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Thread: [IC] Aurora Dreams: A Firefly Story [M]

  1. #1
    Domina Noctis
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    Default [IC] Aurora Dreams: A Firefly Story [M]

    The ship had landed a short time ago and the dock master had logged the ship into the Eavesdown docks. They weren't planning on being here long, just long enough to restock, take on some fairs and get information on a heist from the local 'businessman' Badger. Cori walked down from the living quarters into the hold looking like she had just woken up after having slept in her clothes. Which probably was because she had, she had passed out the night before barely making it to her bed. The last few nights she hadn't really slept her dreams plagued with visions of Du-Khang. She had taken a mixture of pills and whiskey to make sure she was knocked out to the point of her mind shutting down. It had worked through this morning she had quite a stomach ache and headache. She had avoided the kitchen just in case someone had made breakfast the thought of food making her sick. At the hatch she found the Captain standing there, making her think at first he was waiting for her until she noticed he was still talking to the dock master. “Ready to go see the rodent?” Cori said a Spanish accent evident in her voice, referring to Badger.

    Michael was feeling pretty good when he woke up. The ship was landing on time like he'd planned and he was well rested. He was up early enough to make himself a decent breakfast and he was packed and ready by the time the ship touched down in port. By the time the ramp was down Michael had his weapons holstered, his tactical black poncho on and a welcoming smile on his face. The usual pleasantries were exchanged with the dock master, hello, how long are you here for, have payment, sign here. The captain had just finished scribbling his name when his first mate, and old childhood friend, came up behind him looking ragged. And he didn't even need to look up from his work to see it. "You look like shit Cor."

    "Yeah? Well I feel like shit too." Cori said, digging through her jacket until she pulled out a half smoked cigar. A little more digging and she found a box of matches. She shook it hearing a single match jingling around, she fished it out and struck it against the box causing it to quickly lite and then fizzle out. "Puta madre" She growled then threw the box to the ground leaving the cigar in the corner of her lips as she started walking down the ramp of the ship. Cori had spent most of her recovery on Persephone so it only took her a few seconds to recognize where they were and adjust her direction toward Badger's. The morning light was bright in her eyes causing Cori to pull the brim of her hat low over her eyes. "So do you think this info Badger has is worth anything?"

    Michael handed back the paperwork and sent the dock master on his way. “Honestly I never know with that fool.” Walking down the ramp, hand in his pockets, after Cori he closed it behind them. “Can’t hurts to find out. Who knows, could be the next big score.” As he passed he reached out and nudged her. When they locked eyes he point up. Floating above the brim of her hat was a dull gray zippo lighter he had pulled from his pocket. Michael didn’t shy away from his gift, he rather enjoyed it as it proved convenient sometimes. “You know you can always ask me for a light.” He didnt smoke but rather kept lighters and matches on him for such and occasion, to keep his first mate calm and happy. He needed all his crew’s heads on straight and focused.

    Taking the lighter she lite the cigar and took a nice long puff of the cigar then handed the lighter back. "I don't trust the rat. He's only looking to make a profit for himself. What makes me wonder if it is so good why doesn't he use it himself. Why sell it?" Cori said, pulling her hat down again the bright light hurting her eyes. She was at the start of a very bad hang over but at least she was still mostly numb and her injuries weren't hurting. Just her head. As she walked down the street her eyes scanned the crowds and her hand feel to her pistol resting there should she need to draw it. The walk from their dock to Badger's was a short one and would only take a few minutes.

    “Cause he’s a fucking coward slimeball.” Michael repocketed the lighter. “Doesn’t have the balls to do the jobs himself.” If it was one thing Michael couldn’t stand it was not being in the action. Even during the war he couldn’t sit back and just give orders. “If you want to shoot him be my guest. Just do it after we get the info and make sure his loyal band of idiots don’t fill us both full of holes. If we die, I’ll kill you myself.”

