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Thread: Heroes of Erhi (Interest Check/Recruiting)

  1. #1
    Member Elishka Kohrli's Avatar
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    Default Heroes of Erhi (Interest Check/Recruiting)

    Author’s Note 1: A Brief Introduction

    Ahem. In the interest of full disclosure, this is an RP idea I've tried before on different sites. However, it has fallen apart a couple of times due to member inactivity, so I was a bit hesitant to try and start it up again. But with how much work I've put into it, I decided to try one more time, just in case it actually works this time. I'm hoping this will turn out to be the right site for it...

    This thread is based off a rather extensive world-building project I’ve been working on for quite a while now. Geography, history, religion, culture, etc. I have it all. Needless to say, this thread is rather long. So, as I don’t wish to waste anyone’s time, I will explain the basic concept here, so that you can decide for yourself whether you wish to read on or not. I am looking for a group high fantasy action-adventure type RP. In this, your characters would be the main characters, and I am the world. What do I mean by that? All characters outside of yours will be written by me, and I do not have a main character. Rather, I will be all npc characters. Your characters have free choice- I have a basic idea of a plot and will be guiding the RP along, but it will change based on your character’s decisions. So, if that sounds interesting, by all means, go ahead and read on!
    Spoiler: Introduction 

    Spoiler: Gods and Goddesses 

    Spoiler: Races 

    Spoiler: Geography 

    Spoiler: Combat Classifications 

    Spoiler: Final Notes 

    Anyhow, that's all the information you get for the moment. So, anyone interested?
    Last edited by Elishka Kohrli; 04-07-2018 at 07:34 PM. Reason: Actually putting information in! Aren't I so helpful?...

  2. #2
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    Default hiyiieee, would like to join your wonderful world :)

    Name: Thana Nerezza

    Age: 21

    Gender: Female

    Race: Seraphi

    Spoiler: image is too big, don't know how to resize lol 

    Main Skill: Longbowman

    Secondary Skill(s): Assassin

    Personality: Thana is often regarded as the black sheep of the family. To other Seraphi’s she is often looked upon as mean and sassy but to anyone who would take the time to know her, they would understand her as soft and conflicted. This would often lead her to be indecisive yet caring in a way only unique to Thana.

    Thana lived and trained with her Seraphi family since she was young. They often tell her stories of the deities, creating a dream in her heart to fly so high in the sky to be able to reach them. She loves Lumeria so much that she often daydream about being the fifth guardian herself, stopping the great war and bringing peace to everyone, although this was one dream she would never let slip amongst her family since everyone seem to be overly loyal to Kalyon.
    Thana’s family rarely go down their elevated abode, stuck up in a belief that creatures still hate each other and that no one else but their own race should be trusted and to an extent some aurae's. Being different and all, Thana couldn’t care less about this rule and although so far she’s been able to keep it a secret, she’s been down to towns and cities and even had relationships from dwarves to humans and once even a travelling troublesome daemon (which she violently took a horn from when they broke up with her). Although, to be honest, her knowledge of the world only consist of the places below her home.
    As the stars disappear in the night and the whispers about a second war started. Thana’s family has begun their preparation to fight on Kalyon’s side. Her oldest brother, Uriyah, have claimed to be able to speak to the god of the sky assuring victory for their clan but Thana is not so sure about joining them. A weird dream came to her and it was connected to her favorite goddess, Lumeria, or so she thinks. One thing was for sure, she was leaving her home to fight her own battles.

    Family Members: Leon(Father) Mycarah (Mother) Uriyah and Roshan (Brothers)
    Last edited by IFall; 04-25-2018 at 01:19 PM.

  3. #3
    Member Elishka Kohrli's Avatar
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    Well hello! I'm glad someone is finally interested! Perhaps it has to do with the title of the thread- I keep meaning to ask one of the mods to change it for me, but I keep getting distracted. Maybe I'd better go do that now before I forget again... But anyway, hopefully we'll get some more interest here soon. But if we go too long without anyone else posting, I'm not opposed to adapting this to a 1x1.

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    I do wish more people would come, I really find this story interesting. I love the detail you put in it btw, your world seems really immersive, its exciting! I do hope Thana fits in though .

    I'm not against 1X1's too. Actually this thread was what got me to register here so I would be really down to any opportunity to play it. Kudos! <3
    Last edited by IFall; 05-02-2018 at 06:35 PM.

