that was covering him. Aeterna closed his eyes as the pain intensified, then without warning the pain stopped.

    When he opened his eyes he was standing once more, but felt completely different. HIs body no longer felt affected by the light that was surrounding him, as the light vanished he even looks different than he did before. Hs wings were still black, but had silver highlights, and blue tips. HIs eyes were pitch black with a light blue iris with silver inlay. HIs black robes were gone replaced with black pants, a black shirt with silver feathers laced through the design, and white jacket with black feathers in the same design. His senses were heightened, and he also felt lighter in a way. Was this because he no longer is afraid of the light? A question he would have to answer at a later date. For now they need to continue this fight. NO. They needed to finish this fight. To bring peace to this realm once more.

    Once Kelda and Art arrived it was time to put their all into the battle. He smiled at Kyori as he disappeared into the shadows, and reappeared not fare from where the God was now standing. He used his power to gather the shadows around him, as they swirled under him. A smile formed on his face as he spoke. “Special technique - Shadow Fall.” He said calmly as the shadows surrounded him and Subore, and anyone else that happened to be in the vicinity as a rain of needles that would be able to pierce his skin deeper than his last shadow attack. This time he didn’t need to worry about the needles coming after fd, or any of his family. He was able to control the ability better than before.

    Amon had been heel of his fatigue when the light of the God washed over him, and he smiled as he took flight landing about a mile away from the others. Taking out his demonic dagger he stabbed himself in the heart. “Forbidden Spell - Demon Transformation.” Amon said as his body started to physically change to that of his demon brethren. Using this new form he chanted an Ice spell that would freeze Subore to the ground. Making it where he would be unable to move. As soon as that spell was cast. Frozen spikes protruded out of the ground to try and impale him from underneath. This was before the clock of Darkness covered the Dark God.

    Josh slowly opened his eyes when the attack didn’t hit and he didn’t see anything that would have stopped the attack. Well that was until Ocella Attacked the God. Then more attacks followed. However, a light covered him, and healed his injuries. His wings were working right, and his power was restored. Who helped them? Was a question that popped into this mind, but for now he would just have to wait for the answer. Standing up once more he looked to the battlefield with a smile. All of his family were fighting, and it was time he joined them He flew high into the sky in the center of all of them which was right above the Dark God, and cast a haste spell on them all. It would allow them to move two times as fast as they normally could. Then he swung his sword, and a blast of sound rained down on Subore from right above him.

    Ocella smiled when her attacks struck the God, causing him to roar in anger. The others soon appeared on the field and she noticed Josh flying high in the air, blasting the God with his sound magic. An idea came to her and she appeared next to her brother. “Take this blade, and land the final blow behind your sound assault. The holy energies embedded in this sword should be enough to defeat him. I shall blind him with my light so that he does not see you coming,” she said, turning the blade and offering it to him hilt side first. She smiled and winked, seeing all of her family attacking the beast. They had such hope at winning this war now that they had all been helped, now that her uncle was on their side and now that Erobus had aided them.

    Subore opened his eyes the moment he heard Aeterna and felt the cold shadow some envelope him. He felt the pin like needles of shadow strike him but his eyes shifted to black orbs and he roared causing a disruption in the spell. The dome vanished and Subore stood with a snarl on his face.

    “Be careful,” Samael spoke to everyone as Subore waited for the next move. Art charged in swinging and striking with precision and Kelda offered cover from a distance utilizing water to shield Art from blast of fire that erupted from Subore’s mouth. Subore landed a hard strike to Art’s chest that sent him shooting back. Luckily he had hardened his chest to avoid too much damage. Kelda was able to stop his momentum. The fire blasts melted the ice that Amon had attempted to trap him with another dispelling aura blasted out from Subore. They would find utilizing instant trap spells or spells to slow him down would be useless. Subore slammed his fist into the oncoming protruding ice and watched as the shards littered the ground.

    Kyori’s eyes narrowed as he twirled his staff and waited. Josh unleashed his attack and Subore was blasted with sound that pushed him back with each strike. He glanced up and out of his thrusted hand came swarms of necrotic bats that seemed to fill the sky.

    Ocella smiled when the others joined her in battle. Subore was becoming angry, for he now was fighting to beat them all instead of one at a time. He released swarms of the bats and she looked to her friends with worry. Her form began to shimmer when she closed her eyes and the shimmering began to spread rapidly. A forcefield of shimmering light surrounded her, her uncle, and the other heroes on the field. The light was just strong enough to protect them, rather than cause Aeterna harm from her light. She kept her eyes closed during the entire attack, trying to concentrate on protecting those she cared for. She allowed nature to be her sight instead, smiling warmly as she felt the holy light warming her, giving her strength to continue.

    Aeterna was not happy that the God was still able to break his spell, but he also knew that he was a creature of darkness much like he was. It seemed that every elemental spell that was thrown his way he was able to dispel with ease. However Josh, Kyori, and Ocella were able to hit him hard. This gave him hope that they will be able to defeat this God. They just needed to try and weaken him to the point where he would be completely vulnerable to attack. Aeterna knew that he would be able to hold Subore long enough for them to kill him, he just needed to wait for the right opportunity. He would need to watch the battle and wait. However, he needed to keep up his attacks as well. Throwing his sword into the air it split into seven different swords, and they all flew towards the dark God. Attempting to slice open his flesh.

    However, at the same time Subor attacked once again with bats made from a deadly necrotic energy. He was about to disappear into the shadows when he was surrounded by a light that protected him. Staring into the light and not flinching from it he just stood there and watched as his swords attacked the dark god.

    Amon cursed under his breath as his attack did nothing to the God of Destruction. That was to be expected from the God that helped Erobus to create the very element he was controlling. Though he doesn't only have the power of ice. Though he controls elements better, he can also cast spells of summoning. Though he doubted they would help him in this instance. All he could do for now was gather energy to use a technique that he didn’t think would help, but it might do a little damage to the God, but he still needed time to gather the amount of energy to cast the spell, as well as the time to chant the spell.

    When the light surrounded him from his wife, he figured this would be the best time to concentrate on the spell. He closed his eyes and transformed back to his human form as the markings that covered his skin started to glow a light blue hue. He was gathering the energy he needed for this Spell. This was going to cost him all of his energy to cast, but if it helped defeat the god it would be worth it. He just needed time.

    Josh watched as his sound waves hit their mark, and caused the God to be pushed back. It seemed he didn’t have the power to fight against sound as easily as he did the elements. This did give him an advantage, but at the same time he would become one of his targets. However this was one of those times he didn’t mind risking his life for the man he loved, and the rest of his family. He just wanted them all to be safe. The Ocella appeared by his side giving him a plan to try and defeat the Dark God. She was wanting him to take her blade and finish off the God. What would she do such a thing? Had she finally forgiven him?

    Now was not the time to ask such questions. However, as he looked down at the God as he attacked them once more he didn’t believe that the God was weak enough to defeat, but the light in the blade if he could get it to penetrate deep enough into the God’s body that he couldn’t get it out would be a good start to weakening him. Though he couldn’t throw the blade at the same time he used his sound waves. “Cella. I will need you to throw the blade at the right time. Then I will use all the power I have to make sure the blade penetrates his skin, but I am unable to do such a thing on my own.” He said as a barrier of light surrounded him, and protected him from the dark Gods attack. Besides he didn’t know if he would be able to hold such a blade.

    Ryan watched Subore break his brother’s as if it were nothing. It was crazy how much power this being had but Ryan realized they were fighting a literal god and they weren’t built to break easy. Swiftly Ryan transformed into his ice demon form.

    “Special Technique: Frozen Cannonball!”

    His form shot forth with great intensity and yet it was not enough. Subore managed to stop his moment though the god suffered laceration damage he was only pushed back a few feet before he struck Ryan to the ground causing Ryan to scream out. Subore smirked and grabbed Ryan by the throat.

    “Seven Stars of Darkness, Strike!”

    Ryan was struck with an immensely painful energy that sent him flying backwards hitting the ground hard. Everyone seemed to watch it happen in slow motion. Ryan skidded to a halt and wasn’t moving.

    “Ryan!” Kyori shouted rushing over to him not realizing that Subore was headed his way until a blast of fire was turned into steam by Kelda as she rushed over.

    “I got him, go.”

    Kyori nodded and stood to his feet as Art charged Subore and Kyori joined the dash. Kyori managed to slide under Subore just as Art struck Subore in the chest with an iron fist. Subore stumbles back and Kyori was behind him.

    “Sacred Technique: Aura of Life!”

    Subore growled when the spiritual energy collided with his frame. It was immense and he was sent skidding forward managing to stop himself before turning around and glaring at Kyori. Kyori could see a dent in the armor of the dark god and he knew the end was coming though he hoped Ryan was okay.

    “I admit my body is thrilled to feel pain. You, you are a worthy opponent but I will not let you defeat me,” Subore said glaring at each of them on the battlefield.

    Samael looked over at Etrama’s body, a tear falling down his face. He moved over to him, touching his cold face gently with two fingers.

    “My love,” he said softly before looking up at the battlefield. When this was over he would have a proper burial for him.

    Subore grunted realizing he had taken too much damage. There would be others after him there always was and always would be the key was figuring out how to transcend generations. I’m the back of his mind he had accepted his fate and knew it was only a matter of time before his time would be over.

    “SHOW ME YOUR POWER!” Subore yelled inhumanly.

    Ocella nodded at Josh’s words. She watched as one by one, each of her comrades began to attack Subore after the bats ended. Ryan was first and she watched in horror as Subore retaliated, tossing Ryan to the ground as if he were nothing. She was about to appear at his side when Kyori beat her there, but suddenly he was in danger too. “Kyori!” she shouted, sighing in relief when Kelda protected him. She stayed with Ryan and Kyori returned, she looked at him with great concern, grateful that he was alright.

    Subore was angry, for Art and Kyori had stricken him. Ocella began to glow brightly as she shot a beam of holy energy towards Subore, wanting to distract him once more. ‘Now!’ she thought to Josh, using all the power she could muster as she spun around, giving the sword as much momentum as she could before she threw it in the God’s direction. She could only hope that their plan would work, that it would strike Subore and that he wouldn’t catch it instead.

    Amon watched as his brother attacked the God, and that his attack did little damage. However, Subore crushed Ryan to the ground causing his brother to scream out in pain. Then he watched as he his brother was attacked, and thrown back by the power that the God used. He wanted to help, but if he moved now his spell would be broken. Tears welled up in his eyes as he turned his attention back to the God. A pentagram appeared underneath him, and a summoning circle under the Dark God.

    “Sacred Spell - .” Amon said as he concentrated all of his power into the spell. His daggers stabbed themselves into the pentagram, and with that the spell was activated. Dragons of ice and light formed in the edges of the circle. They attacked the God by biting, and clawing him.

    Aeterna could only watch as Ryan was severely injured by Sabore. The God was able to actually injure the young demon badly, but he knew that if he left the battle now it would spell disaster for the others. They would all need to be here to win. Praying that Ryan was ok. He jumped into the shadow of the God, and concentrated on one of his skills. “Shadow Spell - Nightingale.” Aeterna said as he took over the Gods shadow, and held him still. Not knowing how long he would be able to hold him, but he hoped it would be long enough to finally end this war.

    Josh could only watch in horror as Ryan was attacked his screams tearing at his heart, and then he lied on the ground motionless. “Ryannnn.” Josh screamed at the top of his lungs as tears fell from his eyes. He began to fly to him, but he suddenly stopped. He knew that he couldn't leave the others, and he just hoped that Ryan was okay.

    Tears continued to fall from his face as Ocella prepared to attack Subore. He wouldn't let the opening his fellow Mystics have made. He watched as the blade left her hand, and he placed his sword in front of him, and his hand hand against the blade. Running his hand down the blade the rings changed tone once more. “Third Song - Ballade “ Josh said as he coated the blade in his sound magic and it increased in speed. The vibration would allow the blade to penetrate the Gods skin easier. “Second Song - Sanata “ Josh said as he disappeared from the battle and reappeared next to his love. He wanted to make sure he was still alive. His wings hurt from the increase in speed, but he wanted to be by his love's side.

    The dark god watched as his opponent unleashed their attacks. First came the sudden summon of two dragons that attempted to strike him with their teeth and claws. He received slight damage but was able to dispel the summoning circle before he felt the tug on his senses. His body began to freeze up and he realized too late what was happening. When he looked up, his eyes were blinded by a beautiful light and then he felt it. The seraph blade struck its mark and he roared in pain as he fell to one knee clutching the blade that burned his hand every time he touched it.

    Ryan remained unconscious, blood seeping from beneath him. Kyori looked at Subore as the light subsided and felt pity for him.

    Samael gasped after Ryan was struck, but watched in awe as the mystics worked together to overcome. He marveled at how well they worked as a team. Then Subore was pierced by the seraph blade. It was over. The seraph blade slowly began to take effect and Subore looked at his enemies one by one. He shook his head and managed a weak smile.

    “Eons ago my brother defeated me in battle, and I see now why,” Subore spit out as globs of black goo slid from his mouth. “Though you may have defeated me, there will be others. When you cut the head off of a hydra, another grows in its place.”

    Kyori stepped forward and held his staff tightly.

    Ocella couldn’t believe it. The sword had stricken its mark, all of their attacks had come together to make it count. After the blade struck its mark and the God fell to one knee, Kyori stepped forward and held his staff- the second piece to trapping the God. The God spoke of his defeat and she knew that his words were true. She looked to the others, Ryan was in bad shape and she transformed into her Seraph form. She floated high into the sky, and suddenly a bright light filled the area as Kyori went to work. “You can do this brother,” she spoke softly, a smile on her face.

    She vanished to Ryan’s side and looked at her brother with worry. Amon was a mess, Josh was devastated and both rightfully so. She went to work immediately and poured every ounce of healing energy into him that she could, without overwhelming him or pouring too much light into him for his heritage to handle.

    Amon watched As his spell was dismissed almost as quickly as it was summoned, and he fell to his knees. He exhausted all of his energy in that one attack. The daggers came to life and returned to their resting place within his body. All he could do now was watch as everything finally worked , and the God was now on his knees. Subore was speaking of his end and how the darkness would return. That was something he was well aware of, and he would keep his eyes and ears open as long as he lived to make sure it doesn't happen in his lifetime.

    He wanted to be with his brother right now. So he pushed himself to get back up and slowly made his way over to where Ryan landed. A concerned look on his face as he didn’t even know if his brother was still alive.

    Aeterna was glad that Subore didn’t put up as much of a fight as he could have with him under this spell, but he continued to hold it any way. He wanted to make sure that he couldn’t fight back. The creature that was responsible for all of the death that has happened, and the horrible things that have happened. He may have felt sorry for him, but it wasn't going to stop him from doing what needed to be done.

    Josh was distraught at seeing the blood seeping out from underneath his loves unconscious form as he reached down to touch his face. His body was still cold, but it was warmer than it should be. HIs body was shaking as he couldn’t get a response out of Ryan as Ocella arrived to try and heal him. HIs emotions died as he stood up, and looked at the dark God that had taken his love from him. His sword appeared in his hand as tears continued to flow from his eyes. Yet it looked like no one was home. His eyes seemed dead. Not saying a word or making a noise he charged at the Dark God.

    Kyori was motionless as Subore said his speech. Kelda clutched her pearls while Art held his chest, a small bit of blood seeping from the deep gash caused by Subore’s fists. Kyori could tell the dark being was ready for his punishment, it seemed as if he were inviting the void. As Kyori took another step forward, Joshua suddenly charged towards Subore who’s eyes flickered with humor before Kyori appeared in front of Joshua, holding him by the shoulder.

    “No,” Kyori said stern in his grip, “this is not our way Josh.”

    Kyori looked into Joshua’s angry eyes and hoped his brother understood. Subore would return to the void. It was as Erobus wished.

    “I am sorry,” Kyori added as he turned to face Subore. He was the only being keeping Joshua from Subore and Kyori could see the look on Subore’s face.

    “DO IT!” Subore shouted.

    “DIVINE LAW: JUDGEMENT!” Kyori spoke as he held the staff up. A pentagram appeared beneath Subore who growled but did not resist. “Pendulum, give your verdict!”

    There was a pendulum that swung over guilty and not guilty until it settled on guilty. Kyori’s eyes rested on the judgement and he nodded.

    “Your judgement is the void within this prison,” Kyori retrieved a stone from his garments and held it out in front of him. The pentagram began to glow brightly before Subore’s screams could be heard as his essence slowly poured into the stone. The stone then vanished and Kyori exhaled. The war was over. Darkness had lost, and the light prevailed, but at costs no one wanted. Quickly, he turned and rushed over to Ryan who coughed gently and opened his eyes slowly.

    “Did we win?” he asked weakly.

    Kyori smiled and nodded, “for now,” he added as Samael moved from Etrama’s dead form.

    “Great warriors of light, your jobs are never done.”

    Ocella watched Kyori, a small smile on her face as she looked at him, idolization evident on her features. He requested the judgement, and it was clear. Subore was banished to the void and Kyori rushed to Ryan, whom seemed to be stirring. “Ryan,” she said softly, her voice wavering. “You idiot. Why on Earth….” she stopped herself and shook her head. “Come on Ryan,” she said softly, hoping that her magic would be enough to help him gain some of the energy that he needed. She stood slowly from her place and went to Amon’s side, wrapping her arms around him as her uncle spoke.

    She knew that their work was never over, especially hers after Erobus’s message, but at least they had the opportunity to recover. “It may never be over but for now, we have time to recover,” she said, a small smile on her face as she looked to Kyori. She made her way to him and embraced him with as much love as she could. “Thank you for saving me,” she said softly as she held him close, just taking in the fact that he had returned to them. “I’m so happy to have you back. Your reaper form is rude,” she said with a smirk and a chuckle.

    She looked to Ryan and shook her head. “Want me to take you back to the base?” she asked, crossing her arms and looking at her uncle warily.

    Amon finally made it to where Ryan was lying, and he looked down at the blood that was coating the ground. He felt a pain in his heart as he could only watch as his brother was slowly bleeding to death, and his wife was desperately trying to save him. He closed his eyes, as Josh decided to attack the Destruction God. Amon was having his own problems with what was happening.

    Then right after the God received his judgment Ryan spoke. Amon opened his eyes and looked down at his brother. He was still alive, and he almost fell to the ground with relief, but he was caught in Ocella wrapped her arms around him. He needed the support right at the moment, and he closed his eyes once more “Thank you my love.” He said in a whisper as he tried to hold back his tears.

    He knew the fight the Mystics had won would not be the last battle they would more than likely fight, but he would get stronger so his wife and her family wouldn’t have to fight it on their own.

    Aeterna removed himself from the Gods shadow as the verdict was read. He didn’t want to get sucked up with him, and if he was part of his shadow he knew he would have. Appearing with the others around Ryan who looked worse for ware he was happy that the young Ice Demon survived that attack. “Don’t scare us like that you Idiot.”Aeterna said as he looked down at all of the blood he had lost. Ryan was lucky to be alive.

    “We will not let the darkness win as long as we are alive. We must keep a vigilant watch over the world, and it’s people.” He said as he walked over to Kyori. They would never be separated, but they would be busy with their new roles. Interlocking his clawed hand with Kyori’s he just smiled as he looked to the others. They were all not in good shape, but Ryan had gotten the brunt of the damage. “I don’t think we should Move Ryan just yet. Give him more time to heal.”

    Josh looked into Kyori’s eyes as he stopped him, and the tears continued to flow as he spoke. His brother’s words reaching him where he had disappeared to he came back to his senses. He dropped his sword, and fell to his knees. Powerless to do anything as he watched Kyori pass judgment on the God. His whole world was turned upside down at the moment. To him this win was but an empty victory. His love is dying, and there was nothing he could do.

    Then he heard a cough and Ryan’s voice as he was regaining consciousness. He scrambled back to his feet, and ran over to Ryan tears of relief filled his eyes now as he touched his love's face. “Don’t you die on me.” Josh said as he leaned over and kissed Ryan softly on the lips. He knew he was not out of the woods, but he would stay by his side no matter what.

    Ryan slowly managed to maneuver into a sitting position, though the star shaped scar on his chest would forever be a reminder of how close to death he had gotten. Blood was still slowly seeping from it, but Ocella had managed to heal the wound slightly. He smiled softly realizing that they had won but knew that their work was never done.

    “I love you too,” Ryan admitted as Kelda and Art helped him to his feet. “I’m okay though, really I am,” he said looking at Joshua and wrapping his arms around him.

    Samael smiled and nodded as he moved back over to Etrama’s body. He knelt down and began to remove the caked up blood and dirt from his face and the death blow on his body. Kyori took note of Samael’s sudden disappearance from the group and saw him in the distance next to Etrama’s body. Sighing, he looked at Ocella and gave her a nod in her uncle’s direction.

    “Kelda, Art, make sure that all of our allies are alerted of the victory. We have a lot of cleaning up to do,” Kyori said as Art and Kelda both vanished in their own element. Kyori looked at Aeterna as he held his hand.

    “You really loved him didn’t you?” Kyori asked as he moved closer to Samael.

    “He made me happy even though the dark one had tainted me, he kept my heart alive.”

    Ocella smiled as Ryan came too and began to sit up. “Ryan!” she said with excitement. “Don’t you EVER do that again or I’ll smack you!” she said, smiling at he and Josh. She noticed Kyori walking off in the distance and saw her uncle near Etrama’s body. She saw the look on his face and her heart sunk as the realization seeped in. She appeared next to her uncle and placed a gentle hand on his shoulder, still unsure what forms of affection were acceptable.

    “I’m so sorry, I didn’t know,” she said, her face filled with sympathy. Samael had once again lost the man he loved to battle. While she recognized that it had to be done, she was certain that if anyone could have made Etrama less of a threat to society it was her uncle.

    Josh was still a little leary of having Ryan sit up, but he didn’t have the heart to stop him. So he stood up as well, and stared at the bleeding star shaped wound on his chest. He didn’t like that Ryan was going to have to live with a scar like that, but there was nothing he could do about it. Once Ryan was standing he wrapped his arms around him, and Josh only smiled as his worried expression faded. Wrapping his arms around the man he loved he held him tight as he returned to his human form. Not saying a word he laid his head on his love's shoulder as he thanked Erobus for not taking his love from him. “Don’t ever do that again. Please.”

