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Thread: [M] Southern Kingdoms' Moot of August: The Eastern Front

  1. #11
    Eddren's Avatar
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    Destrin smiled, it was cold and professional. "Laugh at me if ya like, Isilde, but keep in mind that right now ya 'ave two options. Ya can try facin' two navies wit' one, conquer two armies wit' one, an' fight on two fronts, or ya can pretend ta play ball, jus' like they'll pretend ta play nice. Signing a treaty'll limit their ability ta back tha Southern Dominion wit' anythin' more'n equipment. 'Aving been there in tha fight, ah can assure ya, they've got nothin' that tha Southern Dominion could use." He gestured toward the sea, "As fer tha naval front, ah think we should probably do tha same thing we're doin' with our foot. Keep our fleet in large, separate groups. Keep 'em moving. Start makin' newer boats, smaller, faster, fer coast-runnin'. It should give our fleets tha ability ta catch tha enemy if they should try slippin' by, an' with faster vessels, we can usually count on at least one threat respondin'."

    "An' as fer tha undead, ah never said ta let their dead in our borders. In fact, ah remember sayin' we should ship 'em right back ta Mersus wit' tha rest o' their people. They 'ave agents among tha living. Must 'ave several workin' in our nation, too, an' beyond, so letting 'em establish a church could only do good for us. It'd mean that tha whole 'secret' part o' their cult wouldn't be a thing, anymore. They'd be easier ta monitor an' control."

  2. #12
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    While Kenna messed with her items the nobility paid her no mind at all. Instead there was murmuring in response to Destrin’s words. Richgarde clearly didn’t like the plans mentioned and neither did the others. “I will simply not allow any of their religion to set up here. It can only bring trouble.” Isilde laughed again. “I only allow religions in my land that answer to me. I doubt the undead would allow that, especially after how I treated their envoy.” Joetel tapped on the table. He pointed at his lands again as a reminder of how vulnerable they were from both sea and land. There was a sort of consensus reached after a deal of squabbling and rapid arguing back and forth between leaders.

    Richgarde recapped for everyone. “We will build more ships aye, and we’ll spread out our navy as suggested, but keep them focused between our lands and theirs. The Empire couldn’t dare attack us now and the Barbarians lack a navy if they even chose to. We need to focus on where our threats are. And what potential problems could arise.”

    Isilde motioned towards those around them. “What are the chances that no one here is a part of their secret spy network anyway? Wouldn’t this moot be precisely what they’d desire?”
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  3. #13
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    Destrin rose an eyebrow, "Well, Queen Isilde, not only do ah expect that this moot is exactly what they desire, ah did it wit' that in mind." He smiled, "Now tha moot is common knowledge. Common knowledge is countered wit' common tactics. They'll 'ave plenty o' time ta plan an' plot, and inevitably, they'll use tha most efficient method available. In other words, they'll end up bein' bloody predictable. Ah'm countin' on that predictability fer my upcomin' battles, so ah wanted to make it as much o' a guarantee as possible."

    He put his fists on the table. "An' aye. Ya don't want a church on yer lands. Ah get that. But if yer not going ta accept the ceasefire, then ya need ta address now, in front o' all tha lords, how exactly ya plan on musterin' enough men fer tha battles. What yer plans are fer counterin' their reanimation capabilities. Inside o' yer scrolls, there, is all tha intelligence ah've been able ta glean from our battles. Some o' it's more valuable than others. Go ahead an' use it. Because right now, ah don't have a way ta guarantee a victory against tha undead. Ordinarily ah could, but at massive casualties. But against them, those kinds o' sacrifices lose tha battle, not win it. So unless ya've got a plan. An' a good one. Ah'd very much like ta hear why the creation o' a new church is worth tha complete collapse o' a campaign theater an' the inevitable incursion o' our northern borders."

  4. #14
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    Kenna, having heard enough to satisfy her need for pointless blather and general human ignorance placed her little parcel in a bag and slipped off. She was done here, and no mortal here would dare actually try and stop her from leaving. And even the nobility knew that much. The strength Kenna possessed had by now become something of a campfire tale the soldiers told. In the north she had daunted some of the most terrifying foes the world could offer in mortal life, yet despite all that she still had many, much more private failings, The least of which being how different she was from the others, being alone takes it's toll, but being the only one of your kind slowly eats at you until you have nothing left.

    Hopping atop her Warg pup, once out of the room Kenna stopped to get her hammer and set out once more. She did however leave a note of sorts with a guard.

    "Tell Destrin I know what my course is, I will wait for any other information at my home until it is time to move, I simply can't abide how foolish humans can be at times I'm afraid."

    Kenna certainly hoped that would be enough, for now however she had some personal things to finish, her home lacking some things for one, and a new barn being in order for her fluffy friend.
    "I hope you're ready little guy, we've got a long way to go."

    "Life before death,
    Strength before weakness,
    Journey before destination."
    -The First Ideal

  5. #15
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    Richgarde stayed firm in his position at first. "If you can't lead your armies to victory against the undead I'll lead them. Defeat is not determined quite so easily while the hearts of our people still beat." Gianluigi grumbled and turned his head. "Destrin is an odd asshole but he is a pretty good tactician. What if we allow these churches but only for a short time, until we are certain we no longer need the ceasefire?" The High King sighed and slumped in his chair before wrapping his knuckles on the table. "Fine, fine! But if this leads to any problems you better be the one to solve them Destrin. And you Gian." The Funzian Prince looked a bit worried. "I place my faith in Destrin. I just hope the undead aren't unstoppable." Isilde sipped her drink. "Everything is stoppable even me. The real question is whether we need more support, we could have allies to the North willing to stop this undead threat. They do threaten all of the living. Even though the Empire is our enemy strange bedfellows and all that."
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  6. #16
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    The General mentally breathed a sigh of relief. He'd expected there'd be problems, but he also anticipated he'd be able to talk them out of it. It does look like his previous successes had paid off--As he'd anticipated--And better yet, this should give out an external appearance of weakness. This moot wasn't just designed as a weapon for the Dominion, after all. "We can beat 'em. Ah've got tha information from last time, an' ah'm already developin' a counter. Against the Deathborne, it'll be devestatin'. But it's not ready yet, an' even if it were, tha Dominion'd throw a wrench in things. An' unfortunately, we can't afford ta shoot our magic bullet until after tha Dominion's gone, so our Northern neighbors'll jus' 'ave ta' make do."

    Destrin nodded. "And ta be sure, let's not assume that tha Empire won't be receivin' help from us. We jus' agreed not ta' send 'em soldiers. But we 'ave plenty o' other ways o' makin' sure tha Deathborne doesn't jus' roll over 'em." He smiled, "Tha first an' most obvious would be equipment. We can easily trade 'em guns an' such fer other things we'll need. Boats, fer instance. But we might want ta think about givin' 'em information. Some o' tha stuff kept on those reports ah gave ya should be able ta help 'em win a battle or two, if they're smart, an' information like that should be able ta get us somethin' o' value, too."
    Last edited by Eddren; 09-23-2017 at 04:30 AM.

  7. #17
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    Wary looks were exchanged by the monarchs as they continued to talk. The Moot went on to discuss specifics of plans and how to carry them out fully. Many boring things were spoken of, such as logistics and boundaries of lands and alliances. Much of being a noble was dull dealing with paperwork as a lord over each holding. Destrin had his own lands to discuss as well. After that had all finished they drank and ate and the Moot was concluded.

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