    "I'll behave myself, not in the mood to get shot today." Cori said, as they turned into a row of shipping container buildings. They kept walking until they reached one on the end, the door to it was open and the moment they stepped inside they were met with several guards carrying long guns.

    "You're early the boss is still having breakfast." One of the guards said, blocking their path with the barrel of his rifle.

    "I don't care if he is still eating his gorram congee we have business with Badger." Cori said, "Now get out of our way."

    "I don't eat that rice porridge crap, prefer me a proper breakfast." Badger called from the other room. "Let em in."

    "You heard the man." Cori said, gesturing for the guards to step aside.

    "Leave your weapons here." The guard said, as another reached for Cori's pistol.

    "I wouldn't do that unless you want to bleed all over your boss' fine rugs." Cori said, looking down towards the rugs they were standing on and the knife in her hand pressed to the guard's wrist. All it would take was a flick of her wrist and she would slit his.

    “Badger. My first mate is getting cranky. Surely you don’t think the two of us armed would be a problem against your mighty army? Come on I thought we were friends?” It was time to turn on the charm. If it was one thing he picked up on the core worlds it was diplomacy and how to kiss ass to get what you want. Flattery will get you everywhere after all. “It’s what? How many you got back there? Eight against two? “

    She shot him a glare at the cranky remark not wanting to admit that it was true. Most mornings she woke up in a foul mood but today was even more so than usual. Still she would never admit that to Michael. She was so focused on Michael that she didn't see whatever gesture Badger made to the guards until they moved out of the way. Stepping past the guard she gave a satisfied smirk then walked into the room seeing Badger sitting at a table with a big pile of eggs and sausage before him. It took everything she had not to gag at the smell of the grease. She took a seat on a sofa across the room where she couldn't smell it as much but was still polite. "Fancy seeing you here Cori don't you warrant on Persephone? Something about assaulting a Alliance watch commander and resisting arrest?" Badger said, spooning a mouthful of eggs into his mouth.

    "Perhaps, it's hard to keep track of all the warrants. Besides I'm sure the bastard deserved it." Cori said, kicking her legs up on a end table.

    At the mention of the Alliance officer Michael turned to Cori and mouthed ‘really?’ With a final look that said ‘I can’t leave you alone for a minute’ he turned back to Badger, remaining standing. “So I heard you had a hit take for us. We got so free time, looking for work.”

    Cori shrugged at Michael's look, there were quite a few times where she blacked out and got in trouble. Gods know there were enough times she woke up in some backwater jail with no idea how she ended up there. Most days she somehow managed to get home, it happening far more often with Michael looking out for her. The incident Badger was talking about could have happened during her recovery or one of the times the Aurora was in port. Or Badger could be talking out his ass, you never knew with the 'businessman'.

    "Right I do, I've come across some information about a remote guidance system the Alliance has commissioned from Rhycom Industries. Nasty bit of tech from what my reports have said. With it they can make things really interesting for the planets in the outer rim still holding pointless ideas of revolution." Badger said, glancing over to Cori seeing if he could get a rise out of her. For her part Cori managed to not show much of a reaction other than clinching her fist.

    "What's the catch?" Cori asked, releasing her fist a bit trying not to let him get to her. Michael was right they needed to play nice. It had been a while since they had a job that did little more than keep the Aurora in the skies.

    “Rhycom always did like making new toys didn’t they?” Michael chuckled. “Consider me and my crew interested.” A job that could bring in some serious coin would be worth it. There was a list of things he wanted spruced up that had to be put off to pay for major needs and put food on the table. “Got any details for me?”

    "Everything you need to know is on this data card." Badger said, pulling a small card from a box on the table. He held it out to Michael and then pulled it back. "I'm not in the charity business so it is going to cost you eight thousand platinum."

    "Are you kidding? How do we know there aren't baby pictures of you on that thing?" Cori said standing up and walking to Badger, her general dislike for Badger influencing her doubt. She wouldn't put it past Badger to screw them over like that. However you didn't get the reputation Badger did by bad deals.

