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Thread: Beyond the Second World: The First Knight [Rated M] (IC)

  1. #21
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    Gwen jolted with a small gasp. The cool tasteful air was in contrast from hot smoky air in the dream she just felt she'd woken from. She let out a soft breath before cocking her head. She could hear the lap of waves against a beach. The subtle rustle of leaves behind her. The air was cleaner here just the faintest fragrance of clean salt water. she brushed her hand against the ground beside her before picking up a handful of the fine sand. She cocked her head, a clear look of confusion clouding her face.

    She didn't remember being on a beach, in fact she couldn't remember much for a moment. Letting the sand slip through her fingers and rubbing her thumb through it as she blind eyes stared off over the ocean she couldn't see. She had gone somewhere, with her father and her dog. Dan and Toby. Toby was her service dog he was never supposed to leave her side. Dropping the rest of the sand she reached around herself, but there was nothing. "Toby?" she asked quietly with a concentrated frown.

    Nothing. What else? she felt like she was missing a very important detail. She cocked her head. in the distance she thought she heard a voice. Asking where she came from? Kansas she thought as she tucked her legs under her and started to carefully get up, thought not sure where she would go. "Toby?" she called again a little louder. where was he? she couldn't remember a time that he'd never not been by her side. But there was the key detail, something was missing in the strange haze in her memory. Why was she on a beach?

    There had been the smell of smoke and... the taste of blood. Gwen rubbed at her body with a frown. And pain, a lancing pain through her body. Something loud had gone off and she'd fallen a long ways. The peaces slowly formed in her mind, a pictuer of words and feelings, touch and taste.

    She felt her gut knot up and her throat close as the phantom tremor of pain passed through her. She was dead. She could remember the blood and bile raising from her throat, how hard it was to breath. How horrible it had all seemed as her hands covered her mouth as a small horrified sound escaped her. She was dead. That could only mean that her father and Toby where dead as well. There were other people here, she knew she had heard a voice. Was this perhaps heaven?

    "Dad!?" Gwen called her voice panicked as she reached out with her hands to feel the air as she stepped forward. Her blind eyes wide and brimming with tears. "Dad?! Toby?!" How had this happened? but if she was here and her father was not?! that thought was almost just as horrible, he'd lost his wife she didn't think he could bear to lose his daughter to.
    P.K.'s character locker ~ P.K.'s word works ~ P.K.'s Idea store

    1x1 = 1/5 Multi = 0/5 PW = 0/2
    Spoiler: Other things. 

  2. #22
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    So death....seems quite fun so far. Zeke scared both the Grim Reaper and Satan away and now he was most definitely in Heaven. And as the happily dead man laid in the sand waiting with a smile on his face something began to not feel right. Opening his eyes he quickly decided this wasn't Heaven.

    No beer, no busty women in bikinis, no mile long BBQ pit, and most glaring of all! No Evel Knievel riding a flaming motorcycle while Johnny Cash and Elvis jammed out on the center stage beneath God's throne! Jumping to his feet Zeke dashed into the tree line only barely registering that he was wearing a white tank-top, white jeans, and white boots now. His instincts took over and up a tree he bolted not stopping till he as well off the ground and among the leaves. He was surprised to not run into any Banana Spiders or Coconut Crabs up here, but it was likely for the better cause he had nothing to fight with right now not even a belt to wrap around his knuckles for an improvised boxing glove.

    Keeping low he riled up all the insane lessons his family taught him through the years. He wasn't dead, but he also wasn't back in Commiefornia anymore. He was on some kind of island, it looked near to Hawaii, but it couldn't be, the air didn't taste the same. Spinning on his perch he scanned the back end of the island. At it's center was a huge volcano it wasn't smoking or anything, but Zeke's gut told him everything wasn't as it seemed out here. But there was tropical forest as far as the eye could see. The Jungle wasn't the best place to survive in, but it was doable lots of fruit and animals around to munch on and depending on how much it actually rained could be ideal for a well concealed hideaway high up in the trees or even a decent sized cave if he was really lucky.

    From his look out he saw a number of others scattered around the beach. He couldn't tell who they were from this distance, but they all looked to be dressed in all white just like him. Two were already awake, a young man and young woman who seemed to be extra lost. They weren't enemies, but he also couldn't be sure they were friends. This could all be some kind of sick Hunger Games and he could be expected to kill all these people so he can make it to the Victor's Village and live to see another day. Dropping from his tree he slid easily down the bark and set about finding himself a big stick and a big rock.

    It only took a few minutes to find his desired tools. And after gathering up some vines he fashioned himself a handy whooping stick he was ready to face whoever was out there. Shouldering the stick he made his way over to the blind girl whistling before crouching down a few feet from her. "I ain't thinking we're in Kansas any more girly. Nor do I think dad or Toby are around. Name's Zeke Edge."

    Xbox One Gamertag: Free Today56 just say who you are first.
    Breath deep as the snow falls around you. Let it fill your lungs and purify the fires of doubt within you.

    Spoiler: The stories I've written x50 

  3. #23
    RPA's Resident Zombie
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    The air shifted above an empty stretch of beach, two forms emerging as though through a canal as they were birthed to the sand below. As the rip closed, a cough was heard from the young woman as she impacted the ground, her landing softened slightly by the beast below her, a tawny canine of nondescript breed.
    A wetness against her cheek...heat beating down on her skin...and a whine...all these things TJ registered in her addled state, making little sense of them as she lay on her side curled into herself. She huffed, finally opening her eyes, only to close them again...squeezing them shut. "Fuck," slipped past her lips...and then again the whine...and the coldness against her face...nudging her as something wiggled out from beneath her shoulders. She pushed at the unwanted presence...surprised at the feel of fur against her palm...and when her eyes opened this time, they stayed open, focusing on...a dog.