    Amon was surprised when Ocella left his side, and he watched as she went over to where her Uncle was kneeling next to Etrama’s body. He didn’t understand what was going on, but soon realized that his wife was upset. He didn’t know why so he looked to his brother and saw him in the arms of the man he loved. Deciding to let them be alone for a bit, he slowly made his way over to where Ocella, Kyori, and Aeterna were.

    Aeterna looked his love in the eyes, as they continued to hold hands. Then Kyori made his way over to where Samael was, and Aeterna followed not letting go of Kyori’s hand. There was still so much they needed to do, and he wanted to give Kyori the wedding he deserved before they began their new duties. Knowing they might not have the time after that.

    Aeterna looked down as the lifeless form of the man that not only tortured both him and Amon, but… Aeterna didn’t want to think about it. However, something seemed off. Samael was treating the man kindly almost like a lover would. The Kyori spoke, and his jaw almost dropped. Was a man like him capable of love? Aeterna couldn’t believe it, but it had to be true. No one mourns like Samael was over someone that was just a thing to them. They did love one another. It was something he could understand, and he felt sorry for the man that lost his love. “No one deserves to lose the one they love. I am sorry for your loss.” Aeterna’s words were true. The man before him may have been an enemy, but he was loved by someone even though he was a bastard.

    Kyori watched the tears stream down Samael’s face and he knew then what he needed to do.

    “Samael, you were once tainted, but you have helped us and for that I owe you my life. I will help you,” Kyori said as Samael looked at him with a confused look.

    “Help me? How?” Samael asked unsure what Kyori was going to do.

    “Divine Technique: Soul Reversion,” Kyori said as gently as he spoke to them. The end of his staff began to shine and Etrama’s body began to shimmer.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Sending the Dragon falling to the ground. He was still alive, but his wings weren't able to keep him afloat any more.

    Aeterna saw his chance to attack after the bastard hurt Kyori and Josh. His side was beginning to ache, so he needed to be careful not to waste anymore time or energy. His eyes turned pitch black as he used his power to manipulate the shadows to attack Subore once more. This time half the shadows went to bind the God the others went to skewer him. Aeterna also sent Shadows to catch Josh as he was falling to the earth to keep him from impacting with the ground. He hoped that Samael, and the others were about done with the preparation until then he wouldn't use much of his power. Nightingale took up a lot of his strength, and who knew what hi strongest ability was. The sword refused to let him access the ability.

    Ocella watched as both her husband and uncle began to pour divine energy into the blade. Amon was by her side after she had collapsed, helping her to her feet. She nodded at his words and kissed his cheek for a moment, knowing that this was it. She closed her eyes and allowed a feeling of peace to wash over her just as she had done so long ago in her grandfather’s cave. She smiled softly as the light poured from her, brightening the area as the holy energies filled the blade. ‘Thank you, Erobus,’ she thought softly to the God, a smile on her face as she felt the warmth of the light. She held Amon close to her, wanting him to feel her love while they poured their energy into this last strike. She opened her eyes softly and smiled at her uncle, still giving every ounce of energy she had left into the blade.

    As they continued to put their energies into the weapons, an image began to slowly appear before them. Samael’s eyes widened when he realized who it was.

    “Lord Erobus,” he said bowing instantly.

    Erobus looked at the three of them his face void of emotion. Without hesitation he reached out and grabbed the staff and soul stone. He pressed it to his body and instantly it changed, becoming golden in color with hints of turquoise speckled through the staff. He placed the staff back in the spell circle and reached out for the Seraph blade. With a simple touch the blade came to life transforming into a beautiful blade. The hilt was pure white, with etchings of gold. Seraph wings covered the hilt, protecting the wielder from the blade. The counterweight was a beautiful halo. Erobus had done what they asked but he still hovered there observing Ocella.

    “You,” he said, “stand to your feet.”

    Subore was bombarded with shadows that impaled his thick skin but didn’t go deep enough to cause any serious damage. On top of that his ears began to ring and his senses began to cloud, making it impossible to concentrate. He fell to one knee trying to pinpoint at least one of them to kill. Glaring, he began to shoot energy beams in random locations hoping to strike something or someone.

    Ocella watched what was happening as a shape began to take form. Samael spoke, addressing the figure and she dropped to her knees instantly in respect, bowing before him. She hadn’t been expecting to summon him, her uncle had left that part out. She dared to watch the God in awe as he transformed the staff and blade, still on her knees to show respect for her lord. Once his work was done, she smiled gratefully at the being. He was still with them and this confused her, but suddenly he turned his attention to her and commanded her to rise to her feet.

    Her eyes widened at this and she took in a deep breath, closing her eyes as she forced herself to her feet as told. “My lord,” she spoke, her voice soft and filled with the utmost respect.

    Amon watched as a figure took shape within the light that was summoned, and he had no idea who in the world this man was. He knew of the name that Samael called him though he really had no true idea how the man was let alone why Ocella, and Samael were bowing to him. So he just stood there looking at the man, but couldn’t truly feel his presence in this plane. So he just watched as the man went to work, and just stood there without a care in the world, but he did feel the energy of the dark God, and it almost felt like it was getting closer. He looked in the direction of the energy, and hoped the others were still okay!

    Josh was caught by the shadows that cushioned his fall. The shadows helped him to the ground, and he looked to the God as he was down on one knee, and trying to shake them off like the insects he thought they were. He was glad the God was able to shake off his spell. He twisted is sword and the rings chimed, but didn’t make a sound. He wanted to keep this up as long as he could. Then energy beams were shot out in different direction, and one was aiming for him. He was able to move to the side, and avoid injury. This time he was lucky, the next time he might not be as lucky.

    Aeterna disappeared into the shadows, and appeared next to Kyori. He looked at him with a worried look on his face knowing that he had been injured by the Dark God, but knew better than to ask if he was okay. The battle was fare from being over, and they needed to keep their concentration on the battle. Trying to keep his wound a secret he only smiled at Kyori once more and disappeared back into the shadows. As long as he knew Kyori was okay he was content. He would protect him no matter what.

    Erobus looked at Ocella and nodded.

    “You have show great allegiance to the light, and you have paid the ultimate price for an angel,” Erobus said as he hovered closer to her. “You were offered to live peacefully in the afterlife but you declined the offer because you wanted to ensure this world was safe, am I right?” Erobus said as he looked over at Samael. “You have shown your loyalty and for that I shall give you a gift. With this gift you must promise to always protect this world.”

    A light shot from the sky and struck Ocella. She would feel her bones mend, her injuries heal and she would feel different. When the light subsided Erobus smiled.

    “I have made you an elite, a divine Seraph. You will notice that things feel and sound differently now. For your loyalty, for your determination to protect I have gifted you the power to do so. With great power comes great responsibility. Use it wisely.”

    Ocella had not two sets of wings but three, with a total of six wings. She was now a Seraph, the ONLY Seraph in existence. Samael watched in awe as he couldn’t fathom such a gift. He was indeed proud of his niece.

    “Where is the one known as Kyori, and the one known as Aeterna? I have a gift for them as well.”

    Ocella listened to Erobus and nodded as he spoke, wondering what would become of her actions. He spoke of giving her a gift and she looked up at him, but suddenly an intense light struck her from high above. Her bones were mending, she was able to breathe regularly once more, her strength had returned tenfold and she gasped when the light slowly disappeared, for she now had three pairs of wings on her back that were as beautiful as ever.

    Ocella could only smile in return as he smiled, observing him and others in a new light, hearing things differently than before. She was a Seraph now, the only divine Seraph currently in existence. She felt as if a great responsibility had been placed upon her and she smiled at the God while he spoke. It was true that someday she would watch her friends and family die, but she now had the ability to visit them as she wished. A small tear fell down her cheek, it was a tear of joy and when the great God finished speaking she rushed to him and threw her arms around him, embracing him lovingly. “Thank you my lord, I shall do as you have requested and strive to never disappoint you,” she said, backing up and blushing.

    He asked where Kyori and Aeterna were and she looked to the battle at hand. “Would you like for me to retrieve them and to continue in their place?” she asked, still in awe at how vividly she could see and hear what was happening.

    Amon could only watch as Ocella was struck by a light, and then when the light faded his wife was standing there more beautiful than ever. She had three silken white wings, and all of her wounds seemed to be gone. Along with her worry that they were going to lose this fight. He was happy for her, and bowed with respect to the God. when he finished his bow Ocella hugged the man and was really happy. He would have to remind himself to ask her who this man was. Though now that this has happened he has a pretty good idea who this man was. He bowed his head once more in respect.

    “Yes, if you would be so kind as to retrieve them,” Erobus said as he raised his hand towards Samael and Amon signifying that they could stand in his presence. “Samael, will you return to the heavens?”

    “My liege, if it will make you happy,” Samael said.

    “What will make me happy is to have you train her in the ways of a Seraph. She is the only one in existence, but you trained many in your day. I want you to take your place on the Pantheon. Regardless of what has happened all is forgiven. My brother must be stopped and though I cannot do it myself, I shall gift to you the means to do so. That staff and blade will be able to end him, and trap him in the void for all eternity.”

    Samael nodded and retrieved the blade and staff.

    Kyori could feel Aeterna’s presence and when he went to move, there was an intense pain that flooded his body. That beam was no ordinary energy beam. His wound was getting bigger and he groaned as he tried to stand to his feet.

    Subore was struck with more intense waves of confusion and ringing that caused him to increase the range of the beam as it surged forth in various directions. He needed to locate the source and destroy it, but who was the source?

    Aeterna saw through the shadows that Kori was hurt and bad. Though his own injury was beginning to hurt even worse now. But he pushed the pain away, and appeared next to Kyori once more. Placing his hand on his shoulder. HIs normal vision had vanished, and he could only see through the shadows at the moment. “Kyori. Whan in the world is happening to you?” He asked as he touched his love's side, and could feel the blood that was coming from the wound. He never thought that Kyori would have been hurt this bad by the energy blast he got hit with. He picked up Kyori, and tried not to cause him any pain, but instead a pain shot through his side, and he quickly fell to one knee. He needed to get kyori to safety before one of the beams of light hit him. The potion had completely worn off now, and pain filled his senses.

    Josh was trying to keep up with the energy beams that were being shot in his direction, but he was starting to slow down. Keeping this spell going was draining his energy, and soon he will be unable to dodge the beams of light anymore. Then it happened he tripped up on a stone, and fell to the ground. A beam of energy was heading his way, and he didn’t have time to dodge. So he just closed his eyes hoping for the best.

    Ocella nodded the moment Erobus released her to return to battle. She vanished in a flash of light, appearing high in the skies above the battle. “Hey Subore!” she called, seeing Josh in a bad spot. She vanished at once and appeared in front of him, a beam of her own energy effortlessly defending him. She searched for Kyori and Aeterna, seeing them both on the ground together, wounded. She gasped and appeared next to them, touching one of their shoulders each and vanishing. She reappeared next to Erobus with her friends and nodded her head, vanishing back to the battlefield. “I’m back,” she told Subore, a wicked grin on her face as she took off into the skies. “Can you keep up?” she asked, intending to lure him away from the others while they recovered.

    Finally, the ringing stopped and the disorientation ceased. He stood upright and glared as he felt a familiar presence enter the field. A smile on his face as he looked to the sky.

    “Ahh six more wings for me to rip off,” Subore said as he listened to her challenge and immediately he summoned winged imps to chase her down as he focused on her. “It seems my brother doesn’t know when to quit. A Seraph, how I loathe them, which explains their eradication.”

    Erobus looked down at Kyori and Aeterna who were both injured. Kyori looked up weakly and tried his hardest to get on his knees.

    “Relax my child,” Erobus said as he reached out and touched both of them. Kyori felt a rush of power flow through him. It was unimaginable that any being could have that much power. Then it subsided and his aches and pains were gone. Aeterna would feel the same. “I have a request of you,” Erobus began as he nodded to Samael who walked over to Kyori and handed him the divine staff. “It is infused with my power, as well as the power it held already. Aside from this weapon I ask that you resume your duties as the spirit walker, the bridge between life and death. I ask that you be my reaper and grant safe passage for the souls of the dead, but I also need you to ensure the safety of this world Kyori. Can you fulfill this duty I place upon your shoulders?”

    Kyori couldn’t believe what was happening. He was speechless, but he nodded and Erobus smiled.

    “Behold my power,” Erobus said as Kyori grasped the staff. A beam of light struck him and he was lifted into the air about six feet off the ground. His eyes were awakened and his senses were peaked. When the light subsided Kyori stood his eyes now a beautiful golden hue, and what looked to be a halo rested around his neck and wrist. His garbs were golden and white with flecks of turquoise throughout. He had been touched by the creation god himself. Erobus admired his handiwork and turned his attention to Aeterna.

    “Your race has ended, you are the last of your species shadow phoenix, but my son, the Rainbow Phoenix has assured me that you hold great promise. We shall see as I have a very special gift for you. In exchange for your service, I will grant you a place in the Phoenix Council and you will head my palace guards. Of course this does not mean you will neglect your duties as protector of this realm. If you accept your gift, I shall bestow it upon you.”

    When Ocella arrived to his and his love's side they were taken away to another location. He couldn’t see who was there but when Kyori tried to move he just let him. He was in no condition to stop him, and thes a voice rang out, and Aeterna didn’t know who it belonged to, but once a hand was placed on his shoulder, and his wounds healed he looked up at the man and his eyes went wide as he instantly bowed before the God of Creation Erobus. Why in the world would he be here? He questioned himself as he remained bowed before the God. He knew his place better than anyone, and wouldn’t show any disrespect for the God.

    He heard the conversation between the God and his love. He was so proud of him. Though this did mean that they would more than likely be separated. This saddened him greatly, but it was for the betterment of the world. He smiled but he refused to look up. He didn’t want to show any disrespect for him of Kyori. But something happened that he didn’t expect. The God addressed him. Looking up from the ground he finally looked into the face of the God as he spoke. Shock filled his whole system as the Deities words sunk in. Was this really happening? Was this really happening?

    Aeterna was speechless. Never in all of his many years would he have thought that the God of creation would ask him anything. Let alone to be the leader of his royal guard, and have a place among the phoenix counsel. He was speechless at the request. He looked over at Kyori and saw his new form. He smiled lovingly at him as he turned to Erobus. “I accept your Gracious offer. Lord of all creation. I will do my best to live up to everyone's expectations.” Aeterna said as he bowed to the God once more.

    Ocella watched the God and smirked at his words. “Enough talking, let’s finish this,” she said, her voice soft yet filled with power. She saw the attack heading her way and closed her eyes, raising her hands in front of her chest and holding her palms together. “Come to me,” she spoke softly, and suddenly the blade within Samael’s hands began to vibrate. “Sorry uncle,” she spoke, a small smile on her face as her blade separated from his hold and raced to her side. She grasped it with one hand and held it forward, slicing through the winged imps with ease.

    She stared at the God cooly, her eyes piercing. “For all those you’ve murdered,” she began, her voice captivating. She slashed her weapon forward in the air and from it came hundreds of shards of light. “For all those you’ve wronged,” she continued, slashing again as hundreds more shards of light followed, “You will Never harm again!” Ocella called, slashing forward this time, releasing a high power orb of energy from the blade that followed behind the shards. Upon contact, each shard would explode with energy as it pierced through skin.

    Erobus called forth his divine light once more and imbued Aeterna with power. When the light subsided Aeterna would be awoken. Erobus closed his eyes and looked at Samael.

    “I will leave you to watch over them, I must take my leave, but before I do,” Erobus filled the area with divine light, healing every hero on the battlefield. Kelda and Art arrived just in time to receive the healing but when the light subsided they heard numerous explosions. Samael turned and watched his niece attack Subore with renewed vigor.

    “That a girl,” he said as Erobus nodded and vanished slowly from their sight. Kyori turned and faced Subore who was unfortunate to receive the blast of energy in his chest, but he managed to catch it and toss it into the air as it exploded. He sneered and roared.

    “You ready guys?” Kyori asked as he looked at Aeterna. Kelda and Art looked at Kyori and smirked. “All or nothing Kyori,” they said in unison.

    Ryan took the opportunity to unleash a volley of arrows that sliced through Subore’s flesh causing him to shoot a blast of chaos magic at Ryan from his maw. Kyori appeared in front of Ryan thwacking the orb away from Ryan with his staff.

    “Holy shit,” Ryan said noticing how different Kyori looked.

    “Divine Technique, Spirit Halo!” Kyori stated summoning hundreds of divine halos that revolved around Subore before crashing against his form. He was knocked back but regained his footing as he stood to his feet.

    “Well well, I can smell his power on you. IS THIS WHAT YOU DO NOW BROTHER?!” Subore shouted growling as he closed his eyes and breathed.

    “Get ready,” Samael said softly but loud enough for everyone to hear.

    Aeterna was basked in the light that was Erobus’s power, and no matter what he was still a creature that lived in darkness. The light burned on contact with his body, and fell to one knee in pain. The light felt as if it was burning his very soul to sunder. Though he didn’t scream. He refused to show and form of weakness to the light that was covering him. Aeterna closed his eyes as the pain intensified, then without warning the pain stopped.

    When he opened his eyes he was standing once more, but felt completely different. HIs body no longer felt affected by the light that was surrounding him, as the light vanished he even looks different than he did before. Hs wings were still black, but had silver highlights, and blue tips. HIs eyes were pitch black with a light blue iris with silver inlay. HIs black robes were gone replaced with black pants, a black shirt with silver feathers laced through the design, and white jacket with black feathers in the same design. His senses were heightened, and he also felt lighter in a way. Was this because he no longer is afraid of the light? A question he would have to answer at a later date. For now they need to continue this fight. NO. They needed to finish this fight. To bring peace to this realm once more.

    Once Kelda and Art arrived it was time to put their all into the battle. He smiled at Kyori as he disappeared into the shadows, and reappeared not fare from where the God was now standing. He used his power to gather the shadows around him, as they swirled under him. A smile formed on his face as he spoke. “Special technique - Shadow Fall.” He said calmly as the shadows surrounded him and Subore, and anyone else that happened to be in the vicinity as a rain of needles that would be able to pierce his skin deeper than his last shadow attack. This time he didn’t need to worry about the needles coming after fd, or any of his family. He was able to control the ability better than before.

    Amon had been heel of his fatigue when the light of the God washed over him, and he smiled as he took flight landing about a mile away from the others. Taking out his demonic dagger he stabbed himself in the heart. “Forbidden Spell - Demon Transformation.” Amon said as his body started to physically change to that of his demon brethren. Using this new form he chanted an Ice spell that would freeze Subore to the ground. Making it where he would be unable to move. As soon as that spell was cast. Frozen spikes protruded out of the ground to try and impale him from underneath. This was before the clock of Darkness covered the Dark God.

    Josh slowly opened his eyes when the attack didn’t hit and he didn’t see anything that would have stopped the attack. Well that was until Ocella Attacked the God. Then more attacks followed. However, a light covered him, and healed his injuries. His wings were working right, and his power was restored. Who helped them? Was a question that popped into this mind, but for now he would just have to wait for the answer. Standing up once more he looked to the battlefield with a smile. All of his family were fighting, and it was time he joined them He flew high into the sky in the center of all of them which was right above the Dark God, and cast a haste spell on them all. It would allow them to move two times as fast as they normally could. Then he swung his sword, and a blast of sound rained down on Subore from right above him.

    Ocella smiled when her attacks struck the God, causing him to roar in anger. The others soon appeared on the field and she noticed Josh flying high in the air, blasting the God with his sound magic. An idea came to her and she appeared next to her brother. “Take this blade, and land the final blow behind your sound assault. The holy energies embedded in this sword should be enough to defeat him. I shall blind him with my light so that he does not see you coming,” she said, turning the blade and offering it to him hilt side first. She smiled and winked, seeing all of her family attacking the beast. They had such hope at winning this war now that they had all been helped, now that her uncle was on their side and now that Erobus had aided them.

    Subore opened his eyes the moment he heard Aeterna and felt the cold shadow some envelope him. He felt the pin like needles of shadow strike him but his eyes shifted to black orbs and he roared causing a disruption in the spell. The dome vanished and Subore stood with a snarl on his face.

    “Be careful,” Samael spoke to everyone as Subore waited for the next move. Art charged in swinging and striking with precision and Kelda offered cover from a distance utilizing water to shield Art from blast of fire that erupted from Subore’s mouth. Subore landed a hard strike to Art’s chest that sent him shooting back. Luckily he had hardened his chest to avoid too much damage. Kelda was able to stop his momentum. The fire blasts melted the ice that Amon had attempted to trap him with another dispelling aura blasted out from Subore. They would find utilizing instant trap spells or spells to slow him down would be useless. Subore slammed his fist into the oncoming protruding ice and watched as the shards littered the ground.

    Kyori’s eyes narrowed as he twirled his staff and waited. Josh unleashed his attack and Subore was blasted with sound that pushed him back with each strike. He glanced up and out of his thrusted hand came swarms of necrotic bats that seemed to fill the sky.

    Ocella smiled when the others joined her in battle. Subore was becoming angry, for he now was fighting to beat them all instead of one at a time. He released swarms of the bats and she looked to her friends with worry. Her form began to shimmer when she closed her eyes and the shimmering began to spread rapidly. A forcefield of shimmering light surrounded her, her uncle, and the other heroes on the field. The light was just strong enough to protect them, rather than cause Aeterna harm from her light. She kept her eyes closed during the entire attack, trying to concentrate on protecting those she cared for. She allowed nature to be her sight instead, smiling warmly as she felt the holy light warming her, giving her strength to continue.

    Aeterna was not happy that the God was still able to break his spell, but he also knew that he was a creature of darkness much like he was. It seemed that every elemental spell that was thrown his way he was able to dispel with ease. However Josh, Kyori, and Ocella were able to hit him hard. This gave him hope that they will be able to defeat this God. They just needed to try and weaken him to the point where he would be completely vulnerable to attack. Aeterna knew that he would be able to hold Subore long enough for them to kill him, he just needed to wait for the right opportunity. He would need to watch the battle and wait. However, he needed to keep up his attacks as well. Throwing his sword into the air it split into seven different swords, and they all flew towards the dark God. Attempting to slice open his flesh.

    However, at the same time Subor attacked once again with bats made from a deadly necrotic energy. He was about to disappear into the shadows when he was surrounded by a light that protected him. Staring into the light and not flinching from it he just stood there and watched as his swords attacked the dark god.