    "I do have a sample for you." Badger said, pulling a data pad from the box and holding it out. Cori started to reach for it but he pulled it away and handed it to Michael. "Afraid it's a bit more than your comprehension. Takes a little more skill than pulling a trigger or sucker punching a unwitting officer."

    Reaching out he grabbed the pad. Shooting a glance at Cori he started typing on the pad. Soon enough Michael let out a whistle. "Oh yeah pinpoint targeting. Projected payload delivery times...these are fast. This will definitely ruin someone's afternoon. Probably even their entire day." Michael handed the pad to Cori so she could take a look, he knew his first mate understood a thing or two. "We're in."

    Badger smirked. "Just the sort of thing I'd expect out of the Survivor of the Deadwind Massacre." Now it was Michael's turn to clench his fist, his jaw tightening. A free hand, hidden by his poncho, went instinctively to his chest where the reminder of the incident lay forever on his skin. "Your plucky first mate isn't the only one I looked into. Just a reminder that I have a larger reach than you realize."

    It took all he had to not grab the hand cannon on his leg and put a rather large hole in Badger's head, maybe even remove it entirely. "What...else, do you have for us?"

    "Of course for an extra five hundred a piece I'll give you these five key cards." Badger said, reaching into his seemingly never ending box of goodies. "They will get you into the station the system is being designed on."

    "You are out of your mind." Cori said, knowing Badger was testing them with this last move. That price was far too high for the value of the cards. Only a sucker would agree to the amount and Badger would be the only one to make out on the deal. "We'll give you five hundred for the lot." When Badger had first contacted them via wave with promise of a score Cori and Michael had discussed how much they were willing to pay for this promise. They had agreed on no more than nine thousand platinum so with the added price of the key cards they were still under.

    Michael raised his hand to silence his first mate. "While I don't agree with her tone my first mate does have a point here Badger. No one in their right mind would pay that much and I doubt you'd find anyone out of their right mind to even take the job."

    "Well what do I call you lot then?" Badger gave them a chuckle.

    Michael smiled. "Clever. Clever. Walked into that one. Five hundred for the lot."

    "You would call us crazy enough reign all kinds of hell on anyone who crossed us." Cori said, "After we get this guidance device, where do we unload it? A stolen Alliance guidance system isn't exactly something we can sell in the market."

    "I have a seller lined up but they would prefer to remain anonymous for the time being." Badger said, resuming eating his breakfast. "Once it is stolen I imagine the Alliance is going to be quite upset they don't want to risk anything linking back to them." Cori didn't like the idea of not knowing they buyer but she could see the reasoning behind it.

    "As long as it isn't Crazy Stan again. Guy tried to bight my middle finger off one time. That's my favorite finger." Michael looked to Cor. "Pay the man."

    Reaching into a inside coat pocket Cori pulled out nine flat silver bars laying them on the table. They were stamped with the seal of Beylix, it was where they had come from before heading to met with Badger. The bars had come from a job transporting supplies from the out rim. After Badger was paid they left his 'offices' and started walking back to the Aurora. Cori was looking over the data pad as they walked. "The station is orbiting Airen a moon of Sihnon. We are going to need a good reason to be hanging around Sihnon."

    "I'm sure if we put our heads together we can come up with something." Michael pulled up the hood to his poncho. "What worries me is how Badger gets his hands on some information. He definitely knows way to much about me, and you for that matter. Maybe we should plug some leaks after this job." The failed mission at Deadwind was supposed to be off the book, of course he only found out after he went looking. He hadn't even told Cori about it though he was sure she's at least heard of it. How an entire Independent LZ was just wiped out overnight. To take his mind off Badger and his threats Michael flipped through their recent purchase. "Ah shiny. We can pose as researchers."

    "That gets us onto the station but we still need a reason to be near Sihnon." Cori said, not commenting on Badger's knowledge of them. He had only pointed it out to unnerve them and she wasn't about to let him get under her skin. "If only we had a companion on board. We could remain in orbit while she conducted her business on Sihnon."