    "What the fuck?" she murmured, trying to take in her surroundings while still keeping her attention on the canine. She was on a beach. 'In California?' she wondered. '...and with a dog. Strange.' And yet, she remembered a dog from the World-Con hotel...when she was getting a soda...a Sprite. The memory itself was a trigger, and reaching blindly, she searched the sand for her beverage, her mouth suddenly very dry. No...not dry...parched. She doubled her efforts, her head spinning faster as her desperate patting of the sand intensified. ...and all the while the dog stared at her, its head tilting as if in question.

    Hands coming up empty, TJ grumbled, licking her lower lip as she worried at it with her teeth. "Okay...Dog..." the word coming out more as a proper noun, "...that's enough sitting around. Hmm? I gotta find Jimmy." Just saying the dealer's name made her feel more confident. Of course Jimmy was here...she didn't have to worry. He had promised to take her to the beach after all. Just because she could not remember driving here did not mean anything. She was still high...really high...and the thought made her giggle...but softly...the sounds of other voices reaching her ears. There was no one else in sight, at least not on this stretch of beach, but she had had enough of the company of others yesterday on her rounds and didn't want to play at being nicey nice...not today thank you. Pinching the bridge of her nose as she rose to her knees to help her focus, her hand slipped into her pocket to grab her pack of cigarettes.

    The material stretched to accomodate her hand but was empty within, and the dark-haired girl cursed again. "No effing way!" She never went anywhere without her smokes...even Jimmy knew that...and he was not cruel enough to leave her without her nicotine fix. Her opposite hand dove into her other pocket...and a quick pat of the back ones confirmed her worst fear. 'No cigarettes!'

    TJ was up on her feet now, weaving slightly as her toes sunk into the warm grains, and for the first time the girl looked down at herself. She plucked at the white t-shirt, looked inside it and saw the white bra. 'Ugh!' White cotton pants fell mid-shin and white underwear lay beneath. Where were her clothes? '...and for fuck's sake...white?' She growled under her breath and looked at the dog. "..and what 'bout you? Why'd Jimmy bring you along? Hmmm? Where's your collar...your vest?"

    A memory came flooding back to her with that thought. The hotel lobby and the dog moving down the hallway, her room about half way along it. He(?) must have come from another room close by. Ownerless. Something nagged at her. A service dog without an owner was... And then it was gone...the memory...and she was filled with the need for her morning puff. Sighing she turned, seeing a wilderness area behind her. She was not a country girl and the scene was not appealing, but maybe Jimmy went to take a leak out there and she was worrying for nothing. It made the most sense.

    With her decision made, TJ started in the direction of the trees, about to curse the hot sands against her bare feet when she saw a pair of white slip-on shoes lying a bit to her left. Shaking her head with disgust, she put them on then looked over her shoulder at the dog, dismissing his presence without another thought....he was not her responsibility. Surprisingly the pooch moved to her side regardless of her flippant attitude and they entered the forest together, the surrounding foliage seeming to swallow them and the sounds of the other 'passengers' near by, disguising whatever lay within.
    Last edited by bluemoon; 09-08-2019 at 05:21 PM.

  4. #24
    The Art Vandal

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    BREATHE, Róisín.

    Lying in a comatose state on a sun-drenched beach, the pale body of Ro began to involuntarily twitch, ever so slightly; even as her inner self commanded her to BREATHE.

    With each inhalation, Rosie's belly and breast rose in tandem as oxygen filled her lungs once more, urging her to fly and defy. Because you are not allowed to die, her heart said in its slow and steady beat, working alongside her lungs to enliven her tired body. Not in some foreign land.

    A slight breeze prompted Rosie's loose blonde hair to tickle her nose. This caused the eyelids of the blue bird to open, revealing bright eyes.

    Still, Rosie weakly gained her composure and turned her gaze to take in her surroundings. Behind her, a jungle teemed with vitality; one that stood lush and dense, sporting a canopy of radiant green—almost intimidatingly so.

    Rosie again took a moment to inhale the salty air and delicate scent of tropical flowers, relishing the warmth that embraced her so unexpectedly. Wherever she was, it truly was invigorating her and filling her with a sense of renewed energy.

    Stand up and walk, her instincts instructed her.

    With each breath of fresh air taken in and each step forward, Róisín curiously felt the weight of old stories, old limitations, and old beliefs melting from her back. All that was left behind now were small footprints from the pads of her feet, as she moved with ease, slowly and carefully—never in any rush to get anywhere in particular.

    Your journey is as valuable as the destination, she remembered. But who had said that to her? She couldn’t remember anymore. It was a voice from her past. But from... where?

    What past?

    Where am I?

    At this time, Ro became distracted by a narrow path that led upwards into the mysterious jungle; one that she somehow felt called to follow to its end. So with little hesitation, she began to venture towards the foliage, following the skylight that trickled through the branches. One mindful step in front of the other, she felt strong in her core and confident in her movements as a butterflies fluttered in an open space over the dense jungle floor.

    Hah! Does anyone really know where they’re going? the bird thought as each fragment of old energy fell to the jungle floor. Her sights were beginning to widen as she took in more of her surroundings. How crystal teal blue were these waters—the lightest and brightest she had ever seen.
    Last edited by Leanna; 10-15-2019 at 05:50 PM.

    art should comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable

    - banksy

  5. #25
    RPA's Resident Zombie
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    TJ continued to move deeper into the thick vegetation, the persistent dog at her heels. Despite her best efforts to get him to leave her alone, he stayed close, every so often irritating her further by delivering a light nip on her ankle. It became part of the journey...he would nip, she would push him away as she moved a bit to the side...then she’d call out for Jimmy. The sound of her voice seemed to fall flat, barely carrying beyond the area she was walking. It was slow going and before long the moisture from within was soaking through her cloth shoes and pants. She was miserable and had to look down constantly, her footing unsteady both from the exposed root systems and the light-headedness caused from the last drug she had taken. At least that was what she suspected. For what seemed like the hundredth time since she had awoken on the beach, she felt a deep craving for a cigarette.

