The scent that Danny had become too familiar with for his own liking had hit his nose once more as he watched the last of the group who had ambushed him fall to the ground. The scent of blood, both his own, and his attackers'. But it wasn't the scent of his attackers's blood that bothered him, it was the scent of his own blood. The red liquid oozed from a rather large gash on his side from where he was struck with a sword during the fight.

Danny's companion animal, a beautiful pure white female wolf with ice-blue eyes and the name of Aniu, looked around, sniffing the air for more attackers as she watched the surrounding area. Her white ears perked as she heard a whistle from Danny and she stopped looking around and went over to her injured hybrid companion.

The duo fell silent and watched the trees for a couple of minutes before Danny finally decided to speak up.

"I think they are gone. But they will come back. For now, we should try to make it back to the cave and apply my healing herbs to this wound, if my ghost energy doesn't patch it up soon." Danny said, grabbing onto Aniu, who let out a worried whine for her hybrid master.