    Amon cursed under his breath as his attack did nothing to the God of Destruction. That was to be expected from the God that helped Erobus to create the very element he was controlling. Though he doesn't only have the power of ice. Though he controls elements better, he can also cast spells of summoning. Though he doubted they would help him in this instance. All he could do for now was gather energy to use a technique that he didn’t think would help, but it might do a little damage to the God, but he still needed time to gather the amount of energy to cast the spell, as well as the time to chant the spell.

    When the light surrounded him from his wife, he figured this would be the best time to concentrate on the spell. He closed his eyes and transformed back to his human form as the markings that covered his skin started to glow a light blue hue. He was gathering the energy he needed for this Spell. This was going to cost him all of his energy to cast, but if it helped defeat the god it would be worth it. He just needed time.

    Josh watched as his sound waves hit their mark, and caused the God to be pushed back. It seemed he didn’t have the power to fight against sound as easily as he did the elements. This did give him an advantage, but at the same time he would become one of his targets. However this was one of those times he didn’t mind risking his life for the man he loved, and the rest of his family. He just wanted them all to be safe. The Ocella appeared by his side giving him a plan to try and defeat the Dark God. She was wanting him to take her blade and finish off the God. What would she do such a thing? Had she finally forgiven him?

    Now was not the time to ask such questions. However, as he looked down at the God as he attacked them once more he didn’t believe that the God was weak enough to defeat, but the light in the blade if he could get it to penetrate deep enough into the God’s body that he couldn’t get it out would be a good start to weakening him. Though he couldn’t throw the blade at the same time he used his sound waves. “Cella. I will need you to throw the blade at the right time. Then I will use all the power I have to make sure the blade penetrates his skin, but I am unable to do such a thing on my own.” He said as a barrier of light surrounded him, and protected him from the dark Gods attack. Besides he didn’t know if he would be able to hold such a blade.

    Ryan watched Subore break his brother’s as if it were nothing. It was crazy how much power this being had but Ryan realized they were fighting a literal god and they weren’t built to break easy. Swiftly Ryan transformed into his ice demon form.

    “Special Technique: Frozen Cannonball!”

    His form shot forth with great intensity and yet it was not enough. Subore managed to stop his moment though the god suffered laceration damage he was only pushed back a few feet before he struck Ryan to the ground causing Ryan to scream out. Subore smirked and grabbed Ryan by the throat.

    “Seven Stars of Darkness, Strike!”

    Ryan was struck with an immensely painful energy that sent him flying backwards hitting the ground hard. Everyone seemed to watch it happen in slow motion. Ryan skidded to a halt and wasn’t moving.

    “Ryan!” Kyori shouted rushing over to him not realizing that Subore was headed his way until a blast of fire was turned into steam by Kelda as she rushed over.

    “I got him, go.”

    Kyori nodded and stood to his feet as Art charged Subore and Kyori joined the dash. Kyori managed to slide under Subore just as Art struck Subore in the chest with an iron fist. Subore stumbles back and Kyori was behind him.

    “Sacred Technique: Aura of Life!”

    Subore growled when the spiritual energy collided with his frame. It was immense and he was sent skidding forward managing to stop himself before turning around and glaring at Kyori. Kyori could see a dent in the armor of the dark god and he knew the end was coming though he hoped Ryan was okay.

    “I admit my body is thrilled to feel pain. You, you are a worthy opponent but I will not let you defeat me,” Subore said glaring at each of them on the battlefield.

    Samael looked over at Etrama’s body, a tear falling down his face. He moved over to him, touching his cold face gently with two fingers.

    “My love,” he said softly before looking up at the battlefield. When this was over he would have a proper burial for him.

    Subore grunted realizing he had taken too much damage. There would be others after him there always was and always would be the key was figuring out how to transcend generations. I’m the back of his mind he had accepted his fate and knew it was only a matter of time before his time would be over.

    “SHOW ME YOUR POWER!” Subore yelled inhumanly.

    Ocella nodded at Josh’s words. She watched as one by one, each of her comrades began to attack Subore after the bats ended. Ryan was first and she watched in horror as Subore retaliated, tossing Ryan to the ground as if he were nothing. She was about to appear at his side when Kyori beat her there, but suddenly he was in danger too. “Kyori!” she shouted, sighing in relief when Kelda protected him. She stayed with Ryan and Kyori returned, she looked at him with great concern, grateful that he was alright.

    Subore was angry, for Art and Kyori had stricken him. Ocella began to glow brightly as she shot a beam of holy energy towards Subore, wanting to distract him once more. ‘Now!’ she thought to Josh, using all the power she could muster as she spun around, giving the sword as much momentum as she could before she threw it in the God’s direction. She could only hope that their plan would work, that it would strike Subore and that he wouldn’t catch it instead.

    Amon watched as his brother attacked the God, and that his attack did little damage. However, Subore crushed Ryan to the ground causing his brother to scream out in pain. Then he watched as he his brother was attacked, and thrown back by the power that the God used. He wanted to help, but if he moved now his spell would be broken. Tears welled up in his eyes as he turned his attention back to the God. A pentagram appeared underneath him, and a summoning circle under the Dark God.

    “Sacred Spell - .” Amon said as he concentrated all of his power into the spell. His daggers stabbed themselves into the pentagram, and with that the spell was activated. Dragons of ice and light formed in the edges of the circle. They attacked the God by biting, and clawing him.

    Aeterna could only watch as Ryan was severely injured by Sabore. The God was able to actually injure the young demon badly, but he knew that if he left the battle now it would spell disaster for the others. They would all need to be here to win. Praying that Ryan was ok. He jumped into the shadow of the God, and concentrated on one of his skills. “Shadow Spell - Nightingale.” Aeterna said as he took over the Gods shadow, and held him still. Not knowing how long he would be able to hold him, but he hoped it would be long enough to finally end this war.

    Josh could only watch in horror as Ryan was attacked his screams tearing at his heart, and then he lied on the ground motionless. “Ryannnn.” Josh screamed at the top of his lungs as tears fell from his eyes. He began to fly to him, but he suddenly stopped. He knew that he couldn't leave the others, and he just hoped that Ryan was okay.

    Tears continued to fall from his face as Ocella prepared to attack Subore. He wouldn't let the opening his fellow Mystics have made. He watched as the blade left her hand, and he placed his sword in front of him, and his hand hand against the blade. Running his hand down the blade the rings changed tone once more. “Third Song - Ballade “ Josh said as he coated the blade in his sound magic and it increased in speed. The vibration would allow the blade to penetrate the Gods skin easier. “Second Song - Sanata “ Josh said as he disappeared from the battle and reappeared next to his love. He wanted to make sure he was still alive. His wings hurt from the increase in speed, but he wanted to be by his love's side.

    The dark god watched as his opponent unleashed their attacks. First came the sudden summon of two dragons that attempted to strike him with their teeth and claws. He received slight damage but was able to dispel the summoning circle before he felt the tug on his senses. His body began to freeze up and he realized too late what was happening. When he looked up, his eyes were blinded by a beautiful light and then he felt it. The seraph blade struck its mark and he roared in pain as he fell to one knee clutching the blade that burned his hand every time he touched it.

    Ryan remained unconscious, blood seeping from beneath him. Kyori looked at Subore as the light subsided and felt pity for him.

    Samael gasped after Ryan was struck, but watched in awe as the mystics worked together to overcome. He marveled at how well they worked as a team. Then Subore was pierced by the seraph blade. It was over. The seraph blade slowly began to take effect and Subore looked at his enemies one by one. He shook his head and managed a weak smile.

    “Eons ago my brother defeated me in battle, and I see now why,” Subore spit out as globs of black goo slid from his mouth. “Though you may have defeated me, there will be others. When you cut the head off of a hydra, another grows in its place.”

    Kyori stepped forward and held his staff tightly.

    Ocella couldn’t believe it. The sword had stricken its mark, all of their attacks had come together to make it count. After the blade struck its mark and the God fell to one knee, Kyori stepped forward and held his staff- the second piece to trapping the God. The God spoke of his defeat and she knew that his words were true. She looked to the others, Ryan was in bad shape and she transformed into her Seraph form. She floated high into the sky, and suddenly a bright light filled the area as Kyori went to work. “You can do this brother,” she spoke softly, a smile on her face.

    She vanished to Ryan’s side and looked at her brother with worry. Amon was a mess, Josh was devastated and both rightfully so. She went to work immediately and poured every ounce of healing energy into him that she could, without overwhelming him or pouring too much light into him for his heritage to handle.

    Amon watched As his spell was dismissed almost as quickly as it was summoned, and he fell to his knees. He exhausted all of his energy in that one attack. The daggers came to life and returned to their resting place within his body. All he could do now was watch as everything finally worked , and the God was now on his knees. Subore was speaking of his end and how the darkness would return. That was something he was well aware of, and he would keep his eyes and ears open as long as he lived to make sure it doesn't happen in his lifetime.

    He wanted to be with his brother right now. So he pushed himself to get back up and slowly made his way over to where Ryan landed. A concerned look on his face as he didn’t even know if his brother was still alive.

    Aeterna was glad that Subore didn’t put up as much of a fight as he could have with him under this spell, but he continued to hold it any way. He wanted to make sure that he couldn’t fight back. The creature that was responsible for all of the death that has happened, and the horrible things that have happened. He may have felt sorry for him, but it wasn't going to stop him from doing what needed to be done.

    Josh was distraught at seeing the blood seeping out from underneath his loves unconscious form as he reached down to touch his face. His body was still cold, but it was warmer than it should be. HIs body was shaking as he couldn’t get a response out of Ryan as Ocella arrived to try and heal him. HIs emotions died as he stood up, and looked at the dark God that had taken his love from him. His sword appeared in his hand as tears continued to flow from his eyes. Yet it looked like no one was home. His eyes seemed dead. Not saying a word or making a noise he charged at the Dark God.

    Kyori was motionless as Subore said his speech. Kelda clutched her pearls while Art held his chest, a small bit of blood seeping from the deep gash caused by Subore’s fists. Kyori could tell the dark being was ready for his punishment, it seemed as if he were inviting the void. As Kyori took another step forward, Joshua suddenly charged towards Subore who’s eyes flickered with humor before Kyori appeared in front of Joshua, holding him by the shoulder.

    “No,” Kyori said stern in his grip, “this is not our way Josh.”

    Kyori looked into Joshua’s angry eyes and hoped his brother understood. Subore would return to the void. It was as Erobus wished.

    “I am sorry,” Kyori added as he turned to face Subore. He was the only being keeping Joshua from Subore and Kyori could see the look on Subore’s face.

    “DO IT!” Subore shouted.

    “DIVINE LAW: JUDGEMENT!” Kyori spoke as he held the staff up. A pentagram appeared beneath Subore who growled but did not resist. “Pendulum, give your verdict!”

    There was a pendulum that swung over guilty and not guilty until it settled on guilty. Kyori’s eyes rested on the judgement and he nodded.

    “Your judgement is the void within this prison,” Kyori retrieved a stone from his garments and held it out in front of him. The pentagram began to glow brightly before Subore’s screams could be heard as his essence slowly poured into the stone. The stone then vanished and Kyori exhaled. The war was over. Darkness had lost, and the light prevailed, but at costs no one wanted. Quickly, he turned and rushed over to Ryan who coughed gently and opened his eyes slowly.

    “Did we win?” he asked weakly.

    Kyori smiled and nodded, “for now,” he added as Samael moved from Etrama’s dead form.

    “Great warriors of light, your jobs are never done.”

    Ocella watched Kyori, a small smile on her face as she looked at him, idolization evident on her features. He requested the judgement, and it was clear. Subore was banished to the void and Kyori rushed to Ryan, whom seemed to be stirring. “Ryan,” she said softly, her voice wavering. “You idiot. Why on Earth….” she stopped herself and shook her head. “Come on Ryan,” she said softly, hoping that her magic would be enough to help him gain some of the energy that he needed. She stood slowly from her place and went to Amon’s side, wrapping her arms around him as her uncle spoke.

    She knew that their work was never over, especially hers after Erobus’s message, but at least they had the opportunity to recover. “It may never be over but for now, we have time to recover,” she said, a small smile on her face as she looked to Kyori. She made her way to him and embraced him with as much love as she could. “Thank you for saving me,” she said softly as she held him close, just taking in the fact that he had returned to them. “I’m so happy to have you back. Your reaper form is rude,” she said with a smirk and a chuckle.

    She looked to Ryan and shook her head. “Want me to take you back to the base?” she asked, crossing her arms and looking at her uncle warily.

    Amon finally made it to where Ryan was lying, and he looked down at the blood that was coating the ground. He felt a pain in his heart as he could only watch as his brother was slowly bleeding to death, and his wife was desperately trying to save him. He closed his eyes, as Josh decided to attack the Destruction God. Amon was having his own problems with what was happening.

    Then right after the God received his judgment Ryan spoke. Amon opened his eyes and looked down at his brother. He was still alive, and he almost fell to the ground with relief, but he was caught in Ocella wrapped her arms around him. He needed the support right at the moment, and he closed his eyes once more “Thank you my love.” He said in a whisper as he tried to hold back his tears.
    Special thanks to Poison Ivy for the awesome sig and avy set.
    Spoiler: The Return of a Story You May Want to Join!! 
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    Sending the Dragon falling to the ground. He was still alive, but his wings weren't able to keep him afloat any more.

    Aeterna saw his chance to attack after the bastard hurt Kyori and Josh. His side was beginning to ache, so he needed to be careful not to waste anymore time or energy. His eyes turned pitch black as he used his power to manipulate the shadows to attack Subore once more. This time half the shadows went to bind the God the others went to skewer him. Aeterna also sent Shadows to catch Josh as he was falling to the earth to keep him from impacting with the ground. He hoped that Samael, and the others were about done with the preparation until then he wouldn't use much of his power. Nightingale took up a lot of his strength, and who knew what hi strongest ability was. The sword refused to let him access the ability.

    Ocella watched as both her husband and uncle began to pour divine energy into the blade. Amon was by her side after she had collapsed, helping her to her feet. She nodded at his words and kissed his cheek for a moment, knowing that this was it. She closed her eyes and allowed a feeling of peace to wash over her just as she had done so long ago in her grandfather’s cave. She smiled softly as the light poured from her, brightening the area as the holy energies filled the blade. ‘Thank you, Erobus,’ she thought softly to the God, a smile on her face as she felt the warmth of the light. She held Amon close to her, wanting him to feel her love while they poured their energy into this last strike. She opened her eyes softly and smiled at her uncle, still giving every ounce of energy she had left into the blade.

    As they continued to put their energies into the weapons, an image began to slowly appear before them. Samael’s eyes widened when he realized who it was.

    “Lord Erobus,” he said bowing instantly.

    Erobus looked at the three of them his face void of emotion. Without hesitation he reached out and grabbed the staff and soul stone. He pressed it to his body and instantly it changed, becoming golden in color with hints of turquoise speckled through the staff. He placed the staff back in the spell circle and reached out for the Seraph blade. With a simple touch the blade came to life transforming into a beautiful blade. The hilt was pure white, with etchings of gold. Seraph wings covered the hilt, protecting the wielder from the blade. The counterweight was a beautiful halo. Erobus had done what they asked but he still hovered there observing Ocella.

    “You,” he said, “stand to your feet.”

    Subore was bombarded with shadows that impaled his thick skin but didn’t go deep enough to cause any serious damage. On top of that his ears began to ring and his senses began to cloud, making it impossible to concentrate. He fell to one knee trying to pinpoint at least one of them to kill. Glaring, he began to shoot energy beams in random locations hoping to strike something or someone.

    Ocella watched what was happening as a shape began to take form. Samael spoke, addressing the figure and she dropped to her knees instantly in respect, bowing before him. She hadn’t been expecting to summon him, her uncle had left that part out. She dared to watch the God in awe as he transformed the staff and blade, still on her knees to show respect for her lord. Once his work was done, she smiled gratefully at the being. He was still with them and this confused her, but suddenly he turned his attention to her and commanded her to rise to her feet.

    Her eyes widened at this and she took in a deep breath, closing her eyes as she forced herself to her feet as told. “My lord,” she spoke, her voice soft and filled with the utmost respect.

    Amon watched as a figure took shape within the light that was summoned, and he had no idea who in the world this man was. He knew of the name that Samael called him though he really had no true idea how the man was let alone why Ocella, and Samael were bowing to him. So he just stood there looking at the man, but couldn’t truly feel his presence in this plane. So he just watched as the man went to work, and just stood there without a care in the world, but he did feel the energy of the dark God, and it almost felt like it was getting closer. He looked in the direction of the energy, and hoped the others were still okay!

    Josh was caught by the shadows that cushioned his fall. The shadows helped him to the ground, and he looked to the God as he was down on one knee, and trying to shake them off like the insects he thought they were. He was glad the God was able to shake off his spell. He twisted is sword and the rings chimed, but didn’t make a sound. He wanted to keep this up as long as he could. Then energy beams were shot out in different direction, and one was aiming for him. He was able to move to the side, and avoid injury. This time he was lucky, the next time he might not be as lucky.

    Aeterna disappeared into the shadows, and appeared next to Kyori. He looked at him with a worried look on his face knowing that he had been injured by the Dark God, but knew better than to ask if he was okay. The battle was fare from being over, and they needed to keep their concentration on the battle. Trying to keep his wound a secret he only smiled at Kyori once more and disappeared back into the shadows. As long as he knew Kyori was okay he was content. He would protect him no matter what.

    Erobus looked at Ocella and nodded.

    “You have show great allegiance to the light, and you have paid the ultimate price for an angel,” Erobus said as he hovered closer to her. “You were offered to live peacefully in the afterlife but you declined the offer because you wanted to ensure this world was safe, am I right?” Erobus said as he looked over at Samael. “You have shown your loyalty and for that I shall give you a gift. With this gift you must promise to always protect this world.”

    A light shot from the sky and struck Ocella. She would feel her bones mend, her injuries heal and she would feel different. When the light subsided Erobus smiled.

    “I have made you an elite, a divine Seraph. You will notice that things feel and sound differently now. For your loyalty, for your determination to protect I have gifted you the power to do so. With great power comes great responsibility. Use it wisely.”

    Ocella had not two sets of wings but three, with a total of six wings. She was now a Seraph, the ONLY Seraph in existence. Samael watched in awe as he couldn’t fathom such a gift. He was indeed proud of his niece.

    “Where is the one known as Kyori, and the one known as Aeterna? I have a gift for them as well.”

    Ocella listened to Erobus and nodded as he spoke, wondering what would become of her actions. He spoke of giving her a gift and she looked up at him, but suddenly an intense light struck her from high above. Her bones were mending, she was able to breathe regularly once more, her strength had returned tenfold and she gasped when the light slowly disappeared, for she now had three pairs of wings on her back that were as beautiful as ever.

    Ocella could only smile in return as he smiled, observing him and others in a new light, hearing things differently than before. She was a Seraph now, the only divine Seraph currently in existence. She felt as if a great responsibility had been placed upon her and she smiled at the God while he spoke. It was true that someday she would watch her friends and family die, but she now had the ability to visit them as she wished. A small tear fell down her cheek, it was a tear of joy and when the great God finished speaking she rushed to him and threw her arms around him, embracing him lovingly. “Thank you my lord, I shall do as you have requested and strive to never disappoint you,” she said, backing up and blushing.

    He asked where Kyori and Aeterna were and she looked to the battle at hand. “Would you like for me to retrieve them and to continue in their place?” she asked, still in awe at how vividly she could see and hear what was happening.

    Amon could only watch as Ocella was struck by a light, and then when the light faded his wife was standing there more beautiful than ever. She had three silken white wings, and all of her wounds seemed to be gone. Along with her worry that they were going to lose this fight. He was happy for her, and bowed with respect to the God. when he finished his bow Ocella hugged the man and was really happy. He would have to remind himself to ask her who this man was. Though now that this has happened he has a pretty good idea who this man was. He bowed his head once more in respect.

    “Yes, if you would be so kind as to retrieve them,” Erobus said as he raised his hand towards Samael and Amon signifying that they could stand in his presence. “Samael, will you return to the heavens?”

    “My liege, if it will make you happy,” Samael said.

    “What will make me happy is to have you train her in the ways of a Seraph. She is the only one in existence, but you trained many in your day. I want you to take your place on the Pantheon. Regardless of what has happened all is forgiven. My brother must be stopped and though I cannot do it myself, I shall gift to you the means to do so. That staff and blade will be able to end him, and trap him in the void for all eternity.”

    Samael nodded and retrieved the blade and staff.

    Kyori could feel Aeterna’s presence and when he went to move, there was an intense pain that flooded his body. That beam was no ordinary energy beam. His wound was getting bigger and he groaned as he tried to stand to his feet.

    Subore was struck with more intense waves of confusion and ringing that caused him to increase the range of the beam as it surged forth in various directions. He needed to locate the source and destroy it, but who was the source?

    Aeterna saw through the shadows that Kori was hurt and bad. Though his own injury was beginning to hurt even worse now. But he pushed the pain away, and appeared next to Kyori once more. Placing his hand on his shoulder. HIs normal vision had vanished, and he could only see through the shadows at the moment. “Kyori. Whan in the world is happening to you?” He asked as he touched his love's side, and could feel the blood that was coming from the wound. He never thought that Kyori would have been hurt this bad by the energy blast he got hit with. He picked up Kyori, and tried not to cause him any pain, but instead a pain shot through his side, and he quickly fell to one knee. He needed to get kyori to safety before one of the beams of light hit him. The potion had completely worn off now, and pain filled his senses.

    Josh was trying to keep up with the energy beams that were being shot in his direction, but he was starting to slow down. Keeping this spell going was draining his energy, and soon he will be unable to dodge the beams of light anymore. Then it happened he tripped up on a stone, and fell to the ground. A beam of energy was heading his way, and he didn’t have time to dodge. So he just closed his eyes hoping for the best.

    Ocella nodded the moment Erobus released her to return to battle. She vanished in a flash of light, appearing high in the skies above the battle. “Hey Subore!” she called, seeing Josh in a bad spot. She vanished at once and appeared in front of him, a beam of her own energy effortlessly defending him. She searched for Kyori and Aeterna, seeing them both on the ground together, wounded. She gasped and appeared next to them, touching one of their shoulders each and vanishing. She reappeared next to Erobus with her friends and nodded her head, vanishing back to the battlefield. “I’m back,” she told Subore, a wicked grin on her face as she took off into the skies. “Can you keep up?” she asked, intending to lure him away from the others while they recovered.