    Another nip...and this time TJ raised her hand to swat the dog away...almost falling over her own feet as her legs crossed each other in an attempt to avoid another bite. “You stupid effing dog!” she berated, nearly growling in her frustration. “Stop biting me! How do you ‘spect me to walk with you underfoot?” She was so angry at the canine that she almost missed the open area she had just tripped into...her hand going out to stop her fall by grasping the nearest palm tree. It was then that she looked down and saw a pathway of some sort. “Well fuck,” she said under her breath, giving the dog an apologetic look. “Was you trying to get me over here to walk the trail?” She shook her head, laughing at herself, then reached over and patted the animal on the head. “Yeah...well, trying to blaze our own trail, huh Boy?”

    The passing of the next few minutes were uneventful, TJ making better time as she moved along the trodden down area continuing to call out for her dealer boyfriend. She started to notice a little more wildlife, if insects and spiders counted, the creepy crawling critters causing her to yelp like a frightened child every time she encountered one. They were big...larger than she recalled from the city...and more diverse. Tired of running into webbing as she walked, she eventually grabbed up a stick to clear the area in front of her. If this was the country, she wanted nothing more of it...and once she found Jimmy, she would tell him to take her home. She had had enough of California and its beaches.

    She walked for what seemed forever...finally abandoning her web-clearing tool and braving the silken threads with a groan. Sweat covered, tired, and grumpy, she brushed her wet hair from her face for the thousandth time. She needed a fix so bad she could taste it...her hands starting to tremble with the first sign of nicotine withdrawal. Having ventured much deeper into the forest than she had planned, TJ was about to turn back when Boy ran ahead of her then froze, his hackles rising and a low growl reverberating from his throat. She stopped in her tracks, her heart quickening against her chest as she peered into the dense foliage ahead, finally making out a dark shape that was slowly moving in their direction. It was large...and when its head pushed through the leaves, she saw an elongated snout protruding from an armored head. Large brown eyes regarded hers from above...and she screamed...loud and long...falling over her feet when she attempted to run and pivet at the same time. She reached for a handhold, her fingers brushing against a woody vine, but slipping past. There was no grace in her downward spiral, her body falling sideways and her head bouncing off a half-buried rock. The effect was instant...unconsciousness claiming her as a thin thread of blood seeped into the ground beside her, the loamy earth soaking up the moisture like a sponge.

  6. #26
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    Light. Light fought its way into the back of his eyes, squeezing through his closed eyelashes and making his previously black world erupt in dancing circles that made his pounding head spin more. A distant echo pulsed against his earlobe, a sound both foreign and so comforting. Exotic scents came into his nose but they overwhelmed his senses thus blending into something he could only identify as ‘sweet’. Slowly, his mind seemed to start up and wake up, resembling one of the old computers from the beginnings of NASA space missions - punch cards included. And as the loading screen of floating lights continued to play, the little brain trying to find the correct card to put into the computer that was his memories, Charlie tried to come to understand who he was.

    From the small rips of memories that echoed in the void of his mind, he could faintly make out his name. It was long, full of too many parts and had a funny ending - esquire. He was old ...or old enough for people to treat him like he was old. And animals ...there was something about him that dealt with animals. Small ones, big ones, fluffy ones, scaly ones. The thought of scaly creatures made Charlie involuntarily shudder but he kept going, his head pounding a bit too loudly. Animals meant he was what? Some Doctor Dolittle or maybe a character from Zoo. Zoo was a good tv show, one of his rare favorites because he always preferred to read books, feeling the pages against his skin, engulfed in the words and his imagination painting battalias that no filmmaker could ever recreate. The last book that he read….what was the last book he read?

    Groaning as the pounding got worse, Charlie moved his head, trying to find a way to block out the soft light disturbing his dark thoughts. Why was there light anyway? Didn’t they know that he was dead and as a body decaying in the great unknown with his spirit still too weak to float away, he required some peace and quiet? How unexplainably rude - was this his punishment? Did he end up in Hell and if so, for what sins? He wasn’t a saint but surely he had done enough to play his part to at least have some sort of trial before being doomed to eternal punishment. Groaning again and feeling as though his throat was being scratched by claws, Charlie ended up coughing, his body sitting up on its own as he desperately tried to breathe without suffocating, tears coming up involuntarily. Taking a few shaky breathes, Charlie reached up to wipe away the salty drops, cringing as the light made its way into his eyes, no longer soft and calming but harsh and burning. His muscles hurt and he felt that he had been processed through a meat grinder at least before being reassembled.

    A soft meow made him freeze and focus his slightly watery gaze on the small ball of fur beside him. The meow echoed again, this time confused and hesitant, the creature moving only a single ear. Charlie tilted his face, observing the animal with a blank expression as the little thing meowed one more time, slowly starting to move first a paw then its short tale and finally blinking its eyes open. Looking around groggily, it focused on Charlie, took a second to sniff the air then meowed with relief and tried to shimmy its way over, struggling against the sand and his weak paws. As the kitten made it to his foot, panting slightly but quite pleased, Charlie was finally able to figure out the name of this cat - Berlioz. Gingerly, he picked up the animal, bringing it close to his chest, his fingers digging into the soft plush fur and seeking comfort. The baby protested slightly but soon was purring so loudly, Charlie could barely focus on anything else.

