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Thread: [M] Espionage of Fort Tearless

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    Tolvo's Avatar
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    Default [M] Espionage of Fort Tearless

    1 AD, 4th August

    There it was. The fort that Kobayash Anko had been making her way towards. It was old in design and made of stone with wooden supports and platforms built along its walls and buildings. Perhaps they were working on it in some way, she’d been watching it for a few days now and workers had come and gone but there were no outwards results yet of whatever they were doing. Now though it was night, soldiers patrolled the walls and grounds in patterns that were easily predicted. Likely they weren’t expecting anything this way. The fort didn’t hold the strongest of positions.

    Overlooking the fort was a tall hill that the ninja found herself on. This was an excellent vantage point, though it would not be helpful for the approach. The fort had multiple entrances and each was guarded, vines grew along its Western walls. Below them were large piles of rock and rubble. Three towers made up the large portion of the fort with smaller buildings and a barracks being the rest. It lacked a formal keep but something was odd about it. This fort looked a bit small for its importance. If Abathur were truly to have used it then there was likely not enough room for him judging by what she saw. The night ar was cool while a large moon filled the sky producing light to see by.
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  2. #2
    Derpnaster's Avatar
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    This place, it does not give a hint about it's purpose. At least not above ground, no doubt the wizard did not practice his craft in the open, there would be too many risks with that.
    Miss Kobayashi ran a thin, finely shaped finger along one of her smaller knives, the blackened steel glinted only at the edge, where just a faint hit of silvery metal reflected back into her brown eyes.
    The easiest way in would be up the wall, which they should know based upon their patrol routes.
    The young warrior let her eyes follow another patrol, she had been watching it for hours, five minutes, that was how long it took for two different patrols to pass any one spot.
    Anko had to admit, at least the fools were precise in their military, well as precise as they could be at least.

    Anko slipped her knife back into a hidden sheath. Then she started down the hill, she went down the back side of the hill, to minimize her silhouette against the bright moon, quietly she was thankful for the dark blue color of her clothing, she had learned long ago black did little in darkness and even less under moonlight, the blue would be harder to spot.

    Anko had made up her mind, climbing the wall would be her way in, but she would be too slow normally. instead she would plant a small distraction, near the path there were small brushes, which with some cleaver tricks and some small wire, could be rigged to a stick with a bright ember to smoke in a chocking manner, causing a patrol to call for aid should a sudden fire burst, then however Anko gained another idea, why even waste the wire? She could create the flames herself, the question was where she would do it, the gates would be best, the guards often had torches and braziers lit at night, perhaps causing a distraction there would be best.

    "Life before death,
    Strength before weakness,
    Journey before destination."
    -The First Ideal


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