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Thread: Midnight Club for Vampires {IC}{M}{J'Von & ADN}

  1. #111
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    In the main hall of the mansion building. There were two sides that exchanged gun fire. Hiding behind pillars and continued firing at each other. Some of the men yelled orders and others would ignore and continued shooting. One of Amelia's men was shot in the arm, he took cover quickly and groaned in pain from the UV Bullet. He was grazed. Instead of treating his wound, he removed the empty clip from his weapon and grabbed another from his vest and loaded his weapon. He was about to pull the slide back until he saw Suko coming to the hall quick. She was moving fast as though she was on a mission.

    She moved faster then before and jumped over the stairs that led to the main hall. She had a sword in her hand and once she landed on the other side, she started slicing through her opponents like butter. Each died stabbed and sliced turned into ash. The sword was made from pure silver and apparently costed a lot of money to create it.

    After clearing out Creighton's goons she stopped and sniffed the air several times. She followed Laurel's scent that led towards another staircase. She moved once again with quick haste. The men that were behind recovered quickly and dealt with another wave that was the reinforcements.

    She reached to the top and noticed a door. She rushed towards it and kicks the door open, shattering the wooden doors apart. She stopped and looked around and noticed Laurel and Creighton were not wearing any kind of clothing. It did not take long for she knew what happened. The view of this only made her angry and clouded her judgement. "I am gonna rip you apart Creighton." She growled and walked slowly towards him.

    He chuckled and smiled with a large grin. "You can try." He said with a devilish smile.

    She swings her sword very quick. Creighton did not see it coming. There was a huge slice mark from his stomach up to his chest and across his face. His head leans back like he was slapped in the face. He stood there and slowly stood straight with a smile on his face. The wound started to heal slowly, very slowly. Then he could feel the burn. "Aaaargh!!! What the hell is that?!" He shouted as he looked at the sword and covered his wound.

    "I waited a long time for this." She said. Her attention looked to Laurel and pointed the sword at her. "You got some explaining to do later, but for now...let's just kill this son of bitch." She looked back at Creighton, raised her sword and yelled while charging at him with a full swing.

  2. #112
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    As if the explosion wasn't enough the door to the room splintered open sending wood chips every where. Laurel was sitting on the floor in a bit of a daze. The fog cleared from her mind seeing Suko standing there with a sword in her hand. She attacked at Creighton and Laurel was so in shock at seeing the other woman standing there as the last time she saw her Suko was barely holding onto life. A bit of Creighton's blood splattered onto Laurel's face snapping her out of it. She couldn't let Suko kill Creighton with that sword. His soul would be reborn and twenty years from now they would be back in the same place. She grabbed the knife from the ground and jumped to her feet moving between Suko and Creighton. She held the knife up blocking Suko's attack, “No!” She shouted, the force of Suko's strike pushing her back into Creighton.

    “You are a confusing one aren't you my pet?” Creighton said, having the nerve to reach around and stroke his hand down the front of her chest stopping at the button on his borrowed shirt.

    “You don't know the half of it.” Laurel said, pushing Suko back at first finding she didn't have the strength to. Suko wasn't the frail weak woman she had seen several hours ago. There was a brief battle of strength which it took a moment but Laurel won pushing Suko back. Once she wasn't fighting off a attack she flipped the knife around and stabbed it under her arm left into Creighton's chest. It landed just south of his heart but still a bright light shot out from the wound. Creighton let out an inhuman scream and pulled back covering the wound with his hands though it did little to stop the blood or light.

    “What the fuck kind of witch magic have you done to me?” Creighton hissed, obviously in pain.

    Laurel didn't answer with words because honestly she had no idea what kind of magic it was. She was only doing what the goddess had told her to do. She jumped back onto him and thrust the knife in and out of his chest. The knife plugged into his chest over and over again until the spray of light and blood was blinding. Laurel gave into her blood lust hardly noticing her fangs had descended and her eyes had turned red. She must have hit him at least twenty times before one of the strikes landed on his heart and he exploded into a burst of light. The light lingered for several minutes and Laurel didn't realized Creighton was gone plunging the knife down into the bed over and over again as she was covered in blood and ash.

    Another round of bullets hits my skin. Well, fire away
    Cause today, I won't let the shame sink in. We are bursting through
    the barricades and reaching for the sun.