    Eventually, both man and feline calmed down enough to focus on their surrounding. Climbing up onto Charlie’s shoulder, the little lynx balanced his weight as the man slowly stood up, dusting his body from the sand and squinting up at the bright blue sky. A few birds echoed in the distance and as he maneuvered to follow their call, he took in the landscape - the brilliant blue ocean, the soft sand, the green jungles of the wild, the huge boulders that seemed to encircle the area of the beach that he and his companion ended up on. Stifling a yell as he took a step and his legs erupted in pins and needles, he slowly counted to ten, mentaly cursing as his more rational side argued that it was another indication that he was not dead. No punishment could this be creative and no animals ever went to Hell. Besides, he was starting to sweat.

    “Meow,” the soft reminder made Charlie’s lips curl up into a smirk and with a bit of effort, he managed to make his way slowly up the beach, his feet sinking slightly into the sand. For the first steps, he had to use his arms to help him balance, feeling as though he was both dizzy, drunk and seasick at once. Slowly, his body remembered what it felt like to walk, to move, to keep upright. As he clambered up onto the small dune, biting his lip with the effort and trying not to think about the claws digging into his skin, Charlie wondered what had happened. There had been an explosion, he had died and then…….what? Breathing hard at the top and absently scratching the kitten under his chin, Charlie looked around, hoping to see something to give him some answers. Something…..or someone…..

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    Mystic of the Grimoire
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    “Names Matt Brunswick and yeah, we clearly ain't in kansas anymore.” Matt spoke up, looking over the sands and trying to see if anyone else had managed to survive the blast. Though survival wasn’t the first thought that came to mind. Matt didn’t know if this was some kind of sick VR joke, but that death felt way too real to just be a stunt. The death had been real, and now he was stuck with george of the jungle ripoff and a girl who was about as helpful as..

    “The hell was that?!” Matts thoughts were broken as a scream broke through the air, short yet very distinctly human. It had come from the forest, and sounded absolutely terrifying when everything else had been calm for so long. Matt could still feel his heart thudding in his chest while looking at the other two, wondering if they had heard it as well. Management and curiosity struck in pairs as he began moving towards the sound, slow steps at first to let his heart calm down.

    “We should go check that out. Sounds like another survivor and they seem to be in trouble.” Matt spoke to the other two before picking up his pace. Matt was thankful at least to have the cowboy with him who had a stick. Given what he remembered of him last time, along with the makeshift spear he had, Zeke may be helpful in fighting off anything that may come after them. Granted he wasn’t sure what they might have to fight off, but at least the option was there for them.


    The creature gave a curious sniff at the unconscious TJ, having taken a defensive state against this new intruder. Its hackles had risen ready to defend against the new two legged creature, but nothing had come of it. The small furry beast next to it was an interest to it as well, but nothing that seemed worth the effort to strike it, nor did it seem willing to leave the side of the other asleep creature.

    Disgusted by the limp TJ, the creature bumbled along, its large paws sweeping the ground and leaving bare tracks as it moved, pushing aside the underbrush as it moved along its territory, back to the daily hunt for food and nourishment from its usual places, nose to the ground and the large plate-like quills nestling onto its back once again.


    Sand shifted, revealing two large pale circles hiding beneath the grains at the newcomer walking across its home, a strange two legged creature carrying a much smaller and fuzzier animal on it. Surprised to see such a strange combination, it followed at a distance, the sound of shifting sands hidden behind the waves washing along the beach. Though not of its normal diet, the creature in the sand was interested in the possible new food source, looking to snack upon both of them.

    "Even Dreams, can be a nightmare"
    Spoiler: Click it, I dare ya! 

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    Default Tri-op

    Gwen caught the sound of someone whistling, just off to her side. not to far from her. She clutched her hands to her chest nervously as the man spoke, his voice was only comforting to the point she knew she wasn't alone on this strange beach. But he sounded rough and perhaps a little bit wild. He said what she was fearing. Her father was not here... did that mean he was somewhere else? did that mean he somehow survived? and Toby? Gwen was at a loss. She couldn't move around on her own, at least not well. She couldn't fend for herself. she was little more then a burden to stranded strangers.

    "Gwen, Hopeler." She said quietly cocking her head in the direction of a new voice. Zeke Edge and Matt Brunswick. What exactly had happened to them? She was about to ask when she to caught wind of the terrifying scream. Shuddering as Matt also knowledge it. "Uh..." She didn't like the idea of going wherever that scream was, but she didn't fancy the idea of being left behind either. Her gut knotted up and she could feel her body rooting to the spot. thoroughly stuck with no way to guide herself and knowing she was going to get left behind. Panic started to set in again as she squeezed her eyes shut. with out Toby or her dad she couldn't do anything.

    Zeke spun his whooping stick nervously around his hand as the new guy appeared. The Southern man felt like he should know the name Matt Brunswick, but the sudden scream of a woman form back in the jungle made him quickly crouch and hold his weapon before him defensively. And as this Matt guy began walking towards the scream, Zeke was at an impasse. They should go help the screamer, but they had a blind girl to deal with. Leaving her alone on the beach would just Commiefornia levels of stupid, but bringing her along would be a burden and a half. Still with a sigh and moved over and crouched before the girl. "Here girly climb on no sense in leaving you for lunch if whatever caused the scream has a friend."

    Zeke's voice cut through the panic. Making Gwen blink open her bind eyes, surprised that he was still here. She reached out slowly. Climb on? he was going to carry her? "A-are you sure?" she asked her hand resting against his back as she finely found him. No one had offered to carry her before, not piggy back. It was a chance to not be left behind though. She visibly calmed a bit as she carefully reached around his neck, both uncertain but somewhat eager not to be left alone in this strange place.

    She could feel he was tall, and muscular worked out a lot? but by his accent he probably spent a lot of time in the country. She settled herself against his back, feeling somewhat awkward, but thankful. "Thanks.." She said quietly, only imagining what her face might look like.