    "I've been wanting to bring one on for awhile. Hopefully our luck will change." Michael looked up at the Aurora in the distance. "We'll figure it out Cor. Like always. With my brains and skills and We'll make it happen."

    Another round of bullets hits my skin. Well, fire away
    Cause today, I won't let the shame sink in. We are bursting through
    the barricades and reaching for the sun.

    We Are Warriors

  2. #2
    The Shadow's Embrace
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    Junk already had her tools together, waiting for when the captain and the first mate left the ship. She had been up most of the night with the engine, making sure that it was going to be in tip top shape. That and it enjoyed being worked upon with Junk's hands and tools. She had been looking forward to landing and spending time in the port because for one thing she'd be able to work on the externals of the ship and she'd have a chance to see if new parts would be needed. And if she had time afterwards she'd go see the foreman of the dock, see about earning a few extra on the side touching up other ships.

    It was her guilty hobby, working on other ships. She loved connecting with their workings, hearing their tales of travel. Of course she enjoyed the Aurora, but she was a still a ship hopper at heart and always looking for the next time she'd fancy another berth. As it was now though, she was enjoying the travels upon this ship even with the collection of people.

    She watched Michael talk with the dock master and him and Cori walk off to their meeting. She kept watching till they had disappeared before picking up her kit and quickly running out of the ship to do her inspection and tune up. The excitement to work upon the outside of the ship helped her look over that her breakfast was just a protein bar she had in her room so she didn't have to deal with communal meals if she didn't want to. For now though, the ship was most important and she began her inspection with gusto while ready to touch up or add parts to her shopping list if needed.
    I am the blade of shadows embrace. Just because I am a user of an unholy power doesn't make me evil. For without light, a shadow cannot exist.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Heson Shadowbane is on discord! For those friends of mine that want to keep in touch with me just send me a message and I'll give ya my deets.

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    This is ridiculous. The man on the floor was easily three times her size, and three times her smell. His head was shaved, and ink marred the scars across his scalp. His biceps were the size of beef sides. The point being, he was a Grade A Bad Dude and yet, he lay and whimpered like a child. The laceration wasnt even that deep. A few stitches. Frank grit her teeth and finished wrapping the wound with a strip of linen. If the bandage had actually come from a clean shirt, she could guarantee his full recovery, but as it were, they would have to see.
    She sat back on her heels and gave her work a final look over.
    The goon beside her nodded his approval, if thats what it was, and tossed a small sack of coins down beside her. She picked it up, weighing it in her hand. It was light, and she said so.
    “You get paid based on the work, looked like a scratch to me.”
    “I was called here to the land of misfit goons for an agreed on price. Im a doctor. A real, honest to stars doctor. I should be charging you four times this amount!”
    The man’s eyes narrowed and Frank swallowed. Her frustration had pushed her off the edge of her manners and she had lost her tongue. She hardened her face. She concentrated on just how unreasonably ugly the man was instead of his obvious anger.
    “Id kill you for less pay.”
    “You could.” She forced herself to shrug nonchalantly. “But Badger knows Im the only person who has this much skill and a closed mouth. If you people want actual meds and real bandages, I need the money for it.”
    What I really need is a way off this damn planet.
    The goon seemed to consider it for a moment, aided by the whimpers of the man on the floor. Her eyes cast down with his.
    “He’ll be fine. It was just a scratch, after all.”
    “Ill talk to Badger when hes done.”
    “I have other patients.”
    “Hes got company.”
    Frank was thinking of a retort about ‘company’. When she heard voices as a door opened. She peered around the corner to see a man and woman walking away, back toward her. The woman was carrying a data pad. She recalled an earlier conversation, overheard while treating a abscess about the use of the device, and its intention. If the people she saw now had gained control of it, theyd have a ship. They’d be heading out closer to the border planets, just where she needed to go. And by the looks of them, the passage might actually be affordable.
    Of course, if they were doing business with Badger, she might be falling from the frying pan.
    Quickly, she gathered up her bag, shoving everything in without the usual care. The sack of money she tucked into her pocket.
    “Tell Badger Ill be in touch.”
    The goon grunted. Frankie slung her pack over her shoulder and started after the pair. She kept them in sight and close enough to hear but far enough to just look like a casual walker, out for a stroll. Or so she hoped. Frankie was far from stealthy. She just needed enough information to make sure she wasnt going to get herself murdered. Or maybe that was preferable, she had yet to decide.