    We Are Warriors

  3. #113
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    She kept her grip on the sword. When Laurel had stopped her, she had to admit. She felt sudden of being weak. Were the drugs wearing off? She does not know. Instead she allowed herself to be pushed back but still with a scowl face. She waited until what was happening. She was caught surprised of what she did. Killing Creighton.

    She stood there watching her plunging the knife into the bed. After the body had burst into light and ashes. Suko felt her body renewing. She looked at her veins and noticed the darkness had gone. She felt more alive then being dead.

    She hurried over to Laurel and held to her. Holding her in her arms and whispered in her ear. "It's okay, he's gone now." She says soothingly. She reached for the knife in her hand and takes it away. "You've did it." She says again.
    Last edited by MidKnight; 09-01-2020 at 05:38 AM.

  4. #114
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    Lost in her rage she was surprised by a slender pair of arms wrapping around her. She didn't resist the arms being familiar with them along with the smell of her lover. Suko took the knife from her and dropped it away from them on the bed. Laurel leaned back into Suko now lost in the embrace. She turned to look at Suko seeing that she wasn't weak or energized liked she had seen when she burst in. To her Suko looked like an angel. An angel who wasn't furious at her or at least she wasn't showing it. Laurel didn't know where to begin. So much had happened since she had turned. Laurel rested her head on Suko's chest and just let it all out. She started to cry and clutched to Suko, “I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I didn't see any other options. I had to kill him but I couldn't use just any weapon. She said it had to be the knife but I didn't know where it was. I needed time to look. He would never let me wonder around looking for it. I slept with him only to distract him. Please Suko forgive me.” Laurel said, knowing she was rambling and probably not making any sense.

    She pulled back looking at Suko not seeing the other woman react. She leaned and kissed her because she didn't know what else to do. When Suko didn't pull away the she intensified the kiss, losing herself in the kiss. It felt great like it was washing away everything she had done with Creighton. When she closed her it was like nothing had happened with him. How long they sat there kissing she didn't know but she would have stayed like that forever, until she heard someone rush into the room. “Suko, Laurel!” Walker said, standing in the doorway looking at the carnage. Laurel must have been a sight sitting on the bed covered in blood and the sheets soaked in blood. “Creighton?” He asked.

    “Dead.” Laurel said, pulling away from Suko though she didn't want to. She stood up and looked to the bed then to Walker it finally sinking in that she had killed him. Technically she hadn't known Creighton long in this lifetime but if what the goddess had said was true she had been battling him for longer than she could possibly know. She was finally free of him.

    “I think we managed to get all his lackey's though one ore two might have gotten away. I doubt they will be any problem without their leader.” Walker said, still taking in the sight of the room.

    Laurel nodded and looked to Suko then to the knife. She picked it up feeling the handle was hot. She held onto despite the heat. Then she looked down at it realizing the ivory on the handle was now a red color. “We shouldn't leave this here.” Laurel said, handing the blade to Walker, he took it not seeming to feel the heat she did. She looked down at her hands seeing a brand on her palms in the shape of an X. Laurel stared at it a moment then looked back to Suko not wanting to deal with whatever this was. She reached out and took Suko's hand pulling her from the bed and to her feet. She walked then toward the closet and inside of the darkness.

    When they stepped out they were in Suko's bedroom in the lighthouse. Laurel brushed her hand across Suko's cheek and a soft smile was on her face she hadn't lost the other woman. Taking her hand again she walked them to the bathroom. Laurel hadn't been in here before it was huge and had the most luxurious shower she had seen. It had a rainfall shower head that Laurel wanted nothing more than to be until right now. She reached in and turned the water on then unbuttoned the bloody shirt and dropped it to the ground then moved onto removing Suko's clothes. She wanted a shower but she didn't want to be alone. Once they were undressed she pulled Suko into the shower and let the water fall on them. The water felt amazing on her, the best feeling in the world but it wasn't enough she pulled Suko to her and resumed their kissing from earlier.

    Another round of bullets hits my skin. Well, fire away
    Cause today, I won't let the shame sink in. We are bursting through
    the barricades and reaching for the sun.

    We Are Warriors

  5. #115
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    When they arrived back at one of her hideout areas. Suko was a little both surprised and shocked when she entered the closest and found herself in one the luxury rooms. She looked around and back at the closest door. She opened and closed them several times and looked at Laurel. Her love must have figured out how to control her powers and what they were capable of. When she was lead into the shower room, she started to undress herself along with some help. She stood there, kissing her lover in her arms. Thinking about the moment they killed Creighton and free she felt from his grasp. How she was able to move kill him with one weapon and how she explained it. Suko stood there and thought about something. An old legend about Creighton's love history. But it was archived in another country where she couldn't retrieve it.