    The man grunted settling the girl onto his back in a comfortable way before he gripped his stick and followed Matt. "No worries, I think I heard a dog bark too maybe you're seeing eye doggo died and went to this weird heaven too." Hiking the girl up some he held his stick under the thighs and ran after Matt.

    Matt paused to look back at the two of them. He had barely thought about the blind woman who was with them, nor the thought of leaving her alone on the beach. Basic survival taught people to stay together if need be, regardless of reasons. He felt like somewhat of an ass for just up and leaving the two of them and having expected them to follow without a question. Looking to the man he moved closer.

    "Sorry for just heading off like that. How can I help you guys out." Matt asked the two of them, waiting for them to catch up to him. He kept pace with them as they moved to the jungle.

    Gwen could feel her face burn a little as adjustments were made. But she made no complaint as the man was kind enough not to leave her behind. As he spoke about maybe having herd a dog bark she felt her hopes Rise a little. "I hope so." she said a little horsely trying not to get her hopes up to high. It didn't seem to take them long to catch up with Matt, or perhaps he'd paused to let them catch up. Though as he asked how he could help them out after apologizing for just up and leaving She wasn't really sure what to say. Wasn't much someone could do to help her do then what Zeke was already doing. But the scream had been startling so she wasn't surprised that braver people would jump into action to see what was up. She decided it was best to let Zeke talk since she honestly wasn't sure what she needed at this point other then Toby and her father.

    Zeke already knew what he needed. Pulling the stick out he tossed it at Matt and gripped more firmly on Gwen's legs. It wasn't going to do him any good with his hands full like this, he just hoped this Matt guy wasn't some kind of sissy. "You be the thing whatever made that woman scream fights first, that's all we need right now."

    "Got it. I get to smack the beast." Matt spoke as he picked up the stick. It was pretty hefty and had some weight behind it. He tested the grip of the stick and swung the wood like a bat, adjusting for the makeshift weapon. Feeling comfortable he let it rest by his side and rolled his sore shoulder, not having used it like that for a while. Looking back to the jungle he took a breath to steel himself for whatever might be waiting in the jungle for them.

    "So, not meant to off track from the situation some, but.. were you two at the worldcon?" Matt asked the two of them as they began their trek back towards the jungle. Now that the shock had worn out, he could see how risky this entire thing was turning out to be.

    "I was going to ask that earlier." Gwen pipped quietly she hesitated a moment. "Do... you... remember..." She trailed off as she could remember vividly now the whistling just before the defining sound and the rush of heat. "... The explosion?"

    Zeke nodded at them both. "Yeah that shit sucked harder than a 20 dollar whore. Figured I'd die in the communist state of California, but thought I'd get gunned down by some angry inner city gang or Antifa though. You know, because I don't have a manbun or wear rainbows all over, but blowing up in a terrorist attack or massive industrial mistake was surely on the list, so glad it was one of them instead." He let out a manic cackle his hand slipping up Gwen's legs some as he lifted her up so he could climb a small sand dune. "At least then my body wouldn't get defaced cause I was already extra crispy!" He cackled again looking into the jungle for the source of the scream.

    "Yeah that... Was something." Matt spoke as he set a hand on his stomach, still remembering the burning rod stuck in his stomach, even if only for a few moments. It was still a vivid moment stuck in his skull and one not easily forgotten. Shaking his head though he looked over the dune into the jungle, noting then the path obviously torn through the underbrush.

    "Still, it seems odd that instead of what should be heaven... We've basically been dropped onto an island somewhere, mostly fine. This seems like some serious video game cliche." Matt spoke as he began moving towards the broken brush and twigs. If the scream came from the jungle, this would be the path to go.

    Gwen winced as Zeke spoke. Differently words she was not used to hearing. His manic cackle that followed made her a little uneasy and start to question how wise it might have been to climb onto this man's back. She warped her arms tighter around his shoulders as he tried to pull her up further onto his back, his hands slipping to an uncomfortable position making Gwen's face burn once more making her gasp softly, involuntarily. She was about to suggest that it might be easier if he just led her around by the hand but she quickly shut her mouth. she could taste a difference in the air as they neared the jungle and their voices carried different as well. If they were going into a wooded area there was likely to be roots and branches and all manor of things she'd trip over.

    "It is... strange." she agreed. "But did everyone from world con end up here?" she asked quietly. A part of her still hoped her father was okay and perhaps still alive? but then a part of her hopped maybe he was here and she'd be reunited with him.

    The madman clicked his tongue and hmmed. "Well if we're in a video game lets find the restart button so we can all get home." He ducked the girl back down so her head was behind his own so a low hanging branch would clobber her her words making him ponder. "Well dependin' on how big the island is that could be possible, but when I climbed a tree to look around I didn't see no million plus people hanging around the place is still kinda big though. Maybe they all got eaten?" He said quickly and offhandedly.

    "I think if everyone was brought over, the beach would have been a lot more crowded." Matt spoke up, staring at Zeke at the blatant statement about the others getting eaten. Things were still tense as is, no need to make things worse. Sure they were on an unknown island filled with Lord's know what, but no need to be so negative.

    "Who knows though. It's not like we've explored the entire island yet to know what all is here yet. Maybe there are even people on this place." Matt spoke as they moved along, though paused as he heard the heavy shuffle of feet, acutely not human, before also hearing something familiar.

    "Does anyone else hear... Barking?" Matt asked, gripping the stick harder.

    Gwen frowned at what Zeke said before gasping softly as she was moved suddenly being unable to see being moved around was a strange feeling and even more disorienting then simply walking on her own. She inwardly groaned as she settled herself against his back once more choosing to take Matt's words over Zeke's.

