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Thread: [M] Futuropolis 2094 (OOC)

  1. #21
    Member Q's Avatar
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    (Mine too! Let's pop that RPA-cherry, poco homo.)

    I love it! I'd perhaps redirect you from your poor choice in puny american firearms, but that's just taste.
    It's a perfect fit for a contact in this Humanitarian Aid Organization I rambled about.

    If you're familiar with the Emirates, feel free to throw some future-views of the Arabian peninsula in. Silly western man I am, I know very little of the endless dunes of the middle east (and simply claimed Mekka to be lost under the sand) - you might do better.

    As for the RP, I think it's time to get this show on the road. I'm having trouble drawing and colouring in a banner, but that'll be something for the future. If anyone of you happens to have a coloured drawing that'll fit the vibes, I'll happily take it. Pinkie promise I won't steal that shit. But I'm straying off topic here - I'm gonna write out the detective either tonight or tomorrow, and then I'll post the IC.

  2. #22
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    If I may be allowed to write a bit of lore about the middle east in this timeline:

    After a major conflict in the Mid-2050s involving most middle eastern powers, the previously neutral United Arab Emirates rapidly expanded and conquered most of the area from Northeast Egypt to the Indian border, and northwards most of Iran. The empire renamed itself the United Arab Empire, and began replacing the United States as the dominant power in military policing, at least in the Mediterranean, Indian ocean, and pacific border. Mecca continued to be a massive draw for Islamites who followed a new religion called Haqqislam, or New Islam, which preached more modern teachings of Mohammed's including gender equality, relative secularism, duty, and understanding. As a result, Haqqislam came to represent a major world religion within decades. Orthodox Islamites, now called altaqlidiiyn, began small uprisings in the Early 2080s which eventually led to a small civil war in the UAE, causing the creation of the Jannisarie super soldier program and the Azra'il superweapon project.

  3. #23
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    The UAE can surely expand to be the dominant force in the North African and West Asian areas, but sandstormed dunes and arid steppes are surely very hard to govern. I want Russia to be a major player when it comes to militarism - they've probably rooted their way to Damascus. Do what you deem fit with Israel - as much as I admire it to be a state, there's no way in hell the status quo remains after America falls from grace.

    Lastly, I had this vision of Mecca, where the Abraj Al-bait is the fundamental base of the city, and they've digged down all the way to the Kaba.

  4. #24
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    Name: Special Detective F. "Fridge" Cellobs

    Nickname: Fridge, Special F.

    Profession: NCI Detective

    Age: 28

    Gender: Male

    Height: 1,90 meter

    Race: Caucasian

    Area of expertise: Overall detecting and such

    Appearance: Grizzled gazes, short dark brown hair, a permanent frown and a muscular, intimidating build. His features are typical for a Noscascian citizen: a mutty mix between British, Italian and German complexities.

    Personality: Detective Cellobs is quiet, stoic and emotionally dissociated with the rest of the world. He's quite passionate when it comes to his own emotions, but these are often misguided responses to base instincts. For instance, he'd be quick to use racial profiling to get the investigation running. His success comes from his machine-like obedience to his superiours. Though he's clearly lost all will to live for himself, he would never admit it. He's a solo at heart, but able to cooperate with fellow detectives. One would wonder whether he can adapt to the shift in Nova Casqua's political climate; from borderline fascist to a more humanitarian touch.

    Opinion of ruling western regime: Unwavering loyalty

    Origins: His father was a cop in the middle-class of Nova Casqua, who died before 'Fridge' reached puberty. After nerding it through high school, he enlisted with the NCI when 18.

    Clothing: Long dark-green coat with wool lining, much like many dystopian detectives. Dark and sturdy boots and a thick beige ribbed sweater, often accompanied with a bulletproof vest. As per protocol, he has been ordered to keep his face uncovered, so he can portray some form of humanity to the citizens of Nos Casqua.

    Most important items: An AI orb that can expand to a disc-shaped drone assisting him with investigations, as well as relay info back to NCI HQ. On the other end of his belt, a five-shot multi-purpose PKD detective revolver, fitted with a variety of solutions such as rubber pellets, stun darts, tracker darts, low penetrative bullets and armour-piercing rounds.
    Last edited by Q; 05-03-2018 at 03:14 PM.

  5. #25
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    I've began on the IC post. I wanna take a while to refine it, so unless I find myself in a productive mood, don't expect it before tomorrow.

    As for Detective Cellobs ('p' or 'b'?), it's one of my first real gazes into a new character. I'm having fun defining his motives - I feel I can relate to him enough to play him. However, if any of you feel inclined to play or use him in the RP, feel free. I simply imagine a stereotypical introvert blade runner with wrong morals and an inherently evil ego, which only gets conflicted with his mother's opinion of him. Shouldn't be hard to play.
    Last edited by Q; 05-03-2018 at 01:33 PM. Reason: superfluous adjectives

  6. #26
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  7. #27
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    Posting the IC now! To my fellow future roleplayers; if any of you can't comprehend a fucking word I'm typing, please say. I have this tendency to be overly metaphorical. However nice it rings in my head, I haven't got a clue how my ramblings come across.

  8. #28
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    I see you've finally expanded to changing Q's last name. Congrats, hombre.

  9. #29
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    From golden to silver - it's not far off. It's good to have you, Mars.

    Look at my name! It's clean 'Q'! They really spoiled me.

  10. #30
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    I'm lucky myself that my username has remained unique and free to myself for so long, at least before those plagarists at Nintendo named a Pokémon after me.

    Anyway, I'm going to try to have a character finalized by the end of the day. Hopefully work today goes quickly.

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