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Thread: [IC] Kingdom Hearts :: Shattered Remains [PG-13]

  1. #151
    Krystalline Moon
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    As the conversation turned into a story about the past of the darkness that haunts this world. As the conversation changed Riku’s eyes fell to the ground. He was still listening, but at the same time his mind wandered about what had just happened between him and Kairi. They had never had a fight like that. Yet, in this situation they both had a difference in opinion.

    It didn’t take him long to dismiss his train of thought. Their problems would have to wait. Right now the Darkness is threatening this world. That's where his responsibility over his personal affairs. He would just have to work on this problem with her later. That is if they ever come back. He was unsure if Alexial or Kairi would return. If they didn’t he would know that it was his fault.

    Then Goofy approached him Trying to reassure him that Kairi understood better than she let on. “I hope you are right.” Was all he said as he did hope that his friend was right. It wouldn't be good if she didn’t understand why he did what he did.

    The story was intriguing to Raizel. He knew he could feel magical energies in this world, and he was right. Yet the magic of this world was not taught to each generation. It had been lost over time. There was also mention of a book that held incantations from this world within it. He would love to get his hands on that book. To be able to learn magic from a different world made his skin tingle. It might have been worth coming along afterall. Though the company might make this trip a little interesting.

    “You mentioned a book that has magic in it. Do you happen to know where this book is now?” Raizel said as he still leaned against the wall next to Alinara.

    Riku looked at Eve as she finished her story. He could tell that whatever happened at that time she felt it was her fault. Even if it was, she needs to not let it bother her. She is not the only one that has done stupid thing in their past.

    “Then you have faced this evil before and won. That will be helpful in the battle to come. Yet the darkness that has come to this world is fare more dangerous than what you have faced before. You must keep that in mind during our journey. The Heartless are not something that you can defeat on your own.” Riku said as he walked over to the woman and placed his hand on her shoulder. “Don’t let what happened weigh you down.” he said with a smile.

  2. #152
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    Vanigx had been listening to everyone and their concerns despite being worried about Alexiel at the moment. He didn’t want to lose any friends or allies. Not after everything he had gone through. At that exact moment, he clenched his fists tightly. “Riku’s right. We can’t exactly face this alone. We need to work together. Once we get Alexiel back and come up with a solid strategy, grab any weapons you can. Somebody might need to enchant them to harm the heartless. Any lead experts on battle strategy? I’m listening in.” Vanigx sighed with a faint smile after finally casting away his self doubt for the time being. He needed help to bring Alexiel back, but they also needed to work out a plan of attack to beat the heartless so they don’t go blindly charging in like shock troopers to save this world.

  3. #153
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    Evy nodded in response to Riku, promptly straightening herself up again. This was no time for self-pity, and besides, Riku was right that they had already defeated Imhotep before. The very prospect of an evil worse than Imhotep horrified her, and now she understood — at least in part — why Ardeth had wanted these people to know about all of that.

    She turned her attention to Raizel’s question next, as therein lay the only secret they knew of to defeat Imhotep.

    “The Book of the Dead is one of a pair, both containing all the secret incantations of the Old Kingdom. Unfortunately, we lost the books when Hamunaptra collapsed after Imhotep was defeated. The black book, the Book of the Dead, contains spells to resurrect the dead and, if Imhotep’s story is to be believed, to replace a lost heart. Its counterpart is the golden book: the Book of Amun-Ra, sometimes known as the Book of the Living. It contains the spell I used to strip away Imhotep’s immortality, and the cover alone bears an inscription Jonathan used to summon an undead army and put them under his control. And that’s just from what little we’ve actually read from the two books.”

    Vanigx chimed in next, and his newfound resolve was a nice change to say the least.

    “If it’s battle experience you’re looking for, I know Rick was once a Colonel in the French Foreign Legion.” Evy replied.

    "I can place charms on any weapons you have, as long as they're not electric." Luna offered. "Or since this is Egypt, there must be some statues I can charm to fight alongside us.”

    Just as Luna had finished speaking, Rick knocked on the door and opened it slightly.

    “Everything’s all set.” Rick said, looking over the group for a moment. “The car’s not big enough to fit everyone, so some of us will have to follow along some other way.”

    “Have you got a broom, or a carpet perhaps?” Luna asked in response. “Normally I’d apparate, but it’s not safe if you don’t know where you’re apparating to.”
    Last edited by Lady Celeste; 03-12-2021 at 07:18 AM.
    Thanks for the set, Kicks!

  4. #154
    The Shadow's Embrace
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    Alinara just kept herself silent for the most part during it all, eventually pulling out the assassin crystal and changing her job again in a brief black puff. She worked her arabian woman disguise back into place and straightened up. "I have experience in battle and leading people in it, but one I'm not what you people would follow and two... I want to understand the whole story. From what I heard from this side does give me some concerns about what the other side would say about it." She shook her head a bit. "Never mind what I'm saying. It only concerns me."

    She turned her head to Luna. "There was a market of people nearby here. I saw a few people that had carpets amongst their wares. Do you think they take gil?" She pulled a handful of golden coins from her pocket, like it was nothing to be carrying out handfuls of golden coin. "If so we could get a carpet and you can do your magic thing."
    I am the blade of shadows embrace. Just because I am a user of an unholy power doesn't make me evil. For without light, a shadow cannot exist.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Heson Shadowbane is on discord! For those friends of mine that want to keep in touch with me just send me a message and I'll give ya my deets.