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    Michael continued down the street with Cori, heading back to the ship. They would be in town for a few days but he still wanted to start prep for the job. And that meant taking inventory of what they had. It paid to know what equipment was available. “Hey Cor I-“ His sentence was cut off as a new feeling crashed over him. His sixth sense never specifically told him what was going on. More like it shoved him and say ‘hey asshole go that way and see what happens’, it worked and sometimes it doesn’t. “Hey Cor I’m gonna head this was and check something out. See you back at this ship!”

    As they walked Cori picked up that they were being followed. Using the dirty windows of shops around them she was able to notice a young woman following them. It was hard to tell but she thought she had seen the woman at Badger's. Cori really didn't trust the man and wouldn't put it past him to send someone to follow them. Especially this girl, she didn't have the look of one of Badger's goons. Most of them were big tough guys or well looked like Cori. When Cori had started getting better and had began to make a name for herself on Persephone, Badger had approached her to work for him but she wasn't a hired thug and turned him down. It might be one of the reasons they didn't get along, Badger didn't like being told no. "We are being followed." Cori said, ignoring his comment about meeting up later.

    “Yeah cool. Being followed. Great.” Michael brushed off the comment. They’ve been followed before. “Just don’t kill them it’ll cause problems for us.” He trusted Cori to handle things, she was one of the most capable people he knew.

    She glared over at him as he seemed unimpressed that they were being followed. It was something that happened from time to time. Most often it was nothing but there was one time in the black markets on Osiris where being followed had turned into attempted murder. A couple of locals Cori had been playing cards with thought she had been cheating and felt they would make it right. Granted Cori had been cheating they couldn't prove it. The Aurora had to leave Osiris in a hurry after that. "I'm not being paranoid King! Remember that time on Osiris?" Cori said, to King's back as he waved. "Asshoke.”

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    Mei, formerly known as Zhao Feiyan one of the top companions in the planet sihnon is still currently running and hiding. She boarded a ship towards Persephone to once again try her luck. The past planets she have been to make her feel very bummed since there was no potential customers she could take. Since because of her status, she find it beneath her to take customers that won't benefit her. She has her pride after all, she is not the kind of person to sell herself short.

    After a few months of changing ships she finally arrived at persephone. She went to the companion guild at Persephone to try her luck. When she arrived there she received a quality accommodation even though she is not openly using her identity, the alias that the guild at sihnon gave her is considered top notch when compared at the companion's here in Persephone. So she took control of the Persephone companion guild in the shadow, not intruding at their business but manipulating the information hoping to find some interesting client that she could take.

    Unbeknownst to her, it doesn't seem like to need to wait much longer. Luck was coming in her way and it is about hit her and take her for a roller coaster ride which she will surely enjoy.
    Credit's to karma

    Spoiler: My Roleplays 


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    "Aargh! Aaargh!"

    The red-clad thug tried to squirm away underneath a market stand. A frowning Fluke interrupted him by a firm step on his foot with her military-grade prostethic leg. She couldn't understand whatever came out of his mouth, but Fluke frowned again and reluctantly let him limp away. She shooed away the prying eyes and peered over the crowd looking for her partner in crime. Most of the fair citizens of Persephone City made way for Fluke's imposing short warm-black coupe, towering figure, broad shoulders and overall apathetic gaze. She sighed while she slung her dufflebag over her shoulder.