  5. #5
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    Age: 23
    Gender: Female
    Race: Laguna
    Main Skill: Shapeshifter
    Secondary Skill(s): Hydromancer, Dart-Thrower
    Personality: Nadia is a curious person, but very defensive. She is driven by a need to protect herself. She will run at something that frightens her and ask questions later, rather than hide.
    Backstory: (Optional)

    Name: Cadwy
    Age: 30
    Gender: Male
    Race: Seraphi
    Main Skill: Paladin
    Secondary Skill(s): None
    Personality: Cadwy is a deep, spiritual person. He tends to think too much and fail to act.
    Backstory: (Optional)

  6. #6
    Member Elishka Kohrli's Avatar
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    Wait, wha...? You joined the site because of this idea? That's kind of frightening, in a good way. Definitely a first for me. But I'm glad you like the idea!

    Both characters look good, but normally I prefer to limit things to one character per writer in the beginning when I do group stories, so that if we get a lot of interest we can have as many different writers as possible (I try to keep to somewhat small groups, because it is easier to keep track of all the characters and whatnot.) I don't think that will be an issue, what with how long this sat here without a response, but keep in mind that if we do get a lot of applications I may ask you to pick just one.

  7. #7
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    I'll probably throw my hat into the ring too. Don't have time to write up a full character sheet at this exact moment, unfortunately, because I'm stuck on mobile right now. I'll write it out in full next time I have access to a PC, though

    Currently tossing up between an animalistic Fae shapeshifter/brawler or a Thaumaturge of some kind. Probably some sort of Aurae priestess or devotee, since I like how thematic that feels.

  8. #8
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    Well, I'm glad you're interested, and I look forward to seeing your character!

  9. #9
    Namingtoohard's Avatar
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    It took me way longer than I care to admit to decide which character idea I most wanted to try >.>'

    Name: Makani dana Toril
    Age: 26
    Gender: Female
    Race: Aurae


    Spoiler: Image 

    Main skill: Thaumaturge
    Secondary Skill(s): N/A


    "“Don't try to stop yourself from feeling. You'll hate who you become.”

    A compassionate soul at heart, Makani is a very kind and caring person. With strong maternal instincts and a want to help anyone who needs it, she is quick to try and reassure those who seem to be in distress, or offer her aid to any who seem to require it. She takes a great amount of pleasure in bringing cheer to others, and seeing them improve under her gentle care. As one would expect, she values all sorts of life, and struggles with the concept of knowingly and willingly causing harm to others - an obstacle she will have to overcome, if she is going to assist the light in any meaningful way.


    "Does the destination matter, or is it the path we take?"

    Born to a relatively small and unimportant family, Makani grew up amongst one of the smaller Aurae communities. She was well-known and loved by most members of her village, and was blessed with a fortunate upbringing under their watch and care. She spent the early years of her life wandering the village freely, playing with the other children, listening to the stories of the elderly, and learning various skills from the adults who doted upon her.

    As she steadily grew older, Makani quickly decided that she wished to do more than just follow the religion of her people. No, she wanted to serve as a proper priestess and join the church of Kalyon, god of the sky. Many of the village's adults humoured her with the same gentle patience they offered most children, dismissing her dreams as a whim or flight of fancy. They were wrong, of course. True to her original aspirations, Makani only seemed to become more devout as she aged, and joined the church as soon as she proved able.

    She spent her time as a devotee faithfully, working both to better herself, and present aid to those who needed it. She found genuine enjoyment in the simple yet honest work, and was quickly noted as an initiate of promise. Following the wishes of her new masters, she was sent from the small chapel of her hometown to one of the larger Aurae cities, where she would apprentice beneath the priests theregood and proper. Leaving her parents was hard, and the change was somewhat overwhelming. Slowly but surely, though, Makani overcame these challenges, and was accepted as a full-ranking member of the clergy.

    When her magical powers first began to manifest, her teachers were quick to begin training Makani. Expressing the same sort of diligence that she had displayed throughout the rest of her studies, the young devotee did her best to learn and improve, determined to control her new abilities, and put them to good use. Under their tutelage, she took to wearing a blindfold ,not because of any sort of physical impairment, but because it allowed her to block out distractions and better focus on the natural forces around her - forces she would need to learn to manipulate and control if she was ever going to master her new skill.

    She continues to serve and learn up until the current day, where our fated story begins...

  10. #10
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    this looks good! looking for new RPs since i fixed my PC and can finally get some work done. i'll throw some ideas onto a word doc and see if i can't make a character out of them


    ok here it is!