    Finally, the ringing stopped and the disorientation ceased. He stood upright and glared as he felt a familiar presence enter the field. A smile on his face as he looked to the sky.

    “Ahh six more wings for me to rip off,” Subore said as he listened to her challenge and immediately he summoned winged imps to chase her down as he focused on her. “It seems my brother doesn’t know when to quit. A Seraph, how I loathe them, which explains their eradication.”

    Erobus looked down at Kyori and Aeterna who were both injured. Kyori looked up weakly and tried his hardest to get on his knees.

    “Relax my child,” Erobus said as he reached out and touched both of them. Kyori felt a rush of power flow through him. It was unimaginable that any being could have that much power. Then it subsided and his aches and pains were gone. Aeterna would feel the same. “I have a request of you,” Erobus began as he nodded to Samael who walked over to Kyori and handed him the divine staff. “It is infused with my power, as well as the power it held already. Aside from this weapon I ask that you resume your duties as the spirit walker, the bridge between life and death. I ask that you be my reaper and grant safe passage for the souls of the dead, but I also need you to ensure the safety of this world Kyori. Can you fulfill this duty I place upon your shoulders?”

    Kyori couldn’t believe what was happening. He was speechless, but he nodded and Erobus smiled.

    “Behold my power,” Erobus said as Kyori grasped the staff. A beam of light struck him and he was lifted into the air about six feet off the ground. His eyes were awakened and his senses were peaked. When the light subsided Kyori stood his eyes now a beautiful golden hue, and what looked to be a halo rested around his neck and wrist. His garbs were golden and white with flecks of turquoise throughout. He had been touched by the creation god himself. Erobus admired his handiwork and turned his attention to Aeterna.

    “Your race has ended, you are the last of your species shadow phoenix, but my son, the Rainbow Phoenix has assured me that you hold great promise. We shall see as I have a very special gift for you. In exchange for your service, I will grant you a place in the Phoenix Council and you will head my palace guards. Of course this does not mean you will neglect your duties as protector of this realm. If you accept your gift, I shall bestow it upon you.”

    When Ocella arrived to his and his love's side they were taken away to another location. He couldn’t see who was there but when Kyori tried to move he just let him. He was in no condition to stop him, and thes a voice rang out, and Aeterna didn’t know who it belonged to, but once a hand was placed on his shoulder, and his wounds healed he looked up at the man and his eyes went wide as he instantly bowed before the God of Creation Erobus. Why in the world would he be here? He questioned himself as he remained bowed before the God. He knew his place better than anyone, and wouldn’t show any disrespect for the God.

    He heard the conversation between the God and his love. He was so proud of him. Though this did mean that they would more than likely be separated. This saddened him greatly, but it was for the betterment of the world. He smiled but he refused to look up. He didn’t want to show any disrespect for him of Kyori. But something happened that he didn’t expect. The God addressed him. Looking up from the ground he finally looked into the face of the God as he spoke. Shock filled his whole system as the Deities words sunk in. Was this really happening? Was this really happening?

    Aeterna was speechless. Never in all of his many years would he have thought that the God of creation would ask him anything. Let alone to be the leader of his royal guard, and have a place among the phoenix counsel. He was speechless at the request. He looked over at Kyori and saw his new form. He smiled lovingly at him as he turned to Erobus. “I accept your Gracious offer. Lord of all creation. I will do my best to live up to everyone's expectations.” Aeterna said as he bowed to the God once more.

    Ocella watched the God and smirked at his words. “Enough talking, let’s finish this,” she said, her voice soft yet filled with power. She saw the attack heading her way and closed her eyes, raising her hands in front of her chest and holding her palms together. “Come to me,” she spoke softly, and suddenly the blade within Samael’s hands began to vibrate. “Sorry uncle,” she spoke, a small smile on her face as her blade separated from his hold and raced to her side. She grasped it with one hand and held it forward, slicing through the winged imps with ease.

    She stared at the God cooly, her eyes piercing. “For all those you’ve murdered,” she began, her voice captivating. She slashed her weapon forward in the air and from it came hundreds of shards of light. “For all those you’ve wronged,” she continued, slashing again as hundreds more shards of light followed, “You will Never harm again!” Ocella called, slashing forward this time, releasing a high power orb of energy from the blade that followed behind the shards. Upon contact, each shard would explode with energy as it pierced through skin.

    Erobus called forth his divine light once more and imbued Aeterna with power. When the light subsided Aeterna would be awoken. Erobus closed his eyes and looked at Samael.

    “I will leave you to watch over them, I must take my leave, but before I do,” Erobus filled the area with divine light, healing every hero on the battlefield. Kelda and Art arrived just in time to receive the healing but when the light subsided they heard numerous explosions. Samael turned and watched his niece attack Subore with renewed vigor.

    “That a girl,” he said as Erobus nodded and vanished slowly from their sight. Kyori turned and faced Subore who was unfortunate to receive the blast of energy in his chest, but he managed to catch it and toss it into the air as it exploded. He sneered and roared.

    “You ready guys?” Kyori asked as he looked at Aeterna. Kelda and Art looked at Kyori and smirked. “All or nothing Kyori,” they said in unison.

    Ryan took the opportunity to unleash a volley of arrows that sliced through Subore’s flesh causing him to shoot a blast of chaos magic at Ryan from his maw. Kyori appeared in front of Ryan thwacking the orb away from Ryan with his staff.

    “Holy shit,” Ryan said noticing how different Kyori looked.

    “Divine Technique, Spirit Halo!” Kyori stated summoning hundreds of divine halos that revolved around Subore before crashing against his form. He was knocked back but regained his footing as he stood to his feet.

    “Well well, I can smell his power on you. IS THIS WHAT YOU DO NOW BROTHER?!” Subore shouted growling as he closed his eyes and breathed.

    “Get ready,” Samael said softly but loud enough for everyone to hear.

    Aeterna was basked in the light that was Erobus’s power, and no matter what he was still a creature that lived in darkness. The light burned on contact with his body, and fell to one knee in pain. The light felt as if it was burning his very soul to sunder. Though he didn’t scream. He refused to show and form of weakness to the light that was covering him. Aeterna closed his eyes as the pain intensified, then without warning the pain stopped.

    When he opened his eyes he was standing once more, but felt completely different. HIs body no longer felt affected by the light that was surrounding him, as the light vanished he even looks different than he did before. Hs wings were still black, but had silver highlights, and blue tips. HIs eyes were pitch black with a light blue iris with silver inlay. HIs black robes were gone replaced with black pants, a black shirt with silver feathers laced through the design, and white jacket with black feathers in the same design. His senses were heightened, and he also felt lighter in a way. Was this because he no longer is afraid of the light? A question he would have to answer at a later date. For now they need to continue this fight. NO. They needed to finish this fight. To bring peace to this realm once more.

    Once Kelda and Art arrived it was time to put their all into the battle. He smiled at Kyori as he disappeared into the shadows, and reappeared not fare from where the God was now standing. He used his power to gather the shadows around him, as they swirled under him. A smile formed on his face as he spoke. “Special technique - Shadow Fall.” He said calmly as the shadows surrounded him and Subore, and anyone else that happened to be in the vicinity as a rain of needles that would be able to pierce his skin deeper than his last shadow attack. This time he didn’t need to worry about the needles coming after fd, or any of his family. He was able to control the ability better than before.

    Amon had been heel of his fatigue when the light of the God washed over him, and he smiled as he took flight landing about a mile away from the others. Taking out his demonic dagger he stabbed himself in the heart. “Forbidden Spell - Demon Transformation.” Amon said as his body started to physically change to that of his demon brethren. Using this new form he chanted an Ice spell that would freeze Subore to the ground. Making it where he would be unable to move. As soon as that spell was cast. Frozen spikes protruded out of the ground to try and impale him from underneath. This was before the clock of Darkness covered the Dark God.

    Josh slowly opened his eyes when the attack didn’t hit and he didn’t see anything that would have stopped the attack. Well that was until Ocella Attacked the God. Then more attacks followed. However, a light covered him, and healed his injuries. His wings were working right, and his power was restored. Who helped them? Was a question that popped into this mind, but for now he would just have to wait for the answer. Standing up once more he looked to the battlefield with a smile. All of his family were fighting, and it was time he joined them He flew high into the sky in the center of all of them which was right above the Dark God, and cast a haste spell on them all. It would allow them to move two times as fast as they normally could. Then he swung his sword, and a blast of sound rained down on Subore from right above him.

    Ocella smiled when her attacks struck the God, causing him to roar in anger. The others soon appeared on the field and she noticed Josh flying high in the air, blasting the God with his sound magic. An idea came to her and she appeared next to her brother. “Take this blade, and land the final blow behind your sound assault. The holy energies embedded in this sword should be enough to defeat him. I shall blind him with my light so that he does not see you coming,” she said, turning the blade and offering it to him hilt side first. She smiled and winked, seeing all of her family attacking the beast. They had such hope at winning this war now that they had all been helped, now that her uncle was on their side and now that Erobus had aided them.

    Subore opened his eyes the moment he heard Aeterna and felt the cold shadow some envelope him. He felt the pin like needles of shadow strike him but his eyes shifted to black orbs and he roared causing a disruption in the spell. The dome vanished and Subore stood with a snarl on his face.

    “Be careful,” Samael spoke to everyone as Subore waited for the next move. Art charged in swinging and striking with precision and Kelda offered cover from a distance utilizing water to shield Art from blast of fire that erupted from Subore’s mouth. Subore landed a hard strike to Art’s chest that sent him shooting back. Luckily he had hardened his chest to avoid too much damage. Kelda was able to stop his momentum. The fire blasts melted the ice that Amon had attempted to trap him with another dispelling aura blasted out from Subore. They would find utilizing instant trap spells or spells to slow him down would be useless. Subore slammed his fist into the oncoming protruding ice and watched as the shards littered the ground.

    Kyori’s eyes narrowed as he twirled his staff and waited. Josh unleashed his attack and Subore was blasted with sound that pushed him back with each strike. He glanced up and out of his thrusted hand came swarms of necrotic bats that seemed to fill the sky.

    Ocella smiled when the others joined her in battle. Subore was becoming angry, for he now was fighting to beat them all instead of one at a time. He released swarms of the bats and she looked to her friends with worry. Her form began to shimmer when she closed her eyes and the shimmering began to spread rapidly. A forcefield of shimmering light surrounded her, her uncle, and the other heroes on the field. The light was just strong enough to protect them, rather than cause Aeterna harm from her light. She kept her eyes closed during the entire attack, trying to concentrate on protecting those she cared for. She allowed nature to be her sight instead, smiling warmly as she felt the holy light warming her, giving her strength to continue.

    Aeterna was not happy that the God was still able to break his spell, but he also knew that he was a creature of darkness much like he was. It seemed that every elemental spell that was thrown his way he was able to dispel with ease. However Josh, Kyori, and Ocella were able to hit him hard. This gave him hope that they will be able to defeat this God. They just needed to try and weaken him to the point where he would be completely vulnerable to attack. Aeterna knew that he would be able to hold Subore long enough for them to kill him, he just needed to wait for the right opportunity. He would need to watch the battle and wait. However, he needed to keep up his attacks as well. Throwing his sword into the air it split into seven different swords, and they all flew towards the dark God. Attempting to slice open his flesh.

    However, at the same time Subor attacked once again with bats made from a deadly necrotic energy. He was about to disappear into the shadows when he was surrounded by a light that protected him. Staring into the light and not flinching from it he just stood there and watched as his swords attacked the dark god.

    Amon cursed under his breath as his attack did nothing to the God of Destruction. That was to be expected from the God that helped Erobus to create the very element he was controlling. Though he doesn't only have the power of ice. Though he controls elements better, he can also cast spells of summoning. Though he doubted they would help him in this instance. All he could do for now was gather energy to use a technique that he didn’t think would help, but it might do a little damage to the God, but he still needed time to gather the amount of energy to cast the spell, as well as the time to chant the spell.

    When the light surrounded him from his wife, he figured this would be the best time to concentrate on the spell. He closed his eyes and transformed back to his human form as the markings that covered his skin started to glow a light blue hue. He was gathering the energy he needed for this Spell. This was going to cost him all of his energy to cast, but if it helped defeat the god it would be worth it. He just needed time.

    Josh watched as his sound waves hit their mark, and caused the God to be pushed back. It seemed he didn’t have the power to fight against sound as easily as he did the elements. This did give him an advantage, but at the same time he would become one of his targets. However this was one of those times he didn’t mind risking his life for the man he loved, and the rest of his family. He just wanted them all to be safe. The Ocella appeared by his side giving him a plan to try and defeat the Dark God. She was wanting him to take her blade and finish off the God. What would she do such a thing? Had she finally forgiven him?

    Now was not the time to ask such questions. However, as he looked down at the God as he attacked them once more he didn’t believe that the God was weak enough to defeat, but the light in the blade if he could get it to penetrate deep enough into the God’s body that he couldn’t get it out would be a good start to weakening him. Though he couldn’t throw the blade at the same time he used his sound waves. “Cella. I will need you to throw the blade at the right time. Then I will use all the power I have to make sure the blade penetrates his skin, but I am unable to do such a thing on my own.” He said as a barrier of light surrounded him, and protected him from the dark Gods attack. Besides he didn’t know if he would be able to hold such a blade.

    Ryan watched Subore break his brother’s as if it were nothing. It was crazy how much power this being had but Ryan realized they were fighting a literal god and they weren’t built to break easy. Swiftly Ryan transformed into his ice demon form.

    “Special Technique: Frozen Cannonball!”

    His form shot forth with great intensity and yet it was not enough. Subore managed to stop his moment though the god suffered laceration damage he was only pushed back a few feet before he struck Ryan to the ground causing Ryan to scream out. Subore smirked and grabbed Ryan by the throat.

    “Seven Stars of Darkness, Strike!”

    Ryan was struck with an immensely painful energy that sent him flying backwards hitting the ground hard. Everyone seemed to watch it happen in slow motion. Ryan skidded to a halt and wasn’t moving.

    “Ryan!” Kyori shouted rushing over to him not realizing that Subore was headed his way until a blast of fire was turned into steam by Kelda as she rushed over.

    “I got him, go.”

    Kyori nodded and stood to his feet as Art charged Subore and Kyori joined the dash. Kyori managed to slide under Subore just as Art struck Subore in the chest with an iron fist. Subore stumbles back and Kyori was behind him.

    “Sacred Technique: Aura of Life!”

    Subore growled when the spiritual energy collided with his frame. It was immense and he was sent skidding forward managing to stop himself before turning around and glaring at Kyori. Kyori could see a dent in the armor of the dark god and he knew the end was coming though he hoped Ryan was okay.

    “I admit my body is thrilled to feel pain. You, you are a worthy opponent but I will not let you defeat me,” Subore said glaring at each of them on the battlefield.

    Samael looked over at Etrama’s body, a tear falling down his face. He moved over to him, touching his cold face gently with two fingers.

    “My love,” he said softly before looking up at the battlefield. When this was over he would have a proper burial for him.

    Subore grunted realizing he had taken too much damage. There would be others after him there always was and always would be the key was figuring out how to transcend generations. I’m the back of his mind he had accepted his fate and knew it was only a matter of time before his time would be over.

    “SHOW ME YOUR POWER!” Subore yelled inhumanly.

    Ocella nodded at Josh’s words. She watched as one by one, each of her comrades began to attack Subore after the bats ended. Ryan was first and she watched in horror as Subore retaliated, tossing Ryan to the ground as if he were nothing. She was about to appear at his side when Kyori beat her there, but suddenly he was in danger too. “Kyori!” she shouted, sighing in relief when Kelda protected him. She stayed with Ryan and Kyori returned, she looked at him with great concern, grateful that he was alright.

    Subore was angry, for Art and Kyori had stricken him. Ocella began to glow brightly as she shot a beam of holy energy towards Subore, wanting to distract him once more. ‘Now!’ she thought to Josh, using all the power she could muster as she spun around, giving the sword as much momentum as she could before she threw it in the God’s direction. She could only hope that their plan would work, that it would strike Subore and that he wouldn’t catch it instead.

    Amon watched as his brother attacked the God, and that his attack did little damage. However, Subore crushed Ryan to the ground causing his brother to scream out in pain. Then he watched as he his brother was attacked, and thrown back by the power that the God used. He wanted to help, but if he moved now his spell would be broken. Tears welled up in his eyes as he turned his attention back to the God. A pentagram appeared underneath him, and a summoning circle under the Dark God.

    “Sacred Spell - .” Amon said as he concentrated all of his power into the spell. His daggers stabbed themselves into the pentagram, and with that the spell was activated. Dragons of ice and light formed in the edges of the circle. They attacked the God by biting, and clawing him.

    Aeterna could only watch as Ryan was severely injured by Sabore. The God was able to actually injure the young demon badly, but he knew that if he left the battle now it would spell disaster for the others. They would all need to be here to win. Praying that Ryan was ok. He jumped into the shadow of the God, and concentrated on one of his skills. “Shadow Spell - Nightingale.” Aeterna said as he took over the Gods shadow, and held him still. Not knowing how long he would be able to hold him, but he hoped it would be long enough to finally end this war.

    Josh could only watch in horror as Ryan was attacked his screams tearing at his heart, and then he lied on the ground motionless. “Ryannnn.” Josh screamed at the top of his lungs as tears fell from his eyes. He began to fly to him, but he suddenly stopped. He knew that he couldn't leave the others, and he just hoped that Ryan was okay.

    Tears continued to fall from his face as Ocella prepared to attack Subore. He wouldn't let the opening his fellow Mystics have made. He watched as the blade left her hand, and he placed his sword in front of him, and his hand hand against the blade. Running his hand down the blade the rings changed tone once more. “Third Song - Ballade “ Josh said as he coated the blade in his sound magic and it increased in speed. The vibration would allow the blade to penetrate the Gods skin easier. “Second Song - Sanata “ Josh said as he disappeared from the battle and reappeared next to his love. He wanted to make sure he was still alive. His wings hurt from the increase in speed, but he wanted to be by his love's side.

    The dark god watched as his opponent unleashed their attacks. First came the sudden summon of two dragons that attempted to strike him with their teeth and claws. He received slight damage but was able to dispel the summoning circle before he felt the tug on his senses. His body began to freeze up and he realized too late what was happening. When he looked up, his eyes were blinded by a beautiful light and then he felt it. The seraph blade struck its mark and he roared in pain as he fell to one knee clutching the blade that burned his hand every time he touched it.

    Ryan remained unconscious, blood seeping from beneath him. Kyori looked at Subore as the light subsided and felt pity for him.

    Samael gasped after Ryan was struck, but watched in awe as the mystics worked together to overcome. He marveled at how well they worked as a team. Then Subore was pierced by the seraph blade. It was over. The seraph blade slowly began to take effect and Subore looked at his enemies one by one. He shook his head and managed a weak smile.

    “Eons ago my brother defeated me in battle, and I see now why,” Subore spit out as globs of black goo slid from his mouth. “Though you may have defeated me, there will be others. When you cut the head off of a hydra, another grows in its place.”

    Kyori stepped forward and held his staff tightly.

    Ocella couldn’t believe it. The sword had stricken its mark, all of their attacks had come together to make it count. After the blade struck its mark and the God fell to one knee, Kyori stepped forward and held his staff- the second piece to trapping the God. The God spoke of his defeat and she knew that his words were true. She looked to the others, Ryan was in bad shape and she transformed into her Seraph form. She floated high into the sky, and suddenly a bright light filled the area as Kyori went to work. “You can do this brother,” she spoke softly, a smile on her face.

    She vanished to Ryan’s side and looked at her brother with worry. Amon was a mess, Josh was devastated and both rightfully so. She went to work immediately and poured every ounce of healing energy into him that she could, without overwhelming him or pouring too much light into him for his heritage to handle.

    Amon watched As his spell was dismissed almost as quickly as it was summoned, and he fell to his knees. He exhausted all of his energy in that one attack. The daggers came to life and returned to their resting place within his body. All he could do now was watch as everything finally worked , and the God was now on his knees. Subore was speaking of his end and how the darkness would return. That was something he was well aware of, and he would keep his eyes and ears open as long as he lived to make sure it doesn't happen in his lifetime.

    He wanted to be with his brother right now. So he pushed himself to get back up and slowly made his way over to where Ryan landed. A concerned look on his face as he didn’t even know if his brother was still alive.

    Aeterna was glad that Subore didn’t put up as much of a fight as he could have with him under this spell, but he continued to hold it any way. He wanted to make sure that he couldn’t fight back. The creature that was responsible for all of the death that has happened, and the horrible things that have happened. He may have felt sorry for him, but it wasn't going to stop him from doing what needed to be done.

    Josh was distraught at seeing the blood seeping out from underneath his loves unconscious form as he reached down to touch his face. His body was still cold, but it was warmer than it should be. HIs body was shaking as he couldn’t get a response out of Ryan as Ocella arrived to try and heal him. HIs emotions died as he stood up, and looked at the dark God that had taken his love from him. His sword appeared in his hand as tears continued to flow from his eyes. Yet it looked like no one was home. His eyes seemed dead. Not saying a word or making a noise he charged at the Dark God.

    Kyori was motionless as Subore said his speech. Kelda clutched her pearls while Art held his chest, a small bit of blood seeping from the deep gash caused by Subore’s fists. Kyori could tell the dark being was ready for his punishment, it seemed as if he were inviting the void. As Kyori took another step forward, Joshua suddenly charged towards Subore who’s eyes flickered with humor before Kyori appeared in front of Joshua, holding him by the shoulder.

    “No,” Kyori said stern in his grip, “this is not our way Josh.”

    Kyori looked into Joshua’s angry eyes and hoped his brother understood. Subore would return to the void. It was as Erobus wished.

    “I am sorry,” Kyori added as he turned to face Subore. He was the only being keeping Joshua from Subore and Kyori could see the look on Subore’s face.

    “DO IT!” Subore shouted.

    “DIVINE LAW: JUDGEMENT!” Kyori spoke as he held the staff up. A pentagram appeared beneath Subore who growled but did not resist. “Pendulum, give your verdict!”

    There was a pendulum that swung over guilty and not guilty until it settled on guilty. Kyori’s eyes rested on the judgement and he nodded.

    “Your judgement is the void within this prison,” Kyori retrieved a stone from his garments and held it out in front of him. The pentagram began to glow brightly before Subore’s screams could be heard as his essence slowly poured into the stone. The stone then vanished and Kyori exhaled. The war was over. Darkness had lost, and the light prevailed, but at costs no one wanted. Quickly, he turned and rushed over to Ryan who coughed gently and opened his eyes slowly.

