"You would be correct in that sense. Strange to think that in a quest to unite people one might have to declare war. Of course, a war wouldn't be needed for all domes. Some companies of certain domes have already decided to unite under our banner when it is the correct time." She watched Sabel and was ready to reply to what she already knew was coming. "Of course. That is understandable. My people stand at the ready to assist where we can when we can. If you need engineers from your people we can arrange some kind of deal I am sure." Alessia leaned back into her chair for a moment thinking. "Due to the experimental nature of this technology though it should be said we will be observing the design of the dome. It is your dome in every sense though. We will not make modifications and we will not make suggestions. With that in mind if you wish to use your own engineers I'm sure the respective creators of the original projects will want to send not only all data they have on the different needs and requirements of different buildings but, would like to help show how the overall system works. Your engineers will understand best what your people need, and the creators of the projects will know the best way, old or new, to meet the different requirements. Which generators work best under certain conditions, how much noise pollution one makes over another, what one building needs from another building to work, that sort of stuff." Alessia got up from her chair and made a sort of motion with her hand, making a new hologram appear in front of them on the table. It showed the dome they were sitting and moved to focus on the tower they were currently in. "Due to various reasons, we won't be able to hold your engineers just yet, which works correctly since as of right now we are only sitting on an unstable peace treaty between my company and your people. In other words, your people are not at peace with this dome, only half of it. The first step before we risk bringing in more of your people is to take care of the other company. Won't be hard, but it carries its own dangers and I would hate to submit your people to possible death when in a week or two the risk would be gone. Enough time for my agents to take care of the other company, as well as allow the two of us to form a more... permanent peace treaty." She turned off the hologram and walked over to Sabel sitting on the table next to her. "At least, I hope for a more permanent peace treaty. I'm more than interested in what you and I could accomplish for our people... and each other." She got up from where she was standing again and heard a ding from over a speaker before someone talking came over it. "Commander, command room two is being prepped for advisor meeting. As well, the diplomat handler of the other company is waiting in command room one to meet with you."