    While standing there in the shower with Laurel. Suko used her power to control the way the flow of the water and made it slowly twirl around them. She didn't let go, but the power she was using lasted longer then usual. And she remembered the drug was still active in her system. Guess not everything could be taken away.

    When they were done with the shower and a very intense moment. Suko was in the bedroom in a bathrobe and her hair was loose. She was sitting on a chair in front of a mirror brushing down her wet hair. "Fixer is a hell of a drug addiction to try and kick it off but it ain't nothing like humans become addicted to cocaine or anything stronger. I'll be going on edge soon and when I do...I'll be craving for another shot." She sighs and places her arms down. "I can try and kick it off but no vampire have ever been able to remove the addiction."

    She gets up and looked around the room. "What happened with you and Creighton...I can understand and I forgive you." She walked over to the bed and kissed Laurel. "I love you and your my life mate. I'll always love you."

  6. #116
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    After their shower Laurel lay on the bed also wearing a bathroom. Her own hair was wrapped up in a towel as she relaxed on the bed. She watched her lover brush her hair thinking she could watch the other woman all day. A frown crossed her face listening to Suko talk about the addiction of the fixer. She had worked in narcotics long enough to know how much addition could ruin a life. She stood and walked over to Suko still amazed at how quietly she moved. There were many things that would take some time to get used to and it surprised her that it wasn't the big things like drinking blood or killing without remorse that was hard to adapt to. No instead it was the little things like moving without a sound or not needing to breath. She took the brush from Suko and finished stroking it through her hair. Then she set it down and rested on her shoulders. “Those other vampires didn't have me by their side. Suko whatever happens we will face it together.”

    She took Suko's hand and guided her to the bed laying down before pulling Suko with her. She wrapped her hands around Suko holding her from behind brushing her hands through her hair while she pressed kisses to her neck over and over again. “So what do we do now? We are free of that bastard and can do whatever we want.” Laurel said, holding tight to her. The last couple weeks had been a whirlwind feeling much longer than it really was. “Honestly I think I could use a vacation.”

    Another round of bullets hits my skin. Well, fire away
    Cause today, I won't let the shame sink in. We are bursting through
    the barricades and reaching for the sun.

    We Are Warriors

  7. #117
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    She chuckles softly as she reaches for the night stand drawer. Opening it and reaches for a pack of cigarettes with a lighter attached. She moves on the bed to where she is laying on her back and takes one of the cigarettes. Placing the butt on her lip and lights it. She inhales and releases slowly. "After what....I think it's time to show you where I'm from." She smiled and looked at Laurel. She leans forward and kisses her forehead. "I think my old village is still there." She hasn't been home for almost a thousand years or so. She left for her own reasons and thinking about heading back made her nervous. She looked to the window and sees the sun glimpsing over the edge. "Time for some sleep." She says. Reaching for a remote on the night stand and presses a button. The shades slowly descended and blocked out the sun. She continued smoking until she and her lover finally fell asleep.

    Hours ago. In a unknown area. There was a mansion. So big it would take anyone 10 minutes to get in the backyard. Guards at every location and windows covered with tint. And inside so many rooms, a huge clan could live here. Though there was nobody inside. Except a very discreet room. A room filled with Elder Vampires that were millions of years old. Five men and five females. There enjoying their late dinner and meeting together before retiring for the day.

    "Did you feel it?" One Elder asked.

    "Of course I did. You have to be a complete imbecile to not feel it." Another answered.

    "Then one of our own is truly dead. But whom?"

    "Creighton is not among us. But why would he be? He has not shown his face for some time now."

    "Well...he has been absent of late. But he is still consider one of us."

    "After what he did to Marqual. He was more desperate for a seat on the council than anyone of us."

    "He did challenge Marqual to a duel for a seat. And yet Marqual failed to abide by our rules and tradition. Creighton earned his place."

    "Speaking of the devil himself."

    There was a man who entered the room. He stood there and gives a light bow. "Milords. I have a man outside saying he was with Creighton."

    "Allow him in." A Elder woman said.

    The guard turned and escorted the survivor in the room. "Council." He said as he left the man alone.

    "You say you was with Creighton. Where is he?" The woman asked.

    "Dead." He simply said.

    "Well of course, he's a vampire." The council chuckled at the jest. But the man did not laughed and remained silent.