    Matt's footsteps paused and she cocked her head back at him. barking, she did indeed hear barking. A familiar tune. She pushed herself up further on Zeke's shoulders her blind sights set on the forest ahead of them as she listened intently. "I-i think that's Toby!" To anyone else a dog's bark might sound very much the same, deeper for larger dogs, higher for smaller dogs but to someone who relied on sound to identify much in the world Toby's voice was very recognizable. "Toby!?"

    "Toby?" Zeke asked turning towards the sound of barking. "So dogs go to heaven with humans now? Cool, maybe my Coon Dog Lucky will be out here too! He could run down a deer and rip it's leg off in seconds!" He began walking carefully towards the sounds of barking.

    Gwen wasn't so sure this was heaven anymore but lucky sounded like he might be a good dog to have around simply for survival. "Toby's my seeing eye dog." she said lowering herself back down on Zeke's back. if Toby was indeed here then Zeke wouldn't need to carry her anymore. It was a comfort to know that Toby was here, in some ways. Toby might not be a great hunting dog, but he was her best friend and her eyes.

    "Quite the dog you had there, that's for sure." Matt offered as he gripped the stick firmer, ready for just about anything. It was some sort of comfort knowing that the barking dog wasn't just in his head. Even better was hearing that it may apply to the blind girl. For all he knew, this may just make things easier.

    "Well, enough waiting then. Let's go see what has this dog barking then." Matt offered to the group, taking the lead and heading straight for the sound of the dog.
    P.K.'s character locker ~ P.K.'s word works ~ P.K.'s Idea store

    1x1 = 1/5 Multi = 0/5 PW = 0/2
    Spoiler: Other things. 

  9. #29
    RPA's Resident Zombie
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    Default Co-post--Lea and Moon

    The world came back into bleary focus for TJ a few moments after the “imaginary” monstrosity slipped back into the greenery, her first thought one of disgust as she spat out the grainy, foul tasting dirt which had infiltrated her mouth. “Fuckin’...” She rolled onto her back, pinching the bridge of her nose to stop the searing spike of pain. “...disgusting…” Again she spat, her attention turning to the canine, his barking a continued cacophony that only managed to increase her irritation. “Enough! Just shut it!” she called loudly as she leverred herself up into a sitting position, “...nothing to bark a…” Her voice faltered as she lifted her hand from the depression in the ground beside that looked suspiciously like a footprint.

    TJ shook her head, moaning as she pressed a hand to the laceration at her hairline. This day was just getting worse by the second. A cigarette or a joint would make it all better...but no...she had to be this jungle...with a yapping dog...and… “For fuck’s sake Teresa...there is no fucking monster!” ...the words spoken in the tone of her mother. Of course there was nothing here. California did not have creatures like that. Even a city girl knew that. It was all in her head. She was stoned...still...and what a trip it was turning out to be.

    With a light chuckle, TJ scooted along the ground to press herself against the trunk of a tree. She wiped her hand along her pants, grimacing at the streak of blood she left. Her white clothing was turning out to be quite the Rembrandt, blotches of earth tones blended with deep crimson...a lovely palette. Now if she just had some yellows...or blues…

    “Fresh out…” she replied, leaning her head back. Her hands were shaking...fear...or nicotine withdrawal? Neither was pleasant, but both were plausible...but she was going to be fine...Jimmy would find her...and all would be right as rain. Stupid effing saying. she thought, as voices and the sound of brush being disturbed reached her. The mutt, renamed Dog, abruptly stopped barking, his hackles lowering as he too turned towards the new sounds.

    “Whewww. Thank you, Sweet Baby Jaysus,” a muffled voice bellowed from inside a nearby bush—apparently showing appreciation to some invisible entity in the sky for guiding her steps—just before she stumbled out of the unruly foliage.


    It was Miss Ro.

    “I’m so glad I found you! Or… someone, at least. I heard your dog, so I followed the sound, because… shit. I was beginning to think I had been sucked into some crazy third dimension… haw.”

    For the better part of an hour, the Irish lass had been gallivanting alone around the upper rim of the island, not only mesmerised by its beauty, but also lost in a most peculiar state of mental euphoria. Well, at least until the distant barks of Dog had brought her back to…


    Just where was she?! And how in the goddamnmotherfuckinghell did she get to… wherever this was? Sweet Baby Jaysus! Shaking her head with an unperturbed laugh, Rosie remembered her manners and veered towards TJ with a smile that was so warm that it spread all the way to the eyes.

    “Silly, eh?”

    The Irishwoman held out her right hand with a polite—yet confident—handshake.

    “I’m Rosie.”

    ...and please tell me where the feck I am.

    Roisin was hoping that this tattooed stranger could shed some light on this mystery, because she could not remember a goddamn thing. Everything around truly felt like one. giant. blur.

    ...and speaking of blurs, TJ was finally getting her vision to clear, but that didn’t stop her from being taken aback by the arrival of the stranger...and she was strange...that was for sure. What kind of person popped out of the foliage like they were a fucking fairy? ...all happy and shit. Taking a moment to appraise the woman, TJ narrowed her eyes, looking to the outstretched hand like it was covered in reptilian scales. Blonde hair...beaming smile...unusual accent…

    A slight shake of her head was the only physical response TJ gave to the offer of a handshake. “’t gonna shake your hand,” she stated, and as an afterthought, she lifted hers, showing the dried smear of blood topping the grime from the damp earth.

    Looking to the mentioned canine, TJ scoffed, “...besides...that ain’t my dog...just happened to be at my side when I woke up. Here. In California. On the beach.” This Rosie must be worse off than her if she didn’t know where she was...unless she just meant she was lost in the jungle. Which TJ couldn’t help her with anyhow. Except there was a path...and maybe Dog could get them back to the sand. Obviously not back to Jimmy...who seemed to be a non-entity at this point.