    “Did we win?” he asked weakly.

    Kyori smiled and nodded, “for now,” he added as Samael moved from Etrama’s dead form.

    “Great warriors of light, your jobs are never done.”

    Ocella watched Kyori, a small smile on her face as she looked at him, idolization evident on her features. He requested the judgement, and it was clear. Subore was banished to the void and Kyori rushed to Ryan, whom seemed to be stirring. “Ryan,” she said softly, her voice wavering. “You idiot. Why on Earth….” she stopped herself and shook her head. “Come on Ryan,” she said softly, hoping that her magic would be enough to help him gain some of the energy that he needed. She stood slowly from her place and went to Amon’s side, wrapping her arms around him as her uncle spoke.

    She knew that their work was never over, especially hers after Erobus’s message, but at least they had the opportunity to recover. “It may never be over but for now, we have time to recover,” she said, a small smile on her face as she looked to Kyori. She made her way to him and embraced him with as much love as she could. “Thank you for saving me,” she said softly as she held him close, just taking in the fact that he had returned to them. “I’m so happy to have you back. Your reaper form is rude,” she said with a smirk and a chuckle.

    She looked to Ryan and shook her head. “Want me to take you back to the base?” she asked, crossing her arms and looking at her uncle warily.

    Amon finally made it to where Ryan was lying, and he looked down at the blood that was coating the ground. He felt a pain in his heart as he could only watch as his brother was slowly bleeding to death, and his wife was desperately trying to save him. He closed his eyes, as Josh decided to attack the Destruction God. Amon was having his own problems with what was happening.

    Then right after the God received his judgment Ryan spoke. Amon opened his eyes and looked down at his brother. He was still alive, and he almost fell to the ground with relief, but he was caught in Ocella wrapped her arms around him. He needed the support right at the moment, and he closed his eyes once more “Thank you my love.” He said in a whisper as he tried to hold back his tears.

    - - - Updated - - -

    He knew the fight the Mystics had won would not be the last battle they would more than likely fight, but he would get stronger so his wife and her family wouldn’t have to fight it on their own.

    Aeterna removed himself from the Gods shadow as the verdict was read. He didn’t want to get sucked up with him, and if he was part of his shadow he knew he would have. Appearing with the others around Ryan who looked worse for ware he was happy that the young Ice Demon survived that attack. “Don’t scare us like that you Idiot.”Aeterna said as he looked down at all of the blood he had lost. Ryan was lucky to be alive.

    “We will not let the darkness win as long as we are alive. We must keep a vigilant watch over the world, and it’s people.” He said as he walked over to Kyori. They would never be separated, but they would be busy with their new roles. Interlocking his clawed hand with Kyori’s he just smiled as he looked to the others. They were all not in good shape, but Ryan had gotten the brunt of the damage. “I don’t think we should Move Ryan just yet. Give him more time to heal.”

    Josh looked into Kyori’s eyes as he stopped him, and the tears continued to flow as he spoke. His brother’s words reaching him where he had disappeared to he came back to his senses. He dropped his sword, and fell to his knees. Powerless to do anything as he watched Kyori pass judgment on the God. His whole world was turned upside down at the moment. To him this win was but an empty victory. His love is dying, and there was nothing he could do.

    Then he heard a cough and Ryan’s voice as he was regaining consciousness. He scrambled back to his feet, and ran over to Ryan tears of relief filled his eyes now as he touched his love's face. “Don’t you die on me.” Josh said as he leaned over and kissed Ryan softly on the lips. He knew he was not out of the woods, but he would stay by his side no matter what.

    Ryan slowly managed to maneuver into a sitting position, though the star shaped scar on his chest would forever be a reminder of how close to death he had gotten. Blood was still slowly seeping from it, but Ocella had managed to heal the wound slightly. He smiled softly realizing that they had won but knew that their work was never done.

    “I love you too,” Ryan admitted as Kelda and Art helped him to his feet. “I’m okay though, really I am,” he said looking at Joshua and wrapping his arms around him.

    Samael smiled and nodded as he moved back over to Etrama’s body. He knelt down and began to remove the caked up blood and dirt from his face and the death blow on his body. Kyori took note of Samael’s sudden disappearance from the group and saw him in the distance next to Etrama’s body. Sighing, he looked at Ocella and gave her a nod in her uncle’s direction.

    “Kelda, Art, make sure that all of our allies are alerted of the victory. We have a lot of cleaning up to do,” Kyori said as Art and Kelda both vanished in their own element. Kyori looked at Aeterna as he held his hand.

    “You really loved him didn’t you?” Kyori asked as he moved closer to Samael.

    “He made me happy even though the dark one had tainted me, he kept my heart alive.”

    Ocella smiled as Ryan came too and began to sit up. “Ryan!” she said with excitement. “Don’t you EVER do that again or I’ll smack you!” she said, smiling at he and Josh. She noticed Kyori walking off in the distance and saw her uncle near Etrama’s body. She saw the look on his face and her heart sunk as the realization seeped in. She appeared next to her uncle and placed a gentle hand on his shoulder, still unsure what forms of affection were acceptable.

    “I’m so sorry, I didn’t know,” she said, her face filled with sympathy. Samael had once again lost the man he loved to battle. While she recognized that it had to be done, she was certain that if anyone could have made Etrama less of a threat to society it was her uncle.

    Josh was still a little leary of having Ryan sit up, but he didn’t have the heart to stop him. So he stood up as well, and stared at the bleeding star shaped wound on his chest. He didn’t like that Ryan was going to have to live with a scar like that, but there was nothing he could do about it. Once Ryan was standing he wrapped his arms around him, and Josh only smiled as his worried expression faded. Wrapping his arms around the man he loved he held him tight as he returned to his human form. Not saying a word he laid his head on his love's shoulder as he thanked Erobus for not taking his love from him. “Don’t ever do that again. Please.”

    Amon was surprised when Ocella left his side, and he watched as she went over to where her Uncle was kneeling next to Etrama’s body. He didn’t understand what was going on, but soon realized that his wife was upset. He didn’t know why so he looked to his brother and saw him in the arms of the man he loved. Deciding to let them be alone for a bit, he slowly made his way over to where Ocella, Kyori, and Aeterna were.

    Aeterna looked his love in the eyes, as they continued to hold hands. Then Kyori made his way over to where Samael was, and Aeterna followed not letting go of Kyori’s hand. There was still so much they needed to do, and he wanted to give Kyori the wedding he deserved before they began their new duties. Knowing they might not have the time after that.

    Aeterna looked down as the lifeless form of the man that not only tortured both him and Amon, but… Aeterna didn’t want to think about it. However, something seemed off. Samael was treating the man kindly almost like a lover would. The Kyori spoke, and his jaw almost dropped. Was a man like him capable of love? Aeterna couldn’t believe it, but it had to be true. No one mourns like Samael was over someone that was just a thing to them. They did love one another. It was something he could understand, and he felt sorry for the man that lost his love. “No one deserves to lose the one they love. I am sorry for your loss.” Aeterna’s words were true. The man before him may have been an enemy, but he was loved by someone even though he was a bastard.

    Kyori watched the tears stream down Samael’s face and he knew then what he needed to do.

    “Samael, you were once tainted, but you have helped us and for that I owe you my life. I will help you,” Kyori said as Samael looked at him with a confused look.

    “Help me? How?” Samael asked unsure what Kyori was going to do.

    “Divine Technique: Soul Reversion,” Kyori said as gently as he spoke to them. The end of his staff began to shine and Etrama’s body began to shimmer. An orb that contained Etrama’s soul slowly emerged and descended upon his dead form. Samael watched in awe. He hadn’t seen the power of a reaper in person and he was intrigued. He looked down at Etrama as the male’s soul returned to his body.

    “Ocella, heal him, please,” Kyori said as his staff stopped shining.

    Ocella watched Kyori curiously. He spoke of reviving Etrama and she looked to Amon, her heart beating rapidly as she held him close. Kyori spoke to her and her eyes narrowed at her brother. “If he so much as touches Amon,” she spoke, her voice dangerous and protective as she glared at Kyori. She looked softly to her uncle and nodded her head, for she too was indebted to him for his assistance. She sighed and knelt next to Etrama, her hands steady as she went to work healing his broken body. She knew the pains of broken bones, of wounds too deep to heal.

    She poured as much energy as she could into returning Etrama to his natural state, and when her work was done she backed up immediately, standing in front of Amon with her arms crossed and a mistrusting look on her face. She was standing in front of Amon for both his sake and Etrama’s sake.

    Kyori understood her hesitation and thanked her for what she did. He knelt down and looked at Samael.

    “When I reactivate his soul, he will return to you, he will remember everything, but I only hope the love you two share will allow him to move on from his past.”

    Samael wrapped his arms around Kyori in a father embrace and looked into his eyes.

    “Thank you,” he said as Kyori placed a firm palm onto Etrama’s chest, just where the ice spear had ended his life. “Be renewed, be reborn.” A pulse of energy surged from Kyori into Etrama.

    Ryan looked at the scene and as much as he wanted to voice his distaste, he understood that everyone needed love and he hoped that Etrama and Samael’s love would be enough to withstand the tests of time. He turned to Joshua. “You are my light, and I’ll never let you go.”

    Aeterna freed Kyori’s hand from his grip as he just stood there and watched. He was as much indebted to Samael as his love was, and he wouldn’t deny anything his love though was right. He watched as Etrama’s body shimmered with a green light, and as his soul appeared and reentered his body. Then came the task of healing all of the damage that the body had taken. Aeterna knew that this was going to be a task since he could tell that most of the bones were broken.

    Once everything was said and done It was time for the Wraith’s rebirth. Aeterna knew good and well what it felt like to return to the land of the living. Though he did wonder what Etrama was going to do once he returned? Through that question wouldn’t take long to answer as Kyori went to work.

    Amon froze as soon as he was able to make his way over to the others. It seemed that Kyori was going to bring back Etrama from the land of the dead where that bastard belonged. Plenty of emotions ran through Amon. Hatred, anger, and fear. Mostly fear of the man that was lying on the ground. His body shook and trembled at the thought of him coming back. Though he could tell that Samel truly loved Etrama. So he was not imagining it when they were toying with him, and offering to share him. A shiver ran down his spine even thinking of that situation. Ocella appeared in front of him, and threatened that if he touched him he would feel her wrath.

    He smiled at her, as she went to work healing his body. Amon closed his eyes as he couldn’t watch as they went to work bringing the man back. He just stood there hoping that they just didn’t make a mistake bringing back a man that had done so many terrible thing in the short time he knew of him.

    Josh was concerned with what was happening, but on the other hand they were powerful enough to stop him if he decides to attack any of them. Besides hopefully love will conquer all in this situation. He looked Josh in the eyes when he spoke, and smiled at him. “We will never be separated, for if I am your light you are mine.” Josh said as he kissed him with immense passion as Kyori went to work. When the kiss finished he pulled a small box from his pocket, and handed it to Ryan. “I have a feeling this belongs to you. Xion said I would know what to do with it when the time was right.” Josh said with a loving smile on his face.

    Etrama was floating amongst the darkness that he had been banished to when he died. No trial, no nothing he just appeared in the darkness with nothing around him. A peaceful hell for him to endure, but he figured it was about time. His only regret was having to leave Samael alone in an unforgiving battle, and hoped that at least he would survive the fight ahead.

    Had this been his destiny all along? To finally find love and to loose it all the same, once again. His whole clan was taken from him by the hypocrites that run the Parthenon, and he was left to foster that hate. Only to find love in the end. Sometimes he didn’t understand fate. Clearing his mind he closed his eyes and just floated amongst the darkness. Then suddenly he felt a pull on his soul pain filled his senses as the world went black.

    As the energy pulsed through Etrama’s body a scream tore out of his mouth as he was suddenly brought back from the dead, from the darkness that was to be his prison. His eyes shot open and he suddenly sat up grasping his chest. Even though the wounds were gone the last thing his body remembers was immense pain. Not knowing what was going on it took him some to get his bearings. Though for some reason he was unable to see though his sight was starting to clear. It was because he had been in the darkness for a time. He didn’t know what was going on, but he could feel the wind on his skin, and the presence of familiar energies. It seemed that he was alive, but how, who?

    Samael watched as did Ryan. He was ready to attack if Etrama showed any signs of hostility. Kyori could feel the tension in the air, but after Etrama screamed out and sat up grasping his chest, Kyori’s hand moved from Etrama’s chest and he slowly rose from his kneeling position. He softly smiled as Samael looked at Etrama, a gasp escaping his throat. In all his years of living, not once had he seen someone brought back from the realm of the dead. Reanimation sure, but to actually witness death cancelled was truly remarkable, though he wondered how much energy Kyori had used to do such a thing. His eyes looked the young spirit dragon over and he could see Kyori holding strongly to the staff as if attempting to keep himself upright. He was thankful for Kyori and his niece and all who helped liberate him and the world from the force that was Subore, but now there was much rebuilding to be done.

    “My love,” Samael said as he placed a soft hand on the side of Etrama’s face. “My love we are free,” he added. “The mystics have freed us from the darkness.”

    Etrama felt the soft touch of Samael’s hand, and turned his head in his direction. His vision was slowly getting more clear, and he looked into the beautiful eyes of the man he loved. Granted he looked a little different, but he was still the same man he fell for. His gaze was that of not only love but confusion. They were free, but how in the world was he brought back to the land of the living. “We are free, but how am I back? I was dead. There is no coming back.” Etrama said not sure what to think. As he finally got his sight back, and looked fully at what Samael had once been before everything that happened to him. He placed a hand on his love's face as he smiled.

    Samael’s other hand grasped Etrama’s hand lovingly as he looked into Etrama’s eyes. He saw confusion and he could only nod.

    “Kyori returned your soul from the dark place. The dark god has been banished and we are free to live in peace,” Samael said softly as he kissed Etrama’s hand gently.

    Etrama smiled at Samael as he told him how he was brought back. He didn’t understand why his enemy would show them both mercy, but he did. He was grateful for this chance to finally live like he was meant to.

    “Kyori brought me back? So that means the reaper lost his battle with the spirit dragon? No matter. We are free from our dark paths.” Etrama said as he leaned forward and kissed Samel on the lips. “That means we can live our lives in peace away from the world?”

    Samael embraced his love, the kiss was much needed and welcomed, but then Kyori began to speak.

    “Your love truly does transcend darkness. Everyone deserves love, but Etrama I am afraid I now have to judge you for your actions against humanity. You will not be killed, Erobus will pass judgement on you for your actions. I will give you two a few more minutes, and when you are ready Etrama, I will be waiting.”

    Kyori stepped over to a large boulder short enough for him to rest on. Everyone who looked at him could tell that every bit of energy he used was taking its toll on him, but it was his duty.

    Samael nodded when Kyori spoke and looked at Etrama.

    “I love you so much Etrama, and no matter what happens, you are mine and I am yours. We will build a new life together.”

    Etrama knew that this was going to happen. He would need to face his punishment whatever it may be. Nodding his head at Kyori as he walked away to where a bolder was he could see this was causing him to expend a lot of energy. Looking back at Samael he smiled at him. “No matter what my punishment might be I will not hide from my fate. As long as I still draw breath I will be able to be with you.” He said as he removed his hand and stood up. His legs a little wobbly, but that was to be expected. But before he goes to receive his judgment. “I need to settle things first.” he said looking at Samael. Not knowing what was going to happen.

    Walking over to Ocella he looked the angel in the eyes. “You may not understand what I went through and why I was the way I was. However, you still tried to reach me, and I went and did something that would hurt you deeply. For that I am sorry. I don’t ever expect you or Amon to forgive me for my actions, but I can offer you a chance to…” Etrama would leave it at that. They could take it as an open chance to attack him or whatever.

    Aeterna looked to Kyori as he walked away, and he could tell all of this was taking it’s toll on him. He walked over to him, and placed a hand on his shoulder. “Are you going to be okay?” He asked in a worried tone. He didn’t know what he could do to help Kyori but he wanted to ask anyway. “Kyori can I help in any way?”

    “I’ll be fine after this judgement,” Kyori replied to Aeterna who had come to check on him. Samael watched his love, and listened to him as he spoke. It was amazing the power of love and how it could change. Now he would wait on the judgement of Erobus to pass before they could continue on with their lives. Kyori had informed them that Etrama wouldn’t die, but Samael knew of fates worse than death. He remained silent as Etrama seemed ready to accept his punishment.

    Kyori stood and stepped forward watching the exchange between Ocella and Etrama.

    Ocella watched her uncle and Etrama. The man came to her and she tensed immediately, wondering what would happen. Though she was tense, she remained in place and glared at him briefly. “You have done nothing to me directly to require my forgiveness. Your crimes were against my family, and therefore I cannot speak for them. My grandfather seems at peace with what happened, but my husband on the other hand… that is between you and he. It is my trust you must earn,” she spoke, her voice firm yet forgiving.

    Amon was still shaken up but it got worse when Etrama approached him and his wife. He looked at the wraith’s eyes, and could tell that he was sorry for his actions, but he still couldn’t stop his body from shaking.

    Etrama looked at Ocella as she spoke of the fact that he didn’t need her forgiveness, but to earn her trust. That was something that he knew he would never achieve. For that bridge had been burned long ago. “Trust is a fickle thing, and not something that is easily achieved. Besides Trust is not something given to those that were once enemies. However, I will respect your decision.” He said as he looked back at Amon who was still shaking in fear because of him. Moving slightly to the right he quickly reached out his hand and placed it in Amon’s shoulder.

    The absolute fear in Amon’s eye with this one little action was something Etrama did enjoy seeing, but he didn’t show this emotion at all. He didn’t want to have them think he was going to do anything to the young man. Besides, he didn’t want this young man to become what he did because of hate and fear. “Don’t let fear and hatred rule you. If you let those emotions fester and grow you will become like me.” He said with a kind smile as he released his shoulder, and turned his back to him. Etrama didn’t expect to be forgiven for his actions from Amon, or the Phoenix.

    Walking past Samael he could tell he was worried about what could happen to him, and he could understand his worry. Even he knew so many thing are worse than death, but he didn’t care as long as he could stay with Samael. Approaching Kyori he looked the young dragon in the eyes. “I would like to know one thing before we continue. Why did you save me? After what I have done to all of you?” Etrama asked as he looked into his eyes. He wanted to know why he brought him back.

    Ryan didn’t know what to say when Joshua presented the ring to him. He blinked a few times and reached out slowly to grab the box. “Oh my goodness,” Ryan said with a smile, “I love you,” Ryan added wrapping his arms around Joshua’s neck.

    When Etrama approached Kyori his eyes fell upon Etrama and he looked at him with a sigh after hearing his question.

    “You should know why Etrama,” Kyori said as he nodded in Samael’s direction. “Love is all you need Etrama.” Kyori sighed and took a step forward, placing a soft hand on Etrama’s shoulder. “I must admit I had my doubts, but I have done dark things in my past and I know it is possible to change.”

    Josh smiled at Ryan as he said that he loved him, and wrapped his arms around his neck. “I love you too.” Josh said as he wrapped his arms around his waist. “We will be together forever.” He said as he kissed Ryan once more. He was glad that he accepted his proposal. Even though it was not the most traditional of ways.

    Etrama followed Kyori’s gaze and saw that Samael was at the end of his gaze. He smiled at his love, as the young dragon placed a hand on his shoulder in a reassuring motion. Returning his gaze to Kyori he shook his head in disagreement. “Your sins are few young one. I have done things much worse than you have. Love may have found me, but I have had centuries of destroying people's lives.” Etrama said as he closed his eyes. “I enjoyed every moment of what I did to people. To make them suffer like I did. To make them feel the pain I had felt to lose my loved ones.” Etrama said in a serious tone as he kept his eyes closed.

    “Everyone deserves forgiveness Etrama. Are you strong in your conviction? Are you strong in your love for Samael? No matter what happens after judgement, you have to push on, not only for yourself, but for him. Are you ready?”

    Etrama could hear his words, but doubted even the great God of Creation Erobus would so forgiving of his actions. Granted at the time he was influenced by his negative emotions, but still he made his choice. Still keeping his eyes shut he contemplated everything that could possibly happen to him once this was over. So many different scenarios ran through his head. He knew the punishment would be severe, but what would it be? That was a question he couldn’t answer. Then he felt a hand on his shoulder, and opened his eyes to see Aeterna was now in front of him. Having a confused look on his face he looked into the blue eyes of the shadow Phoenix.

    Aeterna knew he was having problems. He didn’t know anything of his past, but he needed to know something. After their eyes met when he put his hand on his shoulder he looked at his with a soft gaze. “Not everything is black and white. No matter how evil the person there is always a reason for their actions. No matter how you look at it that is the truth. I don’t know what happened to you in the past, but look to the future. The love you share with Samael will help you through the rough road ahead, and I am sure that one day you will be able to forgive yourself for what had happened. You can be forgiven for your sins, by the people you have sinned against one day. I hold no animosity towards you. My anger is at myself for getting in that situation. We all have to live with the regret of our decisions. You are no different.” Aeterna said as he removed his hand and returned to standing behind Kyori. He hoped his words would be able to calm his heart.

    Etrama heard both Kyori’s and Aeterna’s words, and knew they both spoke the truth. Giving a slight sigh as the Phoenix released his shoulder and returned to his position behind the Dragon he looked at both of them. Was he truly ready to face the God's judgment? A question that would never truly be answered. He looked to Kyori “No one can ever be truly ready for the punishment of their crimes, but I’m as ready as I will ever be. No matter the punishment I will live on for the one that I love. He found me in the darkness of my soul, and I will never let him go.”

    Ocella watched what was happening and kept very close to Amon, hoping to console him and to keep his emotions clear. Etrama spoke to her about trust being a fickle thing and hoped that one day she would be able to prove him wrong. He was stubborn in his convictions and she knew that it would be difficult at best to relay what she herself had experienced with trust. “You will see, one day…” she spoke softly, a small smile on her face. She glanced to her uncle and knew that he was worried, but at the moment there were only two people in the entire world that she wanted to be near. One of them was in her arms, wrapped in a loving embrace, and the other one was preparing to cast judgement against the man before them. “Be true to who you are Etrama. Forgive the past, move on from the memories and forge your future with your loved one,” she said, holding her husband tighter. Those words were not only for Etrama but for his sake as well.