    The Eavesdown market was busy this time of day - the fruits were fresh and unspoiled. It was their last stop before getting off this rock, but trouble had found her incapable friend before they could hitch a ride at the docks. The triads of Hwung-Zi were lifelong enemies of Qillaero Skiphning, her recently-met friend. Ever since he and some girl won a bike-race by playing dirty, they'd come after him for the prize money.


    Sometimes she wondered why she's still hoofing it with that clown. Sure, he was cool and wise, but his self-destructive nature didn't fit in Fluke's current predicament. For Fluke, proud sergeant of the Independence, the war wasn't over; her mind filled with hate, her triggerfinger ever-itchy and her disgust for utopian society near its bursting point. Perhaps she should just slip away on some boat and leave him a message.

    She'd crossed the market. Fairly sure she hadn't missed him, she looked around the plaza. Now, where would that dude go..?


    Her eyes locked on the Persephone companions guild. Qill was a friend to the place, though they'd never (ever) admit him among them. He moonlighted as manwhore, although a lowly one. He'd also sporadically indulge in companionship himself.

    From the eyes of Qillaero, inside the Persephone Companions Guild:

    Qillaero was hanging on the railing of the reception desk. The guild's interior was unlike typical Persephonian architecture. It nudged to the eastern tints of Sihnon while maintaining a french bordello-kinda-vibe. Very intriguing, Qill thought.

    "I'm sorry, madame, I just need to chill for a while. Can't you have some new girl make me a bath or something?" he blabbered on before the madame could answer "I'll pay, happily."

    The madame raised a finger to interrupt him, but to no avail.

    "Or, you know, exchange expertise. Those prudes can learn from what we do in the slums, woman. Am I ri-"

    A cold slap on the face finally cut off his monologue. The madame could finally react.

    "Go upstairs! Double price, you heathen!"

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    Anika was staring at the ceiling of the medbay. She breathed in, smelling the harsh chemical scent of bleach, the tang of long-faded blood, and a slight floral scent, courtesy of the vase of wilted flowers sitting by the sink. Anika had long forgotten why she had them, and couldn't be bothered to throw them away. She couldn't be bothered to do most things, truthfully.

    The bright white light above her operating table blinked. It did that from time to time. One day she had so little to do that she counted the number of times her light went out in an hour. It was 13 times. Was that lucky, or unlucky? Anika couldn't remember. All she knew is that her light was broken.

    The ship was quiet. The smell of whiskey and cigar smoke had faded, so she figured that Cori and Michael left several minutes ago. Or hours. It didn't matter. Jun was still here, based on the occasional bursts of quick and quiet footsteps. She was like a mouse, and Anika found that entertaining.

    Anika turned and prepared her medical bay like she did each morning. It was a very useful ritual, one that she can do with her eyes closed. The scalpel went there, the thread there, and the morphine locked away behind the miniature fridge (one she kept in case body parts needed to be stored). There was little she could do today besides wait. Her knees ached more than usual. Her brother used to call that a bad omen, but she had long stopped letting her thoughts turn to him. She looked back up at the ceiling, onto the ever-flickering light.

    Griffin / Gumbo / Gambit / Griff

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    Better Then Expected
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    Default Re: Firefly relationship request!
    Michael left Cori to handle their pursuer. Cori was tough. One of the best fighters he knew. And normally he’d be right there to help. Osiris has gone pretty south in a hurry. But something was calling him and he had to oblige. Whatever it was it was strong this time while still remaining and mysterious and uninformative as always. “Ok what are you?”

    Some time has passed since Mei left sihnon to hide. Luckily she didn't lack money. But her travel towards persophone was filled with boredom, so when she saw a pretty good client she tried to catch it, besides there's nothing wrong about having an extra income that she could use since it's pretty risky to use her old account.

    While she was accompanying her new client a rough dirty man approached her and grabbed her hands.