    Patting her leg, TJ clicked her tongue. “Dog...get over here,” she called, giving Rosie a slight smile. “Not sure where ya wanting to go, but maybe this fu….this mutt can be of service.” She pointed to the beaten down foliage, her attention pulled to the depression in the soft ground once again.

    “You didn’t happen to see a blonde guy, did ya? Or maybe even a big plated...anteater?”

    TJ’s words hit Rosie like a ton of bricks.

    “Oh. California. Right. Sorry.”

    Roisin smacked herself with a literal face-palm as she suddenly began to recall everything that had occurred at the convention centre—except the event of her own death and the few minutes that had lead up to it, that is.

    “Argh! I’ve missed my feckin’ flight,” she continued on in a bit of a ramble, unable to keep herself from openly criticising herself for her shortcomings (much less keep many of her thoughts private). She obviously had gotten waaaaay too hammered. How many pints had she drank?

    Maybe four… or five? Right?

    Hm, how strange. Usually, it took more than that to get her this shwasted.

    None of this made any sense. But silliness aside, Roisin knew for a fact that she did not black out easily. So, beginning to toy with the idea that she had somehow been roofied, Ro’s mind went off on a tangent just until it was jarred back to reality by the blunt rudeness of Miss Tattoo.

    Christ. This one is a bit disheveled, isn’t she?

    Now noticing the stress shakes that were currently coming from TJ—gawd, yer one couldn’t hold a candle at a prayer vigil!—Roisin blinked a few times before continuing on in her rambling. She did not want to appear rude—cough, like yer one, cough—by staring at Teresa wallowing in her own filth...

    It was a time to avert the subject.

    Haw! Time to kill ‘er with kindness.

    “Erm. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you. And, I, uh, noooo. I haven’t seen any Blondie,” she remarked, tapping her own skull.

    “Just me. So again. I’m sorry.”

    With that, the fair-haired Ro began to knead her temples around her tufts of her own mussied blonde hair, once more becoming confused by this whole fucking situation. Where in California were they, exactly…?


    ...I obviously went off to find my own fucking Malibu Barbie Dream House.

    ...while drunk… or roofied.

    A flashback of flying bricks and concrete ripped through the mind’s eye of Roisin, tearing through every whimsical notion, only to leave twisted blurs of death and destruction at the forefront of her usually-cheerful psyche.

    Yet, once again, all of that was only a far off memory that seemed like some dream; one that she woke from when TJ spoke… so aptly, so honest. This one was just... TOO FUNNY! HAHA! She was looking for anteaters?! Or, better yet, plated anteaters! How delightfully ridiculous!

    “Oi, a hangover from hell is what I call this,” Rosie guffawed at the mention of mutant anteaters, still uncertain of this one’s name (but at least certain that she was not the only one who was feeling a wee bit fuzzy). “But sure. I’d be happy to help you find your Blondie.”

    Her flight back to Ireland was long gone, anyway. She might as well take her time to help out this… salty, shaking woman… and find whoever or whatever she was looking for before she began her eventual journey home.

    TJ scoffed, watching as Dog trotted up to her and half listening to Rosie’s remarks while trying to shut out the laughter. She scratched the mutt between the ears, her hazel eyes turning up to the foreigner. She was right about the blonde girl not being from around here...the comment about a missed flight confirming it, at least in TJ’s mind. Rolling her eyes at the offer of assistance, she pushed against the tree to get to her feet, her fingers digging into the rough bark to keep her steady and to quell the tremors.

    “Didn’t ask for yer help...was done searching anyhow. Just wanna get back to the beach.”

    She took a deep breath, trying to ignore her cravings and the little detail that was really starting to get under her skin--the excess of white clothing. It was bad enough for her to be dressed like this, but for another? It had to be more than a coincidence, but she couldn’t work out the reason for it. And she definitely couldn’t keep it clean.

    Brushing at the damp dirt which clung to her, TJ shifted her attention to the depression in the ground, chewing her lower lip in thought. A hangover, the girl had said, and it was as good an explanation as any other for the weirdness of the day...if not for the print. The fucking print! Maybe this was a game...but orchestrated by whom? There was no way she would have agreed to this, high or not. So what was going on?

    Taking a few steps forward, TJ used the sole of her once white shoe to rub out the mark in the ground, giving Rosie a half smile. “Tell you what. I’ll get you back to the beach...and you let me use your phone. I’ll call the fucker...get this all straightened out.” She pinched the bridge of her nose again, the damn headache getting worse the longer she stood. “The ocean has gotta be better than this. ...‘sides, I need to wash up.” She didn’t wait for a response before turning on the path, her back now to the blonde girl. She shoved both of her hands into her pockets and grumbled in aggravation. All she needed was her nicotine fix, was that too much to ask?

    “You can call me TJ,” she said in a distracted tone, realizing she had not offered her name yet. It was not in her nature to be friendly to girls like Rosie...the sparkly ones...but considering the circumstances, she couldn’t be too choosy...but that didn’t mean she had to like it. As she started down the trail, Dog hesitated, looking first to her then to Rosie, a low whine showing his confusion.

    “Well, aren’t you the cutest pupper everrrrrrr,” Roisin began, ignoring TJ’s distracted tone, all while beginning to smoosh on Dog’s adorable little face.

    But even Dog did not seem too keen on her.

    The canine turned his head aside, whimpering.




    Hm, tough crowd, the blue bird thought to herself as she stood upright, before patting down her legs to shake off the dust, tilting her head to glare at her white attire. But she was too distracted to focus on that too much right now. Dogs usually love me, she thought, worriedly. It was only then that Ro realised that TJ too was quite upset and…

    ...leaving her behind…

    Willingly?! Hot damn.

    Rosie lingered on a moment to see if this “TJ” was actually going to abandon her.

    SHE WAS.