    Even though Etrama stood there with a calm look about his features. Looking as if he was ready for all of this to transpire. The truth was he was not ready for this. Granted he needed to be tried for his crimes, but deep down he knew that the consequences of his actions were going to be severe. Only one punishment kept running through his head. If the God of creation took his sight. To never again to be able to see the one he loved was something that he didn’t know if he would be able to deal with. He turned his head once more studding Samael’s face. If it was to be his last time seeing him. He wanted to mesmerize every inch of his face and features. Granted he had no idea if this would be his punishment or not, but he didn’t want to take the chance. Once he was done he looked back at Kyori and nodded his head as he closed his eyes. He wanted to get this over with as soon as possible.

    Amon was still shaking even with Etrama moving away from him. The Wraiths works didn’t fall on deaf ears, but still it was hard for him to accept the fact that he suffered under this man. Yet he didn’t want to harbor any resentment for the Wraith. Then suddenly Ocella wrapped her arms around him, and his shaking ceased. He needed to let go of the past. To free himself and the two that assaulted him from their burdens. He looked to Ocella and smiled at her. “Thank You my love.” He said as he placed his hands on top of his wife's. He wanted to know what happened to Etrama to turn him into what he had become. Maybe they would be able to sit down and have a conversation on the matter. Though he wouldn’t be alone. He still couldn't face the man alone just yet. The wounds were still too fresh in his mind for that. For now he watched as he knew that his judgment was soon approaching.

    Kyori watched Etrama and when it was time, he extended the staff as their surroundings grew quiet. His eyes lit up with power and his form seemed to shimmer slightly before he spoke.

    “Divine Law: Judgement,” he said raising his staff the same way he had done with Subore. The pentagram appeared beneath Etrama. “Pendulum, give your verdict.” The pendulum swung but landed over guilty as the judgement. Kyori’s eyes landed on Etrama and nodded.

    “Your punishment is mortality. You will live the rest of your days as a mortal. No more will you have access to the mystical powers you once had. This is your punishment. I am sorry,” Kyori said as he watched Etrama’s powers strip from him and absorb into the pentagram beneath him. When it was over, the pentagram vanished and Kyori collapsed from exhaustion. Etrama was now normal, now mortal, everything would seem different to him, but Samael did not care, he was still the man he loved. He scurried over to him and embraced him.

    “My love, how do you feel?”

    Ocella continued to hold Amon while Etrama’s judgement commenced. She held Amon close, relishing in the mere fact that they could enjoy at least a few moments together, that they had time to rest and to enjoy their marriage.

    When the verdict had been given Ocella looked to Kyori with worry, leaving Amon’s side in an instant and rushing over to her brother. She knew that he had spent much of his energy reviving Etrama and wanted to help him recover what he could. “Hold still, rest for a moment,” she told him firmly, placing a caring hand on his shoulder as light poured from within her and into him. He would feel pulsations of energy course through him, reviving that which she was able to. When she had nothing more to give she dropped to her knees and took in a shaky breath. “Kyori,” she breathed, a sad smile on her face.

    “We can finally get a full night’s sleep,” she said with a wink and a chuckle.

    Watching as his love started the Judgment he was in aw about the magicity about it, but at the same time he knew this was taking every ounce of strength his love had to perform. He could see the strain it was putting Kyori under, and there was nothing Aeterna could do about it. When the judgment was passed and Etrama’s sentence passed Aeterna felt sorry for the man. Granted he had committed many crimes against people, but to lose everything because of that seemed a little harsh. Aeterna didn’t hold anything against him for this was a war, and he may have pushed the line, but he was stupid enough to have been caught. What happened was a result of his stupidity, and that was that.

    Once the Kyori finished and he collapsed to the ground Aeterna wanted to run to him and be by his side, but it seemed his sister had the same idea. As Ocella was healing Kyori he looked around to see that they are were tired, and needed a good night sleep after these events. He didn;t know what the future might hold for them, but they will be the guardians of this world for a long time. This body was his own, and who knew how long that would last, but he would spend as much time with the one he loves as possible, and the family that he now had. So many prospects for the future, and that put a smile on his face. He walked over to where Kyori and Ocella were at, and knelt down behind his love wrapping his arms around him. “This fight is over at last. Now we can have the wedding we wanted.” He said laying his head on Kyori’s shoulder as he closed his eyes. He relaxed and knew this moment wouldn’t last long, but he would enjoy it nonetheless. There was a lot of rebuilding to do, and they had more responsibilities now. However, he knew that no matter what they would be able to be together.

    Amon watched as the judgment began, and reached his hand to hold Ocella’s that was wrapped around him. All of the anger and fear in him was slowly disappearing with each second the judgment too place. He really wanted to just continue hating Etrama, but something he said kept nagging at his mind. It seemed Anger, hatred, and fear turned that man into what he was, and Amon didn’t want to end up like that. He wanted to be free of what happened to him, he wanted to forget, but that was not a luxury that he would be allotted. Though he knew that with time all wounds would heal, and having the support he did from the woman he loved was all the strength he would need to conquer this demon that was threatening to consume him. “ I love you Ocella. With all of my heart and soul. No matter what happens we will work through it.” Amon said as the judgment had been cast, and the sentence read.

    Amon didn’t feel sorry for Etrama in him losing his power. Maybe this experience will give him an insight into what he put people to have no power through. How helpless they felt under his foot. Though at the same time he knew that this punishment was more that what was necessary. He did what he did because someone changed him, and that was something to take into consideration. Though he knew there were fates worse that what he had received, and now the Wraith will be able to make amends for everything he has done. Ocella left his side to go and help Kyori, and he just stood there allowing her to go. Her family all of them were important to her, and he would never take that away from her.

    Well he guessed they were his family now. More so than that Ryan his real brother was with them, and now he would be able to finally get to know more about his family, and build a new one with Ocella. His life was no longer a struggle, and as long as the world remains in a state of balance he would never have to worry about her. Though he knew one day he would die leaving her alone in this world. He had faith that she would persevere through his absence. Smiling slightly he walked over to where his love was and two of his new family members. The fight was over, and now they had some time to themselves. “The war is over.We can finally have time with the ones we love.” He said looking down at Ocella and then to the others.

    Josh was wrapped in the arms of the man he loved, and the ring that Master Xion had given him had found its rightful owner. Granted he didn’t propose in the most traditional of senses. However, now that the war was over, and he didn’t lose his love, he figured that Ryan would forgive him for not being traditional. After he though he had lost him, it was all he could do to not kill the God. Even Kyori who was able to stop him from committing that act, and possibly getting himself killed was the only thing that stopped him. His best friend in the world had to stop him from trying something he would have regretted for the rest of his life. He was truly lucky to have a friend like him.

    “After I thought I had lost you my love. My heart broke, and I feared that it would never heal. I felt like I lost part of my soul, and I would have never forgiven myself if it was true. I don’t want to loose you to anything in this world. I know it isn’t much, but I hope that you accept my offer, and become bound to me for time and eternity. Will you give me the honor of marrying you Ryan?” Josh asked now actually saying the words that needed to go along with the ring he just bestowed upon his love. Granted he wasn’t really interested in the judgment of Etrama. He wanted to live in the moment with Ryan, and trusted whatever to happen to happen.

    Etrama Waited for the judgment to begin. He knew what the verdict would be since he has committed many atrocities in the name of revenge against the people that condemned his race to extinction. He knew his punishment would be severe, and what it would be was something he would have to live with. As Kyori raised his staff, and the golden pentagram appeared beneath him, and the pendulum above him he just looked into Kyori’s eyes. He could see the power he had, but at the same time he could tell this was taking his toll on him. He was grateful to him for bringing him back to be with Samael the man who gave him light once more. Once the verdict was given he waited to hear his sentence.

    His eyes went wide as his punishment was read off, and the pentagram beneath him started to glow. HIs power was being ripped from him, and it felt like his body was going to break. He was gritting his teeth, and keeping himself from screaming. He had never felt pain like this before, but he wouldn’t give into it. He didn’t want to make Samael worry about him. He suffered through his power being drained, and once everything about him disappeared he fell to the ground as the punishment for his crimes was finally over. He was breathing hard and his body shook.

    He could no longer feel the magical energies around him, nor the souls that reside inside of the people around him. His power was gone, and now his race was completely wiped off of the face of the earth. This must make ‘Them’ happy since he was no longer amongst the people sentenced to live in the void after their death. He lifted himself up on shaky arms as Samael approached him. His love wrapped his arms around Etrama and a smile formed on his face. He raised his shaky arms and placed his hands on his loves back. “I will be fine. I am no longer bound to my hatred, and am free. We can now be together in this life, and if the Gods are willing we will find one another in the next.” Etrama said as he closed his eyes, and fell into Samael’s shoulder. Passed out from the pain he had experienced, and the fact of just being brought back to life.

    When Kyori passed out, the staff vanished and his form returned to normal. He was shirtless, and his pants were ripped from the fight with Subore. His breathing was shallow, but when Ocella came to his side and poured as much energy as she could into him. He was thankful, but he had expanded too much energy. Aeterna was by his side and it felt good, but he still felt extremely weak. His duties were done, but he knew his work was never done. He sat up slowly and observed everything around him. This was his family now. He knew he had made Chiatzu proud.

    Ryan could only embrace Joshua and kiss him lovingly as he proposed to him. It was unexpected, but he was so very thankful for someone to reciprocate the love he showed. It was hard for him to love, but it came easy with Joshua. Auro was the only other man he loved, but that was because the man was like a father to him. How he missed him, and yet he knew he was proud. Samael helped Etrama to his feet knowing that the experience had stripped him of energy and he would need rest to recharge.

    “Warriors of Light, for now the universe is safe, but be ever vigilant in your duties. Etrama, let us take our leave. Thank you so much for what you have done, all of you, peace now shrouds the universe.”

    Samael and Etrama vanished soon after.


    The universe was at peace, and had been for two years since the battle with Subore. Everyone had gone about their lives fulfilling the roles set before them. Kyori performed his job well as a reaper of lost souls, and whenever he got the chance he spent it with Aeterna and his family. It was a Friday afternoon, and he had just sent a beautiful young spirit to the afterlife. He looked up at the sky with a soft smile on his face. It had taken them nearly a year to clean up the mess and rebuild, but they had done it and the world was a better place.

    “Such an amazing world,” Kyori said softly as the wind blew through his hair and robes. He looked down at his hand noticing the beautiful sapphire ring. His mind instantly went to Aeterna and he turned to walk the streets of New York, enjoying the breeze.

    Ryan sat in the icy catacombs of the northern mountains. His eyes were closed and his mind was in the spectral planes.

    “Two years it has been Ryan,” a familiar voice rang out causing Ryan to smile in his spectral form.

    “Auro, how I miss you,” Ryan said as Auro stood with a smile on his face.

    “My son, how are you and your brother?”

    “Life goes on and we have found peace in each other,” Ryan said, “though I wish you would’ve been there for my wedding.”

    “As do I, but you’ve made me proud at every turn.”

    Ryan smiled and Auro nodded as he looked upon Ryan.

    “My time is short Ryan, but know that I am proud of you all, be at peace my son.”

    Auro’s form vanished and Ryan’s eyes opened in the real world. He took in the icy catacombs and slowly stood to his feet. “Joshua,” he spoke softly looking at the ring on his finger.

    In that moment, another scream rang throughout the room. Sun filtered in through the curtains and sweat was pouring down her face, despite the air conditioning being as low as the facility would allow. Ocella’s hand clung to the bedrail while her other was clenched in a shaky fist.

    It had been two years since the battle to save the world, two years of peace and harmony.

    - - - Updated - - -

    He knew the fight the Mystics had won would not be the last battle they would more than likely fight, but he would get stronger so his wife and her family wouldn’t have to fight it on their own.

    Aeterna removed himself from the Gods shadow as the verdict was read. He didn’t want to get sucked up with him, and if he was part of his shadow he knew he would have. Appearing with the others around Ryan who looked worse for ware he was happy that the young Ice Demon survived that attack. “Don’t scare us like that you Idiot.”Aeterna said as he looked down at all of the blood he had lost. Ryan was lucky to be alive.

    “We will not let the darkness win as long as we are alive. We must keep a vigilant watch over the world, and it’s people.” He said as he walked over to Kyori. They would never be separated, but they would be busy with their new roles. Interlocking his clawed hand with Kyori’s he just smiled as he looked to the others. They were all not in good shape, but Ryan had gotten the brunt of the damage. “I don’t think we should Move Ryan just yet. Give him more time to heal.”

    Josh looked into Kyori’s eyes as he stopped him, and the tears continued to flow as he spoke. His brother’s words reaching him where he had disappeared to he came back to his senses. He dropped his sword, and fell to his knees. Powerless to do anything as he watched Kyori pass judgment on the God. His whole world was turned upside down at the moment. To him this win was but an empty victory. His love is dying, and there was nothing he could do.

    Then he heard a cough and Ryan’s voice as he was regaining consciousness. He scrambled back to his feet, and ran over to Ryan tears of relief filled his eyes now as he touched his love's face. “Don’t you die on me.” Josh said as he leaned over and kissed Ryan softly on the lips. He knew he was not out of the woods, but he would stay by his side no matter what.

    Ryan slowly managed to maneuver into a sitting position, though the star shaped scar on his chest would forever be a reminder of how close to death he had gotten. Blood was still slowly seeping from it, but Ocella had managed to heal the wound slightly. He smiled softly realizing that they had won but knew that their work was never done.

    “I love you too,” Ryan admitted as Kelda and Art helped him to his feet. “I’m okay though, really I am,” he said looking at Joshua and wrapping his arms around him.

    Samael smiled and nodded as he moved back over to Etrama’s body. He knelt down and began to remove the caked up blood and dirt from his face and the death blow on his body. Kyori took note of Samael’s sudden disappearance from the group and saw him in the distance next to Etrama’s body. Sighing, he looked at Ocella and gave her a nod in her uncle’s direction.

    “Kelda, Art, make sure that all of our allies are alerted of the victory. We have a lot of cleaning up to do,” Kyori said as Art and Kelda both vanished in their own element. Kyori looked at Aeterna as he held his hand.

    “You really loved him didn’t you?” Kyori asked as he moved closer to Samael.

    “He made me happy even though the dark one had tainted me, he kept my heart alive.”

    Ocella smiled as Ryan came too and began to sit up. “Ryan!” she said with excitement. “Don’t you EVER do that again or I’ll smack you!” she said, smiling at he and Josh. She noticed Kyori walking off in the distance and saw her uncle near Etrama’s body. She saw the look on his face and her heart sunk as the realization seeped in. She appeared next to her uncle and placed a gentle hand on his shoulder, still unsure what forms of affection were acceptable.

    “I’m so sorry, I didn’t know,” she said, her face filled with sympathy. Samael had once again lost the man he loved to battle. While she recognized that it had to be done, she was certain that if anyone could have made Etrama less of a threat to society it was her uncle.

    Josh was still a little leary of having Ryan sit up, but he didn’t have the heart to stop him. So he stood up as well, and stared at the bleeding star shaped wound on his chest. He didn’t like that Ryan was going to have to live with a scar like that, but there was nothing he could do about it. Once Ryan was standing he wrapped his arms around him, and Josh only smiled as his worried expression faded. Wrapping his arms around the man he loved he held him tight as he returned to his human form. Not saying a word he laid his head on his love's shoulder as he thanked Erobus for not taking his love from him. “Don’t ever do that again. Please.”

    Amon was surprised when Ocella left his side, and he watched as she went over to where her Uncle was kneeling next to Etrama’s body. He didn’t understand what was going on, but soon realized that his wife was upset. He didn’t know why so he looked to his brother and saw him in the arms of the man he loved. Deciding to let them be alone for a bit, he slowly made his way over to where Ocella, Kyori, and Aeterna were.

    Aeterna looked his love in the eyes, as they continued to hold hands. Then Kyori made his way over to where Samael was, and Aeterna followed not letting go of Kyori’s hand. There was still so much they needed to do, and he wanted to give Kyori the wedding he deserved before they began their new duties. Knowing they might not have the time after that.

    Aeterna looked down as the lifeless form of the man that not only tortured both him and Amon, but… Aeterna didn’t want to think about it. However, something seemed off. Samael was treating the man kindly almost like a lover would. The Kyori spoke, and his jaw almost dropped. Was a man like him capable of love? Aeterna couldn’t believe it, but it had to be true. No one mourns like Samael was over someone that was just a thing to them. They did love one another. It was something he could understand, and he felt sorry for the man that lost his love. “No one deserves to lose the one they love. I am sorry for your loss.” Aeterna’s words were true. The man before him may have been an enemy, but he was loved by someone even though he was a bastard.

    Kyori watched the tears stream down Samael’s face and he knew then what he needed to do.

    “Samael, you were once tainted, but you have helped us and for that I owe you my life. I will help you,” Kyori said as Samael looked at him with a confused look.

    “Help me? How?” Samael asked unsure what Kyori was going to do.

    “Divine Technique: Soul Reversion,” Kyori said as gently as he spoke to them. The end of his staff began to shine and Etrama’s body began to shimmer. An orb that contained Etrama’s soul slowly emerged and descended upon his dead form. Samael watched in awe. He hadn’t seen the power of a reaper in person and he was intrigued. He looked down at Etrama as the male’s soul returned to his body.

    “Ocella, heal him, please,” Kyori said as his staff stopped shining.

    Ocella watched Kyori curiously. He spoke of reviving Etrama and she looked to Amon, her heart beating rapidly as she held him close. Kyori spoke to her and her eyes narrowed at her brother. “If he so much as touches Amon,” she spoke, her voice dangerous and protective as she glared at Kyori. She looked softly to her uncle and nodded her head, for she too was indebted to him for his assistance. She sighed and knelt next to Etrama, her hands steady as she went to work healing his broken body. She knew the pains of broken bones, of wounds too deep to heal.

    She poured as much energy as she could into returning Etrama to his natural state, and when her work was done she backed up immediately, standing in front of Amon with her arms crossed and a mistrusting look on her face. She was standing in front of Amon for both his sake and Etrama’s sake.

    Kyori understood her hesitation and thanked her for what she did. He knelt down and looked at Samael.

    “When I reactivate his soul, he will return to you, he will remember everything, but I only hope the love you two share will allow him to move on from his past.”

    Samael wrapped his arms around Kyori in a father embrace and looked into his eyes.

    “Thank you,” he said as Kyori placed a firm palm onto Etrama’s chest, just where the ice spear had ended his life. “Be renewed, be reborn.” A pulse of energy surged from Kyori into Etrama.

    Ryan looked at the scene and as much as he wanted to voice his distaste, he understood that everyone needed love and he hoped that Etrama and Samael’s love would be enough to withstand the tests of time. He turned to Joshua. “You are my light, and I’ll never let you go.”

    Aeterna freed Kyori’s hand from his grip as he just stood there and watched. He was as much indebted to Samael as his love was, and he wouldn’t deny anything his love though was right. He watched as Etrama’s body shimmered with a green light, and as his soul appeared and reentered his body. Then came the task of healing all of the damage that the body had taken. Aeterna knew that this was going to be a task since he could tell that most of the bones were broken.

    Once everything was said and done It was time for the Wraith’s rebirth. Aeterna knew good and well what it felt like to return to the land of the living. Though he did wonder what Etrama was going to do once he returned? Through that question wouldn’t take long to answer as Kyori went to work.

    Amon froze as soon as he was able to make his way over to the others. It seemed that Kyori was going to bring back Etrama from the land of the dead where that bastard belonged. Plenty of emotions ran through Amon. Hatred, anger, and fear. Mostly fear of the man that was lying on the ground. His body shook and trembled at the thought of him coming back. Though he could tell that Samel truly loved Etrama. So he was not imagining it when they were toying with him, and offering to share him. A shiver ran down his spine even thinking of that situation. Ocella appeared in front of him, and threatened that if he touched him he would feel her wrath.

    He smiled at her, as she went to work healing his body. Amon closed his eyes as he couldn’t watch as they went to work bringing the man back. He just stood there hoping that they just didn’t make a mistake bringing back a man that had done so many terrible thing in the short time he knew of him.

    Josh was concerned with what was happening, but on the other hand they were powerful enough to stop him if he decides to attack any of them. Besides hopefully love will conquer all in this situation. He looked Josh in the eyes when he spoke, and smiled at him. “We will never be separated, for if I am your light you are mine.” Josh said as he kissed him with immense passion as Kyori went to work. When the kiss finished he pulled a small box from his pocket, and handed it to Ryan. “I have a feeling this belongs to you. Xion said I would know what to do with it when the time was right.” Josh said with a loving smile on his face.

    Etrama was floating amongst the darkness that he had been banished to when he died. No trial, no nothing he just appeared in the darkness with nothing around him. A peaceful hell for him to endure, but he figured it was about time. His only regret was having to leave Samael alone in an unforgiving battle, and hoped that at least he would survive the fight ahead.

    Had this been his destiny all along? To finally find love and to loose it all the same, once again. His whole clan was taken from him by the hypocrites that run the Parthenon, and he was left to foster that hate. Only to find love in the end. Sometimes he didn’t understand fate. Clearing his mind he closed his eyes and just floated amongst the darkness. Then suddenly he felt a pull on his soul pain filled his senses as the world went black.

    As the energy pulsed through Etrama’s body a scream tore out of his mouth as he was suddenly brought back from the dead, from the darkness that was to be his prison. His eyes shot open and he suddenly sat up grasping his chest. Even though the wounds were gone the last thing his body remembers was immense pain. Not knowing what was going on it took him some to get his bearings. Though for some reason he was unable to see though his sight was starting to clear. It was because he had been in the darkness for a time. He didn’t know what was going on, but he could feel the wind on his skin, and the presence of familiar energies. It seemed that he was alive, but how, who?

    Samael watched as did Ryan. He was ready to attack if Etrama showed any signs of hostility. Kyori could feel the tension in the air, but after Etrama screamed out and sat up grasping his chest, Kyori’s hand moved from Etrama’s chest and he slowly rose from his kneeling position. He softly smiled as Samael looked at Etrama, a gasp escaping his throat. In all his years of living, not once had he seen someone brought back from the realm of the dead. Reanimation sure, but to actually witness death cancelled was truly remarkable, though he wondered how much energy Kyori had used to do such a thing. His eyes looked the young spirit dragon over and he could see Kyori holding strongly to the staff as if attempting to keep himself upright. He was thankful for Kyori and his niece and all who helped liberate him and the world from the force that was Subore, but now there was much rebuilding to be done.