    "Ey there pretty lady! Why don't you accompany this brother? This brother can give you lot's of lovin hehehe"

    Mei looked at man as he stared at her sleazily, eyes filled with lust. When the man spoke mei's beautiful face crumpled with a frown. The man was flying spittle everywhere! If it weren't for her veil some might got inside her mouth. Mei retrieved her hand and wipe it with a cloth.

    "I'm sorry sir but as you can see, i'm currently entertaining a client."

    She refused with a disatisfied tone and tried to lead her client away from the guy, but she was unsuccesful. The man grabbed her client's shoulder and gripped it roughly.

    "I'm one of the people who run this place, if you know what is good for you boy you better SCRAM!"

    The man shouted, which scared her client off. Mei watched her client flee in terror. She knew that the guy was a rich coward that's why she preyed on him. She bowed her head down, a shadow covering her face, anger began to radiate of her body. She gave the man in front of her a hard stare.

    "Compensate me..."

    She softly said, her anger rapidly rising to her boiling point.

    "What was it pretty lady? Coming with me now?"

    The man laughed disgustingly and reached for mei's arm to drag her to some motel to give her his "Lovin".

    "I said compensate me you idiot!"

    Mei raised her head eyes burning with fury as her hand flew to punch the man in front of her, momentarily forgetting her composure. It was her chance to have fun but that man ruined it. The man flew a few distance away from her. The man stared at mei in horror as the girl looked at her with a very scary smile as she approached him. He ordered the two goons that came with him to protect him. In her anger mei showed her initiation and began to tumble with the two goons.

    Michael continued his journey down the street. He didn’t know what he was looking for. But he knew what he saw. Or more accurately what he ran into. Michael crashed into a woman who was in the middle of a tussle. Quickly he turned so he took the brunt of the fall, landing on his back. The woman, who Michael saw was rather attractive, landed on top of him, his arms wrapped securely around her to make sure she turned so he took the hit. “Well it seems I’ve interrupted. You boys don’t mind if I cut in with your lovely dance partner do I? Are you ok ma’am?”

    "Oh no! they are getting away!!!"

    Mei exclaimed in panic. It just took a minute for a few second for the man and his goon to flee. Then she remembered that the guy asked her a question and the she is still laying on top of him. Feeling a little indignant at his meddling. Leona bit her lips and pouted a little.

    "Look at what you did, you let them get away. How are you going to pay me for my loss?"

    Mei asked her tone slightly charming as she gazed at the man below her while placing her hand on his chin and tilted a little so both of their eyes can meet directly. She might have lost her fun earlier but it seems she can use the guy, after all he doesn't look shabby. He radiates the feeling of a military man, which is her third favorite kind of customer after politician and businessman.

    “Well I do have many talents. Such as.” Michael turned his head, seeing the men booking it down the street. Letting one of his hands go from his impromptu cuddling partner Michael reached out with his mind. A wooden crate lifted off the ground and flew at the man. It struck him in legs, hard, causing him to flip and land on his face. Another, slightly heavier crate, struck him on the head. “I think I heard something rattling in his pockets. Maybe it’s a few pieces of platinum?”

    "hmmm.... it seems so."

    She answered with a hum not really trying to get out of her position. At the distance, dust can be seen flying everywhere with tons of man with all kind of appearance yelling and rushing at them. She could fight them but she lost the will to do so cause it was not interesting. So she once again face the man in front of her.

    "It seems like your time to act as a hero finally came. Won't you be a dearie and take me away from this place since it will be a hassle to fight them all."

    Mei leaned down and brought her mouth to his and whispered the worlds while slightly giggling.

    "Unless you want to fight them for me and help clear this lady's troublesome predicament."

    “Reinforcements.” Michael groaned. “Why do they always get reinforcements?” Michael sat up, hauling the woman up with him. “You all ruined a very nice moment we were having thank you!” The first man reached them. Michael ducked and tripped him. Then he grabbed his hand cannon and fired two shots into the air, then pointed it at the oncoming assault. The gun was loud and everyone within three blocks heard it. But it did cause everything to come to a stop. Michael leaned down and patted the man on the side, swiping something. “You ok down there buddy? Ok good. Let’s go my lady I believe we over stayed our welcome.” Michael grabbed her hand with his left and took off, not taking his gun off the enemies. “The name is Michael King by the way.”