    Coughing lightly, Rosie began to jog and shout, simultaneously.

    ”Hey, TEEJ! Wait, mother fecker!”

    Ro already knew that TJ would not, but still.

    Might as well call mother feckers out.

    Rosie’s voice echoed in Teresa’s ears, but she was already set on her destination and she did not stop. She did however slow her pace, the trace of a smile on her lips when she heard the little chipper one call her a ‘mother fecker’. At least the foreigner had some fire...not a goody two-shoes on top of being so damn chipper. She had lost the dizzying feel of her high in the time that had passed since waking up on the beach and although she felt clear headed in some ways, she also her mouth was so effing dry.

    As the footsteps of blondie came closing in from behind, so did the voices from in front of her. “I think we’re getting company...Rosie,” she said with a grimace. “Oh yay...more fun.”

    Ro was in hot pursuit—racing after Teresa—and it all just felt way too easy right now. Why did she feel so nimble, and just so overall amazing?!

    OH MY GOD.

    Using her heels as brakes, Roisin halted just behind THE TEEJ, nearly ramming into her (but not quite, damn.)

    “Yeh?” she asked, rhetorically, keeping her voice calm and measured. She regulated her breathing so that she seemed calm, and tried to not appear in any sort of rush.

    To be fair, I could do with some fun after missing my flight home…

    Because to Ro, fun was a potent sort of fuel… and the Ultimate Anecdote.

    For is it not the very stuff life is made of?

    She then involuntarily flashed a quirked smile.

    Wow. I’m philosophical as shit.

  10. #30
    Mystic of the Grimoire
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    Default Mover #3

    Matt had to backpedal as he almost ran into the girl in the forest, barely managing to pedal a few steps away. He looked to her in a bit of surprise, having expected a dog to be in his path, not another human. How many had survived the blast, or were they really in heaven? He shook his mind as he looked to the dog that had finally gone silent, and was now moving over to Gwen, pleased to find his owner and having brought help. Silence hung for all but a few moments before he turned to look at the girl in full, and realization kicked in.

    It was the druggie chick that had been with the dealer that had actually picked a fight with Zeke. Was this turning into the island of coincidence or just really crappy luck. One quick glance he could tell that this girl was in withdrawal, if only from what he had seen from his team members when they came in trying to get their checks early. He let out a sigh as he relaxed, noting the second girl behind the druggie.

    *Okay.. Manager time. I got a survivalist who’s a kegger shy of being ‘Murica. A blind girl, a druggie starting on withdrawal, and a foreigner. This seems like the recipe for disaster.* Matt let the thoughts run through his mind, looking over the group for a few moments as he let training kick in. If they were to survive until things started making sense, the beach would be the best option, less rescue parties couldn’t find them due to the foliage.

    “Before we get any further on this, we should move to the beach. It might be best to stay visible.” Matt spoke up to the group at large, hefting the branch onto his shoulder, trying his best to sound in charge. He had no right of it, as they had no reason to listen to him, but staying focus on something would keep them alive. Giving them a moment to process his words, he motioned back the way they came and headed off to the beach where they had started from. Matt even hoped they would see more people there, as he didn’t want to be in charge. Though, he felt he might be the best lead for them at the moment. If he let Zeke stay in charge, he could imagine it would turn into something from a nineties action flick, or with someone getting punched. The druggie chick was already out of the question, and he wasn't sure of Gwen just yet. Same feeling with the foreigner for the moment.

    “Hell, we could probably set up an SOS on the beach as well.” He mentioned to the group at large, moving aside some brush as they made it back to the beach, the sun shimmering off the waves rather beautifully. If not for the bizarre way they ended up here, and seemed to be the only people, it might even be a nice beach to relax at.

    Matt moved onto the beach proper, letting the branch hang by his side, only stopping as he heard a rustling sound nearby. He stalled, looking around for the source of the noise, finding nothing. The sound grew though as the group moved onto the beach as well, and finally Matt spotted it. Sand shifted as a tan fin began pushing up from underneath, the material rather dry and glinting. It moved towards them, the sound growing louder as the fin approached.

    “What .. in the?” Matt questioned, staring at the fin as it picked up speed, zigzagging towards him before it sunk back underneath the sand, and Matt felt a cold pit in his stomach for a moment, his mind suddenly going back to the movie Jaws. He acted on that memory and stumbled back, the sand pitting beneath him for a moment before spraying upwards, a massive form lunging upwards from where he had been. Instinct grabbed him and Matt swung the branch like a bat, connecting with the creature, surprised by how light the animal was as he sent it reeling and flopping onto the sands.

    “The fuck?!” Matt shouted as he got a good look at the creature as it scrabbled on the lands. The tail and body had the same shape as a shark, though with sandy colored scales instead of greys and whites. Instead of flippers though, it had spindly arms, long claws that almost seemed fan shaped like a shovel. Once it flipped itself over, I recoiled in horror, looking to the faceless creature, long whiskers that seemed to shake and quiver in the air. It opened its mouth, flat pointed teeth that seemed to vibrate and grind back and forth, and that sudden noise became much more reasonable.

    It looked like a mutant cross between a catfish and lizard, eyeless and flesh covered. It was the creepiest thing I had ever seen in a long time. It let out a high pitched screech before it burrowed back into the sand like it was water, and that shifting sound I had heard earlier was now magnified, and I could see several more fins pop up on the beach, moving in our direction. Only one thing appeared in my mind at that moment.

    “RUN!” Matt pointed into the forest and took off, not fully thinking if anyone was following him. The only thought was to get away from what looked like a flesh covered landshark that was swarming towards us.

    Last edited by Koti~; 01-06-2020 at 11:08 PM.

    "Even Dreams, can be a nightmare"
    Spoiler: Click it, I dare ya! 

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