    “My love,” Samael said as he placed a soft hand on the side of Etrama’s face. “My love we are free,” he added. “The mystics have freed us from the darkness.”

    Etrama felt the soft touch of Samael’s hand, and turned his head in his direction. His vision was slowly getting more clear, and he looked into the beautiful eyes of the man he loved. Granted he looked a little different, but he was still the same man he fell for. His gaze was that of not only love but confusion. They were free, but how in the world was he brought back to the land of the living. “We are free, but how am I back? I was dead. There is no coming back.” Etrama said not sure what to think. As he finally got his sight back, and looked fully at what Samael had once been before everything that happened to him. He placed a hand on his love's face as he smiled.

    Samael’s other hand grasped Etrama’s hand lovingly as he looked into Etrama’s eyes. He saw confusion and he could only nod.

    “Kyori returned your soul from the dark place. The dark god has been banished and we are free to live in peace,” Samael said softly as he kissed Etrama’s hand gently.

    Etrama smiled at Samael as he told him how he was brought back. He didn’t understand why his enemy would show them both mercy, but he did. He was grateful for this chance to finally live like he was meant to.

    “Kyori brought me back? So that means the reaper lost his battle with the spirit dragon? No matter. We are free from our dark paths.” Etrama said as he leaned forward and kissed Samel on the lips. “That means we can live our lives in peace away from the world?”

    Samael embraced his love, the kiss was much needed and welcomed, but then Kyori began to speak.

    “Your love truly does transcend darkness. Everyone deserves love, but Etrama I am afraid I now have to judge you for your actions against humanity. You will not be killed, Erobus will pass judgement on you for your actions. I will give you two a few more minutes, and when you are ready Etrama, I will be waiting.”

    Kyori stepped over to a large boulder short enough for him to rest on. Everyone who looked at him could tell that every bit of energy he used was taking its toll on him, but it was his duty.

    Samael nodded when Kyori spoke and looked at Etrama.

    “I love you so much Etrama, and no matter what happens, you are mine and I am yours. We will build a new life together.”

    Etrama knew that this was going to happen. He would need to face his punishment whatever it may be. Nodding his head at Kyori as he walked away to where a bolder was he could see this was causing him to expend a lot of energy. Looking back at Samael he smiled at him. “No matter what my punishment might be I will not hide from my fate. As long as I still draw breath I will be able to be with you.” He said as he removed his hand and stood up. His legs a little wobbly, but that was to be expected. But before he goes to receive his judgment. “I need to settle things first.” he said looking at Samael. Not knowing what was going to happen.

    Walking over to Ocella he looked the angel in the eyes. “You may not understand what I went through and why I was the way I was. However, you still tried to reach me, and I went and did something that would hurt you deeply. For that I am sorry. I don’t ever expect you or Amon to forgive me for my actions, but I can offer you a chance to…” Etrama would leave it at that. They could take it as an open chance to attack him or whatever.

    Aeterna looked to Kyori as he walked away, and he could tell all of this was taking it’s toll on him. He walked over to him, and placed a hand on his shoulder. “Are you going to be okay?” He asked in a worried tone. He didn’t know what he could do to help Kyori but he wanted to ask anyway. “Kyori can I help in any way?”

    “I’ll be fine after this judgement,” Kyori replied to Aeterna who had come to check on him. Samael watched his love, and listened to him as he spoke. It was amazing the power of love and how it could change. Now he would wait on the judgement of Erobus to pass before they could continue on with their lives. Kyori had informed them that Etrama wouldn’t die, but Samael knew of fates worse than death. He remained silent as Etrama seemed ready to accept his punishment.

    Kyori stood and stepped forward watching the exchange between Ocella and Etrama.

    Ocella watched her uncle and Etrama. The man came to her and she tensed immediately, wondering what would happen. Though she was tense, she remained in place and glared at him briefly. “You have done nothing to me directly to require my forgiveness. Your crimes were against my family, and therefore I cannot speak for them. My grandfather seems at peace with what happened, but my husband on the other hand… that is between you and he. It is my trust you must earn,” she spoke, her voice firm yet forgiving.

    Amon was still shaken up but it got worse when Etrama approached him and his wife. He looked at the wraith’s eyes, and could tell that he was sorry for his actions, but he still couldn’t stop his body from shaking.

    Etrama looked at Ocella as she spoke of the fact that he didn’t need her forgiveness, but to earn her trust. That was something that he knew he would never achieve. For that bridge had been burned long ago. “Trust is a fickle thing, and not something that is easily achieved. Besides Trust is not something given to those that were once enemies. However, I will respect your decision.” He said as he looked back at Amon who was still shaking in fear because of him. Moving slightly to the right he quickly reached out his hand and placed it in Amon’s shoulder.

    The absolute fear in Amon’s eye with this one little action was something Etrama did enjoy seeing, but he didn’t show this emotion at all. He didn’t want to have them think he was going to do anything to the young man. Besides, he didn’t want this young man to become what he did because of hate and fear. “Don’t let fear and hatred rule you. If you let those emotions fester and grow you will become like me.” He said with a kind smile as he released his shoulder, and turned his back to him. Etrama didn’t expect to be forgiven for his actions from Amon, or the Phoenix.

    Walking past Samael he could tell he was worried about what could happen to him, and he could understand his worry. Even he knew so many thing are worse than death, but he didn’t care as long as he could stay with Samael. Approaching Kyori he looked the young dragon in the eyes. “I would like to know one thing before we continue. Why did you save me? After what I have done to all of you?” Etrama asked as he looked into his eyes. He wanted to know why he brought him back.

    Ryan didn’t know what to say when Joshua presented the ring to him. He blinked a few times and reached out slowly to grab the box. “Oh my goodness,” Ryan said with a smile, “I love you,” Ryan added wrapping his arms around Joshua’s neck.

    When Etrama approached Kyori his eyes fell upon Etrama and he looked at him with a sigh after hearing his question.

    “You should know why Etrama,” Kyori said as he nodded in Samael’s direction. “Love is all you need Etrama.” Kyori sighed and took a step forward, placing a soft hand on Etrama’s shoulder. “I must admit I had my doubts, but I have done dark things in my past and I know it is possible to change.”

    Josh smiled at Ryan as he said that he loved him, and wrapped his arms around his neck. “I love you too.” Josh said as he wrapped his arms around his waist. “We will be together forever.” He said as he kissed Ryan once more. He was glad that he accepted his proposal. Even though it was not the most traditional of ways.

    Etrama followed Kyori’s gaze and saw that Samael was at the end of his gaze. He smiled at his love, as the young dragon placed a hand on his shoulder in a reassuring motion. Returning his gaze to Kyori he shook his head in disagreement. “Your sins are few young one. I have done things much worse than you have. Love may have found me, but I have had centuries of destroying people's lives.” Etrama said as he closed his eyes. “I enjoyed every moment of what I did to people. To make them suffer like I did. To make them feel the pain I had felt to lose my loved ones.” Etrama said in a serious tone as he kept his eyes closed.

    “Everyone deserves forgiveness Etrama. Are you strong in your conviction? Are you strong in your love for Samael? No matter what happens after judgement, you have to push on, not only for yourself, but for him. Are you ready?”

    Etrama could hear his words, but doubted even the great God of Creation Erobus would so forgiving of his actions. Granted at the time he was influenced by his negative emotions, but still he made his choice. Still keeping his eyes shut he contemplated everything that could possibly happen to him once this was over. So many different scenarios ran through his head. He knew the punishment would be severe, but what would it be? That was a question he couldn’t answer. Then he felt a hand on his shoulder, and opened his eyes to see Aeterna was now in front of him. Having a confused look on his face he looked into the blue eyes of the shadow Phoenix.

    Aeterna knew he was having problems. He didn’t know anything of his past, but he needed to know something. After their eyes met when he put his hand on his shoulder he looked at his with a soft gaze. “Not everything is black and white. No matter how evil the person there is always a reason for their actions. No matter how you look at it that is the truth. I don’t know what happened to you in the past, but look to the future. The love you share with Samael will help you through the rough road ahead, and I am sure that one day you will be able to forgive yourself for what had happened. You can be forgiven for your sins, by the people you have sinned against one day. I hold no animosity towards you. My anger is at myself for getting in that situation. We all have to live with the regret of our decisions. You are no different.” Aeterna said as he removed his hand and returned to standing behind Kyori. He hoped his words would be able to calm his heart.

    Etrama heard both Kyori’s and Aeterna’s words, and knew they both spoke the truth. Giving a slight sigh as the Phoenix released his shoulder and returned to his position behind the Dragon he looked at both of them. Was he truly ready to face the God's judgment? A question that would never truly be answered. He looked to Kyori “No one can ever be truly ready for the punishment of their crimes, but I’m as ready as I will ever be. No matter the punishment I will live on for the one that I love. He found me in the darkness of my soul, and I will never let him go.”

    Ocella watched what was happening and kept very close to Amon, hoping to console him and to keep his emotions clear. Etrama spoke to her about trust being a fickle thing and hoped that one day she would be able to prove him wrong. He was stubborn in his convictions and she knew that it would be difficult at best to relay what she herself had experienced with trust. “You will see, one day…” she spoke softly, a small smile on her face. She glanced to her uncle and knew that he was worried, but at the moment there were only two people in the entire world that she wanted to be near. One of them was in her arms, wrapped in a loving embrace, and the other one was preparing to cast judgement against the man before them. “Be true to who you are Etrama. Forgive the past, move on from the memories and forge your future with your loved one,” she said, holding her husband tighter. Those words were not only for Etrama but for his sake as well.

    Even though Etrama stood there with a calm look about his features. Looking as if he was ready for all of this to transpire. The truth was he was not ready for this. Granted he needed to be tried for his crimes, but deep down he knew that the consequences of his actions were going to be severe. Only one punishment kept running through his head. If the God of creation took his sight. To never again to be able to see the one he loved was something that he didn’t know if he would be able to deal with. He turned his head once more studding Samael’s face. If it was to be his last time seeing him. He wanted to mesmerize every inch of his face and features. Granted he had no idea if this would be his punishment or not, but he didn’t want to take the chance. Once he was done he looked back at Kyori and nodded his head as he closed his eyes. He wanted to get this over with as soon as possible.

    Amon was still shaking even with Etrama moving away from him. The Wraiths works didn’t fall on deaf ears, but still it was hard for him to accept the fact that he suffered under this man. Yet he didn’t want to harbor any resentment for the Wraith. Then suddenly Ocella wrapped her arms around him, and his shaking ceased. He needed to let go of the past. To free himself and the two that assaulted him from their burdens. He looked to Ocella and smiled at her. “Thank You my love.” He said as he placed his hands on top of his wife's. He wanted to know what happened to Etrama to turn him into what he had become. Maybe they would be able to sit down and have a conversation on the matter. Though he wouldn’t be alone. He still couldn't face the man alone just yet. The wounds were still too fresh in his mind for that. For now he watched as he knew that his judgment was soon approaching.

    Kyori watched Etrama and when it was time, he extended the staff as their surroundings grew quiet. His eyes lit up with power and his form seemed to shimmer slightly before he spoke.

    “Divine Law: Judgement,” he said raising his staff the same way he had done with Subore. The pentagram appeared beneath Etrama. “Pendulum, give your verdict.” The pendulum swung but landed over guilty as the judgement. Kyori’s eyes landed on Etrama and nodded.

    “Your punishment is mortality. You will live the rest of your days as a mortal. No more will you have access to the mystical powers you once had. This is your punishment. I am sorry,” Kyori said as he watched Etrama’s powers strip from him and absorb into the pentagram beneath him. When it was over, the pentagram vanished and Kyori collapsed from exhaustion. Etrama was now normal, now mortal, everything would seem different to him, but Samael did not care, he was still the man he loved. He scurried over to him and embraced him.

    “My love, how do you feel?”

    Ocella continued to hold Amon while Etrama’s judgement commenced. She held Amon close, relishing in the mere fact that they could enjoy at least a few moments together, that they had time to rest and to enjoy their marriage.

    When the verdict had been given Ocella looked to Kyori with worry, leaving Amon’s side in an instant and rushing over to her brother. She knew that he had spent much of his energy reviving Etrama and wanted to help him recover what he could. “Hold still, rest for a moment,” she told him firmly, placing a caring hand on his shoulder as light poured from within her and into him. He would feel pulsations of energy course through him, reviving that which she was able to. When she had nothing more to give she dropped to her knees and took in a shaky breath. “Kyori,” she breathed, a sad smile on her face.

    “We can finally get a full night’s sleep,” she said with a wink and a chuckle.

    Watching as his love started the Judgment he was in aw about the magicity about it, but at the same time he knew this was taking every ounce of strength his love had to perform. He could see the strain it was putting Kyori under, and there was nothing Aeterna could do about it. When the judgment was passed and Etrama’s sentence passed Aeterna felt sorry for the man. Granted he had committed many crimes against people, but to lose everything because of that seemed a little harsh. Aeterna didn’t hold anything against him for this was a war, and he may have pushed the line, but he was stupid enough to have been caught. What happened was a result of his stupidity, and that was that.

    Once the Kyori finished and he collapsed to the ground Aeterna wanted to run to him and be by his side, but it seemed his sister had the same idea. As Ocella was healing Kyori he looked around to see that they are were tired, and needed a good night sleep after these events. He didn;t know what the future might hold for them, but they will be the guardians of this world for a long time. This body was his own, and who knew how long that would last, but he would spend as much time with the one he loves as possible, and the family that he now had. So many prospects for the future, and that put a smile on his face. He walked over to where Kyori and Ocella were at, and knelt down behind his love wrapping his arms around him. “This fight is over at last. Now we can have the wedding we wanted.” He said laying his head on Kyori’s shoulder as he closed his eyes. He relaxed and knew this moment wouldn’t last long, but he would enjoy it nonetheless. There was a lot of rebuilding to do, and they had more responsibilities now. However, he knew that no matter what they would be able to be together.

    Amon watched as the judgment began, and reached his hand to hold Ocella’s that was wrapped around him. All of the anger and fear in him was slowly disappearing with each second the judgment too place. He really wanted to just continue hating Etrama, but something he said kept nagging at his mind. It seemed Anger, hatred, and fear turned that man into what he was, and Amon didn’t want to end up like that. He wanted to be free of what happened to him, he wanted to forget, but that was not a luxury that he would be allotted. Though he knew that with time all wounds would heal, and having the support he did from the woman he loved was all the strength he would need to conquer this demon that was threatening to consume him. “ I love you Ocella. With all of my heart and soul. No matter what happens we will work through it.” Amon said as the judgment had been cast, and the sentence read.

    Amon didn’t feel sorry for Etrama in him losing his power. Maybe this experience will give him an insight into what he put people to have no power through. How helpless they felt under his foot. Though at the same time he knew that this punishment was more that what was necessary. He did what he did because someone changed him, and that was something to take into consideration. Though he knew there were fates worse that what he had received, and now the Wraith will be able to make amends for everything he has done. Ocella left his side to go and help Kyori, and he just stood there allowing her to go. Her family all of them were important to her, and he would never take that away from her.

    Well he guessed they were his family now. More so than that Ryan his real brother was with them, and now he would be able to finally get to know more about his family, and build a new one with Ocella. His life was no longer a struggle, and as long as the world remains in a state of balance he would never have to worry about her. Though he knew one day he would die leaving her alone in this world. He had faith that she would persevere through his absence. Smiling slightly he walked over to where his love was and two of his new family members. The fight was over, and now they had some time to themselves. “The war is over.We can finally have time with the ones we love.” He said looking down at Ocella and then to the others.

    Josh was wrapped in the arms of the man he loved, and the ring that Master Xion had given him had found its rightful owner. Granted he didn’t propose in the most traditional of senses. However, now that the war was over, and he didn’t lose his love, he figured that Ryan would forgive him for not being traditional. After he though he had lost him, it was all he could do to not kill the God. Even Kyori who was able to stop him from committing that act, and possibly getting himself killed was the only thing that stopped him. His best friend in the world had to stop him from trying something he would have regretted for the rest of his life. He was truly lucky to have a friend like him.

    “After I thought I had lost you my love. My heart broke, and I feared that it would never heal. I felt like I lost part of my soul, and I would have never forgiven myself if it was true. I don’t want to loose you to anything in this world. I know it isn’t much, but I hope that you accept my offer, and become bound to me for time and eternity. Will you give me the honor of marrying you Ryan?” Josh asked now actually saying the words that needed to go along with the ring he just bestowed upon his love. Granted he wasn’t really interested in the judgment of Etrama. He wanted to live in the moment with Ryan, and trusted whatever to happen to happen.

    Etrama Waited for the judgment to begin. He knew what the verdict would be since he has committed many atrocities in the name of revenge against the people that condemned his race to extinction. He knew his punishment would be severe, and what it would be was something he would have to live with. As Kyori raised his staff, and the golden pentagram appeared beneath him, and the pendulum above him he just looked into Kyori’s eyes. He could see the power he had, but at the same time he could tell this was taking his toll on him. He was grateful to him for bringing him back to be with Samael the man who gave him light once more. Once the verdict was given he waited to hear his sentence.

    His eyes went wide as his punishment was read off, and the pentagram beneath him started to glow. HIs power was being ripped from him, and it felt like his body was going to break. He was gritting his teeth, and keeping himself from screaming. He had never felt pain like this before, but he wouldn’t give into it. He didn’t want to make Samael worry about him. He suffered through his power being drained, and once everything about him disappeared he fell to the ground as the punishment for his crimes was finally over. He was breathing hard and his body shook.

    He could no longer feel the magical energies around him, nor the souls that reside inside of the people around him. His power was gone, and now his race was completely wiped off of the face of the earth. This must make ‘Them’ happy since he was no longer amongst the people sentenced to live in the void after their death. He lifted himself up on shaky arms as Samael approached him. His love wrapped his arms around Etrama and a smile formed on his face. He raised his shaky arms and placed his hands on his loves back. “I will be fine. I am no longer bound to my hatred, and am free. We can now be together in this life, and if the Gods are willing we will find one another in the next.” Etrama said as he closed his eyes, and fell into Samael’s shoulder. Passed out from the pain he had experienced, and the fact of just being brought back to life.

    When Kyori passed out, the staff vanished and his form returned to normal. He was shirtless, and his pants were ripped from the fight with Subore. His breathing was shallow, but when Ocella came to his side and poured as much energy as she could into him. He was thankful, but he had expanded too much energy. Aeterna was by his side and it felt good, but he still felt extremely weak. His duties were done, but he knew his work was never done. He sat up slowly and observed everything around him. This was his family now. He knew he had made Chiatzu proud.

    Ryan could only embrace Joshua and kiss him lovingly as he proposed to him. It was unexpected, but he was so very thankful for someone to reciprocate the love he showed. It was hard for him to love, but it came easy with Joshua. Auro was the only other man he loved, but that was because the man was like a father to him. How he missed him, and yet he knew he was proud. Samael helped Etrama to his feet knowing that the experience had stripped him of energy and he would need rest to recharge.

    “Warriors of Light, for now the universe is safe, but be ever vigilant in your duties. Etrama, let us take our leave. Thank you so much for what you have done, all of you, peace now shrouds the universe.”

    Samael and Etrama vanished soon after.


    The universe was at peace, and had been for two years since the battle with Subore. Everyone had gone about their lives fulfilling the roles set before them. Kyori performed his job well as a reaper of lost souls, and whenever he got the chance he spent it with Aeterna and his family. It was a Friday afternoon, and he had just sent a beautiful young spirit to the afterlife. He looked up at the sky with a soft smile on his face. It had taken them nearly a year to clean up the mess and rebuild, but they had done it and the world was a better place.

    “Such an amazing world,” Kyori said softly as the wind blew through his hair and robes. He looked down at his hand noticing the beautiful sapphire ring. His mind instantly went to Aeterna and he turned to walk the streets of New York, enjoying the breeze.

    Ryan sat in the icy catacombs of the northern mountains. His eyes were closed and his mind was in the spectral planes.

    “Two years it has been Ryan,” a familiar voice rang out causing Ryan to smile in his spectral form.

    “Auro, how I miss you,” Ryan said as Auro stood with a smile on his face.

    “My son, how are you and your brother?”

    “Life goes on and we have found peace in each other,” Ryan said, “though I wish you would’ve been there for my wedding.”

    “As do I, but you’ve made me proud at every turn.”

    Ryan smiled and Auro nodded as he looked upon Ryan.

    “My time is short Ryan, but know that I am proud of you all, be at peace my son.”

    Auro’s form vanished and Ryan’s eyes opened in the real world. He took in the icy catacombs and slowly stood to his feet. “Joshua,” he spoke softly looking at the ring on his finger.

    In that moment, another scream rang throughout the room. Sun filtered in through the curtains and sweat was pouring down her face, despite the air conditioning being as low as the facility would allow. Ocella’s hand clung to the bedrail while her other was clenched in a shaky fist.

    It had been two years since the battle to save the world, two years of peace and harmony.
    Special thanks to Poison Ivy for the awesome sig and avy set.
    Spoiler: The Return of a Story You May Want to Join!! 
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    She and Amon had been allowed to continue their lives together, to grow closer and now they were in the midst of starting a family together. Ocella had tears on her face as her breaths came in short, rapid sessions.

    ‘Kyori,’ she begged for her friend. She hadn’t seen him in some time and wondered how he and Aeterna were fairing. ‘Kyori please. Take me now,’ she begged him mentally. She had experienced much pain over the last twenty years of her life, particularly the last two since she had discovered her Mystic abilities, but this… this was far worse than she had ever experienced. She let out another scream and glared at Amon. She’d carried their child for ten months, a month more than she should have and they suspected it was a result of their lineages. She’d been in labor that entire day with little signs of progress and was beginning to lose focus on what was happening. ‘Kyori… I can’t take it anymore. Please,’ she begged him mentally, giving no indication to Amon that she was begging for death as she let out yet another scream.

    The familiar voice continued to strike his mind over and over again. No one but Ocella called for him so regularly, though she had gone silent for about ten months and he hadn’t seen her for that amount of time. Now out of the blue she was calling to him and he sighed. Vanishing and reappearing before her in his reaper form.

    “Who is it who has requested my presence?” He said his voice distorted as he hovered over to Ocella. “You seek death dear child?”

