Emma was startled by the man and took a step back, not sure what to do. Her attention quickly drawn back to the boy and pulled him close, hugging him. trying to figure out how she could sooth him and help him calm down. It was bad enough, he was going into shock. They had to get him somewhere, but now a strange man was in their way and his words didn't even register for her. Being too pre-occupied with the injured boy.

Ella took a involuntary step back with a small startled sound escaping her lips before she could clap one hand over her mouth before stepping in front of her sister and cal. She managed a glance at them, noting her sister taking care of the boy before turning her attention back to the stranger in front of them. He looked pretty wild... he must be a native... or was it possible a survivor from... other wrecks? She pushed the thought away as she watched him wryly, ready to to defend if she needed to give her sister and cal time to get away.

When the boy spoke Ella was quite for a moment. So he could speak their language, but it sounded like it was.. broken? difacult. She spoke quietly and calmly as she replied. "My name is Ella... And this is my sister Emma." It was then she realized she didn't know the boy who was with them, she hadn't even thought to ask for his name yet, figuring there was other things that were more urgent at the time. She motioned to the boy. "He's going into shock, is there someplace safe we can stay?" If he wanted to attack them... surly he wouldn't have shown himself first. Still she remained wry... She didn't know if she could fight him off if it came to that though...