  5. #155
    Krystalline Moon
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    Raizel listened intently to Evy’s story about the magic books, and a small smile formed on his lips. Magic of that magnitude was not something that normal people would be interested in, but for him these words meant a lot. Not many spells exist that are capable of raising the dead. A spell like this would be wonderful to learn. It would give him an edge when it came to the number of spells he knew. And the fact that these spells are written only made it better. He could take the book and learn the spells at his own leisure. The only problem he could see was learning the language. Well he would cross that bridge when he came to it.

    “So, these books are lost in the place we are heading to?” Raizel said as he moved from the wall and approached Evy. Now he had better reason to fight. The next thing that happened was that it was time to go. However the mode of transportation was not able to accommodate everyone in the room. That was not a problem for him.

    “I can follow from the sky. I have a form of flight magic. I can also take a single person with me if needed.”

    Riku was not one to jump into a situation without at least thinking. At least now. Back in the day he sometimes leaped before looking. Not as much as Sora, but he was not perfect. Yet for the moment he was just going to go with the flow. He didn’t know much about this world, and he wanted to speak with Ardeth about his world, and what they needed to know.

    With everything that has happened not having information about the world might lead them into a disadvantage. These worlds were very different from what he was used to, and to top it off this Darkness they were fighting was more organized than the last. They needed more information, and he doubted that Undine would be willing to answer any questions that were placed to them.

    “We need to find the others, time is of the essence.” Riku said as they needed to get going. Though how all of them were to get to the location was still up in the air. In a world that is not versed in magic it was going to be rough. However, for now he wanted to hear what everyone had to say before continuing.

    As things continued to develop Raizel knew he had a spell that would allow their travel time to be decreased. However, it was a risky spell with the amount of people and things that they were wanting to bring. He would more than likely have the worst side effect that could happen with this spell, but they didn’t need to know this if they wanted him to use this spell.

    “I am only going to offer this once. I have a spell that I can use to get this group to the end of the river. I just need someone that knows the way. I will also need a place where I can draw a symbol in magic.” Raizel said as he kept a serious look on his face.
    Last edited by Yamimoon; 06-21-2021 at 03:58 AM.

  6. #156
    Star of the Dawn
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    Evy paced slightly across the office, listening to each of the suggestions that were made. Some of them sounded more fantastical than others, but as it stood, none of these options seemed like they would catch up with Ardeth and the others by the time they finished their trip downriver. Then one of the ones who had defended Jonathan proposed some form of teleportation, as long as one of them knew where they were going and he could draw something somewhere.

    “So it’s like a more advanced form of Apparition, is it?” Luna asked, genuinely intrigued. “I can help you then, if you’d like.”

    “As I recall, when we were traveling to you-know-where the first time, our boat was scheduled to travel from Cairo, where we are now, all the way down to Luxor.” Evy said, taking out a map and laying it out on the desk for everyone to see. “There was a bit of an issue back then, but assuming nothing of the sort happens to Ardeth’s boat, I’d suppose they would arrive in Luxor in approximately three days’ time.” She glanced up at Raizel. “Do you really think you can take all of us that far in one go, equipment and all? Or perhaps it might be easier for you to travel one-third of the way at a time, so we can still meet up with Ardeth in Luxor?”

    Spoiler: Reference Map 
    Thanks for the set, Kicks!

  7. #157
    Krystalline Moon
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    Raizel could see that his suggestion was well taken. Even by the people of this world. Through what intrigued him was the girl named Luna saying that it was a form of something called Apparition. The fact that this girl had a form of the spell he was talking about was interesting, but at the same time he wondered if it was possible for him to learn some of the magic from this girl's world? In fact he was wondering if he would be able to learn magic from all of the worlds that they were bound to visit? This theory would have to be explored, but for now he would just have to wait and ask later.

    “I don’t know what Apparition is, but if it is able to move things from one location to another then yes it is. I don’t know how your magic works, but I think you will be able to help. As for if I am able to take everything that you are needing to take, I can.” Raizel said as then the woman laid out some parchment and showed him about the length the journey was to be. Granted he had no idea how to read this map, but what he could tell it was going to be at least three lunar days worth of travel. This was going to be a trying trip, but it was more than possible for him to do.

    “It is possible to take us all the way in one go.” Raizel said as he knew the strain on his body would be less if he did it in one go. He knew that if he separated it then he just might not be able to make the third jump.

  8. #158
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    Vanigx listened in closely before he nodded and calmly got out a small canister and grabbed a specific cube of energy before throwing it on the ground carefully outside and put in a specific button combination. Suddenly, the cube began to glow before in the cube’s place stood a decently large ship big enough to fit a squad of three. “Anybody hopping in with me? I can fit two more people in here, but you’re both gonna have to man the turrets on this thing. I got the main cannon handled in the cockpit. Regardless, say hello to the Hammerhead.” He then went inside before firing up its highly advanced engine that definitely wasn’t powered by gas.

  9. #159
    Star of the Dawn
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    Spoiler: Meanwhile, Along the Nile River... 
    Last edited by Lady Celeste; 11-08-2021 at 03:49 AM.
    Thanks for the set, Kicks!

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