    "Oh....I see. By whom's hand?" She asked.

    "There was a attack on the estate. Some woman named Laurel was there. She did something to Creighton to turn his heart burn with flame. Like they were meant to be together."

    One of the Elders moved in his seat with unease attention and was noticed by another.

    "Something to say?" The woman asked.

    "Creighton did talked about a woman for a very long time. And the way he described it....must have been her."

    "Ah, interesting. I want to meet this woman and hear her story."

    "I concur." One agreed. "Who attacked Creighton's estate?" He asked.

    "A Asian woman. She was followed by a blonde woman and..."

    "A tactical group men." One of the Elders looked around. "Suko, a Club Manager for one of our safe havens. I know who he is talking about."

    "Tell us about her."

    "One of Creightons acolytes. Must have been on her own path instead of following him."

    "Or a mistake by letting her live."

    "Or a survivor."

    "We must have the answers to these inquiries." The woman interrupted and looked at the others. "Find them, send a Emissary and give them a message. We demand their presence. If they wish to defy us. They will be killed."

    One of the Elders nodded his head. He gives a gesture with his hand and a man appeared out of the dark. Black suit, black shoes and black sunglasses. "You have your orders." He said as he passes on a icon identifying who sent him. The man nodded and walked back in the darkness.

    The day passed and the night awoke. Suko moans as she opened her eyes and sees someone sitting in one of the chairs. She quickly reaches for one of the hidden guns and finds nothing.

    "Looking for this?" The man asked with the pistol twirled around his finger. "I want to talk....peacefully." He showed the icon to the two women.
    Last edited by MidKnight; 09-03-2020 at 12:02 AM.

  8. #118
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    “Ever heard of a telephone? Or at least knocking.” Laurel said, sitting up from behind Suko. Both of them were still nude from their activities the night before. Laurel didn't like how whoever this was could get this close to them unseen. Especially since they were on a private island with its own security force. The fact he had made it to the bedroom unseen was even more unnerving. Normally she would have reached for her gun but she didn't feel the need for it, instead she was craving the knife. The room was dark the only light coming from a cigar he was smoking and the bit of moonlight the tint on the windows allow in. Laurel tried not to show surprise when something hard formed in her hand causing the mark on her palm to grow warm. She didn't have to look at it to know she was holding the soul blade. The man said, he only wanted to talk so Laurel kept the knife out of sight for now. Something about him seemed off. Laurel looked at the card which seemed to have a symbol that resembled a cross between a rune and a Asian character. “Just what they hell does that mean?” Laurel asked, the symbol not at all familiar.

    Another round of bullets hits my skin. Well, fire away
    Cause today, I won't let the shame sink in. We are bursting through
    the barricades and reaching for the sun.

    We Are Warriors

  9. #119
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    "The Council of the Western Continent had sent me to find you and to be quite honest it was not that hard. You have a nice security detail here." He looked at Suko then back at Laurel. "I represent on behalf of the Council as both a Emissary and Seeker. They give me a name and face and I track them to no end." He puffed the cigar several times before releasing its fumes. "The Council learned of your traitorous act and demand your presence to answer your crimes." He leans back in his seat. "Or if you choose to defy us. We will send the best hunters to track you down and bring your ashes back." He slowly gets up and places the card on the bed. "Suko know where the Council is located." He looked at Laurel. "You have a nice day." He opened the door and walked out of the room closing the door behind him.

    Suko said nothing. Only looking at the card on the bed. "The Council ain't gonna let us leave if we do show." She says. "Once you been called by the are never seen again." She leans back slowly feeling Laurel behind her. "We aren't safe here." She gets up and started to dress herself. "I think it's time to call in that Vacation trip we talked about." She rushed into the closest and finds a duffel bag and started filling it with clothes. "I better call Amelia." She finds a cell phone in the closest and dials out.

    Less then a minute. There was an answer. "Suko you better be out of the fucking country." There was a gun shot in the background. "We just got hit by a fucking hitman and I lost half of my men here." Another gunshot heard in the background. "Walker! Get the fuck out of here now!" Amelia shouted.

    "Not leaving you here sis."

    "Fucking idiot. Suko, get Laurel and the get out of town. I'm gonna try and find some way to-" The line disconnected.

    "Fuck!" She threw the phone so hard it got stuck in the wall and looked at Laurel. "I know a place where they won't be able to touch us..." She looked at a painting on the wall of a old village. "Home."

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