    For whatever reason, Ocella hadn’t been expecting for him to arrive in his reaper form. The air became thicker immediately and she found it difficult to breathe in her already weakened state. “I just… want… the pain to… end…” she panted between breaths as sweat rolled down her face. She closed her eyes and shook her head. “So serious Kyori. Besides, I'm sure you've had plenty of mothers to be begging for death. What can I do just shy of killing over right now?”

    Kyori smiled as best he could in his reaper form and quickly transformed back into his normal form looking at Ocella with worried eyes.

    “So this explains why I haven’t seen you in ten months,” he began looking over her frail form. She was weak because of the labor. He sighed knowing that he could help but it could endanger her unborn child. “There’s nothing I can do unless you want to harm your baby. This you have to fight through, but I can provide you with some energy.”

    He grabbed her hand that was balled into a fist and released a bit of energy in small waves so as not to harm her child.

    Kyori said that there was nothing he could do and she looked at him with fear in her eyes. “I’m… so… scared,” she breathed, biting her bottom lip as she looked from him to Amon and back again. “It feels like… I’m going to… die,” she said, her voice soft and barely audible. Kyori gave her short boosts of energy and they helped her cleared her mind. “Don’t… don’t let us...die,” she begged him, looking to Amon with worry. As much as she wanted the pain to end, she wanted Amon to experience his family to the fullest and she wanted to experience it with him.

    A crisp breeze blew through the trees and ruffled the hair of the young man that was sitting in the center of a forest listening to all the wonders of the forest. Josh had enjoyed doing such things at least once a day for the last two years. There were so many wondrous sounds to hear with his own ears. He also lked to keep out of big cities since he can hear souls he found that he didn’t like hearing them cry when they were killed. Giving a sight he opened his eyes and looked around the forest. Smiling as he saw a doe grazing not too far from him. Nature may not have been his power, but he loved it nonetheless. Trying not to disturb the deer he stood up and left the area while she ate.

    Walking back to the home he and Ryan shared he knew that Ryan was not there. He usually left before dawn on most days. Which was fine with him. They didn’t put leashes on one another, they had a home together and that is the only thing that mattered to him. Looking down at the ring on his hand a small smile crossed his lips.

    Once the trees parted a beautiful house came into view with a several kinds of gardens surrounding it. He had always had a green thumb, and it showed in the varieties of plants that were growing. He planted them all for Ryan. He began tending to the garden continuing his morning routine.

    Amongst the luminescent trees of the garden of Lucis Aeternae Aeterna had prepared a picnic lunch for him and Kyori. They spent as much time together as they possibly could, and today he asked his love to meet him in the garden. It took him a while to convince the Phoenix council to allow Kyori access to the garden. They did relent with time. He was going to surprise him with a lunch, as well as a gift.

    Since it was their anniversary. It took time but they were finally able to arrange their wedding once they were able to finish cleaning up the mess that was left from the war. It has been one year to the day, and there was nothing in the world that would stop him from at least suppressing Kyori. Now if fate would give them the time to be together was another story.

    As the time ticked by the promised time passed, and Aeterna was sad, but in the end his love's work was never done. He was lucky enough to get the day off, so he would sit and wait here till Kyori was able to come.

    Amon was standing next to Ocella as she continued to go through labor. This was their first child together, and there were a couple of bumps in the road, but he was there for all of them. Now the biggest hurdle was upon them, and it was taking far longer than even the doctors thought it would take, and Ocella was in a lot of pain. He was doing everything within his power to help her, but all he could do was just be there for her, and try not to worry. There was a twinge of concern in his thoughts that he might lose his wife in this endeavor, and he didn’t want that to happen. Yes he wanted a family, but his life would be incomplete if he lost her. He also hasn't had time to tell anyone that they were at the hospital, about to have a baby.

    Unbeknownst to him Ocella had been contacting Kyori, and when he appeared in his death from, fear struck him. However then Kyori turned into his normal form, and they spoke. Even though his fear was evident, he tried to hide it and show some confidence. “I am sure that you will be okay my dear.” Amon said as he bent over and kissed her on the forehead as he placed his hand over hers. “You will be fine. Just keep fighting.” Amon said as he knew the fear Ocella was feeling, and he hoped that he would be able to alleviate those fears. Even though those same fears plagued his mind as well. He wanted to ask Kyori if he knew if Ocella or his unborn child was going to die, but he couldn’t work up to nerve to ask. He didn’t want to loose his family again.

    Etrama awoke next to Samael about an hour before the sun rose. He looked at the man he loved with all of his heart with a smile on his face. He never thought that he would be able to live his life like this, Happy and with someone he wanted to spend his whole life with. Granted he didn’t know how long his life in this world would be, but he would enjoy every moment. Not wanting to wake Samel up he gently got out of the bed, and silently got dressed in some loose black pants and a loose light blue shirt.

    Making his way silently through the house, he went to the front door, and unlocked it. Leaving Samael to finish his sleeping he left the house, and locked the door behind him. Their home was in the middle of a forest, that had a stream not far from them. Etrama made his way to the water. Once he reached the water he sat on a boulder that was at the edge of the water, and closed his eyes. Listening to the sounds of the forest as the sun started to rise giving birth to a new day.

    It had been two years since he had lost his power, and him and Samael began their life together, but even though he was happy with his life he still missed the fact of being able to converse with the dead. He didn’t want to admit it but it was hard to live without the ability to do almost anything on his own. Granted the knowledge he has gained over the years was enough to make it where he could do many things, but he had to rely on Samael to do so much that he was not able to do any more. Shaking his head he opened his eyes. Even with all that his life wasn’t that bad. He just missed his independence.

    Etrama looked down at the ruby ring that was on his finger with a smile. Theses last two years were that happiest days he has had since his clan was killed. He wished this would go on forever, but he knew better than that. Especially since he was keeping a secret from Samael.

    Kyori stayed with Ocella knowing she was in intense pain. Then he heard Amon’s thoughts. It was something he hated, a gift he wished he didn’t have. Still when the inner voices came it was hard to block them out. He didn’t look at Amon, he didn’t stop sending small amounts of energy into Ocella to keep her from passing out and endangering her baby. In the astral plane, he and Amon would appear, it would be like an out of body experience for Amon. Their physical bodies would be present in the real world, but their astral bodies would be able to communicate.

    “I know what it is you’re thinking Amon. Death has no restraint on who it claims nor when. I can assure you, I have not come for Ocella nor your unborn child.”

    Kyori was withholding something from Amon and yet he forced a soft smile as he placed an astral hand on Amon’s shoulder. “You will be a great father.”

    Each time Ocella felt as if she would pass out, Kyori was there, sending her bits of energy. She was terrified, she felt more weak than she had ever felt in her life and the pain was worse than when her wings had been ripped off. Subore’s power had nothing on child birth.

    Ocella stayed in the bed, covered in sweat as the occasional tear rolled down her cheek. “I think it’s coming. The baby is COMING!” she screamed in agony and her head lolled to the side as medical staff came running in. Due to her length of pregnancy and intensity of the labor, she had been placed as a high-risk patient and they had rushed in when she announced that it was finally time.

    “D...don’t… let us… die…” Ocella begged Kyori, looking from her best friend to her husband, worry on her face.

    “You’re not going to die,” Kyori spoke as he continued to hold her hand even though she had screamed that the baby was coming. He closed his eyes and sighed.

    Samael awoke, stretching his arms as he sat up in bed and realized that Etrama was not there. He figured he must’ve been in the garden and decided it best to simply start on breakfast for them. His niece was in the hospital the last his informant told him, so he was expecting news of a birth at any moment and he would happily check on her, but first he needed to make sure Etrama was okay. Even though Etrama didn’t say anything, Samael felt that losing his powers had taken a psychological toll on him and he hoped that Etrama didn’t feel like a burden to him. As he put a pot of tea on, he began preparing the rest of breakfast before walking out of the house.

    “A ruby for your thoughts my love?” Samael asked as he pulled the robe around him tighter and smiled at Etrama who was sitting on a boulder next to the water. The wind ripped through his hair blowing it angelically.

    Ryan appeared behind Joshua as he was going about his morning routine and tackled him to the ground. He playfully kissed him all over before smiling and relaxing his grip. “Good morning babe,” Ryan said. It was true, Joshua had brought so much joy to his life and he wouldn’t have changed it for anything.

    Amon was not expecting Kyori to take him to the astral plane, and speak with him. Though the words he spoke were comforting, he did wonder why Kyori didn’t seem himself. But he just let that slide. He deals in death so he can't blame him for acting a little different that he used to. “Thank you Kyori. I appreciate the vote of confidence, and your word that you aren't here for Ocella, and or my child.” Amon said with a smile. He was still worried, but at least now he didn’t have to worry about losing his family.

    Then when Ocella said the baby was coming he returned to his body and looked down at his wife. “You can do this Ocella. Trust in Kyori’s words.” He said as he bent down to kiss his wife on the forehead once more. He wanted so badly for this to be over, and for them to finally see the face of their child. As the medical staff ran in, and the delivery began he pried Ocella’s hand for the bar, and held it in his hand. He wouldn’t let her suffer through this alone. “I love you. Now push!” Amon said as she squeezed his hand. Soon he hoped these ten long months would be over and Ocella would be able to rest.

    Josh was not expecting what happened and he almost reacted out of instinct until he saw that it was Ryan that had tackled him to the ground. Kissing him all over. A smile formed on his face as he looked his love in the eyes. “Good morning lover.” Josh said in reply as he took his hand and placed it on the back of Ryan’s head bringing him in for a long deep passionate kiss. Freeing Ryan from his kiss he smiled once more. “So what have you been up to this morning?” He questioned as he played with his loves hair. Cloud nine was an understatement when it came to how he has felt for the last two years, and he didn’t want anything to disturb his new life. He wanted this peace to last for an eternity, so he would never have to chance losing Ryan ever again.

    Etrama was still sitting on the stone as the day continued on. Then he heard the angelic sound of his love's voice, and he turned to see the angel standing in a robe his golden hair moving with the breeze. He smiled at Samael as he stepped off of the rock, and walked over to his love giving him a good morning kiss. He really didn't want to tell Samael what he was thinking about, but he wouldn’t lie either. Not to him.

    “Just thinking of the past and the present.” Etrama said not telling the truth but lying either. He didn’t want to burden Samael with his problems. He has been happy these last two years, and he didn’t want to say anything that might cause Samael to worry about him. He loved him too much to place that burden on him.

    Ocella could see it in his eyes, something was wrong. “What’s wrong?” she asked, a look of panic on her face. He said that she wasn’t going to die but he said nothing about their child. “What about our child?” she dared to ask, fear written on her face. They had chosen not to find the gender of their baby and had opted to be surprised instead. They had spent the past ten months preparing for the baby, spending every moment setting up a nursery in the Amazonian base for the baby. It had been some time since anyone of that age had been in those walls and they had wanted to make sure it was perfect.

    Amon spoke, prying her hand from the bar and holding it while Kyori held her other hand. Ocella’s face twisted in pain as she held in her breath and pushed as hard as she could. One of the nurses announced that she could see hair, giving her the courage to continue. She released her breath and gathered her strength, taking in yet another long breath as she pushed harder. The pain was incredible and she was staring up at the ceiling when she felt the baby leave her. “She’s here,” the doctor announced, and Ocella smiled widely, looking to Amon.

    “We have a baby girl,” she said, drawing in short, irregular breaths as her upper body trembled. She looked down at the doctor’s face and saw that something was wrong, then she immediately noticed that something was wrong with their child. She had a slightly blue tinge to her and at first she hoped it was from her demonic heritage, but the doctor took her away at once.

    “Kyori?” she asked, looking at the staff in panic as she tried, but failed, to sit up. “What’s happening?!” she shrieked, looking at Kyori in fear as her chest began to rise and fall rapidly.

    “Not our baby. Not our baby girl,” she pleaded, closing her eyes as hysterics began to set in. “Please. Please, please, please,” she begged the higher beings, tears in her eyes. “Please not now. Please,” she begged, refusing to look at Kyori for fear that he may change to death for their child. “NOT MY BABY GIRL!” Ocella shouted, sobbing hysterically now as she struggled to breathe and to calm herself.

    “DON’T TAKE OUR CHILD!” she begged the higher beings as her hysterics only escalated. She hadn’t even gotten to hold the child she had carried for ten months, the child that she sang to, read books to, taught nature to- the child that she had done everything for. “Take me. Take me instead. If one of us must die today, take me instead,” she begged, her eyes still closed as tears fell freely down her face. “Not her. Give her my health, give her my strength. Don’t take her. Please.”

    When she finally pushed and the nurse announced the gender of the baby, Kyori sighed and released Ocella’s hand. In that moment he had shifted into his Reaper form and had vanished. The nurse had taken the baby away, there was something wrong and Ocella was hysterical. Kyori appeared before the nurse, startling her and causing her to tremble. The fear she exuded entered his nostrils and caused his eyes to blaze as he reached out for the baby girl. The nurse, with trembling hands, backed away while holding the small child, but Kyori remained unmoved as he continued to hold out his hands for the baby. Finally the woman slowly extended the baby out to him and placed it in his waiting arms. He pulled the girl close and looked down at her. She was gasping for air and near death. He vanished with the baby in his arms and appeared back in the room with Ocella and Amon.

    The Reaper looked down at Ocella and looked at Amon.

    “Do you wish to save her? Do you wish for her to live?”

    Amon just helped as much as he could as Ocella pushed, and the baby came out. Then the doctor said it was a girl, and a smile formed on Amon's face. He was a father. He looked down at his wife as he squeezes her hand. Then suddenly everything went wrong.

    He didn't hear any screaming and he faced the Dr as he handed off his baby girl. She was blue and unmoving. He drove in place as all or the color ran from his face, and he didn't move or anything. He was in shock as Ocella was screaming for the gods not to take their child. All he could do was stand there as stare as they took his child out of the room. Tears falling from his eyes, as he didn't know what to do.

    When Kyori reappeared in the room with his daughter in hand he was in his reaper form. This was the only thing that broke him out of his trance. He asked if they wanted their child to live? That was a stupid question, he would do anything to make sure his daughter lived. Even give up his own life. “Yes!” Was the only thing he said.

    Ocella watched in despair as Kyori shifted into his reaper form. She closed her eyes and looked away, pain filling her heart as she asked the Gods why in her head. Why her baby, why then? Why were they so cruel after all she and her family had been through? Couldn’t they let her raise her own family after everything that had happened to her?

    Kyori left the room and had gone after her daughter. Ocella struggled to move but she was still weak from the labor. She couldn’t do any more than come to a sitting position. “DON’T TAKE OUR CHILD!” she shouted again, screaming out in agony as she sobbed. Kyori came back to the room with her baby in his arms and she had tears rolling down her cheeks. She was gasping for air and Ocella felt helpless. There was no screaming, no squirming and the only movements were that of a fish out of water.

    Kyori asked if they wanted to save their baby and Ocella stared at him with a stunned expression on her face. “Please. I’ll do anything to save her, to let her live,” Ocella begged, trying to hold it together as best as she could.

    “You have proven yourselves time and time again, and this time is no different. Your child is suffering from a rare disease, her lungs will not inflate to allow her to breathe,” Kyori said as he looked upon the expecting family wanting to save their daughter. “I shall save her, I shall give her a part of my soul to save your child.”

    Kyori placed the unmoving child in Ocella’s arms and placed his hand upon her forehead. There was an odd smoke that filled the area and Kyori’s eyes shimmered as power pooled to his hand and entered the child. Kyori removed his hand and there was a sudden cry that filled the ears of those present. The Doctor and nurses rushed into the room having heard about the mysterious man snatching the unresponsive child. What he saw he didn’t believe and the baby girl cried and cried. Kyori looked into Ocella’s eyes and smiled shifting back into his form.

    “It is against the laws, but for you I will endure any punishment to make sure you and Amon have a chance at true happiness. You have my word, she will always be protected.”

    He placed a soft hand onto Ocella’s forehead and provided her with the remaining energy he had before stumbling back a bit. Snatching a piece of his soul drained him, and yet he managed to take a seat. It was at this moment that he remembered the commitment he had made with Aeterna and he mentally cursed.

    “I am sorry Ocella, I must take my leave.” With those words he was gone only to appear before Aeterna and collapse onto the ground.

    Amon could only listen and watch as Kyori worked his magic, but at the same time he broke the law to help them. How in the world would they ever be able to repay him for his kindness. Amon didn’t know what he risked to help them. He didn’t know what to say his baby girl screamed, and now she was back. A new set of tears fell from his face, but now they were tears of happiness. “Kyori. How can we ever repay you?” Amon asked as he gave energy to his wife. Touching his baby forehead he smiled. Then Kyori then disappeared saying that he needed to leave. “Ocela. What do you think is going to happen to Kyori Darling?”

    Aeterna was looking around as he waited for Kyori to come. A doe and her fawn came up to him laying their heads on his lap. He waited and waited. Placing his and n their heads he gave an audible sigh as he pet their heads. He knew that Kyori was busy and all he could do was wait. After a while the deer left, and he was alone again, but he didn’t mind waiting. He loved Kyori and he would wait for eternity if he needed to to.

    He looked to the gift he had for Kyori, and smiled as he waited of him to arrive hours past and he just waited. Then he felt a shift in the energy around him and Kyori appeared, then passed out for some reason. Aeterna scrambled over to him, and picked him up laying his head on his lap. “My love what happened?” He questioned as he looked at his weakened lover. He touched his forehead slightly as he waited for an answer.

    When Kyori spoke, her heart felt as if it would crumble into oblivion. “Please no,” she begged, seeing her child turn bluer by the minute. He placed her baby in her arms and Ocella held her close, a tear falling on her baby’s cheek. Kyori said that he would save her baby and she looked at him with a stunned look on her face, knowing what that meant. “Kyori…” she breathed, looking at him with worry. How could she ever repay him? She watched in awe as he placed a hand on their baby’s forehead and gave her a portion of his soul, and suddenly crying could be heard from her lips. Her color was returning and she was rapidly regaining her health, and Ocella was trembling as she held the squirming child in her arms.

    “Kyori,” she breathed as he gave her strength as well. She smiled a teary eyed smile at him when he stumbled, making his way to a chair. She was worried about him and prayed to the Gods not to punish him, but they themselves had wanted to take her baby from her and was beginning to doubt what good prayers did anymore. The only one who had ever listened had been her uncle when he was still evil, but now Kyori had stepped in at his own risk.

    He promised to always protect her baby and she nodded at him. “Thank you,” she said earnestly as Kyori informed them he would have to leave. “I’ll contact you in a few days,” she promised, looking to Amon when Kyori left.

    She held the squirming baby in her arms and couldn’t believe the miracle that she had just witnessed. That she was holding. That had been allowed to live. Ocella was grateful for Kyori and only prayed with all her heart that he wouldn’t be punished.

    She sighed, wondering if they had listened to her prayers by allowing Kyori to heal her baby. “I wonder if they let him heal her,” she said, looking to Amon curiously.

    Kyori smiled up at Aeterna and sighed. He had gone against the rules just as his mentor had before him. Dorian had gone against the rules and they had taken him, put him in a place they could not reach, but Kyori and the others would hear his voice from time to time, still it didn’t replace the physical manifestation. One day he hoped to see him again, maybe then the gods would be lenient and grant his request, but for now he had done what was necessary to help his sister and his friend. They deserved happiness and he had the power to give it to them.

    “I broke the rules,” Kyori said softly, “Ocella’s baby was stillborn, but I gave her a chance at life, I gave her a piece of my soul.”

    Kyori sighed and sat up slowly.

    Samael smiled at Etrama knowing his was still having trouble adjusting, but he hoped that if something was bothering him, he would tell him the truth.

    “Are you ready? Our journey starts soon,” Samael said softly as he turned to return back to the house.

    Ryan smiled up into the eyes of his lover, his fiance. He moved a strand of hair from Joshua’s face and kissed his jawline. “I used my only chance to speak with Auro just to check on him. He wishes he could be here to see all the beauty the world holds. I miss him dearly,” Ryan admitted before sighing and sitting up slightly. “You’re my light Joshua, and I hope to always be there to receive the love you have. Come on, our trip awaits.”

    Aeterna looked at Kyori with a slightly worried look on his face when he mention need breaking the rules, but if it was for their family then it was worth it. “Don't worry about it my love. I am sure that the Gods understand why you did what you did. They both deserve to live a happy life.” Aeterna said as Kyori got up and looked at him. Grabbing the gift from behind him holding it as he spoke.

    “I love you Kyori.” Aeterna said as he held out the gift for Kyori to take. “Happy anniversary, my love.” Aeterna said with a smile on his face. He would never forget this day, and even if Kyori forgot he never would. Their journey has only begun, and nothing will keep them apart. He waited for Kyori to open the gift. It was a bracelet made from his own feathers.

    Josh smiled at Ryan as he spoke of his father. “I am sure that Auro wishes he could be here as well. To be with you and your brother. I am sure that he will watch over the both of you as long as you live.” Josh said as he bent down and kissed Ryan passionately. As they would be continuing their life's journey together.

    Etrama smiled at Samael as he knew that he wanted to know what was bothering him. Though, there was no way that Etrama would be able to reveal what was happening to him. He didn’t want to put him through worrying about him. He would find a way for him to live as long as he could to be by his loves side. However, he still had a choice to make, but he still had time before he would be too sick to be a burden.

    “We will walk this road together.” Etrama said as his love turned to walk away from him. Etrama coughed hard a couple of times. Bringing his hand up to his mouth, as he pulled it away there was blood on his hand. He looked at the blood with a worried look on his face, but he rubbed his hands together, removing the blood. Sliding off the rock, he went to follow Samael. He would live what little life he had left with the man he loved, and try to find a cure to his illness.

    A lone figure stepped onto the beautiful lush field. One would have never guessed that this was the place Subore lost to the warriors known as the Mystics. Still, with a prideful stride, the being stepped across the field of lush grass until it stopped. Bending down, it’s long ghostly fingers plucked an item from the ground, raising it to its hooded face.

    “Excellent,” it said, the sheer sound of its voice causing the wind to blow. “You shall rise again, as will all who have fallen.”

    Turning, the dark being moved swiftly towards the portal it had stepped through. When one head is removed, another grows in its place.

    THE END!
    Special thanks to Poison Ivy for the awesome sig and avy set.
    Spoiler: The Return of a Story You May Want to Join!! 
    Follow me on Twitter JP_Yolance *Follow me on TikTok Divine Divia JP
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