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Thread: Anythingarian – Void Encompassing Rhapsody

  1. #1

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    Default Anythingarian – Void Encompassing Rhapsody

    Anythingarian – Void Encompassing Rhapsody

    As the cult bowed and worshipped they looked at the arch-chamber. This secluded world…so marrow and meek. It had waited countless millennia. As they worked to survive their powers were waning. How long would it be? Another sacrifice…another ten…another hundred? How many to what ends would it take? The hooded figure did not know…all they knew is once their being returned to them…everything could begin.

    8 Keru, 1076 Demu, 57 jak…it happened.

    The cult got before the Arc-chamber and bowed, they sacrificed a hundred people, all in a feeble attempt to save themselves. Those who were sacrificed were not willing people…screams could be heard, babies and children silence…as the blood flowed and the arc-chamber. As darkness set the cult leader cursed in every language he knew. As the crowd of people turned to him enraged by the lack of any being presenting itself a soft glow came from behind the stone seat. As the cult looked with wide eyes the soft blue turned into a deep white…

    A figure stepped forward, a mirror placed in a hood. The man seemed all black and had weird triangular metal things in holsters on his hip…a wicked edge looked curved blade. Not a single bit could be seen of his face or body…though he did look humanoid. A second figure came out…a girl in all white, her eyes lacking any pupils…blind as it were. She smiled and held what looked like a white and black book with intricate rune designs and gold trim. The pages all looked to be made out of Gold. Finally a presence came forward. The portal shook and the energy looked to be close to exploding until a echoed sound of boots on stone caused the portal to close.

    The man before them looked…elegant. He was in robes though hard black boots could be seen under. His cloak was white and black with a rust orange trim…his eyes a soft violet a small smirk across his face. His hair color went from the roots to the outer section black, to a rust orange, then to a soft grey. Almost as if his hair was what was left over of a bonfire.

    As the man looked around he said, “I…see…” He motioned with his hands and the man with mirror mask came forward, he pulled out the metal triangle and he pulled something like a switch and a loud thunder came out of it. One of the cultists with the knife fell to the ground…dead.

    The girl who could not be older than fourteen bounced forward, her soft blond hair and white robes gave her an angelic look. She wore no shoes…and a sweet strawberry scent seemed to enter the room. “Herro everyone! My name is C39&^%@ but you can call me Elif!” She turned to the man who stood…just a small mirk and nothing more a she looked from person to person. “Our Grand Master Judge Aega is here to replenish your world with energy!” She clapped the only thing piercing the silence. As she finished she said, “Now then slaves…it’s time to get to work!”

    The small girl suddenly moved her hand a long beam like whip came forward and cracked against the wall. As everyone was suddenly shuffled out the mirrored mask looked towards the judge. A silence passed and he said, “Tell them nothing…we need to welcome our guests to the Kourt” He turned brushing some Ashe off of his shoulder. Let the games begin…

    OO Hello and welcome to Anythingarian. This is an open Rp. Come and go as you wish, play as many or as few characters as you want. I am revealing nothing, all of your characters will figure things out as they go. Good luck! Also Death is a decent probably so be prepared to lose something you put time and love into.

    Character sheets as follows:
    Name (If any):
    Gender (If any):
    Race: (If not human please give a description of where they come from and their society, it can be anything you want with any abilities you see fit, pending approval of course nothing broken)
    Powers (if any): Magic, super power, natural ability, let me know once again nothing broken.
    Equipment: Primeval, Prehistoric, Medieval, current, future anything and everything so long as you can explain it and it is not broken.
    Physical Description: (Would like either a picture or minimum 150 words)
    Mental description: (200 words please)
    History: (300 words please)
    Desire: What is their goal in life, Power? Honor? Status? Fame? Money?
    Desired Adventure type: Best crafter? Heartthrob? Battle expert? What means is your character going to accomplish their desires.
    Stats: Do we want them or just role play let me know in your sheet.
    Last edited by Kortaga; 04-11-2019 at 07:11 PM.
    Activity Dates: I am most frequent Monday, Wednesday through Saturday. I am rarely free Tuesdays and Sundays though may be able to find some time.

    Currently looking for friends and Rp's if you think I might fit please let me know!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2019
    9 Post(s)
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    Hehe this looks interesting...

    Name (If any): Anasuie (AR-nah-swee)
    Gender (If any): Female
    Race: Human
    Powers (if any): None
    Equipment: Wooden staff with sharpened ends, two swords, a dagger
    Physical Description:
    Mental description: ...I don’t know what to put here.
    History: She grew up in a small village stricken by poverty. Her father governed this town, but he had no more money than they, so he could only watch as crops failed, and the death toll rose ever higher. Then, he had a daughter with one of the villagers. He could not bear to watch her die in that miserable town, so he sold her to a rich but cruel family in a different village so that they could raise her - and then she could be the wife of their heir. So, for the next sixteen years, Anasuie grew up in a mansion, taught to fight, clean and survive. However, during that time, she fell in love with one of the servants. The head of the family found out, and had that servant executed. Anasuie, distraught, snuck away from the mansion in the dead of the night, with no thought of the future. For the next seven years, she worked as a mercenary and assassin, until the events of this roleplay...
    Desire: Happiness
    Desired Adventure type: Reckless heroine, charging off into battle
    Stats: Just roleplay


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