    "Mei smiled and let herself be pulled by the man that introduced himself as Michael King.

    "I'm Mei, Just Mei."

    She giggled as the both of them ran. The goons that were in shocked because of michael's action woke up and started to pursue the two once more. This is the first time that mei felt like this. She is always being pursued by giving her gifts and attention, right now she was being pursued for a different kind of reason. The feeling excited her.

    "We better run faster hero, they are catching up."

    She said, while giving a bell chime like laughter as she matched up Michael King's pace.

    Deciding it was time to ditch their pursuers Michael kicked over a cabbage cart. Ignoring the cabbage man’s cries Michael pulled Mel down an alley while the gathering of goons dealt with the produce chaos. “My ship is just ahead.” At the end of the alley the Aurora came into view. “We’ll be safe here till the heat dies down and they forget about this.”

    "That sounds like a good plan."

    Mei replied, the smile on her face never fading as she follow the man towards his ship. The man seemed agreeable though when she scrutinized his appearance. It seems like her eyes didn't fail her. He really is a military man, though she doesn't know why a man like him is in Persephone, just from his body she can see that he has a well honed body. Well it's not her place to pry everybody has their own secrets.

    “Here she is. The Aurora. Finest flying ship with attitude in the Verse.” Michael was all smiles as he lowered the cargo ramp. Once it was down he motioned for her to follow him inside. Michael took off his poncho, revealing even more of himself. His shotgun and numerous belts of ammo. To the bullets on his waist to the shells on the bandolier across his chest and the ones on his forearm pieces. Michael, like some of his crew, were combat veterans and well prepared. He gestured for her to take s seat somewhere in the cargo hold. “So Miss Mei. What brings you out to Persephone on this lovely day?”

  9. #9
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    The fourth time the light flickered a new pair of foot steps sounded in the cargo bay. It may have been Cori and Michael, but something was a bit different. She poked her head into the cargo bay. Michael was there, smiling (preening?) at someone new. Anika looked at the newcomer’s hair, her nails, and her clothing.

    A companion, someone of wealth? Flushed, from drinking? Running? Intercourse? Given her profession, the latter more likely. Michael was in a similar state. He usually didn’t take risks, or pursue distractions on a job, however. She raised her eyebrow, and called out. “Have you been busy?” She allowed a sliver of incredulity and humor to enter her tone. Best not to appear too prying.

    Griffin / Gumbo / Gambit / Griff

  10. #10
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    "Hmmm well, i was just searching for some company. It's quite lonesome by myself."

    Mei smiled as she replied not ruffled by a bit at the marathon like run that they experienced though her clothing was rumpled from what happened earlier. When Michael motioned for her to step inside the ship which she did. She observed the ship looking here and there and finally noticed that michael removed his poncho. She finally saw his whole body and saw that it was decorated with all kinds of weaponry.

    "What a nice ship you have here."

    She complimented as she touched the well maintained metal of the entrance of the ship.

    "What about you Sir Michael. What leads you to try and save this lady with her troublesome predicament? You look quite heroic back there."

    Mei laughed a little when she remembered the comical sight earlier. She was sure that those goons were looking for her right now. It seems like she need to find another place again. The problem was not that big but it's irritating to have conflict like those. Is it hard to ask to live her life as a companion in peace?. She unknowingly released a sigh wondering where should she go next.

    She hope that her family is not having a hard time. That big shot should have let her family alone cause she was not there anymore. It's to bad that she couldn't send any messages cause it might be trace back to her. As she was thinking a voice sounded from a little further inside the ship. Since it was not referring to her, she remained quiet
    Last edited by Lleona; 11-16-2018 at 02:55 AM.
    Credit's to karma

    Spoiler: My Roleplays 


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