    Name: Michael Wildhart

    Age: 26

    Gender: Male

    Race: 3/4ths Human-1/4th Daemon

    Spoiler: Michael (light clothing) 

    Spoiler: Armor and Sword 

    Spoiler: shield 

    Main Skill: Knight

    Secondary Skill(s): Pyromancer

    Personality: Michael has a strong will, pushing on when the going gets tough. It was drilled into him early as he was enrolled into Thelaste's military academy early, joining a mixture of Human, Troll and Daemon. Instead of kind words when one is down Michael would rather tell them the harsh truth, believing there's no use sugar coating things as they could very well be dead the next minute. Say what you want, no regrets. But that doesn't mean he'd forsake comrades, more than once he'd haul one up over his shoulder, cursing the whole time and he didn't much care for their injuries. A little pain now beat a sure death. A rock, a stabling presence, one you could turn to in order to get the job done and make quick, often tough, decisions. Michael is a man with many edges, twice as many scars, and fewer manage to get to his deeply burried warm heart, even though warm is stretching it a bit.

    Backstory: Michael's birth was shrouded in secret. A far away inn and nestled away with only his father's most trusted friends around. For Michael should not exist. This small baby boy with red eyes was a blight on the noble Ironwil family. Son of a Human and a half Daemon mother, his tainted blood was a mark of shame. His grandmother went below her station and spawned his mother, Lareth. Not able to live with herself she sent the child away and later, unable to take the scorn of society, killed herself. His mother lived on in the care of an old shield-maiden who raised her as her own. The Ironwils thought the girl had perished. The young girl grew, large wings and two horns appearing over time accompanied by long dark raven hair and red eyes. Many thought she'd be alone all her life after her guardian passed but she found comfort in a kind knight named Samuel and soon after were married. Word got out of the Ironwil's illegitimate child surviving it's youth and took measures to erase the stain on their legacy. The half Daemon was the rightful heir, first born, and her child would be next. Assassins hounded the expecting couple until one night, the night of his birth, they caught up. Samuel gathered his most trusted friends and took shelter at an abandoned inn where you Michael was delivered. But mere moments after he took his first breath tragedy struck. Only two survived the ensuing chaos, young Michael and Samuel's old commanding officer Leo Wildhart. After burying the bodies of his beloved friends, a man he saw as a son, Leo left with the child to raise it as his own.

    Leo kept the secret of what happened from Michael for a long time. He of course told him of his mixed bloodline, Michael was smart and would've figured it out as the traits weren't hard to miss. Sharper canines, abnormal levels of aggression, bursts of fire magic and his bright red eyes. The young lad took it rather well, as well as one could when learning your parents were slaughtered the night of your birth and you were taken in by a old retired general. A pattern Michael hoped wouldn't stick. First his mother then him? Ridiculous. Michael didn't get the luxury of attending the school in Kazil to harness his magic. No Leo threw him into an even harder school, military academy. Knowing the challenges his adoptive grandson might soon have to face if he was rediscovered Leo had to make sure Michael had the skills he needed. The Daemon instructors at the academy were tough task masters and pushed him hard, taking graet joy in pushing a human around. Training that wouldn't seem much for a Daemon was almost torture for a human, almost, he wasn't entirely human after all. But Michael's strong will pushed him ever onward. Taking up the sword he followed in his father and grandfather's footsteps. With Leo's guidance Michael made great strides in combat, picking up weapons fast and easily combining it with his pyromancy. Normally being chased down by a knight on horseback was terrifying enough but add a flaming lance and the effect is double, possibly even tripled.

    After finishing his military studies Michael was assigned to the Keasia front where he saw lots of combat. His opinion of them was that they were bloodthirsty, battle loving lunatics. Many of his old classmates fell to the Keasians but Michael refused to buckle under their might. It was the most trying time in his life. He bore scars of struggle, strife a daily occurrence. Deep gashes on his chest, arrows to the legs, and shrapnel shredding his forehead and nose narrowly missing his eyes. Scars he wore with pride though as they proved that nothing that was thrown at him was enough to kill him. His tenacity was reward with being reassigned to an elite unit known as the King's Hand. Their orders came directly from the crown and they answer to no one but him. But this had the unintended effect as drawing Michael back into the Ironwil's sights, now that they were being used as the kings personal weapons. The Ironwil family was on the king's council and acted military advisers. It was only a matter of time, as Michael had been well vetted before he was allowed in, his past was on file. They knew someone had survived that night over twenty years ago, none of their men as their bodies were all recovered. What Michael didn't expect now was that he'd have to deal with assassins. Sneaking into his tent at night, poisoning his food leading to a painful three days in a ditch practically puking his intestines out. Luckily being in the elite squad had extra benefits, one of which building resistance to Thelaste's common poisons. All who came at him fell before him, some with the assistance of his fellow King's Hand members. They didn't take too kindly to one of their own being attacked. The quarter Daemon had sent word, after the first attempt, to Leo telling him to watch his back. Michael only hoped his message was delivered in time...
    Last edited by Ushima; 05-10-2018 at 08:31 PM.

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